Vertical strawberry. Ways to save space when growing strawberries (strawberry pyramids, strawberries in tires) Step-by-step cultivation of strawberries in tires

Many gardeners enjoy growing strawberries on their plots. This berry is not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains vitamin C, which protects the body from colds and other diseases. Moreover, the most useful is the one that was grown on your own plot. It is not surprising that many are actively trying to propagate this berry. But what should those who do not have a lot of space do, but want to eat berries? There is a solution: use car tires. We'll tell you how to plant strawberries in tires below.

How to make a vertical flowerbed from tires

Owners of small plots usually have to allocate very little space for vegetables and fruits. At the same time, you don’t want to be content with a couple of strawberry bushes. You can try growing seedlings in wheels. This method will not only save space, but also decorate the garden, since the tires are arranged in the form of a pyramid. There are two ways to make such a design.


How to plant strawberries in tires? It is not difficult to make a similar design for planting.

  1. First you need to select the lowest wheel. In the first option it will be the largest. Then the tire needs to be filled with soil.
  2. Since strawberries will grow here, it’s worth preparing good soil. The berry does not like a poor substrate, so the soil should be mixed with humus and peat. If it is not possible to prepare such a mixture, you can purchase it ready-made in the store.
  3. Watering seedlings in the first case is very simple. But in the second, watering is somewhat difficult. Since all the wheels have the same diameter, water simply will not reach the lower layers. Therefore, you won’t be able to get by with a simple watering can.

    To provide moisture to all seedlings, it is necessary to install a tube along the entire length of the resulting structure. Holes with a diameter of 5 cm are made in this tube. When watering, it is enough to put a hose on the end of the tube. In general, using such a pyramid is convenient.

    There is no need to bend over much while watering, it is convenient to weed. And weeds affect such places less often. The same can be said about pests.

  4. Then you can plant the seedlings. If the first method is used, it is worth leaving gaps between seedlings. In the second option, the bushes should be placed in pre-prepared holes. When planting, you should be careful: root system needs to be straightened carefully. The heart should not be buried deep in the ground, but it should not be exposed either.

Growing strawberries in tires is also a way to decorate your garden. To make your tires more attractive, simply coat them with paint. Strawberry bushes with red berries against the background of green car tires will look interesting and unusual.

The disadvantage of this method is that plants do not tolerate frost and cold. You can cope with a slight change in temperature with the help of straw, but strawberries in tires cannot survive severe frosts. Therefore, it is better to resort to this method for those who have enough time to plant new seedlings every spring.

Advantages of vertical beds

Planting strawberries in tires is called a vertical structure. For recent years farmers have studied all the advantages of such structures:

  • Space saving. An excellent solution for those who cannot afford to grow berries throughout the entire plot. You can build similar pyramids in the middle of the yard. The main requirement is the availability of land. At the same time, you can also trade berries with the help of tires: tires do not take up much space, and a lot of fruits are collected from them.

    Decoration garden plot and a wonderful view. Elegantly designed tires will fit into any garden design, will disguise ugly objects, enliven the space, give it brightness and richness. You can improve an old yard or garden in this way.

  • Ease of care. Even small children can monitor and care for the bushes. It’s comfortable to pluck the mustache, fertilize, and water the plants: you don’t need to bend down and move from one bush to another: they will all be close at hand.
  • It is also convenient to harvest, since all the fruits are in one place. You can easily select the largest ones.

Important point. Not all varieties can be grown vertically. It is better to plant strawberries that do not produce runners. If there are whiskers, berries should form on them throughout the entire season. Such varieties are called ampelous. It’s not difficult to choose them, there is a large selection.

Bordurella-Maralla and Rimona varieties are good for vertical beds. They produce a harvest already in the first year of planting.

Features of cultivation

The simple and compact appearance of such structures gives the impression that strawberries will grow without problems. But there are some features that you should familiarize yourself with before boarding. What is the best way to plant strawberries in tires?

These tips will help the beds last longer and the strawberries to produce a good harvest.

Growing strawberries in wheels is popular with many gardeners. Compact beds, ease of care, and space saving are reasons to build such pyramids even in small areas. But planting in tires requires attention: the plants need to be watered and fed often, and in winter they need to be protected from frost.

For for many years growing berries on summer cottages and in greenhouses, farmers came up with dozens of different shapes of beds. Today, vertical structures are extremely popular, and they are built not only in open ground, but also in greenhouses. Let's take a closer look at why they do this and what can be obtained as a result of such a structure.

  1. Great view. Modern beds allow you to grow strawberries not only in the front garden or vegetable garden, but also directly in the yard, since the elegant design will easily fit into landscape design your site. This can be a multi-level pyramid, ovals, artificial trees, metal polygonal shelves and any other geometric shapes. Skillfully veiled pots will hide everything unnecessary, and only the top of the plant and the fruits will be visible. You can decorate fountains, a gazebo, the center of the yard, and fences. Vertical beds for strawberries in a greenhouse allow you to transform it from an ordinary greenhouse into an extravagant winter garden.
  2. Space saving. If you want to seriously engage in this business and increase its profitability, then you need to think about building such beds. They will allow you to get 6-7 times more berries from one square meter than usual. Due to the fact that the bushes are located one above the other, they do not occupy large area, the tendrils do not grow or take root. A height of 25-30 centimeters will be more than enough for normal plant growth, so up to 8 tiers of bushes can be placed on a 2-meter pole.
  3. Ease of care. Plucking tendrils, fertilizing, harvesting and other operations are much easier to carry out than when planting berries on the ground. You won’t have to constantly bend over, moving from one pot to another - everything will be at your fingertips, and you can process 8-16 bushes at once, depending on the shape of the vertical beds you choose.
  4. Savings when watering and spraying. Vertical planting of strawberries allows you to significantly save money, since when watering, fertilizing, foliar feeding or spraying against a pest, you immediately cover several bushes. Drip irrigation can be done from top to bottom, so that if there is an excess of moisture on the top tier, it will flow through the drainage to the bottom row. In a few minutes, all plants will be well watered.

There are also several subjective advantages of the above-described structures. For example, when harvesting, you will see all the berries and quickly pick only ripe fruits. This will be especially relevant in the case of growing remontant varieties, where there is no exact time picking berries and each ripening separately. On the ground, you would have to spend a lot of time going through all the bushes in search of ripe strawberries.

Planting with a pyramid - how to quickly build a structure

The most popular form of vertical design for open ground- pyramid. It can have 3 or 4 corners, depending on the wishes of the farmer. The “triangle” allows you to make the row wider and plant several plants in width at each level, while the “quadrangle” provides the most convenient approach to each bush and takes up little space. less space. Manufacturing process:

  1. Procurement of material. A pyramid for strawberries can be constructed from metal, plastic strips, but the most popular material is wood. It will be much easier to knock down the desired shape and fasten several tiers together. You can use a 30 mm thick board as a base, but nothing thinner. You will also need nails 70 mm long and adhesive decorative tape. Some use paints and varnishes for subsequent painting of wood, so you can kill two birds with one stone - give your future structure a neat look and protect it from moisture, fungus and various pests.
  2. Frame assembly. It is necessary to decide on the dimensions of the future structure and draw the lower tier, arrange the boards and fasten them with nails in the corners. You can use a metal strip and screws to make the connection as strong as possible. We punch 4-6 holes in the metal strip, then insert a screw into it and screw it to the board - this will allow it to withstand high earth pressure and not tear the structure.
  3. Backfilling of soil and installation of other floors. The first tier is completely filled with fertile soil, leaving 3-4 centimeters to the top edge so that the water does not spill out when watering. Next, you need to compact the soil a little and install the next floor on it. Do everything the same as the first time, only reduce the perimeter of the square. The size can be any, but it is recommended to make it 25-30 centimeters narrower so that you can easily plant bushes on the ground floor. Then everything happens according to an established scheme: they poured soil, installed a new frame, constantly reducing its size. Depending on your wishes, it can be from 3 floors to 7 or more.
  4. Painting the pyramid. The outer side of the boards can be varnished, painted or decorated with any material you like - here you don’t have to limit your imagination.

Planting strawberries in a pyramid will not only make it possible to create a beautiful decorative structure in the middle of the garden and yard, but also significantly increase the number harvested per unit area. One such pyramid can produce up to 100 kg of berries per season, and this is far from the limit!

How to make a bed for strawberries from tires - a practical guide

Another very popular form factor for a vertical bed is the round tower. It is interesting because it can be made from scrap materials and in a matter of minutes. Most often, tires from different cars are used, selecting them by diameter.

It is necessary to put rubber from a heavy-duty vehicle or special equipment on the bottom; it is advisable that it be wide and strong, otherwise the ground may deform it when the tire is cut deeply from above. Rubber from the DON-1500 combine, Case Staiger 500 tractor or container loader is ideal. We dig it into the ground a little, step back 5 centimeters from the tread and cut out the inside with a knife. This is very easy to do, despite the enormous size of the wheel - there is no metal cord there, it is cut in just a couple of minutes.

A tire from a MAZ car will fit on the second floor - it is much smaller in diameter and lower in height. Cutting it out is a little more difficult, but it can be done in 10-15 minutes if you try. You can use an electric jigsaw with a special file in the form of a regular knife. We place it on top of the ground (which we first fill to the top in the first wheel) and lay the second layer of fertile soil.

On the third tier you can put a tire from a GAZ car and fill it again to the top. Further is optional. You can use a car wheel with a diameter of 17-14 inches, and on the very top a tire from a wheelbarrow or walk-behind tractor to plant one strawberry bush - it will be of little use, but it will be beautiful. Then it will be possible to paint the outer side of the column as desired or cover it with fabric to hide the true origin of the frame.

Vertical bed made of metal pipe

The most economical farmers use metal pipes to grow strawberries. They take up minimal space and allow for 1 square meter grow up to 200 bushes! The only disadvantage of such a bed is that it is impossible to plant tall varieties and hybrids with huge fruits of 100 grams or more - the bushes can break off and require garter. But ordinary strawberries grow without problems. Metal pipe allows you to solve most problems associated with caring for berries, namely:

  • It saves watering time and water; it can be poured directly into the frame itself, and there it will gradually sink to the bottom and reach the root system of all plants.
  • Facilitates weed control. The soil is in darkness and most weeds do not grow. Some plants that were able to germinate and climb out of the hole are easily removed. As a rule, only 1 “weeding” is required during the entire growing season of berries.
  • Saves space. A pipe with a diameter of 20 cm allows you to grow up to 50 bushes, since plants can be placed on all sides in a spiral, and they will not interfere with each other.
  • Allows you to create excellent decorative decoration. Such pipes can be painted to resemble birch, oak or any other color, thereby making an excellent exterior item near the gazebo, in the garden bed or in the winter garden.

Holes in the pipe can be made using a “grinder”; some weld metal plates near the hole, that is, a “porch”. The bush can rest on it and some fruits are supported, easing the load on the root system during fruiting. The only negative is the need to fasten the pipe, which has heavy weight. It can be concreted in the soil or screwed with wire to a support if you install it near a gazebo or house. Make several of these attachments as the structure can cause serious injury if it falls on a person.

Pots on a metal frame

There are many such designs, but the principle of each is the same - ceramic or plastic pots are mounted on specially made metal cells. Of course, there are both advantages and disadvantages of such a fastening system. There are much fewer “cons”, so let’s start with them.

The first significant disadvantage is the cost. Iron and all the fasteners will be relatively expensive, so if you expect to grow strawberries exclusively for yourself, it will not be profitable. If this process is a business and it is necessary to optimize the space in the greenhouse as much as possible and increase ease of care - then you can build a metal frame. Over several years of use, it will more than pay for itself. Another small drawback is the complexity of manufacturing the frame. The process is long and requires a lot of effort. First you need to make mortgages - elements to which the holders for pots will be attached, then one by one weld or bend the holders themselves, depending on the type of fastening.

The advantage of installing pots on a metal frame is the high organization of the bed - you can place the bushes in a checkerboard pattern and make the most of the free space. Height is not a limitation - structures up to 3-4 meters and higher can be made if there is not enough greenhouse space. In this case, scaffolds and ladders are used for harvesting and care. It is necessary to water only with conventional sprayers, since drip irrigation cannot be used for this method of organizing bushes.

There are portable metal frames that can be carried even without disassembling them. To install them, a tripod with 3 supports is used. Ideal for those who carry pots outside in the summer or frequently move plants around the greenhouse.

Cheap and practical designs

Over the many years of growing strawberries in vertical beds, gardeners have invented a lot of unconventional methods for placing pots and the materials from which they are made. Among the most popular vertical planting options are the following:

  • Hanging plastic bottles on the wall. For any vertical plane(mainly the wall) two-liter bottles are attached to ropes plastic bottles, where 1 vessel = 1 strawberry bush. Absolute saving of space (any wall acts as a bed) and financial resources for pots.
  • Polyethylene bags. The method is similar to the first, only instead of bottles, heavier “pots” are tied up, where 5-10 strawberry bushes will grow.
  • Plastic bags. A regular T-shirt bag, which is hung by the handles and half filled with earth, will do. You can plant no more than one bush so that the plant can grow more freely.

You can use anything, the main thing is that it is convenient to work with such material later. If you are not counting on a one-time harvest, but on permanent job, then it is better to make only strong and durable vertical beds, and the costs of installing them will pay off over time.

Olga Zavidova

Since childhood, he spends more time in the greenhouse than at home

Articles written

For vertical plantings, it is better to use remontant varieties that bear fruit all year round.

Select seeds high quality varieties with high yields. Day-neutral strawberries deserve special attention. It provides a constant harvest. Hanging varieties of strawberries are suitable. On young bushes, berries are set before the root system is strengthened.

Varieties bearing high yield, will allow you to get the most out of vertical strawberry beds. In addition to a large harvest, you will enjoy the beauty of fruit-bearing bushes if you choose the recommended varieties. Strawberry plantings are distinguished by lush green mass; some varieties produce long tendrils of brightly colored berries. This picture will please the eye.

"Queen Elizabeth" is in demand in vertical plantings.

Strawberry varieties for vertical growing:

  • "Queen Elizabeth". One of the most popular for vertical plantings. The bushes bear fruit from early summer to mid-autumn. The bushes produce large juicy berries with high degree density. During fruiting, the gardener collects about two kilograms of strawberries from one bush. Adapts well to new conditions, does not require special attention, and firmly resists pest invasion;
  • "Alba". Applies to curly early varieties. Grown strawberries easily tolerate winter frosts. Fruits with scarlet berries with a pleasant taste. Suitable for commercial planting: retains its presentation for a long time during transportation. Up to a kilogram of berries are harvested from one bush;
  • « Homemade delicacy" A remontant variety with dark berries, delicate in taste. One fruit reaches three centimeters in diameter. Strawberries form long flower stalks that advantageously decorate the area.

Material for making beds

Growing strawberries in vertical beds involves using different materials. The gardener uses available materials, such as bottles, old tires, bags, pipes, or purchases pots or containers from the store. Each material has advantages and disadvantages. The gardener himself chooses what suits him best.

The decorative qualities of some buildings deserve animation: you can get a rich harvest and decorate the site.

How to make a vertical bed for growing strawberries?

Plastic bottles

Unusual structures are created by using plastic bottles. There are several ways to create vertical beds from bottles. How to grow strawberries in them?

Option 1. You need bottles with a capacity of two and a half liters and supports for fastening, which can be a shield made of wood or metal mesh. First, we cut off the bottom of the bottle, then screw the cap so that it holds well but allows a small amount of water to pass through. We cut holes in plastic bottles for planting strawberries. We fill the containers with the prepared substrate at a level of one centimeter below the cut out window, where we then plant the bush. We prepare the required number of bottles. Vertical beds for strawberries from plastic bottles are formed when containers mounted on a support (for example, on a fence) are inserted into each other. Water for irrigation passes through the entire bed, because the plugs are twisted so that they allow moisture to pass through.

The use of plastic bottles saves a significant part of the gardener’s material resources.

Option 2. The bottles are screwed on with a lid, and a hole is cut out on the side for pouring soil and planting crops. The bottom is not cut off, but drainage holes are pierced in it to allow water to escape. The bottles are then attached to the support. Planting containers can be improved by painting acrylic paint: you will protect the plant's root system from overheating.

Growing strawberries vertically (planting options)

Gardeners who love to plant and grow different cultures, are looking for all sorts of ways and variations to save space and increase yield.

Planting strawberry bushes vertically not only significantly saves space for garden beds, but also easily solves the problem of caring for and weeding the plants, and the collected berries will always be clean. In addition, this planting method is quite simple and does not require a lot of money and time.

This variation of beds is very original and beautiful appearance, especially when bright red berries appear among the green leaves, which means it will become a real decoration of any garden.

Usually, varieties of berries with long peduncles are used for planting strawberries in vertical beds. Then the berries are not hidden in the leaves, but noticeably hang down. However, this is not a prerequisite; ordinary strawberries grow just as well in vertical beds.

1 way

The most simple option vertical beds are several containers (for example, flower pots or rubber tires from cars) of different diameters, which are installed on top of each other.

The container with the largest diameter is placed at the very bottom, then according to the pyramid principle, the smallest one is placed at the top. Strawberry bushes are planted in those spaces formed by the difference in diameters.

If the car tires are the same, you need to cut holes in them in which the strawberries will grow.

Tires are an excellent protective material and will retain heat inside the ground. These are excellent conditions for ripening strawberries.


The distance between strawberry bushes must be at least 20cm, so if the structure is made independently, the holes must be made in accordance with this requirement.

Can also be used for vertical beds old barrel or even wooden box. But with such a design, you need to think about the irrigation system.

Some people, before filling the container with soil, install several PVC pipes inside, in which small holes have been drilled in advance. The lower hole of the pipe must be plugged or closed, and through the upper hole the strawberry bushes will be watered in the future.

Another way is to plant strawberries in a special structure, which you can purchase ready-made, or you can try to make it yourself.

The design is a cylinder with holes, into which soil is poured with a small addition of peat and sand, and strawberry bushes are planted in the holes. It happens different sizes, both in diameter and height, and is selected based on the individual preferences of the gardener.

Before planting strawberry bushes, as with any other method, their roots are soaked in water with the addition of a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After a few hours of soaking, the strawberries are ready to plant.

All further care of vertical strawberry beds will consist of regular watering and cutting off excess “whiskers”. It is better to feed strawberries in vertical beds with liquidfertilizers.

In the fall, in order to prepare the planted strawberries for the winter, the containers are removed from each other and each is covered with a protective layer of leaves or agrofibre. If the strawberries are planted in a vertical pipe, they can all be covered with agrofibre.

Gardeners who have long learned to grow strawberries vertically believe that this is the most convenient and practical option. Once you try to grow and harvest from vertical beds, it becomes clear that this is the optimal way. In addition, such beds are aesthetically beautiful and will certainly become the pride of every gardener.

Video: Planting strawberries vertically

Planting containers and their contents

Rice. 2. Vertical devices for growing strawberries in an amateur garden: 1 - double-sided boxes on a stand; 2 - cylindrical container; 3 - figured container; 4 - inclined beds; 5 - pyramid bed; 6 - a bed in the form of a column made of slate sheets; 7 — hanging foam bags; 8 - disc-shaped beds.

A planter for vertically growing strawberries can be made from any suitable containers: buckets, large plastic water bottles, etc. I used plastic buckets and leftovers PVC pipes, diameter 5 cm.

We cut blanks from PVC pipe, as shown in the photo, the angle is 45 degrees.

We mark on the bucket the places where the cuts are made for the workpieces. Use a drill bit to start making cuts, then cut out the holes using a jigsaw.

Secure the PVC blanks into the holes in the bucket using silicone sealant. Drill several drain holes in the bottom of the bucket.

For more uniform watering and to avoid compaction of the soil, you can place a frequently perforated planter in the center of the planter (you only need to make holes where they will be in the soil) plastic pipe for watering. The pipe must be above ground level. We will water the strawberries through it. This will distribute the water evenly throughout the planter.

Fill the planter with the prepared soil mixture. All that's left to do is plant the plants.

You can grow strawberries in such a planter all year round at home. It will not take up much space, and you will get maximum yield. For the summer, the planter can be placed in the garden outdoors.

Old wheels, pipes, plastic bottles - all these seemingly unnecessary items can become an excellent basis for organizing strawberry beds. In skillful hands, such unusual plantings will not only save space in the garden, but will also serve as decoration for it.

Strawberries are a crop that is not very rational to grow in the traditional way; it takes up a lot of space. Therefore, they resort to unusual methods, organizing trukars and using whatnots.

Planting strawberries in pipes

Planting strawberries in pipes vertically and horizontally is designed to increase the volume of the harvest with a small area of ​​land, placing the beds compactly on several floors.

Vertical growing

Various devices are used to organize vertical beds, but one of the most popular is a PVC pipe.

In addition to cutting a large-diameter PVC pipe, to make a vertical bed you will need: an electric drill and a drill for it (a wood drill is best), a narrow pipe for organizing an irrigation system, a plug for a wide pipe, a cork, tape, a knife, dense woven material, rope, gravel, soil and fasteners.

On one side the pipe is closed with a plug.

Holes are made in a thin pipe, leaving one third of it untouched. The narrow pipe is then wrapped in fabric, which is secured with rope. At the bottom, the tube is clogged with a stopper, which is secured with tape or tape. In a wide pipe, holes of larger diameter are made (at a height of at least 20 centimeters from the ground) on the sunny side. A narrow tube is inserted inside a wide one and fixed there. After this, the entire structure is installed in a permanent place.

Next comes the planting of strawberries in the pipes. Use a pre-prepared soil mixture, combining it with sawdust, sand and ash. The lower part of the pipe is filled with 10 cm of drainage. Soil is poured on top.

Plants that repel pests, such as marigolds, should be planted in the lower holes of the pipe. Above are strawberries. Varieties that reproduce by tapping tendrils can be planted through a hole, using free cavities for tendrils.

Caring for strawberries in pipes is practically no different from caring for regular beds. Regular watering, fertilizing and disease prevention. Water is poured inside a narrow tube so that it reaches the edges. To check the condition of the soil, you need to feel the soil through the holes. Make sure that the soil does not dry out. If drainage is organized correctly, waterlogging should not occur.

Strawberries overwinter in pipes just like in the ground. A significant plus is that the vertical bed can be wrapped up for the winter. warm material and leave it outside or bring it indoors.

The best varieties for growing in pipes: Desnyanka, Zagorye, Pavlovchanka, Roxana, Garnet, Bogota, Gigantella, Troubadour.

Horizontal cultivation

Pipes with strawberries can be placed not only vertically, but also horizontally. They are made according to a similar scheme, but with some differences. Plugs are installed on both sides of a thick pipe, holes for planting are made along its entire length, but only on the upper half (in a horizontal position), the hole for irrigation can be arranged anywhere. Drainage is poured onto the bottom of a horizontally installed pipe, and soil is laid on top.

A hole is made in the center to remove excess moisture. In pipes located horizontally, there is a higher risk of root rotting. You should add more sand or sawdust, as well as ash, to the soil.

They are well suited for planting strawberries in pipes horizontally. remontant varieties. You need to plant strawberries in every hole. If everything is done correctly, caring for the garden bed will not be difficult. With this method of cultivation, it is practically not afraid of pests and diseases; all that is needed is to water and feed the plants in a timely manner.

Strawberries in pots

Strawberries in pots are another convenient solution. Pots are often installed in tiers to save more space, and flower pots are also used. For such planting, remontant self-pollinating and hanging varieties are chosen. From the beginning, strawberries are harvested twice a year. The best varieties are: Dutch, Eros, Home Delicacy, Geneva Elsanta, Queen Elizabeth 2.

Seedlings are prepared in the fall. Dig up several strong bushes with 2-3 leaves, stack them on top of each other in a cool, dry place and cover with breathable material.

Pots for strawberries should be 2 liters in volume (each), you can use a two- or three-liter container. The diameter of the pot must be at least 45 centimeters. The material can be absolutely anything.

A drainage layer (one third of the height of the container) is poured onto the bottom of the pot, and soil is placed on top. No more than three plants should be planted inside one pot at a distance of 20 cm or more. Fertilizers are applied once every couple of weeks. You can use complex compounds or organics.

It is important to monitor the soil moisture, because in pots it dries faster than in ordinary beds.

You should also remove excess shoots, leaving 1-2 pieces. Trimmed tendrils can be planted separately. In the second year, the plants should be planted in different pots.

When the air temperature reaches above zero, the pots can be taken outside. They usually build a shelf or a special device - a pyramid. Pots of different diameters can be placed on top of each other. In autumn, the above-ground part of the plants is cut off, and the pots are removed inside a dark, cool room until spring.

Strawberries in bags

Another interesting way growing strawberries - planting in bags. The following varieties are suitable for such planting: Marshall, Albion, Honey, Geneva, Gigantella.

Before you start planting, choose a place for your strawberries. Often, a greenhouse is used for these purposes, which is equipped with fastenings for bags (hooks or trellises). You can simply place the bags at a distance from each other. The planting area should be well ventilated. Strawberries in bags also grow well outdoors.

For planting, use light, non-acidic soil. You can prepare a mixture of turf, humus, sawdust and sand, with the addition of a small amount of rotted mullein.

You can make bags for strawberries yourself. Large ones are taken as a basis plastic bags, or cut out bags from reinforced polyethylene with a diameter of 20 cm (the edges are soldered). Drainage is poured to the bottom, and then soil. After this, the bag is tied with twine. WITH different sides make slits 8-9 cm long in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of 25 cm. An irrigation system should also be organized. Bottles with a capacity of two liters each are fixed above the bags, holes are made in the lids from which tubes for droppers are brought out. The free ends of the tubes are led into the soil to the roots of the plants.

At the end of summer, their own seedlings are planted in the pockets of the bags; the acquired ones are planted from the beginning of April.

For planting, use mother bushes with rosettes that need to be separated.

When the bag is positioned horizontally, try not to deepen the roots. When vertical, plant the bushes deeper. When the plants have “accustomed” to the new conditions, they can be fed with foliar fertilizer.

There should be no more than three bags per square meter.

Monitor the soil moisture; for drip irrigation, a two-liter bottle per day is enough. After flowering begins, feed the strawberries with potassium fertilizer. In addition, pay attention to the illumination of the place and the air temperature (not lower than +20 C).

At the end of autumn, the leaves are cut off, leaving no more than 10 cm of the stem from the ground.

Strawberries in tires

To save space, you can also plant strawberries in tires. The best varieties for this: Rimona, Frapendula, Maralla.

Planting strawberries in a pyramid is very popular, where each tier is represented by a tire.

To do this you need to take big wheel and cut out the side part on one side. The cavity must be filled with soil. Thick rubber is almost impossible to cut with a knife or other small device, but a chainsaw will do an excellent job of this task. On the large wheel you need to put a smaller one in diameter and cut out the side part there as well. Up to five wheels can be used for pyramid strawberries.

Strawberries in tires are planted according to the same principle as in pots. Bottom layer forms drainage, and soil (turf mixture + humus) is poured on top. The bushes are planted one row in a circle.

Care consists of watering and loosening. Unfortunately, due to its weight, the strawberry pyramid is almost impossible to move, so this option for organizing a garden bed is only suitable for regions with warm winters. However, some gardeners get out of the situation by insulating strawberries in wheels with dense material.

Planting in boxes

In addition to all of the above methods, you can plant strawberries in boxes. It's simple and cheap option. This method is also good for placing garden strawberries on the balcony.

You can make strawberry boxes with your own hands. They are built from coniferous wood, the thickness of the boards is approximately 2.5 cm. The board is sawn into five parts: the bottom and four sides, and assembled using self-tapping screws.

The disadvantage of such boxes is their fragility; they usually last no longer than three years.

You can assemble a pyramid from several boxes. The boxes are arranged one under one, starting from the largest to the smallest. You can strengthen the structure with a metal axle using a small piece of pipe.

Strawberries can be grown directly in boxes, or you can use the pyramid as a stand for pots of plants.

Plants in pallets

If you don't have wood on hand the right size, boxes for garden beds can be made from pallets. Pallets must be strong and of any size.

The pallet is cut into five parts and a box is assembled from it so that the gaps between the boards of the side parts are horizontal. After this, a piece of film is placed inside, soil is poured in and the film is placed again. The procedure should be repeated several times to top layer was from the ground. You can plant strawberries not only on top, but also in the side gaps. For the winter, boxes made from pallets should be insulated with dense material.

Strawberry container

You can grow strawberries in plastic containers. It is important to choose the right size container. There should be at least 1.5 liters of soil per plant. Good drainage should be provided.

You should not choose containers made of transparent or dark plastic. You should pay attention to light, dense material.

Containers should be placed in a well-lit place where sun rays will heat the plants for at least 10 hours a day.

In winter, containers with strawberries should be hidden indoors.

Other growing options

There are many other ways to grow horizontally and vertically. Strawberries are planted in plastic bottles, wooden barrels, canvas pockets attached to the fence, secure containers with plants on a chain, and purchase special grow boxes. Some craftsmen plant garden strawberries even into car cylinders, however, according to experts, this is not best idea– the berry freezes easily.

If you don't know how to plant strawberries in an original way, be sure to try one of the options listed. Neat pots will allow you to collect good harvests even on the balcony, and a multi-tiered slide organized with your own hands will not only save space, but will also become good decoration garden

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