Amazing professions in the world. Rare professions

45th place. Elevator ladies.
Their responsibilities include:
- wish the elevator passengers a safe journey;
- indicate the floors on which the elevator will stop;
- bow.
44th place. Air taster.
With the help of this unusual profession, air purity is being studied in Japan. The air taster must sniff out everything, record it in a computer and process the data obtained.
43rd place. Constructor builder

This is perhaps the most childish profession for adults. Her responsibilities include designing places for selling construction sets in stores. So, on the first day you create a city, on the second - a Ninja castle, then you play the World Cup, and with Jack Sparrow you fight against Blackbeard.
And so that assembly kit assemblers always remain children at heart, they are even allowed to enter work through the window and ride on the stair railings.
42nd place. Shoe levelers.
IN shoe stores they smooth out wrinkles on shoes that appear after inaccurate fitting.
41st place. Pillow levelers.
For some furniture showroom owners, wrinkles on a pillow seem much worse than wrinkles on the forehead. That's why they hire pillow levelers.
40th place. Clacker.
Almost 2,500 years ago, a playwright hired an audience member to boo another playwright. But another playwright did something more cunning - she paid several spectators to loudly applaud him.
Nowadays, hired spectators are called clackers.
39th place. A servant of punishment.
"You're fired!" - this is exactly the phrase some people hear addressed to them dozens of times a day in American supermarkets. Every time a customer doesn’t like something, the administrator calls a special employee to punish him, scolds him with all his heart and publicly fires him. In the end, everyone is happy: both you and him. After all, his salary depends on the number of such “layoffs.”
And the next two places in our ranking of unusual professions are given to Chinese toilet workers.
38th place. Toilet guides.
They are on duty on city streets to indicate to passers-by where the nearest toilet is.
37th place. Toilet massage therapists.
Their job is to stretch clients' muscles and joints while they use the restroom.
36th place. Waiter in line.

All citizens worked in this position part-time Soviet Union. But it received official status only in Great Britain. A special agency provides such a service - for 30 pounds per hour they will stand in any queue for you.
35th place. Beach tester.
Recently, a Swedish women's magazine announced a competition for the position of beach tester. Their requirements: relax on the beaches for a whole year, swim, sunbathe, visit bars and discos, read books and... flirt. The editors even agreed to pay some expenses for holiday novels. The only condition was that all this had to be colorfully described in the magazine section.
34th place. Relatives on call.
- 10 yuan per hour for cute Lini;
- 8 yuan for Auntie Jaune;
- 4 yuan for Grandma Hoa Ju.
And you will get Hyun Jon’s grandfather as a bonus if you order this whole gop company to impersonate your relatives at the wedding.
This is a regular check for a Chinese relatives call agency.
The next three places were earned by old English unusual professions.
33rd place. Long hammers.
This was the name given to people who walked the streets early in the morning and knocked on the windows of houses with long sticks to wake up their owners for money.
32nd place. Opener of sea mail.
In the 16th century, the queen kept with her a man who alone in the country had the right to open bottles of sea mail.
31st place. Watching Napoleon.
For another century and a half after the death of Napoleon, the one who watched to see if the late emperor would come to them served in the British army.
30th place. Sweets taster.

A 12-year-old boy named Harry found himself in a real fairy tale. He won a competition, after which he was appointed an official candy taster in one of the English factories. His responsibilities: try new varieties of candy every day and describe his impressions. For this, he will be provided with sweets for 5 years in advance.
The next two places are dedicated to unusual professions in hotels.
29th place. Bed warmers.
The duties of these people: in special suits, climb into the beds of guests so that they go to bed in warm beds.
28th place. Coin launderers.
In one of the hotels in San Francisco, all coins have been washed until they shine for several centuries. Previously, they did this so that ladies would not get their white gloves dirty, but now coins are washed simply according to tradition.
27th place. Listeners.
On the streets of Tokyo you can meet people with signs saying “I am listening to you.” For a small fee, they are ready to simply listen to you, nod, smile, and sometimes laugh. The only negative is that these listeners do not give advice.
26th place. Pushing people onto the train.
In Japan they are called "bass-bass", and in the USA they are called "pusher". When you can’t fit into the carriage during rush hour, they come to the rescue. Some say they get paid for every person who gets on the train. This is probably why those pushing people onto the train are trying as hard as they can.
25th place. Horror film tester.

Dozens of directors work to make him sweat. Only a few manage to make him tremble. And the ultimate dream is for him to shit his pants. Then you can already count on an Oscar.
24th place. Curse Hollower.
At crossroads in Ancient Rome clerks sat and hollowed out the most refined curses on lead and clay tablets. They believed that the gods would read these tablets and punish the offender.
23rd place. Sellers of tears.
In Asian countries, people are accustomed to restraining themselves, so funerals are served by special mourners. Prices for the services of such personnel look approximately like this:
crying - 1 coin;
crying with howling - 3 coins;
hysterical crying with howling and falling to your knees - 7 coins;
sobbing while hitting one's chest, tearing clothes and rolling on the ground - 20 coins.
Before starting work, you must pass a test on your knowledge of traditions, the ability to cry dramatically and instantly calm down.
22nd place. Dress caller.
A person of this profession comes up with sonorous names for the clothes of the new collection. "Drops of Blood on Garibaldi", "Jawaharlav's Rice Pudding", "The Seduction of the Prince of Bohemia" and even "Hippie Boy, Take Me!" - this is his handiwork.
21st place. Breath taster.
Tests the effectiveness of chewing gum by smelling the breath of people with bad teeth, after eating garlic or alcohol. Good chewing gum should muffle all this.
20th place. Ear cleaners.
They work in Chinese baths. These are men and women with cotton swabs in their hands who offer their services to bathhouse visitors. Once - and the cleaner has already extracted all the wax from your ears, and now you will perfectly hear even the quietest whisper.
19th place. The best job in the world.

11th place. Rattlesnake milker.
This man extracts venom from snakes for medical purposes. Just imagine the risks he takes! For example, a taipan snake can kill 250 thousand mice in one bite.
10th place. Milkmaid of the Karakurts.
And this person receives up to 30 meters of web at a time. This material is used in optics. For example, the threads of this optical sight are made precisely from karakurt web.
9th place. Monkey Man.
Recently, terrorist monkeys almost took over the train station. big city Lucknow (India). They attacked passengers and obstructed trains. And salvation came unexpectedly. One of the local residents, Achkan Mian, runs around the station dressed as a monkey for just $7 a day, to the delight of children and to the misfortune of real monkeys. The latter get scared and no longer attack the station.
8th place. Heel tickler.
The kings of Ancient Persia did not deny themselves various pleasures: they kept harems, ate to their fill, hunted, rode elephants and bathed in gold. And to excite sacred laughter, so necessary to improve the mood, they kept a heel tickler at court. A person of this profession had a whole set of bird feathers (from nightingale to peacock), thanks to which he received different shades of laughter: from light laughter to real laughter with tears.
7th place. Funeral clown.
The dead man dances around his own coffin, jokes, sings and laughs - this is a typical picture from Ancient Roman life. No, the Romans did not resurrect the dead, but simply made a real holiday out of funerals. The main attraction of this fun was the funeral clown, who dressed up as the deceased and imitated him as best he could. And people came to see the most talented clowns for money.
6th place. Feed taster.

Mr. Simon Ellison has three cats at home. Everything they, and millions of other dogs and cats, eat went through Simon's stomach. After all, he is a full-time feed taster. Ellison spent a long time accustoming his receptors by eating with shepherds and Persians. Now he knows exactly how to chew pieces of dry food and clearly distinguishes the notes of heart or liver flavor. Unless he just meows.
5th place. Tasters from Amsterdam.
At the annual marijuana festival in Amsterdam, weed producers compete in many categories: the most delicious marijuana, the most beautiful in color, the most fun, with the strongest effect... The winner is determined by judges who have to taste up to 30 varieties of weed a day. And while the winners are awarded for the most bright effect, they are trying to bring back tasters from the “Land of Laughter”.
4th place. Therapy trialists.
For three weeks you are tied to the bed, three weeks without a single movement, the bed is tilted towards your head, causing it to constantly hum, and red spots appear before your eyes... This is not medieval torture, but research that can help astronauts. 15 volunteers agreed to it. After this, they were tested on restorative therapy. By the way, the volunteers received 6 thousand dollars for this.
3rd place. Wiper.
Kings and princes can't always do everything. According to the traditions of many peoples, they do not even have the right to touch some intimate parts of their bodies. Unbecoming for a royal person. And then the royal wiper gets down to business. He is responsible for the purity of the imperial 5th point. This position was very prestigious and there was, for example, a general wiper.
2nd place. Parmesan Listeners
Do you know what absolute pitch is? In Italy, for example, this is the ability to clearly perform the song “O sole mia” on Parmesan cheese. The factories where it is produced employ people with musical education. They use a silver mallet to hit the heads of the cheese to determine if it is ripe. And it matures for 3 years, producing new notes every day. The further you go, the louder the Parmesan.
1st place. Barking dog detective.
Imagine that you are a resident of Stockholm (Sweden). You bought yourself a dog, but don't want to pay tax on it. Then the tax office sends Elfrida Carlson to you. This woman walks from house to house and barks in 20 different tones. And 100% of dogs respond, revealing themselves with their head, paws and tail. By barking, Elfrida determines the breed and age of the dog, and then issues bills to the owners of four-legged dogs.

These were the most interesting and unusual professions from all over the world. Now, I think you can easily answer the question, do you love your job?
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The world of professions does not stand still, so the need for certain specialists periodically appears. Among them are not only the monotonous, familiar activities by which people earn a living, but also unusual and even strange duties. Although, if you think about it, someone has to do this. So what amazing professions are there in the world?

Unusual professions from around the world

Among the many professional responsibilities that exist, some of the ones we encounter are: everyday life, we just often hear about others. But in different countries There are the most amazing professions in the world, the existence of which sometimes few people even realize.

Special employees are required to look for the largest and healthiest individuals in anthills in order to send them to the ant farm. The latter are engaged in breeding insects in medical purposes– ant venom is used as the main component of various infusions and ointments.

Brain remover

The place of work of such a specialist is a slaughterhouse, and his duties include splitting the skull of slaughtered animals and carefully removing the brain from it. The customers for this unusual service are usually the most exotic restaurants, whose menus feature original delicacies, including brain dishes.

One of the most amazing professions in the world is to extract venom from snakes without harming their health. For this there are specially trained people, whose main duty is to force a hungry snake to bite a thin membrane placed on a glass. To do this, they can press on the poisonous glands or act on them weakly. electric shock. The liquid thus isolated is used in the development of antidotes for victims of bites, as well as in the treatment of malignant tumors.

Merchant of Dreams

Using the services of a Chicago company, everyone can make any dreams and fantasies come true. Live one day in the life of a world celebrity, drive a train, perform on a theater stage or organize a meeting with an idol - the company’s employees are ready to fulfill any desire within the limits of human capabilities. To do this, you need to come to the office, voice your desires and be prepared to pay for their fulfillment. It should be taken into account that the minimum order value is $150 thousand.

This surprising, at first glance, profession is quite common in Asian countries (Japan, China, Taiwan). Its representatives cry, scream and even crawl on the ground during funerals to show the grief of loss to relatives of the deceased, who are accustomed to restraining their emotions. To obtain such a position, you need to demonstrate knowledge of ritual traditions, the ability to cry dramatically at the right moment and instantly calm down.

Some Italian parmesan factories employ specialists with a good ear for music. They have to hit the cheese heads with a silver hammer and analyze the resulting sounds, checking the ripeness of the cheese. The entire process of ripening Parmesan takes 3 years, but as time passes, the “sound” changes: the more ringing sound, the closer the product is ready, and the most appropriate moment is to be determined by the cheese listener.

Representatives of this amazing profession do not work anywhere in the world except Antarctica. The need for such a position is due to the fact that a penguin that has fallen on its back is not able to rise to its feet on its own. This often happens to penguins who like to hang out near airfields. Helicopters constantly flying in the sky attract the attention of animals, and they curiously lift their heads to see the source of the sound and lose their balance. After each landing and takeoff, the penguin flipper should walk around the area and get the “victims” back on their feet.

Golf ball diver

As you know, golf is played mainly by wealthy people who are unlikely to retrieve rolled balls from the water. This is why there are divers who are ready to dive into a body of water to get the ball. Additionally, these people often make money selling used golf equipment, so their annual income can reach $100,000.

Unique vacancies

Sometimes there are very rare professions on the labor market, the duties of which will seem quite strange, boring and even repulsive to most. Their representatives are the only people in the whole world who do this work.

Monkey Man

Indian Achkan Mian is engaged in another unusual business and receives $7 daily for it. His duties include running daily in a monkey suit around the Lucknow train station in India. Mian does this with one goal - to scare away his “relatives” who are interfering with the movement of trains.

Fortune Cookie Writer

Donald Lau, Vice President American company Wonton Food, the maker of fortune cookies, is the author of all the messages for its products. He is constantly in search of new wishes, which can be both joyful and helpful. For example, the result of his trip in a subway car soaked unpleasant odors, may become the phrase “Beware of fragrances of unknown origin.”

Observer of drying paint

Thomas Carwin's work is one of the rarest, and perhaps the most boring, in the world. During the working day, he must sit on a chair and continuously watch for changes in the color and texture of the surface with paint applied to it. Based on Thomas's observations, the manufacturer reformulates paints to ensure they provide long-lasting coverage.

Ski slope sketcher

A passion for drawing has landed James Niehus an amazing job as an illustrator of ski slopes. Once an order is received, James flies out in a helicopter to take images of the area and then uses topographic maps to recreate the impressive infographic.

The responsibilities of American Simon Ellison include assessing aroma, taste, and the absence of foreign elements (bone fragments, cartilage) in pet food. He chews the food slowly, but never swallows it, and always keeps a glass of water and chewing gum nearby to rinse his mouth and get rid of the "dog" breath.

Elite nomads

The Muller family signed one of the most unique rental agreements in the world, under which they live in luxury homes for sale for a nominal fee. According to real estate companies, houses that someone lives in sell much better. They are confident that residents are capable of creating a unique energy that is absent in an uninhabited house. At the same time, the Mullers need to fulfill certain conditions: maintain perfect cleanliness and leave the house upon request if it is sold.

Barking Detective

Stockholm tax officer Elfrida Carlson is required to walk the streets of the city and bark at different modes to determine which townsman is hiding a dog in an attempt to avoid paying taxes. And most dogs always respond, betraying their unscrupulous owners. A woman can bark in 20 different voices and can easily determine the breed of a dog by barking.

Perhaps in Russia you won’t be able to meet an ant catcher or a cheese listener, but here, too, there is its own special world of amazing professions. After all, it is in Russia that the following vacancies exist:

  • Breeder of freebies is an unusual job, without which not a single glass factory or factory can do. His duty is to place special raw materials (holyavy) in the furnaces for melting glass and monitor the melting process, constantly stir the glass mass, that is, dilute it.
  • A forest pathologist is a specialist whose duty is to monitor the condition of the forest. He is obliged to find damage to trees and find out their causes, as well as assess the sanitary condition of the forest and, if necessary, prescribe a “complex of treatment”.
  • The screen operator is the person who needs to monitor the process of filtering large quantities of water through the screen. Vacancies exist on wastewater treatment plants and other enterprises whose activities involve large volumes of water.
  • Sulfurizer is a machine operator at a match factory who controls the process of applying sulfur heads to matches by a robot. This is a rather rare profession, which, due to the growing popularity of lighters, risks completely disappearing from the labor market.
  • A niello procurer is a specialist who prepares the material necessary for metal engraving - niello. It is a matte black alloy of silver, sulfur and copper.

Rare and amazing professions are not limited to this list. It is safe to say that there are other representatives of unusual activities in the world who receive not only money from their work, but also pleasure.

This list contains descriptions of the most unique works in the world! You may associate a job fair with accountants and builders or managers of all kinds, rather than with “line straighteners,” but someone, somewhere, systematically receives a salary for precisely this kind of service. Most likely, you will not find a university or technical school in your city where such specialties are taught, but they exist, and in this selection you will find 25 very unusual crafts that you may have never heard of before.

25. Hook Writers

These people write songs, although it would be more accurate to say that not the entire songs themselves, but only their individual parts. It's not even about the chorus or verse. These specialists make their living by composing phrases and sentences for specific rhythmic segments. The main purpose of such “hooks” is to become a catchy and catchy line of a song that will stick in your brain and scroll there again and again.

24. Underwater Lumberjack

Underwater loggers get to work when a flooded area of ​​land needs to be processed. In places where rivers systematically or suddenly flood large and wooded areas, the bottom often needs to be cleared for safe navigation, or planned cutting is carried out in a designated place without regard to time or the obstacle of water.

23. Food experts and part-time witnesses in trials

Yes, in America there is even a separate specialty of witnesses in cases related to food. If the court needs an expert who will explain the situation related to the quality and taste of a product or product, he will be selected from a whole list of professionals in this matter. Delicious work!

22. Bereavement Coordinator

These people work with families who are experiencing the loss of loved ones. The work of such coordinators usually involves assistance in bureaucratic (paper) matters and in organizing funerals, consultations on all aspects of death loved one questions and, of course, psychological support. Most often, this profession is chosen by those who have themselves experienced a painful loss, acquired a sad but at the same time useful experience for someone else, and want to share their knowledge and care on an ongoing basis for payment.

21. Book restorer

The name speaks for itself. Yes, he’s practically a doctor, only for books, and he heals not the flesh, but the bindings and pages. Today, books are increasingly being replaced by electronic services, but the world still values ​​rare, ancient and authoritative publications that also need care. Sometimes such “doctors” are approached with requests to patch up a book that is of value only to one family and is kept as a keepsake.

20. Subway Watcher

Large subways, such as the London Underground, pay a separate category of employees to walk the streets exactly where the lines and stations themselves are laid. The task of such specialists is not just to breathe in city smog, but to carefully monitor that all conditions on the surface are observed. building codes and no rules were violated or no work was carried out that could have detrimental consequences for the metro. For example, if someone plans to pour a foundation near a metro station, an observer must ensure that there is no threat of collapse.

19. Parachute testers

Someone needs to be first... It sounds scary, but in fact this job is not much different from being a test pilot or stunt pilot. Very often, those who start out as parachute testers move up the career ladder to work checking military equipment, for which they receive very good salaries. The main thing is not to crash before.

18. Gas station controllers

These specialists check that gas stations do not deceive their customers and fill our tanks with exactly a liter, and not 900 or 885 ml. For this they have special equipment and licenses.

There is a separate niche of composers who compose melodies and sounds for gaming machines. Their main task is to write a sound series that will make you return to the casino again and again. The melody should be inviting, exciting and literally get you hooked on the game.

16. Professional “carrier” of jewelry

When a rich man in one country wants to sell or buy a piece of jewelry from another rich man in another country, they hire a specialist to carry the goods from point A to point B directly on himself, as if it were his earrings, watch or necklace. By and large, this is smuggling, but who said that all existing professions are legal?

15. Prop buyers

Every self-respecting television company, film studio or individual TV show has employees who must, upon urgent command, buy the props necessary for filming. Often, miscalculations are discovered at the last minute, so these specialists must be very quick and inventive in order to quickly find a wide variety of unusual items. Buyers of props know the entire assortment of nearby stores, flea markets, and sometimes even buy for future use.

14. Inspector of underwear for cockroaches

It is impossible to maintain perfect cleanliness in large factories and warehouses, and sometimes small insects infest them. In order for the client to receive his order in at its best, there are specially trained workers who check all goods before they are sent to customers. There are even separate inspectors for underwear who look at all the folds and seams so that the reputation of the store and warehouse in the eyes of customers remains crystal clear.

13. People pulling paper clips

When companies decide to fully digitize all of their paper documents, they need help getting the scrapers out of all the contracts and other formal papers. To scan, you need to separate all the sheets, and this usually becomes a good summer job for students and schoolchildren, since the work is seasonal and does not require special skills or qualifications.

12. Alpaca groomers

They won't shave themselves! Here is an animal from the camelid family living in the highlands South America, and domesticated by the Indians of Peru many thousands of years ago to produce the most delicate, dense, durable, warm and almost waterproof wool. Alpaca is similar to llama, but it is separate. The Peruvian livestock industry has an entire specialty dedicated to trimming and shaving these cute animals.

11. Carrier across the bridge

If you're too afraid to drive your car across a bridge because it's narrow, wobbly, or for some other reason, some countries have an entire separate driver service. These specialists will get behind the wheel of your car and drive the crossing for you.

10. Servants of servants

This is not a joke. In some countries of the world, even servants have servants. A very complex and multi-component hierarchy is designed to provide work to everyone. Sometimes this has a positive effect on productivity, and sometimes it really slows down all processes.

9. Light bulb changers

Large corporations, universities and building owners with very high ceilings and a large number lighting fixtures hire individuals in order for them to change burnt out lamps. To do this, they have special stepladders, climbing equipment, or even heavy equipment, like firefighters.

8. Truck Driver

Truck driver is a very difficult job. This is a big responsibility, long and long journeys, as well as psychological stress. Drivers of trucks and vans spend a lot of time alone, cannot always afford to sleep in a soft bed, sit behind the wheel for days, sleep little and are very tired of the monotony of the road surface. Large companies road transport sometimes hires a separate staff of drivers who must provide insurance for truckers if they realize in the middle of the journey that they are no longer able to go anywhere. Sometimes such employees find a corporate vehicle abandoned on the side of the road, and there is no sign of the driver nearby, because he has a nervous breakdown and no longer has the slightest desire to sit in his truck.

7. Shabbat goy or goy for Shabbat

We are talking about hired workers for Jewish believers who are not Jews themselves (they are called goyim). During Shabbat, such workers do for purebred Jews what Jews themselves are not allowed to do on this day according to the instructions of the Torra. For example, they press elevator buttons for them and much more.

6. Manufacturer of standard cards for libraries

This is no longer so relevant, but in the past, printing library cards for classifying and maintaining records of books was the responsibility of a separate person. Usually students took up this business as a part-time job.

5. Personal shopper

Yes, somewhere people even get paid for going to stores. This specialty is especially popular in Asia, where wealthy families prefer to hire employees who would rather fly to the United States or Europe for a worthwhile purchase than trust local stores, which often sell crafts from famous brands.

4. Telephone operators for the deaf and hard of hearing

Some countries have separate telephone service departments that help deaf and hard of hearing people make and receive calls. Operators of such companies translate voice messages and deaf language into text information to help all participants in the conversation understand each other.

3. Song players

These are specially trained people whom radio stations hire to produce music broadcasts. Guided by a whole set of rules, such unique DJs decide which song to play and when, how often it can be repeated and in what sequence.

2. Line “rectifiers”

Today they have been replaced by computers, but in the past these people were hired by large architectural firms to check all the drawings and design lines.

1. Livestock identification and care specialist

Photo: Agricultural Research Service (public domain)

It sounds impressive, but in reality these workers simply watch the herd all day and are responsible for ensuring that no one escapes during grazing or from the pen.

All photos except the last one are taken from the public domain

Whatever people can come up with to make money! After reading this list, I think you will agree with me that you should not listen to those who complain about unemployment. 🙂

So, I’ll start listing the most unusual and rare professions:

    Penguin flipper.

Penguin flipper

A very useful profession. With the advent of airplanes, these birds had an unexpected and unpleasant problem. They watch the flight of the plane with curiosity and sometimes fall on their backs, but cannot get up on their own. That’s when people of such a noble profession come to the aid of these curious people. By the way, this profession is the rarest on Earth; only two people practice this craft.

    Caller dress.

The duties of such a person include giving a very beautiful and unusual name to the fashion designer’s new creation. “Purple Rhapsody”, “Tear of the Weary Traveler” and something like that.


    Rattlesnake milker.

Very dangerous work! The responsibility is to extract as much poison as possible from the snake, which is then used to produce medicine. Everything is done by hand with a live snake!

    Armpit sniffer.

Armpit sniffers

What a strange job! But for the production and quality control of deodorants it is very necessary! By the way, applicants are carefully selected. Non-smokers are required to be hired.

    Dog and cat food taster.

Should someone try them before putting them on sale? There are specially trained people for this.

    Fortune teller for lucky cookies.

Here you need to have a good imagination in order to come up with interesting predictions day after day.

    Writer of curses.

And in Ancient Rome there was an opposite profession, the essence of which was that special people wrote custom curses on tablets. They believed that the gods would read this and punish the offenders.

    Quality controller for dice.

A very popular profession in the gaming accessories industry. You need to be sure that dice have no defects.

    Cheese sculptor.

Cheese sculptor

Sarah Kaufman, a professional sculptor, found a new material for herself - cheese. From it she creates real masterpieces, which, by the way, are popular. Sarah already has followers.

    Sniffer (or nose)

A profession in demand in the perfume production industry. Very rare, but in demand and highly paid profession. There are very few people who have such a strong sense of smell and the ability to separate odors into their components.

    Skyscraper window cleaner.

A very dangerous but highly paid job.

    Golf sword diver.

If a body of water appears on the path of a golfer, then with a very high probability the ball will land there. This is where a professional diver comes to the rescue, who receives money for every ball he catches. They say that you can catch two to three thousand balls in a day. So this profession is quite profitable.

    Bed warmers.

Such people are required in some hotels; their duty is to lie in the guest’s bed in a special suit so that he goes to bed in a warm one. 🙂

    Pedicure master for cows.

Monitors the condition of animals' hooves.

    Wrinkle remover.

These people smooth out creases in shoes that have been damaged by improper fitting.

    Egg separator.

This person must separate the whites from the yolks. It is not clear why this process cannot be automated.

    Merchant of dreams.

Merchants of Dreams

There are entire companies working in this area that, for a certain amount of money, will fulfill almost any of your cherished dreams.

    Coin launderers.

In one old hotel this is an ancient tradition. All the coins are washed there by special people. Previously, this was done so that guests would not get their white gloves dirty, but now it is a tradition.


This is not a criminal, but a completely legal profession. Who knows what could happen? Lost the key, forgot the code. Specialists will always help!

    Professional cuddler.

In the modern world, many people miss simple human relationships and friendly hugs. Jackie Samuel from New York began offering her services as a cuddler. Now she is very popular and uses her services large number people. It is believed that a person must hug at least 7 times every day, otherwise his health is in danger. Jackie helps people with this and is supported by many psychologists.


In Tokyo there are people sitting on the streets who, for a certain amount of money, will listen to you, laugh or empathize with you.

    Egg sniffer.

This person must separate the bad eggs.

    Toilet guide.

In China, there are people on the streets showing the way to the toilets.

    Ear cleaner.

In the same mysterious China, in the baths, there are such professionals!

    Horror film tester.

    Condom tester.

After the test, you must write suggestions and wishes for the product.

    Honey hunter.

Quite a dangerous craft. Developed in Nepal.

    Seller of tears.

This profession is in great demand in Asian countries. To conduct a funeral, special people are hired, mourners who will cry, tear their clothes or burst into loud sobs, as the client wishes.

    Breath taster.

Such specialists are required for the production and quality control of chewing gum.

    Distributor of cigars by color.

Professionals in this field must have good eyesight, or more precisely, be able to distinguish the slightest shades of brown.

Similar to "sommelier". But a representative of this profession matches the cigar to the alcoholic drink and your mood.

    Water slide tester.

Water slide tester

Well, here are a few extra swimming trunks - and off we go!

    Milkmaid of the Karakurts.

Not everyone can milk 30 meters of web! This material is used in optics.

    Tasters in Amsterdam.

What can they taste there? Of course marijuana! It is divided according to many criteria.

    Parmesan listeners.

In factories in Italy, such an exotic profession is held in high esteem. It turns out that when Parmesan ripens, it sounds different. Specially trained people knock on the heads of cheese with silver hammers and listen to the sound tone. The older the cheese, the higher the tone. It matures in about three years.

    Barking dog detective.

Now they've come up with a job! It turns out that in Sweden you have to pay a tax for keeping dogs, and those who evade payment are sent a special worker who can “speak” dog language. She barks in different ways, and the dogs always respond. So you won’t be able to hide the animal at home!

    Doll restorer.

Doll restorer

Very painstaking and responsible work.

    Ant breeder.

This is a person who catches ants for breeding and later using their poison for medical purposes.

    Brain remover.

It's a scary profession. At slaughterhouses there are specialists who can very carefully remove the brain from the skull of a dead animal. Then the brain is sent to restaurants.


This is a person who clearly and accurately pushes passengers who do not fit into the subway car during rush hours.

    Highway corpse cleaner.

Not the most pleasant job of cleaning up the carcasses of animals that have fallen under the wheels.

    Operator that determines the sex of chickens.

Who is the hen and who is the rooster? Only the operator for determining the sex of chickens will understand :)

A very necessary worker who will determine the cockerel or hen in front of him for the purpose of selection proper diet chicken

    Stripper researcher.

One American institute conducted research in which it was necessary to visit strip bars every day and record certain parameters of dancers. By the way, they paid very well for such work!

    Prostitute tester.

I don’t even know how to comment on this work.

    Amusement for cigar rollers.

This business believes that only a cheerful person can roll the right cigar, so they hire specially trained people to entertain the rollers.

    Constructor builder

Constructor builder

Professionals in this area are required by toy stores, where it is necessary to periodically update the construction set on the display.


In the UK they offer a service to stand in any queue.

    Coconut caretaker.

In the Virgin Islands, the Ritz-Carlton has a person who makes sure that coconuts do not fall on guests' heads.

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