Complex sentence with subordinate clauses of reason and purpose. Lesson summary "complex sentences with subordinate clauses of cause, purpose, effect"

SPP with adverbial clauses. Slide number 1

Consolidate knowledge about NGN with attributive and explanatory clauses; - give general idea about adverbial adverbials;

To develop the ability to distinguish between types of adverbial adverbs by meaning, questions, means of communication;

Improve spelling and punctuation literacy.

Organizational moment .

(Mutual greetings, identifying absentees, checking students’ readiness for the lesson, etc.)

II. Repetition

"Check your literacy." Insert missing letters where necessary. Slides No. 2-3

Chicken..y, calc..command, uninvited, ac..accompaniment, same age..literate, due to.. rain, forged.., charming, dangerous, windless.

Write down the inserted letters in a row. What word did you get? (ocean)

Differentiated work.

Group 1 (work independently; diagrams are printed)

Make sentences using diagrams, determine the type of subordinate clauses.

A) (Where...), [ch. ].

u/r: No one could say where he was hiding for several days. (come to explain)

B) [Noun, (which...),...].

u/r: After a minute, which seemed like an eternity to everyone, he appeared at the gate. (add. define.)

B) (Who...), [that...].

n/r: Whoever trades his homeland will not escape punishment. (proverb) (adj. local-determinative)

Group 2 (work independently) Slide No. 4

Copy, place punctuation marks, make diagrams, determine the types of subordinate clauses.

A) The comrades asked me if there really was a brood in this ravine.

B) It was hard these days for those who left their native places.

B) We settled down to rest near a village that grows right in the water.

Group 3 (work with a teacher)

Write down sentences, determine the types of subordinate clauses.

A) The street, which seemed extinct, suddenly came to life.

[ Noun, (which ...), ... ]. (add. define.)

B) I could not determine where the rustling sound was heard.

[ch. … ], (Where …). (come to explain)

C) He who is brave is confident in himself.

(Who...), [that...]. (adv. place.-determin.)

Checking the work of groups 1 and 2.

3. Game (written on the board)

Based on the fragments of sentences, determine which of them are NGN and which are SSP.

A) ... was there and they ...

B) ... by the tail which ...

B) ... the wolf also ran ...

D) ... saw how the wind ...

III. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today we will get acquainted with the types of adverbial clauses. Most adverbial clauses have the same meanings as adverbials in a simple sentence, which means they answer the same questions and are divided into the same types.

Remember what types of circumstances do you know? (Mode of action, degree, place, time, condition, reason, purpose, concession)

How do we distinguish between types of circumstances? (For questions)

We will also distinguish types of adverbial adverbs by questions, as well as by conjunctions and allied words with the help of which they join main sentence.

Studying the types of adverbial clauses using the table (printed for each desk).

Type of subordinate clause

What is it attached to?

Mode of action or degree

How, how much, how much, what, so that, as if, as if, as if, etc.

My peasant worked so hard that the sweat rolled off him like hail.

Where, where, where

Where the vines bend over the pool, where the summer sun bakes, dragonflies fly and dance, and they lead a merry round dance.

When (once...then), until, as soon as, barely, since (since), until (until), etc.

I will return (when?) when our white garden spreads its branches in spring.

If (if...then), when, times, etc.

When there is no agreement among the comrades, things will not go well for them.

Because, because, due to the fact that, since, for, due to the fact that, etc.

Mishutka does not go to school because he is barefoot.

In order to, in order to, etc.

In order to cross the river, one had to stay firmly on one's feet.


How, with what, with what - as if, as if, exactly, etc.

Before the thunderstorm, the forest became quiet (how?), as if everything had died.

Although, despite the fact that, no matter how

The leaves on the trees did not turn yellow or fly off, no matter how much the wind whistled at night.


The heat kept increasing, so it became difficult to breathe.

IV. Consolidation.

1) Determine the type of subordinate clauses. Slide number 5

1) I wrote down this story as I heard it from the lips of a comrade.

2) For a long time, my tireless dog continued to scour the bushes, although she herself, apparently, did not expect anything worthwhile from her feverish activity.

3) Dasha’s heart was beating so much that she had to close her eyes.

4) I’ll be happy to talk if good man.

5) All work is also a game if you love work.

6) Where Razin was born, people don’t like timidity.

Write down sentence No. 2 in your notebook and explain the punctuation marks graphically. (SPP with adverb of concession; the subordinate clause is complicated by the introductory word “apparently”)

2) Recording a proposal. Slide number 6

Mercy will begin to warm our souls if everyone does at least a little, spends a minute of precious time, applies at least a little warmth.

Determine the type of subordinate clause in the IPP. (additional conditions)

Assignments (preparation for the OGE)

Determine how many grammatical stems are in the written sentence (2)

Outline the grammatical basics (1) mercy will begin to warm; 2) everyone will do, spend, apply)

Make a sentence diagram, (if... oh, oh, oh).

Write down a phrase connected by the method of “coordination”, “control”, “adjacency” (for example, our souls, will spend a minute, will begin to warm)

3) Differentiated work.

A) Creative work in pairs. Slide number 7

Make up a dialogue with a friend so that the questions begin with the words How? how? When? If? For what? etc., and the answers contained complex sentences with adverbial clauses.

B) Individual work (tasks are printed for several students)

Continue the sentences by making them IPPs with the indicated type of subordinate clauses

a) Despite the fact that it rained... (adv. concessions)

b) I haven’t learned my lessons... (give reasons)

c) ...had to prepare for the night. (add. consequence)

4)Testing followed by mutual testing (OGE-type tasks). Slides No. 8-12

1) Indicate the SPP number with an adverbial clause.

1. The letter that you wrote to me made me happy.

2. There is no truth where there is no love.

3. It is not without reason that they say that the master’s work is feared.

2) Among sentences 1-3, find a complex sentence with a subordinate clause

1) There I was involuntarily distracted, I was forced to do something all the time, the guys there bothered me, together with them - like it or not - I had to move, play, and work in class. (2) But as soon as I was left alone, longing immediately fell upon me - longing for home, for the village. (3) Never before had I been away from my family even for a day and, of course, I was not ready to live among strangers.

3) Among sentences 1-7, find a complex sentence with a subordinate clause

(1) Alyosha stood with a confused, shocked face. (2) After all, it was he who carried the mail to apartment thirty-five! (3) So it’s all his fault! (4) But none of us reproached Alyosha. (5) We were no less shocked than he was. (6) We began to figure out how to take revenge on Ovtsov. (7) Natasha suggested stretching a rope along the entrance so that Ovtsov would trip.

4) Write it out numbers, indicating commas between parts complex sentence related subordinating connection.

Thank you, (1) - said Nazarov, (2) - but that’s not what I came for. My father is sick. We arrived in Moscow, (3) but in Moscow I only know you, (4) and I wanted to ask, (5) can we stay with you for a week?

No, (6) no, (7) - Sergeeva said hastily. - This is inconvenient (8) because I have a very small apartment.

5) Write it out figure, denoting a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinating relationship.

When Senya, (1) confused and tense, (2) wandered through the labyrinths of the famous quatrains, (3) Vanya suffered.

Peer review

Key Slide No. 13

1) 2 2) 2 3) 7 4) 5, 8 5) 3

5) Problem task(subject to free time)

Ivan Afanasyevich asked me riddles and was childishly happy when I could not guess them.

Determine the type of subordinate clause: time or...?

Try to transform the SPP into a simple sentence (Ivan Afanasyevich asked me riddles and was childishly happy at my inability to guess them).

V. Lesson summary.

Homework. Slide number 14

1. Learn theoretical material.

2. Make 10 complex sentences with adverbial clauses or copy them from the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” 8-9 complex sentences with adverbial clauses different types.

Reflection stage. Slide number 15

The guys in a circle speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning phrases from the reflective screen on the board.

today I found out...

it was interesting...

it was difficult...

I did the tasks...

I realized that...

now I can...

I felt that...

I purchased...

I learned...

I did it...

I will try…

I was surprised...

gave me a lesson for life...


Adverbial clauses- subordinate clauses that answer the same questions as the circumstances.

At the center of adverbial complex sentences are sentences whose meaning is in one way or another connected with the relationship of cause and effect. These are sentences with subordinate clauses causes, consequences, concessions, conditions, goals . Due to the known proximity of meanings, they are easy to confuse with each other. However, each of these varieties is characterized by its own unions ( subordinate clause - union So,goals - union to etc.).

Each of these varieties of complex sentences also has its own differences in meaning.

So, a complex sentence with subordinate reasons expresses the relationship between two events, one of which (from the speaker’s point of view) naturally gives rise to the other.

For example: The car turned on its headlights,because it's already dark in the forest (G. Nikolaeva).

Complex sentences of consequence convey the same relationships, but the reason in them is expressed in the main part, and not in the subordinate part: It's already dark in the forest,so the car turned on its headlights . What was the main clause in the first case has become a subordinate clause here.

Concessive complex sentences are also related in meaning to causal ones. But the consequence here is directly opposite in meaning to what naturally follows from the content of the subordinate clause.

For example: Although it's already dark in the forest , the car did not turn on its headlights. The speaker is waiting for the natural consequence of the subordinate clause ( the car turned on its headlights), but it is not implemented.

Adverbial clauses are also close to causal, but the cause here is the desire of the actor in the main clause for the action of the subordinate clause to be realized.

For example: He arrived in Rostov,to go to college .

Compare: He arrived in Rostov,because I wanted to go to college .

Adverbial clauses also convey a reason, but one that the speaker is not sure of.

For example: If your brother went to college

Compare: Since my brother went to college , he will write to us about it soon.

In addition, adverbial clauses include clauses of time, comparison, and manner of action.

Complex sentences with adverbial clauses

Theoretical information

Adverbial clauses are very diverse and therefore have their own classification.

There are the following types of adverbial adverbs: manner of action and degree, place, time, condition, cause, purpose, comparison, concession, consequence.

Clauses of manner and degree denote the image, degree or measure of the action (attribute) named in the main sentence; answer the questions: How? how? to what extent? how much? etc.; refer to phrases in the main clause: verb + So; full adjective + such; full adjective + noun + such; join unions what, to, as if etc. and allied words: how, how much, how much etc.

The main clause may contain demonstrative words: so, so much, so much, to such an extent, such etc.

For example: I was born in Russia. I love her so muchthat you can’t say everything in words ( S. Ostrovoy). The air is clearso much so that the jackdaw's beak is visible... (A. Chekhov).

Subordinate clauses indicate the place of action named in the main clause; answer the questions: Where? Where? where?; refer either to the entire main sentence or to its predicate; are joined by allied words: where, where, where. In the main sentence they often correspond to demonstrative words: there, there, from everywhere, everywhere, everywhere etc.

For example: Go on the free road,where does your free mind take you? (A. Pushkin). There,where the thicket ended , the birches were whitening.

Clauses of time indicate the time of the action named in the main clause; answer the questions: When? How long? since when? until when? etc.; refer either to the entire main clause or to its predicate. The main clause often contains demonstrative words: then, now, always, once, sometimes etc.

For example: While he was singing , Vaska the cat ate all the roast(I. Krylov). Sometimes,when you wander through unmown fallow land , almost from under your very feet a large brood of quails or gray partridges bursts out(S. Ognev).

Subordinate clauses indicate the condition under which the action named in the main clause can occur; answer the questions: under what condition? in what case?; refer either to the entire main sentence or to its predicate; are joined by conditional conjunctions: if, once, if, if, when(meaning " If"), How(meaning " If"), etc.

For example: If life deceives you , don't be sad, don't be angry(A. Pushkin); When there is no agreement among comrades , things won’t go well for them(I. Krylov).

Additional reasons indicate the reason for what is said in the main sentence; answer questions Why? why? because of what? for what reason?; refer either to the entire main clause or only to the predicate; are joined by causal conjunctions: since, because, because etc.

For example: I'm upset,because you're having fun (M. Lermontov); The Ossetian cab driver tirelessly drove the horses,because I wanted to climb Kaur Mountain before nightfall (M. Lermontov).

Subordinate goals indicate the purpose of the action named in the main clause; answer the questions: For what? For what? for what purpose? For what? etc.; refer either to the entire main sentence or to its predicate; are joined by target unions: so that (so that), then in order to, in order to etc.

For example: To become a musician , it takes skill(I. Krylov). I want to liveto think and suffer (A. Pushkin).

Subordinate comparisons explain the content of the main sentence by comparison; answer the question: like what?; refer either to the entire main sentence or to its predicate; join comparative unions: as if, as if, exactly, with what (that) etc.

For example: It was quiet for two minutesthe convoy seemed to have fallen asleep (A. Chekhov). And the spruce tree knocks on the window with a thorny branch,how sometimes a belated traveler knocks (A. Pleshcheev).

Subordinate concessions indicate the circumstance in spite of which the action named in the main sentence is performed; answer the questions: no matter what? in spite of what?; refer to the entire main clause or its predicate; join by concessional unions: although (at least), despite, let, letting, for nothing; despite the fact that etc., allied combinations: no matter what, no one, no matter how much, no matter when, no matter how etc.

For example: Hot,although the sun has already dropped to the west (M. Gorky). Even though it's cold , but not hungry(Proverb). Wherever you throw it , wedge everywhere(Proverb).

Subordinate corollaries denote a consequence (conclusion, result) arising from the content of the main sentence; answer the questions: what follows from this?; refer to the entire main clause; join unions: consequences so, therefore.

For example: The wind howls at the top of its lungs,so I couldn't sleep in my room (I. Goncharov). The whole next day Gerasim did not show up, so the coachman Potap had to go get water instead(I. Turgenev).

It is necessary to distinguish between a subordinate clause of consequence and a subordinate clause of manner and degree.

Compare: The road was washed away by the rain,so that wide ruts formed across the mountains (I. Goncharov) (clause of consequence); The road was washed out by the rain,that wide ruts have formed across the mountains (clause of manner and degree).

2. Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses

Theoretical information

Complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses are of two main types:

1) all subordinate clauses are attached directly to the main clause;

2) the first subordinate clause is attached to the main clause, the second - to the first subordinate clause, etc.

I. Subordinate clauses that are attached directly to the main clause can behomogeneousAndheterogeneous.

1. Homogeneous subordinate clauses, like homogeneous members, have the same meaning, answer the same question and depend on one word in the main sentence.

Homogeneous subordinate clauses can be connected with each other by coordinating conjunctions or without conjunctions (only with the help of intonation). The connections of homogeneous subordinate clauses with the main clause and among themselves resemble the connections of homogeneous members of the sentence.

For example: [ I came to you with greetings, to tell you], (What the sun has risen), (What it fluttered with hot light across the sheets). (A. Fet.)

If homogeneous subordinate clauses are connected by non-repeating conjunctions and, or, a comma is not placed in front of them, as with homogeneous members of the sentence.

For example: [ I answered], (What nature is good) And ( What Sunsets are especially good in our area). (V. Soloukhin.)

The connection of homogeneous subordinate clauses with the main clause is called homogeneous subordination.

2. Heterogeneous subordinate clauses have different meanings, answer different questions or depend on different words in a sentence.

For example: ( When I have a new book in my hands), [I feel], (What something living, speaking, wonderful came into my life). (M. Gorky.)

With heterogeneous subordination, subordinate clauses can refer to the same words of the main sentence, but are not homogeneous, since they answer different questions.

The connection of heterogeneous subordinate clauses with the main clause is called parallel subordination.

II. The second type of complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses are those in which the subordinate clauses form a chain: the first subordinate clause refers to the main clause (clause of the 1st degree), the second subordinate clause refers to the subordinate clause of the 1st degree (clause of the 2nd degree) etc.

For example: [ The young Cossacks rode vaguely and held back their tears.], (because were afraid of their father), (which I was also a little embarrassed), (Although I tried not to show it). (N. Gogol)

This connection is called consistent submission.

At consistent subordination one clause can be inside another; in this case, two subordinating conjunctions may appear nearby: what and if, what and when, what and since, etc.

For example: [ The water came down so scary], (What , (When soldiers were running below), raging streams were already flying after them) (M. Bulgakov).

№3. Complex sentences with subordinate clauses

To express our opinion, our attitude to a fact or phenomenon, we often use complex sentences with explanatory clauses.

Explanatory clauses refer to members of a sentence that have the meaning of speech, thought, feeling, message, etc. Verbs in which the subordinate clause is used usually mean: speech ( said, shouted), perception ( saw, heard, felt), mental activity ( thought, decided, determined), the internal state of a person ( was afraid, surprised).

For example, I.S. Turgenev in his letter to P. Viardot wrote about his feelings: I I can't see without worry , like a branch covered with young green leaves, clearly appears in the blue sky.

In a sentence: Sophia, characterizing Chatsky, speaks that “he is especially happy with friends”, - a speaking verb is used.

Very often we use explanatory clauses when we express our opinions:

I am convinced... I believe... I agree that... I can say with confidence... It seems to me... I am attracted (interested) by the thought, (statement) about... .

Besides, complex sentences with subordinate clauses convey indirect speech: I explained to them that I am an officer, going to the active detachment on official business. (M. Lermontov) Vera said, that he doesn't want tea , and went to her room.(N. Chernyshevsky)

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses

Theoretical information

Explanatory clauses answer case questions and join the main part with conjunctions ( what, as if, as if, as if, to, whether etc.) and allied words (what, who, how, which, why, where, where, from, why, etc.).

For example: I want,so that a feather was compared to a bayonet(V. Mayakovsky) - means of communication - union so that .

I don't know, I wantwhether I'll go with them- means of communication - union whether , which, like coordinating conjunctions same, also, also, is not at the beginning of the part.

They saidthat it seems he became addicted to collecting smoking pipes.(A. N. Tolstoy) - means of communication - compound union that it seems .

How could God alone sayWhich Manilov had a character(N.V. Gogol) - means of communication - union word Which, part of the predicate.

It's sad to see a young man lose his best hopes and dreams...(M. Yu. Lermontov) - means of communication - union When .

Explanatory clauses refer to one word in the main part - a verb, short adjective, adverb, verbal noun with the meaning of speech, thought, feeling, perception.

For example: Irejoiced / expressed surprise / was glad that he came. It's good that he came.

The main part may contain an index word That in different case forms: I was gladthat that he came. In this sentence, the word that can be omitted, so the subordinate clause refers to the adjective glad.

However, in some complex sentences with explanatory clauses, the demonstrative word in the main part is an obligatory component of the sentence structure.

For example: It all startedsince then that father has returned.

Such subordinate clauses refer specifically to the demonstrative word, which can only be the word that. This feature brings such sentences closer to pronominal-definitive ones, while the use of a conjunction rather than a conjunctive word allows them to be classified as explanatory.

An explanatory subordinate clause is usually found after the word in the main part to which it refers, but occasionally, mainly in colloquial speech, it can also be located in front of the main part.

For example: That he won't come , it was clear to me right away.

4. Complex sentences with attributive clauses

Theoretical information

Determinative clauses explain (characterize) that member of the main part of the sentence that is expressed by a noun or pronoun, and answer questions of definition: Which? whose?

For example: (1) Blizzards ( which? ), (2) that they are banging on the doors, (1) they won’t knock me off the road.

Subordinate clauses are added to the main part only with the help of allied words which, which, whose, what, where, where, where, when:

For example: And Tanya seeshouse empty(Which?), Where Our hero lived recently. (A. Pushkin) [– = noun. ], (where = –).

Subordinate clauses have a strictly defined place as part of a complex sentence: they stand always after the word being defined.

For example: Childhood isjourney (which?), which no one has managed to do twice . (V. Sanin) [noun. – noun ], (which =).

Conjunctive words which, which, whose with a defined word only agree in gender, number , A case form them depends on which member of the sentence these allied words in the subordinate clause are:

For example: I likepeople who the life of the country is not indifferent.(The word which is used in the dative case.)

Compare: I likepeople with whom easy to communicate.(Word which used in instrumental case.) - I like people about whom legends are made.(Word which used in the prepositional case.)

Word which can stand not only at the beginning, but also inside the subordinate clause.

For example: 1) A river flows near the village, the sourcewhich is located in the forest foothills.(M. Lermontov) 2) As if chained, the northern river fell silent, the noisewhich The grandfathers and great-grandfathers of the Pomor fishermen listened.(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Close in meaning to the definitions clauses of pronominal attributives which refer to pronouns that, each, such, all, every etc., located in the main part.

For example: (1) Everything will go far into the pastThat , (2) what do I live for . (N. Glazkov).[ = That ], (how – =).

№5.Types of subordinate clauses in complex sentences

Subordinate clause is a syntactically dependent predicative part of a complex sentence containing a subordinating conjunction or a conjunctive word.

For example: Vladimir saw with horror that he had driven into an unfamiliar forest(Pushkin). It is very difficult to describe the feeling I felt at that time.(Korolenko).

Used in educational practice the term “subordinate clause” is usually replaced in theoretical works by the term “subordinate clause” (accordingly, instead of “main clause” - “main part”); This avoids the use of the same term “sentence” in relation to the whole and its individual parts, and also emphasizes the interconnectedness of the structural parts of a complex sentence.

School textbooks present two types of classifications of subordinate clauses.

1. Subordinate clauses are divided into three groups: attributive, explanatory and adverbial; the latter are divided into subgroups.

2. Subordinate clauses are divided into subject, predicate, attributive, additional and adverbial, depending on which member of the sentence is replaced by the subordinate clause (to determine the type of subordinate clause, questions asked to various members of the sentence are used).

Since the classification adopted in the first case is more common in the practice of school and pre-university teaching, we will adhere to it.

Let us recall that knowledge about the types of subordinate clauses in a complex sentence is also tested in Unified State Exam tests V parts B(task B6) in 11th grade.

Types of subordinate clauses in complex sentences

Theoretical information

According to the meaning and structure, the subordinate parts of complex sentences are divided into three main groups, which correspond to three groups minor members sentences: definitions, additions, circumstances.

Determinative clauses explain (characterize) that member of the main part of the sentence that is expressed by a noun or pronoun, and answer the questions of definition: which one? whose?

For example: (1) Blizzards(which ones?), (2) that they're banging on the doors , (1) they won't knock me off the road.(A. Fatyanov) [ – , (that =), =].

Explanatory clauses explain the member of the sentence (most often the predicate) of the main part and, like additions, answer questions about indirect cases.

For example: (1) We talked animatedly about(about what?), (2) how to resolve the current situation . [ – = ], (as =).

Adverbial clauses indicate the place, time, purpose, reason, mode of action, condition, etc. of what is reported in the main part of the complex sentence. They answer questions of circumstance.

For example: (1) To love music , (2) you have to listen to her first(for what purpose?). (D. Shostakovich) (To =), [=].

6. Complex sentence

Subordinate clauses in Russian are dependent parts of the main clause in a complex sentence. That is, they play the role of secondary members of the sentence. Therefore, the types of subordinate clauses are divided taking into account the role played in the sentence. You can ask one question for the entire secondary sentence, just as you do with the members of the sentence.

Main types of subordinate clauses

Four types of them are considered: attributive, adverbial, explanatory and connective. We can give examples that represent all types of subordinate clauses:

  1. The flowerbed, which was laid out in the courtyard on the left side of the porch, resembled a smaller copy of the town - a sort of Flower Town from Nosov’s fairy tale about Dunno. (Definitive).
  2. And it seemed to me that restless and funny little people really lived there. (Expository).
  3. And we don’t see them because they are hiding from us underground. (Adverbial).
  4. But as soon as we leave somewhere, the little ones come out of their hiding places and begin to vigorously enjoy life. (Connection).

Determinative clauses

These subordinate clauses in Russian define the attribute of one noun or sometimes a phrase consisting of a noun and a demonstrative word. They serve as answers to questions Which? whose? which? These secondary sentences are joined to the main part by allied words whose, which, who, what, which, from where, where, when. Usually in the main part of a complex sentence there are such demonstrative words as such, everyone, everyone, any or That V various forms childbirth The following proposals can be taken as examples:

  • Living beings, ( which?) who live on the planet next to people, feel a kind human attitude towards them.
  • Reach out your hand with food, open your palm, freeze, and some bird, ( which?) whose voice is heard in the bushes of your garden in the morning, will sit on your hand with trust.
  • Every person ( Which?) who considers himself the pinnacle of the Almighty's creation, must correspond to this title.
  • Whether it’s a garden, a forest or an ordinary yard, (Which?)where everything is familiar and familiar, can open the door to a person amazing world nature.

Subordinate clauses

Interesting types of subordinate clauses that relate not to a single word or phrase, but to the entire main part. They are called connecting. Often these parts of a complex sentence contain the meaning of the consequence, supplementing or explaining the content of the main part. Secondary sentences of this type are joined using allied words where, how, when, why, where, what. Examples:

  • And only next to his mother does any baby feel protected, what is provided by nature itself.
  • Caring for cubs, tenderness for one’s offspring, self-sacrifice are embedded in a creature at the level of instinct, how every creature has an inherent need to breathe, sleep, eat and drink.

Explanatory clauses

If the author of the text wants to clarify, specify one word of the main part, which has the meaning of thought, perception, feeling or speech. Often these clauses refer to verbs, such as say, answer, think, feel, be proud, hear. But they can also specify adjectives, for example, happy or glad. It is often observed when these types of subordinate clauses act as explanations of adverbs ( clear, necessary, necessary, known, sorry) or nouns ( message, thought, statement, rumor, thought, sensation). Explanatory clauses are added using:

Unions (so that, what, when, as if, how and others);

Any allied words;

Particles (of the union).

Examples include the following compound sentences:

  • Have you ever watched, ( What?) how amazingly he plays sunlight, reflected in drops of dew, insect wings, tiles of snowflakes?
  • One day, a person will surely be incredibly happy about this beauty, ( what?) that I discovered a unique world of beauty.
  • And it immediately becomes clear, ( What?) that everything around was created for a reason, that everything is interconnected.
  • Consciousness will be filled with indescribable feelings of joy, (which?) as if you yourself are a part of this amazing and unique world.

Clauses of manner and degree

Adverbial clauses are divided into several subtypes. A group of dependent parts of compound sentences that relate to the attribute or action named in its main part, and denote its degree or measure, as well as image, are classified as subordinate clauses of manner of action and degree. They usually answer the following questions: how? how much? How? to what extent? The design of the connection between the subordinate and the main part looks something like this: full adjective + noun + such; full adjective + such; verb + so. The joining of these subordinate clauses is ensured by conjunctions so that, what, as if or allied words how much, how much and some others. Examples:

  • The girl laughed so contagiously, so spontaneously, that it was difficult for everyone else not to smile.
  • The ringing sounds of her laughter broke the tense silence of the room, as if multi-colored peas from a bag suddenly scattered.
  • And the baby’s face itself changed so much, as far as this was possible in this case: the girl, exhausted by the disease, could easily be called a lovely and absolutely healthy child.

Adverbial clauses

These dependent clauses indicate the place of origin of the action, which is named in the main part of the complex sentence. Referring to the entire main sentence, they answer the following questions: where? Where? Where? and are joined by allied words where, where, where. Often there are demonstrative words in the main clause there, everywhere, there, everywhere, from everywhere and some others. The following examples of such proposals can be given:

  1. It is quite easy to determine the cardinal directions in the forest thicket, where there is moss on the trees.
  2. The ants were dragging on their backs building material for their anthills and food supplies from everywhere, wherever these hardworking creatures could get.
  3. I am always drawn there, to magical lands, where we went with him last summer.

Adverbial clauses of time

Indicating the time of action, these subordinate clauses refer both to the entire main sentence and specifically to one predicate. You can ask the following questions about this type of subordinate clause: How long? until when? When? since when? Often there are demonstrative words in the main part of the sentence, for example: sometimes, once, always, now, then. For example: Animals will then be friendly with each other, (When?) when they grow up next to each other since childhood.

Adverbial clauses, causes, goals, consequences

  1. If the dependent parts of complex sentences answer questions in what case? or under what condition? and relate either to the predicate of the main part or to the whole of it, joining with the help of conditional conjunctions once, if, if, if, when And How(meaning “if”), then they can be classified as subordinate conditions. Example: And even the most inveterate scoundrel turns into a serious and well-mannered gentleman, ( in what case?)when he becomes a parent, be it a person, a monkey or a penguin.
  2. For questions because of what? Why? for what reason? why? adjunct reasons answer. They are joined using causal conjunctions because, because, since. Example: For a child in early childhood, the authority of the parent is unshakable, ( Why?) because his well-being depends on this creature.
  3. Dependent clauses indicating the purpose of the action named in the main part and answering questions For what? for what purpose? For what?, are called subordinate clauses. Their connection to the main part is ensured by target unions in order to, then in order to (in order to). Example: But even then you should accompany your requirements with explanations ( for what purpose?) then, so that the baby grows into a thinking person, and not a weak-willed robot performer.
  4. Dependent parts of a sentence that indicate a conclusion or result, indicate a consequence arising from the above in the main part of the sentence, are called subordinate clauses of the consequence and relate to the entire main sentence. They are usually joined by consequence unions That's why or So, for example: Education is a complex and regular process, ( what follows from this?) therefore, parents should always be in shape and not relax even for a minute.

Adverbial clause comparisons

These types of dependent clauses in complex constructions relate either to the predicate or to the entire main part and answer the question like what?, joining comparative unions as if, than (that), as if, exactly. Subordinate clauses differ from comparative phrases in that they have a grammatical basis. For example: The polar bear cub so funny fell on his side and lifted his paws up, it looks like a naughty boy playing happily in the sandbox with his friends.

Circumstantial clauses

Dependent clauses in a complex construction, denoting circumstances in spite of which the action indicated in the main part has been or may be committed, are called subordinate clauses of concession. You can ask them questions: contrary to what? no matter what? and join to the main thing with the help of concessionary unions at least (even though), let (even though), that, for nothing, despite and some others. Conjunctive combinations are often used: no matter how much, whatever, whenever, whoever, no matter how and the like. Example: Even though the panda cubs were playing happily, their dark spots around the eyes they created the impression of sad thoughtfulness.

A literate person should always remember: when writing, sentences that are part of a complex sentence are separated by commas.

In Russian, sentences are divided into simple and complex. Their difference is that simple ones have one grammatical basis, while complex ones can have two or more. In syntactic constructions consisting of several parts, one of three types of connection can be used: coordinating, non-union or subordinating. Complex sentences with (grade 9) are the most extensive topic due to the number of meanings of the dependent part from the main part.

The concept of a complex sentence

A syntactic construction in which one part is dependent on another is called complex. It always has a main part (from which the question is posed) and a subordinate part. The sentences that make up such a structure are combined, or for example:

  1. The boy realized (what?) that his deception had been discovered(the main part - the boy understood, to which the subordinate clause is attached using subordinating conjunction"What").
  2. Rather than being second in Rome, it is better to be first in the province(under what condition?) (the main sentence - it is better to be the first in the province - is connected with the dependent conjunction “than”).
  3. A wind blew from the north (what kind?), which forced everyone to button up their jackets(the main sentence - the wind blew from the north - is connected with the subordinate conjunctive word “which”).

Depending on how the parts of a complex sentence are connected, they are divided into 4 types:

  • with using conjunctions so that, what, how, whether (I heard the gate creaking);
  • with attributive clauses, attached by allied words which, which, whose, what, where and others ( I bought the car I've been dreaming about for a long time);
  • with an connecting clause using allied words why, why, why and what (In the evenings, the mother bathed her son, after which she always read him a fairy tale.);
  • We went up to the observation deck, from where the city was as visible as possible).

The last type of syntactic constructions are divided into types according to their meaning.

Types of adverbial clauses

In complex sentences, the dependent part, which answers questions specific to the circumstances, is called that. Below are the circumstances. The table briefly summarizes all their types:


as soon as the curtain rose, the orchestra began to play (when?)


they came home, where a hot dinner and warming grog were already waiting for them (where?)


the children laughed (for what reason?) because the dog stood on its hind legs and wagged its stubby tail


If you happen to be nearby, please stop by and see us (under what conditions?)


I went to the store (for what purpose?) to buy bread for dinner


he remained silent (in spite of what?), despite the fact that the offense against his friend was strong


something rumbled outside the window (like what?), like a distant thunderstorm

course of action

we did everything as (in what way?) as indicated in the note

measures and degrees

the girl was so shy (to what extent?) that she would never speak to a stranger first


Yegor grew up over the summer, so that he now took second place in the ranks (as a result of what?)

Complex sentences with adverbial clauses are connected by conjunctions and allied words, depending on the meaning they define.

Subordinate clauses and degrees of action

This type of complex sentence in its dependent part provides an explanation of how the action was performed or indicates the degree of quality of the attribute of the object being discussed in the main part.

In such syntactic constructions, questions are posed to the subordinating sentence: “in what way?”, “how?”, “how much?”, “to what extent?” and others. The dependent part corresponds to:

A complex sentence with a subordinate adverbial manner of action is always constructed in such a way that the main part comes before the dependent part. If you swap them, a different meaning is formed. For example:

  1. The snow was so bright (to what extent?) that my eyes began to water after a few minutes of being outside.
  2. My eyes started to water after a few minutes of being outside (for what reason?) because the snow was so bright.

Clause of time

When the dependent part in indicates when the event took place, then this is a complex sentence with an adverbial clause. Moreover, the dependent part does not refer to a separate concept, but to the entire main one, and gives answers to the questions “when?”, “how long?”, “until when?”, “since when?”

They are connected using temporary conjunctions “when”, “as soon as”, “barely”, “until”, “until”, “since” and others. In this case, the main sentence may contain words that have the meaning of time, for example “then”, “after that”, “until”, etc. For example, complex sentences with subordinate adverbial clauses from the literature:

  1. On the day (when exactly?) when I made this decision, someone hit me on the shoulder in the Criterion bar (A. Conan Doyle).
  2. Now sit here for a while (how long?) while I run off to have a bite to eat (J. Simenon).

In such syntactic constructions, complex conjunctions can be used, which are divided into two parts by a comma. Moreover, one of them is in the main sentence as an indicative word, and the second is in the subordinate clause in the form of a conjunction ( It's been 30 years since he left his hometown).

In the event that there is no index word, the dependent part can be located either before or after the main part, but in two cases it is fixed:

  1. If complex sentences with subordinate adverbial clauses use the conjunctions “how”, “how suddenly”, then they are located after the main one ( Lunch was already coming to an end when suddenly another guest arrived.).
  2. If double conjunctions are used, such as “when... then”, “only only... how”, “when... That". In this case, the subordinate clause is placed before the main part, and the second fragment of the double conjunction can be omitted ( When the first snow falls, the flock will move south).

In other cases, the place of the subordinate clause can change without affecting the meaning of the sentence.

Subordinate clauses

A complex sentence with an adverbial clause (examples below) can indicate the place of action or its direction. It answers the questions “where?”, “where to?”, “from where?” and refers to specific word in the main part, which can be expressed by an adverb (there, there, from there, everywhere, everywhere and others).

  1. There was water everywhere (where exactly?) wherever you looked.
  2. I come from where (where?) where poverty has never been known.

The complex sentence is connected to the adverbial clause by the conjunctive words “where?”, “where?”, “from where?” The dependent part in such syntactic constructions comes after the word being defined.

Subordinate clause

Complex sentences with subordinate adverbial conditions answer the questions “under what condition?”, “in what case?” Such syntactic constructions indicate the conditions under which the actions named in the main part are performed. In them, the dependent clause can refer both to the main part and to a separate predicate, and is joined using the conjunctions “if”, “how” (in the definition “if”), “if”, “kol” and “when” (in role "if").

A complex sentence with a subordinate adverbial clause (the examples below confirm this) conditions can be found both before and after the main one:

  1. If that’s what you want, so be it (on what condition?).
  2. You can get a chance to win the lottery (in which case?) if you buy tickets regularly.
  3. If you buy tickets regularly, you can win the lottery (the content of the offer has not changed due to the rearrangement).

Often such syntactic constructions use conjunctions consisting of two parts: “if...then”, “if.... so", "if... Then" ( If it rains tomorrow, we won't go mushroom picking.).

Clause of purpose

Goals indicate the purpose for which the action specified in its main part is performed. They give answers to the questions “why?”, “for what purpose?”, “for what?”

Parts of such a syntactic structure are joined by conjunctions “so that”, “in order to”, “so that”, “if only”, “then” and others, for example:

  1. To get there faster, he quickened his steps (for what purpose?).
  2. To be useful people, you need to work a lot on yourself (for what?).
  3. I said this in order (why?) to annoy my father.

Complex conjunctions can be separated by using a comma between them. One part remains in the main clause, and the conjunction “so that” remains in the dependent clause.

Subordinate reasons

Complex sentences with subordinate adverbial reasons indicate the basis of what is said in the main part. The dependent clause completely relates to the main clause and answers the questions “for what reason?”, “why?”, “why?” and is joined by conjunctions “because”, “good”, “since”, “for”, “because” and others, for example:

  1. Thanks to the fact that we united, our opponents could not defeat us (for what reason?).
  2. She was sad (why?) because autumn brought rain and cold.
  3. We decided to take a break (why?) because we had been walking for six hours straight.

The subordinate clause in such syntactic constructions usually comes after the main clause.

Subordinate clause

In complex sentences with similar subordinate clauses, the conclusion drawn from the content of the main part is indicated. It answers the question “what happened because of this?” The dependent fragment is attached to the main one with the conjunction “so that” and always comes after it, for example:

  1. The heat intensified (what happened because of this?), so we had to look for shelter.
  2. The girl began to cry (what happened because of this?), so I had to give in to her request.

This type of construction should not be confused with subordinate clauses of degree and measure, in which the adverb “so” and the conjunction “that” are used ( Over the summer he got so tanned that his hair looked white).

Clause of concession

Complex sentences with these subordinate clauses provide explanations for events that occurred contrary to what was discussed in the main part.

They answer the questions “despite what?”, “despite what?” and join the main part:

  • conjunctions “although”, “even though... but”, “despite the fact that”, “let”, “let” ( There were big puddles on the street, although it rained yesterday);
  • allied words with the particle “neither” - “no matter how”, “no matter how much” “no matter what” ( No matter how much my grandfather made a rocking chair, it turned out lopsided).

Thus, concession clauses indicate why the action did not work.

Lesson topic: Complex sentence with subordinate purpose.

Lesson type: Lesson on learning new material.

Objectives: Formation of the concept of an IPP with a subordinate purpose.


Introduce the structural features of the SPP with the subordinate purpose.

To develop the ability to construct sentences of this type and correctly formulate them in oral and written speech.

Learn to find SPPs in literary texts.

Expected result: Students will be able to:

Recognize and differentiate between types of SPPs with studied subordinate clauses;

Model and use NGN in speech different types;

Characterize the syntactic structure of NGN;

See SPP in literary texts.

Equipment, visibility:

Organizational point:

Welcome speech from the teacher.

We continue to study the topic “Complex sentence”.

1. What work do you think we’ll start our lesson with?

Agree + or disagree – with this statement

1. Syntax is a Greek word that means “structure”, “composition”

2. Sentences can be simple, complex and compound

3. A complex sentence consists of two simple sentences

4.A complex sentence includes a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses.

5.Simple sentences within a complex sentence are always equal.

6. Subordinating conjunctions or allied words act as means of communication in a complex sentence.

7. Conjunctive words answer questions and perform a syntactic role.

8. Subordinate clauses in complex sentences, depending on their meaning, are divided into explanatory, attributive, and adverbial.

9.The type of subordinate clause is determined by the conjunction or allied word.

10The type of subordinate clause is determined by the question posed by the main clause.

11.The main clause from the subordinate clause in writing is usually separated by a comma, and in oral speech by a pause.

Self-test Key to the task: 1-+ 4+6+7+8+10+11+ 1 mistake ready for lesson, 2-3 mistakes partially ready 4 mistakes or more - not ready for lesson

Comment on each correct option(optional and chain).

2. Motivational moment of the lesson:

Here are 3 offers. What task can you complete? What skills do you use?

Remind the reasoning algorithm. Explain what are their similarities and differences?

1. I demand that you reveal the secret hopes of your soul to me.

2. He strove to write in such a way that it would be easy to read what he wrote.

3. The coachmen tied the bells so that the ringing would not attract the attention of the watchmen.

(to – ambiguous conjunction)

Which of the proposals caused difficulty?

(NGN with subordinate clause: explanatory, course of action, goal)

Maybe someone has already guessed what the lesson will be about? Try to formulate the topic yourself and determine the goals of the lesson.

2. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson: (determined by children)

IPP with subordinate purpose. We will learn to identify features, construct, place commas, and find in the text.


1. Questions: subordinate goals answer the questions why? For what? for what purpose?

2. Means of communication: subordinate goals are attached to the main sentence by conjunctions: so that, in order to, so that, then that, in order to, particle conjunctions only, if only, etc.

Composite unions so that, then that, in order to, etc. can fully perform the function of a union. However, depending on the meaning and logical stress, a compound conjunction can be divided into two parts. The first part is part of the main sentence and is an indicative word - a circumstance of the goal: with that, for that, then, etc.; the second part of the compound conjunction (to) remains in the subordinate clause and independently performs the function of a simple subordinating conjunction. In this case, the comma is placed once - in the middle of the compound conjunction.

3. Place in a sentence: subordinate goals can appear after the main clause, before the main clause, or in the middle of the main clause.

4.Collect and read the scattered sentence (Who is faster):

1. He picked up a spear out of boredom with something steel to play with.

2. think to live, I want to suffer so that I can.

3. was proud of my name, you are the glory I wish with.


1. He picked up a steel spear to play with something out of boredom. (goals)

2. I want to live so that I can think and suffer. (goals)

3. I wish you glory, so that you can be proud of my name. (goals)

Determine sentence structure? Type of clause? Explain?

Determine what artistic device is used in the sentences?

What role do special clauses with subordinate clauses play in the text?

(1 and 3 – with inversion). We check the completed exercise. and we conclude that SPPs with these subordinate clauses help construct complete answers and make our speech more accurate and complete. Slide 3

5. Physical education minute: slide 7

6.Task “Constructing sentences” Peer review

Task formulation: Connect subordinate clauses with main clauses. Determine the type of subordinate clauses. (If you are at a loss, the table on page 58 will help you)

1.And she had to become more careful,

2In order to learn to tell the truth to people,

3. Dymkovskaya clay toy fired in a kiln.

4. The bear did not attack the hunter out of malice,

5. In order not to attract close attention to yourself,

7.To achieve strength

8.the stranger sat down on a bench near the door

9. You need to learn to say it to yourself. save your freedom.

11. but in order to protect their cubs.


1+10, And she had to become more careful in order to save her freedom.

2+9, 2. In order to learn. To tell the truth to people, you must learn to tell it to yourself. /L.N. Tolstoy/

7+3, To achieve strength, a Dymkovo clay toy is fired in a kiln.

4+11, The bear attacked the hunter not out of malice, but in order to protect her cubs.

5+8, So as not to attract close attention to himself, the stranger lined up on a bench near the door.

Which of the proposals is aimed at human self-education?

7.Working with text. What task can you complete?

1) We often say to each other: I wish you all the best. 2) This is not just an expression of politeness. 3) In these words we express our human essence. 4) You must have great fortitude to be able to wish goodness to others. 5) In order to be able to feel, to be able to see the people around you kindly, you need not only an indicator of culture, but also the result of a huge internal work spirit.

6) When turning to each other with a request, we say: please. 7) A request is an impulse of the soul. 8) To refuse help to a person means to lose one’s own human dignity. 9) Indifference to those in need of help is mental deformity. 10) To protect yourself from indifference, you need to develop in your soul complicity, empathy, compassion and at the same time the ability to distinguish harmless human weaknesses from vices that cripple the soul.

11) To increase goodness in the world around us - this is the greatest goal of life. 12) Good is made up of many things, and every time life presents a person with a task that one must be able to solve 13). Love and friendship, growing and spreading to many things, gain new strength, become higher, and man, their center, becomes wiser.

(According to D.S. Likhachev)

Determine the type of text, prove it.

What is the theme of the text? (good in the world.)

How many microthemes?

Name the sentences that express main idea text 8 – 9


1.Find IBS with adverbial clauses of purpose.


2. Give 2 sentences (arguments) in the second part, using the IPP with a subordinate adverbial purpose.

Text Information for Concise Exposition


Micro theme

Wishing people well is an expression of the essence of a person. The ability to see better the world around us, people – an indicator of culture, the result of a lot of internal work.

Kindness is human dignity, and indifference is mental deformity; to protect yourself from it, you need to develop sympathy and complicity in your soul.

To increase goodness in the world around us is the greatest purpose of life; the ability to love and make friends makes a person wiser and stronger.

Let's summarize:

Answer the questions using IPS with a subordinate clause of purpose:

1. For what purpose did you come to the lesson?

2. For what purpose do you need to study SPP?

3. Why do you need to be able to build WBS diagrams?

Homework: Slide 6

Mandatory for everyone: Complete exercise 166 according to the proposed task.

To choose from:

1. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic “To - a polysemantic conjunction.” Use examples of IPS recorded in class as arguments.


2. Find and extract from texts works of art 4-5 SPP with subordinate purpose.


Rate yourself using the rating scale. (Children evaluate themselves) Slide 7

Thanks for the lesson!

Now I will know that...

I was upset that...

I'm glad that...

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