Hospital neurosis. If sick leave is from

The best answer given by the author Verchik is A nervous breakdown is a protective reaction of the body, such as tears. It occurs as a result of psychological stress, prolonged and intense psychological stress.

Signs and symptoms

There are several main symptoms of an emotional breakdown - mood disorders, sudden mood swings, some may experience stupor, some may experience hysteria. There are also vegetative disorders and work disorders cardiovascular system.

Signs of a breakdown vary. Here are the main ones:

1. Internal tension that occurs constantly.

2. No interest in various matters, there is no desire to have fun and enjoy life.

3. Someone's requests can lead to aggressive behavior.

5 Weight gain or loss.

6. State of depression, fatigue.

7. Hypochondriacal thoughts, anxiety, suspiciousness

8. Touchiness and irritability

9. Hostile attitude towards others

11. Pessimism, apathy and depression

12. Inattention and absent-mindedness

13. Headaches

14. Obsession with a person or situation, difficulty in switching.

15. Digestive problems.

Consequences of a nervous breakdown

There can be many consequences. This is a deterioration in physical health. Problems with blood pressure, headaches, heart rhythm disturbances, ulcers and other diseases may appear. Depression, phobias, anxiety disorders or other mental disorders may develop. Some people have worsening relationships with society, conflicts, and addictions - drugs, nicotine and alcohol. A person may take rash actions, be more angry and touchy. In the worst case scenario, suicide attempts are possible.

When they say she was admitted to the hospital, they most likely mean that there were heart problems.

Google "nervous breakdown"

This is when the nerves can't stand it.

Treatment of nervous breakdowns must be carried out under the supervision of a psychologist. If a psychologist deems it necessary to involve a psychotherapist or other specialists, this must be done.

The fact is that a nervous breakdown can have not only psychological consequences, and all of them can manifest themselves after some time. Therefore, treatment should be carried out in such a way as to close all possibilities of its long-term negative influence on the mental and physical health of the patient.

when you scream and rush around in hysterics, and even beating your head on the floor does not give relief

This is a disease of rich and wealthy people, the poor suffer a nervous breakdown on their feet, throwing plates at their husbands and putting their children in the corner 😉

They're the ones who are freaking out. you need to drink less. and they hide behind the hospital - so that everyone feels sorry for them... well, kind of like Kirkorov - remember?

state of extreme excitement. When a person cannot calm down on his own. Emotional stress. In women, hysterical states are not uncommon due to the weakness of the nervous system and characterological characteristics. And more often, of course, this happens to spoiled, pampered women.

“Everything is fucked up AAAAAAAAAAAA” - this is a nervous breakdown!

Maybe a suicide attempt, maybe a wild drunken row. For example, they called the police to some violent lady. They looked - and she was completely “bad”. And they took me not to the department, but to a psychiatric hospital. Well, there the doctors themselves see whether their client is there or not.

By the way, in psychiatric hospitals it is not only the psychos who are treated (which last forever). Nervous patients are also in the departments of borderline conditions.

A nervous breakdown is when a person is influenced by one or more factors, strong emotional and psychological stress.

Everything now depends on women: career, work, home, children and husband, which is why there are more nervous breakdowns than before. From overload nervous system can’t stand it and the person begins to tantrum, break and smash dishes and other things, scream and run around the house (or on the street), he cannot calm down and therefore for such people they call an ambulance or a doctor. And there, in the hospital, they look at how neglected everything is and who will treat: a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist. As the person undergoes treatment and calms down, he is returned to normal life.

As a rule, this is a suicide attempt, a common thing by the way.

Everything on " nervous soil", is well treated with hypnosis: insomnia, depression, neuroses, blues, aggression, anger, panic, impotence, frigidity, stuttering, enuresis, vitiligo, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and much more...

Is sick leave given for a nervous breakdown or neurosis?

How much sick leave is given for a nervous breakdown?

How much sick leave is given for neurosis?

A nervous breakdown does not happen out of nowhere. It is usually the result of long-hidden neurasthenia.

In case of neurasthenia of moderate severity, sick leave is issued for a period of one day, and in case of severe form - up to 40 days.

It should be taken into account that you will have to go to a psychiatrist, rather than a neurologist, to obtain a sick leave certificate, because such diseases are within his competence. Accordingly, the doctor will be obliged to register the applied patient with all the ensuing consequences (then there will be problems with obtaining a driver’s license, getting a certain work and other problems may unexpectedly arise if there is a card in the IPA). So you need to take care of your nerves, not let yourself go, play sports and be stress-resistant.

Sick leave will only be given for inpatient treatment. Hospitalized for certain indications in the department of borderline conditions (or neuroses). In this case they are not registered. If you turn to a psychiatrist for help on an outpatient basis, then an advisory card is created; no one registers it for neurosis. Half the country would already be registered.

I think they won’t give me sick leave. Psychiatrists usually only make appointments and do not send people on sick leave. In our country, due to depression, 80 percent of the population could be kept on sick leave constantly, if they would give it.

If the therapist sympathizes with the patient, then he can write out sick leave for five days, if there is more high blood pressure and a broken look. They may send you for examination to an endocrinologist, cardiologist, and do an ECG. A real nervous breakdown is treated by a psychiatrist, but rarely does anyone go to him.

Nervous breakdown: symptoms and consequences

A nervous breakdown, the symptoms of which are referred to as neuroses, occurs when a person is under excessive or sudden stress. The patient feels an acute attack of anxiety, after which there is a disruption in the way of life familiar to him. As a result of a nervous breakdown or burnout syndrome, as it is also called in medicine, there is a feeling of being unable to control one’s actions and feelings. A person completely surrenders to the worry and anxiety that dominates him.

What is a nervous breakdown?

A nervous breakdown is a mental disorder associated with psychological trauma. This condition can be caused by dismissal from work, unfulfilled desires or increased overwork. In many cases, a nervous breakdown, the treatment of which is determined individually, is a positive reaction of the body (protective). As a result of mental stress, acquired immunity occurs. When a person reaches a critical state for the psyche, the long-accumulated nervous tension is released.


Mental disorders do not arise out of the blue. Causes of a nervous breakdown:

  • financial problems;
  • bad habits;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • regular stress;
  • fatigue;
  • menopause;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • conflicts with the boss;
  • noisy neighbors upstairs;
  • husband is a domestic tyrant;
  • mother-in-law brings it;
  • the field of activity is associated with stress;
  • At school, the child is also brought up by other events.

In women during pregnancy

All girls experience many changes while carrying a baby, but not all of them are pleasant. The main cause of mental disorders during pregnancy or after childbirth is a change in a woman’s hormonal levels and toxicosis with vomiting. Hormones actively produced by the female body are necessary for normal development child.

At the same time, they also affect the pregnant woman. She becomes nervous and has mood swings. In later stages expectant mother Nervous stress occurs due to the need to work, because during this period it is difficult for her to do anything at all. A woman on maternity leave often gains excess weight, which does not have the best effect on her appearance, which is why negative conditions arise. Nervous stress in a pregnant woman is dangerous because it also affects the child.

In children

Children at a young age are still mentally immature, so it is most difficult for them to restrain their emotions. The child is in the process of formation, the mechanisms of his brain are imperfect, so he easily develops a neurotic disorder. Children can be driven to breakdown by improper upbringing, but this is not necessarily the result of the parents’ malicious intent. In some cases, they do not take into account the age characteristics of their child and do not try to understand the reasons for certain actions in order to strengthen the baby’s nervous system.

In teenagers

Adolescents in adolescence are prone to mental disorders. Sometimes it becomes an impossible task for them to simply calm down, and it is generally impossible to cope with a strong shock. The occurrence of mental disorders at this age often leads to the development of schizophrenia and suicidal tendencies in adult life. The first symptoms of neurosis in a teenager are non-specific and can be taken as a consequence of hormonal changes.

Signs of a nervous breakdown

Different people have completely different signs of a nervous breakdown. The woman experiences uncontrollable nervous breakdowns, hysterics, breaking dishes, and fainting. In men, the symptoms are more hidden, because the stronger sex rarely shows emotions, which has the most negative consequences on the psyche and physical health. In women with a small child, depression is visible to the naked eye: tears, verbal aggression. While a man’s anger often turns into physical aggression, which is directed at an object or a person.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown

How does a nervous breakdown manifest? Symptoms of nervous tension depend on the type of symptomatology. Depression, negative emotions and somatic disorders are expressed in an emotional, physical or behavioral state. If the cause of a nervous breakdown was external irritants, physical fatigue or excessive stress, then it manifests itself in the form of insomnia or drowsiness, memory loss, headaches and dizziness.

  1. Mental symptoms: the most common form. Factors in the development of the disease include various phobias, stress disorders, generalized fear, panic or obsessive states. Schizophrenia also manifests itself as a mental symptom. Patients are constantly depressed, finding comfort in alcohol or drug addiction.
  2. Physical symptoms: manifest themselves in a weakening of volitional activity or its complete absence. Individual instincts are suppressed: sexual (decreased libido), food (decreased appetite, anorexia), defensive (lack of defensive actions in response to external threats). Body temperature and blood pressure can rise to critical levels, leg fatigue, general weakness, back pain, and increased heart rate (tachycardia, angina) occur. In the background nervous stress Constipation, diarrhea, migraines, and nausea appear.
  3. Behavioral symptoms: a person is unable to perform any activity, cannot contain his anger when communicating, screams, uses insults. An individual can leave without explaining his behavior to others, and is characterized by aggressiveness and cynicism when communicating with loved ones.

Stages of development

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in a person do not appear immediately and that’s it. The development of the disease occurs in three stages:

  1. First comes an overestimation of capabilities, a person feels a surge of strength, a false rise in vital energy. During this period of takeoff, the patient does not think about his limited strength.
  2. The second stage occurs when a person comes to understand that he is not omnipotent. The body malfunctions, chronic diseases worsen, and a crisis occurs in relationships with loved ones. Moral and physical exhaustion occurs, a person becomes depressed, especially if faced with provoking factors.
  3. The peak of nervous system disorder occurs in the third stage. When the disease becomes more complicated, a person loses faith in himself, shows aggression, first thoughts appear, and then attempts at suicide. The situation is aggravated by constant headaches, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, conflict situations with the environment.

Possible consequences of a nervous breakdown

If treatment for a nervous disorder is not started promptly, it may subsequently develop. various diseases. Disorders with symptoms of neurosis do not go away without negative consequences for human health. Long-term depression or nervous tension lead to:

  • to severe forms of gastritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • physical attacks on strangers or loved ones;
  • suicide.

Why is the disease dangerous?

If left untreated, a nervous breakdown will occur. dangerous consequence This condition is emotional exhaustion. At this point, a person needs medical help so that he does not go to extreme measures. Nervous exhaustion is dangerous due to loss of control over one’s actions, even suicide. A nervous person may jump out of a window, swallow pills, or start taking drugs.

How to prevent the condition

If a person is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, it is advisable for him to learn to independently cope with emotional overstrain and exhaustion of the body. You need to change your environment, buy new things, allow yourself to sleep and have fun. Our ancestors treated a nervous breakdown with tinctures of valerian, motherwort, and peony.

In the old days they tried to calm frayed nerves with a bucket. spring water, which was poured onto the head of a person suffering from a nervous breakdown. Modern doctors also recommend dousing cold water in an intense stressful situation. If you cannot maintain your mental health on your own or with the help of loved ones, then seek help from a psychologist.

What to do if you have a nervous breakdown

When a person has a nervous breakdown at home or at work, first aid should be provided. How quickly the patient will restore his emotional background depends on the behavior of the people around him. If a nervous breakdown occurs, the interlocutor needs:

  1. Remain calm, do not become hysterical, do not raise your voice.
  2. Speak in an even, calm tone, and do not make sudden movements.
  3. Create a feeling of warmth by sitting next to or hugging.
  4. When talking, you need to take a position so that you are on the same level with the patient, without rising up.
  5. You should not give advice, prove something or reason logically.
  6. Try to switch your attention to something else.
  7. Try to take the person out into the fresh air.
  8. In case of psychosis, which is accompanied by a complete loss of self-control, you should call an ambulance for hospitalization.

Treatment at home

Treatment for a nervous breakdown at home is carried out without medications. If mental experiences are caused by prolonged psychological stress, then you can get rid of them yourself by adjusting your diet. Eat more foods that contain a lot of lecithin, polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins: vegetable oil, eggs, legumes, honey, seafood, sea ​​fish, liver.

Sleep disturbances and constant fatigue can be treated if you build your daily routine correctly. To restore strength you need healthy sleep, at least 8 hours a day. Morning jogging, walking, and being in nature will help relieve anxiety. If such methods do not help, then other treatment methods are used. A person may end up in a hospital, where he will be sent to a rehabilitation unit.

Under the supervision of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, he is prescribed and injected (or given intravenous drips) with sedative medications, and relief therapy is carried out aimed at eliminating acute panic attacks and phobias. They are treated in hospital from several days to several months, depending on the severity and type of the disease. It is possible to leave the hospital after a person has the opportunity to independently control his emotions.

Medications - sedative injections, tablets

Most people take sedatives during psychological stress, and if they have insomnia for a long period, they take sedatives. Medicines do not always achieve the desired effect, since they either suppress excitation in the cerebral cortex or enhance inhibition processes. For mild forms of anxiety neurosis, doctors prescribe sedatives along with vitamins, complexes and minerals, for example, Corvalol and Magne B6. Popular drugs used to treat mental disorders:

  1. Neuroleptics, antidepressants and tranquilizers are potent drugs. Medicines in this group relieve anger, anxiety, panic, and depression. As for antidepressants, on the contrary, they elevate mood, help reduce negative and enhance positive emotions. These include: Sertraline, Citalopram, Fevarin. Tranquilizers are divided into three subgroups: benzodiazepine receptor agonists (Tofisopam, Mezapam, Clozepid), serotonin receptor antagonists (Dolazetron, Tropispirone, Buspirone) and a mixed subgroup Mebicar, Amizil, Atarax.
  2. Herbal sedatives. For mild mood swings, irritability or emotional instability, doctors prescribe herbal medications. Their mechanism of action is to suppress excitation processes so that the brain does not suffer during nervous stress or hysteria. Popular products: Novo-passit, Sedavit, Relaxil.
  3. Vitamins and amino acids. In case of severe agitation or excessive fussiness, vitamin complexes help neutralize these symptoms. The nervous system needs sufficient quantity vitamin B, E, biotin, choline, thiamine. For proper brain function, amino acids such as tryptophan, tyrosine and glutamic acid are needed.
  4. Nootropics. The use of nootropic drugs stimulates mental activity and activates memory processes. Nootropics facilitate the interaction of the left and right hemispheres, prolong life, and rejuvenate the body. The best nootropic drugs: Piracetam, Vinpocetine, Phenibut.
  5. Anxiolytics. Used to quickly relieve psychosomatic symptoms. They reduce the excitability of the limbic system, thymus and hypothalamus, reduce tension and fear, and even out the emotional background. The best anxiolytics: Afobazole, Stresam.
  6. Mood stabilizers. They are called normotimics. This is a group of psychotropic medications whose main effect is to stabilize the mood in patients with depression, schizophrenia, cyclothymia and dysthymia. Medicines can prevent or shorten relapses, slow down the progression of the disease, and soften temperament and impulsiveness. Names of common mood stabilizers: Gabapentin, Risperidone, Verapamil and others.
  7. Homeopathic medicines and dietary supplements. The effectiveness of this group is a controversial issue among doctors. However, many people on the forums indicate in their reviews that homeopathy and dietary supplements help with nervous disorders. Homeopathic medicines such as Ignacia, Platinum, and Chamomilla have a pronounced effect. Dietary supplements: folic acid, Inotizol, Omega-3.

Treatment with folk remedies

The most popular in the treatment of neuroses is valerian. To overcome a nervous breakdown, take it in the form of a herbal decoction, alcohol tincture or simply by adding the dried root to tea. It is very useful for insomnia to inhale a mixture of valerian tincture with lavender essential oil before bed.

Another effective one folk remedy for depression - lemon balm tincture, which is brewed with 50 g of herbs and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Then leave for 20 minutes and drink this dose throughout the day. Peppermint and honey, which are added to the lemon balm decoction, will help speed up the calming effect at the first preconditions of a nervous breakdown.

Traditional methods suggest treating a nervous breakdown with garlic and milk. During times of severe mental stress, grate 1 clove of garlic and mix with a glass of warm milk. Take a soothing drink on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast.

Which doctor should I contact?

Not many people know which doctor treats nervous system disorders. If the above symptoms appear, contact a neurologist, neurologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist. When visiting a doctor, you should not be shy. Tell us in detail about your condition and complaints. The specialist will ask many clarifying questions that will help make the correct diagnosis. Then the doctor will prescribe certain procedures to determine the presence of other diseases (for example, chronic diseases hearts). Therapy is carried out only after receiving test results and thorough diagnosis.

Prevention of nervous disorders

It is not easy for a lay person to recognize the preconditions for a nervous breakdown. To avoid the manifestation of symptoms of mental disorders and prevent a nervous breakdown, you should refrain from consuming foods that excite the nervous system: alcohol, drugs, coffee, spicy, fried foods and seek medical help in a timely manner.

In order to recognize and protect yourself from a nervous breakdown in time, you need to reduce and, if possible, eliminate stressful situations and unnecessary anxiety. Regular visits to the gym, hobby groups, a relaxing massage of the solar plexus area, daily walks, and shopping will help increase the happiness hormone in the blood. For effective fight With a nervous breakdown, it is important to alternate work and rest.

Psychology Forum

Nervous breakdown? Who to go to.

Katrinnn 02 Jul 2016

A little background. The last year was probably difficult for me. I still can’t figure out how it started. I work with my mother-in-law (she is my boss). But last fall, her son and I decided to get a divorce. Since we lived in his apartment, I had to move with my first-grader daughter in September. Through quarrels and scandals on the phone with my husband, and with my mother-in-law at work, I convinced that I would not share anything with anyone, just let me pay alimony, and that’s all. I rented an apartment far from the school, the child began to get tired of constantly traveling on buses, plus I was on an after-school program until six, so I had to look for an apartment and move again. At work, constant reproaches from my mother-in-law, and that I don’t live like that. In general, in the end everything settled down, I learned not to pay attention (or so it seemed to me) to all comments not related to work. and then it began. difficult situation at work, I worked seven days a week and without holidays for about 5 months, constant headaches began. dizziness. Every morning I woke up broken and tired. My head started to hurt until I vomited. In March, my grandmother died (the last of her relatives on her mother’s side), she barely asked to see her from work (she didn’t answer the phone), and found her dead. funeral (money for them), wake. certificates, monuments. I tried to get everything done and combine it with work. a couple of months later I started selling the apartment. I spent the whole weekend in it to get it ready for sale. I was looking for a parallel option, wondering whether to transfer my daughter to another school or not.

and in this environment there is an explosion. I started crying and couldn’t calm down for more than a day. I couldn’t go to work, I couldn’t control myself, I just couldn’t do anything. I didn't know this could happen. when you can't control yourself. A couple of close people were on duty around me. on the second day I sometimes cried, sometimes I calmed down. I didn’t know that people’s eyes could swell so much. slept and cried. Today is the first day that I was able to get out of bed on my own, my head is buzzing and I want to sleep constantly. I try not to think about anything so as not to go into the same state.

What is this? nervous breakdown? Which doctor should I see? do they provide sick leave? although I haven’t decided yet whether I need to stay at this job. Now I won't be able to work at all.

momus 02 Jul 2016

Katrinnn 02 Jul 2016

to the on-duty therapist. He will write a referral to a specialized specialist.

momus 02 Jul 2016

Should I tell him everything exactly how it happened? I don't understand what happened to me and whether it can happen again

Katrinnn 02 Jul 2016

Well, it's better for a doctor than strangers on the forum. Not only are we not experts, but we are also at a distance.

Maybe you need to see an endocrinologist, how can we know?

Olga Kantemirova 02 Jul 2016

Your breakdown is a normal reaction based on what happened to you. I don’t recommend seeing a therapist; it’s unlikely that you’ll be taken seriously and will be prescribed some kind of valerian and placebo pills. Agree at the local PND about hospitalization without obtaining a medical card, so that you are not registered and then there are no problems with employment, then find a good psychotherapist, undergo a course of psychotherapy, both medicinal and otherwise. It’s still better to change jobs, because your treatment will be of no use if you return to the same stressful environment. You perceive your mother-in-law’s reproaches in the same way, they just get frustrated and go straight into the subconscious, hence such reactions.

Dmitry_Kosh 02 Jul 2016

Should I tell him everything exactly how it happened? I don't understand what happened to me and whether it can happen again

The doctor himself knows what to do, if he asks, you’ll tell him, if he doesn’t ask, there’s no need. But you definitely don’t need to go to a mental hospital, it’s completely unnecessary.

katish 02 Jul 2016

In some cities, in addition to PND, there are state psychotherapeutic centers; they do not register

St_Vladimir 03 Jul 2016

and in this environment there is an explosion.

Katrinnn 03 Jul 2016

Judging by the intonation of the text, you strong man, but even the most strong people there is a limit to psychological strength.

Even I, a stern angel, sometimes start yelling and swearing.

I wish the same for you, so that your cup does not overflow.

Thank you. I tried to be strong, yeah

I saw a therapist. She said that she had a nervous breakdown due to overwork. She prescribed afobazole, glycine, and panangin. And in the certificate she wrote “state after vegetative vessel. crisis." And a recommendation to see a psychotherapist.

Olga Kantemirova 03 Jul 2016

Prescribed afobazole, glycine

What I was talking about

Lady in red 03 Jul 2016

I made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow. I thought maybe someone here had something similar, it’s all scary

You are having a nervous breakdown and it is quite understandable in your situation.

Don't worry, this can be fixed.

If you have the opportunity to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist, it’s great.

Professional psychologists work in the upper section, and you can also get free help there.

For a week, for a couple of days, if possible.

Take a walk in the park, in nature, take a swim, play volleyball on the beach.

You need time for your resources to be replenished.

Sick leave

Symptoms: you can’t concentrate on anything at work, there are tears in your eyes all the time and nervous tremors and some kind of numbness. Tension, and the source of all this is at work. I want peace and quiet at home.

then work like a human being. Otherwise, the employer will fire you. Why does such an employee who has conflicts and because of this cannot properly perform his job duties + wants to screw the employer with paid sick leave?

That's all there is to say.

be careful! This is how you can get a real diagnosis.

this is a real diagnosis and the person is not conflicted

then there shouldn't be any problems.

and what's wrong with real diagnosis?

explain in human terms - overload at work, I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, I shudder, etc.

But they should still take tests from you: well, at least your blood pressure should be elevated

In general, IMHO, it’s safer to buy a hospital

because with nervous breakdowns, according to the rules, some kind of psychiatrist should give a sick leave

Thank you, good advice about the diagnosis. You can’t buy sick leave - they check it, and the person’s position is high.

2) If a person is over 25, see a therapist, have your blood pressure measured and have a hyper/hypo/tonic crisis. Well, or whatever is correct)

Go see a paid psychotherapist.

We went, but they don’t issue sick leave. Yesterday, the boss announced that one colleague was fired because he took sick leave for 30 days in a non-state clinic.

You have an excellent situation: a person doesn’t want to work because he’s having a conflict and a nervous breakdown, and he doesn’t want to quit either, because well, he doesn’t want to.

If they brought me such a sick leave, I would try to get rid of such an employee as quickly as possible.

this is a matter of human health

about health? There is only one answer - quit. no sane doctor will give you any other recommendation. no normal employer would employ a person who, for health reasons, is unable to perform job responsibilities

Nowadays they don’t write a diagnosis on sick notes. Everyone gets sick. Someday they might get rid of you too.

If I can’t work in my position, I will quit myself.

Go to a neurologist. Tell the truth. If he doesn’t give you sick leave, take a vacation and go to a resort.

1. Why do you think they won’t give you sick leave due to a nervous breakdown? This is a diagnosis and there is nothing terrible, this happens. Even “depression” is an official psychological diagnosis.

I think it depends on several factors.

1) What is the goal? Get the opportunity to not go to work for a while or really improve your health? If the former, then it’s better to just go to a therapist.

2) Compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance? If compulsory medical insurance, then agree with the district therapist. They are usually happy if at least they are not called to the house and do not complain to them for hours. If you have voluntary medical insurance, go to a therapist and list all the symptoms (fatigue, sleep disturbances, etc.), but do not name the cause, but attribute it to the flu you had on your feet. Usually, even a therapeutic examination shows something (increased blood pressure, etc.), which makes it possible to give a sick leave.

If the conflict is not with the boss, then go to the boss to explain that such and such is in conflict because of this I feel bad and this greatly interferes with my ability to perform my duties. It is possible to ask your boss to resolve the conflict or take a week off at your own expense. If the management is stupid or this is impossible for some other reason, then go to the therapist and complain about feeling unwell, it is better not to go into details about the conflict (not everyone will understand) but to put pressure on the fact that you feel very bad, listing all possible symptoms (even better embellish something), and indicate as a possible reason severe stress at work, if you are over 40, tell the doctor that your heart hurts, they will refer you for diagnostics and it will be easier to get sick leave in this situation.

I'm talking about a diagnosis with which you can register.

Those who are truly registered are either violent or suicidal.

“What’s wrong with a real diagnosis” - it would be better if there wasn’t one. A person, due to nervousness, has developed a skin disease that cannot be treated, but he cannot even get to the doctor for it. Yesterday they said, sign up, your turn will come in 2 weeks.

I sincerely wish you recovery.

Thank you, we’ve been drinking it together for 2 weeks, and yesterday a colleague looked into the office, saw it on the table and also asked for a pill). We work in a scary place(

The “pill” won’t do any good. You need to drink such things in a course.

I just remembered this from a series of jokes

That's why this rating is so high.

you don't understand, read again

I have nothing else to do.

There’s really nothing to write about but off-topic!

Girl, they explained to you hundreds of times what to do. Anyway, consider your career over. Listen to smart people.

You can’t even understand the subject of the message.

They have pushed you down the devil's path. You will really regret this.

It's good that you have health and other sources of income. But don't promise it. There are different turns in life.

I don’t swear even once, I just think it’s normal to work according to your capabilities and get paid not for the fact that you are always on sick leave for health reasons, but for what you produce.

but this is already offtopic, let's not go there.

these are your personal speculations not related to the topic

The well-fed cannot understand the hungry.

wise words, just what you need!

that is, you propose to fire people who are sick, say, with the flu? Don’t you want to read the Labor Code? They have the right to dismiss only for violation of labor discipline. Frequent sick days, if they are on business, do not apply to such violations

no, I'm not suggesting that. but in the situation described, there is an inability of the person to perform his official duties due to health reasons.

and if you really think that you have the right to fire only for violation of labor discipline, then you need to read the labor code, and very urgently

the person in question is over fifty years old, and he copes with his responsibilities, but the psychological situation in the team is out of control. The management does not want to take any measures.

I completely agree, I wouldn’t wish a situation like my colleague’s on my enemy

The best answer given by the author Verchik is A nervous breakdown is a protective reaction of the body, such as tears. It occurs as a result of psychological stress, prolonged and intense psychological stress.

Signs and symptoms

There are several main symptoms of an emotional breakdown - mood disorders, sudden mood swings, some may experience stupor, some may experience hysteria. There are also autonomic disorders and disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Signs of a breakdown vary. Here are the main ones:

2. There is no interest in various activities, no desire to have fun and enjoy life.

3. Someone's requests can lead to aggressive behavior.

5 Weight gain or loss.

6. State of depression, fatigue.

7. Hypochondriacal thoughts, anxiety, suspiciousness

8. Touchiness and irritability

9. Hostile attitude towards others

11. Pessimism, apathy and depression

12. Inattention and absent-mindedness

13. Headaches

14. Obsession with a person or situation, difficulty in switching.

15. Digestive problems.

Consequences of a nervous breakdown

When they say she was admitted to the hospital, they most likely mean that there were heart problems.

Google "nervous breakdown"

Treatment of nervous breakdowns must be carried out under the supervision of a psychologist. If a psychologist deems it necessary to involve a psychotherapist or other specialists, this must be done.

when you scream and rush around in hysterics, and even beating your head on the floor does not give relief

This is a disease of rich and wealthy people, the poor suffer a nervous breakdown on their feet, throwing plates at their husbands and putting their children in the corner 😉

They're the ones who are freaking out. you need to drink less. and they hide behind the hospital - so that everyone feels sorry for them... well, kind of like Kirkorov - remember?

state of extreme excitement. When a person cannot calm down on his own. Emotional stress. In women, hysterical states are not uncommon due to the weakness of the nervous system and characterological characteristics. And more often, of course, this happens to spoiled, pampered women.

“Everything is fucked up AAAAAAAAAAAA” - this is a nervous breakdown!

Maybe a suicide attempt, maybe a wild drunken row. For example, they called the police to some violent lady. They looked - and she was completely “bad”. And they took me not to the department, but to a psychiatric hospital. Well, there the doctors themselves see whether their client is there or not.

By the way, in psychiatric hospitals it is not only the psychos who are treated (which last forever). Nervous patients are also in the departments of borderline conditions.

A nervous breakdown is when a person is influenced by one or more factors, strong emotional and psychological stress.

Everything now depends on women: career, work, home, children and husband, which is why there are more nervous breakdowns than before. Because of the overload, the nervous system cannot stand it and the person begins to become hysterical, break and smash dishes and other things, scream and run around the house (or on the street), he cannot calm down and therefore for such people they call an ambulance or a doctor. And there, in the hospital, they look at how neglected everything is and who will treat: a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist. As the person undergoes treatment and calms down, he is returned to normal life.

As a rule, this is a suicide attempt, a common thing by the way.

Anything that is “nervous” can be well treated with hypnosis: insomnia, depression, neuroses, melancholy, aggression, anger, panic, impotence, frigidity, stuttering, enuresis, vitiligo, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and much more...

Psychology Forum

Nervous breakdown? Who to go to.

Katrinnn 02 Jul 2016

A little background. The last year was probably difficult for me. I still can’t figure out how it started. I work with my mother-in-law (she is my boss). But last fall, her son and I decided to get a divorce. Since we lived in his apartment, I had to move with my first-grader daughter in September. Through quarrels and scandals on the phone with my husband, and with my mother-in-law at work, I convinced that I would not share anything with anyone, just let me pay alimony, and that’s all. I rented an apartment far from the school, the child began to get tired of constantly traveling on buses, plus I was on an after-school program until six, so I had to look for an apartment and move again. At work, constant reproaches from my mother-in-law, and that I don’t live like that. In general, in the end everything settled down, I learned not to pay attention (or so it seemed to me) to all comments not related to work. and then it began. difficult situation at work, I worked seven days a week and without holidays for about 5 months, constant headaches began. dizziness. Every morning I woke up broken and tired. My head started to hurt until I vomited. In March, my grandmother died (the last of her relatives on her mother’s side), she barely asked to see her from work (she didn’t answer the phone), and found her dead. funeral (money for them), wake. certificates, monuments. I tried to get everything done and combine it with work. a couple of months later I started selling the apartment. I spent the whole weekend in it to get it ready for sale. I was looking for a parallel option, wondering whether to transfer my daughter to another school or not.

and in this environment there is an explosion. I started crying and couldn’t calm down for more than a day. I couldn’t go to work, I couldn’t control myself, I just couldn’t do anything. I didn't know this could happen. when you can't control yourself. A couple of close people were on duty around me. on the second day I sometimes cried, sometimes I calmed down. I didn’t know that people’s eyes could swell so much. slept and cried. Today is the first day that I was able to get out of bed on my own, my head is buzzing and I want to sleep constantly. I try not to think about anything so as not to go into the same state.

What is this? nervous breakdown? Which doctor should I see? do they provide sick leave? although I haven’t decided yet whether I need to stay at this job. Now I won't be able to work at all.

momus 02 Jul 2016

Katrinnn 02 Jul 2016

to the on-duty therapist. He will write a referral to a specialized specialist.

momus 02 Jul 2016

Should I tell him everything exactly how it happened? I don't understand what happened to me and whether it can happen again

Katrinnn 02 Jul 2016

Well, it’s better for a doctor than for strangers on a forum. Not only are we not experts, but we are also at a distance.

Maybe you need to see an endocrinologist, how can we know?

Olga Kantemirova 02 Jul 2016

Your breakdown is a normal reaction based on what happened to you. I don’t recommend seeing a therapist; it’s unlikely that you’ll be taken seriously and will be prescribed some kind of valerian and placebo pills. Agree at the local PND about hospitalization without obtaining a medical card, so that you are not registered and then there are no problems with employment, then find a good psychotherapist, undergo a course of psychotherapy, both medicinal and otherwise. It’s still better to change jobs, because your treatment will be of no use if you return to the same stressful environment. You perceive your mother-in-law’s reproaches in the same way, they just get frustrated and go straight into the subconscious, hence such reactions.

Dmitry_Kosh 02 Jul 2016

Should I tell him everything exactly how it happened? I don't understand what happened to me and whether it can happen again

The doctor himself knows what to do, if he asks, you’ll tell him, if he doesn’t ask, there’s no need. But you definitely don’t need to go to a mental hospital, it’s completely unnecessary.

katish 02 Jul 2016

In some cities, in addition to PND, there are state psychotherapeutic centers; they do not register

St_Vladimir 03 Jul 2016

and in this environment there is an explosion.

Katrinnn 03 Jul 2016

Judging by the intonation of the text, you are a strong person, but even the strongest people have a limit to their psychological strength.

Even I, a stern angel, sometimes start yelling and swearing.

I wish the same for you, so that your cup does not overflow.

Thank you. I tried to be strong, yeah

I saw a therapist. She said that she had a nervous breakdown due to overwork. She prescribed afobazole, glycine, and panangin. And in the certificate she wrote “state after vegetative vessel. crisis." And a recommendation to see a psychotherapist.

Olga Kantemirova 03 Jul 2016

Prescribed afobazole, glycine

What I was talking about

Lady in red 03 Jul 2016

I made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow. I thought maybe someone here had something similar, it’s all scary

You are having a nervous breakdown and it is quite understandable in your situation.

Don't worry, this can be fixed.

If you have the opportunity to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist, it’s great.

Professional psychologists work in the upper section, and you can also get free help there.

For a week, for a couple of days, if possible.

Take a walk in the park, in nature, take a swim, play volleyball on the beach.

You need time for your resources to be replenished.

Sick leave

Symptoms: you can’t concentrate on anything at work, there are tears in your eyes all the time and nervous tremors and some kind of numbness. Tension, and the source of all this is at work. I want peace and quiet at home.

then work like a human being. Otherwise, the employer will fire you. Why does such an employee who has conflicts and because of this cannot properly perform his job duties + wants to screw the employer with paid sick leave?

That's all there is to say.

be careful! This is how you can get a real diagnosis.

this is a real diagnosis and the person is not conflicted

then there shouldn't be any problems.

and what's wrong with real diagnosis?

explain in human terms - overload at work, I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, I shudder, etc.

But they should still take tests from you: well, at least your blood pressure should be elevated

In general, IMHO, it’s safer to buy a hospital

because with nervous breakdowns, according to the rules, some kind of psychiatrist should give a sick leave

Thank you, good advice about the diagnosis. You can’t buy sick leave - they check it, and the person’s position is high.

2) If a person is over 25, see a therapist, have your blood pressure measured and have a hyper/hypo/tonic crisis. Well, or whatever is correct)

Go see a paid psychotherapist.

We went, but they don’t issue sick leave. Yesterday, the boss announced that one colleague was fired because he took sick leave for 30 days in a non-state clinic.

You have an excellent situation: a person doesn’t want to work because he’s having a conflict and a nervous breakdown, and he doesn’t want to quit either, because well, he doesn’t want to.

If they brought me such a sick leave, I would try to get rid of such an employee as quickly as possible.

this is a matter of human health

about health? There is only one answer - quit. no sane doctor will give you any other recommendation. no normal employer would employ a person who, for health reasons, is unable to perform job duties

Nowadays they don’t write a diagnosis on sick notes. Everyone gets sick. Someday they might get rid of you too.

If I can’t work in my position, I will quit myself.

Go to a neurologist. Tell the truth. If he doesn’t give you sick leave, take a vacation and go to a resort.

1. Why do you think they won’t give you sick leave due to a nervous breakdown? This is a diagnosis and there is nothing terrible, this happens. Even “depression” is an official psychological diagnosis.

I think it depends on several factors.

1) What is the goal? Get the opportunity to not go to work for a while or really improve your health? If the former, then it’s better to just go to a therapist.

2) Compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance? If compulsory medical insurance, then agree with the district therapist. They are usually happy if at least they are not called to the house and do not complain to them for hours. If you have voluntary medical insurance, go to a therapist and list all the symptoms (fatigue, sleep disturbances, etc.), but do not name the cause, but attribute it to the flu you had on your feet. Usually, even a therapeutic examination shows something (increased blood pressure, etc.), which makes it possible to give a sick leave.

If the conflict is not with the boss, then go to the boss to explain that such and such is in conflict because of this I feel bad and this greatly interferes with my ability to perform my duties. It is possible to ask your boss to resolve the conflict or take a week off at your own expense. If the bosses are stupid or this is impossible for some other reason, then go to the therapist and complain about feeling unwell, it is better not to go into details about the conflict (not everyone will understand) but to put pressure on the fact that you feel very bad, listing all possible symptoms (even better embellish something), and indicate severe stress at work as a possible reason, if you are over 40, tell the doctor that your heart is aching, they will refer you for diagnostics and it will be easier to get sick leave in this situation.

I'm talking about a diagnosis with which you can register.

Those who are truly registered are either violent or suicidal.

“What’s wrong with a real diagnosis” - it would be better if there wasn’t one. A person, due to nervousness, has developed a skin disease that cannot be treated, but he cannot even get to the doctor for it. Yesterday they said, sign up, your turn will come in 2 weeks.

I sincerely wish you recovery.

Thank you, we’ve been drinking it together for 2 weeks, and yesterday a colleague looked into the office, saw it on the table and also asked for a pill). We work in a scary place(

The “pill” won’t do any good. You need to drink such things in a course.

I just remembered this from a series of jokes

That's why this rating is so high.

you don't understand, read again

I have nothing else to do.

There’s really nothing to write about but off-topic!

Girl, they explained to you hundreds of times what to do. Anyway, consider your career over. Listen to smart people.

You can’t even understand the subject of the message.

They have pushed you down the devil's path. You will really regret this.

It's good that you have health and other sources of income. But don't promise it. There are different turns in life.

I don’t swear even once, I just think it’s normal to work according to your capabilities and get paid not for the fact that you are always on sick leave for health reasons, but for what you produce.

but this is already offtopic, let's not go there.

these are your personal speculations not related to the topic

The well-fed cannot understand the hungry.

wise words, just what you need!

that is, you propose to fire people who are sick, say, with the flu? Don’t you want to read the Labor Code? They have the right to dismiss only for violation of labor discipline. Frequent sick days, if they are on business, do not apply to such violations

no, I'm not suggesting that. but in the situation described, there is an inability of the person to perform his official duties due to health reasons.

and if you really think that you have the right to fire only for violation of labor discipline, then you need to read the labor code, and very urgently

the person in question is over fifty years old, and he copes with his responsibilities, but the psychological situation in the team is out of control. The management does not want to take any measures.

I completely agree, I wouldn’t wish a situation like my colleague’s on my enemy

Is sick leave given for a nervous breakdown or neurosis?

How much sick leave is given for a nervous breakdown?

How much sick leave is given for neurosis?

A nervous breakdown does not happen out of nowhere. It is usually the result of long-hidden neurasthenia.

In case of neurasthenia of moderate severity, sick leave is issued for a period of one day, and in case of severe form - up to 40 days.

It should be taken into account that you will have to go to a psychiatrist, rather than a neurologist, to obtain a sick leave certificate, because such diseases are within his competence. Accordingly, the doctor will be obliged to register the applied patient with all the ensuing consequences (then there will be problems with obtaining a driver’s license, getting a certain job, and other problems may unexpectedly arise if there is a card in the PND). So you need to take care of your nerves, not let yourself go, play sports and be stress-resistant.

Sick leave will only be given for inpatient treatment. Hospitalized for certain indications in the department of borderline conditions (or neuroses). In this case they are not registered. If you turn to a psychiatrist for help on an outpatient basis, then an advisory card is created; no one registers it for neurosis. Half the country would already be registered.

I think they won’t give me sick leave. Psychiatrists usually only make appointments and do not send people on sick leave. In our country, due to depression, 80 percent of the population could be kept on sick leave constantly, if they would give it.

If the therapist sympathizes with the patient, he may prescribe a five-day sick leave if there is still high blood pressure and a broken appearance. They may send you for examination to an endocrinologist, cardiologist, and do an ECG. A real nervous breakdown is treated by a psychiatrist, but rarely does anyone go to him.

Nervous breakdown hospital stay

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Nervous breakdown hospital stay

2) family life(with my husband on the verge of divorce, after 2 days on the third quarrels and scandals),

3) physical fatigue (vacation only at the end of September, there were difficult business trips).

There is such a diagnosis as neurasthenia. You can safely ask to go to the neurosis clinic for 45 days.

Seriously though - well, complain about tachycardia, blood pressure, the doctor is not a beast, he will give you sick leave for three days.

It’s really difficult for you now, I understand you went through this.

You described your condition very well. I share with you what helped me, it works, you won’t regret it

I need to see a doctor. There are many medications that really help. They will give you sick leave if everything is that serious. But the question is - what will you do on sick leave? If you have neurosis, even a vacation at sea will not help, you will cry and be hysterical there. IMHO, you should go to a neurosis clinic.

At least go see a therapist. Your blood pressure is high and you have tachycardia due to neurosis. They can give you sick leave, and they will definitely prescribe treatment.

Of course, they give you sick leave, you can even go to a hospital (for example, the famous “eight”, now it is called the “Clinic of Neuroses”). But you probably understand that this is not treated by therapists, but by psychiatrists, so you have a choice: you can just come to see a doctor at the PND, or you can be treated privately.

See a psychotherapist. I suffered from this for a very long time, too long(

Go to a psychotherapist, in borderline states. Hospitals have a CDC (polyclinic), you sign up without any referrals, come with complaints, and then the doctor decides to treat you on an outpatient basis or in a hospital (on average, a 3-week course). It’s also easy to go to the neurosis clinic, but if you’re in Moscow, I really don’t recommend going to Solovyovka just by referral without making an acquaintance.

There is such a diagnosis as “nervous burnout,” if I’m not mistaken. Can develop into severe depression. I need to see a psychotherapist. They will prescribe sedatives and possibly group therapy. Don't leave it to chance! May get worse

Thank you girls. I went to a neurologist, a therapist and a cardiologist. They drove me around in circles, apparently no one dared to give me sick leave. But they did. But they are like that. uninterested, although I immediately said that I was under stress, they did not even suggest seeing a psychologist or psychotherapist. They prescribed tablets to stabilize blood pressure. They told me to go to a physiotherapist and get a massage.

This is not enough. You need to see a psychotherapist. I had this condition once. Also against the backdrop of fatigue and hassle. I almost fell into a noose.

I was then given a day hospital, went to aromatherapy, group therapy, took sedatives. And slowly it returned to normal

Thank you, I have a psychotherapist friend who advises and supports me. I’ll think about the day hospital - did you do it through the clinic?

What does it mean when they say she had a nervous breakdown and ended up in the hospital? What does it mean?

What is a nervous breakdown? After which they are admitted to the hospital? And which one?

1. Internal tension that occurs constantly.

15. Digestive problems.

There can be many consequences. This is a deterioration in physical health. Problems with blood pressure, headaches, heart rhythm disturbances, ulcers and other diseases may appear. Depression, phobias, anxiety disorders or other mental disorders may develop. Some people have worsening relationships with society, conflicts, and addictions - drugs, nicotine and alcohol. A person may take rash actions, be more angry and touchy. In the worst case scenario, suicide attempts are possible.

This is when the nerves can't stand it.

The fact is that a nervous breakdown can have not only psychological consequences, and all of them can manifest themselves after some time. Therefore, treatment should be carried out in such a way as to close all possibilities of its long-term negative impact on the mental and physical health of the patient.

Why courageously face adversity, fight depression and maintain peace in your soul? Harmony with the inner and surrounding world is not our method. Just let yourself go and give free rein to your emotions! Following simple tips, given below, you can easily earn a reputation as an unbalanced neurotic psychopath, and those who are especially successful in this matter will not be on the verge, but are guaranteed to earn a permanent nervous breakdown. So let's begin!

1. The most important rule: work hard and hard. At the same time, less rest, or better yet, no rest at all. The longer the working day, the better. No sick leave, holidays or vacations. Shift work especially disrupts the biological clock and leads to illness more quickly. Try to find a place where frequent night watches are provided. This way, you will quickly be able to completely break out of your routine and feel all the consequences of sleep disturbances - lethargy, apathy, restlessness and anxiety.

2. Conflict and do it with pleasure! There is no need to restrain yourself - there are no situations when you can meet a person halfway, putting yourself in his place. Express your anger everywhere and always as actively and very loudly as possible. In public places, it is better to be the first to be rude, then others will also be disgraced. Also, don’t give anyone permission to drive. Also, don't forget to put maintenance personnel in their place. It’s their job to please you. Never back down, and it doesn’t matter with whom you start a quarrel: with members of your household or random people on the street.

3. Do not have pets under any circumstances. Everything that you “earned” with such difficulty in life’s battles, for example, headache, general fatigue, blood pressure, can be relieved in a few minutes of communication with furry pets. That's not why we tried! Communication with animals, as well as contact with living nature in general, must be completely excluded. Spend more time in stuffy, cramped rooms, and no fresh breeze or frosty air! Don't, it can only ruin the process. Yes, and completely forget about physical education and sports.

4. Be afraid of everything in the world. Fears are great at increasing tension and maintaining stressful conditions. You can be afraid of anything: divorce and dismissal, loneliness and illness, death and old age, the end of the world and a change of power. The main thing is to do this while completely immersing yourself in the imagined situation. Don’t look for a way out, especially don’t turn to psychologists. These guys always ruin everything!

5. One more the right way fall into deep depression: constantly compare yourself with others (of course, more beautiful and successful ones). Don't pay attention to stupid talk about your worth and uniqueness. This will not lead to anything good! Actively use the Internet, hang out longer social networks. There is always a reason for frustration and feeling like a complete insignificance! And hurry to report the imperfection of your appearance and total bad luck to everyone around you, especially your significant other. Don't lose that feeling of failure even for a minute. Try to replay in your mind all your mistakes during the day more often.

6. Never look into the future, especially with optimism. Live only in the past, constantly returning to where you will never be. Thoughts about something lost, missed, or not captured are also very useful on the path to a nervous breakdown. Don’t let yourself feel something in the area of ​​“living to the fullest”, “being here and now”. Why all this?

7. Remember that humor and satire are the main enemies on your thorny path to stress. Don't let yourself get carried away by good books or funny stories, television shows and good comedies. You and I know that in real life there is no place for jokes and laughter. Staying in this crazy world can only be dark and difficult.

8. And lastly. For the purity of the experiment, try not to look for your other half and not make friends. Live alone, not allowing any fresh emotions into your life. Don't communicate with easy-going and carefree people at all. Enjoy it so much exciting process self-destruction in full force!

Good luck to you on this difficult journey!


Such tips are really effective in application; the easiest way to get a nervous breakdown is to hang out on social networks. But you still need to determine the depth of depression you want to plunge into, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to return to a positive attitude.

It’s written correctly about pets) They should be in every home, because they act better than any sedative) I have a cat at home, and she calms me down every day, if it weren’t for her, she would have gone crazy a long time ago.

I would also add - buy it at the pharmacy and take magnesium with vitamin B6. This microelement has an excellent calming and anti-stress effect and improves sleep. In addition, unlike overseas antidepressants, it is very affordable. And no harmful side effects.

It’s true that shift work will quickly lead to weakening of the body and stress. At one time I had a work schedule of 12 hours a night, and after two months of such work I began to experience night cramps in my limbs and nervousness. It turned out there was a lack of magnesium in the body, which resulted in fatigue and lack of sleep.

The tips are wonderful. And written in an accessible form. Stanislav thank you very much, Magnesium with B6 really helps a lot. My mother-in-law advised me, she is a nurse. And one more thing excellent remedy- glycine. And how correctly they wrote about pets! Cats are great stress relievers. And you won’t get depressed with a dog.

Many people live in a state of stress without knowing it! It is generally accepted that stress is like in the pictures in the article. But if a person is outwardly normal, but is constantly worried serious problems, thinks about them day and night. Or lives in a state of anxiety: how is the health of your family? Or is he worried about how his child will enter university? And he sleeps poorly, and is exhausted during the day... These are also terrible conditions.

The advice is excellent, but it’s not always possible to follow them (What if I spend twelve hours every other day at work, and then also work part-time at home? Should I get a pet? Where can I find time for it?

The most interesting thing is that almost every person who is inclined to fall into a so-called depressive state understands in his head that these or other actions - in this case, your advice - will lead to a nervous breakdown, deterioration in well-being, respectively, but for some reason not everyone can resist. I wish there was more information available to the public about what not to do in order for everything to go smoothly!

A call from a good friend took me by surprise. Through tears, the girl with whom we once studied on the same course said that now some kind of total “dark streak” had begun in her life. There was a divorce with my beloved husband, conflicts with my parents, and even a bag with documents and money was snatched out of my hands on the street. One joy is that there is a new job. But the situation is such that it is absolutely impossible to work. What to do? Is it possible to take sick leave for a while? And who should I contact?

To find out the answer, I got on the phone and immediately called several familiar organizations. (let me clarify that we are talking about St. Petersburg realities). After some time, based on various leads, we managed to reach a city psychotherapeutic center. And it was there that a specialist named Eleonora Fedorovna said: sick leave for acute conditions can actually be obtained. But not at their place, but... at a psychoneurological dispensary - from their area.

One of these dispensaries is within five minutes’ reach, so it will be faster to walk than to call. By luck, the chief doctor was on the spot. “Breslav Boris Emmanuilovich,” said the sign on the door.
The conversation did not go as planned from the very beginning. In any case, the owner of the office asked to turn off the recorder. I had to do it the old fashioned way with notes in a notebook and a natural recording device based on gray cells...

The main question is this: if a person has prolonged apathy or a nervous breakdown, is this grounds for taking out a certificate of incapacity for work?

Psychiatry is a field of medicine - like any other. Therefore, let’s say the “nervous breakdown” you mentioned is a common expression. As, for example, with a cough - it can be caused by acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and even cancer. Therefore, the doctor must listen to a person who comes with a specific complaint regarding a serious, acute condition, understand what is the matter, make a diagnosis and determine one of three options. This can be either “sick leave” for a while, as in any other clinic, or hospitalization, if we are talking about the possibility of suicide. Or just recommendations when none of this is required, Boris Emmanuilovich explained.

The period for which sick leave of this kind is given is from two weeks to two months or more. And the new medical classification involves a wider range of formulations than before. Therefore, such a familiar word as “depression” may not appear there, although it hides one of the depressive states.

In essence, our dispensary is a clinic, only its profile is special. There are not only psychiatrists here, psychotherapists and psychologists also work here. But due to the peculiarities of the perception of this area in society, people do not come to us in the early stages, worsening their condition over time. The abbreviation “PND” still scares many, which is a pity. After the terrorist attack, they contacted us, yes, the interlocutor noted.

The key answer seems to have been received. Yes, if a person is literally “torn from the inside”, if it is impossible to work, then it is quite possible to get that very piece of paper. And the diagnosis will not be written down there (although in electronic form, the database still assumes this). But, alas, the “PND” stamp and card issued in such an institution are an almost indelible mark in many respects. Including in terms of profession. A medical examination or a driver’s medical examination is one thing, filing a specific complaint is another. After this, you can “fly” from some places of work.

True, there is good news. As we also managed to find out, as a last resort, there is a way out - to go to a regular district clinic, to a neurologist. Moreover, according to one of the orders of the Ministry of Health, psychotherapists must also work in medical prevention rooms. But, frankly speaking, this is not implemented everywhere. And there was no such specialist in the nearest clinic. But, in any case, with the seal of such an institution, the certificate of incapacity for work should not affect the image and future career. But whether, in the absence of a psychotherapist, it will be possible to convince the doctor of the need for a forced pause, and how effective the treatment will be, is a matter of a purely human factor.

Elena Petrovskaya

These and many other questions from AiF readers were answered during the direct line by Vladimir Vladimirovich IVANOV, head of the drug treatment and rehabilitation department of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health.

  • I have been taking a drug prescribed by my doctor to treat depression for a month, but internal tension does not pass. What do you recommend? Sophia, Vitebsk

Depression is quite treatable. You need to choose the right medications, dosage and be prepared for long-term treatment. Depressive phases last quite a long time, and it may take several weeks before medications - antidepressants - begin to actively work. You said that you have been taking the drug for a month - this may not be enough. I think you should hold a consultation - you have a good medical institute and experienced professors in Vitebsk. You may need to choose a different drug for treatment or change the dosage of a medicine you are already taking.

  • I noticed that these drugs affect my well-being, their use affects the digestive system. That is, problems of a different kind begin, and I cannot fully cure depression. I was even advised to switch to homeopathic medicines, but they also make me feel bad.

I don’t think that homeopathic medicines can significantly affect the body. As for modern antidepressants, they can indeed cause stomach rumbling and flatulence in the first weeks of use. The drugs act as follows: the amount of serotonin in the body increases, which is abundant in the abdominal cavity. Flatulence is certainly not very pleasant, but quite tolerable. I think it's better to suffer from flatulence for a few weeks than to suffer from depression.

  • Is it possible and necessary to use hypnosis in the treatment of depression?

In my opinion, depression should be treated in a variety of ways, including methods of suggestive therapy (or hypnotherapy - this is a technique based on suggestions made to the patient in a state of hypnosis). Since depressive phases can last for months, antidepressants must be taken for a long time, that is, you need to be prepared for long-term treatment. And in the process of therapy, of course, it is necessary to use the entire arsenal of the so-called healthy image life. Hypnosis can also be used to relieve anxiety or for relaxation.

Fundamentally, suggestive therapy cannot cure a depressed patient, but of course, it can make them feel better.

  • I understand that I need to get rid of the factors that cause depression in order to be cured. But modern life very difficult, and it turns out that every day you experience stress. How to help yourself when there are a lot of negative thoughts and they are overwhelming?

In years of difficult trials, for example, wars, there are much fewer disorders of this kind: when it comes to the real struggle for survival, the number of borderline mental disorders, including depression, decreases, because people are busy with completely different, more serious things. Therefore, you need to develop a different attitude towards life - stoic, philosophical, which will allow you to maintain mental balance in various situations.

I don’t think that our life is so hard that we should suffer very much because of it. I understand that everyone has their own worries and anything can happen in life. But I repeat once again: we must develop a stoic attitude towards life. And also - communicate with good people who are pleasant to you, find like-minded people, unite in groups and do good deeds. By helping others, you always help yourself.

It's better to get examined

  • For almost five years I have had insomnia, no sleep at all. I contacted somnologists at the Sleep Laboratory in Minsk, where they said that my case could not be treated. They treat sleep disorders only against the background of apnea, snoring, and in my case they advised me to find a very good psychotherapist. We had a psychotherapist in our city, but he quit, and now I can’t get qualified help. The psychologist said that she could not work with me because I had increased mental activity. L.A., Soligorsk

I think you need to undergo an inpatient examination at our center to find answers to your questions.

  • One employee is very annoying with his impudence and rudeness, he does not respond to comments in the correct form, and I can barely restrain myself from hitting him. I understand that this is wrong, I don’t even want such thoughts to arise. What should I do? How to learn not to react to his behavior? Marina, Mogilev

If the problem is limited to what you described, then we are not talking about a mental disorder, which is treated by psychiatrists. You need to contact a psychologist - a specialist in the field of communications or communication technologies for testing.

Perhaps your case can be considered as one of the variants of maladaptive behavior, but it is premature to say that it should be treated by a psychiatrist. In any case, I advise you to contact a specialist to sort out the issues that have arisen.

  • I am 47 years old, and, probably, due to age, some changes occur in my character and mood. This year I am especially clearly susceptible to depression, there is some feeling of embitterment, but I don’t want this to affect my family. What do you recommend? Valentina, Minsk

Get examined: this can be done at the Minsk City Psychotherapy Center, including without registration. You can also contact our Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health in the advisory and outpatient department, where any citizen can receive a comprehensive consultation without presenting a passport.

In fact, depression in women is, unfortunately, a common phenomenon. According to statistics, every fourth woman experiences a depressive attack at least once during her life, and the vast majority do not seek help. This is wrong, because such conditions can be treated quite simply: you will feel good, and your loved ones will feel calm around you.

  • Does depression affect sleep? I sleep very poorly, I suffer from insomnia.

This is one of the symptoms of depressive disorder. When a person gets depressed, his sleep is necessarily disturbed: the patient either sleeps poorly and suffers from early awakenings at 4-5 in the morning and the inability to fall asleep, or, on the contrary, he develops excessive sleepiness.

  • Is depression considered a diagnosis? Is sick leave required in this case? How long can depression last? Ivan, Minsk

Of course, this is a diagnosis if the doctor makes it. Depression is a disease, a mental disorder of the whole body that can be successfully treated. If there are such problems, you need to contact a specialist. And in this case the patient necessarily receives full sick leave.

Unfortunately, depression can last for months or years.

  • Can depression begin in children under 12 years of age? If yes, then by what signs can this be determined?Irina Vasilievna, Minsk

Something similar to depression, of course, can occur in a child. First of all, the reason for this may be problems in the family. As for classical depression, which occurs in adults, I don’t know of such cases. It is necessary to consult with specialists if any problems arise. For example, you can contact a child and adolescent psychoneurological clinic.

- What behavioral signs may indicate that a child has problems similar to depression?

In principle there is classic description depression is a decrease in activity, sleep disturbance and appetite. Therefore, if a child has trouble sleeping, he begins to eat poorly, or his activity has decreased, you should not ignore this.

Not all Russian workers and employers know whether they give money when they are depressed. At the same time, depression is a rather dangerous disease that can affect both the employee’s effectiveness at work and his general state of not only mental, but also physical health. Therefore, each party to the labor relationship should know how sick leave is issued for depression, how long it lasts and whether it is needed in principle.

Sick leave for depression - basic information about the disease

Depression is a mental disorder that is expressed in a person’s loss of interest in life, decreased productivity and motivation, constant depression and other associated negative manifestations. At the same time, depression has many causes and ways of occurrence - it can be either a consequence of any actually occurring events, or have a purely physiological or biochemical basis, developing as a result of other diseases or disorders of nervous activity.

It is necessary to understand that depression is an extremely long-term state of lack of initiative, will to live, motivation and positive emotions. Short-term fatigue and a feeling of depression can be an absolutely natural state of mind and do not require any treatment, and therefore no registration sick leave. While symptoms lasting more than two months indicate the presence of depression, which is a real disease and for which mandatory treatment is necessary.

One of the biggest problems associated with the recognition of depression as a disease is the poor awareness of the population about this disease, its causes, development factors and consequences, as a result of which there is a widespread opinion in society that depression is not a disease at all, or at least it can be easily ignored. At the same time, in severe forms, depression can lead to the inability to carry out even normal daily household activities, to the person causing harm to himself, mutilation, or even to the manifestation of suicidal tendencies.

Accordingly, this disease definitely needs treatment. And the presence of additional loads and responsibilities, including those related to work, can seriously interfere with the process of treatment and rehabilitation of a person. Therefore, it may be necessary to take out sick leave for depression.

The diagnosis of “clinical depression” is made exclusively by a doctor specializing in psychiatry. The need to visit a psychiatrist or the possibility of obtaining a certificate, even a sick leave certificate from him, seriously frightens many citizens, which drives them into an even more depressed state. However, in fact, there is nothing wrong with treating depression - it is a disease, the same as a common household injury or bronchitis, and in the same way requires treatment to improve your standard of living and increase your ability to work.

Sick leave for depression - legislative standards and legal regulation

Before looking directly at the legislation relating to depression, it is worth considering general principles legal regulation of the provision of sick leave. Thus, it is ensured by a number of regulatory documents and acts, including federal laws, government regulations and orders of the Ministry of Health, which regulate most aspects of the functioning of the insurance system during the period of a citizen’s incapacity for work.

The right to release a worker from work without any consequences during illness is directly enshrined in the Labor Code. At the same time, during sick leave, the employee is also paid compensation - determined depending on the maximum permissible amount, the presence of a certain insurance period for the patient, as well as his average earnings and the duration of sick leave.

However, in addition to these standards, there are still separate principles that provide legal regulation of psychiatric examinations and treatment. First of all, it should be noted that when diagnosing clinical depression, compulsory treatment is not prescribed - a person can be forced to stay in a psychoneurological dispensary or other closed institution only by a court decision if his condition poses a threat to society or the person himself.

Also, dismissal of an employee diagnosed with depression is not allowed - but in some cases it may be necessary to transfer him to another position, temporary or permanent. Especially if the patient in question works with dangerous and harmful factors or is in public service. But in general situations, a diagnosis of depression by a psychiatrist should not in any way affect the work activities of most Russian citizens, so there is no need to be afraid to seek the necessary treatment.

All antidepressants for depression should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor and include regular monitoring of the patient's condition. Some of today's antidepressants may also reduce the level of concentration and the ability to operate precision machinery and work in dangerous positions - which should also be taken into account when managing and issuing sick leave.

How long does sick leave last for depression and other nuances?

Accurately predict duration and possible consequences such a disease as depression is almost impossible. This pathological condition, even with modern specific treatment, can last for several years - and for such a period, sick leave for depression, of course, will not be issued. However, the final decision on the need to grant exemption from work is always made directly by the attending physician who examines the employee.

In some cases, working can be extremely difficult or even impossible due to depression. In other cases, socialization may be one of the ways to solve this problem and the doctor may not issue sick leave precisely for the purpose of rehabilitating the patient, including through staying in a certain society and conducting regular work activities.

Employers should remember that depressed employees’ productivity can decrease by up to 90%, while no repressive or administrative methods of influence on such employees may have any effect, but only aggravate their condition. Considering the long-term nature of depressive disorders and the significant decrease in a depressed person’s ability to work, the decision to send an employee on sick leave may be much more beneficial for the enterprise than forcing him to continue working and ignoring the existing problem.

In general, the duration of sick leave for depression is rarely less than 14 days, since this disease requires long-term observation and professional therapy. However, over a month, extension of sick leave for depression can be made solely by the decision of a separate medical commission, and not just the attending psychiatrist.

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