Purpose of the application object "characteristic type plan". Purpose of the application object "characteristic type plan" Examples of using "characteristic type plans" in typical configurations

The plan of types of characteristics is a fairly simple object; earlier, when studying, when I analyzed examples in textbooks, it seemed complicated because was immediately given together with other objects. These were examples of characteristics for a nomenclature or subconto. So what is PVC?

I think you are familiar with such concepts as Type Description and Directory. If not, then look at the articles below before reading further, then everything will become more clear.

So let's continue. If you already know the Type Descriptions and Directories, then the Plan of Characteristic Types is the Directory + Type Descriptions. As you can see, everything is simple. And this is the main idea, i.e. The plan of characteristics types itself cannot implement the functionality of the characteristics of an item or subconto; for this, the properties and mechanisms of other objects are additionally used.

Let's look at how to configure the characteristics functionality for an item.


So, we have a Nomenclature for which we need to set some additional properties, for example:

In this picture, PVC will be responsible for the “Property” column and the value type in the “Value” column.

Those. The property will be a PVC element (maybe predefined), and the value type for the “Value” column will be the TypeDescription object that is present in each PVC element.

We create PVC

In the picture above you can see that the “Additional Values” directory is indicated as an available type; this is another functionality of PVC - specify a directory in which all the necessary properties can be stored. This may not necessarily be indicated, but this mechanism makes the work much easier. After all, as a rule, the properties and characteristics of an item are text values, and not other database objects. And all this will be stored in one place, also when creating a new element, the default type will be set to only the Additional characteristics directory.

To specify an additional directory, you must first install for this directory owner of our PVC otherwise it will not be in the selection list, and then select it in the PVC properties on the “Basic” tab.

A short explanation about how PVC works. First, on the “Basic” tab, we select all types available in this PVC in the “Characteristic value type” field, and for elements we set the value type already from those available in this PVC. In our case, for PVC you can only select the “Additional Values” directory.

Creating an information register

Now we have created properties (PVC) and a reference book for storing values ​​(Additional Values), now we need to link the nomenclature and properties. For this, the information register is used, in our case it will have the following fields: dimensions "Item, Item Property" and the resource "Property Value"

If you are using managed form, then it will be enough to add for the resource "PropertyValue" in the "NomenclaturePropertyValues" register. A connection by type with the "NomenclatureProperty" field and then, while editing the information register entry, when selecting a value for the "NomenclatureProperty" field, the type of value in the "PropertyValue" field will change. .

If you have ordinary application, then this connection, "Relationship by type", will need to be configured in the form for the input field "Property Value" and in this case it will be necessary to use the method " CastValue()" to get rid of unnecessary type selection and avoid error situations:

ValueProperties = PropertyNomenclature. ValueType. LeadValue(ValueProperties);

Selection by owner

Because Since our directory “Additional Values” is subordinated to the PVC “Nomenclature Properties”, you can set a selection so that when you select a Nomenclature Property in the “Property Value” field, you can select only from subordinate elements. For managed application, this is done in the resource properties, the property is called “Selection Parameter Links”, you need to select “Selection.Owner(Nomenclature Property)”. For ordinary the application does not need to do anything because By setting Link by type, the program itself will show only subordinate elements.

Important! The "Link by type" property only works with attributes whose type is PVC.

In conclusion

Thus, through the information register, we linked the “Nomenclature” directory with its PVC properties “Nomenclature Properties” and its values ​​in the “Additional Values” directory.

Important! All the data we are interested in i.e. the characteristics of the item are stored in the register, and not in PVC.

For ordinary application, it is possible to open the register, with the properties of the item by clicking on the "Go" button, because We indicated that the “Nomenclature” dimension is “Leading”.

For managed applications have a link in the navigation bar

You guessed it, you can also switch to a register from PVC because... The dimension "Property of Nomenclature" is also leading.

This article describes the connections between the characteristic type plan, the subordinate directory of additional characteristics, and the information register in which characteristic values ​​are stored.
I am studying 1C 8.2. In the audio course, Gileva reached the plan of types of characteristics. Before that, I read about PVC in several sources. Everything seems clear, but since I don’t program in 1C 8 yet, the theory is forgotten over time, and every time a topic about the plan of types of characteristics comes up, I have to painfully remember and build a diagram in my head. Now a specific question arose, everything swam in my head, and it became clear that again nothing was clear. Therefore, we had to look into it in detail from the very beginning. I decided to write it down for the future for myself, but maybe it will be useful for someone else.
Actually the question: I couldn’t understand the meaning of the property “Links of selection parameters” in the information register resource, where the values ​​of item characteristics are stored (register structure: dimensions – item and property type, resource – value)
The 2nd part of Gilev’s video course can be downloaded, for example, here http://turbobit.net/8ztu277cf9t9/Gil_Base_02.rar.html. There is also a database file there. In this article I use chapters 404-409 of this video course

Plan of Types of Characteristics

The elements of this object store types of properties of something. The plan itself does not determine what these properties will relate to. Of course, this can be reflected in the name of the plan (for example, the plan will be called “Types of item properties”), but in the configuration this will only be determined when creating an information register to store property values ​​(in one of the register dimensions). In fact, in one plan the types of properties of different objects - goods, counterparties, etc. can be determined. But probably more often, their own PVC is created for different objects.

So, the plan stores the types of properties of something.

For example, the property type is color, the property type values ​​are blue, yellow. Property type - material, property type values ​​- leather, substitute.

In the “Characteristic value types” property, TYPES are specified (not the types themselves) values types of properties (types of characteristics). The names of the characteristics (properties) themselves are specified either by the user or by the developer as predefined in the configurator.

The “Additional property values” property specifies the NAME (not the link) of the directory in which the property values ​​will be stored. The owner of this directory is PVC.

Those. If you look at this directory without selecting by owner, then there will be exactly the values ​​of all types of characteristics.

Let's open the form of this directory:

Here you can see that the values ​​of different properties, colors, and materials are stored. But each value has an owner - a type of property, or, in other words, an element of the plan of types of characteristics, i.e. everything is correct here.

It seems to me that it would be more logical to name this property “Value type of additional characteristics” and specify not a name, but a link to the reference book, as usual. Because if the user, when creating a new type of properties in the plan form, selects that the value of this type will be an element of this directory, then this means that the value type is a directory.

Let's open the form of the plan of characteristics types itself:

Here you can see that the user creates new property types and selects their type from the provided list of types. The list of types, as I already said, is specified in the “Characteristic value types” property.

Property type - appearance date, value type - date

Property type - storekeeper, value type - link to the directory “Individuals”

If the user has created a “color” property type, then in the form for creating a plan element on the right there will be a link to go to a reference book subordinate to the plan, in which the user must create color values. The directory form opens with selection by owner automatically, i.e. in the form of a list there are only colors, and not the values ​​of all properties, as in the first picture.

Rice. 4

Next, the information register being created and why it is needed. It stores property types, property values, and what those properties refer to. Those. not properties in themselves, but in connection with some object. For example, the information register “Values ​​of product properties” (I would call it “Item properties”). Those. that a particular product “computer desk” has a color - “blue”, and a material - “oak”. There will be 2 information register entries:

Rice. 5

Register structure:

Measurements- nomenclature and type of property (type - link to plan).

Resource- value (the Characteristic type is a virtual type that includes all types from the plan).

So, we come to the question, what is this “Selection Parameter Links” property in the information register resource? There we have Selection.Owner(PropertyType). I couldn’t understand what the selection was referring to, and what kind of owner, owner of what? We don’t know what type the value will be.

Let's go in order: I think that selection is a property of the list form of the "User Characteristics" directory

The syntax helper says that the directory list has a “selection” property of type selection (some properties in the syntax helper are in triangular brackets; they are not displayed in the article):

CatalogList.Directory name (CatalogList.Directory name)

Type Selection:

Collection items:
Selection Element
For an object, it is possible to traverse the collection using the operator For each... From... Loop. During the crawl, selection elements are selected.
It is possible to access the selection element using the [...] operator. The index of the element (numbering from 0) is passed as an argument.
Filter element name

And the selection also has the property “Name of selection element”

Those. in this case, the name of the selection element is Owner.

But the owner only makes sense for records that have the “User Characteristics” directory element as a resource. From this I conclude that this property only applies to such records. Those. for records with the “date of appearance” and “storekeeper” property types, it simply does not make sense. Then everything falls into place.

For example, an information register entry form with a custom characteristic opens:

Rice. 6

If we go to the list form of the “Custom Characteristics” reference book to select a color, then with the specified value of the “Selection Parameter Links” property Selection.Owner(Property Type) there will be only colors

Those. Only those property values ​​are selected whose property type is color. (values ​​with owner "Color" rather than "Material" for example)

Those. the shape is the same as in the third picture.

The conclusion that the “Selection Parameters Links” property applies only to additional characteristics values ​​is confirmed by the fact that if we clear this property, it will only affect records with additional types of properties, and for example, when selecting a storekeeper, it always opens, just like as required, a directory of individuals.

How are records usually kept in a commercial enterprise?

In the first few years, everyone is chasing profit: to buy more, to sell quickly, no one is yet interested in the hanging stock of goods in stores and warehouses. The volume of the database is growing by leaps and bounds, because... While the order of the goods being capitalized is chaotic.

For example, yesterday you bought a red chair, today you bought a green chair, at first they enter the data into the database: 1) old position - red chair; 2) new position - green chair. But after inventory, there is always a re-grading of goods, and here they come to the option of creating a new position, without a specific description in the name of the product of its special properties, i.e. they enter the product as, for example, simply “Chair”, and mark the two previous product positions for deletion.

After some time, there is a limited amount of free working capital. Here the question arises: which products were in greater demand in order to invest in them, and not in the hanging product.

That is, again you need to know additional product characteristics, but you need to enter these characteristics into the database no longer in a chaotic order - simply adding some descriptions to the product name, but clearly and correctly: the name should be short, concise, and in an additional field - all possible characteristics of this product are described: for example, its color, volume, weight, manufacturer and much more.

Here, if we write down the properties of a product in the Nomenclature directory in the “Comments” field, then it will not be easy for the Analyst to make the report he needs on the popularity and turnover of a particular product with specifically given properties of the product.

We can attach to the Nomenclature directory a subordinate directory into which the user can enter the necessary properties and descriptions of the product, but in this approach we will face the problem of being unable to guess what type of information the user will want to enter additional information.

For example, under the product “Chair” - the user wants to indicate the property of the product - color, this is a string data value. This means that in the subordinate directory, we will make the props string. What if he wants to indicate an additional property of the product, for example, the manufacturer? Then we must make the details in the subordinate directory a reference type, pointing to another directory "Manufacturers". What if the user, in the additional properties of his product, wants to indicate how many legs the chair has? In the subordinate directory, we must make the attribute numeric.....

From here, when we need to give the user the opportunity to create Data TYPE , into the values ​​of which he will introduce his information, then we need to create PVC(plan of types of characteristics).

We will create a complex PVC in our example, so that there is a full-fledged mechanism for describing additional properties of the product.

But first Let's look at the lesson on creating PVC from the book(p.476) " 1C_ Enterprise 8.3. Practical guide for developers. Examples and typical techniques" Radchenko/Khrustaleva

Here we already have a reference book Nomenclature. Purpose of the task: be able to know the remains of materials that have a certain characteristic value. To do this, we will create new objects in the Configurator: 1) Information register "Nomenclature Properties Values"; 2) PVC "Nomenclature Properties"; 3) subordinate to the Nomenclature reference book "Nomenclature Options" to describe batches of materials; 4) subordinate PVC reference book "Additional Nomenclature Properties" to set type values characteristics for which there are no suitable types in the configuration.

As a result, it will be enough for us to select from the information register all the elements of the subordinate directory with this characteristic value and then, based on them and their owners, obtain the remainder of the accumulation register.

In the PVC we are creating, in the “Characteristic value type” field, we will indicate a composite data type: Number, String, Date, Boolean, DirectoryLink.AdditionalNomenclatureProperties. And also in the PVC field “Additional values ​​of characteristics” - we indicate the subordinate PVC directory “Additional Properties of Nomenclature”.

2) TypeProperties, type = Plan of Types of CharacteristicsLink.PropertiesNomenclature

And create an information register resource:

Value, type = Characteristic.Nomenclature Properties.

We have created all new objects. There is no need to add them to subsystems (in the user interface), since there is a connection between the new objects, and the main thing is the “Nomenclature Options” directory subordinate to the Nomenclature, which we can see by opening any product from the Nomenclature directory:

There are several nuances when setting up the information register "NomenclaturePropertyValues", here it is advisable to set register dimension Property Set(a selection from the list OptionsNomenclature falls here) - how Presenter, this will give us the opportunity from the reference "Nomenclature Options" - call this Information register. And also for the register resource Value - set "Link by type" = Property Type and "Selection Parameter Links" = Selection.Owner(Property Type). These settings for the information register will simplify the user's input of data.

In addition, in the book in this lesson there is a detailed description of how best to set up list forms and the main forms of new objects, so that the user sees only the information he needs when filling out product properties. We won't show all this detail here.

Let's just try in our product, for example, "Electrical cables" - set the additional property "White cables", and the composition of the property: "property type" = Color and "property value" = White. This is the pattern of windows opening one after another:

....I don’t know about you, but my head is already spinning and it’s no longer entirely clear what we are doing and why))))

Imagine explaining such a chain to the user?!?.....For our user to be able to understand what we ourselves no longer understand, he must have at least three 1C certificates)))

If you are frightened and upset by the introduction of product properties according to the scheme described above, then you can look at the same diagram from the textbook itself:

It's just incredibly difficult!!! And any novice programmer will decide that it is easier to never mess with PVC than to try to figure out such a scheme.....

To get the final result of the task - the balances of goods according to their properties, the book suggests adding the "Set of Properties" dimension with a reference type to the "Nomenclature Options" directory subordinate to the Nomenclature in the Remaining register. Next, add a field with the same name and data type to the documents for the receipt/expense of materials in the tabular sections, and add to the modules of these documents the entry into the “Set of Properties” balance register. In the directory itself “Nomenclature Options” - write Characteristics in its menu, which will allow you to see them later in the SKD report. And, as a final step, create an SKD report on the Remaining Products with selection by Characteristics:

Yes, the report turns out interesting, but the process of creating additional Characteristics (properties) of a product is very confusing, in addition, the user, when entering so much additional data when filling out receipt/expenditure invoices, will not create a single error.....Starting from entering the “Set of Properties” "in the fields of the document....


Let's try to understand the mechanism for creating additional properties for a product, perhaps we can come to a solution to the problem in a simpler way.

So what do we need:

1. Allow the user to add a description of Properties to the Nomenclature.

2. Enable the Analyst to study sales indicators in the selection by Product Properties.

Let's consider what options we have when solving the first point of the problem:

1. We can add a subordinate directory to the Nomenclature directory, in which the user will describe only specific, string-type data that we have specified in the Configurator. data: for example date, number, line, link to another directory.

2. Therefore, to create additional properties of the Nomenclature, we must create PVC, since PVC is a reference book + Description of Data Types.

If we are in the Nomenclature directory, we will create a tabular part in which there will be two fields - the Data Type of the entered Product Properties and, directly, the value itself. This is very simple - one field will refer to PVC, another to the Characteristics of this PVC.

But in this case, we won’t be able to make the entries unique... Just imagine an option where under a product, for example, Sausages, you can enter two types of values ​​for the “Color” Property: both red and green)))

Therefore, this method is the simplest, but does not provide uniqueness in the properties of the Nomenclature.

3.Let's create PVC, but we will type its values through the Information register. Information Register - contains only unique data.

This is the most versatile option. We will record Product Properties with different types of data, and the values ​​of these properties for a specific product will be unique.

p.s. Here you can create a subordinate PVC directory in order to record all the string Properties of the item in it. But let's not complicate things for now.

To do this, we add two dimensions in the information register:

2) Properties of Nomenclature, type = Plan of Types of Characteristics Link. Universal PVC.

In the register resources we indicate "Property Value", type = Characteristic.UniversalPVC:

That's all for now, we have created a mechanism for the unique properties of the product. We still need to configure the convenience of selecting data for the user.

Let's select the "PropertyValue" resource of the information register and in the menu on the right on the "Views" tab - create connections so that when selecting the value of this register in user mode, we will immediately get a list from the dimension of this register "Nomenclature Property". Because We remember that the dimension “Property of Nomenclature” is PVC, and the resource “Property Value” is the Characteristic of this PVC. So, on this board indicate "Relationship by Type" = "Nomenclature Property". Now, if we have selected a Data Type in the register dimension, for example, string, then when we enter a value into a resource, we will immediately have the type string, and not all possible lists of types!

Let's go to the user mode, select any product from the Nomenclature directory, open it, on the top of the directory element we have a link to the created information register, into which we will add new properties of our product:

In this example, for the Product “Philips 2N2369 Transistor” - first create the Type of the desired product property, let it be “Transistors”, and immediately indicate the data type for this property - in this example we manually select the data type = String. Save. And then we need to set the values ​​for this type of product properties, let it be “Low-current transistors”:

Let's add one more Property to this product, for example, manufacturer "Korea".

Let’s take another product, create a “Transformers” property for it, type = string, value = “String transformers”. And the second property that we want to enter for this product will also be “Manufacturer” - there is no need to create it, we already have it in the selection, but if we try to enter the same value of this property, equal to “Korea”, then we will have to typing it manually....It's not very convenient...It's good when a value entered once can be substituted many times.

To add this convenience, let's go to the Configurator and create a directory, on the "Owner" tab we will indicate our "Universal PVC" created earlier. Now, if our value properties are strings, then we do not have to constantly select the type = String; it will be enough to provide a link to this subordinate reference book: it is very convenient to save string values ​​in it, and in addition, this method will allow us to select ready-made string values for Product Properties.

Let's make some small adjustments to the PVC in connection with the subordinate directory that appears:

Also, in the information register, we need to add settings so that when selecting a register resource value, we immediately have a selection by the Owner of this property.

We completed the first point of the task - we created a mechanism for creating unique properties for the product.

Let's fill in various properties of the item in the 1c user mode. Please note that previously entered properties, such as, for example, Manufacturer, are already immediately available in the property selection option, and we are also given the option to immediately select a ready-made value for this property, for example, “Korea”.

Now let's move on to the second stage of solving the task: to make it possible to make a selection in the report, for example, by product balances or by product sales from the Properties of this product.

I’ll say right away that we will not come up with a complex mechanism by adding any product properties to the fields of the tabular parts of documents!!! In practice, this cannot be done, otherwise there will be such a confusion with the documents that then no one will have enough strength to fix it....

Everything is much simpler. We have a product, its name is short, laconic, all the nuances are described in its properties. If we have a product with different types of properties, this means that this product is different, and not the same!

For example, we have one product “Samsung Line Transformer”, which has two properties: 1) “Transformers” = “Line Transformers”; 2) “Manufacturer” = “Korea”, and another product “Russia Line Transformer”, which has two properties: 1) “Transformers” = “Low-line transformers”; 2) “Manufacturer” = “Russia”. So we cannot say in any way that these two products are the same, but differ only in properties!!! No, these two products are different, which we briefly indicate their difference in the Name, and describe in more detail in the properties of this product.

Hence, we do not need to create some additional field in the primary documents in order to register one of the characteristics of the product (we can have more than one of these characteristics!).

We will re-issue all our invoices and documents again. Provision of Services. (here in the documents from the first method from the book there are fields with additional characteristics, but they do not in any way affect our newly created own PVC mechanism)

In the Configurator we will create a Report on the register "Uniqueness of Universal PVC". Let's write the following code into the ACS report request:

SELECT Remaining MaterialsRemainingsAndTurnovers.Material, Remaining MaterialsRemainingsAndTurnovers.QuantityInitialRemaining AS InitialRemaining, Remaining MaterialsRemainingsAndTurnovers.QuantityIncoming AS Incoming, Remaining MaterialsRemainingsAndTurnovers.QuantityConsumption AS Consumption, Remaining MaterialsRemainingsAndTurnovers.QuantityFinalRemaining ok AS Final Remainder, Uniqueness of UniversalPVC.Property of Nomenclature, Uniqueness ofUniversalPVC.ValueProperties FROM RegisterAccumulation.Remaining Materials.RemainingsAndTurnover AS Remaining MaterialsRemainingandTurnover LEFT CONNECTIONRegisterInformation.UniquenessofUniversalPVC AS Uniqueness of UniversalPVC ON Remaining MaterialsRemainsAndTurnover.Material = UniquenessofUniversalPVC.Nomenclature

In the ACS report settings, we will allow it to be used in the “Selection” user mode. When generating a report in 1C-Enterprise, select Nomenclature Property = Manufacturer in the selection. We will get a very interesting report:

By replacing the balance register with the Sales register, we will create a second Sales report with the ability to select by product properties.

We have fulfilled and even exceeded the second point of the task - to enable the Analyst to create reports in the context of Product Properties.

In our version, the PVC mechanism turned out to be simple, clear and quickly customizable.

p.s. When creating this article, the information I read from here helped me a lot:


I hope that my article will be useful to novice programmers on the 1c 8.3 platform

p.s. I am attaching a training database in which all the current examples were created in the download. I started writing this database from scratch using the lessons from the book “1C_ Enterprise 8.3. Practical guide for a developer. Examples and typical techniques” by Radchenko/Khrustaleva http://v8.1c.ru/metod/books/book.jsp?id=441, simply complementing it with his own achievements.

Good luck in mastering PVC, in the case of solving this difficult problem - the slogan below is very suitable)):

Just in case, copyright

In the query designer, when called from the data source setup form, for the data composition schema. There is a “characteristics” tab, the use of which is not clearly described in the documentation. In this article I will try to explain how and why characteristics are used in ACS.

Typical configurations actively use the mechanism of properties and property values, available for almost any object. Primitively, in reference books, this mechanism was implemented in configurations 7.7. Now this mechanism is implemented using a plan of characteristics types and an information register, but the idea remains the same.

When I first encountered the need to use this mechanism in an access control scheme, I struggled for a very long time, organizing nested queries, joining them to the main selection and racking my brains over how to take into account the possibility of the emergence of new types of properties that did not exist at the time of report development. The entire mechanism of properties, being simple and logical from the user’s point of view, did not lend itself to any normal processing until I figured out the “Characteristics” tab.

The table on the tab is very capricious; either you enter the entire line correctly, or you refuse to enter the line at all; the system will not allow you to leave an incompletely filled line “for later.”

So, let's get down to specifics. First column: Type– here we select the type of object to which the characteristics will be attached, for example “DirectoryLink.Nomenclature”

This means that it will now be possible to obtain property values ​​for all objects of the specified type.

Further in the next column Source of species we must set the property view source parameters. Possible options table m request, why do we need an option? request I'll tell you later, now let's select an item table.

In the column Types of characteristics we must select the infobase table in which the required types of characteristics are stored, in our example it will be “Plan of Types of Characteristics.Properties of Objects”.

Next, the values ​​available to us for selection in the columns Key field, Name field And Value type field, directly depend on the fields of the table we select. IN Key field we choose Link, V Name fieldPerformance(the user will see it as the name of the attribute), and in Type field respectively TypeValue.

Now let's move on to the source of values. Our source of values ​​will be the information register “ObjectPropertyValues”, so we select in the column Source of valuestable, and in the column Attribute Values– “Information Register.Values ​​of Object Properties.” In columns Object, Property,Meaning, select the appropriate register fields Object, Property, Meaning.

It would seem that that's all. We go to the schema settings, add a grouping by products, and add a subordinate grouping, for example by Brands, we have such a property.

We expand the list of details of the Nomenclature group and... we don’t see any properties there:

The fact is that we are in the configurator, from where there is no access to the data. How to make the necessary settings? The most convenient way to do this is to use the data composition console, the one on the ITS disk, or the one included in the “Developer Tools” subsystem. But you can simply open the report settings in enterprise mode.

So, let's open the same setting, but in enterprise mode:

As you can see, we have added new “Details”, and the property “ Brand” outwardly does not differ from the usual directory details. And the property “ Product type” is in square brackets because the property representation contains a space.

However, we also have the property “ Type of agreement” which is linked to the directory “ Treaty” and has nothing to do with “ Nomenclature“. If not used in the setting “ Type of agreement” then everything will work correctly, but if you select it, then as a result it will turn out to be unfilled, because not a single item in the nomenclature has this property actually filled in. But how can you filter out unnecessary properties so that they don’t get under your feet?

To do this, we need to change the view source setting in the query designer, on the “Characteristics” tab. Remember, at the beginning of the article I promised to tell you why the view source type is needed request? Now is just such a case. Change the view source type to request. In the column of types of characteristics, click the “[...]” button and a new query designer window opens.

Enter the following query there:

Object Properties.Ref.
Object Properties. Name + “(property)” AS Name,
Object Properties.TypeValues
Plan of Types of Characteristics. Properties of Objects AS Properties of Objects
Object Properties. Purpose of Properties = VALUE (Plan of Types of Characteristics. Purpose of Properties of Object Categories. Directory_Nomenclature)
AND (NOT ObjectProperties.DeletionMark)
AND (NOT ObjectProperties.Category)

In columns Key field, Name field And Value type field, select the appropriate selection fields: Link, Name And TypeValue. It will turn out like this:

Now, when we move on to setting up the report, the picture in the list of Nomenclature details will change:

Now the product only has those properties that are assigned to it, moreover, they are now noticeably different from the usual details, thanks to the postscript (property), which we added to the property name in the request.

That's all, but many may be confused by the impossibility of setting it up in the configurator. There's really nothing wrong with it. It is enough to save the setting (or the entire circuit) to a file and restore it in the configurator.

The configurator will display details that it does not understand with red crosses as unavailable:

But this is no longer scary, because a report with such settings can be saved in the configuration and it will work correctly when opened by the user.

Designed to store information about the characteristics of various objects; This is a metadata object designed to organize the storage of information about object properties and analytics.

With their help, the user can create all kinds of characteristics, describe these characteristics and set their values. For example, in order to describe products with an arbitrary number of arbitrary characteristics (color, size, smell, etc.).

The plan of characteristic types contains a list of values ​​that can act as a subconto.

The main purpose of the plan for types of characteristics:

  • storing for each characteristic the type of value that it can take.

A possible list of types (including a composite type) that can accept characteristics is specified by the developer during the creation process. By creating new characteristics (or editing existing ones), the user will be able to select for them one of the types included in this list.

Examples of using “Characteristics Type Plans” in typical configurations:

  • analytics storage;
  • subconto (for charts of accounts);
  • storage of user properties and rights, etc.

Comment. It is possible that in order to create another characteristic, the user will need a type that does not exist in the application solution. For example, the user decides to create a characteristic “Smell”, which should have the values ​​“Smells”, but there is no such reference book in the application solution. Especially for such situations, the developer can create a special empty directory and indicate that additional characteristic values ​​will be stored in it.

Drawings "Additional values ​​of PVC characteristics"


Now, when creating the “Smell” characteristic, the user will be able to select the value type of this special reference book for it, and in the reference book itself create the values ​​he needs: “Sweet, Pungent, Sour”, etc.

That. in the "Additional characteristics values" field, select a subordinate directory that stores arbitrary characteristics.

Structure of the 1C object "Plans of types of characteristics"

In its structure, the plan of characteristic types resembles a reference book: in the plan of characteristic types, elements are stored - characteristics that can:

  1. have a certain set of details and tabular parts;
  2. form hierarchical structures;
  3. contain predefined characteristics specified by the developer.

Forms of the 1C object "Plans of types of characteristics"

In order for the user to view and change the data contained in the plan of characteristic types, the system supports several forms of its presentation and automatically generates all the necessary ones. Along with this, the developer has the opportunity to create his own forms, which the system will use instead of the default forms:

PVC List Form

The Property Type Plans list form is used to view the data contained in a property type plan. It allows:

  • navigate through PVC;
  • add, mark for deletion and delete characteristics and groups of characteristics;
  • move characteristics and groups of PVC.

The list form can present data in a hierarchical or non-hierarchical form and allows you to sort and select the displayed information according to several criteria.

PVC Specification Form

To view and change individual characteristic data, use the characteristic form. As a rule, it presents data in a form that is easy to understand and edit.

In addition, group, selection and group selection forms are supported for characteristic type plans, as well as for directories.

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