Can spicy food cause cystitis? What you can and cannot eat for various forms of cystitis. How changing your diet can help

We’ll also show you how to create the menu correctly. We will give advice on what you can add to your diet. We will also indicate which foods are best not to eat while cystitis in women is being treated. The diet for such a disease is quite strict, since various forbidden delicacies are excluded from it.

What is cystitis anyway? This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. There are acute and chronic cystitis.


This disease can have different causes. There are several types of cystitis:

  1. Infectious.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Allergic.
  4. Post-radiation and other forms.

Cystitis can affect representatives of the fair sex of any age category. If a woman has this disease in her body, this means that she needs to adhere to special nutritional recommendations. In no case should you take your diet for cystitis lightly, as it plays an important role in the healing process.


There are the most common causes of this disease. These include:

  1. Hypothermia of the body, especially in the autumn and winter seasons.
  2. Constipation that bothers a person for a long time.
  3. Sitting in one place for a long time. This usually involves working at a desk. Women are often engaged in this type of activity. This category mainly includes office workers.

Cystitis in women: symptoms and treatment, diet

Poor nutrition increases the possibility of developing any disease in the human body. Therefore, you should not eat fried, salty and fatty foods. It is also recommended to monitor the amount of food a person consumes. Overeating is bad for your health. You should not eat before going to bed, it also harms the body. It is better to refuse to eat a few hours before bedtime. It will be better if dinner is light. Failure to comply with the principles of proper nutrition has a special impact on the occurrence of diseases such as cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis. Basically, cystitis appears suddenly and has a strong pain syndrome.

Main symptoms of the disease:

  • pain in the suprapubic part;
  • urination is frequent and painful;
  • urine is cloudy, sometimes with blood;
  • a small amount of urine comes out when urinating;
  • in severe cystitis, fever and nausea, sometimes vomiting, occur.

The danger of the disease is that it can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys. Therefore, you should not neglect this disease and, when diagnosing it, you should immediately proceed to all possible ways treatment. It is worth saying that under no circumstances should you self-medicate. This is because it may not give the desired results. As a rule, therapy for cystitis includes taking antibiotics. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can conduct the necessary examination, make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen. Next, the patient will be under the supervision of a doctor. This will allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of applying health measures to the patient.

Nutritional features. What rules must be followed?

In addition to taking special medications, a diet for cystitis in women is also necessary. The fact is that if a girl eats right, her condition will improve significantly, namely, pain will decrease. This is due to the fact that the process of healing the body will be complex. The diet for cystitis in women is based on the fact that foods that are irritants are excluded from the diet. If you remove them, they will not provide negative impact on a woman's bladder.

Another positive point in following a special diet for cystitis is that the products included in the diet contribute to the body’s diuretic processes and are antiseptics, due to which bacteria are quickly eliminated from the patient’s body. In addition to the above, there is one more positive point, which is associated with restrictions on the consumption of certain products. Due to the fact that a woman begins to monitor her diet, the load on the kidneys is reduced. Thus, a diet for cystitis in women is also beneficial for the above-mentioned organ. It is better if light foods of natural origin are included in the diet.

The bladder performs the function of removing unnecessary substances from the body. It is part of the urinary system of the human body. In this regard, it becomes clear that all liquid products that a person consumes ultimately pass through this organ. If a person eats incorrectly, namely, does not follow the basics healthy eating, then after a certain time the mucous membrane of the bladder may become inflamed. It is worth saying that everyone has their own characteristics of the body. They are influenced by many factors. Some people eat poorly for a long time and do not suffer from any diseases related to the bladder. And others are susceptible to such a disease as cystitis. In any case, you shouldn’t rely on nature and think that your body is the strongest and doesn’t care about anything. It is always better to take preventive measures than to later be treated for severe forms of any disease.

At acute form disease, the walls of the bladder become inflamed. In this case, a diet for cystitis in women will help cleanse and rinse the bladder. This will ensure the removal of pathogenic bacteria from the body. Also, such rinsing will prevent irritation of the bladder walls.

Diet for cystitis in women. Options for drinks and foods that are recommended to be consumed for this disease

First of all, it is worth focusing your attention on the amount of fluid consumed in case of a disease such as cystitis. You need to drink two liters a day. This volume is recommended by doctors to establish the healing process in the human body. If a person is worried about elevated body temperature, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid. It will be better for the body if the patient drinks two and a half liters in 24 hours.

What drinks are best to drink for cystitis?

  1. Compotes.
  2. Fruit juices.
  3. Vegetable juices.
  4. Juices or fruit drinks made from lingonberries and cranberries are considered the most beneficial for the human body who has been diagnosed with cystitis.
  5. Mineral water, which contains chloride and calcium.
  6. Herbal teas. It is recommended to drink infusions that include bearberry and corn silk. Kidney tea is also beneficial. It is better to avoid drinking tea with sugar. If you want to drink regular black, you need to make it weak.

Healthy Products

As for eating foods, it is recommended to focus on those that have diuretic properties. Below is a list of basic food recommendations that can be consumed if a diet for cystitis in women is indicated.

List of foods that can be consumed:

  1. Spinach.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Cucumbers.
  4. Zucchini.
  5. Melon.
  6. Watermelon.
  7. Unsalted cheese.
  8. Cottage cheese.
  9. Fish.
  10. Meat.

Entering additional products

A diet for cystitis and pyelonephritis in women implies that the introduction of dairy products should be done with caution in small doses.

But it’s worth knowing that with their presence in the diet, the healing process will be faster and better. After entering dairy products into the patient's menu, you can add fish and meat. It is necessary to ensure that the varieties are not fatty. It is better if it is veal or beef, steamed or boiled. Under no circumstances should you eat fried pork. It is better to give it up completely or for a certain time.

Acute form of cystitis. Features of eating and drinking

A diet for acute cystitis in women primarily involves the exclusion of drinks such as strong tea and coffee. But liquids are better clean water or fruit drinks, you need to drink about two liters. At first, there will be a lack of drinks and dishes to which the person is accustomed. But over time he will forget about them. Especially if the period of adherence to the diet is long. In fact, eating certain foods is a habit. It can be difficult to give them up, but it is possible. Here you need to use willpower. In the case when a person is bothered by pain, the process of giving up certain products in favor of the healing process will be much easier.

Under no circumstances should you drink alcoholic beverages if you have a disease such as cystitis, as they will aggravate the body’s condition for the worse. You should also avoid eating canned food and foods that contain dyes. You should be careful when purchasing this or that food, namely, you should look at their composition. To relieve the inflammatory process, consuming honey in small quantities will help, one teaspoon will be enough.

Features of nutrition during chronic disease

If cystitis is chronic, ulcers may be present on the walls of the bladder. Therefore, the diet for chronic cystitis in women should be aimed not only at the urinary effect, but also at providing an antimicrobial effect.

People with a chronic form of the disease need to drink herbal decoctions daily. There is a list of foods that are strictly not recommended to be eaten if you have cystitis. Because they have irritating properties. Below is a list of them:

  1. Garlic.
  2. Horseradish.
  3. Celery.
  4. Tomatoes.
  5. Berries with a sour taste.

It is important to monitor the functioning of the stomach and intestines. If there is any discomfort from consuming certain products, then they should be abandoned. Since they will lead to irritation of the bladder mucosa.

It is better if the patient's menu contains an ingredient such as coarse fiber. A large amount of it is present in products such as carrots, cabbage, bran and whole grain cereals. They help improve peristalsis and tone the body. Pine nuts help very well. You should not use too much of them, a small amount mixed with olive oil.

How long to go on a diet after an exacerbation or in a chronic form of the disease?

What should be the diet for chronic cystitis in women? The same. When the exacerbation of the disease goes away, there is no need to give up proper nutrition. Women are advised to follow it for 12 months. Dietary nutrition will benefit both internal organs, and for appearance representatives of the fair sex. Perhaps in a year you will not want to give up this food system, and it will become your usual diet.


The state of the body during the recovery process depends on the diet for cystitis in women. It is worth remembering that proper nutrition is a component healthy image life. His overall condition depends on what a person eats. If the food is fatty and heavy, it will take a long time to digest, and problems with the stomach and intestines may arise. This will also affect general condition person. A heaviness in the abdomen can lead to decreased performance, fatigue and lack of energy.

Endoscopist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor

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The article is written based on scientific data and verified by experts. Our team strives to be unbiased and objective, seek relevant information, consider the topic professionally and deeply, striving to answer all the reader's questions.

Every woman experiences bladder inflammation at least once in her life. The disease must be treated not only with medications, but also with the help of mandatory adherence to the principles of proper nutrition. What should be the diet for cystitis in women?

Cystitis is inflammatory process in the bladder, which most often occurs in women. If you delay treatment of the disease, serious health problems are possible. In addition to taking medications, a special diet will help cure cystitis and reduce the risk of relapse. So what can and what is strictly forbidden to consume in case of such a serious illness?

Purpose of the diet

The main purpose of the selected menu is to eliminate irritation of the walls of the mucous membrane of the bladder by introducing foods that are easy for the body into the diet. The diet must have a diuretic effect in order to remove infectious pathogens from the bladder. This is important in the treatment of inflammation.

Diet for acute cystitis should include foods with high content liquids. These can be watermelons, melons, cucumbers, which should be combined with plenty of drinking. After a few days, you can include dairy products in your diet. The diet during the acute phase of the disease should solve the following problems:

  • reduction of intoxication;
  • preventing the spread of infection;
  • facilitating bowel movements;
  • saturation of the body useful substances;
  • beneficial effects on the body together with medications.

With chronic cystitis, doctors note the appearance of ulcers, swelling, and patients also complain of severe pain. Compliance with a dietary diet during this period is extremely important, because otherwise the disease will go into an exacerbation stage. Power value in chronic cystitis it is difficult to overestimate, because it:

  • prevents damage to other parts of the urinary system;
  • minimizes the likelihood of stone formation;
  • increases immunity.

Even if you notice that the signs of exacerbation of the disease have disappeared, the menu recommended by the doctor still needs to be maintained for about 2 more weeks.

Principles of nutrition

Even if a woman is very protective of herself, she can be overtaken by such an unpleasant disease as cystitis. A diet for cystitis must be followed. It must be balanced, have all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Experts also recommend following a split diet - eating up to 6 times a day. The servings offered should be small so as not to burden the stomach.

The menu should include steamed, oven-baked or boiled dishes. Your favorite fried potatoes with meat should be completely excluded, like other high-fat, high-calorie foods and fast food.

If you suffer from simultaneous inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, then nutrition should be prescribed based on the development of the disease. The diet for cystitis and pyelonephritis is aimed at increasing the outflow of urine, which removes pathogenic microorganisms. To do this, the diet should include low-salt foods that contain minimum quantity proteins, fats and liquids. For these diseases, it is also recommended to follow the principle of fractional nutrition.

The diet is based on consumption dairy and vegetable products, among which:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • boiled beets;
  • seasonal local fruits;
  • fermented baked milk, curdled milk and yogurt;
  • cereals;
  • vegetable soups without meat broth;
  • boiled fish and lean meat.

Forbidden food

Experts recommend that patients who simultaneously suffer from pyelonephritis and cystitis drink more fluid - more than 2 liters. per day. This can be non-carbonated purified water, green teas without sugar, compotes, fruit drinks and natural juices diluted with boiled water. Particularly useful are berry fruit drinks, which, along with medications, destroy infections. Are prohibited:

  • coffee and strong teas;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • sour and citrus juices;
  • ​spicy, salty and smoked dishes;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Vitamin therapy, which is carried out using infusions from the leaves and fruits of sea buckthorn, rose hips, rowan and strawberries, also contributes to a speedy recovery.

What can and cannot be included in the menu

Nutrition for cystitis in women, as well as in men and children, should be complete and varied. Products should not overload the digestive system. The diet is prescribed by the attending physician after a full examination and based on the individual characteristics of the body.

Allowed dishes

The main menu consists of the following products:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • sour berries;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • bread, except rye;
  • porridge;
  • fermented milk products.

Pork is completely excluded from deli meats, as it is hard on the stomach. IN ready meals It is not recommended to add salt and spices so as not to irritate the mucous membranes of the bladder. For dietary nutrition the meat should be steamed or baked in the oven.

Experts allow patients to eat fresh bread. However, it is better to bake it yourself than to buy it in supermarkets. You can include diet bread in your diet.

Honey is particularly beneficial in the treatment of bladder inflammation. Thanks to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it destroys pathogenic microflora in the damaged organ.

What to exclude

Diet for a disease such as cystitis also has its own severe restrictions. Familiar products may be banned due to their annoying qualities. Contraindications for patients with bladder inflammation:

  • herbs, spices and other flavoring additives;
  • semi-finished products;
  • preserved and pickled dishes;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, various sauces;
  • potato;
  • citruses and nuts;
  • chocolate, sweets;
  • coffee products.

Women with a sweet tooth will have to give up their favorite treats, since they contain a large dose of sugar, which irritates the mucous membranes. You should also pay attention medicines, which in most cases contain saccharin. Avoid purchasing them if you find this component in the instructions.

In case of chronic cystitis, citrus fruits are strictly prohibited, especially lemons, oranges, and grapefruits. During the acute phase, you should not eat grapes, sour apples and plums. Violation of the menu will lead to a rapid return of disease symptoms and complications.

To prevent recurrence of cystitis, you need to strictly follow the diet. If your disease is chronic, then you need to stick to this diet for the rest of your life. Acute cystitis requires maintaining the diet for 2 weeks after all symptoms have subsided.

Sample menu

Taking into account the listed products, you can create a daily menu, which must be followed for a whole year after the last exacerbation. Below are 4 recommended menu options, from which you can choose the most suitable one.

1st option:

2nd option:

  • Breakfast: vegetable puree, omelet, fermented baked milk;
  • Lunch: beetroot soup, meatballs, buckwheat porridge, berry jelly;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit;
  • Dinner: vinaigrette, any porridge, kefir.

3rd option:

  • Breakfast: vegetable stew, omelette, drinking yoghurt;
  • Lunch: cabbage soup, boiled perch, fresh vegetable salad, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir;
  • Dinner: wholemeal pancakes, freshly squeezed juice.

4th option:

  • Breakfast: feta cheese, porridge with water, weak green tea;
  • Lunch: borsch without tomato paste and meat, boiled chicken, vegetable stew, berry mousse;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit mix;
  • Dinner: durum pasta, vinaigrette, tea.

Thanks to this variety of dishes, the menu is varied and complete.

Features of the diet depending on the type of cystitis

Hemorrhagic form of the disease characterized by the appearance of blood and pus in the urine, which indicate infectious or chemical inflammation. The purpose of the diet for hemorrhagic cystitis is to eliminate inflammation and eliminate pathogens.

The basis of the diet is chicken and river fish, fresh vegetables, and seasonal fruits. Consuming cranberry juice, which has an antibacterial effect, will be especially beneficial. You can add bio-yogurt and cranberries to it.

Spices and salt should be completely excluded, as with ordinary cystitis. Experts also do not recommend including pasta in the menu, white bread, sugar and rice, as these foods promote the growth of microbes.

For interstitial cystitis The diet should consist of foods with vitamins C, A, and probiotics. Required for use:

  • sweet peppers, broccoli, spinach, black currants;
  • beef liver, eggs;
  • milk, cream, yogurt, kefir, matsoni;
  • cranberry, blueberry fruit drinks.

Alcoholic drinks, spicy and spicy foods, fried meat and various sauces are excluded from the menu.

Menu for men, women and children with cystitis

The structure of the bladder is associated with the work of the kidneys, which are subject to their daily routine. Activation of their work is observed in the morning and afternoon, and decline in the evening and at night.

Guided by this rule, the diet for cystitis in men and women is based on the following principle: before noon we eat high-calorie food, and after lunch - light food. If a patient is diagnosed with stones, then the following are prohibited:

  • meat;
  • coffee and coffee drinks;
  • chocolate;
  • strong black tea.

Nutrition for men

Men suffer from cystitis much less often than women. In almost all cases, the disease is caused by microbes that enter the bladder from damaged neighboring organs.

Males are prescribed a special gentle diet, which should eliminate inflammation. The menu is based on melons, bran and bread, and dairy products. Drinking plenty of fluids is also recommended.

Menu for women

Cystitis is diagnosed in women much more often than in men. The diet for patients includes all the same recommendations as for the stronger sex. You can add to the allowed dishes:

  • vegetable soups and broths without adding meat and mushrooms
  • medicinal decoctions of diuretic components;
  • whole grain cereals, bread.

Diet for a child

Cystitis in a child is a fairly commonly diagnosed disease. Both boys and girls are susceptible to the disease. After diagnosing the disease, the doctor will prescribe a special diet, the observance of which must be carefully monitored.

The basis of the diet for cystitis in children includes:

  • fermented milk products (low-sugar yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk);
  • whole grain porridge;
  • vegetables and fruits, except citrus fruits;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • decoctions and fruit drinks with a diuretic effect.

Spicy and fried foods and sweets are prohibited. However, not all children can go without sweets for a long time. If your child is one of them, you can offer him some marshmallows, honey, jam or marmalade.

Compliance with the treatment menu will help you reduce intoxication in the body, increase the effectiveness of prescribed medications, and start the restoration process of the mucous membranes of the bladder.

Special dietary table There is no treatment for cystitis, but specialist recommendations are aimed at using products of the required composition and time restrictions for the period acute symptoms inflammation of the bladder.

Diet for cystitis is part of a complex of therapeutic measures. If it is impossible to use effective medications, for example, during pregnancy, proper nutrition helps a woman get rid of dysuric symptoms and avoid hospitalization.

How does food affect the bladder?

The foods that a person eats contain both substances necessary for life and harmful ones. When they enter the intestines, they begin to decompose into their component parts.

If this “factory” works smoothly, the result will be the production of biochemical compounds necessary for health and metabolism and the release of residual waste for removal through the intestines and urinary tract.

It is important to understand that the list of unacceptable compounds may be expanded not due to the products themselves, but due to the methods of cooking. Thus, frying, smoking, and preservation cause the formation of almost toxic and carcinogenic substances. For a completely healthy person, they are not scary, since the body is freed from them. What should a patient do?

We know that with cystitis, significant changes in the epithelium occur. Chronic forms of inflammation cause suppuration, ulceration, and wrinkling of the bladder wall. Our own defense mechanisms are not enough to provide protection from infectious pathogens and irritating substances in the urine into which food has turned.

Under such conditions, a diet for cystitis can help preserve and protect the epithelial layer from the effects of food irritants. In addition, we should not forget that there are products that have long been considered medicinal by the people. This explains the dependence of successful treatment on what food is on the patient’s table.

Through the intestinal wall, intermediate products are absorbed into the blood and then go to the liver for processing.

What foods are contraindicated for cystitis?

Contraindications primarily concern those dishes and products that are not recommended for consumption even by a healthy person due to their harmful composition and method of preparation. These include:

  • fast food (chips, hamburgers);
  • carbonated drinks;
  • crackers with salt and seasonings;
  • very hot sauces;
  • dishes made from fried or smoked meat and fish;
  • fatty cakes and cream pies;
  • canned food

How to treat alcohol?

Alcoholic drinks, including beer, increase the frequency of urination, cause severe irritation of the bladder, and affect nerve connections to the spinal cord. Beer, even in small doses, does not help. Anything containing alcohol (cognac, balms, alcohol tinctures) is strictly prohibited. These remedies are not suitable for treatment.

In addition to alcoholic drinks, the following are considered prohibited drinks:

  • coffee;
  • strong black or green tea;
  • mineral water and fresh juices with gas;
  • compotes with preservatives.

Caffeine and preservatives have an irritating effect on the bladder wall, which should not be avoided. If you have cystitis, you will have to give up coffee.

You will have to forget about the benefits of hops and malt

Meat and fish products

Those who claim that you can’t eat meat if you have cystitis are wrong. The ban applies only to fatty varieties, lard, fried foods, smoked sausages and hams, kebabs. They are prepared using technology that is unacceptable for diseases of the urinary organs.

Salt, seasonings, sauces

Any cook expects that his dish will be liked. To do this, seasonings are added and various sauces are prepared to improve the taste of food. But with cystitis, you can’t eat anything that increases inflammation.

In the process of preparing mayonnaise and ketchup are used contraindicated products: eggs, oil, onions, preservatives, tomatoes. Therefore, lovers of spicy dishes and gourmets will have to refrain and eat without ketchup, seasonings with pepper, or vinegar.

The amount of salt should correspond to the norm of 15 g. This is the usual limit for healthy kidneys (about a tablespoon). But the calculation must include salting during cooking and the sodium chloride content in the product. This is usually enough if you don’t indulge in very salty foods.

What to do for those with a sweet tooth?

The diet for cystitis includes sufficient quantity allowed fruits. Therefore, it is not difficult for lovers of sweets to replace chocolate, sweets and jam. As a last resort, it is recommended to switch to fruit marmalade.

No need to get carried away with dough products, cakes, cookies, jam, chocolate

Is it possible to consume milk and dairy products?

If your condition is satisfactory, you can drink whole milk, cook milk porridges and soups. But it is better to refrain from kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, and hard cheeses.

Which bread is healthier?

The diet for cystitis does not need to include rye, “black” bread, or flour products made from wholemeal flour. “Dietary”, “Doctorsky” or wheat “white” bread, dried bread are much healthier.

Prohibited vegetables and fruits

The following herbal products irritate the bladder:

  • lemons, oranges, grapefruits;
  • grape;
  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • peaches;
  • avocado.

There is no need to eat these fruits fresh, drink juices and compotes from them.

  • asparagus;
  • legumes;
  • tomatoes (including tomato juice and sauce);
  • radish;
  • green salad;
  • garlic;
  • horseradish.

What foods can you eat for cystitis?

Among the food set, there are many types that can be eaten with cystitis. The diet should include not only healthy dishes, but also medicinal decoctions and fruit drinks from medicinal plants.

It is known that doctors advise the patient to increase the volume of fluid consumed, this should be taken advantage of so that the following appears on the menu:

  • lingonberry juice;
  • drinks with sea buckthorn.

It is much healthier to replace sweets with honey for cystitis. It is recommended to add it to weak tea, herbal infusions, and cereals. Biological substances contained in honey activate local and general immunity and have a positive effect on the outcome of inflammation.

Meat dishes

Meat should not be excluded from the diet. The basic tenet of vegetarianism is completely unsuitable for supporting health and in a therapeutic diet. Meat products contain essential amino acids and cholesterol, which ensure the construction of protein molecules for cells and are plastic material in the restoration of the dead epithelial layer.

It is important to choose low-fat varieties and cook them correctly, without frying or smoking. The most useful meats are poultry, veal, and lean beef. It's better to stay away from lamb and pork. You should only cook boiled dishes(steamed cutlets, meatballs, lump meat in broth).

It is prohibited to use seasonings with onions and garlic. Greens and parsley root are useful. The same requirements apply to the choice of fish dishes.

What fruits and vegetables are good for cystitis?

Non-acidic fruits are useful:

  • pears;
  • plums;
  • watermelon.

There is no consensus among nutritionists about melon, along with beneficial properties the possibility of action on the epithelium is taken into account.

Cucumbers go well with dill and parsley

  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkins;
  • beets;
  • carrots;
  • zucchini;
  • cabbage

You can use asparagus, celery, spinach.

Allowed dairy products

Protein should be consumed in the food of a patient with cystitis with milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, and mild cheese. Milk porridges and soups with pasta are quite high in calories. Some experts are not against fresh kefir (look at the production date; 1-2 days before purchase is considered acceptable). This helps ensure bowel cleansing and regular bowel movements.

Features of nutrition in acute cystitis

The diet for acute cystitis is designed for enhanced lavage of the urinary tract to reduce the concentration and remove pathogenic microorganisms and decay products of epithelial cells from the bladder.

Immediately with the appearance of dysuric symptoms, it is necessary to strengthen the drinking regime. The total volume of liquid drunk should be 1.5-2 liters, unless there are contraindications such as nephrotic or cardiac edema, hypertension.

  • mineral water without calcium chloride type;
  • compotes and jelly from permitted fruits;
  • lingonberry and cranberry juice;
  • plant decoctions, herbal teas;
  • weak green tea.

You can prepare your own “signature” drink from tea with berries

The menu includes vegetables with a diuretic effect:

  • cucumbers in salad;
  • zucchini, carrots, spinach stewed;
  • Beetroot soup.

Watermelon and melon are natural diuretics. It is useful to add a spoonful of honey to porridge or tea.

Features of nutrition for chronic cystitis

In the case of a chronic course of the disease, changes occur in the wall of the bladder, which should be tried to be delayed with the help of a balanced diet.

During the acute stage, you should follow the same diet as in the acute form. During remission after an exacerbation of cystitis, one should remember the possibility of relapse and the presence of foci of infection in the body. Therefore, products must contain active components that stimulate the immune system.

A patient with chronic cystitis needs to get used to eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, combining them with cereals, and completely giving up fatty, spicy meat dishes, alcohol, and smoking. Rice has the ability to absorb toxins and waste, so when boiled or steamed it serves as a tasty and healthy food for patients.

You will have to constantly monitor the cleansing of the intestines, for which foods containing fiber (oatmeal), fresh kefir, carrots, boiled beets, and prunes are suitable.

It is recommended to constantly take fruit drinks made from lingonberries and cranberries, and rosehip decoction. At least twice a year - drink herbal decoctions. Suitable for maintaining caloric intake pasta, meat dishes boiled and stewed. The patient must adhere to the diet throughout his life.

What plants provide medicinal effects?

There are plants that have the following necessary properties:

  • increase bladder rinsing;
  • cleanse the mucous membrane of pathogenic flora, depriving microorganisms of the ability to attach to the wall;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect, slowing down tissue swelling and impaired vascular patency;
  • They are immunomodulators at the local level and activate defenses.
  • rosehip decoction;
  • cranberry and lingonberry juice;
  • strawberry compote;
  • kidney tea containing lingonberry leaf, bearberry, corn silk, birch buds.

Experts advise taking parsley as a seasoning for dishes, salads, and soups.

It is useful to use ginger as part of the preparations. The plant has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and relieves spasm of the cervical sphincter. It is also shown as a tasty seasoning in cooking.

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent

Viburnum for cystitis has beneficial properties in the form of berries, bark and leaves. The berries are picked after the first frost to remove the bitterness. Juice is prepared from the berries or consumed as usual, several berries per meal. A decoction is made from the leaves and crushed bark. Goes well with others medicinal plants, with honey.

When using viburnum, you must remember that it is not recommended for people:

  • with gout and a tendency to form stones in the urine;
  • with increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • with a high coagulability rate.

Organizing proper nutrition for cystitis does not require rare or expensive products. But the importance of following a diet and its results will be felt by every patient who cares about their health.

Anyone can get cystitis, which is characterized by inflammation in the urinary cavity. Therefore, it is important to know that diet for cystitis and pyelonephritis is the basis of all comprehensive treatment of the disease. The patient needs to stick to products that will not irritate the mucous membrane urinary tract and will help reduce the load on the kidneys.

Diet principle

The diet for cystitis should consist of as much as possible more natural products and various liquids, which will make it possible to get rid of bacteria in the urinary cavity and have an antiseptic effect on the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. It is important to follow these nutritional rules:

  • breakfast and lunch should include the most high-calorie dishes;
  • for dinner, give preference to food that is easily digestible and does not burden the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the menu should only contain foods that are allowed by the diet;
  • eat at least 4 times a day;
  • focus on vegetables and fruit ingredients (it is advisable to serve foods that have undergone heat treatment, because a raw food diet could cause inflammation);
  • drink enough liquid.

The diet for cystitis in women is balanced, but has one drawback - a small amount of foods containing protein. There are many more advantages:

  • elimination of cystitis symptoms;
  • cure constipation;
  • losing weight by several kilograms;
  • cleansing the urinary cavity from harmful bacteria.

Nutritional Features

What is useful?

Fermented milk products must be included in the patient's daily diet.

Nutrition for cystitis in women is based on the vast majority of fermented milk foods, vegetables and fruits. Allowed products for cystitis:

  • vegetables (beets, potatoes, cabbage);
  • fruits (bananas, apples, watermelons and others);
  • dairy (yogurt, sour cream, kefir);
  • cereals;
  • soups without adding meat broth;
  • boiled fish and lean meat.

List of what not to eat if you have cystitis

Nutrition for chronic cystitis consists of a number of prohibitions on what should not be eaten:

  • smoked;
  • spicy;
  • sweet;
  • sour;
  • too fatty types of cheese;
  • salty;

Is it allowed to eat honey?

An exact answer to this question has not yet been found, since honey often provokes constipation and difficulty urinating, which are strict contraindications to its use for cystitis. At the same time, honey has an anti-inflammatory, soothing and antiseptic effect, which is why many experts recommend using it during the treatment of the disease. Therefore, the patient should pay attention to how his body behaves directly after honey, and also consult with the doctor who prescribed treatment for the disease.

It is very important to maintain a drinking regime.

Drinking large volumes of water per day has a beneficial effect on the body, this is important at times when both cystitis and urethritis are being treated, since fluids that cause accelerated urine formation help flush bacteria from the urinary tract and reduce their impact on the walls. Experts agree that it is important for a patient to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, taking into account not only water. If cystitis is accompanied elevated temperature body, you will need to consume 0.5 liters more. Liquids that are recommended to drink: compotes and fruit drinks, juices (prohibited - tomato and citrus), still water and teas infused with herbs. The following liquids should be excluded: alcoholic, energy and any carbonated drinks, strong coffee and tea.

Diet for acute illness

The diet for acute cystitis allows you to eat the following foods:

  • a variety of fruit and vegetable foods, for example, cucumbers, carrots and beets (tomatoes are prohibited);
  • cereals, including buckwheat, rice and oatmeal;
  • liquids in the form of still water, freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas.

Nutrition for chronic illness

The diet for chronic cystitis includes a richer list of products: watermelons, apples, beets, Chinese cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers (lemon should be excluded), hard varieties of unsalted cheeses, soups cooked with vegetables without adding meat broths, boiled and lean meat in small quantities, cereals (preference is given to buckwheat).

Sample daily menu

For adults

Stewed or baked vegetables are a hearty side dish for meat.

The diet menu for cystitis should consist mainly of fruits and vegetables. Let's look at an approximate daily menu:

  • For breakfast, preference is given to vegetable puree, boiled eggs, porridges cooked with milk, cottage cheese and compotes;
  • for lunch - vegetable soup with added cereal or lean borscht, steamed or baked cutlets, stewed or baked vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - kefir, allowed fruits and boiled potatoes;
  • dinner - buckwheat, cottage cheese casserole or vinaigrette.

Menu for children

Cystitis is often diagnosed in children, since the structure of the urinary tract in a child creates a favorable area for the development of microorganisms in the urinary cavity. The diet for cystitis in children suggests the following menu:

  • breakfast - cereals, yogurt, egg, freshly squeezed juice (not sour);
  • lunch - soup, boiled vegetables, compote or kefir;
  • afternoon snack - fruits and compote;
  • dinner - cereals cooked in water, vegetables, tea.

For pregnant women

It is important for pregnant women to follow the menu prescribed by the doctor, because not only acute cystitis, but also the woman’s position requires a balanced and healthy diet. Sample menu:

  • breakfast - fruit puree, boiled cereal, vegetables, freshly squeezed juice;
  • lunch - fruit and cottage cheese, stewed vegetables, low-fat and lightly salted cheese;
  • afternoon snack - fruit and tea;
  • dinner - fruit salad, kefir.

Products for cystitis and urethritis

Urethritis is a disease that affects the urinary canal. It is accompanied by symptoms in the form of pain when urinating. Considering that urethritis and chronic cystitis are related diseases, they can be observed in parallel. Cystitis is sometimes caused by a raw food diet, so experts place restrictions on eating foods exclusively in raw form. Doctors prescribe a diet that is diuretic in nature in order to quickly remove bacteria from the urinary cavity. In addition, the diet should help relieve the workload of the kidneys, therefore it is important to eat food that is easily digestible, natural and does not contain preservatives. Restrictions on food intake during urethritis will be exactly the same as during the treatment of acute cystitis.

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