Menu for a birthday party outdoors in spring. Menu for celebrating a birthday outdoors in the summer - simple recipes for a picnic

Many city residents prefer to celebrate their birthdays not in stuffy apartments, but on fresh air. Of course, such events require more careful preparation than home gatherings or a celebration in a cafe, but they leave much more impressions. In addition to finding a suitable place and writing a script for an outdoor party, you also need to take care of the menu for a birthday picnic.


People usually go outdoors in the warm season, so before preparing snacks, you need to think about how they will be stored in the heat. It may be worth bringing all the ingredients with you and assembling the dish on the spot. In this case it should be quite simple.

On chips

It is better to bring chips for this dish in a thick cardboard package, the mixture that will be placed on them in a separate container, and a pack of mayonnaise. What's in the mix?

  • a package of crab sticks or a couple of jars of krill meat;
  • 3 chopped boiled eggs;
  • green;
  • hard cheese - 150 g.

The cheese is grated, combined with eggs, dill and finely chopped crab sticks(krill meat). Just before serving, the mixture is seasoned with mayonnaise and spread on chips. You can decorate with dill sprigs or olive slices.

In pita bread

Lavash roll is a very popular dish at a birthday picnic, because you can wrap meat cooked over a fire in it, fresh vegetables or grilled vegetables, etc. How to assemble a roll?

  1. Place the lettuce leaf first.
  2. Top it with fresh cucumber strips, tomato slices and strips of bell pepper.
  3. On top are layers of boiled breast (you need to cook it at home, cool, cut and bring it with you). A more savory option is grilled chicken.

If you need to add sauce to the roll, it is best to use garlic aioli, but in a pinch, regular mayonnaise will do. However, many believe that any sauce will only spoil the taste of fresh vegetables.


Those who have repeatedly celebrated birthdays outdoors say that you should not prepare a large number of salads. One is enough, maximum two. They should also be brought without dressing and mayonnaise or other sauce should be added on the spot.


Most likely, the highlight of the holiday will be barbecue or some other meat dish cooked over a fire, so salads should be made quite simple and go well with meat. One of these salads is “Polish”, for which you will need:

  • boiled carrots and eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • 2 boiled potatoes and the same amount sweet and sour apples;
  • 4 pickled or pickled cucumbers, as well as 1 fresh;
  • 1 tbsp. canned green peas;
  • as a dressing - a mixture of natural yogurt and mayonnaise (3 tbsp each), lemon juice (2 tbsp), salt and pepper (to taste).

Potatoes, carrots, cucumbers and eggs are cut into small cubes and added to them green peas. This mixture is transferred to a container and the sauce is prepared by first mixing yogurt with mayonnaise with a mixer, and then adding lemon juice, salt and pepper. The sauce is brought to the picnic in a separate container and is used to season the dish before serving. This salad is good on its own, in pita bread, or on grilled bread.


Lovers of exotic tastes may well pamper themselves with a combination of mango and shrimp. Moreover, this salad is prepared very quickly and simply:

  • Peel 2 mangoes and cut into cubes.
  • Fresh cucumber (1 large) - halve lengthwise and then into slices.
  • 300 g boiled shrimp clear.

Mix 3 tbsp. olive oil, 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp. dry mustard and sesame seeds, salt and pepper to taste.

Combine shrimp, cucumber and mango. Place the mixture on lettuce leaves and pour over the resulting sauce.

You can add pieces of chicken kebab to this dish or wrap everything in a lettuce leaf along with the meat. And if you add funcheza softened in boiling water, you will get a hearty lunch.


When it comes to the menu for an outdoor picnic for a birthday, everyone immediately thinks of kebab. However, you can also prepare others meat dishes, which will not be inferior in taste to this popular summer dish in nature.

Chicken wings in foil

If you have a grill grate, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes over the fire. And if you also stock up on foil, then both the meat and the side dish will be baked in it.

At home, the day before going outdoors, you need to prepare the seasoning in which the wings will then be baked. To do this, mix in a mixer:

  • 2 tbsp. olive oil,
  • 1 tbsp. brown sugar,
  • 3 sprigs of thyme,
  • 1 small hot pepper Chile,
  • 1 tsp ground allspice,
  • 3 cloves of garlic,
  • a pinch of ground nutmeg.

Squeeze the juice of 1 lime into the prepared mixture and add salt to taste. Wings (1.5 kg) are rolled in the sauce and left overnight. In the morning you can take them to a picnic, put 2-3 pieces each. on a sheet of foil next to 3 circles of zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes, wrap tightly and bake on a wire rack for 30-35 minutes.

  1. Instead of wings, any other parts of the chicken are made in this marinade, and potatoes wrapped in foil, 1 piece each, are also used as a side dish. and charcoal-roasted, or corn on the cob also grilled in foil.
  2. The corn is first cut in half and brushed with melted butter.
  3. Be sure to sprinkle with cheese (for example, Parmesan).
  4. Sprinkle with lime juice and bake for 15 minutes, turning constantly.

The kids will like this kind of corn, so it’s better to prepare more of it so that there is enough for everyone. Meat in a spicy sauce for this side dish is unlikely to interest them, so for the little ones you need to take a package with you natural sausages for frying over a fire.


A meal in nature is rarely completed with a large cake with whipped cream or multi-layered jelly with cream. But still sweet table There should be a birthday picnic, because it’s a holiday. Fresh fruits are suitable as a dessert, watermelon, if its time has already come, melon, garden berries etc. But you can cook sweets without going far from the grill:

  1. Wash 2 kg of green apples and 1 kg of plums, cut in half and remove the seeds.
  2. Cut each apple half into 1 cm thick slices and place in a bowl. Pour a mixture of cinnamon (3 tsp) and sugar (1 tbsp) into it.
  3. Place 4-5 apple slices and 2 plum slices on foil, pour over lime juice, close tightly and place on grill grate.
  4. The fruits are baked for 15 minutes.

Before serving, they can be decorated with mint leaves or whipped cream from a can, sprinkled with powdered sugar or ground cinnamon.

One of the simplest dessert dishes - fruit kebab - looks very beautiful. Thread the following onto a wooden skewer:

  • mango,
  • kiwi,
  • strawberries,
  • grape,
  • tangerine slices, etc.
You can also include a banana and an apple here, but we must remember that such fruits quickly darken and look unattractive.

Having prepared all the dishes for a holiday in nature, we must not forget that you need to take something to drink with you for your birthday picnic. Firstly, clean water, secondly, juices and fruit drinks. It’s better not to take lemonade, because... it makes you want to drink even more. For alcohol, cool beer (in hot weather) or red wine is suitable. But we must remember that its excessive use is not welcomed by the Ministry of Health.

Compilation holiday menu for guests on a birthday is a very responsible task, since any housewife wants to please every guest, show off her culinary talents and even surprise her with new and original dishes.

However, not everyone can afford an unlimited budget. And yet, even with the most modest family budget, you don’t have to limit yourself to the same tired salads and standard set of appetizers.

If you wish, you can show your imagination by making festive table tasty, original and not going broke.

How to create a menu for a holiday dinner

First of all, it is important to make a list of guests, because the volume of products that will need to be purchased will depend on their number, and it will immediately allow you to determine the approximate amount that you will have to spend.

When preparing a menu for adults, you need to count on the fact that in a few hours of feasting, each guest can eat from a kilogram to one and a half kilograms of various products: snacks, sandwiches, salads take up at least 60% of the meal. total number eaten, hot food 30%, desserts about 10%.

Selecting appetizers and salads

Appetizers are good because they do not require much time or skill to prepare, and guests eat them very willingly until the main course is served.

Serve them on separate flat plates, thinly cutting them yourself into neat equal segments or using store-bought slices. On a meat plate you can put boiled pork, carbonate and other meat delicacies, sausage, ham, tongue and other meat and poultry products.

Cheese and vegetables can be placed on plates in the same way, combining varieties and combinations different types cheeses and fresh or canned vegetables. The presence of even a small amount of each type of snack on a plate with a variety of choices provides the feeling of a rich holiday table.

Each person needs about 200 grams of meat and cheese snacks.

It’s very good if you have preparations and marinades in the house. Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, squash and zucchini, mushrooms, bell pepper And sauerkraut, homemade marinated salads never go unnoticed by guests.

When planning, you need to provide 300-400 grams per adult guest. fresh and/or canned vegetables in snacks.

Salads help out any housewife, because they are quite filling and not very labor-intensive. Everyone’s favorite classic set of salads, such as vinaigrette, Olivier, Mimosa, salads with crab sticks, Caesar, herring under a fur coat, salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, of course, is unlikely to remain unclaimed.

But if you replace even one of these salads with a new and original one, your guests will be very surprised. This can be a simple but tasty and original salad with ham or chicken and pineapples.

Sea cocktails made from mussels, shrimp, squid, salted red fish or caviar are a wonderful table decoration. It will be very good if the salads are presented in such an assortment that will satisfy both vegetarians and people on any diet.

Slices and salads are quickly lost appearance, dry out, sour and spoil, so they are prepared in moderate quantities, no more than 300-400 grams of the total mass of all snacks per person, so that you don’t have to throw away the excess.

Moreover, when too large quantities With appetizers, there is a danger of overfeeding guests already at the initial stage (after all, there is a main course and dessert ahead).

The highlight of the feast is the main course

Hot food is the highlight of the holiday table. First of all, decide whether to cook fish, poultry or meat for the main course. However, it is better to remember that not everyone likes fish, so if there is only one hot dish, it is better to opt for meat or chicken. Chicken meat is quite easy to prepare, and it is also the most budget option.

Pork or beef, fried in the form of medallions or chops, also does not require much time.

If you want to treat your guests to an unusual dish, choose veal, rabbit or duck. Over the course of a few hours of feasting, one guest can eat about 300 or 400 grams of a hot dish along with a side dish.

Sweet conclusion: dessert

The easiest way is to use a cake as a dessert, no matter whether you buy it or make it yourself.

If there is only one cake, complement it with sweets and fruits, and if there were a lot of main courses, then limit yourself to light portioned desserts of fruit, yogurt, cream or pudding.

Take no more than 100-150 grams of sweets per person.

Menu for a home holiday feast

Snack "Peacock Tail"

You will need eggplants, tomatoes, cheese, garlic and mayonnaise, as well as fresh cucumber and olives.

Cut the eggplants into long slices lengthwise, soak in salted water, then rinse and fry.

Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into slices.

Grate the cheese, mix with mayonnaise and squeezed garlic.

Place the eggplants on a plate, imitating a peacock's tail, spread the cheese mixture on top and place the vegetables on top of the tail.

Finish the tail with circles of olives.

Classic duet: ham and cheese

It is so quick to prepare that it can be put together at the last moment just before guests ring the doorbell.

You just need to take cheese, garlic, mayonnaise, ham. Grate the cheese coarsely, combine finely chopped garlic with the cheese mixture, season with mayonnaise.

Cut the ham into thin slices or use ready-made slices. Put a small amount of cheese mixture into each slice, roll it up, secure it with a skewer or toothpick, place it on a dish, put it in the refrigerator for about half an hour, after which the appetizer can be served.

Meat with mushrooms in French

For 14 servings prepare:

  • Lean pork and fresh champignons - 1 kilogram each;
  • Any soft cheese - 100 grams;
  • Any hard cheese- as much as soft;
  • Ripe tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Onions - 2 heads;
  • Salt, ground pepper, mustard - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Carefully wash the champignons, cut into slices and fry with butter. Peel the onion, chop and add to the mushrooms.

Continue frying until the water evaporates and the onion is transparent. Place the prepared mixture of champignons and onions in a suitable container. Grate both types of cheese coarsely.

Cut the meat into slices at least one and a half centimeters wide, beat off all the pieces on both sides. Line a baking tray parchment paper, place the chopped meat on it, grease with mustard, salt and pepper.

Place a layer of champignons and onions on top of the meat. Cut the tomatoes into half rings and place them in a layer on top of the mushrooms and onions. Sprinkle with soft and hard cheese.

Place the dish in a preheated oven, bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes, add herbs before serving to guests.

Potato boats stuffed with chicken and vegetables

Products (for 4 servings):

  • 4 pieces of large potato tubers.

For the filling:

  • Chicken fillet – 1 piece;
  • Onions and fresh ripe tomato– 1 pc.;
  • Bell pepper – 1/2 pcs.;
  • Half a bunch of dill and parsley;
  • Green onions - a pair of feathers;
  • Any oil to taste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Hard cheese about 100 grams;
  • Seasonings to taste.

To prepare Bechamel sauce:

  • Wheat flour - 50 g;
  • Whole milk – 750 g;
  • Butter with a fat content of at least 82% – 40-50 g;
  • Salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Boil the fillet and cut into cubes, also chop the onion, and boil the potatoes in their skins, peel. It is allowed to boil pre-peeled tubers.

For the Béchamel sauce, fry the flour until brown on butter, stirring constantly. Add milk to the flour, continuing to stir the sauce continuously, preventing the appearance of lumps, until thickened, not forgetting to add salt and pepper and season.

Cut the cooled potato tubers in half lengthwise, use a knife and a teaspoon to make indentations in each half - you will get boats. Fry the onion in oil, add finely chopped tomato, green onions rings, chopped greens, simmer for three minutes.

Combine with chopped peppers and chicken. Stuff potato boats with this mixture. Pour white sauce onto a baking sheet, place boats on top, sprinkle with cheese and chopped herbs. Bake for at least 15 minutes until crust forms.

Some interesting recipes potato dish for side dish:

A child's birthday requires not only a special entertainment program, but also a special children's menu. All dishes should be served in portions, be light, tasty and brightly and interestingly decorated so that all the little guests want to try them.

It is necessary to approach the selection of dishes for children's party, making them taking into account children's preferences, but not forgetting the benefits of certain ingredients.

For example, all children love dough products, so you can serve them pancakes or pancakes with interesting fruit and curd fillings.

Curd and banana pancakes


  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr.;
  • Flour - 200 gr.;
  • 4 eggs;
  • Large ripe bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • Milk - 150 ml;
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • Soda - a pinch;
  • Lemon juice and zest from half a lemon or an equal amount of apple juice;
  • Salt;
  • Oil for frying;
  • Powdered sugar.

Grind the cottage cheese with milk well in a blender. Separate the whites and yolks and add the latter to the cottage cheese. Beat the cottage cheese with the yolks again until smooth.

Pour the flour, baking powder and soda into the curd mixture, whisking continuously at low speed.

When all the flour has been added, leave the curd dough aside and work on the bananas: wash them, peel them and puree them. Sprinkle banana puree with lemon or apple juice.

Gently stir the banana puree into the curd dough. Beat the remaining whites until fluffy and add them to the dough in three additions, stirring lightly from bottom to top using a spatula.

Heat a greased frying pan over very low heat and spoon out small portions of the dough, leaving space between the pancakes.

Cover the pan with a lid and bake for 15-20 minutes, then turn over and continue on the other side without a lid until the pancakes are browned.

Place the fried pancakes on paper to remove the oil; when they have cooled, place them in one layer on a dish and sprinkle with a layer of powdered sugar through a strainer.

Can be drawn using pastry syringe funny faces syrup or liquid chocolate or use stencils.

Mini chicken skewers served on skewers

Take 1 - 1.5 kg chicken fillet, which needs to be cut into even, approximately identical pieces small size. The chopped fillet should be placed in the marinade.

Marinade: 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. spoons of olive oil, squeeze 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice, salt, pepper.

Cut the onion into large rings and add to the marinade and chicken meat.

Marinate the meat for a couple of hours, thread it onto disposable wooden skewers and bake in the oven for at least 40-50 minutes.

Bright and unusual dishes for a children's party. The main thing here is presentation!

Picnic menu – celebrating your birthday in nature!

A picnic in nature is not just a banal barbecue, sausages on a skewer or sandwiches taken from home. If you prepare well, you can feed your guests quite holiday dishes and in nature. For example, potatoes baked in foil.

Per 1 serving:

  • 2-3 smooth, even medium-sized potatoes;
  • Lard with a good layer of meat (or even bacon) at the rate of 1 slice for each potato;
  • Salt, favorite spices;
  • Food foil.

Wash the potatoes, make a cut, dividing each tuber into two parts, but without cutting all the way. Salt, sprinkle with spices, insert pieces of lard into the cut, if desired, add fresh or pickled onions. Wrap tightly in foil and place in hot coals for 20-25 minutes, checking readiness, remove and carefully unfold the foil.

Pork shish kebab

Where would a picnic be without aromatic juicy kebab. You will need:

  • 2 kg of pork (it is better to take the rump);
  • 4 onions;
  • barbecue seasoning;
  • tomato paste, ketchup or fresh mashed tomatoes – 100 g.

Season the meat and marinate in tomato and seasonings, refrigerating for at least a couple of hours. Thread the meat onto skewers, alternating with onions, and then transfer to the grill.

Eggplants with lard, cooked on skewers

If an ordinary barbecue does not cause any surprise, you can please your guests by cooking eggplants with lard on skewers.

At a festive picnic on the occasion of a birthday, they can be served either in addition to traditional shish kebab, or on their own as hot snack. Cooking this delicious dish will not amount to any unnecessary difficulties, which is what you need when traveling outdoors.

At home, you should prepare eggplants in advance, cut into rings no less than 0.5 cm thick. You need to take one eggplant for each skewer.

Also pre-cut the lard thinner and salt the eggplants. Already upon arrival in nature, vegetables and lard, alternating with each other, will only need to be strung on skewers and baked over coals, turning over like a kebab, until a beautiful crust forms on the eggplants.

Interesting recipes for every taste from a famous chef:

  1. If you don’t want to make a lot of salads and appetizers, but want variety, make canapés or small sandwiches. They will satisfy lovers of fish, meat, sausage, and vegetables, and do not require long cooking.
  2. Try to take into account the tastes of all guests - make dishes with meat, vegetarian, and a couple of appetizers with fish.
  3. For hot dishes, it is better for children to serve products made from minced meat, since minced meat, unlike a whole piece of meat, can be bitten and chewed even by a small child.
  4. Meat products for children's table It is recommended to stew or steam, the minced meat should be taken from lean or poultry meat, and in order for the meat products to be of interest to young guests, you can make them not traditionally round or oval, but in the shape of fish, etc.
  5. It is best to prepare veal or poultry meatballs for a children's birthday. The latter is preferable due to its availability and good taste.
  6. Perfect as a side dish mashed potatoes, which must be beautifully laid out using a pastry bag when decorating a portioned dish.
    If the meatballs or cutlets are of a traditional shape, then for the youngest guests they can be cut into neat pieces and placed in a circle on plates with a heap of mashed potatoes.
  7. If you are planning a picnic outdoors, then avoid perishable foods such as mayonnaise or sour cream. If you want to make a dressing, take a small bottle of vegetable oil.

Picnic dishes- this is a special section in cooking, because in this case the food will not be prepared at home comfortable conditions, but in nature, where your capabilities will be limited! You won't be able to use fancy kitchen appliances. However, this is not necessary. The food that is prepared during a picnic is simple and uncomplicated in its preparation. You can verify this by studying this section of the site, or rather the photo recipes that are given in it.

But still, what food to take with you on a picnic, what to cook? Of course, in this issue You can go by your own preferences, but there is still one important recommendation: such food should not be perishable. In this case, fresh vegetables, fruits, and all kinds of snacks are good. If you are planning to make a kebab, then you should not keep it warm for too long, even if it is “well marinated in vinegar.”

The components of the dish that you plan to cook outdoors must be prepared in advance. For example, vegetables for salad should be washed at home. If you cook meat, prepare it in advance, cut it and marinate it. In general, keep in mind that not all operations are feasible in the field.

The picnic menu can be quite varied. It can include all kinds of snacks, for example, sandwiches, first and second courses (on a fire and coals you can easily cook fish soup, various stews, pilaf, goulash and much more), salads and even desserts. All this is quite easy to cook over a fire and on a grill, as you can see by studying the photo recipes in this section. Of course, each dish has its own cooking tricks, but we will definitely share them.

We would also like to mention that a picnic in nature can be held not only in the warm season. So, for example, you can organize it in winter. In general, the set of dishes for a winter holiday is practically no different. Of course, if it’s very cold, you won’t be able to enjoy the taste of cooked food while sitting outside. However, this will not make dishes with the aroma and taste of fire any less tasty.

So, if you are going on a picnic and don’t know what to cook, what to include in the menu for cooking outdoors, then we invite you to visit our website, or rather this section of it. The recipes offered are very diverse and, for sure, some of them will interest you. They are painted in as much detail as possible, and, moreover, they are also equipped step by step photos. Therefore, even without much experience in preparing dishes for a picnic, you can still cope with this task with ease.

Snacks with an alluring smell, crackling coals of a barbecue, smoke from barbecue - sometimes a picnic is better than a meal in an expensive restaurant. But how to diversify the picnic menu if you are bored with simple sausages fried over a fire? First of all, eating in nature should satiate your appetite. It should be convenient to eat and transport; the less utensils spent, the better. Here are the universal recipes.

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Cold appetizers

Cold appetizers are easy to prepare, which is why they are in great demand during the picnic season. The difference in the complexity of the recipes allows you to cook outdoors for a birthday party for big company, and also for yourself if you go to the nearest park. Let's look at the most common ideas for cooking outside the home.

Combining the first fruits you come across does not guarantee a pleasant taste ready-made dish. These have good taste and will attract children to cooking. To prepare you will need two types of grapes, strawberries and small marshmallows. String the fruit, alternating colors as you wish, and add marshmallows at both ends.

This appetizer is ideal for meat lovers. But prepare for its preparation at home: grate the cheese and peeled boiled eggs, finely crush the nuts and crush the garlic cloves. Mix all products with mayonnaise to obtain the filling for mini rolls. Place a teaspoon of filling on the sliced ​​ham. Roll up the pieces of meat and tie them green onions. To be safe, you can prick each roll with a toothpick, like this.

These canapés are suitable for people on a vegetarian diet. You need to put a cube of cheese on a skewer, followed by a slice of cherry, champignon and a piece of bell pepper. For greater brightness, you can use two types of tomatoes and peppers: yellow and red.

This recipe is perfect if you have extra grilled chicken. Cut the pitas into two halves, hollow inside.

Prepare vegetables: any will do, but traditionally fresh cucumber, bell pepper and lettuce are used. All this must be cut: cucumbers into slices, peppers into strips, and finely chop the salad.

Mix vegetables and chicken, carefully pour into pita. You can make a sauce from unsweetened yogurt, curry, table salt and crushed pepper. You just need to combine all the products and mix until smooth.

This recipe requires salami sausages, olives, sweet pepper(it is recommended to fry it over a fire in advance) and marinated artichokes. Preparing canapés in Italian is simple. It is enough to alternately string pepper, a thin piece of sausage, olive and artichoke onto sticks.

Sandwiches with herring

Sandwiches with soft curd cheese are easy to prepare both at home and outdoors. You need: 10-12 slices of black bread, one lightly salted herring, 150 grams of curd cheese, as well as herbs and salt to taste. While still at home, cut the fish (remove the head, tail, fins and internal organs), rinse the greens.

Mix in advance curd cheese and dill, salt or add a little ground pepper. Then place a teaspoon of the mixture on pieces of bread, and on top - a piece of herring. Garnish the dish with onions and pierce each sandwich with a skewer to preserve it better.

Snacks with lavash

When you're on a picnic in the summer and the kebab is already grilling on the coals, time almost stops. To liven up the wait, make one of these light but satisfying snacks based on everyone's favorite lavash. There is a whole collection of recipes suitable for holidays outside the city. We have prepared 7 of the best especially for you.

Create the filling for the lavash in advance and bring it to the picnic in a container. To do this, simply chop 200 grams of suluguni cheese, mix it with melted butter and herbs. You can add a little ground pepper.

Already at the picnic, spread the mixture on pita bread, wrap it in an envelope or roll. After greasing with oil, such a snack can be baked over a fire until a thin crust appears.

Chop the egg as finely as possible and finely grate the cucumbers. How pickles cucumbers, the more piquant the taste of the finished roll will be. Grease the sheet with a thick layer of mayonnaise and let it soak. Spread the pita bread with pate, not forgetting the dry edges. Sprinkle the pate chicken egg, and then put pickled cucumbers on it. Carefully cover the pita bread (it’s easiest to make an envelope) and cut it into portions.

To prepare a warm snack you need: leaf Armenian lavash, 75 grams cream cheese or processed cheese, 300 grams of lightly salted trout, cucumber and some greens to improve taste. You need to cut the skin off the cucumber and make thin strips out of it. You need to spread it on the pita bread soft cheese, place trout and cucumber on top. Sprinkle with herbs or spices as desired, and then bake on the fire.

Use thin pita bread, spices and vegetable oil. Stir salt, Provençal herbs and oil in a small container. Pour this solution over the pita bread cut into triangles. Mix it well so that each piece is saturated with liquid.

Place the chips on a wire mesh in one layer and dry over heat for about 6 minutes. If there are more chips than normal, place them all on the grill at once. But don't forget to stir them.

People of all ages like pita bread, and the simplicity of this dish makes it one of the most popular solutions for outdoor gatherings. Small resources allow us to make sausages in pita bread for companies of 20 - 40 people.

Tear off a piece from the lavash sheet and wrap the sausage in it, sprinkle the roll with seasonings and safely bake over the fire. It is better to serve sausages with sauce; ketchup, mustard sauce and mayonnaise are popular.

Mix curd cheese, crushed garlic and herbs. Place the filling and tomato circles on the pita bread. Wrap the dish in an envelope. Fry in a grid over coals on both sides. Don't forget to turn it often so that the cheese stays firm and the base doesn't burn.

Grilled dishes

Time away from civilization in both spring and summer quickly awakens the appetite. Therefore, do not think that kebabs alone will be enough for you to have a snack in nature. If you have some meat left over from the barbecue or the desire to cook over coals is still not gone, these recipes are for you.

To cook champignons over a fire, choose large and open mushrooms. Fry them immediately or marinate them. For the marinade, pour lemon juice over the champignons, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and leave to marinate in a cool place for 5 hours.

Outdoors, pierce pickled champignons with chopsticks and fry over coals. After heat treatment, the appearance of the dish will be unsatisfactory. And champignons with photos can sow doubts about their own edibility. But don’t be afraid that something went wrong: the dark crust does not affect the taste in any way.

First of all, prepare the sauce. Mix 1.5 cups of pineapple juice, 1.5 tablespoons of starch, soy sauce, a little table salt and sugar. Stir the sauce until the starch dissolves. Bring the sauce to a boil. All components of the kebab itself must be prepared in advance.

Cut the pineapple, pepper and onion, and the bacon into even strips. Use the leftover marinated chicken as well. For one skewer, take 4 pieces of chicken, 3 pineapples and 2 pieces of other products. Chicken and bacon should go last. Bake the kebabs once you have spread the butter on them. They should be served with sauce.

Treat four ears of corn with any type of oil for better cooking. Turn the cobs frequently and keep them on the grill for 15-20 minutes. Or until a characteristic crust forms. Grease the cooked corn vegetable oil, crushed herbs (dill, basil) and salt.

Stir in chopped garlic and spices. It is better to use ground red and black pepper, cumin, ginger and coriander, as well as 2 teaspoons of turmeric. Then cut cauliflower into identical vertical steaks 20 millimeters wide. Brush them with oil before frying. Grill the cauliflower steak for 5 to 8 minutes on each side.

Add red pepper, oregano and cumin to the chopped garlic, stir well. Place the seafood on wooden skewers (but don't forget to soak them in water for half an hour). Coat the shrimp with oil and fry for 3 minutes on each side. Stir in sour cream, fine parsley, salt, lemon juice and zest. Fill pre-baked or purchased tortillas with red and cabbage, two sauces and sautéed shrimp.

There is an extensive list of technologies for preparing barbecue outdoors. Some are banal, while others are suitable for the holidays. After all, it’s nice to sit with a barbecue in nature on your birthday. But all cooking methods end with the same thing: frying the meat on skewers. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the primary processing of meat: marinating.

For pork

When making marinade for one kilogram of pork meat you will need: a glass of red wine, 2 small spoons of coriander, cinnamon and salt at your discretion. Mix warm alcohol with spices, pour into a container with meat and let it soak in the marinade in a cool place for 4-5 hours. It doesn’t matter if not all the meat is immersed in the marinade, but in this case you will have to stir it;

For chicken

Marinade for chicken weighing 1 kilogram consists of 500 milliliters of light, weak beer, 1 large spoon of salt, 2-3 cloves of garlic and small cumin seeds. Pour in the beer, don't forget to add chopped garlic and seeds, cut up the chicken and put it in the marinade. Leave the covered dish in a warm place for 2 hours.

Lemon, 1 teaspoon black pepper, 3 large spoons of mustard, rosemary and 1 glass of white wine are needed to create a marinade for 1.5 kilograms of lamb. All products must be thoroughly mixed and the marinade poured over the pieces of meat. Lamb should be marinated for at least 6 hours, since the meat is tough and does not respond well to the solution.

To prepare “baby shish kebab,” cut 1 kilogram of pork meat into even pieces, add salt and pepper and add onion half rings. Layer the mixture into a bowl, pouring kefir over it. Let marinate for 5-8 hours. The recipe has this name because neither vinegar nor alcohol is used during marinating. This kebab is absolutely harmless to children’s digestion;

If you miss picnics in winter, there is a solution. And this is kebab in a jar. Place the prepared meat on sticks and lightly fry. Place crushed garlic at the bottom of a three-liter jar (check it in advance for cracks), and pour in up to 8 drops of liquid smoke. Place the skewers vertically, no more than 6 will fit in the jar. Cover the jar with a double layer of foil and place it on a baking sheet in the oven. This shish kebab needs to be baked for at least an hour. When opening the oven, be careful: due to temperature changes, the jar risks bursting. Meat prepared in this way is soft and flavorful.

As you can see, to organize a gathering with a fire or barbecue in nature, you don’t need a lot of resources and funds. But the picnic will give you incredible memories for many months to come.

In winter, birthdays are usually celebrated indoors. At home, in a restaurant, billiard club or a regular cafe will be warm and cozy. But if the weather permits, the frost gently stings your cheeks, and there is soft snow under your feet, why not get out into nature with a cheerful group.

Of course, you need to dress warmly, because you will have to spend more than one hour outside and take with you treats that are cooked over the fire. Warm food will warm you up during the cold season and satisfy your guests after winter fun.

Winter holiday treats: filling and warm

Products in winter will not spoil outdoors, but they may freeze. You need to cook dishes on the grill or reheat those you brought with you. While guests are playing in the snow, sledding or skiing, you need to light a fire and start preparing treats.

Instead of traditional bowls with salads, it is better to put them in baskets, so it will be convenient to eat them right away, because your hands can get cold and it will be awkward to hold a fork. Salad dressings can be very diverse.

Mayonnaise or sour cream, various oils will not disappear in cold air. It is better to wash vegetables and fruits for the table at home; splashing water outside will not be very comfortable. It’s not difficult to cut them; together with meat and cheese, they will become an excellent appetizer for the holiday table.

You can’t do without barbecue, but when cooking it in the cold, you should keep in mind that the meat will take longer to fry than in the warm season. You need to calculate the time correctly so that the dish does not turn out raw or overcooked. It would be nice to prepare a warm sauce for the barbecue. This can be done in a container over a fire. Tomato, creamy, berry or fruit sauce will find its connoisseur.

Drinks can also be prepared over a fire. Brew tea or coffee, or maybe make some mulled wine? Why not, because a hot drink will come in handy in cold weather.

Attention, treats!

It's time to answer the question - what to cook for a winter birthday outdoors - with specific recipes. Instead of regular bread, you can take lavash with you and put it on the grill over the fire for a few minutes.

Everyone will love hot baked goods. And if you cook sandwiches over a fire, both children and adults will be delighted.

Winter sandwiches

Cut the garlic cloves into halves and rub the bread with them on both sides. Cut the cucumbers into rings.

Spread mayonnaise on one side of the bread, sprinkle with nuts, place 2 pieces of ham, cucumber rings and cheese on top.

Place another slice of bread on top. Wrap each sandwich in foil and place on the coals and let it warm up for 8 minutes.

During this time, you need to turn the sandwich 2-3 times. Carefully remove the treat from the coals and serve to the guests.

This can be used as an appetizer before the main course, or you can eat these sandwiches as a snack with barbecue.

"Salad baskets"

For 4 people “Salad Baskets” you need:

  • 1 processed cheese;
  • 1 raw peeled carrot;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 1 tsp. crushed capers and olives;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 16 dough baskets.

Peel the egg and peel the garlic. Grate them on a fine grater with cheese, carrots and garlic.

Mix everything in a bowl and season with mayonnaise, capers and olives.

Place in baskets and place them on a dish.

An interesting appetizer will make a good snack. If the dish is being prepared for children, then garlic may not be added, since not all children like to eat it.

Such baskets can be placed on a wire rack and let the bottom layer bake a little, then the treat will also warm up.

Preparing a festive fish soup

In cold weather, it would be nice to treat yourself to a hot first course. It can be ukha, kulesh or shurpa. A hot soup will warm you up and fill you up, and you can have some fun after it. And the smell of a fire will give the soup an incredible piquancy, which cannot be achieved by preparing the first dish at home on the stove.

For 8 persons of delicious fish soup you need to take:

  • 1.5 kg of fish (carp);
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 carrots and onions;
  • A bunch of greenery;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • 50 gr. vodka.

Clean the fish, rinse and cut into pieces. Don't throw away the head, this is the best part for the fish soup. Peel the vegetables.

Wash the greens and chop finely. Place in a pot of water bay leaf, fish and one whole carrot and onion, salt.

Cook over a fire for about 20 minutes after boiling. Cut the potatoes and the remaining onions and carrots into cubes. When the fish is cooked, throw the potatoes into the pot, and after 5 minutes the onions and carrots.

After 15 minutes, add finely chopped garlic, herbs, pepper and add salt if necessary, and after another 5 minutes pour in the vodka.

It is needed for the broth to become transparent. Cook the fish soup for about 5 more minutes. Remove from heat and pour the fish soup onto guests' plates.

Unusual sauce for barbecue

In any case, a barbecue will be prepared for the birthday. Every family has the best recipe, but preparing a sauce for meat requires some effort. You will definitely like the fruit and berry sauce; its sweetish-savory flavor will complement the taste of the meat.

For 4 servings of barbecue sauce you need to take:

  • 300 gr. applesauce;
  • 1 ginger root;
  • 2 tsp. soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • Salt, sugar and pepper to taste;
  • A bunch of cilantro and parsley mixture;
  • 1 shallot.

Peel and finely chop the ginger. Wash and chop the greens. Wash the onion and cut into cubes. Pour puree, tomato, soy sauce into a bowl. Add greens, onions, ginger, salt, pepper and sugar. Boil on fire for about 12 minutes under the lid. Let it cool and you can add it to the meat.

The sauce is tender and very piquant. The ratio of ingredients can be changed depending on desire, but this combination of products is original solution when serving with meat.

"Bright skewers" on the grill

Another hot dish is skewers on the grill. If you string pieces of vegetables, sausage or frankfurters, mushrooms and even slices of bread, you can get an original multi-colored treat.

For 4 people “Bright Skewers” ​​you need to take:

  • 4 peeled carrots;
  • 1 large eggplant;
  • 4 medium onions;
  • 2 green sweet peppers;
  • 8 cherry tomatoes;
  • 100 gr. olive oil;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • 0.5 tsp. basil, marjoram, paprika and cardamom.

Wash and dry all vegetables. Peel the onion and eggplant. Remove the seeds and stems from the pepper and cut it into squares. Cut the carrots into large slices, cut the onion into quarters.

Cut the eggplant lengthwise into 4 parts, and then cut each into small slices. Place all the vegetables in a bowl, pour over the oil and sprinkle with spices and salt.

Mix everything carefully so that the dressing covers all the ingredients. Thread vegetables onto skewers one by one and place on the grill for 15 minutes, turning occasionally.

The prepared vegetables will be covered with an appetizing crust and will take on a very tempting appearance.

, which will not leave you indifferent.

Children will certainly appreciate a delicious chocolate milkshake prepared at home, the recipe for which you will find.

Weight loss cocktails prepared in a blender will diversify a meager diet, prepare.

Hot cocktail

Drinks can also be prepared over a fire. A hot cocktail with or without alcohol, which can warm you up better in the cold?

For hot original tea for 2 people you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 gr. tea leaves;
  • 1\2 orange;
  • 4 tsp. honey;
  • Sugar to taste;
  • 2 cloves;
  • 4 slices ginger root.

Place water on fire in a large mug. When it boils, add the tea leaves and let it simmer for about 3 minutes.

Squeeze orange juice there, add ginger and cloves. Cook for another 2 minutes. Remove the mug from the heat and let it brew under the lid. When the tea has cooled a little, add honey.

If there is not enough sweetness, sugar the resulting tea. The drink will warm you up, give you strength and invigorate you, which is extremely important in the cold.

Interesting Indian Picnic Snack:

Don't forget about dessert!

Dessert in the cold season can also be prepared on the grill. If you can take a cake or other baked goods with you, you should leave it in the car or cover it with a blanket to prevent it from freezing. Otherwise you will end up with a kind of ice cream.

For 4 servings of winter dessert you will need:

  • 1 thin pita bread;
  • 400 gr. curd mass with raisins;
  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • Honey to taste;
  • 1 apple and 1 pear each;
  • 0.5 tsp. cinnamon.

Peel the apple and pear, remove seeds and cut into small slices. Peel the banana and mash with a fork. Mix cottage cheese with banana and cinnamon.

Grease the lavash with cottage cheese, place the apple and pear pieces and wrap into a neat roll. Place the roll on the grill and let it warm over the fire for about 5 minutes, then turn it over to the other side and leave for another 3 minutes.

Cut the roll into portions and pour honey over it.

Of course, this dessert is inferior in appearance to the most beautiful cakes and pies, but its taste is excellent.

  1. In order not to overshadow the holiday during the cold season, you need to take products that quickly cook over coals or a fire. It will be very unpleasant to wait a long time until the treat is ready, and even in the cold;
  2. It's worth experimenting with salad dressings, barbecue or barbecue sauces. By diversifying standard products with an interesting addition, you get an original combination;
  3. When going out into the countryside in winter to celebrate a name day, you need to stay closer to the spring. You can use it to get water for your first course or drinks. Natural water is softer and tastes better;
  4. To prevent guests from getting bored, you need to take sleds, skis, and ice pads with you. While the treat is being prepared, entertainment with winter fun devices will not let you get sad.

If the birthday person loves nature, but his day falls during the cold season, there is no need to despair. A company of cheerful friends, a grill, skewers or a grill, delicious food and drinks are guaranteed to help you spend the main holiday in a person’s life perfectly.

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