When the Union celebrated Railway Troops Day. Day of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation

It is celebrated on August 6th. This is a professional holiday dedicated to the day of the appearance of military units for protection railways. This day is celebrated by military personnel, civilian personnel and veterans related to the Russian railway troops - special formations intended for the restoration, construction, maintenance highways. Was established by decree Russian leader Boris Yeltsin in 1996.

History of the holiday

The history of this type of troops began in 1851. It was then that Emperor Nicholas I ordered the creation of 17 separate military work companies. The main task of the troops that appeared was to guard the two-track track connecting St. Petersburg with Moscow. Subsequently, the soldiers' responsibilities expanded; they were required to ensure the good condition of all Russian railways.

Their role was enormous during the Great Patriotic War. Railways were the main target of German aircraft and were constantly bombed. But the efforts of military railway workers made it possible to quickly restore steel lines. In total, the military restored about 120 thousand kilometers of tracks during the war. A huge number of bridges were repaired - about three thousand.

Twenty years ago, these troops had to show courage in the North Caucasus, where terrorist attacks took place on sections of roads, and soldiers as soon as possible train traffic was restored.

August 6 is celebrated in Russia as Day railway troops. These are special military units that provide protection to the railway infrastructure. The decree on the professional holiday was signed by the first president of Russia in 1996, and then received another legal basis in 2006.

Historical background

The first unit of railway troops appeared in the middle of the 19th century. After the construction of the country's first railway, connecting St. Petersburg and Moscow, a need arose to ensure its safety. The charter of the new military structure was signed on August 6, 1851, which is why Railway Troops Day falls on this date.

Provisions for the new structure

The main points of the tsar's decree on the formation of railway troops ordered the creation of 14 military formations, two companies of conductors and telegraph operators. In total new structure had a population of over 4 thousand people. The first units were supposed to maintain the railway infrastructure in operational condition, ensure the safe and accurate movement of passengers and cargo, and also be on duty at bridges and crossings.

In the service of the Fatherland

When the day of the railway troops was not yet celebrated, as in our days, the soldiers of this unit were already on combat watch. The first tests occurred during the Russian-Turkish War, where the merit of the railway troops in the cause of victory was not questioned. During the Great Patriotic War, the titanic work of railway workers made it possible to make significant progress in offensive operation, also ensure timely supply of weapons and provisions to the front. In just 4 years of war, almost 120 thousand kilometers of railway tracks were built and restored, more than 3 thousand bridges and crossings were rebuilt. And immediately after the end of the war, the surviving soldiers of the railway troops restored the destroyed railway infrastructure of the country.

Modern railway troops

Over time, the purpose of the railway troops has not changed. They continue to be an important component of freight and passenger railway transport and ensure safe operation at all nodes.

When is Railway Troops Day in 2019?

    Day of the Russian Railway Troops- On August 6, Russia celebrates the Day of the Russian Railway Troops. This holiday was first established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 19, 1996 On the establishment of the Day of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation. Currently celebrated as a memorial… Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

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    Russian Railway Troops Day- On August 6, Russia celebrates the Day of the Russian Railway Troops. This holiday was first established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 19, 1996 On the establishment of the Day of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation. Currently celebrated in... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

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During the reign of Nicholas I, the first railways were built. Special railway troops were created to protect them. Currently, they are part of the Armed Forces of Russia and Belarus and monitor the condition of the railway track, ensure the trouble-free movement of trains across bridges and the safe operation of the entire railway. A memorial day is dedicated to the military personnel serving in these troops.

When is it celebrated?

The date in the Russian Federation was established on May 31, 2006 by Presidential Decree No. 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” In 2019 it will be celebrated for the 14th time.

In Belarus, it was defined on May 12, 1999 by Decree of the President of the country No. 268 “On amendments to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of March 26, 1998 No. 157 “On public holidays And holidays in the Republic of Belarus." In 2019, the celebrations take place for the 21st time.

Who's celebrating

The date is celebrated by more than 50 thousand military personnel of the railway troops of Russia and Belarus.

History of railway troops

The first mention of the military railway unit occurred on August 6, 1851, when Emperor Nicholas I ratified the “Regulations on the composition of the St. Petersburg-Moscow Railway.” Military workers, conductor and telegraph companies (later commands and battalions) with a total number of more than 4,000 people were created, which guarded bridges and crossings and maintained the technically sound condition of the railway track.

The history of the railway troops of Belarus dates back to August 1876, when one of the battalions was located in the city of Baranoviche, Brest region. Russo-Turkish War proved the necessity of their existence, and subsequently not a single battle took place without them. During the war years, they made a significant contribution to the defense of the country and the approach of victory (restoration, construction and reconstruction of new railways, bridges and highways).

About the profession

Military personnel of the railway troops carry out the construction, use, restoration of the railway track, which is necessary for military transportation, modernization of equipment and much more, that is, they perform railway support tasks. They also participate in eliminating the consequences of emergencies, accidents, and disasters. Much attention is paid to personnel training.

Massive attacks on the railways began only during the Second World War. In the first 2 days, 100 strategically important railway facilities were destroyed. In December 1941, the number reached 1504 units.

Employees of the Russian railway troops have their own memorable day, established by presidential decree for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2006. First established in 1996, the date of August 6 is not accidental - it has its own long history.

It was on this day in 1851 that Emperor Nicholas I approved a special provision regarding the formation of special military units. Their task was to protect and safely operate the railway connecting the two main cities of that time - Moscow and St. Petersburg, which was also built during his reign. Several companies numbering about 4 thousand people were formed from military workers, conductors, and telegraph workers.

The uniqueness of this decision is that such troops were created in Russia, the first in the world. They underwent a baptism of fire already in Crimean War(1853-56). After its completion, rather disappointing for Russian Empire, the need was identified to revise the policy in the field of railway construction and its development, especially to the south of Moscow, about which Nicholas’s heir, Alexander II, issued a decree.

Subsequently, from 1870, railway forces began to enter into engineering troops. They proved themselves during the Russian-Turkish liberation campaign of 1877-1878, providing supplies to the army, having built a separate section of the route for these purposes. With the establishment of the Soviet period, after the destructive civil war, the actions of individual corps were aimed not only at military missions, but also at the rise of the country, its development, such as topographic reconnaissance of the BAM, and other global projects of that time.

The military, together with civilian railway workers, showed courage and organization during the Great Patriotic War. The significance of their actions is evidenced by the numbers: 80 thousand km of main routes have been restored; station tracks 29 thousand km; many new railways, communication lines, more than 7 thousand stations and sidings, and a number of other structures were built. In the difficult post-war period, the construction of railroad tracks, stations, and bridges proceeded at an accelerated pace.

IN modern times responsibilities, in addition to defense capability, include the elimination of some negative consequences from floods, accidents, catastrophes, other emergency situations, as well as counter-terrorism operations. Since 2004, the special formation has been subordinate to the rear Armed Forces. Today, the number of this type of troops is about 25 thousand people, including 10 regular readiness brigades. They strengthen the potential of the Russian military sphere, and on August 6 this is necessarily emphasized by the top management, congratulating the employees.

No less importance is attached to technical equipment: a complete re-equipment is planned in the near future. Improved samples of high-performance equipment, moreover, domestically produced, are constantly being put into operation. For example, pile-driving units on a KamAZ truck chassis, performing operations in temperature conditions, relevant for Russia from + 40 to – 40 degrees.

A variety of cultural events are designed to preserve the development of military traditions and celebrate the merits of specialists in ensuring the security and defense of the state for more than 165 years. To introduce this holiday to the younger generation, quizzes and presentations are held.

On the territory of railway military units, ceremonies are held: the removal of the flag, the awarding of memorial signs, the opening of the Alley of Heroes, and the obligatory honoring of veterans. Large-scale exercises and professional skills competitions are organized - competitions for the title of best specialist and crew. Railway Troops Day is important for military specialists and civilian personnel as an assessment of their activities, namely, faithful service to the national interests of Russia.

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