How to make a summer kitchen. How to build a summer kitchen in the country with your own hands: we will tell you about everything. Do-it-yourself open summer kitchen in the country: the main stages of construction

Do you want to build a summer kitchen on suburban area but don't know what to look for when choosing a project? Let's look at several options and analyze their pros and cons so that your country house has a place for cooking and relaxing in the summer.

What to look for when choosing a project

Even before you start considering specific design options, you should decide on several aspects:

  • Amount of costs. Miscellaneous projects require different investments of money and time. Decide in advance how much you are willing to spend, so that later the unfinished structure does not stand for years and does not collapse. It is better to find a simpler option, and then upgrade it, than to stop construction halfway through;

  • Required dimensions. It is important to decide which space will be optimal. For big company you need a lot of space, for a small family, extra space is useless. Of course, there should always be a small margin, but when choosing parameters, first of all, be guided by objective indicators and common sense;

  • Purposes of use. If you will cook and relax only in the summer, then an open option will do. If you need to use the building in a cool season, then it is better to choose a design closed type and provide for the presence of a fireplace in it for quick heating of the room;

  • Place of construction. You must decide in advance whether the structure will be freestanding or easier to attach it to an existing building - country house or bath. Decide how much free space there is on the site, whether there are any obstacles in the form of trees, paths or communications.

There are additional aspects that are best foreseen in advance:

  • The presence of a roof. You can make a completely open structure, this will reduce the cost and simplify the process, but you can use the summer kitchen only in the absence of precipitation;

  • Presence of walls. If in closed design there are doors and windows, then in the summer kitchen open type there may be no walls at all, but it is better to make partitions from 2-3 sides. They will be a good protection against wind and precipitation;

  • Comfort elements. Decide in advance on electricity, plumbing, sewerage - how they will be supplied and what costs you will incur. Someone needs a kitchen with a barbecue, someone with a barbecue, and someone will be limited only to a stove - it all depends on your wishes and preferences.

Overview of some projects

Now we will analyze four types of structures and consider their pros and cons. Typical ideas are presented as examples, you can use them, or you can make your own unique project in accordance with all the recommendations.

Option 1 - summer kitchen on the veranda

Summer cuisine in a private house, located on a spacious terrace or veranda - an excellent solution that is implemented simultaneously with the construction of the main building. The same option is ideal for baths or saunas: choose the appropriate project and solve two problems at once.

As an example, I will show the project of an open kitchen combined with a bath.

The advantages of this option are obvious:

Illustration Description

Ease of construction. You do not need to think about building a separate summer kitchen with your own hands, you are arranging it at the same time as the main building and thereby solving two issues in one go.

Economy. When arranging an open kitchen at the same time as a bathhouse or a house, the costs of laying communications, building a foundation and a roof are greatly reduced. Therefore, you can save a lot of money.

Convenience. From the house or bath you immediately find yourself in a recreation area, you do not need to walk down the street or go around the building. The design of the space should fit the interior, so the stylistic unity of all parts of the structure is preserved.

Option 2 - summer kitchen attached to the house

If the house or bath has already been built, then the summer kitchen can be attached to one of the walls. The simplest solution is an ordinary canopy, under which you can place everything you need, the photo shows just such an option. Dimensions are selected individually depending on the parameters of the main structure.

These options have several advantages:

Illustration Description

Reliability. The foundation of the extension is connected to the base of the building and provides structural strength. The size of the base depends on the weight of the future structure.

Do not forget to pour a separate foundation at the location of the stove or fireplace, if any.

Economy. A street extension can be a canopy on metal supports. The cost of building such a structure is minimal. Of course, if desired, you can build partitions and other elements.

Convenience. If you can get out of the house directly under the shed, then you won't have to walk in the rain. It is also important that it is much easier to bring communications to the extension.

Option 3 - freestanding open structures

Country summer kitchens are often made separate, as they are placed in the very beautiful place area to enjoy good view and silence. As an example, I will show enough complex project, but you can choose something simpler - it all depends on your preferences.

The device of a summer kitchen in a separate building has several advantages:

  • Ample opportunities when choosing a project. You are limited only by free space, the shape, configuration and size can be anything. This allows you to implement a variety of ideas, while in extensions you are tied to the main structure;

  • Lots of design options. An open summer kitchen of this type can be built from any materials - use what is at hand. The beam can be connected with metal corners - this is a simple version of the construction of the simplest structure in a matter of days;

  • The possibility of building a mobile structure. You can make a quick-release system that can be assembled for the winter.

Option 4 - closed summer kitchen

The main advantage of a closed summer kitchen is the possibility of year-round use. As an example, I will present a simple project, you can make the design larger or smaller.

The main disadvantage is the complexity of the construction, but the pluses compensate for all the costs and difficulties:

  • Ease of use. Even normal version summer kitchen allows you to use it in spring and autumn period. And if you insulate the walls and install energy-saving windows, you can comfortably stay in winter;

  • Reliability. Capital buildings serve much longer, as they are protected from negative external influences;
  • Functionality. In a closed summer kitchen, you can put almost any equipment for cooking, which will come in handy for cooking lovers.

Decide in advance what equipment will be used, the choice of the summer kitchen project depends on this.


You learned about the most common options for summer kitchens and, using the tips from the review, you can easily pick up best project for your area. The video in this article will reveal the topic even better, and if you have questions, ask in the comments below.

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Summer residents are looking forward to the onset of summer. For them, this is an opportunity to move from the city to their suburban area and dig in the beds. Fans of country rest also love summer. In warm weather, they have the opportunity to relax on fresh air in the forest or on the banks of the river and enjoy wonderful picnics with friends. People who own summer cottages use them not only to grow vegetables and herbs, but also spend time communicating with family and friends. The best place for holding such meetings is a summer kitchen arranged on a country site.

Summer kitchen in the country: projects

When a person decides to arrange a summer kitchen in the country, then before starting work, of course, he has many thoughts on how to arrange a summer kitchen so that it turns out perfect. It must be said that it will become ideal only if, in all seriousness, the owner suburban area suitable for its construction and carefully think over the design, as well as pay serious attention to the design and choose the right location, while not forgetting the purpose of this room. Thus, if you are going to build a summer kitchen, then you need to answer the following questions:

Why do you need a summer kitchen at your summer cottage? Do you plan to make a large number of blanks for the winter in the summer? How often will you visit your dacha with friends and have picnics? How many people will be in this room at the same time? Do you plan to be there only in summer?

The type of construction of this room, which the owner of the summer cottage chooses, will largely depend on its location. Will it act as a separate room or will it be attached to the house? Or maybe the summer kitchen will act as a building that is adjacent to outbuildings located on the territory of the suburban area? You need to decide from which side the wind hits your site and the sun shines. It is also necessary to answer the following questions: what climatic conditions prevail in your area where your dacha is located.

When work is carried out on the design and construction of a summer kitchen, even in this case, despite the non-global nature of this structure, the financial costs for the construction of this facility play a decisive role. Even if you plan to build an economy class room, then in this case you will be able to make sure that after the construction work is completed, this room will look stylish and attract attention. To do this, you need to connect your imagination, and besides this, show all your talents and skills when organizing a summer kitchen and creating its design.

When you have answered all the questions above, which may be very simple for many, you will be able to understand what your final goal will be. summer kitchen project

If you have already identified a separate room for your summer kitchen at your summer cottage, then you should know that, in accordance with the norms fire safety, from other buildings it should be located no closer than 7 m. In this case, the minimum size of the site should be at least 0.10 ha.

Do-it-yourself open summer kitchen in the country

If the suburban area is located in climate zone, which is characterized by favorable conditions for human life, and you have already chosen a place on your site that you consider optimal for placing a summer kitchen, then in this case you can do opt for an open design this building. This is a very simple option in terms of implementation. In this case, you will get as close to nature as possible when you spend your holidays in the courtyard of the house in such a summer kitchen. The number of walls in such a kitchen with a stove can vary from 1 to 3. Some projects of open summer kitchens are completely devoid of them.

Quite often, such structures have only one wall, which provides a connection between this structure and another extension. As a roof of a summer kitchen made of bricks with a stove, a canopy can act or shelter people in the room from the weather, a structure made of lightweight aluminum can. Structures of an open type are distinguished by ease in the process of construction, and, in addition, a small amount of money spent by the owner on the construction of such a structure.

Closed summer kitchen at their summer cottage

For people whose place of residence is a zone of risky agriculture, where frequent rains, dominated strong winds, and early frosts often occur, the best choice there will be a construction of a closed type summer kitchen. A structure of this type should also be chosen by people who prefer to spend holidays in their summer cottage in winter.

Summer kitchens with this type of stove can be attached to another room or can be a separate building. It represents a full-fledged house, which has heating, as well as gas, electricity and other conditions that provide a comfortable life. As additional buildings in the summer kitchen, a fireplace, utility room or cellar can act. If in winter you do not need a separate kitchen on your site, then in this case the water from the heating system must be drained, and then the windows and doors should be tightly closed.

How to build a summer kitchen with your own hands: materials

Materials such as stone and wood, will perfectly fit into the summer kitchen project on your site. However, it should be noted that other materials can be found on the market today, the characteristic qualities of which are lightness and high strength. They are popular with many private developers. First of all, they are chosen because they are reliable, and, in addition, when they are used in the construction process, convenience is provided to the developer. Such materials include PVC, polycarbonate sheets, as well as polystyrene foam boards and aluminum profiles.

Stone mansions

For the construction of a summer kitchen with a stove, stone can be used as the main material. Using this material, popular in our time, you can build walls, and, in addition, use it to lay out the floor. Can be used as a building material granite, marble, as well as use slate and limestone, which will look great in the interior. A real fireplace or an artificial one will look attractive in this room if you line it with stone. It is ideal to use tiles for this work that are able to withstand bad weather conditions, and besides that, the usual ones for the kitchen. negative factors- stains, debris and other negative points.

Concrete is best used for closed structures. This material has been used for a long time and is distinguished by a rather diverse range of colors. If a kitchen with a stove next to the house is built of stone, then it is quite acceptable to use wood elements or combinations of other materials in the design.

The main advantage of the stone is that it is durable material and convenient for construction work. However, it also has certain disadvantages. One of them is that the cost is quite high. For this reason, if you have a strong desire to carry out the construction work of your stone summer kitchen with a stove and a gazebo, you will have to allocate a serious construction budget for this business.

wooden grace

If you do not have enough financial resources to build a do-it-yourself brick kitchen near the house, then you can use wood, which is a more affordable material. However, in order for the construction of this material to last for a long time, it is necessary to carry out processing natural material using special formulations.

Such processing will protect the wood from such unpleasant processes as aging, rotting, fungal infection. A much simpler task is to carry out construction work with wood. Structures erected from this material, including a gazebo, will seem light and elegant to you. In addition, they will provide a special aroma of wood in the summer kitchen, especially after rainy weather.

Modern materials

They can also be used when arranging a summer kitchen with a barbecue. You can buy them even if the owner of the summer cottage allocated a small budget for the construction. Their feature is high strength when used in construction work. These materials are:

  • drywall;
  • lining panels;
  • plywood.

Most often, in order to complete the design of the floor covering, use parquet or laminate. With a small budget, preference is given in favor of linoleum. For the manufacture of kitchen walls with a gazebo, they use brick, tile, choose the wallpaper of the most different types or they use siding, which is an excellent material for performing exterior finish walls. For roofing best solution is a corrugated board or a metal tile.

Summer kitchen interior design

It should be said that there big number design options for a summer kitchen with a barbecue at their summer cottage. The owner must make a choice in favor of the one that he likes best. However, in order not to get confused when choosing the design of the summer kitchen being built with a stove and a gazebo, we want to give some helpful tips.


Many people in our country have suburban areas. However, not everyone wants to work on them in the beds. Many have a desire to use their summer cottage as well as a place of rest. In order to create comfortable conditions in the country for relaxation and a comfortable stay, a device such as a summer kitchen is suitable. There you can spend time with friends, as well as relax during hot hours and cook. There are several options for its device.

This structure can be open or closed. In addition, it can act as a separate room or be an extension to the main house, or be located on the site in the form of an extension. When building a summer kitchen with barbecue can be used the most different materials . You can give preference to stone and brick, or opt for lightweight materials, such as wood, polycarbonate. Here you need to proceed from your financial capabilities, as well as from what you want to get in the end.

Cooking in the summer in a hot and cramped kitchen is a very dubious pleasure. And if the residents of high-rise buildings are deprived of a choice, then the owners of private houses or summer cottages can take the cooking process outside the house in the summer - into the summer kitchen. And the house will get rid of excess fumes during the season of active conservation. Well, food cooked outdoors is always tastier than at home. In addition, summer kitchen, without much cost, you can make it roomy enough to turn it into a place for evening gatherings and meetings with friends.

There are many options for a summer kitchen for a summer residence:

  • With veranda adjoining the house
  • with barbecue area
  • With pergola
  • with a separate gazebo (pavilion)

In general, summer kitchens are usually divided into two types:

  • open - canopy, open on one or more sides, sliding structures, tarpaulin (fabric), roller blinds or removable partitions can be used as wind protection. Comfortable in such a kitchen will be the whole summer season - from late spring to early autumn
  • a closed kitchen is actually a “kitchen house” that reliably hides from all the vagaries of nature, but at the same time a significant part of the unique charm of the summer kitchen is lost.

Since structurally this is a fairly simple structure, it will not be excessive effort to build a summer kitchen with your own hands.

We select a place

An important stage in the creation of a summer kitchen project is the choice of a place, from right choice which depends on both the simplicity and speed of construction, and the convenience of further operation.

There are several factors to consider here:

  • availability of communications - proximity and ease of supply of water, electricity, gas, organization of drainage
  • distance from the roads - exhaust gases, dust and noise are not the best background for a relaxing holiday and cooking
  • distance from toilets, cesspools and compost pits, barnyards and other places with a characteristic pungent odor
  • fire safety - if the kitchen is supposed to use an open fire ( brazier, barbecue), at least within a radius of 10 m there should be no flammable buildings
  • the presence of trees - crowns will give shade and keep cool, limiting the ingress of the scorching rays of the sun. Cooking food on a hot stove and even under the hot sun is a dubious pleasure.
  • remoteness from home - the construction of a summer kitchen, which has common wall with a house (in the form of a veranda or extension) will significantly reduce the cost of the project. But on the other hand, smoke and fumes from the stove will enter the house, and the main idea of ​​​​the summer kitchen is to rid the house of side effects cooking. At the same time, if you move the kitchen away from home, in bad weather there will be problems with the delivery of food to the house.

Laying the foundation

Quite often, on thematic sites, the option is considered when the interior of the kitchen has its own cellar. The option is quite controversial, because in this case the cost of construction increases dramatically. In addition, if the kitchen is open, then in winter such a cellar will require additional insulation. And to get to it, you will have to additionally rake snowdrifts. So, we will still consider the cellar as an attribute of the house, and we can safely proceed to marking and laying the foundation.

If the construction of capital (brick, stone, foam concrete) walls is not foreseen, then there is no need to lay a full-fledged foundation. To do this, a pit (depression) of 10-15 cm is torn off in the ground over the total area, which is covered with screenings or sand and rammed. From above, you can lay tiles or boards for the future floor of the summer kitchen. In this case, the floor should be raised 15-20 cm above the ground to avoid rainwater flows.

In the presence of a foundation, the foundation is laid wooden frame from a bar, in places of attachment to the foundation, it is fixed with metal corners. In the future, the construction of the frame repeats the process described above.

When building a closed kitchen, brick, foam blocks or stone are used to build walls. In this case, the thickness of the wall in half a brick will be quite enough. Inside, the walls can be sheathed with drywall, plastic, clapboard or plastered - only the frost resistance of the selected material can act as a limitation, because in winter the room will not be heated regularly.

For the summer kitchen, the arrangement of a shed will be justified. roofs, for which it will be enough to build one wall of the beam structure a little higher than the opposite. When choosing a roofing material, it is important to consider the strength of the frame. If there are practically no restrictions for a closed kitchen (slate, metal tiles, composite tile, shingles, corrugated board, seam roofing, polycarbonate), then for an open kitchen you need to choose a lighter material, for example, polycarbonate or shingles.

Summer kitchen in the country: design and decoration

The main thing that fate follows when choosing a summer kitchen project for a summer residence is its compliance with the overall design and style of the entire site. To create a unique bright kitchen, especially if the kitchen is visually close to the house - the decision on its design and interior should be made in the same way so that common stylistic touches can be traced.

A few finishing tips:

  • bake- the main element in the interior, but do not forget about the main purpose of the kitchen - cooking. Brazier or barbecue, of course, is good, bright and aesthetically pleasing, but for daily needs you can not do without a gas, electric or wood stove. And also you can’t do without a sink, countertops, all kinds of drawers and other kitchen utensils

Where, if not at their summer cottage, you can fully relax from routine urban problems. How nice it is to have a barbecue in the fresh air and spend a pleasant evening with relatives and friends. A place where they equip an oven for cooking everyday food and barbecue, as well as equip a comfortable platform with dining table, many of us are familiar with as a summer kitchen. A cozy summer kitchen in the country, equipped and originally decorated with your own hands, often becomes a favorite place for spending time together for all family members.

There are more than a dozen varieties of buildings for cooking and eating. If we take the degree of openness of the kitchen space as a starting point, then the kitchens are divided into open and closed.

Open kitchens look like gazebos or verandas attached to the house.

An open summer kitchen with your own hands, due to the lack of walls, allows you to visually create the effect of freedom. The main elements of the open kitchen are a stove, a sink for dishes and kitchen furniture.

The material for the manufacture of such structures is often: for the foundation - stone, and for the building itself - wood. The roof is equipped at the request of the owner. Some of them do not specifically make a canopy in order to achieve maximum unity with nature on the site. Wanting to build a summer kitchen in a country house without a roof, the owners set aside a place for construction under the crown of a tree.

The main advantage of open kitchens is that they are well ventilated, they are not hot in the hot summer.

Closed kitchens look like a full-fledged house. Such designs can be used not only in the summer, but throughout the year.

Equipped closed summer kitchens can serve as a convenient place for guests to spend the night, a kind of hunting lodge for lovers active rest and just temporary storage. Closed kitchens are built mainly from plywood, lining and drywall. Wanting to create a more durable structure that will last for several decades, stone, brick and foam blocks are chosen as the material of manufacture.

Building a summer kitchen with your own hands, in addition to saving financial costs, has another advantage - the ability to combine Construction Materials experimenting and creating original design.

Successfully combined kitchen with barbecue and barbecue, as well as a veranda or gazebo

Regardless of what materials the structure will be built from, the main thing is that the kitchen is convenient and comfortable. It will be great if you provide a water supply to the kitchen, and equip the outlet through a pipe outside the building.

Making space for a cozy corner

The place for the kitchen, where the whole family will spend enough time at the dining table every day, is chosen in such a way that it is convenient for supplying electricity, water supply and other communications. It is most preferable to equip the kitchen away from the household area with pets, as well as the toilet and compost heaps.

When planning the construction of a summer kitchen, the material of which will be wood or other non-fire-resistant material, it is advisable to maintain a distance of 8-10 m between flammable buildings

A very good option when the kitchen is located directly above the cellar. This solution will allow you to place all the necessary products at your fingertips. And during the period of harvesting, conservation is easy to lower the cellar until cold times. The location of the kitchen on a small slope will provide an independent drain of rain and melt water.

Brief overview of construction technology

The foundation device begins with the selection of a location, leveling the surface and marking the future construction site. If we are building a summer kitchen with our own hands of an open design, then an alternative to the foundation can be a simple platform, buried literally by 10-15 cm. To equip it, it is necessary to remove the indicated layer of earth, filling the bottom of the formed pit with sand. After that, carefully tamp everything and cover paving slabs, bricks, boards.

Under a more durable structure, a tape or columnar type of foundation is laid, which is already deepened by 50-80 cm. For relatively light structures made of wooden beams, a columnar foundation is laid. It is a stone or brick columns equidistantly located around the entire perimeter of the building, which receive and distribute the load created by the structure.

The tape type of the base is able to take the load of heavier structures made of stone, brick and foam blocks. It is a trench filled with concrete, which is located along the perimeter of the entire building.

And this is what the slab foundation looks like:

Slab foundation is one of the most durable types of foundation. But it will also require the most resources

The stages of building a foundation directly depend on the design that you have chosen. Basically, this process takes place in several stages:

  • Excavation. A layer of soil with a depth of at least half a meter is removed along the marked perimeter.
  • Compacting a sand cushion, the thickness of which is 15-20 cm.
  • The erection of the very foundation. The poured foundation, in favorable weather, hardens within a week.
  • Arrangement of the floor, the basis of which is a sandy 15 cm pillow. Compacted sand is covered with a layer of rubble and poured with cement mortar. If you want to lay out the floor with tiles, you can lay it out immediately on a concrete screed.

An example of the construction of a strip foundation:

The floor level of the summer kitchen should be at least 5 cm above ground level. This will prevent water from entering and spreading on the floor of an open space during rain

Stage # 2 - erecting walls and installing a stove

Wooden structural elements are fastened with screws and self-tapping screws. Beam structures are desirable to be made of metal corners. The outer walls of the building can be sheathed with a 20 mm board, and the inner walls with plasterboard, clapboard or the same board.

The easiest way to build a kitchen is from a wooden or metal frame sheathed with boards.

When considering how to build a summer kitchen from brick, stone or foam blocks, it should be noted that the construction of a building will require knowledge of masonry material and wall building skills. For the construction of summer kitchens, laying technology in one brick or even half a brick is often used.

If you want to equip a stove indoors, it is necessary at this stage of construction to lay out this area with bricks

The same work can be carried out on the arrangement working area BBQ rooms:

In the future, during the construction of the roof, it is necessary to provide for the installation of an exhaust pipe to remove heat and smoke from the space of the working area.

A wood-burning stove can only emphasize those unique interior summer kitchen, using it for cooking will significantly save energy

For the arrangement of the furnace, a special fireclay brick is used, which is resistant to high temperatures, but at the same time it is an excellent heat conductor, quickly warming up the room.

When erecting the walls of a building, do not forget that for a closed version of the kitchen, one or more windows must be provided.

Floor-to-ceiling windows look very impressive in the summer kitchen - to the entire height of the wall. This solution allows not only to bring additional sunlight into the room, but visually expand the space. Seams between openings and frames can be sealed with silicone gaskets.

Stage # 3 - roof installation, insertion of windows and doors

The simplest in execution is the variant of a flat and shed roof configuration. In addition to the ease of construction, the arrangement shed roof is less costly. However, most often the roof is made gable.

The most widespread in the construction of the summer kitchen received gable roof, which allows you to give the building more harmony and completeness

The roof frame is constructed from longitudinal and cross beams. The material of the roof of the building is often slate, tiles and metal tiles. The choice of material is based on a harmonious combination with other structural elements. When planning to equip a room that can also be used in the cold season, it is advisable to provide for the use of a heat-insulating layer, which can be expanded polystyrene or mineral wool.

If it is planned to build a canopy instead of a roof, then as roofing material roofing paper, corrugated glass or polycarbonate can be used

During installation, it should be taken into account that the sheets of material should extend beyond the perimeters of the structure in order to ensure proper water flow. At the final stage, windows and doors are installed.

Room finishing options

The floors in the room can be laid out with 20 mm boards, which will subsequently be varnished and painted in an interesting shade of paint. The ceilings of the room can also be sheathed with boards and opened with a layer of drying oil. Using drywall as a ceiling covering, you can diversify the design by working with interior color combinations.

When choosing items for the interior, it is advisable to give preference to original items made of porcelain and clay, forged elements and carved wood, which are able to emphasize the taste of its owner.

The design of the summer kitchen in the country should be combined with other buildings on the site. It's great if they are made from the same materials and made in the same range of colors.

A carefully varnished plank floor will be a worthy alternative to parquet flooring. No less interesting looks in the design of the summer kitchen and floor tiles.

It will be interesting to look at the crossbars and beams that support the roof, similar to those used earlier in the villages

In addition to the functional element of the interior - the stove, you can complement the design by choosing products made in ethnic style.

Deciding for themselves how to make a summer kitchen, site owners get a great opportunity to build original design, which will allow you to enjoy your meal and have a good time in a cozy room, while feeling unity with nature.

A country house has a very significant advantage - it gives us the opportunity to dine outdoors. The dining area can be equipped in different ways.

You can just put plastic furniture in the garden, but it is much more convenient to equip summer kitchen. Then cooking and dining in the fresh air will turn into a real pleasure.

The summer kitchen will be a salvation for the owners of small country houses. It will help to release the stationary kitchen in the house for the whole summer and use it as an additional room. And cooking in the garden is much more pleasant and convenient. You can continuously cook, treat and communicate with guests.

The summer kitchen is simply created for cooking barbecue, grilled meat, barbecue, canning and cooking jams. Here it is very convenient to handle harvested crop, not being afraid to litter in the house. Here you can immediately “twist” jars of cucumbers and make jam for the winter, seducing the neighbors with a wonderful aroma.

How to equip a summer kitchen in the garden and near the house

Today, there are many ways to equip a summer kitchen in the garden. It could be like separate room, so small gazebo or barbecue area. The main thing is that it should be equipped with a hearth on which you can cook food, continuously communicating with guests sitting at tables nearby.

If you have enough big garden, then you can place in it large-scale summer kitchen-pavilion. Typically, such facilities are installed near the house in order to make it easier to provide the kitchen with water and electricity.

Summer kitchen: options

The design of the summer kitchen can be light, open from all sides or from several sides. At the same time, it is important to consider protection from the weather. A roof or canopy will protect from rain, and removable partitions made of glass or wood, sliding structures or roller blinds will save you from the wind. Thanks to this, you will be able to dine and cook even during bad weather.

You can also make walls in the style of an openwork gazebo. And to protect from prying eyes and wind, plant nearby hedge. For example, you can plant spicy plants nearby or put roses on the trellis or climbing plants. To make the dining area more romantic, you can hang air curtains.

If your summer season lasts almost the entire year, then it is worth building a more serious object that will withstand any bad weather. In fact, this closed gazebo or small house-kitchen. There is another convenient option for arranging a summer kitchen - on the open veranda of the house overlooking the garden. A stove, stove or fireplace, as well as tables and chairs, are installed on the veranda. This option is considered the most economical and simple. You can easily run water for a sink, gas for a stove or electricity, since the veranda is an extension to the house. On the railing of the veranda, you can hang balcony boxes with herbs, then you will always have fresh herbs at hand.

Summer kitchen: cooking area

A small space in the kitchen will take up space for cooking. It can be equipped with a traditional stove, a small gas or electric stove, a stone oven or a grill fireplace. In the same area there is a cutting table and small cabinets for kitchen utensils. Well, the rest of the summer kitchen is dinner Zone where tables, comfortable chairs or sofas are set.

Summer kitchen - photo

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