How to take a spectacular selfie. Best poses for photos. Raise your smartphone above your head

Many people of all ages and social status are wondering how to take a beautiful selfie? A bright, successful photo is fashionable and relevant. Some spend several hours to achieve the desired effect, but still fail to get the coveted number of likes and positive comments. Finding favorable angles, backgrounds and other details can take just a minute. Follow our tips on how to take beautiful photos!

How can a guy or girl photograph themselves beautifully?

For a cool picture, it’s not enough to stretch out your hand with your phone/camera or use a special stick. Details and intent are important. Their absence, unnaturalness, and bad taste become the reasons for unsuccessful photographs.

How should you take a beautiful photo to highlight your style and personality in a selfie?

1. Theme of the future photo.

Popular trends include extreme selfies. For example: a photo with a gun while hunting (for guys), skydiving, on a motorcycle or near a race track, in a paintball suit, on top of a mountain, etc. The theme could be a meeting of friends - grufi, showing off a new dress - liftouk, demonstrating abs - sports selfie, a romantic dinner with your loved one - selfie. Any photo should have a story, a thought.
A win-win option for a boy or girl - photos with animals. This will definitely cause laughter, tenderness and a desire to like.

Very important:

  • Interesting, multi-layered background;
  • View from above or at an angle of 40 degrees;
  • Bright natural light to avoid glare and unevenness;
  • Slight tilt of the head;
  • Using holiday attributes: with a garland and a tree for the New Year, with flowers for March 8, in a costume for Halloween, with pancakes for Maslenitsa;
  • Maximum naturalness, humor, creativity and imagination.

2. Appearance.

It is important to know a good angle. You should take the photo while holding the phone at eye level. Swelling, pimples, and cool eyes can be easily hidden with hair or sunglasses.

  • Using makeup;
  • Styled hair, neat appearance;
  • It’s worth taking a picture of yourself in several positions in advance to find a good angle and take many pictures in it to choose the best one for social networks;
  • Emphasizing your advantages, highlighting accents - large breasts, slender legs, red plump lips, expressive eyes;
  • Duck lips are not on trend and should not be used;
  • Sunlight or bright shades;
  • The naturalness of the photo should appear in everything: facial expression, glance to the side, smile.

3. A good camera and photo editor.

A lot depends on the front camera of the phone. You can shoot correctly on a soap dish, and even on a DSLR. The main thing is that the face is not distorted, imperfections are hidden, and everything looks natural.

Important tips for guys and girls on how to take beautiful selfies at home?

At home, you can get gorgeous photos that can attract the attention of thousands of strangers.
In order not to suffer all day taking pictures, you should resort to simple tips:

  • A slight tilt of the head will add charm. Experiment beforehand;
  • There should be no extra people, clutter, or garbage in the background;
  • Beautiful photos will be taken in natural bright lighting, for example, near a window;
  • Natural facial expression, pleasant smile, sincere laughter;
  • Invisible makeup that emphasizes strengths and hides flaws;
  • Loose hair will add femininity and charm.
  • You should immediately take several photos in a row in order to choose the most attractive one from several.

Most girls are interested in how to make an intimate photo for Instagram not vulgar. To make your lips look sexy, it is no longer a trend to pout them like a duck. It is better to bite them a little in advance so that natural swelling appears. The chest can be discreetly lifted with your hand to add volume. Another secret to a chic bust is the view from above or in a lying position. Such a photo will hide extra pounds and present your figure favorably. For erotic selfies, you need a timer or a full-length mirror.

Any photo should be processed in editors. Even if it was made on the latest model iPhone, you will need cropping, emoticon effects, contrast editing, etc.

The main rule for a beautiful selfie is naturalness and a good mood!

We can take a thousand selfies, but how can we take a truly good and attractive photo? One that makes your hair, skin, smile, clothes and surroundings look perfect.

People, of course, sometimes exaggerate the importance of social networks (remember that Instagram is not the real world), but on the other hand, selfies are a way to feel more confident in ourselves, accept and love our appearance through the photos we post on social media. networks or send to our friends. The main thing to remember is that you shouldn’t judge yourself by the number of likes on a photo.

If you want to take a great selfie but don't know how, here are some pro tips. We'll look at 8 techniques for creating a great shot: from finding the right angle to choosing the right filter for your photo.

Make sure you have quality equipment

It would seem that there is no better invention for taking selfies than a smartphone with a front camera: it takes good pictures and has many filters. But, in addition to ordinary phones, you can use full-fledged cameras to create a self-portrait. You might want to consider purchasing the Olympus PEN E-PL7 designer camera, which is great for this purpose.

Olympus PEN E-PL7 selfie camera with LCD display

Fashion blogger Alex Steadman considers this camera the best solution for creating attractive photos: the camera allows you to take high-quality, clear photos and instantly share them on social networks using Wi-Fi. The camera has built-in filters and effects, as well as a flip-out LCD display that helps you “capture the picture the way you see it.” In addition, with such a display, your hands will not be included in the frame when shooting.

Find the perfect shooting angle

Everyone has a “best angle” in which they look most advantageous. You just need to find it. Look at designer Tom Ford: he often stands in one pose in photographs and always turns out well. One photographer told us how to find your own right angle. “The whole secret lies in knowing your strengths and being able to highlight them by posing for the camera,” he said.

For example, if you have a long nose, you should raise your head a little (but don't raise it too high). There is no need to photograph yourself from below (a double chin appears) and too much from above, in which case the body will look disproportionate. The best angle is a half-turn position so that one half of the face is visible. The cheeks can be visually reduced by pointing the front camera at the top. In this case, the face will appear slimmer. In addition, this placement of the camera visually enlarges the eyes. Finally, if you have a large forehead, avoid taking pictures of yourself from above, holding your smartphone to the side and just above your eye line. In addition to the shooting angle, you should choose which side to turn your face, because the right and left halves have differences: the size of the eyes, the height of the eyebrows, the presence or absence of moles and skin irregularities. Experiment with different positions to find your favorite angle.

Remember the lighting

You may have a Lumee selfie light case, but is it the ideal lighting source? Photographer and fashion blogger Candace Lake advised before shooting to go outside, where natural diffused light will come to your aid. The golden hour for good shots is the time of sunrise and sunset. Natural light is the best.

Selfies are best taken in natural light

“Lamps indoors can add yellow tones to the frame, which I don’t like,” says Alex Steadman. If you still decide to film at home, then it’s better to do it during the day, standing in front of the window. If the sunlight is too bright, cover the window with a loose curtain to diffuse the rays. With this lighting, the lines of the face appear softer and smoother. If you don't have enough natural light, you can supplement it with artificial light to fill the shadows. Avoid taking photos with flash as it will distort your facial features and make your pupils appear red.

Make a bright make-up

If you've applied your makeup and feel like you look your best, then it's time to grab the camera. An even skin tone, expressive eyes and lips will make the photo rich and bright.

Bright makeup in the photo will attract more attention

Makeup artists recommend using highlighter to give the face freshness - a little on the upper part of the cheekbones, in the inner corner of the eye, on the tick above the upper lip. “Be sure to apply concealer under your eyes (for a natural look, use one that’s a shade lighter than your skin tone)—it will open up your eyes,” advises Christine Daniel. Do you want your face to not look dull and tired in the photo? Use peach blush and bronzer powder.

Don't be afraid to take a leg selfie - it's totally appropriate

Don't want to take a photo of your face? Then take a selfie of your feet - it's a new trend on social networks. Remember that for a memorable selfie, shoes should be of an unusual design, fashionable or just fun.

Leg selfie is a new fashion feature

Take your shots using a grid overlay so your feet are exactly in the middle. On an iPhone, you can add this function in the camera settings; for Android owners, it is possible to take a photo inside the built-in Instagram application. The surface you're standing on is also important for this shot: look for beautiful tiles, paving stones, or an intricately patterned rug.

Choose a current look

You know for sure that Gucci loafers will get a lot of likes, but you're not sure whether you should show off your legs in fishnet tights? Take pictures in different images until you understand which photos are the most successful, and what you should really post a selfie in to get compliments from your followers.

Try to choose a beautiful image to get more likes

Use the photo editor to take a beautiful selfie

We take a huge number of selfies at one time in order to choose one or two truly successful shots from all the options. But even such shots often require processing: contrast, exposure, color correction.

A special photo editor will help improve the image

Often, when trying to take a good selfie, people attach too much importance to external attributes. In fact, the use of a selfie stick, the exotic landscape around and even perfect makeup are not that important. The main thing is to look natural in the photo and be able to highlight your advantages.

How to take a beautiful selfie on your phone? To create a beautiful selfie, there are a few key things to consider.


Any photographer will tell you that light is of utmost importance in any photo shoot. The face can change beyond recognition, depending on the lighting angle. You can only find the ideal lighting angles for yourself through trial and error, because every face is unique.

  • However, there is a general rule - natural daylight looks most beautiful. Therefore, it is best to take pictures outdoors or indoors with the lights turned off during the day. Lamps provide too sharp a contrast - therefore, in professional studios, in artificial lighting conditions, diffused light is specially created.

  • You should never take pictures against the light. Often a face from a good angle turns out to be too dark, and this is difficult to correct even in Photoshop.
  • You should also avoid excessive direct lighting - on an overly lit face, flaws may not be visible, but such a selfie looks careless.

Good poses for selfies

Selfie poses are no less important. Many people like to simply photograph their face from the front, however, even if this angle turns out well for you, you cannot constantly use it so that the photographs do not look monotonous.

Here are some good poses:

  • The half-turn head position suits almost everyone and adds variety to photographs. This position can hide many flaws, because in nature there is no perfectly symmetrical face - by photographing from the front, you draw attention to the little things. Try photographing your face three-quarters to the right and left to see which angle works best.
  • Profile photos are not very common and look unusual. If you want to try something new, this option is for you. Make sure that your eyes are not looking at the camera, but strictly straight ahead - then the selfie will look organic.
  • Tilt of the head down visually increases the forehead and crown and reduces the chin.
  • The head, raised upward, makes the chin heavier, but makes the forehead smaller.
  • Hands on the face can really add life to a photo. Holding your hair with your fingers or resting your palm on your cheek will look flattering and add variety to your selfie collection.

Facial expressions for a good selfie

Facial expressions for selfies are no less important. Pouting your lips in a bow has long been outdated and looks funny, unless you do it as a joke. Facial expressions for selfies should be lively and natural: then the photo will turn out perfect.

  • Laughter or at least a slight smile will look most beautiful, but only if it is lively and sincere.
  • In order for a smile to look natural, the gaze must be expressive. We recognize false smiles precisely by the lack of fun in the gaze, as well as by the absence of facial wrinkles around the eyes. Therefore, you don’t need to smile only with your lips. Try to think about happy moments when you take a photo.
  • However, gaze is important not only for smiles. Any facial expression requires the participation of the eye - if you cannot feel the emotion you are trying to photograph, the eyes will be empty and the selfie will be unconvincing.
  • If you are not always able to work with your eyes correctly, you can take pictures in sunglasses. With them, any photo looks more successful - besides, they can be used in an interesting way.

10 ideas for beautiful selfies

We all need inspiration - even in something like taking a selfie. These ideas will help you take more interesting selfies and highlight your beauty.

  • Selfie with pets

We all love love animals. Exotic selfies from foreign vacation trips, dolphinariums and zoos are now popular. However, you don’t need to look for something amazing just to take a photo. A dog or cat is great for selfies: animals are usually extremely photogenic. In addition, they can evoke genuine emotions in you, and the photo will turn out to be truly alive.

  • Selfie in the wind

The wind allows you to create stunning photographs. Flying hair and clothes add a special touch to any photo. In addition, hair falling on the face itself creates an interesting effect, so even if you did not manage to create an expressive look and a natural smile, a few strands on the face can easily hide imperfections.

  • Selfie with your loved one

How to take a beautiful selfie for a guy? It is often difficult to get men to pose for the camera. A joint selfie can be a way out. There are many popular poses that lovers usually use in photography, and they all usually look good. After all, you give each other sincere emotions that can’t help but be reflected in the photo.

  • Spontaneous selfie

You don’t have to wait for the right moment or significant event to take a selfie. The best shots are often obtained by accident. Take a photo of yourself in a familiar environment right now - in a cafe with a cup of coffee, in the office or on the bus. Probably, such unexpected selfies will turn out to be even more successful than well-thought-out options.

  • Selfie with children

Children always bring positivity to photos. Next to them, any adult looks happier and younger. You've probably noticed that children almost never take bad pictures. It is worth learning from them spontaneity and vivid expression of emotions. If you have a smile on your face, the surroundings in the selfie will play a secondary role.

  • Selfie lying down

When you are lying down, you are as relaxed as possible - this is the kind of face that can look good in a photograph. Such selfies should be taken with natural makeup and hair lying softly on the pillow. Soft daylight will be especially appropriate here. Such a gentle and simple selfie will allow you to ignore external attributes and highlight your natural beauty.

  • Selfie in an unusual way

Photos in which you look different from your usual self always attract attention. Bright makeup, wigs, and carnival costumes will help you with this. These are usually photos from parties and other entertaining events. A selfie like this is a great way to not only show how much fun you're having at night, but also show off a new side of yourself.

  • Photos in a men's T-shirt

Men's shirts and T-shirts that are several sizes larger always look sexy, and selfies are no exception. It’s especially interesting to play with contrast and take a selfie in a men’s T-shirt with distinctly feminine makeup and hairstyle.

  • Sexy selfie

Selfies in swimsuits and lingerie always look attractive. However, if you choose this option, you need to think through the details so that the photo looks stylish and not vulgar. How to take an erotic selfie? For starters, watch your facial expressions. Facial expression should not be deliberately sexual; it often looks tasteless. A calm, relaxed expression works best. Also try not to emphasize possible flaws in your figure; do not take such selfies if you have unkempt skin or unwashed hair.

  • Selfie looking over your shoulder

Such options always look playful, beautiful and natural. Turning your head back adds a special twist to your selfie: it looks as if you are turning around at a passerby. The facial expression here can be anything, but a slight smile is best.

As you can see, there are a lot of simple but effective ideas that will help you take a successful selfie. Don't limit yourself to this list. Find your most beautiful angles and feel free to experiment with poses, makeup and surroundings.

Video: 10 life hacks for the perfect selfie

Today, photography has become a way of presenting and promoting oneself, one’s creativity or business. We take photographs to capture moments in life or develop our business, but in many situations it is easier and faster to photograph ourselves without outside help. Who knows better than you yourself how to take pictures of you, especially if you use all the tricks of a successful selfie. So, what are these secrets that will help you look beautiful in the photo?

1. Light

The right light is at least 60% of success. When there is good lighting, your face looks best and the quality of the photo is the best. The ideal light is moderately bright and diffused. It’s best to shoot at home with your face facing the window. If the sun is scorching on this day, you can curtain the window with light tulle, which will soften the rays. Outdoor photos work best on a bright but cloudy day. Clouds scatter light in the same way as tulle. In a room, it’s good when the light source is slightly to the side and above eye level, but electric lighting is inferior to natural lighting.

2. Angle

Of course, you need to build on your appearance. You've probably noticed a long time ago when you do your best work. If not, try filming yourself, changing the position of your face a little with each frame. In most cases, the most successful angles are considered to be turning your head 3/4 and shooting from above or slightly above, i.e. The phone should be above eye level. Be sure to catch the light and don't turn against it. Many studies on facial asymmetry have found that the left side tends to look fresher and younger. Check which side of your face is “working”. Better not film yourself from below. The risk of getting a double chin and a wide face is too great. You can get a very good shot by tilting the phone a little to one side. This way you will direct the viewer's eye in the photo a little differently, which can work into your favor.

3. Makeup

Be sure to mask minor skin imperfections and dark circles under the eyes. Usually the phone camera betrays them treacherously. Beautiful skin makes the best photo impression. Ideally, you can do a full makeover. It is good to highlight the skin with concealer or highlighter. To prevent your face from looking flat, you can highlight your cheekbones. Very impressive shots are obtained if you focus on your lips by choosing bright lipstick. Too lazy to put on makeup? Wear beautiful sunglasses that suit you and highlight your lips.

4. Image

It’s good if you are remembered by some detail. Earrings, necklaces, glasses and other accessories can make a very stylish selfie. Jessica Alba, for example, loves taking photos in hats.

5. Facial expression

It’s better to forget about duckface and smile pleasantly. Even when you're not smiling with your mouth, use the Tyra Banks trick and smile with your eyes. The emotion in the photo makes it very attractive. Take selfies whenever you're in the mood. This way the photos will turn out as natural as possible.

6. Background

Avoid shots with clutter in the background, gloomy passers-by, and simply those who want to ruin your photo. If something like this happens, and there is no way to re-photograph it, treat it with humor and write something funny under the photo. It’s also good if your outstretched arm doesn’t get into the frame. In most cases it looks out of place.

7. Filters and retouching

The higher the quality of the image (see point 1), the more opportunities to process it. Very often, during the processing process, a photo loses quality and an initially weak frame does not improve after retouching. Filters are more efficient. You can highlight the face or add an interesting effect. With a high-quality photo, you can do everything in combination, successfully retouch and add a filter.

8. More views and likes

If you want to get more likes and views, the time of publication matters. Typically, bursts of activity occur around 7-9 am, when users wake up and check their phones, 11-1 pm, during work breaks and at 17-18, after the end of the working day. By posting photos at midnight our time, the target audience will be America. Popular hashtags will also attract the attention of fans of relevant topics.

How often do you take selfies? What do you do to look good in photos?

With the development of information technology, smartphones with powerful cameras appeared on the market. Thanks to this, photography lovers can take a unique selfie. It is worth noting that selfi is a real art. Not every photo will attract attention. To teach how to take high-quality, and most importantly interesting photographs, you need to learn more about this art.

What is a selfie

A selfie is usually understood as a self-photo, which is taken using a smartphone or camera. The picture should show a person taking a photograph of himself. You must have a camera in your hands. If a person is not holding a smartphone, it is no longer considered a selfie.

Today, selfies have gained worldwide popularity. In most cases, photos are immediately sent to social networks. Most often, photographs are posted on the following Internet resources:

Of course, if you wish, you can add pictures to other popular social networks.

It is worth noting that initially selfies were taken in order to capture oneself against the backdrop of a beautiful place or at the moment of an event happening nearby. Most of the modern selfies are boring and the same type.

How to take the right photo

The main goal of a selfie is to take a high-quality photo of yourself, against a beautiful or interesting background. Unfortunately, not everyone can take such self-photos. It is important to note that the photograph does not simply “advertise” itself, it must show the situation in which the photograph was taken.

To learn how to take a selfie, you need to have a powerful device and a properly selected landscape. Everyone can choose a suitable device for taking pictures and simulate an interesting situation.

Camera selection

Any picture, including selfies, is taken with a high-quality camera. You need to buy a smartphone with a powerful front camera. Unfortunately, such devices are expensive. Therefore, you need to learn how to take selfies without a front camera. Of course, this is not so easy to do, but it is possible.

The smartphone camera must have a matrix resolution of 8 megapixels. In this case, the presence of a stabilizer is important. Experts recommend considering devices with a camera with a resolution of 13 megapixels or higher.

Background and lighting

A camera is not the only tool needed to create a high-quality and interesting photo. Since taking a selfie is not so easy, you need to consider all aspects that affect the quality of the photo.

On the Internet you can find a lot of unsuccessful photographs, in the background of which:

  • Naked people;
  • Scattered things;
  • Grimacing people;
  • Nondescript walls;
  • Much more.

It is important to choose a beautiful landscape. There should be no strangers in the background. If it is not possible to take a photo without a stranger or a crowd in the background, you need to turn the focus on yourself. People in the background should not make faces or take obscene poses.

It should be noted that in addition to a good background, you need to choose the right lighting. To take a successful selfie, you need to turn off the flash. Sunlight or artificial light should fall on the face. The lighting should not be too bright. Otherwise, there will be highlights and the photo will be of poor quality.

Selecting an angle

Even a powerful camera and the right background will not save the photo if the wrong angle is chosen. It is strictly forbidden to tilt your head back too much, as this will cause distortion of the oval of the face. It is recommended to turn your head slightly to the side.

It is best to take a photo so that not only the face, but also part of the body is visible in the photograph. It's best to experiment before posting the finished result online.


How to take a beautiful selfie so that everyone will envy and admire you? It's simple, in addition to the camera, background, lighting and angle, you need to take care of the appearance. Girls are recommended to wear bright lipstick. It is best to get rid of all shiny areas of the skin. It is recommended to apply powder on the nose, forehead and cheeks.

Another important point is the hairstyle. Hair should not stick out in different directions. If it is not possible to use a comb, you can correct the situation with a hairpin or elastic bands.

Attracting attention

You can take a unique photo if you take a photo with famous people. Such a photo will quickly gain ratings. Do not forget about the above recommendations. It is worth noting that this kind of photographs can be taken both in a nightclub and on the street.

Animals are another way to add interest to a photo. Moreover, it does not matter whether it is a domestic or wild “little animal”. The only thing worth remembering is that the animal should not cover the person’s face.

What to Avoid

Even with a good camera and expensive cosmetics, you can earn dislikes. Such pictures can be found not only among ordinary users, but also among celebrities. To take a beautiful photo, it is recommended to avoid the following places:

  • Ritual parlors and cemeteries (such photographs are simply not ethical);
  • Temples are a bad place for selfies;
  • Hospital or operating room;
  • Government bodies and other official places;
  • A car is not the best place for photography (it’s not beautiful and can create an emergency);
  • Places of fires and other disasters (such a photo is simply inhumane).

When is the best time to take selfies?

To take an interesting selfie, you need to always keep your phone with you. Most often, beautiful, positive and interesting photographs are obtained in the following cases:

  • When you want to capture an interesting moment that you can remember for a long time. Most often these are concerts, birthdays or other festive events;
  • Holidays and travel. A beautiful, and most importantly memorable photo is obtained if you take it against the backdrop of the sea or palm trees. Friends will like such pictures, and will also allow them to remember pleasant moments in life;
  • Unexpected things. For example, three months of precipitation fell in one day, or a huge bun (a man in a large suit) is walking down the street. The photograph taken can be immediately posted on social networks to surprise and delight your friends;
  • Demonstration of new things. This is one of the common selfies, but you need to be careful in choosing the background and lighting so as not to ruin the photo.

It is important to remember that the pictures should not be repeated. The only time a selfie is taken in one place several times is to try to tell a story. In other cases, it is better not to do this.

Video instructions for a beautiful selfie


You can find a huge number of selfie pictures on the Internet. In fact, taking a high-quality auto photograph is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To achieve success, you need to study all the recommendations, as well as take 2-3, and sometimes 10-15 test shots. Don't forget about the structure of your face and figure. It is important to turn in such a way that the camera emphasizes individuality and beauty.

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