How to stick wallpaper on the ceiling. How to hang paper wallpaper on the ceiling How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling correctly

A beautiful and smooth ceiling created using modern wallpaper, many people like it. But not everyone knows how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling correctly. Although there are no particular difficulties in this process, the main thing is to know the sequence of actions and some construction secrets.

Let's figure out how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling so that everyone in the household will like the result. After all, the simplicity of the material and its accessibility captivate many, but the implementation of the process of gluing the ceiling is often upsetting, especially with visible seams (see).

For reference: seams between wallpaper are a natural process of applying them to any surface, which cannot be avoided. Wallpaper is not a banner or suspended ceiling which are made without seams. But the wallpaper seams can be skillfully played up or disguised.

Choosing wallpaper

It is clear that thick wallpaper for walls is not suitable for ceilings, since the weight of the materials plays a significant role in creating a flat and smooth surface. Therefore, we will need ceiling wallpaper - they are lighter (see).

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, pay attention to the markings on the rolls:

  1. Weight ceiling wallpaper does not exceed 110 g/m²;
  2. Lightweight wallpaper for walls weighs in the range from 110 to 140 g/m²,
  3. The weight of other paper wallpapers exceeds 140 g/m².

The process of gluing the ceiling

Let's figure out what stages the whole procedure consists of and how to glue ceiling wallpaper to get a beautiful surface. In practice, the entire process consists of:

  1. Ceiling measurements to calculate the length of wallpaper strips;
  2. Preparation of tools and accessories;
  3. Strip cutting;
  4. Applying glue;
  5. Applying wallpaper strips to the ceiling;
  6. Smoothing wallpaper and forming seams;
  7. Natural drying.

Tools for work

We stock up on tools and equipment. Gluing wallpaper to the ceiling will require you to:

  1. Wide and narrow paint brush for applying glue;
  2. A sharp knife for cutting wallpaper;
  3. Container for diluting glue;
  4. Plastic spatula for smoothing out bubbles;
  5. Rubber roller for sealing seams;
  6. Square, tape measure and pencil.

From consumables will also need:

  1. high-quality glue for ceiling wallpaper;
  2. paper tape to reinforce seams.

Cutting strips

One of important stages Wallpapering involves cutting strips. Depending on the number of windows in the room and their location, the length of the wallpaper strips also depends. After all, to make the seams on the ceiling less noticeable, they should be glued in the direction of the window.

If there are several windows in a room, then it is better to glue wallpaper along the length of the room to reduce the number of stripes and, accordingly, the number of joints.

A word of caution: many residents, trying to independently figure out how to properly glue wallpaper to the ceiling, often forget one piece of construction wisdom. This is the accuracy of the measurements. There are always 10.5 meters of wallpaper in rolls, and if you calculate the stripes incorrectly, you will end up with a significant overconsumption of materials.

Another feature is the creation of a reserve. The strips should be cut to greater lengths so that when gluing, the edges of the strips extend slightly onto the walls. 2-3 cm on each side is enough. Subsequently, they will need to be cut off (see).

Applying glue

To perform this operation you need:

  1. lay the cut strip of wallpaper face down on a flat surface;
  2. dip the brush into a container of glue;
  3. Carefully rub the glue over the surface of the wallpaper.

Tip: if you are gluing wallpaper onto wallpaper (for example, old wallpaper), then you should apply glue to the ceiling as well. But no wider than the cut strip.

Gluing process

Having done everything preparatory work, glue vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling. For this:

  1. We fold the strip like an accordion, making sure that the front surface of the segment does not end up in the glue;
  2. Mark a line on the ceiling along the width of the strip (at least 50 cm from the edge of the wall);
  3. We glue paper masking tape onto it (under the seam);
  4. We apply a strip to the ceiling. You should start from the corner, following the drawn line as a guide;
  5. Using a plastic spatula, we disperse (smooth out) the air bubbles under the strip with smooth movements;
  6. We prepare the next strip (applying glue, folding it like an accordion, gluing paper tape in the place of the future seam).

We apply its free edge to the ceiling and perform the same operations. Then, when the second stripe has been applied and all air bubbles have been removed from under it, you should:

  1. Using your hands, pull the seam together until it touches tightly;
  2. Using a rubber roller, roll the seam (compact the adhesive base).

Features of work

When gluing ordinary wallpaper, the issue of matching the pattern is not critical. If you are going to paste wallpaper with a pattern, then you need to know how to perform this operation correctly.

To join the image, it is best to cut only the first strip from the roll to size. The following strips must be cut in place - placing them next to the glued strip and marking the cutting line (see).

One more important feature– cutting off excess strip. Trying to do this job with scissors always results in a jagged edge. A sharp knife can also ruin the cutting line.

It is best to apply a wide spatula to the edge and cut off the excess along its edge. With this approach, the likelihood of damaging the edges of the wallpaper is minimal.

Many also do not know how to glue vinyl wallpaper to the ceiling, because in addition to its advantages, vinyl wallpaper has one significant disadvantage - poor water resistance.

To glue vinyl wallpaper, it is best to use a special adhesive for vinyl materials. It contains stronger and quick-setting binders, which will speed up the drying process and eliminate sagging.

Conclusions: from this article you could learn not only how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling alone, but also how to avoid costly mistakes. And, having learned some simple rules and secrets, wallpapering will be much easier and faster in the future.

So, you are thinking about repairing your ceiling in the hall, bedroom or hallway - it doesn’t matter. The only important thing is what exactly you want to do with your ceiling. Currently construction companies offer a lot of original and luxurious solutions, including suspended or suspended ceilings, various options for decorative ceilings. We will try to figure out how to glue ceiling wallpaper and prevent some mistakes in this rather painstaking process.

This is one of the original, quite simple and economical solutions for your ceiling. Despite the seemingly simple solution, they can decorate yours and give it additional zest.

Types of ceiling wallpaper

There are several types of wallpaper. So, if you want to paint the ceiling in the future, you should purchase them either from fiberglass or non-woven ones. The former allow you to reduce paint consumption due to low adsorption characteristics, the latter you can repaint up to 10 times, and you should use acrylic or latex paint.

It is worth considering that if you save your cash and choose the option of purchasing embossed ceiling wallpaper (two layers), then after about 5 years you will have to redo the ceiling again, since they are short-lived. But if you don’t skimp and buy non-woven ones, you will receive a guarantee that the ceiling will not bother you for at least 15 years.

Another type is textile. The fabric will be processed in this way special coatings, which will keep them from contamination. They also have good heat and sound insulation.

How to choose the best

Another one of important issues which will be placed in front of you. For the most part, ceilings produced in Russia have only one color option - they are white. At the same time, domestic ones have a lot of relief and patterns options, which provides the consumer with various options design solution in decorating your room. As for imported ceiling wallpaper, they are much more varied, and they can be either colorless (for further painting up to ten times) or have some attractive color in advance.

The process of gluing ceiling wallpaper

Do not rush to draw conclusions that gluing ceiling and wall wallpaper is no different. Let's start with the fact that everything depends on the products you choose. Thus, foreign manufacturers have simplified the gluing task, unlike domestic ones: it is enough to apply a layer of glue directly to the ceiling and that’s it. But we got ahead of ourselves a little. Fulfill a number of conditions:

And now we continue to understand how gluing imported goods differs from gluing domestic ones. So, as we wrote above, imported ones do not need to be lubricated with glue; it is enough to apply it directly. As for domestic wallpaper, here you will need to apply a layer of glue on it. Be sure to let them soak for 10 minutes. Next, assemble them “in an accordion” and stick them on the ceiling one by one.

In both cases, you may develop various swellings. You should use a rubber roller: roll out these swellings and bubbles from the center to the edges.

Stages of gluing

  1. Provide yourself with the necessary tools and materials: spatulas, rubber rollers, brushes for applying glue ( different sizes), ruler, tape measure, stationery knife, glue for ceiling wallpaper, acrylic primer, etc. (as needed).
  2. Get rid of previous "patterns" on the ceiling. Clean the surface to perfect condition.
  3. Eliminate serious ceiling defects. Minor differences in relief, as described above, can be ignored. But large “cavities” will have to be dealt with using putty or plasterboard overlays.
  4. Apply an acrylic primer to the ceiling and let it dry for about 1 hour.
  5. Decide which direction the sticking will be. In order for the seams between the stripes to be barely noticeable, it is necessary to glue the wallpaper in the direction sunlight- from the windows.
  6. If they do not have a pattern, then you can immediately cut them to size so that there is a small margin of 2 to 10 cm. If they were purchased with a pattern, then it is worth cutting just one strip to size. Then, having pasted it, apply the rest of the wallpaper and match the pattern, and then mark the cutting points with a pencil.
  7. Lay the cut strip pattern down and carefully apply a layer of glue with a brush. You will also need to apply ceiling wallpaper adhesive to the ceiling if you have not completely stripped it off. In this case, the layer of glue on the ceiling should be minimal. Let the wallpaper soak for 10 minutes and no more!
  8. We fold the strip into an accordion and glue it to the ceiling. We move them with our hands to the junction with the other strip.
  9. After this, you should smooth them with a roller to get rid of swelling (bubbles). Smooth from the middle to the edges.
  10. Trim off any excess pieces by applying a spatula to the corner and running the blade of a utility knife along the strip.
  11. The wallpaper should dry naturally, and there should be no drafts in the room.

Video on how to glue ceiling wallpaper:

  1. First of all, remember that gluing should overlap, so you need to cut with a margin. You will later trim off the excess edges using a utility knife.
  2. Take care of the cleanliness of your ceiling: remove old “patterns”, tiles and unnecessary plaster.
  3. Don't be lazy and apply an acrylic primer to the ceiling. It dries within one hour.
  4. Try to make sure that no wind gets into the room (get rid of drafts).
  5. “Measure twice, cut once.” When cutting wallpaper, remember that general cases they have a length of 10.5-10.6 meters. Therefore, to avoid extra costs, carefully consider all your actions.


Gluing ceiling wallpaper is a simple process: it is enough to follow a number of rules described above, and then you guarantee a new and original interior in the apartment. We hope we were able to explain to you in understandable language how to glue ceiling wallpaper. If you have any additional questions or suggestions, please leave your comments below!

1. In this article we will tell you how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling with your own hands.
Wallpaper on the ceiling is a solution that allows you to solve several problems at once, minimum cost effort. The point is that from the point of view
process technology, wallpapering the ceiling, although it is associated with some peculiarities due to the horizontal position of the canvas,
in general, it differs little from wallpapering walls. This means that this is one of the least expensive types of work on finishing the ceiling covering.

At making the right choice material, wallpaper on the ceiling can create very interesting optical effects. Using wallpaper on the ceiling, one
of simple design techniques that allow you to visually divide the room into zones. This is especially true, for example, for studios or one-room apartments.
Due to its location, ceiling wallpaper is more susceptible to gravity, which means that the risk of it falling off is slightly higher.
This only means that you need to take a more careful approach to the issue of preparation, and actually wallpapering.

How to choose wallpaper for the ceiling

2. So, you have decided to glue wallpaper to the ceiling. Now is the time to decide which wallpaper to buy.
It is clear that the choice of wallpaper is largely determined by the size of the buyer’s wallet, but still we will briefly talk about the features of each type:

Let's make a reservation right away that this cannot be heavy wallpaper - it will simply peel off. Choose wallpaper less than 110 g/m2. There are wallpapers that can be painted and with a pattern already applied. For rooms with a non-standard shape, we recommend paintable wallpaper. Keep in mind that if you decide to paint the ceiling,
then choose wallpaper for painting - they have
properties special for this purpose. There is no need to paint regular wallpaper. Available for painting paper wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper and fiberglass wallpaper.

- paper wallpaper for painting. They are perfectly saturated with paint during painting, which ensures the best adhesion to the ceiling.
— non-woven wallpaper for painting. They have an increased service life compared to paper wallpaper.

- fiberglass wallpaper. Wallpapers with best characteristics wear resistance and strength. If you stick such wallpaper even on an already worn, crumbling
ceiling, they will serve you for more than one year.

Wallpaper with a finished pattern is also divided into several types (paper, non-woven and vinyl).
- paper wallpaper with a finished pattern, have the main advantage over the others - they are cheap. But this type of wallpaper is the most difficult in terms of pasting.
Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about whether it is worth saving on this.

- non-woven wallpaper with a finished drawing. They are more expensive than paper ones, but more durable.

- vinyl wallpaper. The most popular type of vinyl wallpaper in terms of ceiling decoration is silk-screen printing. Such wallpapers create a unique
the effect of sophistication and aristocracy.
It should be kept in mind when calculating the amount of wallpaper with a pattern that since you will have to join the pattern, the consumption of wallpaper will be slightly higher than usual.

3. When the wallpaper has been selected, we proceed to pasting.

First you need to prepare the base of the ceiling. It should be smooth and solid. Fill cracks if there are any. Pay special attention to
joints of floor slabs. Then the surface must be primed. The primer is selected in accordance with the recommendations of the wallpaper manufacturers.

As a rule, the primer is applied several times. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. General rule for priming it is:
If the applied primer is quickly absorbed, it is necessary to apply another layer. When wallpapering a ceiling, it is necessary to mark the ceiling. For this
you will need to decide which placement option, longitudinal or transverse, to choose. As a rule, wallpaper on the ceiling is glued along the rays of light from the window.

But this question very much depends on the topography of your ceiling. It is advisable to prepare in advance all the strips for the room in which the repairs are being carried out - this is
will save significant time. Next we prepare the glue. Wallpaper glue is sold as a dry mixture, so before pasting, the mixture must be diluted with warm water.

The amount of water is added according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed until smooth. There should be no lumps in the glue.

Now we apply glue to the plane marked on the ceiling under the next strip, actually
strip of wallpaper and, slowly, until the glue has dried, glue the strip of wallpaper to the ceiling. This work is usually done by two people. One presses the wallpaper to the ceiling
and smoothes it with a rag or plastic spatula from the center to the edges, removing bubbles. The other one supports the hanging edge at this time.

If you don’t have a partner, then you will have to use a special device that could be rested against the ceiling, securing the non-glued edge to the ceiling. The work must be done accurately
and quickly until the glue dries. If you don't have experience wallpapering, invite a partner.

If you plan to wallpaper both the ceiling and the walls, remember that the wallpaper pattern on the ceiling can smoothly transition into the wallpaper pattern on only one wall. In this regard, select in advance the wall on which such a smooth transition should occur.

1.Measure the width of the wallpaper and subtract about 1.5 cm from this value. Near the corner, set this distance from the wall in several places and use a pencil to mark points. Using a ruler, draw a straight line through these points along the entire length of the ceiling. Cut and prepare the first piece of wallpaper.

2.Paste the wallpaper along this line. The allowance on the side wall should be approximately 1.5 cm, and on the end walls, where the panels end, 5 cm. Smooth the wallpaper, as before, with a smoothing brush. After smoothing, trim each panel.

3.In the corner, so that the wallpaper lies flat, cut a wedge-shaped piece. Press the wallpaper into the corner with a wide spatula.

4.If the end walls will also be wallpapered, trim the wallpaper on the ceiling so that the allowance on these walls is 1.5 cm. Leave an allowance of 1.5 cm on all walls that will be wallpapered

5.On walls that will not be covered, hold the wallpaper in the corner with a spatula and trim off the excess with a sharp wallpaper knife. Continue hanging the wallpaper with the edges end to end so that the pattern matches.

When the strip is pasted, glue the edges again and trim off the excess.
That's it. Now you and I know exactly how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling.

Great attention is always paid to the finishing of the ceiling, as it is open to view. Whitewashing and painting are standard solutions, and by finishing it with wallpaper, you can ultimately create a spectacular, interesting design any room. How to properly glue wallpaper to the ceiling will be the topic of the publication.
Plasterboard and tensile structures are increasingly included in the list finishing works, but not everyone can afford them for financial reasons.
The low ceilings of old buildings do not allow taking extra centimeters heights of rooms for installation of these structures. Decorate your ceiling with attractive ceiling wallpaper.
When comparing them with tension or suspended ones, there are pros and cons.

The benefits of wallpaper on the ceiling

  • Does not reduce the height of the room;
  • Low cost of material;
  • Simplicity when wallpapering a ceiling; the process differs slightly from wallpapering walls; you can do it yourself with a partner.
  • This is a clean job completed in a short period of time.
  • A fairly large assortment of colors and material textures will create, together with the wall decoration, the desired interior.

Disadvantages of wallpaper on the ceiling

  • Trellis are not glued to it in rooms with a high percentage of humidity;
  • It is necessary to prepare the base for pasting - leveling, which does not need to be done with the hanging option.
  • The service life is not long enough (up to 5 years) if it is a domestic paper version, since during operation they collect dust and grease particles and cannot be washed or painted.

Before you learn how to properly glue wallpaper to the ceiling, let's get acquainted with the types of ceiling wallpaper.

Information about ceiling wallpaper

The concept of “ceiling wallpaper” is applicable only to material released in Russia under this name. They are denser in structure than wall ones and consist of two pressed paper panels. They have a relief surface, various patterns, white, do not paint.
Foreign companies produce wallpaper that can be used simultaneously for gluing walls and ceilings without delimiting the surface, which significantly expands the range of materials for stickers.

Photo wallpaper

These are non-woven, glass wallpaper, liquid, cork, paper, textile, and others. Their service life is longer, with the possibility of updating some by warping.

Preparing the ceiling for wallpapering

Wallpaper from the ceiling under the influence of gravity can peel off faster than from the wall base, so follow all the recommendations and prepare the surface responsibly and correctly.
Disconnect the room from power while the work is being carried out. The chandelier should be dismantled and the wires leading to it should be insulated. This is a guarantee of safe operation when applying the sticker.
The ceiling area should be prepared in much the same way as for painting, that is, be even and smooth, otherwise some types of trellises will repeat the unevenness and will not stick well.

Briefly, the preparation looks like this:

  • Cleaning of the previous coating, removal of whitewash;
  • Base primer;
  • Putty with starting putty to level out differences, finishing layer;
  • Sanding the putty layer;
  • Primer before gluing.

The base is ready, all that remains is to cut the trellises according to the size of the room. We take a margin of 3-4 cm on both sides and cut out all the stripes at once. If it is necessary to adjust the pattern correctly, we do it at the bottom, so that all that remains is to glue them at the top. WITH reverse side stripes, number them if they are adjusted to the pattern.
When considering how to properly glue wallpaper to the ceiling, pay attention to the quality of the adhesive composition. We select it depending on the type of wallpaper - paper, vinyl, non-woven, glass wallpaper, etc. The glue is diluted according to the instructions on the original packaging, but a little thicker.

In which direction to glue wallpaper on the ceiling

It all depends on the configuration of the room and the presence of windows. You need to strive to make the seams between the canvases less noticeable. Based on this, place the strips parallel to the light rays.
It turns out that you need to glue from the window towards the door, then the joining of the strips will be less noticeable. If there are two windows, gluing is done along the long wall. Then the number of canvases is minimal, as are the joints.
If the room is long, so that the strips do not sag from heavy weight, sometimes you have to glue it across, then the length of the strip is shorter and it’s easier to glue it.
Based on your situation. With modern adhesive compositions, excellent characteristics of the wallpaper material, and a high-quality prepared surface, the visibility of the joints is minimal.

Markings on the ceiling

Before sticking, you should make a mark on the ceiling - “beat off” the starting line from which the sticking process will begin. Pull a painting thread, tinted with dry blue for example, between two marks on opposite walls.
The distance between the marks should be the same from the nearest wall to avoid unevenness. Two people put the thread to the marks, pull it down and release it. A line will appear on the ceiling - this is the beginning of pasting.
Mark the entire area at once, with the first line retreating from the wall at a distance slightly less than the width of the roll. When considering the process of how to properly glue wallpaper to the ceiling, each master adheres to his own methodology; some begin pasting from the middle of the room.
With any technology, stick masking tape on top of the resulting marking lines. The wallpaper joint will be located on it. The presence of tape will improve adhesion, which will make the seams less visible, the joints will not peel off.

Ceiling wallpapering technology

Let's proceed directly to the sticker. Clear the room so that nothing interferes with your work.
Prepare necessary tools and accessories:

  • Goat, table or stepladder;
  • Tape measure, pencil;
  • Painting knife, wide spatula;
  • Dishes for adhesive composition;
  • Brushes – large and smaller;
  • Plastic spatula, rubber roller;
  • Clean cloths, sponge.

Depending on the base of the trellis, glue is applied:

  • If the backing is paper, then on the ceiling and canvas.
  • If non-woven, then only on the ceiling.
This is how we fold the canvases

Apply adhesive to several strips and fold them inside(where the glue is) like an accordion, leave it for impregnation. The glue should not get on the front side.
Together with your partner, lift them up, unfold them gradually, applying them to the marking line on which the masking tape is glued. First, press them with your hands and smooth the fabric from the center to the edges.
After correctly fixing the canvas along the intended line, you can complete the process with a plastic spatula, driving out the bubbles. If glue appears around the edges or if it gets on the front surface, remove it with a sponge or rag.

trimming excess

We prepare the next canvas in the same way, place it close to the first one, stick it in the above way and so on until the opposite wall. Additionally, seal the seams by rolling with a rubber roller.
When you reach the place where the chandelier is attached, carefully cut the trellises in this place, bend them, and pull the wires through the hole. After this, glue the cut fragments. Return the chandelier to its place after the canvas has dried.
Trim the excess correctly - at the ends with a sharp knife using a spatula attached to the strips. We learned how to properly glue wallpaper to the ceiling, we wait for it to dry when behind closed doors and windows, eliminating drafts.

Choosing ceiling wallpaper for painting

If you decide to choose trellises for painting, this will allow you to change if desired or necessary color design interior Only tapestries can be painted.
It's environmentally friendly clean look building material, quite dense in structure, impregnated with a special composition, which makes the surface moisture resistant. This allows them to be glued even in rooms with high humidity. The front layer is embossed, with patterns. The main disadvantage is its short service life (up to 5 years); it can be repainted up to 6-7 times.
This is an excellent material, completely natural, the surface underneath breathes, has a relief structure, masks small flaws in the base, is durable, and has excellent characteristics.
They are easy to glue and easy to remove, leaving a backing on the base on which you can stick other coatings. When gluing, only the base is covered with glue, then the trellises are applied.
It is better to choose wallpaper for painting in a single color and paint it twice. You can repaint the interlining up to 10 times, the service life is up to 10 years.
Vinyl wallpapers are often referred to as non-woven wallpaper, but this is not so, because they only have a non-woven backing, which may also be paper. You can only paint vinyl on a non-woven backing, and not all of them.

When purchasing, please read carefully symbols on a roll, if you decide to cover the ceiling with wallpaper for painting, choose those that can be painted.
Glass wallpaper
A natural material made from thin glass threads, so it is wear-resistant, vapor-permeable, waterproof, with a long service life (up to 20 years), and can be repainted (up to 15 times). Read the article - how and how to paint glass wallpaper. They can be glued to any room in the apartment.
You can decorate the ceiling fabulously beautifully by choosing wallpaper based on your preferences. How to properly glue wallpaper to the ceiling was discussed above, all that remains is to purchase it for the job.

We have been accustomed to installing wallpaper and tiles with our own hands since Soviet times, and people have accumulated experience in this work for many decades. However, people began to learn how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling relatively recently. Meanwhile, this is a convenient and low-cost finishing option, and with a well-thought-out approach, it allows you to find very nice interior solutions. Its disadvantage: you will have to thoroughly clean the ceiling of old coatings.

Wallpaper on the ceiling gives the room a finished look

Here we will tell you what wallpaper is used for ceilings and show you with a video tutorial how to stick them correctly. For ceilings you can use the same types of wallpaper as for walls, with some exceptions.

What wallpaper is better not to glue to the ceiling?

You should not glue either thin paper types - they will look unsightly on the ceiling, or too heavy and dense - they can come off at the joints over time, or under their weight the underlying layer of plaster or other coating may come away from the ceiling.

It is believed that the weight of wallpaper for the ceiling should not exceed 110 g/m2.

Based on the top, decorative layer, wallpaper is divided into the following classes:

  1. Paper.
  2. Vinyl.
  3. Non-woven.

It should be mentioned that there are also so-called liquid wallpaper - another option for decorating ceilings, which can be done with your own hands.

Strictly speaking, this is not very liquid, and not wallpaper at all. It is much more accurate to call them textured plaster. They are applied to the surface with a spatula or plastic trowel, then leveled with a special grater. The result is a continuous surface, without seams or joints.

Textured plaster is easy to apply to the ceiling

More information about ceiling wallpaper

How to glue ceiling wallpaper? Let's first understand their features. Paper wallpaper on the ceiling is usually painted and is made of two or more layers of paper. Sometimes non-woven fabric is used as the bottom layer. They are impregnated with a special water-repellent composition that prevents the paper from getting wet.

Their service life is usually up to five years, although it depends, of course, on the premises. In a small kitchen, absorbing steam and gas combustion products, the paper coating will quickly lose nice view, and in a dry, ventilated area it will last longer.

You can repaint the wallpaper several times; On the packaging, the manufacturer usually indicates how many paintings its products can withstand. The advantages of paper wallpaper are low price and environmental friendliness. Disadvantage: less strength and abrasion resistance compared to others.

Ceiling vinyl wallpaper is produced on a paper or non-woven basis. The latter has some advantages:

  1. It's stronger.
  2. Does not stretch when wet.
  3. When gluing, it is not the panel that is covered with glue, but the surface to be glued, which makes the work much easier, especially when it comes to finishing the ceiling.

Wallpapering the ceiling

Advantages of vinyl wallpaper:

  • Great decorative possibilities.
  • Strength.
  • Moisture resistance.


  • Poor air permeability.
  • Most of them are quite heavy.
  • Vinyl wallpaper can also be produced for painting.

It is best to remove the old ceiling covering. Chalk whitewash is wetted hot water, leave for a while, after which it is easily cleaned off. Lime coating is more difficult to remove, but it is also possible - using a scraper, metal spatula, sandpaper and other mechanical means.

Non-woven wallpaper is very attractive

Non-woven wallpaper combines almost all the advantages of paper and vinyl:

  • Eco-friendly, breathable.
  • Durable.
  • They are light in weight.
  • They do not stretch when wet and do not shrink when dry.
  • Painted ceiling interlining can be cleaned with a damp sponge.
  • Good decorative possibilities.

The disadvantage of pure non-woven wallpaper is some transparency. To prevent stains on the walls from showing through through them, the surface to be pasted must be of a uniform color, or an additional base is glued to it. If painting is planned, such precautions are not necessary.

Attention! As for the price, wallpaper of any class has a wide price range - there are economical ceiling options, and there are very expensive, luxury ones.

When calculating the number of rolls, you need to take into account the pattern - if it has a repeat pattern, that is, it requires matching the pattern (there is usually a note about this on the packaging), when cutting the panels you may end up with extra pieces.

Features of gluing

Although the process of wallpapering different classes is somewhat different, there are rules that are common to all.

Surface cleaning

Easier to glue together

Oil or waterborne paint can be left on if it adheres well. It’s easy to check: put adhesive tape on the ceiling and pull it sharply. If the paint does not fall off, you don’t have to remove it, but just wash it with water. The enamel paint should be additionally sanded with sandpaper.


The cleaned surface is primed. For a highly absorbent surface, you can use wallpaper glue, divorced a large number water than for gluing. For painted surfaces, use an acrylic primer.


This is where the question usually arises: how to glue - along or across a long wall? It will be correct to focus on the location of the windows. The panels should run perpendicular to the window - this way the joints will be less noticeable. If the room is corner, the choice is yours.

Before starting work, you need to mark a guide line for the first panel. The most convenient way to get it is with a laser level, but there is another way: stretch a string at the required distance from the wall (2-3 cm less than the width of the roll) and apply marks along it.


When choosing an adhesive, the class of ceiling wallpaper must be taken into account. Adhesive for paper rolls is not suitable, for example for vinyl. It must be prepared from a dry mixture strictly according to the instructions.

It is convenient to press the wallpaper to the ceiling with a wide brush

Preparing wallpaper

It is more convenient to immediately cut pieces of the required length, taking care, if necessary, to adjust the pattern. Next we proceed depending on the material. If the base is paper, glue is applied to the panel; if it is non-woven, it is applied to the wall. Sometimes it is better to treat both surfaces with glue. This information should be on the wallpaper packaging.
The glue is applied to the panel with a brush, in the direction from the center to the edges. Then it is folded with the coated side inward and left to soak for several minutes. The soaking time is usually also indicated on the packaging; it depends on the density of the material.


It is better to glue wallpaper on the ceiling together. The prepared canvas is applied to the ceiling along the applied mark with an overlap on the walls (heavy and dense wallpaper with relief is placed without overlap).

Then it is pressed and smoothed using a rubber roller or a soft spatula or brush - for wallpaper with high relief. You need to carefully squeeze out any air bubbles from under the cloth; Remove excess glue with a clean damp cloth. If necessary, peel off part of the panel and reapply. Small bubbles are acceptable; they will disappear after drying. Then the next piece is glued end to end and smoothed out in the same way.

More detailed video instructions on how to glue wallpaper to the ceiling correctly:

A small incision is made at the place where the lamp is attached; short cuts need to be made in the places where the panels are at the corners in order to carefully bend them. The drying time of wallpaper depends on the composition: in particular, vinyl based on non-woven backing, as well as on paper, takes longer to dry. There should be no drafts or high humidity in the room.

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