How to do speech therapy massage for stuttering and dysarthria? What methods, techniques and tools exist for speech therapy massage? Tongue and body massage for the development of correct speech in children

Massage speech therapy procedures are one of the methods of corrective intervention for various forms violations speech development. Speech therapy massage has a beneficial effect on the human body and stimulates the muscular and nervous systems, which is important for the speech-motor process. It can be part of a complex of medical and pedagogical rehabilitation for adults after strokes, children, and adolescents who are diagnosed with speech disorders and disorders (including stuttering).

Why do speech therapists prescribe massage?

Speech therapy massage is mechanical irritation (stroking, kneading) in the muscle areas of the upper shoulder girdle, neck, head, especially the area of ​​the tongue, soft palate, cheeks and lips. In practice, the physical procedure shortens the period of formation and normalization of the pronunciation aspect of speech under the influence of speech therapy, helps to improve the condition of the voice, speech breathing, stabilizes a person’s emotional background. This procedure is considered one of the tools for speech development - this is how you can characterize what speech therapy massage (LM) is.

But the reasons for speech that is incomprehensible to others can be not only violations of the tone of the organs of articulation (mobility of the muscle tissue of the lips, tongue), but also problems with the grammatical structure of speech and syllable structures of words, and underdevelopment of phonemic hearing. Consequently, a systematic approach is necessary to correct general and speech development.

The main objectives of speech therapy massage include activation and normalization of the peripheral speech and articulation apparatus, strengthening the pharyngeal reflex, stimulation of speech development, and reduction of drooling

About indications and contraindications for massage

There are certain indications for speech therapy massage related to articulatory motor disorders. These include:

– a state of dysarthria – when there are disturbances in the innervation (supply of nerves) to the muscles of the speech apparatus;

– mechanical dyslalia (shortened hyoid ligament);

– rhinolalia (impaired speech pronunciation due to defects in the structure of the speech apparatus).

To do this, a speech therapist examines the patient, excluding contraindications:

– conditions with acute inflammatory processes And elevated temperature bodies;

– presence of epilepsy, seizures;

– infectious diseases of the oral cavity;

– herpes rashes on the lips, skin diseases on the head;

– tendency to nosebleeds;

– vomiting, nausea;

– conjunctivitis.

There are cases of prescribing LM to a child with autism, motor alalia, or delayed speech development (SDD). Speech therapy massage for mental retardation is a dubious purpose, since it helps to correct sound pronunciation, and the child in this case does not speak. Therefore, it can not be used as the main method of correction, but only in combination with other methods.

Types of massage

It is necessary to understand for what purpose the massage course is prescribed, whether it will be activating or relaxing, and with what accompaniment it will be carried out (sound production, articulatory gymnastics).

Types of speech therapy massage are classified into:

– classic – with a standard set of manual techniques;

– point – impact on bioactive points;

– hardware – a technique using vacuum and vibration devices;

– probe – massage using a special instrument according to the method of Novikova E.V.;

– massage developed by E.A. Dyakova – systematized and generalized methodology for various types of speech disorders;

– segmental-reflex – performed using the classic technique with segmental division into zones (face-head – cervical region– collar area).

About therapeutic classical massage

The traditional type of massage is performed on the damaged area of ​​the body directly or next to it, and the reflex effect is not taken into account. The procedure involves performing LM of the face and tongue, as well as gymnastics for the respiratory and articulatory apparatus. Classic massage techniques are used.

Speech therapy massage in pictures can be seen below.

  1. Working on the frontal part of the face: stroking movements from the middle of the forehead to the temple, to the hair from the eyebrows and light kneading of the frontal area.

  2. Cheek area: kneading, stretching along the cheeks from the corners of the mouth to the temporal part of the face, to the lower part of the chin from the cheekbones.

  3. Part of the nose: stroking and stretching movements of the wings of the nose, then stroking to the corners of the mouth.

  4. Mouth area: the lower and upper lips are stroked alternately with a stretch towards the corners.

  5. Chin area: work through stroking and kneading techniques from the center to the periphery.

This speech therapy facial massage for a child can be done at home. After this, massage the lingual muscles and, if necessary, gymnastics.

Briefly about acupressure

Efficiency acupressure largely depends on the correct determination of the localization of points of influence during palpation; pulsation is often noted on the face in such places. You should start a massage course by working on no more than four points, with a gradual increase in their number.

Acupressure speech therapy massage is carried out using complexes of bioactive points (BAP), depending on the goals pursued by the procedure (for example, to normalize articulatory muscles or tension in the muscle tissue of the vocal apparatus). Massaging of symmetrical points is performed simultaneously and in pairs, points of local and general action are worked out. Sessions are conducted every other day with a course of treatment determined by the doctor.

Probe massage method

The method of probe massage of the tongue was developed by Novikova E.V. The author created special moves and special tools - a set of eight probes. Each of the probes used is intended for a specific area of ​​the soft palate, cheeks, lips, tongue and contributes to the gradual resuscitation of the treated area. During the examination, the doctor determines the degree of damage to the child’s facial muscles and the number of sessions required.

Such children's speech therapy massage at home can be performed subject to special training for parents. Carrying out probe LM requires training and experience, therefore it should be carried out by an experienced massage therapist-speech therapist. It is important that the child does not experience discomfort during this. This procedure is contraindicated infants up to six months.

About massage according to the method of Dyakova E.A.

Speech therapists use the method developed by E.A. Dyakova. She was able to systematize and present a description of the methods and techniques of LM, as well as justify the feasibility of its use in various forms of speech disorders.

In the book “Speech therapy massage” by E.A. Dyakova. outlined in detail the physiological aspects of the complex of massage procedures, the procedure for diagnostic examination of patients, detailed methods differentiated and acupressure LM and basic techniques of speech therapy massage.

With slow, light exposure, tissue excitability decreases, which has a relaxing effect. And with rapid movements, tissue irritability increases, therefore, the muscles contract. The use of differentiated massage techniques helps to increase muscle tone in case of hypotension and decrease it in case of spasticity of the articulatory muscles.

Reduced muscle tone: techniques and massage techniques

Decreased muscle tone can be caused by Down syndrome, rickets, and other diseases that require activation of muscle groups. Speech therapy massage for low tone of the tongue is carried out using the classical technique, starting with the face. Each technique is repeated up to ten times.

The techniques of stroking and rubbing are performed, and finally tapping and pinching are used. A feature of the procedure will be an increasing pressure force, while the child should experience a comfortable sensation. Special attention is given to the muscles of the lips: each lip is massaged separately, the nasolabial folds are carefully worked out.

Massage for increased muscle tone: basic techniques and methodology

Increased muscle excitation caused by hypoxia and birth injuries is relieved by a relaxing massage technique. Of the classical techniques, preference is given to stroking and vibration.

Speech therapy massage for increased tongue tone begins in the collar area, moves to the shoulders, then to the face, tongue and lips. To relax the tongue, lightly massage the neck with head turns left and right, counterclockwise and clockwise.

The massage is performed with slightly pressing, smooth, light movements. A series of smoothing techniques is carried out in the areas of the forehead, cheeks, eyes, chin, moving to the neck-clavicle area and returning to the face (earlobes).

A relaxing speech therapy massage involves working out the muscles of the tongue using swaying up and down and left and right, smoothly stroking the edges and center. The direction of movement along the tongue is towards the root from the tip. At the end of the session, the tongue is extended forward and movements are performed to the sides.

The procedure for performing massage of the tongue muscles

Massage of the tongue muscles should be done in a lying position two hours before or after meals. Begin the procedure by working on the gums horizontal movements, then the movements along the gums change to vertical.

From the midline, the palate is massaged with a finger; during this technique, the child can pronounce the sounds E and A. The exercise is duplicated up to 15 times.

Speech therapy massage of the tongue is carried out with the fingers of one hand, and the phalanges of the second hand hold the massaged organ itself. To do this, they use the techniques of stroking, patting, as well as rubbing, vibration, tingling with a special probe, and spreading the tongue using an enema-syringe.

To relax the muscle tissue of the tongue, make vibrating movements under the lower jaw with the index finger in the area of ​​the submandibular fossa and at the angles of the jaw - for 15 seconds. Movements along the lingual muscles can be straight, circular, spiral, the directions of their movement are indicated in the figure.
Speech therapy massage of the mouth is a mandatory stage of preparation before starting tongue massage.

About speech therapy massage using spoons

A technique that uses ordinary spoons as a tool for LM is effective for the process of speech formation in a child. The procedure involves working on the surfaces of the face and neck with the convex side of spoons using stroking and rubbing techniques.

Speech therapy massage with spoons can be performed with children in a playful way. At the same time, massaging, which is performed by the child himself, has a pleasant effect, since the baby will not hurt himself. Different spoon temperatures can be used for stimulating or relaxing massage effects.

This method can serve as a preparatory stage for probe and classical massages, to articulatory gymnastics. Also, during the procedure, the child learns the names of the parts of the face, and development occurs. fine motor skills.

Once familiarized with the technique and rules of massage using spoons, parents will be able to perform it themselves at home, in particular if speech therapy massage is prescribed for two-year-old children.

Briefly about massage techniques for dysarthria

When eliminating dysarthria caused by damage to the nervous system, massage procedures on the lingual muscles and correction of sound pronunciation using articulatory and breathing exercises are required. LM will help normalize muscle tone and pronunciation of words, and help eliminate voice disorders. It is recommended to use differentiated speech therapy massage.

For dysarthria, massage sessions activate and strengthen the labial muscles using acupressure techniques. Before massaging the tongue, passive gymnastics is performed to relax and stretch the muscular basal tissues of the tongue. The duration of the procedure depends on the degree of the disease and the age of the patient.

Features of massage for alalia and rhinolalia

The group of speech disorders called alalia includes conditions in which the child’s speech is severely delayed (not formed). LM techniques will effectively help stimulate speech zones. To do this, the patient's face and hands are massaged to develop fine motor skills associated with speech function and brain activity.

Speech therapy massage for alalia begins with working on the face using classical techniques: frontal part - eye sockets - cheeks - interbrow space. Then the areas of the nose, mouth and tongue are massaged. After this, the hands are warmed up, starting from the back of the hand from the bottom up along the phalanges, moving to the inner side.

In case of changes in voice timbre with distortion of sound pronunciation caused by disturbances in the resonator function of the nasal cavity, massage procedures are also prescribed. Speech therapy massage for rhinolalia is aimed at activating the soft palate. To do this using index finger At the border of the soft and hard palate, stroking and rubbing are performed to reflexively contract the muscles of the palate and pharynx. Next, they make zigzag and point movements across the sky from right to left and back. Already in early period it is necessary to do speech therapy massage for infants and breathing exercises aimed at normalizing the muscle tone of articulatory and respiratory organs. It is important to choose the optimal training program for the child and the position for manipulation.

Typically, differentiated relaxing LM is performed for the face and articulation apparatus. Using the method of light smoothing, they work out facial muscles and lips, including using acupressure and hardware (vibration) massages. To relax the neck, they resort to passive movements of the head, and this partially relieves tension from the root of the tongue.

Speech therapy massage for children with cerebral palsy is aimed at strengthening and activating the muscles of the tongue. To do this, use a wooden spatula, which makes stroking and vibrating movements.

Basic massage techniques are shown in the pictures.

During a relaxing massage, to enhance this effect, you can put a warm compress on the patient’s face five minutes before the procedure, for example, a towel soaked in 45℃ water and wrung out thoroughly.

You need to use tools and equipment correctly. This requires consultation with speech therapists where speech therapy massage is performed. Instrumental method often used to massage the tongue, complementing manual massage techniques. But it is not worth replacing them completely, since only a speech therapist can determine the state of muscle tone, relying on his feelings during the procedure.

Speech therapist. Defectologist. Speech therapy massage of the face and organs of articulation: Video

What is speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage is an active method of influence that is used to correct speech disorders. It changes the condition of the blood vessels, muscles and nerves of the peripheral speech apparatus. Massage is used for speech therapy work with persons with voice disorders, dysarthria, and stuttering. In general, the procedure has a beneficial effect, improves blood microcirculation, provides additional nutrition to the skin and accelerates metabolic processes. Thanks to rhythmic movements, massage causes positive changes in muscle and nervous systems, which occupy an important place in the speech-motor process.

Why do you need a massage?

The main tasks that the procedure solves are:
  • increased proprioceptive sensations;
  • strengthening the pharyngeal reflex;
  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • increased sensitivity in speech areas;
  • stimulation of those muscles of the peripheral speech apparatus where low contractility was detected.

Who provides speech therapy massage?

If you need speech therapy massage in Moscow, you can contact various medical centers, where an experienced speech therapist should take place. When working with children, various play forms are used that allow the child to relax as much as possible and bring positive results after the first course. The price of speech therapy massage varies depending on the experience of the doctor and the location.

How does the procedure work?

The procedure usually begins with a general facial massage, the main movements being rubbing, stroking, vibration, and patting. One of the important points is speech therapy massage of the tongue using special probes, which are completely safe. In some cases, elements of relaxation or breathing exercises may be used. The massage time is about 20 minutes, with breaks of two to three months between courses to consolidate the results. In case of severe violations, it may be recommended to carry out the procedure even for more than one year. The specialist always focuses on the child’s behavior; if he is scared, the massage causes severe discomfort, then the session time increases gradually until addiction occurs. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at least two hours after eating.
  • Herpes;
  • Various infectious diseases;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Massage should be performed with caution for people with episyndrome.

Many people are skeptical that a professionally performed speech therapy massage of the tongue will allow the child not only to learn to pronounce different sounds in words, but also to build whole sentences.

Speech therapy tongue massage for children is carried out for a number of positive changes that are seen not only by the child’s parents themselves, but also by all the people around them.

Below is a list of the main tasks that it allows you to cope with:

  1. Correction correct pronunciation sounds (sound pronunciation);
  2. Improving the condition of the vocal cords and voice;
  3. Normalization of breathing during a conversation;
  4. Elimination of mental and moral stress in children who suffer due to incorrect speech;
  5. Reducing the influence of stuttering, dysarthria on daily life children;
  6. General improvement of the speech apparatus and muscles responsible for sound production;
  7. Strengthening pharyngeal reflexes;
  8. Creating the correct trajectory of movements of the organs of articulation.
The list of problems for which speech therapy massage of the tongue is prescribed for a child is quite large, but still the main task is to eliminate speech defects in children.

Children often experience excessive saliva production, so doctors prescribe similar procedures to reduce this effect.

Indications and contraindications

The baby may have congenital or acquired abnormalities that require speech therapy massage of the tongue. Among them I would like to note the following problems:

  • Voice impairment or frequent loss;
  • Speech defect;
  • Dysarthria;
  • Increased effectiveness from classes with an individual speech therapist;
  • Involuntary salivation;
  • Problems with the development of articulatory muscles;
  • Stuttering and problems with pronunciation due to severe muscle tension.

This list of indications for tongue massage in children of different ages may be expanded based on individual physician prescription. In any case, a thorough examination by a specialist will be required.

There are also certain contraindications under which this procedure becomes simply unacceptable:

  • Development of acute respiratory diseases or peak cold
  • Gingivitis and conjunctivitis
  • Stomatitis
  • Enlarged lymph nodes and lymph flow
  • Damage to the oral cavity as a result of the development of herpes

Each situation is considered individually Therefore, only a qualified doctor can finally decide on the treatment option for your child.

Conditions for carrying out the procedure at home

Diagnosis by experienced doctors using modern equipment allows us to identify the main problems associated with the speech apparatus.

Based on the analyzes obtained, the speech therapist has the opportunity to obtain the structure and cause of the disorder, which greatly simplifies the further treatment process.

The muscular structure of the neck, facial and articulatory muscles, as well as the upper body must be examined. This approach allows us to take into account even the smallest features of the development of speech functions in children.

Now let's move on to the features of speech therapy tongue massage at home.

The procedure is carried out in a well-ventilated room. If at the initial stage the duration of the procedure is only 5-7 minutes, then after 4-5 sessions the time increases to 15-20 minutes. Do not forget that a lot also depends on the age of the child.

For example, infants are allowed to carry out the procedure for no more than 1-2 minutes. IN preschool age the procedure is carried out within 15 minutes, and in elementary grades this interval can be increased to 20 minutes. But don't forget about individual characteristics every baby.

The general course of speech therapy tongue massage for children is 10-20 procedures, depending on the complexity of the diagnosed problem.

It is recommended to conduct no more than 2-3 sessions per week so as not to irritate the language receptors. The child’s parents themselves should undergo separate preparation for the procedure, because it is important to believe that it is truly useful and effective.

Be sure to watch the following video about how to do speech therapy massage for children. Master class, useful tips and recommendations from a professional.

Manipulation with the tongue should in no case cause discomfort or pain; otherwise, it is recommended to simply stop it. If the child is immediately afraid of these actions, then after 4-5 sessions his own opinion will change dramatically.

Speech therapy tongue massage with a toothbrush

Speech therapy tools for tongue massage can be different. From specialized to simple, improvised items. At home, you can do speech therapy massage with spoons or a toothbrush. In our case, we will look at what to do if you have a toothbrush at hand.

For the session you should prepare in advance baby toothbrush with soft bristles. Gauze pads are placed under the tongue, which will have to be changed every 2 minutes, since children will salivate profusely during this procedure.

All movements with the toothbrush should be circular and transverse without applying strong pressure. Circular spiral movements are also allowed, but after preliminary tongue exercises. Intermittent vibration of the toothbrush over the surface of the entire tongue is allowed.

The degree of effectiveness of the procedure can be determined by the reaction of the child himself. If he likes the procedure, then he will experience the most positive emotions, expressing them on his face.

The procedure for speech therapy massage of the tongue in children is often practiced in the form of a game, which will be great entertainment and a useful pastime.

The child's tongue should be completely relaxed - to do this, gently massage the area in the submandibular fossa.

All stroking except the toothbrush is carried out with the thumbs without strong pressure. They should be directed from the center of the tongue to its lateral surfaces. Let us repeat that you should not forget that it is required as much as possible change gauze wipes to collect saliva more often.

Expected result

If a speech therapist has prescribed your child a special speech therapy massage of the tongue, you should treat this with understanding, because there are obvious deviations and problems.

Completing the entire course will not only improve the pronunciation of sounds, but will also strengthen the articulatory muscles that are involved in every person’s conversation.


Before starting procedures with your child, we recommend taking specialized courses in speech therapy massage. It won’t take much time, but you will be confident in your abilities and know for sure that you will not do any harm.

Speech therapy massage training is short-term and can be completed in a couple of classes. Contact your child's doctor for advice on this issue.

With small children you must always be very sensitive and vigilant. It is possible to learn on your own, but you cannot do without the recommendations of a pediatrician.

Parents are often skeptical about speech therapy tongue massage for children. It is quite difficult to believe that if you carry out the procedure correctly, you can achieve incredible results - the baby will be able to pronounce sounds correctly and make sentences.

Objectives of speech therapy massage

In case of disorders of the speech apparatus, a specialist usually prescribes articulatory and breathing exercises. If there are more serious pathologies, speech therapy massage is necessary. It is considered an unconventional therapeutic method, but very effective. Massage normalizes the functioning of the speech apparatus and increases the tone of the tongue.

Main tasks of the procedure:

  1. Normalizing the breathing process when talking
  2. Reducing the impact of stuttering and dysarthria on the child’s quality of life
  3. Getting rid of moral and mental stress due to incorrect speech
  4. Improvement in pronunciation of sounds
  5. Formation of the correct trajectory of movements of the lips and tongue
  6. Strengthening the swallowing reflex
  7. Improving the condition of the voice and vocal cords
  8. Strengthening the muscles that are responsible for producing sound and general improvement speech apparatus

The main task is to get rid of a speech defect in a child. An excessive amount of saliva in children is often observed - speech therapy massage helps eliminate this problem too.

Speech therapy massage – cons and pros

The procedure is necessary in the following cases:

  • Voice defects or occasional loss of voice
  • Uncontrolled salivation
  • Dysarthria
  • Speech defect
  • Stuttering and poor pronunciation due to intense muscle tension
  • Pathologies of the development of muscles of the articulatory apparatus

There are a number of contraindications:

  • Stomatitis
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Herpes in the mouth
  • Gingivitis
  • Colds and acute respiratory diseases

Pathology is studied based on individual indicators. The final treatment option is selected exclusively by a specialist.

Usually massaged by a speech therapist. This is important, as there are complex rules for cleansing and preparing for the procedure. In specialized institutions, a special probe is used for cleansing. If the problem is not very serious, it is allowed to massage the child’s tongue to develop speech at home. Then a toothbrush or spatula will be used.

Speech therapy massage of the tongue requires a high level of attention span, so a parent or other adult who wants to perform this procedure on their own for a child has a great responsibility.

Rules for the procedure

After carrying out an accurate diagnosis on modern equipment The main problems associated with the speech apparatus are identified. Based on the analysis, the specialist determines the cause of the pathology, which makes therapy much simpler.

The structure of the neck muscles, articulatory and facial muscles and upper body region. This helps to identify even small features of speech development in a child.

Rules speech therapy massage for children at home
  1. It is important to thoroughly ventilate the room before the procedure;
  2. To begin with, it lasts from five to seven minutes, after which it increases to twenty minutes. It should be remembered that this is also affected by age category. Infants You should not massage your tongue for more than a couple of minutes. For preschoolers - a quarter of an hour, for elementary school students - twenty minutes. The personal characteristics of the baby also influence;
  3. There are ten to twenty procedures in one course. No more than three sessions are done within a week so that the tongue receptors are not irritated;
  4. If the procedure causes pain and discomfort in the baby, it is better to stop it. At first, children are afraid of these actions, but after five times of massage they change their minds.

Carrying out a massage

Devices for the procedure may vary. You can massage at home with a toothbrush or spoons.

If you use a brush, it must have soft bristles. Place gauze under your tongue. Replacement will need to be done every two minutes. This is important because babies produce excessive saliva during the procedure.

The child should be in the following position:

  • Lying on your back. Place a small pillow or soft cushion under the neck area;
  • Sitting in a chair with a headrest;
  • Half-sitting in a stroller (small child);
  • In the arms of the parents (when the procedure is carried out by a specialist, but the baby is afraid).

The movements are circular, the pressure is not too intense. Spiral movements can also occur, but after language exercises. Intermittent vibration of the brush on the tongue is also allowed.

How effective speech therapy massage is can be easily seen by the baby’s behavior. With his approval, positive emotions will be displayed on his face. Often the procedure is done in a playful way, which will not only allow you to spend time usefully, but also entertain the child.

It is important that the tongue is in a relaxed state. To do this, you need to make careful massage movements in the area of ​​the submandibular fossa.

Stroking without a brush is done with the thumbs, applying gentle pressure. Movements go in the direction from the middle to the side parts. You should never forget to replace the gauze.

If a specialist has prescribed a procedure, it is important to take this with the utmost seriousness - this indicates the presence of deviations from the norm and pathologies. The course not only helps in improving pronunciation, but also in strengthening the muscles that help anyone speak.

Examples of exercises

Massage can be done according to the following algorithm:

  • Start acupressure movements, moving the brush along the left side of the tongue, the tip to the right area. outline Latin letter U;
  • Do it one more time, then start circular movements;
  • Make zigzag movements from the middle to the end of the tongue, alternately pointwise and in circles;
  • Massage the edge of the left area, alternating points and circles. Do the exercise on the right;
  • Draw the Latin letter V on the tongue in the direction from the frenulum to the tip;
  • Draw two parallel strips on the left and right. Repeat the exercises, starting from the points.

Before starting speech therapy massage, it is important to consult a doctor. Special care must be taken with small children. Even newborns can carry out the procedure on their own, but be sure to get a pediatrician’s recommendations before doing so.

Speech therapy massage is part of a rehabilitation program to restore and normalize speech function. It is prescribed to both children and adults. This is a complex method that uses previously isolated forms of speech therapy correction: breathing, voice and gymnastics, as well as direct massaging of the muscles of the face, neck, parts of the speech apparatus - tongue, lips and cheeks from the inside.

The opinions of specialists regarding the advisability of prescribing children's speech therapy massage are divided. Some consider it nothing more than a fashionable phenomenon, others - in an efficient way solving speech problems.

Speech therapy massage stimulates the muscles involved in producing sounds, which improves blood supply and helps speed up the conduction of nerve impulses or relieve spasms. The patient becomes more aware of uncontrollable areas, and massage actions help to learn how to manage them, to establish neural connections between action and result, which quickly become automated.

Indications for use

Speech therapy massage for children is effective for the following: speech disorders:

  • , which is characterized by a violation of the innervation, due to which the lips, tongue and soft palate do not move properly. The goal of speech therapy massage for dysarthria is to normalize muscle tone and develop articulatory movements;
  • - violation of the sound flow direction algorithm, which causes “nasality” - speaking “through the nose”.
  • Mechanical, namely, shortening of the sublingual frenulum. In some cases it is trimmed, in others it is stretched with the help of massage and gymnastics.
  • Stuttering is a neurotic speech disorder.

An important nuance: it makes sense to prescribe speech therapy massage when the specialist understands that speech impairment is caused precisely by insufficient conductivity of impulses from certain parts of the speech apparatus. It is doubtful to resort to manipulation in cases of autism and mental retardation. This method aims to stimulate, rather than trigger, the missing speech function.

Efficiency and objectives

Speech therapy massage, in addition to the above-mentioned stimulation of nerve fiber conduction, helps improve muscle elasticity and contractility. Depending on the nature of the movements, different problems are solved. Often neurological pathology suggests the presence of spasm in some areas and hypotonicity in others. In such cases, a combined effect is necessary. To do this, the specialist feels with his hands various parts of the speech apparatus, the muscles of the collar zone and determines their condition.

Objectives of massage:

  1. Normalization of tone - strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus or relieving spasms.
  2. Improving the contractile functions of those muscles that should be involved in the construction of sounds.
  3. Stimulation of proprioception - sensations in a given area. With the help of speech therapy massage, the patient learns to listen to sensations in the lips, cheeks, tongue and distinguish between different conditions. This important stage before learning to control their work and manage them.
  4. Reduced salivation - hypersalivation that occurs in diseases of the central nervous system.
  5. Strengthening the pharyngeal reflex - the contractility of the muscles of the larynx and pharynx.

Stroking and tapping relaxes, pinching and kneading tones.


There are several types of speech therapy massage. The classification is based on basic methods and techniques. In some cases, the speech therapist works exclusively with his fingers, in others he uses special tools. Each type has its own characteristics and indications.


The name itself suggests that the hands of a speech therapist-massage therapist act as an instrument. There are several subspecies in this category:

  • Classic massage: when performing it, the speech therapist uses classical techniques - stroking, rubbing, pinching. A spatula can be used as additional tools, toothbrush, nipples. This method does not use the principle of reflex action, in which the effect is achieved by stimulating nerve bundles, but by kneading the muscles.
  • Acupressure: the specialist’s task is to influence specific reflex zones - points. The massage is local in nature: they work with certain areas, for example, the cheeks, rather than massaging their entire surface. This type is also called massage on biologically active points, segmental reflex.

The techniques of classical speech therapy massage are described by E.A. Dyakova, who developed the sequence of its implementation, techniques and techniques.


All movements are performed with special devices. This type is not so common due to the fact that there is no contact between the massage therapist and the patient: the specialist focuses on the sensations in the hands, namely, whether the muscles are tense or relaxed. And depending on this, it regulates the speed and intensity of movements.

Hardware speech therapy massage should be used with even more caution than classical massage. The reason is the force of impact: intense vibrations of an electric massager can have an unpredictable effect. However, hardware massage gives good results from a sensitive specialist who uses a combination of techniques.


Probe speech therapy massage was developed by talented speech therapist E.V. Novikova. The essence of massage according to Novikova: impact on the affected areas using 9 different types probe, the choice of which is determined by the affected area, the degree and sequence in working with it. Probes for speech therapy massage have different shapes, which means they have different effects:

  • forked - has the shape of a fork with teeth raised up. The speech therapist carefully pricks the palate, cheeks, and lips with them, as a result of which their muscles begin to contract. After short tingling sensations, the probe begins to swing and then rotate;
  • figure eight - the device looks like 2 loops. They press on the tongue and make rocking movements without moving. Rub up and down on the cheeks;
  • sleds - small, medium, large: different sizes needed to regulate the grip area and pressure force;
  • hatchet - they press into the muscles and perform sliding movements. With increased tone, the intensity of pressure is minimal, with hypotonicity, the pressure is stronger;
  • cross - zones for stimulating the work of the tongue. It is used to press and push the muscle so that the patient learns to contract the tongue;
  • pusher - for alternating relaxation and pressure.

The effectiveness and speed of obtaining results depends not only on the speech therapist-massage therapist, but also on the parents, how skillfully they learn the techniques of speech therapy massage in order to consolidate the effect obtained at home.

Children usually tolerate speech therapy massage with iron probes well. To eliminate the fear of the instrument, they let you touch it and turn it in your hands. With a deep degree of impairment, pain may be felt at first - this is how rigid, spasmodic muscles make themselves known.

Recommendations for conducting speech therapy massage at home

You can perform speech therapy massage at home. To do this, it is important for parents to know not only its technique, but also how to create the necessary conditions:

  1. The child should be in such a position that the neck muscles do not strain - reclining or lying down.
  2. If the muscles of the shoulders and collar area are tense, relax them: holding the child’s neck from behind with one hand, make gentle movements with the other rotational movement in a circle in both directions. Make smooth rocking movements from side to side like a pendulum.
  3. It is important to relax the muscles of the neck, because its spasm causes tension at the root of the tongue. To do this, it is lightly stroked.
  4. Next comes a relaxing speech therapy massage of the facial muscles and lips. Basic rules: massage with both hands, directing them from the center to the edges. The skin should not stretch, the hands simply glide. Stroking the facial muscles: - from the forehead to the temples;

    – from the eyebrows to the hair growth area on the head;

    – from the forehead and around the eyes;

    – from the bridge of the nose along the eyebrows to the hair growth area;

    – from the forehead to the cheeks, chin and neck;

    – from the earlobe to the wings of the nose;

    – pinch along the lower edge of the lower jaw.

    Relaxing lip massage. Stroking:

    – tap with your fingertips over the entire area.

    If there is asymmetry on the face, then spend more time on the spasmodic part.

  5. The stimulation block involves toning the muscles and strengthening them. The nature of the movements is energetic. Make the first movements along the guide lines light, and then increase their strength. Speech therapy facial massage (stroking):
    - from the forehead to the temples; - from the eyebrows to the hair growth area on the head; - from the forehead and around the eyes;

    - from the bridge of the nose along the eyebrows to the hair growth area; - from the forehead to the cheeks, chin; - squeezing the chin;

    – spiral movements on the cheekbones and cheeks;

    – place one finger on inside cheeks through the mouth, and with the other outside make movements similar to rubbing;

    - pinch your cheeks.

    Lip toning (stroking):

    – alternately upper and lower lips from the corners to the middle;

    – the lower lip from below to the mucous membrane, the upper lip from the upper edge also down to the mucous membrane;

    – from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth;

    - pinch your lips, beat them lightly.

  6. Speech therapy tongue massage:

– stroke the gums along the outer edge from the center and in depth;

– gently massage the palate along the midline;

– make vibrating movements in the submandibular fossa, at the angles of the lower jaw;

- hold the tongue by the tip with one hand, and with the other make circular movements along its surface left and right, from the middle to the tip, pinch and stretch slightly, stroke from the frenulum under it and to its tip.

When salivating, pause to allow the child to swallow saliva.

It is effective to use speech therapy massage for children at home in courses of 10-15 times.


  • Inflammatory processes in the mouth, herpetic rashes on the lips, rashes on the face.
  • High intracranial pressure. Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Infectious diseases, including colds.
  • Episyndrome.
  • Violent reaction of the child: crying, screaming, hysterics.
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