Why do you dream of a thick layer of ice? Why do you dream about ice according to the dream book - “True dreams are the most complete dream book.” Ice cracks

For a person who saw ice in a dream, the interpreter promises troubles and loss of luck. Some dream books, on the contrary, warn of the end of difficulties. In order to correctly interpret what frozen water means in a dream, you should remember all the details of the dream, emotional coloring and the overall picture of the plot.

Fall into the water

If you fall under an icy crust in a dream, it means a fierce fight against the disease.

The universal dream book believes that you are taking too risky actions at work or in life, which threaten not only your well-being, but also threaten your loved ones.

Roll on the surface

Did you dream that you were skating on ice? Seeing something like this means losing your job, securities or jewelry.

Modern dream book believes that the plot in which you slid on the ice foreshadows fun and happy times. If you dreamed that you fell under an ice floe while skating, it means that your friends are not as reliable as they seem. It's better to limit your communication with them.

Walk on the ice

If you dream that you are walking on frozen water, then real life troubling times will come, the result of which depends on the outcome of the dream itself.

If you managed to walk on a surface that was cracking and slippery, then you have overcome a difficult path, which means that prosperity will come soon after difficult days and failures.

Aesop's Dream Book states that overcoming difficulties in this way will strengthen you and take you to a new level; a promotion or getting rid of an illness will be a well-deserved result.

Ice cracks

A dream in which the ice is cracked symbolizes the circumstances in which you find yourself. The period now is very difficult and only you can overcome it.

If in a dream you managed to jump out before the ice piece broke, this means the successful resolution of all matters. If you are walking on a thick ice floe, which logically should not crack, but it does, it means that your loved ones are to blame for your troubles.

Ice floes, snow and water

If you dream of ice on the river, this foretells failure in business. Also, the Modern Dream Book interprets this plot as an omen of difficulties in personal and family life, which will begin because of someone's envy.

  • Primary elements - metal, water.
  • Elements - dryness, cold.
  • Emotions - sadness, fear.
  • Organs - lungs, colon, kidneys, bladder.
  • Planets - Venus, Mercury.
  • Holding ice/snow in your hands/standing barefoot, although you feel cold, and freezing, although nothing external prevents you from leaving - a symbolic manifestation of internal fear, depression and apathy. Holding ice or snow in your hands/standing barefoot in a dream is a yin state of cold outside as a reflection of internal processes. The element that controls the kidneys is cold. The kidneys are afraid of the cold, and the kidneys store the human will to live. External illnesses of cold weaken a person’s will, and loss internal control above itself evokes a dreamlike image of ice and snow, on which the dreamer stands and voluntarily freezes. The dream cannot be called completely unfavorable: one’s own body, still having the willpower to resist, warns the dreamer that lack of control over one’s emotions opens the door to kidney disease with already weakened lungs. Decline internal forces leads to chaos in business, and then depression will become an element threatening to freeze life. But it’s not too late... Get out of the cold, out of the snow - start fighting, look for a way out of the deadlock. Chopping ice, melting ice/snow and drinking water is a symbol of the beginning of a way out of a psychological impasse: the manifestation of internal forces, restoration of the balance between heat and cold, the resumption of proper blood circulation in the channels of the heart (warmth) and kidneys (cold). Water from melted snow and ice is considered the most beneficial for health ( living water), therefore, in illness, sleep foreshadows recovery. The dream is favorable and, even after a difficult winter, promises a good spring for the dreamer. Sucking ice and snow to satisfy the need for water - a weakened body does not have enough strength to break the pathological physically and psychologically situation running in circles. The body tries to get an influx of fresh energy at any cost and loses its last warmth. The dream foreshadows failure or illness and advises that to prevent this from happening, rest, gain strength and check the choice of goal and means of achieving it. Enjoying the cold in a dream, experiencing an exaggerated need for it in a dream/walking barefoot in the snow/showering yourself with snow - all this means a dangerous excess of emotions, the fire of which they are trying to extinguish
    cold from outside. The dreamer's internal capabilities (and he knows this) exceed the external possibilities of implementation. External cold is a symbol of adequacy, sobriety, calmness, a comparison between the desired and the possible. The cold will freeze excess self-confidence that threatens self-confidence, which will allow you to draw up an action plan adequate to reality. Sleep is favorable: the body has the strength not only to restore internal balance, but also to prevent its possible disruption, adequacy is a guarantee of success and health. But still, the dreamer should be more restrained and avoid Napoleonic plans. Looking at the expanses of ice and snow with tranquility and pleasure is beneficial: this means the body’s rhythms correspond to the winter season and healthy kidneys. Looking with fear, despondency and longing, especially at dusk, is unfavorable: a weakened body, a discrepancy between one’s own rhythms and the winter season, weak kidneys and lungs.

according to Miller's dream book

Ice in a dream portends many disasters. Evil people will look for an opportunity to harm you in the matter that is most dear to you. Seeing ice floating in a stream clean water, means that your happiness has come to an end, which will be due to the envy of others. Seeing yourself walking on ice means that you are risking your peace of mind and the respect of others for fleeting joys. For a young woman to walk on ice in a dream means that only a thin veil hides her from shame. Icicles on the roofs of houses mean poverty and a life deprived of comfort. This dream also predicts deterioration in health. Icicles mean future suffering. Icicles on evergreen trees - your brilliant future will be overshadowed by undeserved rewards. Seeing that you are making ice foretells failure in business caused by your irrepressible egoism. If you dream that you are gnawing on icicles, you may get sick. A dream in which you drink ice water promises the same thing. Swimming in ice water- promises pleasure that will suddenly interrupt a certain event.

The meaning of a dream about ice

according to Freud's dream book

Dreaming of ice represents your sexual relations with a partner - smooth and even. You sense each other’s slightest desires and therefore easily predict the response. One can only envy such coordination of actions in bed.

The meaning of a dream about ice cream

according to Freud's dream book

If you dream about eating ice cream on a hot day, then you will have a pleasant meeting with someone you haven’t seen for a very long time. You will get great pleasure from this meeting, but do not expect to return the past - nothing will come of it. To dream of someone eating melted ice cream means you are trying to revive something that has long died. It seems to you that all you have to do is wish and everything will immediately become the way you want it. In fact, everything has changed a long time ago, and your happiness is already in another person. Eating hard, frozen ice cream means you love life and strive to get only pleasure from it. It may soon happen that your success will not be so constant. Eating ice cream in a cafe means that in the near future you will have an entertainment event at which you will behave in such a way that no one can accuse you of being too modest. You will remember this evening with regret.

I dreamed about ice cream

according to Miller's dream book

Eating ice cream in a dream portends you success in your business. Seeing children eating ice cream denotes prosperity and happiness that will accompany you throughout your life. For a young woman to knock over ice cream in the presence of her lover or friend means her infatuation with another and unjustified cruelty towards her lover. Seeing melted ice cream is a sign that unexpected disappointment will darken your pleasure.

Dreamed of ice skating

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are skating on ice, it means that you are in danger of losing your job or some valuables. If you break the ice while skating, it means that your friends are not the kind of people you can consult with. If in a dream you only watch other people ride, it means that in reality you will become a victim of gossip linking your name with some scandalous incident in which a person who arouses your admiration is involved. Seeing ice skating in a dream means discord with your business partners. Seeing young people roller skating in a dream means that you will rejoice in your good health and experience a special elation from the fact that you are able to sacrifice your joy and contentment for the sake of others.

See interpretation: snow, glacier, iceberg.

  • If you dreamed about ice, be prepared for adversity and beware of being hit in the most vulnerable place. A dream in which you see ice floes in a stream of clear water means: your serene existence may be overshadowed by envious friends. If you are walking on ice, it is possible that you will voluntarily part with your usual comfortable life. A dream in which she walks on ice warns a young woman: she should be more careful in her actions, because with her behavior she can attract too much attention from others. Icicles on houses dream of poverty and lack of comfort. Health deterioration is also possible. Icicles on the fence foreshadow possible suffering of soul and body. Icicles on trees mean your prospects will become even bleaker. Icicles on coniferous trees question your bright future. A dream in which you make ice warns: you risk failure due to your selfishness and arrogance. Sucking ice means illness. A dream in which you drink water with ice warns: your frivolity can lead to serious consequences and illnesses. If you are swimming in icy water, you shouldn’t really count on your planned vacation; it may be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances.

Family dream book

  • Ice dreams of disasters. For example, ill-wishers will harm you in a matter that is important to you.
  • Ice floating in a stream of clear water says that someone else's envy will put an end to your happiness.
  • Walking on ice in a dream means you will have to risk your peace of mind and the respect of others because of fleeting joys.
  • If you dreamed that you were making ice, then pacify your egoism, otherwise you cannot avoid failure in business.
  • Swimming in icy water promises pleasure that will be interrupted by some event.

Modern dream book

  • If you dreamed of ice, then you should be prepared for adversity and be wary of being hit in the most unprotected place. If you dreamed of ice floes in a stream of clear water, then in reality your serene happiness may be overshadowed by envious friends. If in a dream you are walking on ice, then it is possible that in reality you will take a sharp turn and part with your usual comfortable life. For a young woman, a dream in which she is walking on ice means that she should be much more careful in her behavior, because she may attract too much public attention to herself. Icicles on houses dream of poverty and lack of comfort. Health deterioration is also possible. Icicles on the fence mean possible suffering of soul and body. Icicles on trees mean your prospects will become even bleaker. Icicles on coniferous trees foretell that a brilliant future will be hidden under the shadow of doubt. A dream in which you make ice warns that in reality you risk failure due to your selfishness and arrogance. Sucking ice means illness. Drinking ice water in a dream is a warning that frivolity can lead to serious consequences and illnesses. If in a dream you are swimming in icy water, then you should not particularly count on your planned vacation, since it may be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

  • Good value: If you dreamed that the ice was melting, the events happening around you will not affect your lifestyle in any way. So that no shock touches you, drop a drop of blood into a glass of water, then freeze the water and take it to the cemetery.
  • Bad value: If you dreamed that you were walking on ice, you are now taking a very big risk. To avoid any problems, swallow a small piece of ice in the morning.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Seeing ice means worries about the family / trouble in business / bad advisor.
  • Having it in the house is a disaster.
  • Walking on thin ice and being afraid means life, fate or soul is on the verge of something dark and unclear.
  • The ice cracked under you, but you jumped out - the trouble would pass by.
  • Walking on slippery ice means you will have to balance between people who have difficult relationships with each other / false tone in relationships / the wrong path has been chosen / risk.
  • Walking on melting ice is an untimely warming in relations with people who have offended you.
  • Seeing an ice hole is dangerous.
  • Falling into an ice hole is a danger to life / your outburst of feelings will not be understood / you will encounter deception and resentment.

French dream book

  • Ice - Seeing ice in a dream is a good sign, promising a happy meeting.

Women's dream book

  • Ice - Ice in a dream foreshadows many disasters due to ill-wishers. Seeing ice floating in a stream of clean water means the end of a quiet life, which will be blamed on the envy of others. Walking on ice in a dream means that you risk losing the respect of other people due to fleeting joys. Gnawing or sucking ice (icicle) in a dream, drinking water with ice - may portend illness; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Ancient Russian dream book

  • Ice - In winter it means nothing, but at unusual times it marks a change in weather.

Esoteric dream book

  • Ice - Cooling. There is a cool down. You will stop worrying; hatred and jealousy will let you go. Ice field, tranquility, mental relaxation. Shattered ice, ice drift, your peace has come to an end, you will be overwhelmed by emotions. Someone is holding, eating, someone in whom you are interested will cool off towards you, become indifferent.

Dream Interpretation of Ivanov

  • Ice - Failure, loss, death, troubles, difficulties; ahead of time - loss, change in weather or in life; in the house - misfortune; walking on ice means death to one’s homeland; falling on ice - devoted love is danger; cross the ice - everything will be fine, good health; breaks off under you - bad, to failure; to break - benefit; melts - you will die soon; clean - health; dirty - disease; ice floe - danger, hard work.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Ice - Seeing ice in a dream and crossing it is a sign that everything will be fine, but if it breaks, it means trouble. This dream primarily indicates a state of health. If you are walking on thin ice, this is a harbinger that you may find yourself in dangerous situation, to bring trouble upon oneself by a rash act. Walking on slippery ice in a dream, afraid of slipping, means in reality being surrounded by people who do not inspire confidence. Such a dream can be a warning: if you don’t take care of your reputation, you can lose much more than it seems at first glance. If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by huge ice floes, it means that you will encounter obstacles that require energetic measures. Seeing ice in the house means trouble. Seeing an ice hole means danger. Falling into an ice hole means that your life is in danger, your outburst of feelings will be incomprehensible and you will encounter deception and resentment. If you dream that you are walking on ice, but it is summer, there will be a change in life. A dream in which you see spring ice drifting on a river marks a successful venture related to fishing or trading fish. Seeing an iceberg in a dream is a sign of a sudden, albeit minor, digestive upset that may happen to you in the coming days. Seeing frozen ground in a dream is an omen that you are wasting your strength and energy in vain; now you are stagnating.

Autumn dream book

  • Glacier - Seeing a glacier descending from the mountains means love is waning.

Spring dream book

  • Glacier - To be in a glacier (in a cellar) - to burial.
  • Dream Interpretation Ice drift - Radical, big, gradual changes for the better.

Summer dream book

  • Glacier - Seeing a glacier coming down from the mountains in a dream means a natural disaster.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Ice and snow - Seeing - obstacles of various kinds - walking on them - a successful obstacle - crashing - you will learn a lot of fear - seeing in the forest - wasted efforts, illusory hopes

Miller's Dream Book

  • Ice in a dream portends many disasters. Evil people will look for an opportunity to harm you in the matter that is most dear to you.
  • Seeing ice floating in a stream of clear water means that your happiness has come to an end, which will be to blame for the envy of others.
  • Seeing yourself walking on ice means that you are risking your peace of mind and the respect of others for fleeting joys.
  • For a young woman to walk on ice in a dream means that only a thin veil hides her from shame.
  • Icicles on the roofs of houses mean poverty and a life deprived of comfort. This dream also predicts deterioration in health.
  • Icicles mean future suffering.
  • Icicles on evergreen trees - Your brilliant future will be overshadowed by undeserved rewards.
  • Seeing that you are making ice foretells failure in business caused by your irrepressible egoism.
  • If you dream that you are gnawing on ice (icicle) - you may get sick. A dream in which you drink water with ice promises the same thing.
  • Swimming in ice water promises pleasure, which will suddenly be interrupted by a certain event.

Azar's Dream Book

  • to break on ice - you will know fear.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • Ice and snow - Seeing - obstacles of various kinds, walking on them - a successful obstacle; crash - you will learn a lot of fear; to see in the forest is vain efforts, illusory hopes.

Wanderer's Dream Book

  • Ice - Coldness in relationships; inaccessibility of a loved one.

Interpretation of sleep: according to the number of the month

Why does a woman dream about Ice (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

Ice - Ice in a dream foreshadows many disasters due to ill-wishers. Seeing ice floating in a stream of clean water means the end of a quiet life, which will be blamed on the envy of others. Walking on ice in a dream means that you risk losing the respect of other people due to fleeting joys. Gnawing or sucking ice (icicle) in a dream or drinking water with ice can portend illness, as the dream book Ice interprets.

Ice according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

Ice - For good // failure, loss, death, troubles, difficulties; ahead of time - loss, change in weather or in life; in the house - misfortune; walking on ice - to one’s homeland // to death; falling on ice - devoted love // ​​danger; cross the ice - everything will be fine, good health; breaks off under you - bad, to failure; to break - benefit; if you dreamed that it was melting, you would die soon; clean – health; dirty - disease; ice floe - danger, hard work.

I dreamed of Ice (interpretation according to the Ancient Russian Dream Book)

According to the dream book, if you see ice in a dream, then in winter you can simply ignore it. At this time of year, when everything around is covered with ice and snow, there is absolutely nothing surprising in a dream. Most likely, it is caused by your daily impressions. And if you dreamed about summer or spring, in general, when the season is not suitable for it, it may signify an upcoming change in the weather. Especially if it's hot outside. Rejoice, you will soon be able to cool down a little.

Why do you dream of Ice (dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

When ice appears in a dream, it predicts some not very pleasant events for you. IN best case scenario, difficulties await you in a matter that interests you. Very often, if you dream of ice, it speaks of a cooling in personal relationships. Most likely, you yourself have already felt that feelings on your part or on the part of your partner have cooled down considerably. In general, there is nothing wrong with this; almost all couples face this. If you can survive this difficult time and stay together, then your relationship will move to a new, higher and more reliable level.

What does Icing symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

Ice, cold, oblivion, death - for many these concepts are, to some extent, related. Indeed, from the point of view of a psychotherapist, if a person dreams of ice, this often symbolizes the coldness in the relationship, its end, the rigidity or frigidity of the partner. Try to talk frankly with your significant other and find out what exactly doesn’t suit her, what she would like to get from you. And of course, don’t be afraid to talk about your own desires.

Ice - why do you dream about it in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

Ice - Seeing ice in a dream and crossing it means everything will be fine, but if it breaks, it means trouble. This dream indicates, first of all, your state of health. If you are walking on thin ice, this is a harbinger that you may find yourself in a dangerous situation, causing trouble with a rash act. Walking on slippery ice in a dream, afraid of slipping, means in reality being surrounded by people who do not inspire confidence. The dream is a warning: if you don’t take care of your reputation, you can lose much more than it seems at first glance. You see yourself surrounded by huge ice floes - you will encounter obstacles that require energetic measures. Seeing ice in the house means trouble. Seeing an ice hole means danger. Falling into an ice hole means that your life is in danger, your outburst of feelings will be incomprehensible and you will encounter deception and resentment. If you dream that you are walking on ice, but it is summer, there will be a change in life. You see spring ice drift on the river - it marks a successful enterprise related to fishing or trading fish. Seeing an iceberg in a dream is a sign of a sudden, albeit minor, digestive disorder that may happen to you in the coming days. Seeing frozen ground in a dream is an omen that you are wasting your strength and energy in vain; now you are stagnating.

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of the dream in which you saw ice, you need to remember well-known stable expressions with this concept. When you dream of ice, this is a warning that you will soon find yourself in some delicate and dangerous situation for yourself, you will have to act extremely carefully, calculating your every step, as if you were stepping on thin ice. Ice in dreams can also symbolize postponed negotiations on a controversial issue - you will have to freeze the negotiations. But most often, ice is a symbol of the onset of coldness and alienation in a relationship; your partner may become dispassionate and aloof - cold as ice. You will feel the ice in your relationship with your entire skin.

The meaning of the dream about Ice cubes (Yogi's dream book)

If a person dreams of ice in a dream, it means that this person is still at the lowest level of his spiritual development. Information about how this world works and what it is is not yet available to him and is in a frozen state. If you continue to work on yourself, especially under the guidance of an enlightened teacher, over time this ice will melt, and you will be able to obtain the knowledge you need. Be patient and persistent.

The meaning of the dream about crushed ice floes (the message of the Tarot cards)

Ice in a dream appears as a warning that you should not harbor any empty hopes. What exactly is meant needs to be looked at based on the other circumstances of your dream. Perhaps if you dream of ice, you are in vain hoping for reciprocity on the part of the person you think you love. In fact, at best, what he feels for you is some kind of friendly disposition. Don’t count on more, otherwise his participation may turn into the ice you saw in your dream.

Why do you dream about Ice in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Ice - In a dream, it foreshadows many disasters. Evil people will look for an opportunity to harm you in the matter that is most dear to you. Seeing ice floating in a stream of clear water means that your happiness has come to an end, which will be to blame for the envy of others. Seeing yourself walking on ice means that you are risking your peace of mind and the respect of others for fleeting joys. For a young woman to walk on ice in a dream means that only a thin veil hides her from shame. Icicles on the roofs of houses mean poverty and a life deprived of comfort. This dream also predicts deterioration in health. Icicles mean future suffering. Icicles on evergreen trees - your brilliant future will be overshadowed by undeserved rewards. Seeing that you are making ice foretells failure in business caused by your irrepressible egoism. - if in a dream you dream that you are gnawing on ice (icicle) - you will probably get sick. The same thing is predicted by a dream in which you drink ice water. Swimming in ice water predicts pleasure that will suddenly be interrupted by a certain event.

Ice in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

Ice - Cooling. There is a cool down. You will stop worrying; hatred and jealousy will let you go. Ice field, tranquility, mental relaxation. Shattered ice, ice drift, your peace has come to an end, you will be overwhelmed by emotions. Someone is holding, eating, someone in whom you are interested will cool off towards you, become indifferent.

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

If you had a dream at night in which you saw ice, do not be frightened or alarmed. When you dream of ice, it is a good sign that predicts an unexpected and happy meeting in reality. Lonely dreamers can count on meeting their soulmate soon. The most important thing is to try not to miss this unexpected opportunity that fate sends you. After all, this may not happen again.

Ice - Damage, loss.

Interpretation of Ice from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

If you dream of ice at night, then it symbolizes what you have already understood a long time ago. Your beloved person does not feel any tender feelings for you; she is cold and unapproachable, like a block of ice. All your efforts to melt it will only lead to the opposite result. But ice in a dream suggests that a person who until recently seemed to be burning with passion for you has suddenly cooled down for no apparent reason. Yes, this happens sometimes, and you just have to deal with it.

The meaning of the dream about Lump (Russian dream book)

Ice – skepticism, cold attitude; noticeable cooling towards the subject of passion.

Why do you dream about Ice in a dream (interpretation from the Big Dream Book)

When ice appears in a dream, it predicts some not very pleasant events for you. At best, difficulties await you in a matter that interests you. Prepare for the fact that there will be a lot of them. Very often, if you dream of ice, it speaks of a cooling in personal relationships. Most likely, you yourself have already felt that feelings on your part or on the part of your partner have cooled down considerably. The future fate of your relationship depends on how you survive the approaching crisis.

What to expect if you saw Ice in a dream (according to the Explanatory Dream Book)

If you saw ice in a dream, you need to remember what exactly happened in it. Seeing ice in the middle of summer often predicts a normal change in weather. Dreaming that you are walking on ice is a warning that you may find yourself in a very difficult situation when you will have to calculate your every step. If you saw that ice was filling your house, this is an alarming sign that predicts some kind of misfortune in the house or family.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

You see ice or snow can be interpreted in different ways, depending on its other circumstances. If ice or snow blocked your path in a dream, it means that various kinds of obstacles await you in your affairs. You dream that you decide to trample a path in the snow or walk on ice - good sign, symbolizing some difficult, but successful undertaking for you. Slipping on ice and falling means you will have to experience a lot of fears. And if you saw ice or snow during your walk in the forest in a dream, unfortunately, it means that your hopes will be illusory, and all your efforts will be useless.

Why do you dream and how to interpret Ice according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

If you saw ice or snow in a dream, remember what exactly happened in it. . If ice or snow blocked your path in a dream, it means that various kinds of obstacles await you in your affairs. Dreaming that you decided to trample a path in the snow or walk on ice is a good sign, symbolizing some difficult but successful undertaking for you. Slipping on ice and falling means you will have to experience a lot of fears. And if you saw ice or snow during your walk in the forest in a dream, unfortunately, it means that your hopes will be illusory, and all your efforts will be useless.

We analyze the vision in which Snow was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

Ice or snow in a dream turns out to be a symbol of sexual frigidity, rigidity - the inability of the individual to adapt to new conditions dictated by objective changes from the outside, often death. It is impossible to correctly understand the meaning of your dream from this detail alone, therefore, if you dreamed of ice, you need to understand exactly what role this image played, as well as what kind of actions unfolded around it.

Ice in a dream (from the book by Elena Avadyaeva)

Ice in your night dreams is a symbol of all sorts of difficulties and problems that you will face in the near future. Seeing a large block of ice blocking your path means the situation you find yourself in requires the most serious approach. It will not be possible to get out of it in the usual way. If you dreamed of an ice floe that floated on the waves during an ice drift, get ready for problems that have not yet become obvious. If in a dream you happened to sail on a drifting ice floe, you are taking a risk in vain, you should find some other way of action.

Why do you dream about Ice according to signs (Slavic dream book)

Ice - to an emotionally cold environment and failure. Moon in Capricorn.

Why do you dream about Ice according to the Housewives dream book?

Ice – cold emotions. Walking on ice means taking risks; making ice is a failure in business due to selfishness.

The meaning of the dream image (according to Artemidorus of Daldian)

I dreamed about Ice - Crossing the river on ice - to the successful and quick completion of a task that at first seemed difficult and risky. Slipping and falling on ice means getting scared and abandoning your plan. Taking ice out of the refrigerator means there will be minor troubles. Sleep on ice. For a woman - to long delay in fulfillment of desire. For a man - to renounce the desire for revenge.

Why do you dream about Ice (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Ice - You saw ice in a dream - your business is in danger; you have not shown sufficient resourcefulness, and now your financial situation is very unstable; If you do not take urgent, skillful action, then financial collapse and all the resulting disasters await you. You see ice floes floating in the water - someone who is very jealous of you will do everything to destroy your happiness; there is a high probability that he will succeed. It’s as if you are walking on ice - because of little you will risk a lot; you take risks too lightly. You are cooking in a dream - you will not be successful in business in the near future; you think more about your own benefit than about the overall success with your business partner - this is your weak point. It's like you're swimming near ice floes - you'll find pleasure where you didn't expect to find it. You see ice on the roof of the house (icicles) - this is an unfavorable sign for your house; Poverty will settle in him, and there will be no place for love; you will get sick.

Meet Ice in a dream (the solution according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)


I dreamed about Ice and snow - To cool relationships with friends. Imagine it's shining bright sun, ice and snow are melting before our eyes.

What does it mean to see Ice in a dream (Psychoanalytic dream book)

Ice. 1. When we dream of ice, we pay attention to our emotions. We know that we act colder than we should, do not express warmth and compassion, and therefore put ourselves in a situation from which it will be extremely difficult to free ourselves later. 2. Ice is the personification of rigidity, fragility, which comes from a misunderstanding of what is happening around us and from creating situations in which people cannot communicate with us. Depending on how exactly ice manifests itself, it signifies impermanence. 3. From a spiritual point of view, ice symbolizes a part of ourselves that has frozen, but which needs to be melted in order to develop further.

The meaning of the dream about Naledi (dream book of the Subconscious)

I dreamed about Ice, what is it for. Do not forget that ice consists of water, and dreams about water are often directly related to the emotional component of a person’s life. The transformation of water into ice means the “hardening” of feelings towards a loved one. Accordingly, melting ice in a dream means the end of a hostile relationship. Dreams about melting ice also speak of the removal of barriers to creative energy and new opportunities, predicting that inspiration will visit you at home or at work.

Positive value

Dreams about ice not in winter traditionally symbolize good harvest. This dream also means an abundance of fruitful ideas, so think carefully about which “plantings” will need your attention.

Negative implications

If ice appears in a dream, it is a warning that it is time to put aside a project that rests “on thin ice" Perhaps the dream calls for immediate action.

Burning cold in a dream usually symbolizes emotional extremes. For example, the appearance of a freezer or refrigerator in a dream is a reflection of the emotional “dumbness” that you are currently suffering from.

Sit or stand on the ice. You are sitting on ice, predicts comfort in life. Walking on ice is a risk of financial loss if you are not careful when distributing cash. Strong or thin ice. Be sure to try to remember what the ice was like in your dream. Thin ice - perhaps dangers await you, and thick ice floes can mean that you feel protected even in the face of the difficulties and problems of real life. Skating. Skating on ice implies satisfaction with the work done. Riding with a partner means caring about personal relationships.

What does sleeping with Ice mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream about ice - radical, big, gradual changes for the better.

If in the summer you dreamed about ice melting from the mountains, it means a natural disaster. Seeing a floe (ice) with people floating on the water is a disaster.

In the fall, why did you dream of ice coming down from the mountains - love is on the wane. Seeing an ice floe floating on the water means loneliness.

In winter, what does it mean to dream about ice and a person on it - to the bankruptcy of your ally and troubles in his affairs.

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