Why do you dream of catching a beautiful parrot? What did the parrot look like? Personal Account Removed

In women's dream books you can often find interpretations about various birds. There is a simple explanation for this. The bird is a symbol of femininity, beauty, freedom, wisdom. The parrot is a bright exotic bird that often haunts dreams. In order to understand why a woman dreams of a parrot, it is necessary to remember all the details of the dream.

The parrot is a bright exotic bird that often haunts dreams

The World Women's Dream Book gives the following interpretation: if you dreamed of a parrot that talks, this means quarrels and gossip. A silent bird is a harbinger of a quiet and calm period in life. Teaching a bird to talk means possible conflicts in the family and personal life.

A parrot is almost always associated with conversations, gossip and discussions. In order to determine a more specific meaning of sleep, the following factors should be identified:

  • What kind of parrot is this? Its size, breed, feather color. It is necessary to remember his behavior - active or passive, talkative or silent, alive or dead.
  • In what situation did you see the bird? Was it a pet or a wild parrot? Where did the meeting take place, how exactly did he catch your eye?
  • Was there interaction or just observation from the sidelines? Conversation, touching, flying together.

If you have a bird at home, perhaps the interpretation of the dream lies on the surface - you are simply concerned about the condition of your beloved pet.

A woman dreamed of a budgie

The breed of parrot can give a clue to deciphering the dream

The breed of parrot can give a clue to deciphering the dream.

  1. Cockatoo is a sign that soon a dubious proposal will be made to increase profits, which in no case should you agree to, everything will result in huge losses.
  2. Corella is a smart creature that makes it clear that academic success will go uphill. This is also a signal to take up your education.
  3. Small budgerigar chick- a symbol of home and harmony in family relationships. For a woman this is auspicious sign- she will soon get married or her feelings in marriage will get stronger.

The color of a parrot in a dream

The color of the plumage can tell a lot about what lies ahead in the future, and about what greatly worries a woman in life. at the moment

The color of the plumage can tell a lot about what lies ahead in the future, and about what is greatly bothering the woman at the moment.

  • White - the onset of calm and harmony in life;
  • Red – passionate romance;
  • Pink – new love;
  • Yellow – lies and deception of loved ones;
  • Black - gossip;
  • Green – expanding horizons in all areas of life: work, study, relationships.
  • Blue – support, from an unexpected person, in new endeavors.
  • Purple – wisdom;
  • Orange – active implementation of planned projects;
  • Blue – travel, long trips.

If in a dream you have a parrot in your hands or sit on your hand

Holding a bird in your hands means stability in work and family

Holding a bird in your hands means stability in work and family. All troubles with your superiors will be settled, and family conflicts will disappear over time.

Feeding a parrot from the hands - bad sign, this means that you are trying to attract the attention of an unworthy person who will lie to you and not meet your expectations.

Catching a parrot in a dream, catching it

Catching a bird and catching it is good luck

Catching a bird and catching it is good luck. Very soon some global project will end very successfully. Unexpected fame and recognition from others is possible important people. A woman has such dreams before meeting a new lover, with whom the romance will be long and bright.

Holding a very small chick in your hands means an early pregnancy and an easy birth.

Other signs carried by a parrot in dream books

What else could a parrot mean?

  • A dead parrot means problems at work. Perhaps you have some kind of conflict with a colleague over a promotion. If you killed a screaming bird, it means you can protect yourself and your family from gossip. If you dreamed about your dead pet parrot, this means an illness of a family member or close relative.
  • Little chicks - to new ideas and accomplishments. For a woman, this is a subconscious desire to have children. According to Miller's dream book, this is a sign of decisive action. The work started must be completed. Dead chicks symbolize a dead end in business and the possible collapse of plans.
  • A flock of parrots that scream loudly and circle around you is a call for fun. Very soon you will find yourself at a great party and have a great time with your family and friends.
  • Stroking a bird with your fingers means unexpected news. You will hear from people who have not been in your life for a long time. This will be simple gossip, and good news, and some information that is really important to you. If a bird bites your finger, it means gossip at work.
  • The symbol of deception is a parrot on the shoulder. If a bird lands on your shoulder, you might want to think about who might be lying to you. Perhaps this new friend or a friend who recently remembered you. If in your dream you see a man with a parrot on his shoulder, do not trust him, he has evil intentions.
  • A big parrot will appear in your life soon new man who will captivate you with his beauty and eloquence. Don't rush to trust him; most likely, he is not the one you need. If a big one sits on your head, then the idea that you have been nurturing for several years is high time to bring to life.
  • A parrot flying past for a moment is a sign of happiness and good luck.
  • A bird locked in a cage is a sign of alarm. There is an enemy or ill-wisher in your life, but you have nothing to fear - you are safe, and he will not be able to harm you or your family in any way.
  • A dream in which a parrot acts as a participant in some kind of performance is a sign of excessive kindness towards people. Do you want to show your best qualities, convince everyone around you that they can trust you. This way, you attract people into your life who can use your kindness for their own selfish interests.
  • A parrot that repeats your every word - soon someone will need help. You will have to help this person, since your future will depend on him. In gratitude for this, he will help you move up the career ladder or find you a future spouse.

Seeing constant flapping of wings in a dream means meeting a new friend who will later become very close. Very soon you will need to open your soul and heart to a new person. Perhaps you won't get involved romantic relationship, but this person will be close to you for the rest of your life.

Many of our contemporaries ask questions about why parrots or canaries, crows or pigeons, as well as other living creatures dream. We see birds, animals and fish in our dreams, and then we invariably want to find out what they are harbingers of. Of course, what a parrot dreams about will differ depending on the features of the plot of the dream, on who and when it was dreamed about, and what emotions were accompanied.

This bird itself is bright and characterized by positivity. But this symbol is also multifaceted. Why do you dream about a parrot? The dream book often points to a certain person or simply talks about some changes in life, as well as new events and colors in it. It will be important to remember in detail how these birds appeared in the dream.

That is, it is important whether they were wavy or maybe they were saying something, whether they were small or large, whether they were sitting in a cage or on a tree branch. It also matters what actions took place between you and the birds. The answer to the question of why parrots dream directly depends on this, and only then will you most accurately and reliably know the answer and interpret the meaning of night vision.

Main plots and varieties of what parrots dream about:

  • Look at the parrot from afar.
  • See and hear a bird talking.
  • Look at the silent bird.
  • Admire a beautiful, exotic parrot.
  • Bird sitting in a cage or on hands.
  • Hear the cry of a parrot.
  • Watch the circus parrots perform.
  • See a lot of birds in the wild.
  • Kill a bird.
  • A budgie or several of them.
  • Teach a parrot to talk.
  • Hear a budgie parody you.
  • Feed the bird or birds in your hands.
  • Catch a bird.
  • Seeing a budgie perch on your shoulder.
  • Dead parrot.

You either saw from the side, watched her, or had direct contact with her, that is, taught her to talk and caught her, or even killed her. The dream book will tell you about all the peculiarities of interpretation of such plots. A parrot, no matter how you dream about it - sat on a branch, flew away or, conversely, flew in - is a fairly vivid dream object, so it is remembered and captivates the imagination until you interpret this symbol.

Parrots seen can serve as a signal to convey something to the sleeping person in the form of a message. For example, a dead parrot in your arms always means something bad, but you shouldn’t get upset right away, the main thing is to remember all the details.

Why do you see parrots in a dream, be it one or several, if you just saw them from the outside? It is impossible to answer unequivocally, because the interpretation is very different for men and women. But we can generally say that looking at birds is positive sign fate.

A parrot seen in a dream, both alone and in plural, means wealth or good fortune. In life, this is a bright and remarkable bird, and therefore its interpretation as a symbol of dreams cannot be under the “minus” sign. Moreover, it is not particularly important whether the young man saw it in a dream or the old man.

If, according to the plot of the dream, the parrot is talking, then this means fun entertainment, joy and pleasant events or activities, as well as noisy, cheerful feasts. You need to be prepared to have fun and have fun in every possible way.

If you happen to see in a dream a parrot that behaves strangely calmly, for example, sitting silently in a cage or on a branch or hand, being completely quiet, then be 100% sure that peace and a pleasant atmosphere will reign in the family. There will be complete harmony between you and your loved ones.

If you happen to see a family parrot in a dream, then you can rejoice: a black cat will not run between you and your soulmate, and everyone will envy the trust and love. The main thing is not to brag about such an idyll everywhere, otherwise human envy sometimes destroys even the strongest families.

If you dreamed of a parrot, the dream book will immediately ask for clarification - if it is beautiful and big, for example, bright: green, yellow or even multi-colored, then it good sleep for all women or girls. Most likely, in the near future you will experience a good love adventure or an easy, non-binding romance.

Why do men dream about parrots? Definitely a good thing too. Perhaps not in the same sense as for a girl, but they are also prerequisites for future good. Everything about a parrot sitting in a cage in a dream indicates some small rival. He, of course, is unlikely to become a serious source of problems, but he may well cause mischief over little things, little by little poisoning his life. And you need to be able to determine in time who your dream is pointing to.

If you looked into the dream book, a parrot in a dream that screams loudly and sharply means some hint that you should be on the alert. You should also remember about modesty in everyday life. It is advisable to negate your communication with suspicious or unkind, as well as simply unpleasant people. The same applies to dubious places whose reputation leaves much to be desired.

Variety of birds in dreams

A bright and colorful dream where a parrot performs in a circus arena or in a show or just at a festival indicates that you are too kind and overly trusting. High-quality ones are undoubtedly wonderful, but they only complicate life, at least if there are too many of them.

A lot of birds, both small and large, are an indication that you are a bright personality that stands out from others. By the way, this can help in achieving success.

If you dream of a dead parrot, do not rush to be sad; most likely, in reality you will successfully neutralize lies and all dirty gossip addressed to you. And don’t let the name of someone close to you be discredited. A lot of bright and cheerful birds indicate that you will soon have the opportunity to communicate with many pleasant people. And communication will be easy and unpretentious. Sometimes women, after such a dream, soon find themselves in a romantic and very pleasant adventure.

When the plot of a dream revolves around a free bird, then in reality you can expect news to arrive from afar. If the parrot in your night vision repeats your actions, then get ready to help a friend or relative.

If you taught a bird to speak in a dream, then this, in turn, means that soon you will have a rather active and full of events personal life. It doesn’t matter whether it’s about acquaintances or events, changes or unexpected surprises and new adventures. All this will pass under the general sign “plus”.

If in a dream you happen to feed a parrot, especially directly from your hands, then this is a very good dream, it promises a strong and very long-lasting love union. Those who are now alone can rejoice, because soon there will be a fateful acquaintance in their lives and after it life will definitely change for the better.

Those who caught a parrot in a dream and managed to catch it can soon expect the appearance of a new friend or business partner, perhaps even a new relative. Whether this will be a worthy person, time will tell.

The parrot is the personification of human stupidity. There is a well-known expression among the people: “Stop repeating like a parrot.” This is what they say about people who do not have their own opinions and repeat different thoughts after other people, without completely understanding what they mean.

Perhaps the image of a parrot appeared in a dream, thanks to a childhood tongue twister deposited in your subconscious: “The parrot said to the parrot, I will parrot you.”

This tongue twister did not arise out of nowhere, but was a consequence of the fact that previously the parrot was a constant companion of any pirate and sat on his shoulder.

So perhaps the image of a parrot appearing in a dream is a warning that real life You are about to meet with an evil person who threatens your honor and financial position.

Seeing a beautiful “overseas” parrot in a dream is a sign that in real life you will try in every possible way to regain the favor of an influential companion, whose trust you lost due to your own stupidity.

If you dreamed of an ordinary parrot, then in reality you should be on guard, otherwise you will seriously suffer from human stupidity.

Seeing a parrot in a cage in a dream is a sign that you will be able to disarm your enemy before he can stop you.

If you dreamed of a parrot in the wild, then in real life you are not even aware of the danger that threatens you.

Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will soon have a bad meeting with a person who has recently returned from not so distant places.

Seeing a talking parrot in a dream means that someone’s rash words will greatly disturb you. Perhaps such a dream indicates that in your environment there is a stupid, but very sarcastic person.

If in your dream a parrot repeats your words after you, then in real life you are helping the wrong person: he is using your thoughts for his own selfish purposes.

If a parrot screams loudly, then such a dream warns of great danger. You are under threat of a bandit attack.

If you see a large number of parrots in a dream, then in real life you stand out from the people around you. You are very smart and quick-witted for being a simple employee.

Watching parrots perform in a circus in a dream is a sign that you are too trusting a person, and therefore unquestioningly follow the advice of evil people.

See in dead person's sleep parrot - such a dream means that you will be able to refute the evil gossip of your envious people.

Perhaps this dream is clear evidence that you should gather all your will into a “fist” and refute the false information about you that was received by influential, superior people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Bright, beautiful, friendly parrots evoke extremely positive emotions, which is why people expect something good from dreams about such birds. Although some dream books present completely different information, according to which such night vision is a negative symbol. To find out the exact interpretation, analyze the dream taking into account the main details, and then use the proposed interpretations.

Why do you dream about a parrot?

Seeing a bird flying means that you will soon receive news from afar. This may also be an indication that you often confuse dreams and reality. If the parrot was in a cage, this is a warning about the occurrence of numerous lies and gossip. Also, such night vision can be interpreted as an opportunity to get rid of enemies. A dream in which a bird sits calmly is a favorable symbol, which indicates that it is possible to realize your plans if you connect. Seeing a parrot eating means you can be sure that your dreams will soon come true. If you see a dead bird, it means that you may lose a close friend in the future. Hearing a parrot scream is a harbinger of meeting an unpleasant person who will bring many problems and worries into life.

The interpretation of dreams about parrots depends on the color of the bird. If the parrot was white, then you can count on good luck, which will arise thanks to practical advice. A black bird is a negative sign that promises trouble and illness. A parrot with bright plumage indicates that you will make attempts to improve your relationship with influential person. If you see a parrot in the wild, it means that in reality you are not aware of the approaching danger. A large number of birds is a symbol that you stand out among others in a favorable light.

Why do you dream about a talking parrot?

Such a dream indicates that you are spending too much time on empty talk. If you teach a bird to talk, then you should expect problems in your personal life that will arise due to the envy of others. A night vision in which a parrot sings songs indicates that friends and colleagues are weaving intrigues behind their backs. If the bird repeats the words spoken, this is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are helping the wrong person, since he uses everything for self-interest.

Why do you dream about a macaw parrot?

Such a bird warns that it is worth preparing for betrayal by partners. This is also a symbol of gossip that people spread behind their backs, and you should also prepare for deception on the part of a loved one.

Why do you dream of catching a parrot?

If you are trying to catch a bird, it means that there are people in your close circle who spread gossip, but do not worry, as they will not cause any problems. Such a dream also means that you have created an ideal for yourself that simply does not exist. A dream where you caught a talking parrot is a favorable sign that predicts good luck in communicating with people around you.

Why dream that a parrot flew away?

A dream in which a bird flies around the apartment and wants to fly away is an omen that in the future you should prepare for troubles that could worsen your health. The dream book recommends being alert and not taking risks in the near future, as everything will end unsuccessfully.

Why dream of feeding a parrot?

If you treat a bird, it means that in the future you will tie the knot with an unreliable person. This can also be taken as a symbol of the fact that because of your strange behavior, people around you do not understand you. The Dream Interpretation recommends reconsidering to correct the situation.

The parrot is considered an intermediary between ours and other world. Residents of America and India are sure that these birds are capable of causing rain. And for their ability to senselessly repeat the words of others, representatives of the parrot order are considered a symbol of insincerity and stupidity. Why do you dream about parrots - for better or for worse?

Why do you dream about a parrot according to dream books?

A dream about a parrot can portend a wide variety of events. Here is what is written about this in dream books:

  • Azara. The arrival of a guest at home, communication with whom tires you. This man talks a lot, but doesn't want to hear anything.
  • American. Meeting with an insincere and empty person.
  • English. Communication with a rude person.
  • Wangi. A bird seen in a dream represents empty chatter. The dream warns that you need to keep your mouth shut and be less frank.
  • Grishina. You need to express yourself.
  • Denise Lynn. You are imitating someone. From the outside it looks ridiculous. Be yourself.
  • Children's. A parrot in a dream is a symbol of an annoying person who does not allow the dreamer passage.
  • Female. To a quarrel with your lover. The conflict will occur because of your frivolity.
  • Winters. Frivolity will lead to bad consequences. Consider your behavior.
  • Chinese. Clarification of relations with household members.
  • Mayan. Tell strangers less about your problems. The information obtained may be used against you.
  • Miller. A secret that has been hidden from you for a long time will be revealed.
  • Newest. Communication with a silent and withdrawn person.
  • Russian folk. A dream about a parrot is a sign of human stupidity and recklessness.
  • Family. Acquaintances gossip behind your back.
  • Wanderer. Meeting an extraordinary personality.
  • Modern. You take your assigned responsibilities lightly. Because of this attitude, there is a possibility of annoying mistakes and misunderstandings.
  • XXI century. Joyful events await you.
  • Ukrainian. To gossip and ridicule.
  • Fedorovskaya. You are wasting your life.
  • Hasse. A deceitful and hypocritical person is trying to fool people.
  • Tsvetkova. You are mistaken in your reasoning. This will lead to disappointment.
  • Gypsy. Don't believe gossip and don't discuss anyone.
  • Esoteric. You are wasting your time.
  • Aesop. On your way you will meet an evil person who wants to cause harm. Be extremely careful.
  • Juno. There will be peace and quiet in the house.

You should know. If in a dream two parrots start a fight, then you will witness a conflict between acquaintances. These people will quarrel, and you will have to choose who to continue to be friends with and who to stop communicating with.

A dream about a parrot may hint at an annoying person from your environment who imitates you in everything

Does the gender of the dreamer matter?

A girl's dream about a parrot portends a quarrel with her lover. The guy will suspect her of cheating. According to Miller, the dream reports that the dreamer’s behavior is condemned by friends and relatives.

For a woman, a parrot in a dream indicates a lack of agreement with her partner, which gives rise to many groundless suspicions. It's time to have a heart-to-heart talk.

For a man, night dreams hint at an overly talkative friend or colleague. He tires the dreamer with his empty chatter, causing irritation.

A bird seen in a pregnant woman's dream indicates that her friends are strongly pressuring her about the upcoming birth. A woman should relax and enjoy life.

For family people, a dream with a parrot promises an unexpected arrival of relatives. The couple will have to endure their company for some time.

Interpretation depending on appearance, size and quantity

To correctly decipher a dream, not only the gender or status of the dreamer is important, but also what the bird looked like in the night’s dreams, and whether it was alone or in the company of birds. Therefore, even the smallest events of a dream should be restored in memory.

What does the color of a parrot mean?

Remember what the parrot in your dream was like. If it was full of all the colors of the rainbow, then what shade predominated in the plumage:

  • Yellow. You will be given false information.
  • Blue. The news you receive will make you think deeply about life.
  • Black. Something bad will happen to a relative.
  • Red. You are afraid of your desires. This prevents you from becoming happy man. Remember that we are given life only once, and we need to live it appropriately. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, the dream foreshadows gossip about your love affairs.
  • Green. There will be a calm period in life. It's time to take care of your health and do what you have been putting off.
  • Orange. Expect a love affair.
  • White. You will achieve your goal. All plans will come true.
  • Blue. IN lately you have repeatedly found yourself in stressful situations. The negativity has gradually accumulated, and now is the time to let it out. It is necessary to speak out. Once you do this, it will become much easier.
  • Blue. It's time to take action. Go for it, and you will succeed.

If the dreamed parrot was colorful, then the dreamer’s life is filled with bright and interesting events. He lives every minute with benefit.

Interesting fact. A dream in which a flock of brightly colored parrots sits peacefully on a tree branch indicates that you feel comfortable with close people, that you are calm and balanced.

According to the Russian dream book, to see a parrot in a cage in a dream - good sign. Empty and not the right person will leave you alone

Size and type

  • If you dreamed of a small parrot or chick, then expect good news. According to the Wanderer's dream book, a parrot chick symbolizes your lack of self-confidence. In fact, you just have to be persistent and then you will achieve what you want.
  • Large birds in night dreams indicate that you have high hopes for the business in which you are participating. Gustave Miller believes that the dream speaks of your high ambitions and arrogance. Don't become arrogant, otherwise your friends will turn away from you.
  • A huge bird seen in the kingdom of Morpheus is a sign that you have a penchant for clairvoyance or healing. Such information is offered in Vanga’s dream book.

This is important. Did you see a huge and beautiful parrot in a dream? You have abilities that you don't even know you have. By revealing them, you will be able to get rich or become famous.

The type of parrot also matters in the interpretation of sleep:

  • Wavy. You live in harmony with yourself. Correct perception allows you to see the world in bright colors and enjoy every day you live. Lovers who see such a dream need to share their thoughts and emotions with their lover, and not with relatives and friends.
  • Lovebirds. If the parrot was alone, you will achieve success in the professional field. A pair of birds indicates peace and love in the family.
  • Macaw. You are a strong and unpredictable person. Those around you are amazed at your success; you know how to achieve what you want in 99% of cases. However, the failure that befell greatly unsettles him.
  • Cockatoo. Your business will soon go uphill.
  • Karela. You talk a lot, but do nothing. It's time to act, because water does not flow under a lying stone.

If in a dream a parrot screamed loudly, then you are in danger

Dreamed about one or many

  • If you dreamed of one parrot, then you will meet with a chatterbox who will take up your time. You will be angry with him and yourself for not being able to interrupt the endless stream of speech in time.
  • Several birds in a dream prophesy envious acquaintances. This could be a married couple with whom you communicate closely.
  • A flock of parrots in night dreams symbolizes a mass event in which, by the will of fate, you will take part. According to Aesop's dream book, the vision predicts a fun time in the company of friends.

Did you know that a dream about a talking parrot foreshadows a loud-voiced interlocutor. Her speeches do not carry any semantic meaning for you. By women's dream book, expect gossip and waste of time.

If the parrot was resting in a dream, then expect reconciliation in family quarrels

Decoding actions in a dream: seeing, talking, feeding, etc.

  • Teaching a parrot to talk in a dream, according to the women's dream book, means trouble on the personal front. If a parrot talked in a dream, then your friend will stop trusting you. This is written about in the Ukrainian dream book. Medium Hasse reports that people are gossiping about you.
  • Seeing a flying parrot in your night dreams is a sign of news from afar. This is how the esotericist Tsvetkov interprets the dream.
  • If the bird in the night vision was sitting in a cage, then you will find yourself in a difficult situation. However, you will not be able to change anything.
  • If in a dream a bird pecks at your body, then expect offensive insults directed at you. An attacking parrot is a sign that you are in danger. It is worth giving up flying on an airplane.
  • Did a bird walk on the floor or ground in a dream? It's time to discover your talents and find out your strengths.
  • Catching a parrot in night vision is a sign of accumulated fatigue and irritation. You need to relax and take a break.
  • If you managed to catch a parrot in the kingdom of Morpheus, then you are a punctual person whom you can rely on in difficult times. Such seriousness and punctuality are highly valued by colleagues and superiors.
  • Did you try to catch a bird in a dream, but it flew away? The situation will suddenly get out of control.
  • If a bird lands on your hand in a dream, then you will soon be surprised by the news you receive. A parrot pacing on your head is a sign that your plans are not destined to come true.
  • The plot of the dream, according to which the parrot flew away, indicates great disappointment and collapse of plans.
  • Feeding a bird in your night dreams is good news. By gypsy dream book A meeting with an influential person awaits you. If a man had a dream, then he will marry a girl who loves to wash the bones of others. This is how the Apostle Simon the Canaanite interprets the dream.

You should know. Parrot eggs seen in a dream are a sign that you are on the right path. Hatched chicks promise new and interesting beginnings.

A dream about a parrot predicts the most unexpected events. This can be either meeting a hypocritical person or receiving good news. If in the dream the bird turns out to be dead, then you can easily outshine your enemies.

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