How to use the property of air to heat up. Air is a poor conductor of heat

How do you use the fact that air is a poor conductor of heat? To correct. The answer is ready! A test with multiple correct answers. In winter, they wear woolen and downy clothes. Young seedlings in gardens are covered with snow. The rooms are double-glazed. Stuffy rooms ventilate.

slide 11 from the presentation "Test "Air"". The size of the archive with the presentation is 1373 KB.

The world around 3 class

summary other presentations

"Examples of rocks" - Which word is closed. Basalt. Volcanoes. River and sea pebbles. Peat. igneous rocks. Law on the protection of nature. Coal. Secrets of the bowels of the Earth. Sedimentary rocks. Single celled creature. Gaseous rock. In coal mines. Liquid rocks. Molten mass flows. Amber. Granite. Combustible mineral. Select two groups rocks. Chalk rocks. Limestone.

"Animals of the Baltic Sea" - Fishing. Dives to a depth of more than 60 m and stays under water for up to 6 minutes. Changing of the climate. Jumps "candle" up to 5 m, and horizontally up to 9 m. It sinks for 8 minutes, but usually from 10 seconds to 2 minutes. Unlike dolphins, they rarely jump out of the water. When swimming, they break up the surface of the water, but the harbor porpoise is not a very good swimmer. It feeds on fish, consuming up to 5-7 kg of fish in winter, and up to 4-5 kg ​​in summer.

"Types of bears" - The tail is very short, invisible in the fur. Mythology and religion. Black. White-breasted bear. Spectacled. Big panda. Solar bear. Scientific classification. Puzzles. Phraseologisms. Gubach. Little panda. Clumsy and big, he sleeps in a den in winter. Coats of arms. Diversity of the animal world. Brown bear. Significance for a person. Dictionaries. Proverbs and sayings. The origins of the word. constellations. general description. In the horoscope of the ancient Aryans.

"Long plants" - The longest seaweed 60 m. The longest leaf 20 m. The tallest grass 25 m. It grows 1 m per day. The largest fern is 20 m. Plants that make up phytoplankton. Nepenthes lianiform. Cyathea Brown. Alocasia large root. Saguaro. The largest seed is 20 kg. PLANTS: tallest, largest, longest. Macrocystis pear-shaped. Diamond algae. Bamboo. The tallest cactus is 18 m.

"Carrot" - Carrot. The most common varieties of carrots. Dishes. Roots. Carrots come from Afghanistan. Carrots are used in fresh. We sow carrots in the spring. carrot juice. A wonderful vegetable. Autumn queen. Survey. You love carrots. Study vegetables.

"Air" - Air expands and contracts. Air pollution. Hot air is lighter than cold air. Living things absorb oxygen. Passes through the nose to the chest. Air and its protection. What substances are included. Joseph Priestley. Lack of smell. Air is a mixture of gases. He is transparent invisible. Atmosphere. Air properties. Air has weight. Colorless. Double frames. Human use of air. Bubbles come out of the neck.

"Humidity" - In the weaving industry. B. If there is a breeze, the laundry will dry faster. The dew point is the temperature at which steam becomes saturated. Problem solving. Monstera. IN confectionery production. Why do windowpanes sweat in winter if there are a lot of people in the room? 1 - c. 2 - a. 3 - a. 4 - c. 5 B. B. If a breeze blows, the evaporation of water will slow down.

"Air" - Then he pumped air out of the ball, plugged the hole and put it back on the scales. air ocean. Because there are green plants on Earth! What do you think about the ocean? (Air). Quiet. Air. Indian. Individual work. Air weight. Earth protection. Can you weigh air? All life on earth breathes air.

"Air temperature and humidity" - Hair hygrometer. Air humidity. Energy during liquid condensation... Complete the sentence... Pressure and density of saturated water vapor at various temperatures. Signs are witnesses of folk wisdom. Evaporation occurs ... 7. 5. Determines the absolute humidity of the air by the dew point. Tobacco becomes damp - to damp weather.

"Basic properties of air" - There is no air on the Moon, so there is no attraction there, as on Earth. Cold air exits down the hallway. 2. Raise the candle up. A rubber ball is filled with compressed air. The air is clear and colorless. The flame will deflect towards the room. In nature, air is constantly moving.

"Air humidity class 10" -? = 80% RAW. ?< 40 % СУХО Зимой 10-20% (скапливается большой static charge). tdry = 230С. Humidity measurement. Measures absolute humidity. Grade 10. Lesson topic: = from 40 to 60-70% NORMAL, COMFORTABLE! Condensation hygrometer. 1. Subjective feeling of air humidity by a person. ? - Absolute [ ? ]=.

"Properties of Air" - Air expands when heated. Let's put a glass turned upside down in a vessel with water. Tasks: Knowledge test: Air is compressible and elastic. What layers of the atmosphere do you know? Spear gun. Why doesn't the water fill the glass completely? What gases are in air? Above the poles, the thickness is only 8-9 km, because as it cools, the air compresses.

In total there are 14 presentations in the topic



    introduce the composition and properties of air, introduce the concept of "atmosphere";

    consolidate ideas about gaseous substances;

    to form the ability to formulate problematic questions;

    to cultivate a culture of communication, the ability to work in groups;

Lesson type: learning new material.

TCO: projector, screen, computer.

Equipment :

    equipment for experiments;

    presentation( );

    textbook N.F. Vinogradov " The world", 3rd grade, 1 part;

    workbook N.F. Vinogradov around the world 1 part;

    plastic bags, syringes

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Repetition of the material covered

Good afternoon my nature lovers. Today we will continue with you to learn the mysteries of our surrounding world. The topic of the lesson, we will determine by guessing the crossword puzzle.(slide 1)


    Substance Science (Chemistry)

    It can be used to detect starch (iodine)

    Citric, formic, oxalic, lactic ... (acid)

    Acid used to make canned food (vinegar)

    A vegetable from which sugar is obtained (beets)

    A type of sugar (glucose)

II. Lesson topic message

(slide 2) Theme of the lesson "Air and its protection"

(slide 3) What do you know about air?

What do you want to know?

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. What is air.

Air is "invisible". We do not see it, but we know that it is all around us. We can see the movement of the air when we launch bubble, or we fan ourselves with a fan. In the reality of the existence of air, we can easily verify by doing simple experiments:

    Fill plastic bag air, tie it up and try to squeeze it gently.
    - Does it compress easily?

    Fill a small syringe without a needle with air. Pinch the inlet with your finger. Try moving the piston.
    Can you compress air?
    What happens when you release your finger?

(slide 4) The entire planet Earth is shrouded in an invisible transparent veil - air. Air is everywhere - on the street, in the room, in the ground, in the water. Any free space on Earth is filled with air. Air is invisible, but it can be detected with our senses, as we have just done.

Wind is the movement of air. The layer of air that surrounds us and our planet is calledatmosphere . ( slide 5 ). The atmosphere is a giant shell of air that stretches upwards for hundreds of kilometers. The thickness of the atmosphere in different parts planets are not the same.

The air envelope of the Earth is often called the Fifth Ocean. Does the Earth really need a Fifth Ocean?

People, plants and animals live at the bottom of the air ocean. Without air, emptiness and silence would reign eternally on the globe. If the Earth were to lose air, it would, like the Moon, be only a lifeless celestial body.

(student reading the poem "Air")

He is a transparent invisible
Light and colorless gas.
Weightless scarf
He envelops us.
He is in the forest - thick, fragrant,
Like a healing potion
It smells of resinous freshness,
Smells like oak and pine.
In summer it is warm
Blows cold in winter
When frost paints glass
And lies on them with a border.
We don't notice it
We don't talk about him.
We just breathe it in
After all, we need it.

This poem talks about the composition of air and some of its properties.

2. Composition and properties of air

So what is air? It is a gas, or rather, a mixture of gases(slide 6) . Just 2 centuries ago, scientists learned that air is a mixture of many gases, mainly nitrogen - 78%, oxygen - 21% and carbon dioxide - 1%.

Open workbook p.18 and restore the diagram(slide 7) , writing down what gaseous substances are part of the air? Underline the name of the gas that living beings absorb when they breathe.

What are the properties of air?(slide 8)

    We know that air is everywhere - on the street, in the room, in the ground, in the water.
    - Raise the notebook, do you see other objects through it?
    - No.
    Can we see the next class through the wall?
    - No.
    - Do you see the objects that are in the classroom?
    - Yes.
    What property of air is this talking about?
    The air is transparent . This is evidenced by the fact that we see through it all the surrounding objects.

    Look at houseplants. What color are they?
    - Green.
    What color is the school desk?
    - Brown.
    - What color is the air?
    - He
    colorless. That's right, that's another physical property air.

    Did you notice that in different rooms does it smell different?
    - In the canteen, hairdresser, pharmacy, particles of odorous substances mix with air particles, and we feel different smells. A fresh air does it smell?
    - Clean air does not smell.
    The air is odorless.

    We will now do an experiment tolearn another property of air.To verify this, you can do experiments:

    Experience 1
    Take a flask with a tube. Let's put the pipe in the water. Note that water does not enter the tube - it is "not allowed" by air. Let's heat the flask.
    What's happening?
    - Air bubbles began to come out of the tube.
    Why did this become possible?
    This experiment shows that air expands when heated.

Experience 2
-Put a cold damp cloth on the flask. Why am I doing this? What do we see?
We see water rising up the tube. Air, as it were, gives way to water part of its place. This is because the air contracts as it cools.

Air expands when heated and contracts when cooled.

    Air is a poor conductor of heat .

Air has another interesting property - it is a poor conductor of heat. Many plants that winter under the snow do not freeze because there is a lot of air between the cold particles of snow, and the snowdrift resembles a warm blanket covering the stems and roots of plants.

In autumn, the squirrel, hare, wolf, fox and other animals molt. Winter fur is thicker and more luxuriant than summer fur. Between thick hairs lingers more air, and animals in a snowy forest are not afraid of frost.

At gray wolf the tail is large, fluffy. When the animal goes to bed right on the snow, he covers his nose and paws with his magnificent tail.

And the fox in the most severe frosts is not cold in a snowy bed, because it takes cover, like a warm blanket, with its tail, between the long hairs of which there is a lot of air that does not let the cold through.

And in winter, thick, dense hair grows on the paws of a red-haired beauty, it seems as if the fox put on warm mittens. She is not afraid to walk on snow and ice.

Vole mice hide in burrows under high snowdrifts, where it is warm and cozy.

And some birds - black grouse, capercaillie - in the most severe frosts burrow into deep snow. So warmer. There is even a poem about it:

January is blowing cold
Hazel grouse, black grouse, capercaillie
Buried deep in the snow.
He warms them like fur.

What property of air explains these facts?(air is a poor conductor of heat)

Physical education minute

We'll get some rest
Let's get up and take a deep breath.
Hands to the sides, forward.
At the edge of the bunny is waiting.
Bunny jumped under a bush,
Inviting us into your home.
Hands down, on the belt, up,
We run away from everyone.
Let's run to class.
Let's listen to the story.

Questions Why? (slide 9)

    Why do birds sit ruffled in extreme cold?

    Why are double-glazed windows installed in houses for the winter?

    How do you understand the expression: “The air must be clean!”

The air should contain more oxygen and less carbon dioxide. When we breathe, we take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. 600 liters of oxygen is necessary for a person to breathe for only one day! Plants, on the other hand, take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere. No wonder plants are called the lungs of our planet. What wonderful air in the forest! It has a lot of oxygen and useful substances. After all, trees emit special volatile substances - phytoncides, which kill bacteria. The resinous smells of spruce and pine, the aroma of oak, birch and larch are very useful for humans.

But in cities, the air is completely different, polluted. Can you explain to me with what or with whom this is connected?

Sources of pollution:(slide 10)

    factories and factories emit poisonous gases, soot, dust,

    cars emit exhaust gases, which contain a lot of harmful substances,

    fires, volcanic eruptions,

    pollution of the earth with unprocessed garbage.

Air pollution threatens human health, all life on Earth!

What should people do to keep the air clean? Using the text of the textbook on p.47, find ways to solve this problem.(slide 11)

IV. Consolidation of the studied material

Test "Air." (slide 13,14)

    What substances are in the air?

A. hydrogen, copper, zinc B. oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide B. chlorine, fluorine, iodine

    What air gas is needed for breathing?

A. nitrogen B. oxygen B. carbon dioxide

    What properties does air have?

A. Clear, colorless, odorless, when heated expands and contracts when cooled, is a poor conductor of heat IN. blue color like the sky conducts sounds, misses Sun rays, has no smell

    Windows are double-glazed to keep warm. What property is being used?

A. Air expands when heated B. Air compresses when cooled B. Air does not conduct heat well

    How should the air be protected from pollution?

A. Stop all factories and factories, stop logging. Prohibit the use of vehicles. Turn the Earth into one huge nature reserve. B. Factories and factories should have traps for dust and harmful substances. Transport must be made environmentally friendly. In cities and around them to create belts of gardens, parks and forests.

Answer: (slide 15,16) 1. C, 2. C, 3. A, 4. C, 5. B

He is a transparent invisible
Light and colorless gas.
Weightless scarf
He envelops us.
We don't notice it
We don't talk about him.
We just breathe it in
After all, we need it.

(slide 18) For the health of people, all life on Earth, we need clean air. After all, only clean air gives LIFE!

(slide 19) Homework: pp. 18-21, read, answer questions, workbook p. 11 No. 5.

Presentation of the results:

Personal results: readiness and ability of students to self-development; awareness of human responsibility for the general well-being; self-assessment based on success criteria learning activities, setting to safe, healthy lifestyle life.

Metasubject results: conscious and arbitrary construction of a message in oral form; establishment of causal relationships; using instructions and learned patterns.

Subject Results: learn to observe, explore the phenomena of the surrounding world, follow the simplest instructions.

The purpose of the lesson: find out the properties of air and the importance of air in nature; to teach to conduct experiments, record and analyze the results; develop respect for nature.

Equipment: textbook O.N. Fedotova, G.V. Trafimova, S.A. Trafimov “The World around Grade 2”, workbook No. 1, reader on the world around; plastic bags, newspapers, straws, glasses of water, watches.


I. Self-determination to activity.

What lesson starts?
- Check if everything is ready for the lesson.

II. Statement of the educational task.

You will name the topic of today's lesson yourself if you guess the riddle:

Passes through the nose to the chest
And the reverse is on its way.
He is invisible and yet
We cannot live without it.


III. Updating students' knowledge.

What is air? (Mixture of gases: oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases).

On the slide you see a diagram in which the components of air are highlighted in color.

Picture 1

Which of the highlighted parts corresponds to the amount of oxygen in the air? (1) (SLIDE 3)

Which part corresponds to the amount of carbon dioxide? (2)
Why do we need air? (It is necessary for the respiration of humans and animals, for plants).
- What happens if the air suddenly disappears? (We won't live even a few minutes).

IV. Discovery of new knowledge.

Where is the air? (Air fills all gaps, all cracks and cracks in objects. It is dissolved in the water of seas, lakes, rivers, streams).

Today we will hold the first meeting of the "Key and Dawn" club in our class, which will be devoted to the properties of air. The task for all those present is to conduct experiments and observations. Compose a message on the topic “Properties of air”. (SLIDE 4)

Look at the board, it contains the rules of conduct during experiments: (SLIDE 5)

  1. It is necessary to treat all devices with care, they can not only be broken, they can also get hurt.
  2. During work, you can not only sit, but also stand.
  3. The experiments are carried out by each student in turn.
  4. If the experiment is conducted by one student, then the second silently observes. Only after this is an exchange of opinions based on the results of the experiment carried out.
  5. You need to talk to each other quietly, without disturbing the others.
  6. Approaching the table and changing laboratory equipment is possible only with the permission of the teacher.
  7. After finishing work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

We will conduct experiments to determine the properties of air and draw up a report plan on the board from proposals for conclusions for each of them.
Air surrounds us on all sides. Can you touch the air? Let's experience it and you will feel it.

Experience number 1.

Take a plastic bag and "catch" air with it. Roll up the package. The bag is filled with air. Do small hole, press down on the bag and direct the jet of air at your face. You will feel the touch of air on your skin.
- How do children sometimes play with paper bags, blowing air into them, after a sharp blow to the bag, what do we hear? (Package clicks loudly and bursts open).
- What is it coming from? (This is the air that escaped from the mouth).
- What experiment did Misha do to prove that there is air around him? (S. 46 of the textbook).

Conclusion: Air surrounds us on all sides.

* Children read a poem by G. Marshanova “Take care of your planet!” (SLIDE 8)

There is one garden planet
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Birds calling migratory.
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise.
Here in the grass lives carelessly
Screeching songbird grasshopper,
Young wind, bully,
Tickles the old ocean
graceful dolphins
Waltz dance and sing

In general, they live happily.
Here only the morning is golden,
The air is soft blue
Breathe easily and freely.
We sometimes forget
Air is leased to us
He is one for all earthlings.
For life to triumph
We need to protect the air.
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other in the world!

VII. Reflection of activity.

Who will evaluate their work in the lesson as “excellent and good”?
- Who did not feel confident enough in the lesson, who needs help in mastering the knowledge of this topic?
- Who will be able to demonstrate to parents the experiments that were carried out in the lesson?
- In your opinion, who was the most active in the lesson?
Now open your diaries for homework.

VIII. Homework(differentiated): p.45-49, read

Weak: write a message with drawings about the air.
Strong: drawing on the topic “Air protection”.

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