Oxysize gymnastics - the correct technique for performing exercises - video. Oxysize gymnastics for weight loss

Breathing exercises for weight loss – effective way lose fat in unnecessary places with a minimum of effort. A technique that gives excellent results, is Oxysize - exercises involving breathing, conducted in static poses. Exhausting workouts in gyms and strict diets are enough - relax and properly pass air through your body, the extra calories will melt away without a trace.

This gymnastics was developed by the American teacher Jill Johnson. She herself suffered from excess weight and was looking for a way to give the figure the desired shape without resorting to physical activity or restrictive diets. This is how Oxysize exercises appeared - a revolutionary method of losing weight, a simple and physiological way to lose pounds without straining.

Johnson has no medical education, so the program has been thoroughly researched by renowned physiologists, who have confirmed that it really helps tighten muscles and get rid of excess fat deposits.

What processes does breathing exercises activate:

  • relaxes nervous system;
  • gives muscle tone;
  • accelerates the breakdown of fat cells;
  • invigorates and reveals energy potential;
  • dulls the feeling of the head;
  • participates in digestion, helping food to be digested faster.

How does this work

The Oxysize program is based on certain exercises, thanks to which oxygen penetrates the body faster and in larger volumes and burns excess fat by accelerating metabolism. Breathing should be abdominal - during inhalation and exhalation, all abdominal muscles are used. The diaphragm contracts and tenses more actively, stimulating increased blood circulation in all organs.

To start losing weight with Oxysize, you just need to learn the technique correct breathing and control muscle tension during exercise.

Training mode

The only way to achieve results with the Oxysize technique is regular breathing training. By skipping even one or two classes, you take a step back, because muscle tone increases gradually and only with constant exposure. Perform daily 20-minute exercises and achieve the desired success!

It is recommended to do Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss in the morning before breakfast or after drinking a glass mineral water. If you don’t have enough time in the morning, you can do the necessary exercises at lunch or in the evening, the main thing is that your last meal should be 2 hours before class.

After training, you can eat within 10 minutes.

There are some nutritional requirements that must be met:

  • do not drink sugary carbonated drinks;
  • give up fast food and food with dyes and preservatives;
  • follow a diet, eat small, balanced portions;
  • Do not disturb the water-salt balance, drink enough liquid.

After about 10 days of breathing exercises, the first achievements will become noticeable. You will feel a surge of energy and vigor, and your body will begin to improve.

Why breathing exercises are effective

  1. Has a calming effect on the nervous system. This is an excellent method to get rid of the habit of “eating” stress. The amount of food you eat will decrease, which will certainly affect your figure.
  2. Once in the body, oxygen oxidizes fat cells. The more it comes in, the faster the process of their destruction goes.
  3. Fat cells serve as reservoirs for harmful toxins, trying to protect vital organs from their effects. By doing Oxysize exercises, 60% of toxins are converted into gases that leave the body during exhalation.
  4. Oxygen supplied through deep breathing is a positive factor for the development of an alkaline environment and maintaining pH. In this environment, adenosine triphosphate molecules become most active and convert incoming food into vital energy. All of it is consumed without being stored in reserve in problem areas of the body.

Oxysize breathing exercises - video

How to breathe and lose weight using the Oxysize technique? With the help of a virtual instructor, you can learn basic breathing techniques that will be useful to you in the fight against extra pounds.

Oxysize gymnastics with Marina Korpan

Fitness trainer Marina Korpan adapted the Oxysize method for weight loss for Russian women.

It is based on delivering oxygen to those places that need work. The girl recommends starting a set of exercises to establish breathing with a light warm-up in a relaxed position. A total of 4 warm-up approaches are done.

After you have mastered the basic exercises breathing exercises, combine them with muscle strengthening and stretching tasks.

Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss

Exercise 1 – basic breathing exercise

  • stretch your lips into a smile and inhale as much air as possible through your nose, trying to completely fill your lungs;
  • take three short breaths in a row, raising your lower abdomen and tensing your gluteal muscles as much as possible;
  • Without opening your lips, exhale, while pulling in your stomach as much as you can;
  • Take 3 exhalations to empty your lungs.

Exercise 2 - Rocket

  • lie on your back on the floor and stretch your body as much as possible;
  • pulling your pelvis up, tighten your buttocks and repeat sighs - 1 deep, 3 short.

Exercise 3 – Cobra

  • lying on your stomach, place your hands in front of you and pull back;
  • Without lifting your hips from the floor, raise your body slightly while performing basic breathing exercises.

To see even more exercises using the Oxysize method, a video with Marina Korpan is offered for viewing.

Badly Great

Oxysize breathing exercises

Oxysize allows you to reduce body volume and weight by burning fat deposits, and not by losing water and muscle. This allows you to speed up your metabolism and avoid a strict diet.

Oxysize breathing exercises.

Sections of the article:
- The history of the creation of Oxysize for weight loss.

The history of the creation of Oxysize gymnastics

Founder of Oxysize breathing exercises Gil Johnson

Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss were founded by American teacher Jill Johnson.

As a young American teacher, Jill Johnson was constantly trying to achieve a good slim figure. For a long time she went in for sports, exhausted herself with all sorts of different diets, but the result was not long-lasting and the weight returned again. And then Jill realized that in order to lose weight, it is necessary to burn fat and this can be done without grueling training, you just need to increase the flow of oxygen to the muscles during training. This is how the Oxysize weight loss technique was born in the mind of Jill Johnson, which she carefully developed and tested first on herself, and then on her friends, relatives, etc. Oxysize was rapidly gaining popularity, first in America, and then all over the world.

Jill Johnson has specially transformed the technique of deep diaphragmatic breathing in order to maximize the saturation of the body with oxygen. At the same time, her breathing technique does not require any special skills. You just train, breathe and lose up to 3-5 centimeters in body volume in just two, three weeks.

What does Oxysize gymnastics do for weight loss?

1.This gymnastics, popular all over the world, makes the impossible possible in achieving great figure. By burning fat through large cluster oxygen and at the same time tension in different muscle zones, this technique allows as soon as possible and without special effort reduce the volume of various problem areas and, accordingly, reduce body weight as a whole. Oxysize speeds up metabolism, allows you to give up strict diets, improve your health and lift your mood throughout the day.
2. The technique of such diaphragmatic breathing improves blood circulation; in addition, Oxysize breathing also improves the nutrition of muscle tissue, which in turn allows you to quickly and effectively recover after sports.

3. The Oxysize technique also includes classes for professional athletes; a program was created specifically for them, developed by American trainer Jill Johnson, called “Oxysize Level 3” and the “Oxysize Legs” training program.
4. In relationship with the fact that she herself Oxysize technique is simple, and the implementation of a set of exercises is easy to do, Oxysize easily helps you get used to physical activity as an active and healthy lifestyle.
5. What is the peculiarity and main difference between the two oxysize breathing exercises and bodyflex is the ability to practice them during pregnancy. For pregnant women, a special modified Oxysize complex has been developed, which allows you not to gain weight during pregnancy, and also develops a habit of exercise and after childbirth, you will easily return to training and getting in shape. By the way, it’s no longer news to anyone that oxysize breathing saturates the body with oxygen, which also has a beneficial effect on both the expectant mother and the baby.
6. As you know, Oxysize breathing exercises include two types of training: isotonic training (exercises during which groups of muscles work and active movement occurs in the joints - these exercises build up pouch mass and increase a person’s physical strength) and stretching techniques (exercises similar to stretching or yoga technique), respectively, when practicing oxysize, you will not need any additional training with dumbbells, exercise equipment, kettlebells, and you will also not need to do yoga or try to do the splits using stretching classes. With the correct training program and its systematic implementation, you can achieve weight loss, build muscle, and even stretch your muscles and do the splits.
7. Speaking and worrying about muscle pumping, with oxysize you don’t have to be afraid of this, since the load on the muscles of the body is distributed evenly. Oxysize is an intense, but at the same time “soft” gymnastics, and when doing it, it is simply not possible to pump up any muscles in the body.
8. At first, after Oxysize classes, very dull pain in the muscles is felt, which allows you not to interrupt classes the next day, unlike strength training (gym, dumbbells, shaping, etc.) or aerobic training.
9. And of course, it is worth mentioning another important advantage of Oxysize breathing exercises - its so-called “omnipresence”. You can do Oxysize absolutely anywhere: on business trips, outdoors, at home, while traveling, and even at work or while watching a movie, since for these activities you just need a wall, a rug and a chair. And, by the way, even on your bed while watching the next movie masterpiece, you can also do some oxysize exercises, the main thing is to learn how to do them correctly and breathe correctly.

What other benefits can you get from Oxysize breathing exercises?

As mentioned above, the Oxysize technique, in addition to performing physical exercise includes the step-by-step execution of diaphragmatic breathing: inhale, exhale, DO INHALE, DO EXHALE, absolutely excluding the period of holding your breath. Therefore, it is the Oxysize technique that is actually more useful than similar breathing techniques.

An incomparable advantage of Oxysize breathing exercises is the ability to quickly and quite easily get rid of fat deposits in problem areas and improve your health qualitatively. This method allows you to actively saturate the body with oxygen, which in turn improves blood circulation, accelerates the body's metabolic processes, normalizes blood pressure and helps to gradually restore damaged tissues of the entire body. It is these indicators that allow people suffering from hypertension to practice this gymnastics, diabetes mellitus, people with severe problems of the musculoskeletal system and many other diseases. In addition, strengthened muscles with the help of Oxysize gymnastics become the key to smooth work cardiovascular system, and of course, prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Oxysize breathing exercises contraindications and precautions.

We said above that the Oxysize technique is one of the most useful, and therefore harmless, breathing exercises in the world, but with all this, one must take into account the fact that in sports, as in life, nothing is ideal, and in turn, This technique has its own contraindications and warnings, namely:
Oxysize gymnastics is contraindicated for those who:
1. Recently underwent any operations.
2. Suffering from diseases such as epilepsy, cysts, tumors of various types, increased intracranial pressure, kidney and even respiratory tract diseases.
3. carries infectious and viral diseases.
4. Pregnant women can do Oxysize, but only with a certain set of exercises for pregnant women and taking into account information about when you can start doing Oxysize after giving birth (recommendations from Maria Korpan).
It is also necessary to take into account that Oxysize gymnastics is mainly aimed at using the upper body, therefore it will be most effective for those who want to get rid of fat deposits in the abdomen, back and arms.

Nutrition when doing gymnastics for weight loss Oxysize.

It's no secret that if you eat inappropriately and irrationally, no sport will help you cope with excess weight, cellulite and fat deposits. And in Oxysize, of course, you can’t go anywhere without this rule. Only rational, balanced and, importantly, dietary nutrition will help you achieve truly significant results. When choosing the Oxysize method to improve your figure, you must, in combination with Oxysize training, strictly adhere to dietary nutrition or just choose some kind of diet. The main thing is that this diet is not strict, but balanced, and it is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol, flour, fatty and fried foods, and significantly reduce or eliminate sweets altogether.
The daily menu must be varied with fruits, raw and boiled vegetables, cereals (in moderation) and dairy products. Large quantity Drinking water significantly speeds up metabolism, which in turn will additionally help remove excess fat from problem areas.

If you abuse the prohibited foods listed above, then you can’t expect results from Oxysize gymnastics, just like from any sport or physical activity.

With proper nutrition (eating sufficient quantity water, saturating the body with nutrients and vitamins) in combination with daily Oxysize training, this technique will become an excellent and reliable “tool” for building a polished, beautiful figure.
The main rule of Oxysize to achieve the desired result is that classes must be regular, that is, daily. Each workout should last at least 20 minutes. For example, you can see below the Marina Korpan Non-stop complex, which is designed for just 20 minutes. Not regular classes “from time to time”, “every two days”, etc. will not bring any results - this is a fact and the practice of thousands who have already experienced Oxysize gymnastics.

Breathing Oxysize.

An important point in Oxysize gymnastics is Oxysize Breathing, which is fundamentally different, for example, from the Bodyflex breathing technique. And as mentioned above, it is more beneficial for the human body. Accordingly, before starting Oxysize classes, it is necessary to train your breathing technique to the point of automaticity, since it is the correct breathing that allows you to abundantly saturate the body with oxygen, and therefore burn fat, get rid of excess weight and become slimmer.

Oxysize breathing technique. Rules .

You can watch a video that shows in detail how to breathe correctly when practicing Oxysize, or read the rules of breathing technique below. To perform the Oxysize breathing technique well, it is better to do both - read and watch.
Video - Oxysize breathing.

Rules for the Oxysize breathing technique.

Steps required to master the Oxysize breathing technique.
Stage 1 - Stand up straight, move your shoulders (shoulder blades) back and slightly bend your knees.
Stage 2 - do not pull in the stomach too much and push the pelvis forward.
Stage 3 - take a deep breath through your nose, immediately tense your abdominal muscles and inhale more more air three quick DO breaths.
Stage 4 - exhale deeply through your mouth, relax your muscles.
Stage 5 - immediately take three quick exhalations, completely ridding the lungs of air.
It is this sequence of breathing that is the most important principle of the entire Oxysize technique.

Oxysize weight loss exercises

“Oxysize for the abdomen” is a breathing exercise for weight loss. It really is effective method combating fat in various places. Classes involving proper breathing are carried out in static poses and ultimately produce incredible results. The Oxysize belly complex allows you to forget forever about exhausting workouts in gyms and strict diets. Using this method, excess calories will melt away without a trace, while the person will be in a relaxed state, passing air through the body.


The Oxysize abdominal exercise system was developed by an American teacher named Jill Johnson. She herself suffered from excess weight and spent most of her life in search of ways that would help give her desired figure without physical activity or dietary restrictions. This is exactly how Oxysize for the belly appeared. It is a revolutionary method of losing weight, a fairly simple and physiological way to get rid of extra pounds. At the same time, it does not require much tension during exercise.

Jill Johnson did not receive a medical education, so this program had to be thoroughly studied by famous physiologists. Experts have confirmed that “Oxysize” for the abdomen, performed according to the American teacher’s system, really helps to tighten muscles and also get rid of excess fat deposits.

Thanks to breathing exercises, the following processes are activated:

  • the nervous system relaxes;
  • the feeling of hunger is dulled;
  • muscles gain tone;
  • digestion improves;
  • the process of fat cell breakdown accelerates;
  • energy potential is revealed.

Differences from other breathing techniques

Quite often, “Oxysize” for losing weight in the abdomen and sides is compared with the well-known “Bodyflex” method. In fact, this is not entirely true, although there is a difference between them common feature- diaphragmatic breathing. In this case, you need to pay attention to the three key points, which will help you choose the most preferable option for yourself.

Unlike "Bodyflex", which is designed for the "pear" body type and is aimed at the buttocks and thighs. "Oxysize" for the belly is aimed at the "apple" type. This does not mean at all that if you want to remove fat in the abdominal area, you need to forget about “Bodyflex”, although “Oxysize” in this case will still be more effective.

In addition, “Bodyflex” should be practiced on an empty stomach, that is, immediately after waking up. There are no specific instructions in this regard in the Oxysize method. Of course, once you've filled your stomach, you shouldn't start gymnastic exercises, although you can work on the Oxysize system within a couple of hours after that.

In terms of technique, the complex from Jill Johnson will be much more difficult than the “Bodyflex”. But we should not forget that during a lesson using the Oxysize method you will not need to make any sounds, which is a big advantage for young mothers who devote time to their figure while their child is sleeping. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that “Bodyflex” can be easily performed by people who have not previously been involved in sports, but for “Oxysize” you will need general fitness of the body.

Operating principle

"Oxysize" for the waist and abdomen is based on specific exercises, with the help of which oxygen penetrates the body faster and in larger volumes. Thanks to this, metabolism is accelerated, and therefore fat is burned. When performing the complex, breathing must be abdominal, that is, during exhalation and inhalation, it is necessary to use the abdominal muscles to the maximum. In this case, the diaphragm contracts and tenses more actively, which helps stimulate increased blood circulation in all internal organs.

It’s very simple to start losing weight using the method from an American teacher. To do this, you just need to understand and remember the technique of proper breathing, and also remember to carefully monitor muscle tension during the exercises.

Training mode

The only way to achieve a positive result with the Oxysize technique is regular training with breathing. If you miss even one lesson, you can take a huge step back. It is worth remembering that muscle tone increases gradually and only with constant exposure. You will have to spend only about 20 minutes of your time a day to complete the simplest complex. Anyone can do this if they throw away all the ridiculous excuses and laziness. Only in this case can you achieve the desired result and enjoy your own achievements.

It is best to do gymnastics in the morning, before having breakfast. 10-15 minutes before starting the exercises, it is recommended to drink a glass of regular mineral water without carbon. If you don’t have enough time in the morning, then the exercises can easily be done at any other time of the day. But at the same time, the most important thing to remember is that the last meal should be two hours before the start of the lesson, and after training you can eat 10 minutes later.

Despite the fact that Oxysize helps you lose weight without dieting, there are still some nutritional requirements. These include:

  • avoiding sugary drinks;
  • do not disturb the water-salt balance by consuming liquid in sufficient quantities;
  • forget about fast food and food products with dyes and preservatives;
  • follow a diet and eat small portions.

The first results will be noticeable literally after a couple of weeks of regular training. The body will feel a surge of vigor and energy, and the body itself will begin the process of improvement.


Breathing exercises from the American teacher are distinguished by their effectiveness, which few people believe in until they experience it themselves. The Oxysize system is effective due to the following features:

  1. Calms the nervous system. This complex is considered an excellent solution for getting rid of stress from the habit of eating high-calorie delicacies. Thanks to this, the amount of food eaten can decrease significantly, which will definitely affect your figure.
  2. When oxygen enters the body, it begins to oxidize fat cells. That is, the more it is supplied, the faster the process of destruction of hated fat cells occurs.
  3. The oxygen that comes with deep breathing is a positive factor for the active development of an alkaline environment, as well as maintaining pH. It is in such an environment that adenosine triphosphate molecules become more active and begin to convert the food supplied to them into ordinary vital energy. It is completely consumed, without being stored in reserve in the most problematic areas of the body.
  4. Fat cells act as a reservoir for harmful toxins so as not to allow them to reach vital organs. When performing exercise, about 60% of toxins turn into gases, and subsequently leave the body when a person exhales.

Gymnastics with Marina Korpan

"Oxysize" with Marina Korpan" is unique technique from a Russian athlete who adapted it specifically for residents of Russia and neighboring countries. Gymnastics is based on delivering oxygen to those points where work is needed. It is recommended to start "Oxysize with Marina Korpan" with a light warm-up, which is performed in a relaxed position. To do this, it will be enough to complete only 4 approaches. After mastering the basic exercises, they need to be combined with other tasks aimed at strengthening various muscle groups and stretching.


According to the Russian adaptation of Oxysize, you need to perform three simple exercises:

  1. Basics breathing exercise. You need to stretch your lips into a smile, and then take as deep a breath as possible through your nose. After this, you should take three short breaths, while simultaneously lifting your lower abdomen and tensing your gluteal muscles as much as possible. Then you need to exhale and draw in your stomach as much as possible. Next, three exhalations are made to completely empty the lungs.
  2. "Rocket". Lying on your back and stretching your body, you need to pull your pelvis up, tighten your buttocks and repeat 1 deep and three short breaths.
  3. "Cobra". Turning over onto your stomach and placing your hands in front of you, you need to pull back, raise your body, without lifting your hips from the floor, and perform the same sighs.


Breathing exercises have no clear contraindications, but this does not mean that absolutely everyone can do it. There are some points due to which it is best to give up classes for a certain period of time. These include:

  • bleeding;
  • heart or vascular diseases;
  • abdominal surgery;
  • spinal injuries;
  • pregnancy;
  • lung problems.

"Oxysize" for the abdomen: reviews and results

Positive feedback about the system comes from both gymnasts and people who have nothing to do with sports. In their comments, they indicate that with the help of this system they managed to lose about 10 kg in a couple of months.

According to women and men who are losing weight, this technique is the simplest and most effective. Thanks to it, you can say goodbye to those hated kilograms forever, without exhausting yourself with constant physical activity and diets.

Ecology of life. Health and beauty: I really like the author’s name for the practice “oxycise!” exactly with exclamation point. I call it the “joy technique”...

What will oxysize give you?

1. It is a very effective fat burner. Oxygen, entering the body in increased quantities due to diaphragmatic breathing, oxidizes fat, which is excreted from the body in the form of carbon dioxide and water.

2. Strengthens metabolism.

3. Reduces body volume in problem areas (where there is excess fat, since when these areas are tense, oxygen flows there).

4. Shapes the body according to your desire - you choose which parts of the body you will do exercises on.

5. Improves health. In particular, the lymph is cleansed, since deep diaphragmatic breathing is carried out by contracting one of the largest muscles - the diaphragm. In the East, the diaphragm is considered the “motor” of the lymphatic system, that is, it is the one that “drives” lymph throughout the body.

This is not a complete list of the benefits you receive by practicing.

How to breathe correctly?

Mastering the oxysize breathing technique

1. Take the correct pose. We slightly bend our knees, tighten our buttocks and pull in the muscles of the perineum. This is called “tipping the pelvis.”

2. Smile. Smile with the corners of your mouth wide. This will allow you to inhale more air. Imagine that you are inhaling the scent of a wonderful rose - and your nostrils will dilate. In addition, the facial muscles are tightened.

3. Inhale. Inhale through your nose without raising your shoulders. Place your hand on your stomach to control that you are breathing with your stomach and not with your chest (diaphragmatic breathing is breathing with your stomach). When inhaling, the abdomen should swell and protrude.

4. Three breaths. Keeping a smile on your face, take 3 additional breaths. You should use the muscles of your face, neck and abdomen.

5. Exhale. Keep a smile and exhale forcefully through your mouth with a straw. Don't lower your head while doing this. Exhale must be with tension!

6. Take 3 sharp breaths. The buttocks and perineum are still compressed, there is a smile on the face, and we completely exhale all the air from ourselves. At the same time, the stomach is pulled inward.

7. Repeat three more times - this is one breathing cycle.

Watch how Marina Korpan, who promotes the American bodyflex and oxysize techniques in Russia, performs this breathing.

The exercises themselves are done simultaneously with breathing, unlike bodyflex, where we do the exercises while holding the breath.

You need to do breathing practice daily (ideally), 15-20 minutes a day. It is not necessary to do all the exercises at once; you can divide them into intervals of 5-10 minutes, if possible.

Exercises are done on an empty stomach - either in the morning on an empty stomach, or 1-2 hours after eating (depending on how much you ate).

You need to do 30 breathing cycles per day.

Take measurements of your body regularly. This will inspire you to continue your studies.

Check out this breathing along with the exercises.

Join us on

Oxysize with Marina Korpan is a weight loss technique based on breathing exercises. The system appeared in Russia in 2009. The exercises from this complex are based on diaphragmatic breathing (DD).

DD completely involves the lungs, abdomen, and diaphragm. Unlike the chest, which we usually use, the diaphragmatic supposedly improves the functioning of the heart, lungs and abdominal organs.

Oxyze gymnastics is a series of workouts that are carried out without equipment or a gym membership. All you need is free time: This breathing technique should be performed in the morning, on an empty stomach, and the evening workout should also be done 2 hours after eating.

Features of oxysize

  • You can exercise 1-2 times a day, the main thing is on an empty stomach.
  • Training should be daily, without day breaks.
  • Basic exercises of the complex - you tense your muscles and hold them in this position for some time. The combination of such training with proper breathing leads to positive results.
  • To achieve good results, Marina Korpan’s books are recommended to be followed proper nutrition– exclude sweets, baked goods, and fatty foods from the menu.

Oxysize and Bodyflex

Another popular one. Many people often confuse these techniques, although there is one big difference between them: breathing technique. Unlike bodyflex, the second technique is absolutely silent, so it is well suited for mothers of infants - noisy inhalations and exhalations will not wake up the child. It is also uncharacteristic of the technique to hold your breath, which is key feature bodyflex.

Pros of Oxisize

  • Possibility to study at home.
  • The ability to choose the part of the body that you want to tighten especially strongly - to do this, during training you need to tense this particular part of the body, directing all the oxygen there.
  • Oxisize assumes gentle physical activity, therefore, in the absence of other contraindications, even pregnant and lactating women practice it.
  • The workouts are designed to work all muscle groups.

Cons of oxysize

  • The breathing features of oxysize gymnastics require intense oxygen saturation, which is why many followers of the technique note dizziness and darkness in the eyes during the training.
  • It will take 3-4 days just to establish proper breathing; without it, classes will be pointless.
  • Monotony of exercises.
  • To achieve your goal, you need to exercise for at least a month without breaks.

Contraindications for Oxisize gymnastics

  • Asthma.
  • Gallstones.
  • Diabetes mellitus type I.

Exercise Oxisize - breathing technique

Non-stop oxysize video lessons with Marina Korpan, the creator of the complex, are sold on DVD. In her videos, she explains in detail and shows how to breathe correctly to achieve maximum results. After reading the article, you can watch its most popular video lesson on our website.

  1. Point your pelvis forward, as if twisting it.
  2. Inhale slowly through your nose.
  3. Tighten your stomach.
  4. Inhale – take short breaths, there should be three in total.
  5. Exhale, pursing your lips. The exhalation should be strong, tension should appear under the chest.
  6. Take three more breaths, tensing your abdominal muscles.
  7. Repeat the breathing complex three more times.

This seven-step routine counts as one breathing exercise. To master Basic Cycle Breathing, you will need to do four such complexes. Four repetitions count as one repetition of Basic Breathing.

Reviews about the oxysize technique

On the Internet you can find conflicting reviews about the oxisize system; in total, three points of view stand out.

  • Those who show good results, loses several sizes or shows a big minus on the scales.
  • Those who tried Bodyflex first and then switched to Oxysize. Usually such people note that the second exercise is more difficult, but more effective. Or they recommend both methods, combining them.
  • Those who did not get any effect from the classes may be due to a reluctance to learn the correct technique or simply not adhering to a diet and healthy lifestyle.

Conclusion: oxysize training is not for everyone. It is recommended to master the breathing technique and practice it for at least a week or two, and then evaluate the effect obtained. If you don't have one, you might want to change your system and try something new.

Oxysize training results

  • The most spectacular results are shared by those who have recently given birth to a child. New mothers call this “salvation for caesarean tummies.” The effect of oxysize is really good: up to minus 12 cm at the waist.
  • There are also positive effects for those who are not involved in childbearing: in a month they lost up to 15 kg of excess fat.
  • There are reviews in which women boast that they lost 100 grams of weight in just 20 minutes of exercise. Or they say that in a week their hips have shrunk by 7 cm.
  • However, there are also opposite results. Some did not get any effect from the training at all, others lost minus 1 kg and slightly tightened their stomach.

How to improve results from oxysize

In the book “Oxysize: Lose Weight Without Holding Your Breath,” Marina Coplan describes the basic principles that will allow you to increase the effectiveness of breathing exercises. These principles should be familiar to everyone losing weight:

  • Meals for 1600-1700 calories. This is more than any diet allows. For example, the most gentle diet limits your nutrition to 1200 kcal.
  • Changes in the diet: less sweets, baked goods, do not abuse fast food and fried foods. Try to eat more protein foods; not only does it not make you gain weight, but on the contrary, the body “drowns your fat” in order to absorb protein.
  • Drink a lot clean water. The average norm is 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. When training with Marina, you may not have enough time for other workouts, but you can walk - at least half an hour a day.

About the author of the oxysize technique

Marina Korpan became famous in the early 2000s. She is a certified fitness specialist and has been teaching breathing techniques for 15 years. She personally tested her exercises on herself: with the help of breathing exercises, she lost about 20 kg of excess weight. Both systems are based on the work of American specialists Greer Childers and Jill Johnson. However, Marina Korpan claims that she has improved these programs, making them more effective and safe.

Video: Oxysize with Marina Korpan - step-by-step master class

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