Decorative finishing of an opening without a door. Opening without a door: various design and finishing options (54 photos). Functional purpose of open doorways

Wallpapering doorways is always quite difficult, and window openings are even more difficult. But since this work is to be done, you need to start somewhere, and this beginning represents the choice of a starting point. It must be chosen so that you do not have to stick narrow panels at the doors (short strips of wallpaper are difficult to combine with long ones) and so that the edges do not fall on the corners of the window.

First you need to paste the wallpaper above the window, then in long strips along its sides, and then in short strips below it. Moreover, you need to cut the wallpaper end-to-end with the trim or frame. Then clean the gaps in the corners, seal them with acrylic mastic and paint the frame or trim along with the gaps and the wall plaster.

Doors should be wallpapered as follows:

We paste the last full panel of wallpaper in front of the opening, and the next one - covering the platband (at the same time, if the door is not in the corner, the pattern should continue after the opening, and if it is in the corner, then it is not necessary to follow this);

We press the wallpaper to the casing so that the corner of the profile is visible, cut diagonally from the edge of the panel to this corner;

We press the wallpaper in the corners between the casing and the wall, crease it along the cut lines, cut off the excess, smooth the wallpaper in the corners of the joints;

We cut and paste a short piece of wallpaper above the door, and then adjust the next one, as described in the three previous paragraphs (we cut it so as to bend the wallpaper onto the adjacent wall, if this piece should go into a corner);

We paste a piece of wallpaper near the window, covering the slope, and make horizontal cuts from the edge to bend it onto the side wall of the slope, then we trim the edge of the piece along the frame (before this, the lower side of the upper part of the window should already be pasted over);

We cut and paste a panel of wallpaper on the underside of the top of the opening, bend the edge onto the front wall by 25 mm, bend the edges under the wallpaper on the front wall and the side of the slope;

We cut off the back side of the top panel of wallpaper and, if necessary, glue another filler to the side wall of the slope; we glue short strips of wallpaper and bend them onto the underside of the top of the slope until the entire opening is covered;

We draw a vertical line along the plumb line on the other side of the window, glue a panel of wallpaper along it (between it and the window) and, if necessary, another filling panel, and then glue short pieces of wallpaper under the window, matching the patterns. This is exactly how you need to wallpaper door and window openings, cutting off the wallpaper at the slopes.

When planning the decoration of an apartment or house, choosing the ideal design solution for many ordinary people it becomes challenging task. In an attempt to decorate their homes, people use all available materials, from Italian wallpaper to... artificial stone. Particularly difficult is the finishing doorways, since the number of options that designers offer can amaze even the most demanding imagination.

It is extremely difficult to choose the ideal method that will optimally fit into the overall style solution and correctly emphasize the leading direction.

Finishing the doorway: choosing the appropriate solution

Before deciding on the design of the doorway, the designer, together with the owners, needs to decide what exact shape these openings will be.

There are the following forms of doorways:

  • Rectangular opening. This method of organizing space requires either the presence of a door or voluminous and noticeable cash. Depending on what kind of cashing is chosen, the doorway can perform both an auxiliary and a main function in the interior of the room. In itself, such a strict form requires additional decor that can give it the necessary gloss and attractiveness.
  • Arch. This method of designing doorways is quite popular and appropriate in certain styles. Designers note that using an arched opening is only advisable if the rooms it connects are made in the same style. Experts advise paying attention to the fact that overly massive or bright decorative elements can make such an opening heavier.
  • FACT! The arch does not have to be round. Other forms are also used: ellipsoidal, trapezoidal, asymmetrical arch - each of them is worthy.

    • Imitation of an arch. This method of designing a doorway can be called “lazy”, since in this case an ordinary rectangular opening is given the shape of an arch using segments fixed in the corners of the opening. In this case, designers advise making these corners openwork and airy - this will allow such an arch to fit into any interior and make the room more spacious and lighter.

    Finishing doorway without door- this is a special task, the difficulty of which lies in the fact that all the attention that could be focused on the door is transferred to the doorway. Therefore, in this case, designers pay more attention to the design, choosing options and finishing methods much more carefully.

    ADVICE! Often curtains or drapes, as well as lambrequins flowing in noble folds, are used as a door substitute in such openings.

    Use of plastic and drywall

    Despite the popularity natural materials, the use of PVC panels and, as well as finishing openings with artificial decorative stone. All these materials are acceptable options, which, if executed well, can become a real decoration of the room.

    • Plastic panels are the simplest and most laconic option for designing an opening, since they allow you to imitate such a popular wooden texture. Dark panels allow you to create an attractive contrast with a light painted or wallpapered wall, thereby emphasizing the rigor and sophistication of the interior. This design method allows you to visually expand the space and create the effect of a high ceiling. In addition, such panels are the most transparent: they are easy to clean, even if dust or dirt is visible on the surface.
    • Polyurethane stucco replaced the usual plaster, because it has a decent appearance with less weight and excellent practicality. When choosing this method of decorating a doorway, you should be extremely careful, since the abundance of decor can overload the room and make it small.

      Most often, in such cases, the most simple and concise stucco molding in white or another neutral color is used.

    • Drywall. Finishing with this material is carried out in cases where the task of designers and builders is to divert attention from the opening and create the effect of a single room.

      In addition, it often becomes the basis for the use of other decor: for example, polyurethane cornices are often glued to plasterboard structures.

      Regardless of what kind of material will be used to decorate the doorway, designers advise paying attention to the appropriateness and feasibility of using massive or volumetric elements.

      Complementing the traditional design with moldings or mosaics means making the room individual, adding a touch of flair to it. delicate taste owners.

      Decorative stone in the decoration of doorways

      Particularly popular in lately decorative stone is used to decorate doorways. This is due to the fact that decorative stone is one of the most stylish ways to decorate doorways and allows you to give the room a new mood and sophistication.

      The use of such material is quite expensive, but is more than compensated by the decent appearance and reliability of the result obtained.

      Finishing an opening with artificial stone is often ideal solution, since this material has the following advantages:

      • spectacular appearance;
      • durability and reliability in operation;
      • ease of maintenance and the possibility of restoring damaged elements;
      • variability and compatibility with other decorative materials.

      Most often, medium-sized stones that do not burden the interior are used to decorate openings in apartments with artificial stone. To give such a finish a “natural” look, the outer edge of the finish is made deliberately uneven, while smooth edges are used extremely rarely.

      If an arch is decorated with stone, then in its upper part the stones are laid around the perimeter of the opening: in this way the geometric shape of the arch will be emphasized, which will make it more noticeable against the background of the rest of the stone-lined wall.

      If you decorate a doorway without a door with such stone, you should lay the decor on both sides of the opening: this option will allow you to optimally fit the decoration into the interior and connect two rooms into one.

As you know, doors do not last forever, and anything can happen. For example, scratches, chips, and cracks often appear on the door leaf. In this case, you can repair, replace or carefully decorate, hiding all defects.

To decorate a door, you can use not only paper, vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, but also fabric or liquid.

In this case, the canvas should be prepared by removing a layer of paint in advance, filling up uneven areas, cracks and sanding the surface. A layer of applied primer will provide additional adhesion of the wallpaper to the surface of the door.

You can wallpaper the entire canvas or panels by cutting out pieces of wallpaper suitable size. Don't forget to choose an adhesive that matches the type of wallpaper and dilute it according to the instructions.

Wallpaper classic

Lubricate the cut wallpaper with glue and apply it to the door, making sure that there are no jams or distortions. Smoothing out the wallpaper soft cloth, roller or wide plastic spatula. Carefully trim off the excess with a utility knife. Additionally, you can decorate it by gluing a frame made of foam plinth on top of the wallpaper.

While the wallpaper is drying, it is advisable to close the windows in the house and prevent the appearance of drafts and sudden temperature changes.


A door decorated with fabric looks very unusual and attractive. In addition to standard surface preparation, attention should be paid to the fabric itself, determining the degree of shrinkage.

We cut a small piece of fabric, measure its dimensions, moisten it with water and dry it. After drying, we take measurements again, comparing the readings and finding out the degree of shrinkage. If the value is large, then the entire piece of fabric is also moistened and left to dry before decorating.

Pay attention! You can use not only a whole piece of fabric, but also cut fragments different colors and textures. This technique is called “patchwork” and is often used by designers in interior design.

For fabric, casein glue, a composition based on CMC, as well as Bustilat or Gumilax mastics are best suited. Apply the adhesive to the fabric and apply it to the door, smoothing it with a spatula. When covering a door with fragments, it is important to ensure that they are geometric, otherwise the work will look sloppy.

Additionally, you can decorate the door with beautiful furniture nails, shiny nylon or leather cords, fabric paint, and baguette frames.

- universal. They cover not only walls, but also doors, creating unimaginable patterns and compositions. In this case, you don’t have to bother with cutting the canvases. However, the door cannot be exposed to moisture. Therefore, this method is unacceptable for decorating a door in a bathroom or kitchen.

To work you will need a dry wallpaper mixture and several spatulas. different sizes, hopper gun, roller, clear varnish, color.

Decorate the door with a mirror

A very unusual door decoration can be made using mirrors. Such decor will not only attract everyone’s attention, but will also visually expand the space of the room and add light. However, cutting and attaching a classic glass mirror is very inconvenient, fortunately there is an alternative - acrylic panels with amalgam, which has excellent reflectivity.

Acrylic mirrors are available in a wide range color scheme. You can choose any shade you like or several to make a mirror panel. Plastic panels do not break, are easy to process and attach to the door, and are light in weight. The cost of mirrored plexiglass is not the lowest, but the quality and aesthetic qualities fully correspond to the stated prices.

ThicknessColorBrandSheet size, mmPrice per sheet, rub
SPD (Italy)1220*2440 5950
Plexiglas Mirror (Germany)2050*3050 11150
PLASKOLITE (USA)2050*3050 14000
PLASKOLITE (USA)2030*3050 15700
Plexiglas Mirror (Germany)2030*3050 16000
3 red, blue, green, orange, yellow, black
(color opaque)
Extruded acrylic glass ZENOCRYL OPAQUE XT2050*3050 10989
3 colored transparent (red, orange, yellow, light blue, blue, green, purple)1220*2440 5453
3 fluorescent transparent (yellow, pink, brown)Cast acrylic glass ZENOCRYL TRANSPARENT1220*2440 5075

Before attaching the mirror plastic to the surface, you should carefully level the surface by deepening the heads of the nails, sanding off and covering with putty all the irregularities/recesses.

On the door and reverse side Acrylic canvas must be coated with a deep penetration primer. After it dries, the cut panels are secured with double-sided tape and mounting adhesive. For convenience, use mounting suction cups; with their help, it is much easier to carefully glue the panels to the door leaf.

As one of the decoration options, you can consider shaped acrylic mirrors. Such a mirror can be attached in the center of the door or you can purchase several elements and arrange them beautifully. Usually small parts are produced with an adhesive layer already applied.

Even from such a simple material as buckwheat husk, excellent work is obtained. The cost of the material is minimal, but the service life of such a coating, unfortunately, cannot be called too long.

Step 1. Remove the layer from the door old paint, existing vinyl covering, we eliminate all unevenness with putty.

Step 2. Remove the door from its hinges and place it on the floor/stools/table. We paint the door leaf with dark brown paint. If the door has glass inserts, protect them with masking tape.

Step 3. Thickly coat the dried door with PVA glue, lay out the husks, distributing them with your hands. If necessary, add small gold sparkles.

Step 4. Cover the door with transparent varnish (glossy or matte). It is advisable to apply three layers in order to properly fix the buckwheat to the door leaf.

The beautiful door is ready. To ensure that the door does not stand out from the overall design of the room, decorate the picture frame in the same way and place the creation on one of the walls.

Decorating the door in vintage style

Vintage is sophistication and sophistication, the beauty of artificially aged things, in harmony with the chic of individual decorative elements. A door in vintage style will become a work of art, an exclusive element of the interior.

For decoration you will need:

We will combine painting the door with the decoupage technique and in addition we will add decorative elements. We will carry out the work on a door that has already been removed from its hinges, puttied and carefully sanded, and laid horizontally.

Step 1. Paint the door white. Apply the paint with a wide brush with stiff bristles in one direction, in a thin layer.

Step 2. When the paint has dried, carefully sand it with coarse sandpaper, achieving an “antique” effect.

Step 3. We begin decorating the panels or the central part of the door. We tear music books and old newspapers into small pieces with our hands. Draw a rectangular or square activity field on the door with a pencil. Lubricate the outlined areas with PVA glue. Immediately lay out the paper chaotically, smoothing it with your hands. Apply clear varnish in two layers on top.

Step 4. Along the perimeter of the areas covered with paper, we attach a black baguette with mounting glue.

Additionally, you can decorate with a beautiful wreath, a large lace bow or plastic beads imitating pearls (adhesive-based).

There are many other ways to decorate doors. Use the materials available in your home arsenal, use your imagination and create your own masterpieces.

Prices for entrance doors

Entrance doors

Video - A variety of ideas for decorating doors

Video - Applying patina to the door

Video - Decorating the door yourself

When starting renovations in their own apartment, the owners try to use all possible design techniques to increase the space of small rooms. For this purpose, many refuse to install interior doors, thus combining several rooms together. This solution allows you to expand the boundaries of the room and make it more spacious. But in our article we will look at how to decorate a doorway without a door so that it becomes a real interior decoration.

Opening design options

So, if you decide to refresh your interior with an opening, then first we recommend deciding on its future shape. It can remain rectangular, take the shape of an arch, or acquire additional corners. In any case, the design of the interior passage should fit well into the interior of both rooms. That is why you should not immediately go to the store for finishing materials, which in the end will become completely useless.

In order to successfully design a doorway without a door with your own hands, first of all you should sketch a sketch of the future structure. Let's look at the most popular ways to design passages between adjacent rooms.

Openings in the form of a portal

This is the most popular and simplest design that can be done. with my own hands. In this case, the entrance retains its rectangular shape, but is complemented by a more massive finish with various decorative elements.

Usually, to arrange such an opening it is necessary to remove, dismantle the box and remove everything structural elements former door. The resulting passage is leveled and finished with selected materials. Rectangular openings are suitable for both small and large large premises, while their design style is most often strict and restrained.

Arched passages

Arched doorways most often have a classic shape. In this design option, the arch arch is made in the form of a semicircle, the radius of which is equal to half the width of the passage itself. Oval openings are quite popular and easy to implement. However, before choosing this option, pay attention to the height of the ceilings in your apartment. In rooms where the height of the walls does not exceed two meters, it is strictly not recommended to design a rounded opening, as it will visually lower the ceiling even more.

Here it is better to give preference to an ellipse-shaped arch. This option is optimal for rooms with low ceilings, since the special shape of the vault allows you to visually increase the height of the walls.

Irregularly shaped openings

If simple shapes do not satisfy the needs of the owners, you can experiment and create a more complex option. Since in modern interior design there are no strict rules, the shape of the passage can be the most unusual and even slightly bizarre.

Often in the form of a trapezoid, triangle, semicircle and various asymmetrical configurations, with oblique slopes to one side. A combination of several figures is also possible. For example, when a rectangular portal is complemented by rounded corners of various radii. This design is used only in cases where the width of the doorway is more than 80 cm.

Often in modern design projects you can see unusual openings equipped with spotlights, side shelves or bar counters. This approach not only decorates the room, but also makes the passage between rooms a functional element of the interior.

Designs decorated with colored glass, stained glass or mosaic fragments deserve special attention. It is very difficult to do this kind of design yourself, so in most cases this work is entrusted to professionals. It should be noted that complex and shaped arches can only be installed in cases where the width of the doorway is larger than the standard one. Most often, this design is used in studio apartments. In small and low rooms It is better to give preference to a strict classical style.

Once you have clearly decided what shape your passage will be, you can begin finishing it and choosing decorative elements. Let's start with choosing the material.

Design options

When wondering how to design a doorway without a door, study everything possible options finishes and choose the one that best suits your interior.

Today, the following materials are actively used for these purposes:

Decorative stone;


Decorative plaster;


Let’s look at what each material is and how you can use it to design a doorway in more detail.


The most noble and spectacular finish is considered to be one involving natural wood. Here can be most used valuable species trees such as ash, oak, mahogany and hornbeam.

These types are distinguished by their presentability and durability, but are too difficult to process and have a high price tag. That is why pine products are the most popular today. It has an affordable price, is quite durable, has a beautiful structure and, most importantly, can be easily processed with hand tools.

Such arches are sold as finished products, which only need to be installed in the right place.

As an alternative to natural wood, you can use MDF panels. They are lightweight, affordable price and a wide range of colors.

Plastic panels

Plastic finishing is an economical option for decorating openings. The material is quite easy to work with, as it does not require preliminary preparation of the base and is attached to ordinary liquid nails.

Despite their simplicity, plastic panels look very presentable. They emphasize the severity of the interior and create a contrast in the opening area against the background of the adjacent walls. This design is also convenient because the plastic is resistant to moisture, which means it can be used near the kitchen. Plastic finishing can be done by anyone, since even if any mistakes are made, the damaged element can be easily replaced.


If you are wondering how to beautifully decorate a doorway without a door, pay attention to polyurethane decor. This is a fairly dense, but at the same time flexible material, which is used to create an imitation of heavy and expensive gypsum stucco. This design looks very attractive, and is much cheaper than tiles and decorative stone.

Polyurethane stucco molding is attached using a special glue to a wide variety of surfaces. The light weight of the material allows it to be used even on plasterboard structures. Initially, decorative elements have white, but can subsequently be painted in any shade.

Using this material, the doorway can be decorated with round or square columns that widen upward. If the room small size or massive elements simply do not fit into its design, you can decorate the walls with more elegant moldings made of the same material.

Artificial stone

Decorative stone is distinguished by its ability to bring sophistication to the interior and emphasize high wealth and good taste owner. Today on the construction market you can find a lot of varieties of this finishing material, differing in color and texture. Of course, such finishing cannot be called economical, but these costs are justified, because artificial stone in the interior always looks luxurious.

Finishing a doorway with decorative stone will require a lot of effort, but the result is always impressive. In most cases, they cover not only the passage, but also part of the walls adjacent to it. Both symmetrical and asymmetrical design can be used here. If the doorways are located close to each other, they can be decorated in the same style. The smoothly transitioning cladding from one opening to another looks impressive.

If you decide to use artificial stone in the interior of your apartment, pay attention to the weight of the material you choose. Some types can greatly weigh down the doorway, making it impossible to use them on plasterboard structures. In this case, it is better to give preference to gypsum options.

How to do stone finishing yourself?

1. First you need to prepare the walls. If there are large irregularities on the surface of the base, they are eliminated using putty.

2. Next, start mixing the glue. If lightweight options were chosen for lining the opening, they are attached to ordinary liquid nails. Heavier varieties, like clinker tiles, are mounted on a mortar of cement, glue, lime and sand.

3. Cladding the opening begins from the lowest section of the wall. The product is leveled, smeared with glue and pressed tightly against the wall. If you do not want to additionally seal the stone joints in the corner parts of the opening, the material must be overlapped. The brick of the first row is placed close to the opening, and the element of the next row is shifted inward, at a distance equal to the thickness of the finishing material. Thus, alternating rows, they design the opening.


If your plans do not include renovating your apartment in the near future, but you really want to add fresh notes to the interior, be smart and hang curtains on the doorway. This move will allow you to simultaneously decorate and, if necessary, hide the passage between rooms.

Fabric curtains look good on openings of absolutely any geometry. Main - special attention Pay attention to the choice of colors and textures so that they fit harmoniously into the interior of the room. Otherwise there are no restrictions. They can be weighty with lambrequins, drapery, or discreet and light.

If the interior of the apartment is decorated in oriental style, this will come in handy. Products made from natural wood with a variety of sticks and beads will be an excellent decoration for the doorway. This option is also attractive because it does not accumulate dust and does not interfere with air circulation between rooms.

When choosing curtains for a doorway, pay attention to thread options. They are presented on the market in the form of fabric cords, which are complemented with various pieces of glass, shells and stones. Textiles can cover the entire passage or be used as its frame.

This design method is attractive because it can be easily done with your own hands, and the affordable cost and variety of options allow you to change the design of the interior opening at least every year.

Decorative plaster

Another simple way to decorate a doorway without a door is finishing decorative plaster. It is suitable for those owners who want to do the work with their own hands, since this process does not cause any particular difficulties even for inexperienced craftsmen. This design is considered quite durable and easy to maintain. The dried surface can be easily painted in the desired color, thanks to which the opening will fit well into any interior.

Before applying the solution, the base is leveled and the caps of the fasteners are masked. Next, the opening is treated with a primer, after which they begin to apply the decorating composition. Using special rollers and stamps, the solution is given the desired relief. After the plaster has dried, it is painted with coloring compounds or covered with finishing solutions.


As you can see, there are many ideas on how to design a doorway without a door. When choosing a suitable style, you can turn to specialists for help, or you can create your own and unique design project. The main thing is that all materials used in the interior are harmoniously combined with each other. Only in this case will you be able to create an original and attractive design style for the doorway. We hope that the information you read was useful, and the photographs posted in this article helped you choose the best option for designing the passage between rooms.

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