There is war in a beautiful and furious world. The story "In a beautiful and furious world"

A. Platonov


At the Tolubeevsky depot, Alexander Vasilyevich Maltsev was considered the best locomotive driver.

He was about thirty years old, but he already had the qualifications of a first-class driver and had been driving fast trains for a long time. When the first powerful passenger locomotive of the IS series arrived at our depot, Maltsev was assigned to work on this machine, which was quite reasonable and correct. Worked as an assistant to Maltsev old man from the depot mechanics named Fyodor Petrovich Drabanov, but he soon passed the driver exam and went to work on another machine, and instead of Drabanov, I was assigned to work in Maltsev’s brigade as an assistant; Before that, I also worked as a mechanic’s assistant, but only on an old, low-power machine.

I was pleased with my assignment. The “IS” car, the only one on our traction site at that time, evoked a feeling of inspiration in me by its very appearance: I could look at it for a long time, and a special, touched joy awakened in me, as beautiful as in childhood when reading Pushkin’s poems for the first time. In addition, I wanted to work in the crew of a first-class mechanic in order to learn from him the art of driving heavy high-speed trains.

Alexander Vasilyevich accepted my appointment to his brigade calmly and indifferently: he apparently did not care who would be his assistants.

Before the trip, as usual, I checked all the components of the car, tested all its servicing and auxiliary mechanisms and calmed down, considering the car ready for the trip. Alexander Vasilievich saw my work, he followed it, but after me with my own hands I checked the condition of the car again, as if he didn’t trust me.

This was repeated later, and I was already accustomed to the fact that Alexander Vasilyevich constantly interfered with my duties, although he was silently upset. But usually, as soon as we were on the move, I forgot about my disappointment. Distracting my attention from the instruments monitoring the condition of the running locomotive, from monitoring the operation of the left car and the path ahead, I glanced at Maltsev. He led the cast with the courageous confidence of a great master, with the concentration of an inspired artist who has absorbed the entire outer world into his inner experience and therefore dominates it. Alexander Vasilyevich’s eyes looked ahead, as if empty, abstractly, but I knew that he saw with them the whole road ahead and all of nature rushing towards us - even a sparrow, swept from the ballast slope by the wind of a car piercing into space, even this sparrow attracted Maltsev’s gaze , and he turned his head for a moment after the sparrow: what will happen to him after us, where did he fly?

It was our fault that we were never late; on the contrary, we were often delayed at intermediate stations, which we had to proceed on the move, because we were running with time, and through delays we were put back on schedule.

We usually worked in silence; Only occasionally did Alexander Vasilyevich, without turning in my direction, tap the key on the boiler, wanting me to draw my attention to some disorder in the operating mode of the machine, or preparing me for a sharp change in this mode, so that I would be vigilant. I always understood the silent instructions of my senior comrade and worked with full diligence, but the mechanic still treated me, as well as the lubricator-stoker, aloof and constantly checked the grease nipples in the parking lots, the tightness of the bolts in the drawbar units, tested the axle boxes on the drive axes and so on. If I had just inspected and lubricated any working rubbing part, then Maltsev followed me again inspecting and lubricating it, as if not considering my work valid.

“I, Alexander Vasilyevich, have already checked this crosshead,” I told him one day when he began checking this part after me.

“But I want it myself,” Maltsev answered smiling, and in his smile there was sadness that struck me.

Later I understood the meaning of his sadness and the reason for his constant indifference towards us. He felt superior to us because he understood the car more accurately than we did, and he did not believe that I or anyone else could learn the secret of his talent, the secret of seeing both a passing sparrow and a signal ahead, at the same moment sensing the path, the weight of the composition and the force of the machine. Maltsev understood, of course, that in diligence, in diligence, we could even overcome him, but he could not imagine that we loved the locomotive more than him and drove trains better than him - he thought it was impossible to do better. And that’s why Maltsev was sad with us; he missed his talent as if he were lonely, not knowing how to express it to us so that we would understand.

And we, however, could not understand his skills. I once asked to be allowed to drive the train myself: Alexander Vasilyevich allowed me to drive about forty kilometers and sat in the assistant’s place. I drove the train - and after twenty kilometers I was already four minutes late, and I covered the exits from long climbs at a speed of no more than thirty kilometers per hour. Maltsev drove the car after me; he took the climbs at a speed of fifty kilometers, and on the curves his car did not throw up like mine, and he soon made up for the time I had lost.

I worked as Maltsev’s assistant for about a year, from August to July, and on July 5, Maltsev made his last trip as a courier train driver...

We took a train of eighty passenger axles, which was four hours late on its way to us. The dispatcher went to the locomotive and specifically asked Alexander Vasilyevich to reduce the train's delay as much as possible, to reduce this delay to at least three hours, otherwise it would be difficult for him to issue an empty train onto the neighboring road. Maltsev promised to catch up with time, and we moved forward.

It was eight o'clock in the afternoon, but the summer day still lasted, and the sun shone with the solemn strength of the morning. Alexander Vasilyevich demanded that I keep the steam pressure in the boiler only half an atmosphere below the limit all the time.

Half an hour later we emerged into the steppe onto a calm, soft profile. Maltsev brought the speed up to ninety kilometers and did not go lower; on the contrary, on horizontals and small slopes he brought the speed up to one hundred kilometers. On climbs, I forced the firebox to its maximum capacity and forced the fireman to manually load the scoop, to help the stoker machine, because my steam was running low.

Maltsev drove the car forward, moving the regulator to the full arc and giving the reverse to the full cutoff. We were now walking towards a powerful cloud that appeared over the horizon. From our side, the cloud was illuminated by the sun, and from inside it was torn by fierce, irritated lightning, and we saw how swords of lightning pierced vertically into the silent distant land, and we rushed madly towards that distant land, as if rushing to its defense. Alexander Vasilyevich, apparently, was captivated by this spectacle: he leaned far out the window, looking ahead, and his eyes, accustomed to smoke, fire and space, now sparkled with inspiration. He understood that the work and power of our machine could be compared with the work of a thunderstorm, and perhaps he was proud of this thought.

Soon we noticed a dust whirlwind rushing across the steppe towards us. This means that the storm was bearing a thundercloud on our foreheads. The light darkened around us: the dry earth and steppe sand whistled and scraped along the iron body of the locomotive, there was no visibility, and I launched the turbodynamo for illumination and turned on the headlight in front of the locomotive. It was now difficult for us to breathe from the hot dusty whirlwind that was billowing into the cabin and redoubled in its strength by the oncoming movement of the machine, from the flue gases and the early darkness that surrounded us. The locomotive howled its way forward into the vague, stuffy darkness into the slit of light created by the frontal searchlight. The speed dropped to sixty kilometers; we worked and looked forward, as if in a dream.

Suddenly a large drop hit the windshield and immediately dried up, washed away by the hot wind. Then an instant blue light flashed at my eyelashes and penetrated me to my shuddering heart. I grabbed the injector tap, but the pain in my heart had already left me, and I immediately looked in the direction of Maltsev - he was looking forward and driving the car without changing his face.

What was that? - I asked the fireman.

Lightning, he said. “I wanted to hit us, but I missed a little.”

Maltsev heard our words.

What lightning? - he asked loudly.

“Now it was,” said the fireman.

“I didn’t see,” Maltsev said and turned his face outward again.

Didn't you see it? - the fireman was surprised. “I thought the boiler exploded when the light came on, but he didn’t see it.”

I also doubted that it was lightning.

Where's the thunder? - I asked.

We passed the thunder,” explained the fireman. - Thunder always strikes afterwards. By the time it hit, by the time it shook the air, by the time it went back and forth, we had already flown past it. Passengers may have heard - they are behind.

It got completely dark and a calm night came. We felt the smell of damp earth, the fragrance of herbs and grains, saturated with rain and thunderstorms, and rushed forward, catching up with time.

I noticed that Maltsev’s driving became worse - we were thrown around on curves, the speed reached more than a hundred kilometers, then dropped to forty. I decided that Alexander Vasilyevich was probably very tired, and therefore did not say anything to him, although it was very difficult for me to keep the furnace and boiler operating in the best possible conditions with such behavior from the mechanic. However, in half an hour we must stop to get water, and there, at the stop, Alexander Vasilyevich will eat and rest a little. We've already caught up for forty minutes, and we'll have at least another hour to catch up before the end of our traction section.

Still, I became concerned about Maltsev’s fatigue and began to look carefully ahead - at the path and at the signals. On my side, above the left car, an electric lamp was burning, illuminating the waving, drawbar mechanism. I clearly saw the tense, confident work of the left machine, but then the lamp above it went out and began to burn poorly, like one candle. I turned back into the cabin. There, too, all the lamps were now burning at a quarter incandescence, barely illuminating the instruments. It’s strange that Alexander Vasilyevich did not knock on me with the key at that moment to point out such a disorder. It was clear that the turbodynamo did not give the calculated speed and the voltage dropped. I began to regulate the turbodynamo through the steam line and fiddled with this device for a long time, but the voltage did not rise.

At this time, a hazy cloud of red light passed across the instrument dials and the ceiling of the cabin. I looked outside.

Ahead in the darkness - close or far, it was impossible to determine - a red streak of light wavered across our path. I didn’t understand what it was, but I understood what had to be done.

Alexander Vasilievich! - I shouted and gave three beeps to stop.

Explosions of firecrackers were heard under the tires of our wheels. I rushed to Maltsev, he turned his face towards me and looked at me with empty, calm eyes. The needle on the tachometer dial showed a speed of sixty kilometers.

Maltsev! - I shouted. “We’re crushing firecrackers!” And I extended my hands to the controls.

Away! - Maltsev exclaimed, and his eyes shone, reflecting the light of the dim lamp above the tachometer.

He immediately applied the emergency brake and reversed.

I was pressed against the boiler, I heard the howling of wheel tires, whittling the rails.

Maltsev! - I said. - We need to open the cylinder valves, we’ll break the car.

No need! We won't break it! - answered Maltsev.

We stopped. I pumped water into the boiler with an injector and looked outside. Ahead of us, about ten meters, a steam locomotive stood on our line, with its tender facing us. There was a man on the tender; in his hands he had a long poker, red-hot at the end, and he waved it, wanting to stop the courier train. This locomotive was the pusher of a freight train that had stopped at the stage.

This means that while I was adjusting the turbodynamo and not looking ahead, we passed a yellow traffic light, and then a red one and, probably, more than one warning signal from the linemen. But why didn’t Maltsev notice these signals?

Kostya! - Alexander Vasilyevich called me.

I approached him.

Kostya!.. What is there ahead of us?

The next day I brought the return train to my station and handed over the locomotive to the depot, because the bandages on two of its ramps had slightly shifted. Having reported the incident to the head of the depot, I led Maltsev by the arm to his place of residence; Maltsev himself was seriously depressed and did not go to the head of the depot.

We had not yet reached the house on the grassy street in which Maltsev lived when he asked me to leave him alone.

“You can’t,” I answered. - You, Alexander Vasilyevich, are a blind man.

He looked at me with clear, thinking eyes.

Now I see, go home... I see everything - my wife came out to meet me.

At the gates of the house where Maltsev lived, a woman, the wife of Alexander Vasilyevich, actually stood waiting, and her open black hair glistened in the sun.

Is her head covered or bare? - I asked.

Without, - answered Maltsev. - Who is blind - you or me?

Well, if you see it, then look,” I decided and walked away from Maltsev.

Maltsev was put on trial, and an investigation began. The investigator called me and asked what I thought about the incident with the courier train. I replied that I thought that Maltsev was not to blame.

“He went blind from a close discharge, from a lightning strike,” I told the investigator. - He was shell-shocked, and the nerves that control his vision were damaged... I don’t know how to say this exactly.

“I understand you,” said the investigator, “you speak exactly.” This is all possible, but unreliable. After all, Maltsev himself testified that he did not see lightning.

And I saw her, and the oiler saw her too.

This means that lightning struck closer to you than to Maltsev,” the investigator reasoned. - Why aren’t you and the oiler shell-shocked and blind, but the driver Maltsev received concussion of the optic nerves and went blind? How do you think?

I became stumped and then thought about it.

Maltsev couldn’t see the lightning,” I said.

The investigator listened to me in surprise.

He couldn't see her. He was instantly blinded by the blow electromagnetic wave, which goes ahead of the lightning light. The light of lightning is a consequence of the discharge, and not the cause of lightning. Maltsev was already blind when the lightning began to shine, but the blind man could not see the light.

Interesting! - The investigator smiled. - I would have stopped Maltsev’s case if he were still blind. But you know, now he sees the same as you and I.

“He sees,” I confirmed.

“Was he blind,” the investigator continued, “when he drove the courier train at high speed into the tail of the freight train?

“Yes,” I confirmed.

The investigator looked at me carefully.

Why didn't he transfer control of the locomotive to you, or at least order you to stop the train?

“I don’t know,” I said.

“You see,” said the investigator. - An adult, conscious person controls the locomotive of a courier train, carries hundreds of people to certain death, accidentally avoids disaster, and then makes the excuse that he was blind. What is it?

But he himself would have died! - I say.

Likely. However, I am more interested in the lives of hundreds of people than in the life of one person. Maybe he had his own reasons for dying.

“It wasn’t,” I said.

The investigator became indifferent; he was already bored with me, like a fool.

“You know everything, except the main thing,” he said in slow reflection. - You can go.

From the investigator I went to Maltsev’s apartment.

Alexander Vasilyevich,” I told him, “why didn’t you call me for help when you became blind?”

“I saw it,” he replied. - Why did I need you?

What did you see?

Everything: the line, the signals, the wheat in the steppe, the work of the right machine - I saw everything...

I was puzzled.

How did this happen for you? You passed all the warnings, you were right behind the other train...

The former first-class mechanic thought sadly and quietly answered me, as if to himself:

I was used to seeing light, and I thought I saw it, but I saw it then only in my mind, in my imagination. In fact, I was blind, but I didn’t know it... I didn’t even believe in firecrackers, although I heard them: I thought I had misheard. And when you blew the horn and shouted to me, I saw a green signal ahead. I didn't realize it right away.

Now I understood Maltsev, but I didn’t know why he wouldn’t tell the investigator about it - that, after he became blind, for a long time he saw the world in his imagination and believed in its reality. And I asked Alexander Vasilyevich about this.

“I told him,” Maltsev replied.

What is he?

This, he says, was your imagination; Maybe you’re imagining something now, I don’t know. I, he says, need to establish the facts, not your imagination or suspiciousness. Your imagination - whether it was there or not - I can’t check, it was only in your head, these are your words, and the crash that almost happened was an action.

“He’s right,” I said.

“I’m right, I know it myself,” the driver agreed. - And I’m also right, not wrong. What will happen now?

I didn't know what to answer him.

Maltsev was sent to prison. I still drove as an assistant, but only with another driver - a cautious old man who slowed down the train a kilometer before the yellow traffic light, and when we approached it, the signal changed to green, and the old man again began to drag the train forward. It wasn't work - I missed Maltsev.

In winter, I was in a regional city and visited my brother, a student, who lived in a university dormitory. My brother told me during the conversation that at their university they have a Tesla installation in their physics laboratory for producing artificial lightning. A certain idea occurred to me that was not yet clear to me.

Returning home, I thought about my guess regarding the Tesla installation and decided that my idea was correct. I wrote a letter to the investigator who was in charge of Maltsev’s case at one time, with a request to test the prisoner Maltsev for exposure to its effects electrical discharges. If it is proven that Maltsev’s psyche or his visual organs are susceptible to the action of nearby sudden electrical discharges, then Maltsev’s case must be reconsidered. I pointed out to the investigator where the Tesla installation was located and how to perform the experiment on a person.

The investigator did not answer me for a long time, but then informed me that the regional prosecutor had agreed to carry out the examination I proposed in the university physics laboratory.

A few days later the investigator summoned me with a summons. I came to him excited, confident in advance of a happy solution to the Maltsev case.

The investigator greeted me, but was silent for a long time, slowly reading some paper with sad eyes; I was losing hope.

“You let your friend down,” the investigator then said.

And what? Does the sentence remain the same?

No, we freed Maltsev. The order has already been given - perhaps Maltsev is already at home.

Thank you. - I stood up in front of the investigator.

And we won't thank you. You gave bad advice: Maltsev is blind again...

I sat down on a chair tired, my soul instantly burned out, and I became thirsty.

Experts, without warning, in the dark, took Maltsev under the Tesla installation, the investigator told me. - The current was turned on, lightning occurred, and there was a sharp blow. Maltsev passed calmly, but now he again does not see the light - this was established objectively, by a forensic medical examination.

Now he again sees the world only in his imagination... You are his comrade, help him.

Maybe his sight will return again,” I expressed hope, as it was then, after the locomotive...

The investigator thought.

Hardly. Then there was the first injury, now the second. The wound was applied to the wounded area.

And, unable to restrain himself any longer, the investigator stood up and began walking around the room in excitement.

It’s my fault... Why did I listen to you and, like a fool, insist on an examination! I risked a man, but he couldn’t bear the risk.

“It’s not your fault, you didn’t risk anything,” I consoled the investigator. -What is better - a free blind person or a sighted but innocent prisoner?

“I didn’t know that I would have to prove a person’s innocence through his misfortune,” the investigator said. - This is too expensive a price.

“You are an investigator,” I explained to him, “you must know everything about a person, and even what he does not know about himself.”

“I understand you, you’re right,” the investigator said quietly.

Don't worry, comrade investigator. Here the facts were at work inside the person, and you were looking for them only outside. But you were able to understand your shortcoming and acted with Maltsev like a noble person. I respect you.

“I love you too,” the investigator admitted. - You know, you could be an assistant investigator.

Thank you, but I'm busy, I'm an assistant driver on a courier locomotive.

I left. I was not Maltsev’s friend, and he always treated me without attention and care. But I wanted to protect him from the grief of fate, I was fierce against the fatal forces that accidentally and indifferently destroy a person; I felt the secret, elusive calculation of these forces in the fact that they were destroying Maltsev, and, say, not me. I understood that in nature there is no such calculation in our human, mathematical sense, but I saw that facts were occurring that proved the existence of circumstances that were hostile and disastrous for human life, and these disastrous forces crushed the chosen, exalted people. I decided not to give up because I felt something in myself that couldn’t be there in the first place. external forces nature and in our destiny, I felt my specialness as a person. And I became embittered and decided to resist, not yet knowing how to do it.

The following summer, I passed the exam to become a driver and began to travel independently on a steam locomotive of the "SU" series, working on local passenger traffic.

And almost always, when I brought the locomotive under the train standing at the station platform, I saw Maltsev sitting on a painted bench. Leaning his hand on a cane placed between his legs, he turned his passionate, sensitive face with empty, blind eyes towards the locomotive, and greedily breathed in the smell of burning and lubricating oil, and listened attentively to the rhythmic work of the steam-air pump. I had nothing to console him with, so I left, but he stayed.

It was summer; I worked on a steam locomotive and often saw Alexander Vasilyevich not only on the station platform, but also met him on the street, when he walked slowly, feeling the way with his cane. He has grown haggard and older lately; He lived in prosperity - he was given a pension, his wife worked, they had no children, but Alexander Vasilyevich was consumed by melancholy and lifeless fate, and his body grew thin from constant grief. I sometimes talked to him, but I saw that he was bored talking about trifles and was content with my kind consolation that a blind person is also a completely full-fledged, full-fledged person.

Away! - he said after listening to my friendly words.

But I, too, was an angry man, and when, according to custom, he one day ordered me to leave, I told him:

Tomorrow at ten thirty I will lead the train. If you sit quietly, I'll take you into the car.

Maltsev agreed:

OK. I will be humble. Give me something in my hands, let me hold the reverse: I won’t turn it.

You won't twist it! - I confirmed. - If you twist it, I’ll give you a piece of coal in your hands, but I won’t take it to the locomotive again.

The blind man remained silent; he wanted to be on the locomotive again so much that he humbled himself in front of me.

The next day I invited him from the painted bench onto the locomotive and went down to meet him to help him climb into the cabin.

When we moved forward, I put Alexander Vasilyevich in my driver’s seat, I put one of his hands on the reverse and the other on the brake machine, and put my hands on top of his hands. I moved my hands as needed, and his hands worked too. Maltsev sat silently and listened to me, enjoying the movement of the car, the wind in his face and the work. He concentrated, forgot his grief as a blind man, and a gentle joy lit up the haggard face of this man, for whom the feeling of the machine was bliss.

We drove the other way in the same way: Maltsev sat in the mechanic’s place, and I stood, bent over, next to him and held my hands on his arms. Maltsev had already become accustomed to working in this way so much that a light pressure on his hand was enough for me - and he sensed my demand with precision. The former, perfect master of the machine sought to overcome his lack of vision and feel the world by other means in order to work and justify his life.

In quiet areas, I completely moved away from Maltsev and looked forward from the side of the assistant.

We were already on the way to Tolubeev; our next flight ended safely, and we were on time. But on the last stretch a yellow traffic light was shining towards us. I did not cut back prematurely and went to the traffic light with open steam. Maltsev sat calmly, holding left hand on the reverse; I looked at my teacher with secret expectation...

Shut down the steam! - Maltsev told me.

I remained silent, worried with all my heart.

Then Maltsev stood up, extended his hand to the regulator and turned off the steam.

“I see a yellow light,” he said and pulled the brake handle towards himself.

Or maybe you are again only imagining that you see the light? - I said to Maltsev.

He turned his face to me and began to cry. I walked up to him and kissed him back.

Drive the car to the end, Alexander Vasilyevich: now you see the whole world!

He drove the car to Tolubeev without my help. After work, I went with Maltsev to his apartment, and we sat together all evening and all night.

I was afraid to leave him alone, like my own son, without protection against the action of the sudden and hostile forces of our beautiful and furious world.

(Machinist Maltsev)


At the Tolubeevsky depot, Alexander Vasilyevich Maltsev was considered the best locomotive driver. He was about thirty years old, but he already had the qualifications of a first-class driver and had been driving fast trains for a long time. When the first powerful passenger locomotive of the IS series arrived at our depot, Maltsev was assigned to work on this machine, which was quite reasonable and correct. An elderly man from the depot mechanics named Fyodor Petrovich Drabanov worked as an assistant for Maltsev, but he soon passed the driver exam and went to work on another machine, and I, instead of Drabanov, was assigned to work as an assistant in Maltsev’s brigade; Before that, I also worked as a mechanic’s assistant, but only on an old, low-power machine. I was pleased with my assignment. The IS machine, the only one on our traction site at that time, made me feel inspired by its very appearance; I could look at her for a long time, and a special, touched joy awakened in me - as beautiful as in childhood when reading Pushkin’s poems for the first time. In addition, I wanted to work in the crew of a first-class mechanic in order to learn from him the art of driving heavy high-speed trains. Alexander Vasilyevich accepted my appointment to his brigade calmly and indifferently; he apparently did not care who his assistants would be. Before the trip, as usual, I checked all the components of the car, tested all its servicing and auxiliary mechanisms and calmed down, considering the car ready for the trip. Alexander Vasilyevich saw my work, he followed it, but after me, he again checked the condition of the car with his own hands, as if he did not trust me. This was repeated later, and I was already accustomed to the fact that Alexander Vasilyevich constantly interfered with my duties, although he was silently upset. But usually, as soon as we were on the move, I forgot about my disappointment. Distracting my attention from the instruments monitoring the condition of the running locomotive, from monitoring the operation of the left car and the path ahead, I glanced at Maltsev. He led the cast with the courageous confidence of a great master, with the concentration of an inspired artist who has absorbed the entire outer world into his inner experience and therefore dominates it. Alexander Vasilyevich’s eyes looked ahead abstractly, as if empty, but I knew that he saw with them the whole road ahead and all of nature rushing towards us - even a sparrow, swept from the ballast slope by the wind of a car piercing into space, even this sparrow attracted Maltsev’s gaze, and he turned his head for a moment after the sparrow: what would become of it after us, where it flew. It was our fault that we were never late; on the contrary, we were often delayed at intermediate stations, which we had to proceed on the move, because we were running with time catching up and, through delays, we were put back on schedule. We usually worked in silence; Only occasionally did Alexander Vasilyevich, without turning in my direction, tap the key on the boiler, wanting me to draw my attention to some disorder in the operating mode of the machine, or preparing me for a sharp change in this mode, so that I would be vigilant. I always understood the silent instructions of my senior comrade and worked with full diligence, but the mechanic still treated me, as well as the lubricator-stoker, aloof and constantly checked the grease nipples in the parking lots, the tightness of the bolts in the drawbar units, tested the axle boxes on the drive axes and so on. If I had just inspected and lubricated any working rubbing part, then Maltsev, after me, inspected and lubricated it again, as if not considering my work valid. “I, Alexander Vasilyevich, have already checked this crosshead,” I told him one day when he began checking this part after me. “But I want it myself,” Maltsev answered smiling, and in his smile there was sadness that struck me. Later I understood the meaning of his sadness and the reason for his constant indifference towards us. He felt superior to us because he understood the car more accurately than we did, and he did not believe that I or anyone else could learn the secret of his talent, the secret of seeing both a passing sparrow and a signal ahead, at the same moment sensing the path, the weight of the composition and the force of the machine. Maltsev understood, of course, that in diligence, in diligence, we could even overcome him, but he could not imagine that we loved the locomotive more than him and drove trains better than him - he thought it was impossible to do better. And that’s why Maltsev was sad with us; he missed his talent as if he were lonely, not knowing how to express it to us so that we would understand. And we, however, could not understand his skills. I once asked to be allowed to conduct the composition myself; Alexander Vasilyevich allowed me to drive about forty kilometers and sat in the assistant’s place. I drove the train, and after twenty kilometers I was already four minutes late, and I covered the exits from long climbs at a speed of no more than thirty kilometers per hour. Maltsev drove the car after me; he took the climbs at a speed of fifty kilometers, and on the curves his car did not throw up like mine, and he soon made up for the time I had lost.

Very briefly An old experienced driver goes blind during a trip due to a lightning strike, his vision is restored, he is tried and sentenced to prison. His assistant invents a test with artificial lightning and saves the old man.

The story is told from the perspective of assistant driver Konstantin.

Alexander Vasilyevich Maltsev is considered the best locomotive driver at the Tolumbeevsky depot. No one knows steam locomotives better than him! It is not surprising that when the first powerful passenger locomotive of the IS series arrives at the depot, Maltsev is assigned to work on this machine. Maltsev’s assistant, an elderly depot mechanic Fyodor Petrovich Drabanov, soon passes the driver’s exam and leaves for another car, and Konstantin is appointed in his place.

Konstantin is pleased with his appointment, but Maltsev doesn’t care who his assistants are. Alexander Vasilyevich watches the work of his assistant, but after that he always personally checks the serviceability of all mechanisms.

Later, Konstantin understood the reason for his constant indifference to his colleagues. Maltsev feels superior to them because he understands the car more accurately than they do. He does not believe that someone else can learn to feel the car, the path and everything around him at the same time.

Konstantin has been working as Maltsev’s assistant for about a year, and then on July 5th the time comes for Maltsev’s last trip. On this flight they take the train four hours late. The dispatcher asks Maltsev to reduce this gap as much as possible. Trying to fulfill this request, Maltsev drives the car forward with all his might. On the way, they are caught by a thundercloud, and Maltsev, blinded by a flash of lightning, loses his sight, but continues to confidently lead the train to its destination. Konstantin notices that he manages the Maltsev squad noticeably worse.

Another train appears on the way of the courier train. Maltsev transfers control into the hands of the narrator, and admits his blindness:

The accident is avoided thanks to Konstantin. Here Maltsev admits that he sees nothing. The next day his vision returned.

Alexander Vasilyevich is put on trial, and an investigation begins. It is almost impossible to prove the innocence of the old driver. Maltsev is sent to prison, but his assistant continues to work.

In winter, in the regional city, Konstantin visits his brother, a student living in a university dormitory. His brother tells him that in the university's physics laboratory there is a Tesla installation for producing artificial lightning. A certain idea comes to Konstantin’s head.

Returning home, he ponders his guess regarding the Tesla installation and writes a letter to the investigator who was at one time in charge of the Maltsev case, asking him to test the prisoner Maltsev by creating artificial lightning. If the susceptibility of Maltsev’s psyche or visual organs to sudden and close electrical discharges is proven, then his case should be reconsidered. Konstantin explains to the investigator where the Tesla installation is located and how to perform the experiment on a person. For a long time there is no answer, but then the investigator reports that the regional prosecutor agreed to conduct the proposed examination at the university physical laboratory.

The experiment is carried out, Maltsev’s innocence is proven, and he himself is released. But as a result of the experience, the old driver loses his sight, and this time it is not restored.

Konstantin tries to encourage the blind old man, but he fails. Then he tells Maltsev that he will take him on the flight.

During this trip, the blind man’s sight returns, and the narrator allows him to independently drive the locomotive to Tolumbeev:

After work, Konstantin, together with the old driver, go to Maltsev’s apartment, where they sit all night.

Konstantin is afraid to leave him alone, like his own son, without protection against the action of the sudden and hostile forces of our beautiful and furious world.

The story is told from the perspective of assistant driver Konstantin.

Alexander Vasilyevich Maltsev is considered the best locomotive driver at the Tolumbeevsky depot. No one knows steam locomotives better than him! It is not surprising that when the first powerful passenger locomotive of the IS series arrives at the depot, Maltsev is assigned to work on this machine. Maltsev’s assistant, an elderly depot mechanic Fyodor Petrovich Drabanov, soon passes the driver’s exam and leaves for another car, and Konstantin is appointed in his place.

Konstantin is pleased with his appointment, but Maltsev doesn’t care who his assistants are. Alexander Vasilyevich watches the work of his assistant, but after that he always personally checks the serviceability of all mechanisms.

Later, Konstantin understood the reason for his constant indifference to his colleagues. Maltsev feels superior to them because he understands the car more accurately than they do. He does not believe that someone else can learn to feel the car, the path and everything around him at the same time.

Konstantin has been working as Maltsev’s assistant for about a year, and then on July 5th the time comes for Maltsev’s last trip. On this flight they take the train four hours late. The dispatcher asks Maltsev to reduce this gap as much as possible. Trying to fulfill this request, Maltsev drives the car forward with all his might. On the way, they are caught by a thundercloud, and Maltsev, blinded by a flash of lightning, loses his sight, but continues to confidently lead the train to its destination. Konstantin notices that he manages the Maltsev squad noticeably worse.

Another train appears on the way of the courier train. Maltsev transfers control into the hands of the narrator, and admits his blindness:

The accident is avoided thanks to Konstantin. Here Maltsev admits that he sees nothing. The next day his vision returned.

Alexander Vasilyevich is put on trial, and an investigation begins. It is almost impossible to prove the innocence of the old driver. Maltsev is sent to prison, but his assistant continues to work.

In winter, in the regional city, Konstantin visits his brother, a student living in a university dormitory. His brother tells him that in the university's physics laboratory there is a Tesla installation for producing artificial lightning. A certain idea comes to Konstantin’s head.

Returning home, he ponders his guess regarding the Tesla installation and writes a letter to the investigator who was at one time in charge of the Maltsev case, asking him to test the prisoner Maltsev by creating artificial lightning. If the susceptibility of Maltsev’s psyche or visual organs to sudden and close electrical discharges is proven, then his case should be reconsidered. Konstantin explains to the investigator where the Tesla installation is located and how to perform the experiment on a person. For a long time there was no answer, but then the investigator reported that the regional prosecutor agreed to conduct the proposed examination in the university physics laboratory.

The experiment is carried out, Maltsev’s innocence is proven, and he himself is released. But as a result of the experience, the old driver loses his sight, and this time it is not restored.

Konstantin tries to encourage the blind old man, but he fails. Then he tells Maltsev that he will take him on the flight.

During this trip, the blind man’s sight returns, and the narrator allows him to independently drive the locomotive to Tolumbeev:

- Drive the car to the end, Alexander Vasilyevich: now you see the whole world!

After work, Konstantin, together with the old driver, go to Maltsev’s apartment, where they sit all night.

Konstantin is afraid to leave him alone, like his own son, without protection against the action of the sudden and hostile forces of our beautiful and furious world.

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Summary“In beauty and furious world

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A.P. Platonov (1899-1951) - famous Soviet writer, participant Civil War and the Great Patriotic War. He began writing early; many of his works were autobiographical in nature. All his works are the writer’s attempt to understand man, to help him find himself in this “beautiful and furious world,” in which there are so many difficulties and unforeseen twists of fate.

The story "In a Beautiful and Furious World" was written in 1937. The story contains a lot from the biography of the writer himself: he worked in railway workshops and on a steam locomotive as an assistant driver.


  • The main character is Alexander Vasilievich Maltsev. He was considered the best driver of the Tolubevo depot. Already at the age of 30 he had his first qualification and drove fast trains.
  • It was Maltsev who was cooked new car- steam locomotive of the IS series. A rather young boy, Kostya, was appointed as his driver. Maltsev accepted this appointment indifferently - he did not care who would work as his assistant.
  • Maltsev double-checked all the work on preparing the locomotive, carried out by the assistant, as if he did not trust anyone.
  • Maltsev aroused admiration for the way he worked, how well he knew his business, how he drove the car with the confidence of a master.
  • They usually worked in silence. Only occasionally did Maltsev knock on the boiler, which meant some kind of problem, and the assistant quickly fixed it.
  • Maltsev felt his superiority and believed that no one but him could understand the locomotive so well, that even with hard work it was impossible to achieve what he himself had achieved, that only he could love the machine so much. That's why he was bored with everyone. He was always alone and lonely.
  • But one day something unexpected happened along the way. A whirlwind began, a thundercloud was carried straight into the locomotive's forehead, and then lightning flashed, illuminating everything around. It started to rain. Maltsev somehow changed his face, slowed down and seemed to be driving the car less confidently. Then he drove by without noticing the warning yellow and red traffic lights. And only then did he tell Kostya that he had gone blind. How could he drive the locomotive without seeing anything! How well do you need to know the route and the car itself in order to avoid an accident?
  • Maltsev was put on trial for this incident. His vision returned, and no one believed that he was blind when his courier train was following a freight train and almost collided with it, as if he had accidentally avoided a disaster. He was sent to prison.
  • Kostya accidentally learned from a student friend that there is a physical installation that can cause artificial lightning. Then he decided to carry out an experiment to check whether Maltsev’s visual organs were susceptible to electromagnetic discharges. Then it will be proven that he really went blind during the tragedy.
  • The experiment was carried out, Maltsev was released. But during the experiment he became blind again, and not just for a few minutes. Too high a price was paid for Maltsev to be acquitted. But the investigator noted that it is not known what is better: blindness or the conviction of an innocent person.
  • A year later, Kostya passed his exams to become a driver and began driving a locomotive himself. He often saw Maltsev sitting on a bench and listening to how the locomotive was being taken out and prepared for departure.
  • And one day Kostya invited Maltsev on a flight. He even promised that he would sit in the driver’s seat and the two of them would drive the locomotive. And so it happened. At the end of the journey, Maltsev began to see again.
  • Kostya walked him home, “ afraid to leave him alone, like his own son, without protection against the action of the sudden and hostile forces of our beautiful and furious world.”

Reflections on some of the themes and problems of the work

Topic: "Labor"


  • The role of work, favorite activity in a person’s life
  • The transformative power of work
  • The place of work in a person’s life
  • The beauty of a working man

The hero of the story, Maltsev, was a truly talented man, a master of his craft; no one knew steam locomotives better than him. It is no coincidence that he was entrusted with the most powerful new type steam locomotive - “IS”. It seemed to merge with the machine, felt the beating of the “steam heart”. “...the driver’s professional vision is comprehensive: it is directed both inside the locomotive mechanism, and at the same time absorbs the surrounding space, as if trying to extend its influence as a master-master to it as well.”" He devoted himself entirely to work. He lived by her, she was the meaning of his life.

Readers admire Maltsev and his dedication to his work. He is truly beautiful when he is completely immersed in his work.

However, we must not forget that work is only part of our life. You need to be able to see its meaning in another way: in communication with loved ones, acquaintances, to be able to see all the beauty and fullness of life, so that tragedy does not happen if suddenly for some reason a person is unable to do his favorite job.

So Maltsev, having lost his job, fell into disrepair, grew old, and life became meaningless for him.

Assistant driver Kostya also loves work. Maybe he is not so talented, but he is diligent and hardworking. He will also become a driver.

But Kostya is more attentive to people and responsive. It is he who will help restore justice and achieve Maltsev’s release. And then he will literally bring him back to life, allowing him to go with him on the flight. And even after Maltsev’s epiphany, Kostya does not leave him, brings him home, takes care of him.

Yes, work occupies an important place in a person’s life. It is in work that you can express yourself and realize yourself. Doing what you love transforms people and fills life with meaning.

However, we must not forget that people live around us with their problems and joys. They sometimes need our help and mutual support. This is tedious to remember, even when completely immersed in your favorite work.

Subject: "Meaning of Life"


  • What is the meaning of human life, his purpose on earth?
  • Is it possible to narrow the idea of ​​the meaning of life to one thing, for example, work activity?
  • What place does work play in a person’s life?
  • Is it possible to be happy by cutting yourself off from people?

Every person has thought more than once about what the meaning of his life is. For some - in love, in caring for loved ones, family, for others in serving the Motherland and people. For others - in their favorite job. But we shouldn’t limit our existence on earth to just one thing; we need to enjoy the fullness of life. The world is beautiful both by nature and by the people who live next to us. This is exactly what it's about "beautiful" world and Platonov writes, a world in which friendship and mutual support are so valued, although not everyone realizes this right away, like the hero of Maltsev’s story. Fenced away from people, living only in the world of his locomotives, he did not see people, he lived, in essence, alone, although he had a wife, he was surrounded by people. And only after experiencing the tragedy, he understood the beauty of human relationships.

However, the world at the same time "furious", bringing troubles, problems. This and natural phenomena, with which a person is unable to fight (it is during a thunderstorm that Maltsev loses his sight), this is misunderstanding, injustice of others (they did not believe in court that Maltsev was really blinded and therefore almost led to an accident with his actions, the laws of people turned out to be more cruel than the laws of nature).

Life passes in eternal struggle. And this struggle tempers a person, makes him stronger. It is in it that the essence of a person is revealed (how decent Kostya is. After all, it was he who managed to restore justice by proving Maltsev’s innocence)

In the fight against difficulties, the person himself changes. Maltsev “saw the light” spiritually when he realized how kindly Kostya treated him. How he helped him out of trouble, and the hero’s vision returned precisely after Kosya took Maltsev with him on his next flight. Thanks to Kostya Maltsev became "see the whole world" He realized that the beauty in the world is not only his profession, but also the people around him.

Thus, the meaning of life is in life itself, in daily activities, in communication, in the ability to see how beautiful it is, this life, even though it is furious.

Subject: "Path"

  • What path to choose in life to be a truly happy person.
  • Can the path of loneliness, independent of others, lead to satisfaction and happiness?
  • The importance of choosing the right path
  • Moral Foundations life position Human

Choosing a path is a difficult, sometimes painful process. How to live, which road to take, what to make your moral guidelines?

Maltsev chose his own path. It consisted of selfless devotion to the cause, even love for it. He was completely immersed in his work. Yes, we admire his professionalism, the way he masterfully controls the locomotive. However, the hero did not understand that the locomotive is just a machine. There are people around who need attention: a wife who lives, in general, alone, an assistant Kostya, who needs help mastering the profession of a driver. And just life around in all its charm. And only after the accident did true spiritual insight come to the hero.

How wonderful is another hero - Kostya. He is passionate about learning a new profession and loves it too. However, at the same time he is attentive to people. His kindness helped Maltsev. There are no hard feelings in Kostya’s soul, but only a desire to help, sincerely, as a human being. In his own words, he “was not Maltsev’s friend,” and the latter treated the boy “without attention or care.” Nevertheless, Kostya did not leave his comrade in trouble, but helped in difficult times. “But I wanted to protect him from the grief of fate, I was fierce against the fatal forces that accidentally and indifferently destroy a person... I decided not to give up, because I felt something in myself that could not be in the external forces of nature and in our fate,” I felt that I was special as a person. And I became embittered and decided to resist, not yet knowing how to do it.”

Even when Maltsev’s sight returned, Kostya did not leave him alone, he was nearby, understanding how much he needed his support.

Everyone chooses their own path. But you still need to remember that only the path of goodness, justice, humanity, decency will make a person truly happy.

Material prepared by: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna

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