Dream interpretation of former work and employees. English dream book Why do you dream about Colleagues in a dream? Nostalgia and nervous tension

There is an opinion that the previous work seen in a dream means the general mood of fate to correct previous mistakes. Overall very good sleep. Even if there is no actual return or change, the most important thing is realized: it becomes clear what needs to be changed or corrected

What if you dream about your old job?

If you dreamed about this, it does not mean that you will immediately return to your previous team. The dream is more of a philosophical, subconscious comparison of current working conditions and those that existed before. Why do you dream about your previous job? Possibly in real life a person is sad to realize the actual separation from the established rhythm of the passage of time or it is difficult to get used to new colleagues and changed working conditions. These sensations come to everyone who experiences dramatic changes in their usual life.

Dreaming about your previous job is a good sign. Such a dream means that doubt has arisen about the need to change working conditions and, as a result, change the rhythm of life. But there is no need to be upset. Doubts about the correctness of the choice are always present with any changes in life circumstances.

To everyone to a real person the feeling of stability is always closer; he does not want to change and accept a more difficult reality. Maybe past work wasn't very good, but it was familiar and not dangerous. The change has already happened and it’s time to change yourself. You should close the pages of the past for yourself and there is no need to be afraid of it. Such a dream may simply reflect a desire to see your former colleagues. Such dreams come to people who have realized the need to look back at the past in order to change circumstances in better side.

What does it portend?

Past work is also often dreamed of by people who are very responsible for their obligations. Dreams show that work is just a part of conscious life and a way to earn enough money to lead the kind of life that is desired. The dream advises you to pay more attention to your friends and loved ones and reminds your brain that you need to rest more often. Dreamed about co-workers from your previous job warn about the danger of losing money in risky activities and transactions. The desire to return to your previous job in a dream means that in reality life and work in the new workplace are bad.

I dreamed about my past job, which means there is regret about it in the subconscious. New workplace did not bring satisfaction and a meeting with friends and acquaintances from the previous team should be organized. There is a need for more attention to loved ones and friends.

A person may dream of a previous job as a warning that he is negligent in his duties and this may result in a reprimand from management. The subconscious tries to solve existing complex tasks, unravel the knots of relationships: gives a warning to avoid repeating mistakes in the future.

Why do you dream former job? Most dream books agree that this organization symbolizes your nostalgia for the past. Soon something new will appear in the dreamer’s life, but at the same time they may try to fool him. What should you expect if your former job appeared in your dream? Whether you will be able to engage in self-development, achieve a salary increase or the respect of colleagues depends on the details of the dream.

Nostalgia and nervous tension

Why do you dream about your former boss? Probably, in the situation you are in now, you could use his recommendation or support. You were “on the same wavelength” with your former boss and now you really miss those times.

If in a dream at your former job you were sorting out a current project with your manager, then dream books believe that in real life the sleeping person will have a very nervous period due to the emergence of big problems.

What exactly happened in a dream?

In order to correctly determine what the organization where you previously worked in your dream means, the dream book recommends remembering what kind of people you dreamed about:

  • colleagues - if you sign contracts without looking, you will suffer financially;
  • immediate supervisor - you are needlessly nervous about the changes that have occurred in your personal and business life;
  • the head of the enterprise - self-development, excess vitality, but do not let pride lead you;
  • a man - a woman will seduce a colleague, and the man will get into trouble;
  • woman - man will fall in love, and the ladies will have problems;

If you dreamed about colleagues, then know that in your new job you will be helped to advance up the career ladder by the skills you acquired at your former job. So don't miss your chance.

Did you see a woman? The dreamer needs to prepare for difficulties when communicating with new employees and management.

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream the director from your former job scolded you, or you argued with him about work issues, then in reality you will discover something new, reach mutual understanding and be happy.

Longing for my old place of work

Did the dreamer dream that he was back in his old place? Dream Interpretations claim that this is how his dissatisfaction with the new place is reflected in the subconscious. It is quite possible that his former job attracted him more. Among other things, the dream hints to a person that there is no need to try to achieve the impossible, because it will no longer be possible to repeat the old sensations.

Why do you dream about the building in which you previously worked? Your life will change. If only ruins remain from the building, then difficulties will begin in business life.

Did a person see former employees in a dream? These were close people he misses. And the sleeping person may lose property or an honest name.

Don't be callous!

In addition to all of the above, dreams of co-workers from your former job promise a meeting with an old acquaintance. Or the dreamer needs the advice of an old friend.

In a dream, the boss at your former job was a person you have known for a long time? It is difficult for you to find a common language with him.

What if, on the contrary, the old boss turned out to be a close person? The dream book is sure that the sleeper is a complete careerist.

Will there be anything good?

Why do you dream that the dreamer is being called to return to your previous organization? Well, in reality they really miss you there. But this is not certain.

In the case when in a dream a person returns there and again takes up his usual business, then in real life his salary will be increased, and his colleagues will respect him.

Has your former job become a reputable organization? You can make your dream come true.

The dream book states that a corporate event is dreamed of before the dreamer begins to earn more. And if the banquet took place in a restaurant, then new project It will be difficult but exciting.

Hello. I would really like to know the real meaning of my recurring dreams. To be honest, I’m “a little” confused...

5 months ago, for certain reasons, I quit my job, which I liked in many ways (not everything, of course, is ideal, but of all my jobs, this is the best). The position was managerial, the salary was more than satisfactory. However, the decision was made to look for myself further in life, and I left.

Separately about my immediate superior. At that time I liked him as a man, but we did not have any relationship with him (however, there were glances, hints, misunderstandings). I understood that we couldn’t be together, we were too different people. I have long had a permanent relationship with a person dear to me, which I am more than satisfied with. In short, there was a stupid, unnecessary attraction to a representative of the opposite sex, who turned out to be my boss.

I had close, friendly relations with him. Up to joint family gatherings at home, in a cafe. As an employee, he was very pleased with me. When I quit, he was upset, offended, and said that I would come back anyway... well, in general, if I needed a job, he would definitely take me back. But I’m not going back, although I always remember this place of work and the boss himself with warmth. Now I feel very sorry for him, he is going through a difficult period of work (there are sources of this information).

A couple of months after my dismissal, he began to come to me in my dreams almost every night. Sometimes I don’t even see him, but only hear him, as if on the phone. He calls me back to work, talks about how bad he feels, how sorry he is. In one dream, he cried bitterly and called. In general, constant persuasion and insistence. And my heart is breaking, I’m very sorry for him and I want to help, but I won’t be able to return to him. This is simply unrealistic to imagine for many reasons. As they say, when you leave, go away. In my dream, I also tell him that I won’t return...

Today I had another dream. Strange. Now some people who looked like magicians and sorcerers (unknown to me, but as if they were his acquaintances) were talking in a confidential conversation about how bad he felt. It’s as if on the outside he continues to live as usual, but on the inside there is continuous pain, bitterness and worry. And what is in my power to help him.

In my life I know how to “see and feel” people quite well. And when I collaborated with him, I could determine what was happening to him. He is an unusual person, deep and very private. An outsider will not immediately say what is in his soul.

Essentially, I am tormented by just one question: are all these dreams an “effect” from the work of my subconscious? Is it me who misses him so much and regrets my previous place of work, or is it really so bad for him at work without an employee like me and he really “calls” me back with all his might? It’s just that sometimes these dreams are so emotional, vivid and vivid that it confuses me.

I apologize for so many letters :) I really hope for your help.

A person spends half of his life at work. This is not strange, because this is how we get material resources for life. Sometimes the workplace does not leave us even in our dreams. However, why do you dream of looking for a job, being late for work, moving up the career ladder, and how to interpret this dream? Let's try to figure it out together.

Former or new, your own or someone else’s place of work

If in a dream you happened to see a past or old place of employment with former colleagues, then in reality the dreamer subconsciously regrets leaving.

Business success follows you. This is indicated by a dream in which the sleeper found himself at his previous place of employment, where he works to this day.

Changes are coming, which are characterized favorably. This is how dream books interpret dreams in which you find yourself in a new place of work. For women, the changes will affect their personal lives, for men - their careers.

If in your dreams you came across someone else’s work field, then you shouldn’t worry about guessing. This vision does not promise anything.

Test, coursework, diploma

Seeing in a dream research work– a call to take care of well-being and moral health.

Trouble awaits someone who encounters a graduation project in a dream. Career and family are at risk. And if you dreamed about a scientific supervisor diploma work, expect problems in the service.

In the night vision we saw course work? In reality you will receive an offer for a new position.

A dreamed test personifies the fear that a dormant person experiences when looking “in the face” of difficulties.

What actions did you dream about?


If in dreams the sleeper worked himself, then in reality his hard work is not in vain. Encouragement will not take long to arrive. Soon you will receive a long-awaited reward in the form of a vacation or bonus.

If you find yourself in a drowsiness at your current place of duty, then well-being strives to burst into your life. Be calm, there is nothing to worry about.


Did you dream about being fired from your job by your boss? New opportunities open up before you. Now it’s worth looking for a new position, which is much more promising and with a higher salary.

And if you had to quit your job due to at will, That in reality it is important to think about changing positions. You have the power to achieve more.

See the bosses

Don’t worry, because your work will be adequately appreciated. This is evidenced by dreams in which you encountered a male boss.

Did you meet a former director from your old job in a dream? Anxiety eats you up from the inside. It is important to put things aside and relax.

The plan will soon come true. This decoding is indicated in the dream books of dreams in which you met your current boss.

Meet with colleagues

A new romance is guaranteed for you. Take a close look at your surroundings. Undoubtedly, someone is helping you ambiguous signs attention. This is how dream books interpret dreams in which you dreamed about a work colleague.

Did the dreamed employee turn out to be a woman? Vigilance is your faithful “comrade” who will help you avoid humiliation.

The former colleague who appeared in the dream and the previous or other job symbolize the lack of attention that you pay to your family. It is important to put the work process into the background and devote yourself to dear people.

Seeing real work colleagues in a dream is a sign of the support and help that the sleeper receives at the place of duty.

Search, arrange, change

If, at the whim of Morpheus, the dreamer got a job new job in a dream, then in reality he is not satisfied with his financial situation.

Decided to change jobs in your sleep? Changes are inevitable in reality. They can concern both personal and financial issues.

The possibility of additional income represents a dream in which you happened to look for a job.

To be late, to be reprimanded, to play truant

Coming important event, what are you worried about if you were unlucky enough to be late for work in a dream.

Tendencies towards masochism are indicated by dreams in which the dreamer was reprimanded from work by his superiors.

Answering the question of why you dream about absenteeism, dream books claim that this is a harbinger of an incorrect assessment of your efforts.

Wash floors

You are an irreplaceable and valuable personnel. Management values ​​you and intends to improve. This is how the night vision you experienced at work is interpreted.

Get an offer, promotion, salary

Did you receive a lucrative job offer in a dream? In reality yours family life characterized by happiness, harmony and well-being.

Did you dream that you got a promotion? Soon the feeling self-esteem will receive a blow from an unexpected event.

If you happen to receive a salary, then luck accompanies you professional activity . Read more about dreams here.

Be an observer of a fire or repair

At work, a dream promises changes that await you in your career.

When answering the question of what you dream about at work, dream books predict changes in your career.

Men's and women's dreams

For lonely people, this vision prophesies a meeting with their soulmate. Soon a romance will begin that will develop into a strong and happy marriage.

If the dreamer is in a relationship, then after what he saw, you should think about changing your profession. The new position will bring profit.

For family people, such dreams confirm their stable financial condition.

Dream book opinions


  • Working in a dream is a symbol of success that the sleeper will achieve.
  • The work of colleagues represents hope that is reborn due to circumstances.
  • Finding a position is seen as a windfall.
  • If in a dream you dream that the sleeping person was fired from work, this is a harbinger of troubles that have accumulated along the way..


The clairvoyant prophesied the loss of material resources to those who were fired in their dreams, but he was not at all upset by what happened. Did unemployed people appear in the dream? Changes are coming in the business sphere.


A dream about work is a sign of care. If you worked a lot in your dreams, then success strives to invade your life. Wealth predicts a dream in which others worked.


Changes for the better are personified by a vision in which the sleeper “plowed” hard. Looking for a job - unexpected profit.


Have you seen a workplace? Get ready for a reprimand from your manager. If the dreamer was looking for a new job, then a promotion cannot be avoided.


Pleasure from the work process symbolizes success and inspiration. Did you have to work hard? Despair is coming and will bring with it a feeling of futility of efforts.


Bankruptcy awaits those who, in their drowsiness, see others working. Respect promises the vision in which the sleeper himself worked.


If in your dreams you find yourself unemployed, then you cannot avoid insults. Getting fired from your job represents a dream where you held a high position.


It is important to correct the mistakes made after a dream in which you lost your job. A work dispute is a sign of troubles awaiting you in your career.

Do not forget that a dream is a picture presented by your subconscious. You should not interpret every event you see and worry about an unfavorable omen.

Paradoxical as it may seem, both the former job and the very fact of losing a job, dismissal, in accordance with most interpretations in dream books, foreshadow success, good luck, new prospects and career growth. Are you interested in more detail about the question of why you dream about your former job? In this section below you will find descriptions of Miller, Vanga, Tsvetkov and Juno. Learn to interpret your dreams - and you will have all the necessary information.

According to Miller

A former job is a sign of what has been lived and achieved. Are you used to quality work? This dream portends success, both in the new place and in the old one, if you are called back. Seeing former employees at work - good sign, which indicates circumstances that will give you hope and every chance of success. If you dreamed of your former job, and at the same time you are looking for a new one, do not worry about anything - benefits await you ahead, and luck is on your side. When you lost your job in a dream, there is no need to worry in real life - optimism will help you move mountains, and faith in your own strength will win over your future employer.

According to Vanga

If you dreamed of a former job from which you were also fired, have no doubt that success in business is just around the corner. In the case when you quit on your own, the dream is positive and indicates a strengthening of your position in your current workplace. Have you attended a meeting at the previous company where you worked? Trouble awaits you ahead, you will need to work a lot, but success will be relative or simply difficult, you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve it.

According to Juno

A dream where your former job appears in all its glory suggests that you are happy with everything in life today, you don’t want changes, and if they happen, they are not of your own free will. If you are not happy to see yourself in your old place in a dream, something is probably oppressing you in the present, but there is every chance of changing your attitude towards the situation.

According to Tsvetkov

Tsvetkov’s dream book says that a former job in a dream indicates troubles and constant thoughts related to money. You're probably not happy with your current financial or career prospects, so you're constantly thinking about how you can change things. Just let her go - it will help.

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save so as not to lose

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