Why are there pimples on cucumbers? The best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning Early varieties and hybrids

If you carefully examine a cucumber grown in a garden bed, you will notice many pimples on the peel of the vegetable. Some varieties turn out to be completely covered with tubercles - you don’t even have to look closely to notice the irregularities on the skin. But why are cucumber fruits structured this way, why do they need pimples? Have they always been what cucumbers looked like in the past? How did you manage to get smooth varieties?

It is not difficult to answer the above questions. Humanity produces cultural, edible plants millennia, the cucumber has also passed long haul cultivation, during which it underwent certain changes.

What does a wild cucumber look like?

However, the pimples did not appear on green vegetables as a result of the selection process. They have a much earlier origin, when the ancestors of the juicy delicacy had to seriously defend themselves from wild animals and herbivores. It was necessary to discourage the appetite of the numerous people who wanted to eat the delicious fruits.

Interesting fact: The cucumber is eaten by people unripe - still “green”. Ripening, the fruit acquires yellow, loses juiciness and taste. But its seeds ripen completely and gain the ability to give life to new plants - it is useless to plant them from a green vegetable.

For the purpose of self-defense, the fruits grew serious thorns, which were based exactly on the site of the pimples. The spines protected the fruit until the seeds ripened completely, after which they fell off. Many modern varieties of cucumbers also have small thorns, which are especially noticeable when harvesting a summer harvest with your own hands.

Why do subtropical cucumbers need pimples?

Pimpled cucumbers are subtropical plants, their ancestors live in southeast India. When faced with excess moisture, the vegetable had to work out a mechanism for its release, otherwise it would risk rotting on the vine. Plants learned to get rid of moisture through pimples, which removed water and dropped it in drops. In addition, breathing is always important for the plant; the tubules in the pimples began to play this role, providing ventilation.

Interesting fact: housewives choose pimply cucumbers for pickling. This is important, because through the tubules in these organs, the brine penetrates into the fetus, while smooth species are simply enveloped in it from the outside.

Where did smooth cucumbers come from?

Looking at the pimples, realizing how important such organs are for the green fruit, it becomes difficult to understand how the smooth forms of the same plant appeared. It turns out that they were not obtained through selection - smooth cucumbers were in nature right away.

If short-fruited, pimply varieties appeared from India, then smooth ones came from China and Japan. The cucumber has two homelands, each of which brought its own forms of the plant.. In another climate, the plant did not need tubercles, they were gone, or they weren’t there to begin with. Today, both forms of the plant are cultivated; the pimply ones are recommended for pickling and canning, while the smooth ones are considered salad varieties.

In Russia, buyers traditionally prefer cucumbers with tubercles, considering them more tasty and healthy - they are actively purchased even for salads. There is a gradation according to which black-thorn cucumbers are good for pickling, and white-thorn cucumbers are good for salads; both options have pimples. However, modern selection has made it possible to obtain a much greater variety of solutions; the old truth about the color of thorns does not work unambiguously.

As a rule, in Russia they buy short-fruited green or dark green varieties for salads, while China and Japan just as confidently choose long fruits without tubercles, considering them the best. It is impossible to give a scientific answer to the question of choosing fruits in this case; practice shows that the question lies in traditions and people’s taste. After all, almost the entire Middle East generally considers cucumber a dessert!

Thus, the tubercles on the cucumber are separate organs that ensure the removal of excess moisture and air exchange of the greens. Initially, thorns grew on them, they played primarily a protective function - thorns are observed on many varieties of vegetables to this day, they also grow on pimples. Therefore, we can confidently say that the tubercles protect the fruit, and they also make it suitable for pickling, allowing liquids to penetrate evenly, to the full depth.

The best varieties cucumbers for pickling and canning

Among the existing varieties of cucumbers, it is difficult to choose ones suitable for pickling. Even experienced gardeners this may not be possible. It is necessary to be able to correctly select seeds for sowing and suitable soil, as well as externally distinguish the fruits that are best suited for canning.

How to choose the right varieties of cucumbers for pickling

Before choosing varieties of cucumbers for pickling and preparing for the winter, you should carefully analyze many factors, ranging from the quality of planting material to suitable climatic conditions.

The assortment is very large, and it is quite difficult to sort through it. New varieties appear very quickly thanks to breeders and it is almost impossible to guarantee their characteristics. That is why most housewives recommend not experimenting, but using only experienced varieties for canning.

External differences between varieties

It doesn’t matter whether you are going to grow greens yourself or buy ready-made products, you need to be able to externally determine the quality and characteristics of the fruit.

The following groups of cucumbers are divided:

  • For salads - they have large, long fruits and a beautiful presentation, their surface is smooth and light, and their shelf life is quite short; during canning, such cucumbers lose their taste and color, and the jars most often explode due to air gaps in the pulp;
  • For pickling - medium-sized fruits or small gherkins. More often they give preference to those that have thin skin and dense flesh; The color of cucumbers is dark, and the surface is lumpy, often with spines;
  • Universal - combines the qualities of the two previous groups; The fruits are medium in size and suitable for both raw consumption and pickling. They are distinguished by white spines and an unusual shape.

When choosing cucumbers at the market or store counter, it is necessary to externally assess their belonging to one group or another.

Greens suitable for preservation must comply the following parameters:

  • the size of the fruit does not exceed 12-15 cm in length;
  • the peel of the cucumbers is not damaged, dark green in color;
  • the surface is pimply with spikes;
  • smooth cylindrical shape, slight bending possible;
  • the fruits are firm and elastic to the touch;
  • when cutting a vegetable, there are no internal voids;
  • the number of seeds is small, and the flesh is dense and crispy;
  • The taste of cucumber is sweet without bitterness.

How to choose seeds

When choosing seeds for planting cucumbers, the necessary parameters should be indicated on the package. On its front side there must be a photo of ripe fruits.

If this is what you need, check the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date. The envelope with seeds may be damp, in which case it is not recommended to purchase it. Best buy planting material in specialized stores.

The best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning

To determine which variety of cucumbers is best for pickling, there are basic characteristics common to all:

  • resistance to bad weather conditions;
  • absence of bitter taste of the peel and pulp due to lack of moisture;
  • relatively rapid growth, both bushes and fruits;
  • massive yield (almost all cucumbers ripen at the same time).

The varieties of cucumbers that are most suitable for canning were selected by leading Russian experts and tested by many preparations, including production batches.

Hybrid Zozulya

Early fruiting variety. The period from sprouting to the first harvest is no more than 50 days. Does not require pollination and has high productivity. The fruits are slightly elongated and are perfect for canning, have a pleasant taste, and have an excellent crunch. The average weight of a cucumber is 170-250 g.


It belongs to the mid-late variety, the fruiting period begins on the 50-55th day. Cucumbers are small, weighing no more than 100 g, and have excellent taste.


This early subspecies is intended only for open areas, as it is unable to self-pollinate. The fruiting period is 45-50 days, high yield. Cucumbers are dark and lumpy, up to 10 cm long, average weight is 100-130 g. Retains quality when preserved and can be stored for a long time.

Mid-season (ripening period from the appearance of the first ovaries - 55 days), grown in open ground on the beds. Cucumbers are small, up to 15 cm in length, perfect for pickling.


Parthenocarpic variety (does not require pollination), grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. The fruits reach 13 cm, very lumpy. Gardeners often use it for winter preparations.

There are many other varieties suitable for pickling. Among them: Buran, Legend F1, Opal F1, Dachny F1, Tournament F1. It is impossible to list them all, but you need to choose those that are most suitable for planting in your area.

Universal varieties of cucumbers

There are also many universal varieties of cucumbers that are suitable for both canning and eating raw. They are intended for cultivation in open ground, as well as in greenhouses.

Zakuson F1

Early ripening, does not require pollination. It ripens already on the 40th day after germination, and the fruits are small, up to 7-8 cm. The surface is almost flat with a slight bumpiness. Cucumbers do not outgrow, and they can be used even at the gherkin stage. They have excellent taste, as in fresh, and canned.

Ira F1

Early ripening, with a fruiting period of 45 days from the appearance of the first ovaries. Cucumbers are medium-sized up to 15 cm, weighing 60-80 g, dark in color with a slight white coating. This variety is resistant to many diseases and is valued by gardeners for its abundant yield.

It is preferable to grow in open ground. Ultra-early variety (40-43 days after the end of the growing season), the fruits reach 10 cm in length. The pulp is dense without bitterness. Picked cucumbers retain their commercial qualities for quite a long time.

Each region may have different popular varieties for pickling and canning, suitable specifically for this area and climatic conditions. The experience of experienced gardeners is the best hint when choosing seeds for planting.

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