Main state registration number. How to get a URN - what documents are needed and where to submit them

The main state registration number (OGRN) is assigned to all organizations and individual entrepreneurs operating on the territory of the Russian Federation. This is one of the main numeric identifiers, which contains encrypted information about the enterprise (place and time of its creation, type of organization and link to tax office).

This code performs several functions:

  1. It can serve to confirm the fact that the organization actually exists.
  2. OGRN allows you to find out whether an organization is included in the “black lists” of the tax service.
  3. This code also allows you to find out the address of the company and identify its leader.

Such an identifier is unique for each institution or enterprise and is mainly used by the companies themselves as one of their details when making payments through banks, since the banking organization from the OGRN receives all necessary information about the payer.

Decoding of OGRN

The OGRN code for enterprises consists of thirteen digits, the combination of which is divided into several groups. Each of them contains certain information, in particular, the value of the first indicates the type of organization:

  • 1 – the number is a sign of the state registration number;
  • 3 – number assigned to an individual entrepreneur;
  • 2 – the enterprise or organization is a government agency.

The next two digits are the year of registration (for example, “10” means 2010). The fourth and fifth indicate the region in which the OGRN holder is registered, and the subsequent ones (sixth and seventh) are the identifier of the specific tax office that carried out the registration. Numbers eight through twelve are the number of the decision according to which the enterprise was organized and registered. The thirteenth digit is a control digit and serves to verify the authenticity of the OGRN.

Often, instead of the abbreviation OGRN, the abbreviation OGRNIP may be found, which is the identifier of an individual entrepreneur, as indicated by the corresponding OGRNIP decoding. These codes themselves differ in the number of digits: in OGRNIP there are 15 of them.

How to find out OGRN

You can find out this organization code in several ways:

  1. If you yourself are the head of an organization or an individual entrepreneur, your OGRN can be found in the certificate that is issued upon registration with the tax office.
  2. If the INN of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur you are interested in is known, you can find out the URN by INN using a special service.
  3. Sometimes it is more expedient to contact the tax office with a request to make an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities). This is not secret information that is shown to any legal entity or individual when applying and providing identification. The only drawback of this method is that it can take up to seven days to review the request and provide an extract. This is usually done in cases where it is impossible to find out the OGRN from the TIN.

And lastly: in a number of situations it may be necessary to verify the authenticity of the OGRN. For example, if you plan to conclude a deal or cooperate with an organization whose “cleanliness” is in doubt or there is a possibility that this identifier (like all other data) is fake.

The same thirteenth digit of the OGRN, the decoding of which is described above, is intended for this. You just need to discard this number from the general series and divide the remaining number by 11. You will definitely get a fractional number, from which you need to discard the remainder after the decimal point. Let's take this value as X.

We multiply the resulting value by 11 - this is the number Y. If, when subtracting the value Y from X, you get a value equal to the very thirteenth discarded digit - therefore, the OGRN is valid. Checking the OGRN for individual entrepreneurs (OGRNIP) is carried out according to the same scheme. Only 14, not 11, is used as a divisor and multiplier.

OGRN is the main state registration number of the record of the creation of a legal entity. persons or records of the first presentation in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On state registration legal entities" data on legal entities. a person who was registered before the entry into force of this Law.

Is there a OGRN of an individual entrepreneur (IP) or is it assigned only legal entities?

Yes, there is, and it’s called OGRNIP (main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur).

OGRNIP is assigned by the tax office when an individual undergoes the procedure of state registration as an individual entrepreneur or an entry about an individual entrepreneur is made in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP).

OGRNIP is assigned only once!

There are also GRNs - these are state registration numbers. These numbers are issued when any changes are made to the register of individual entrepreneurs. This happens when, for example, a new passport has been received. Each state registration number also has its own date, and they indicate precisely the specific date of making changes to the data in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The date of issue of the OGRNIP is considered to be the date of the first entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, that is, the date of issue of the first OGRNIP upon registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Certificate OGRNIP

After assigning a main state number to an individual entrepreneur, he receives a certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur or, in other words, a certificate of OGRNIP.

Where can I get OGRNIP?

You can obtain the OGRN of an individual entrepreneur from the interdistrict tax office where the individual entrepreneur is registered.

Decoding OGRNIP

The registration number of the entry that is entered into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs consists of 15 characters. They are arranged in a certain sequence:

Each of the 15 OGRNIP characters is deciphered as follows:
C (1st character) - state registration number in the entry to the main state registration number of the individual entrepreneur.

YY (2nd to 3rd digit) - the last two digits of the year, this is the sign of entry into the state register.

KK (4th, 5th characters) - according to the list of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, serial number, which is established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
NN (6th and 7th digits) - code number of the interdistrict tax inspectorate that issued OGRN legal entity.
ХХХХХХХ (from the 8th to the 14th character) - the entry number that is entered in the state register during the year.
H (15th digit) is a check number, which is the low-order digit of the remainder of dividing the previous 14-digit number by 13.

So deciphering OGRNIP is not so difficult, but how can you check its correctness?

Checking OGRNIP

To check the ORGNIP for correctness, you need to use the following algorithm:

  1. First, we divide the 14-digit number obtained by discarding the last 15th digit in the OGRNIP being checked by 13.
  2. From the resulting number in step 1, discard the remainder and multiply by 13.
  3. We subtract from the number obtained in step 1 the number we received in step 2.
  4. We check the received figure with the check number (15 digits) of the OGRNIP being checked. If the numbers match, then the OGRNIP being checked is correct; if not, it is incorrect.
Example of checking OGRNIP

Let's say you need to check OGRNIP 304500116000157

  1. 30450011600015/13=2342308584616,5;
  2. 2342308584616*13=30450011600008;
  3. 30450011600015-30450011600008=7;
  4. Since the resulting number coincides with the verification number, the OGRNIP being verified is correct.

How can I find out the OGRNIP in order to decipher the numbers in the number or check for correctness? Very simple.

How to find out OGRNIP

You can order information from the local state statistics department, where the OGRN number of the individual entrepreneur is contained in the extract from the statistical register. We immediately warn you that ordering an OGRNIP extract is not free.

You can also find out the entry number of the individual entrepreneur in the register in the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. It is from these documents that the entrepreneur learns his OGRNIP. Based on the extract, if necessary, you can find out the OGRNIP by TIN , for example, check a specific entrepreneur-counterparty, etc.

Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs

p>The extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs includes information about the individual entrepreneur as of the date of the last changes. Therefore, in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation, the following information can be obtained in an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs:
- Full name,
- TIN,
- citizenship,
- place of residence in the Russian Federation,
- date of state registration as an individual entrepreneur, and the data of this document confirming the fact of making a record in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs about the specified state registration,
- method and date of termination by an individual of activities as an individual entrepreneur
- information about types of activities,
- information about licenses obtained by the individual entrepreneur,
- information about changes in information contained in the state register
- date of registration, registration number, name of the body that registered the individual entrepreneur - registered before 01.01. 2004

However, as the number of legal entities increased and new organizational and legal forms emerged, it became obvious that an individual number alone was not enough. And soon another form of numbering arose - OGRN.

This abbreviation stands for main state registration number. This identifier reflects the most complete information about a particular organization: form of ownership, date of creation, authorized tax office. Let's take a closer look at the information about OGRN.

About number decoding

The main license plate includes 13 digits. Let's take for example this OGRN: 1-12-77-46-50978-0.

The first digit (in this case it is one) indicates that the registration number refers to a private legal entity. Along with one there may also be the number “5”, which has a similar meaning.

In addition to the numbers “1” and “5”, the values ​​“2” and “3” can also appear in the first place. The number “2” indicates that the number belongs to a government agency, and the number “3” means that the number belongs to an individual entrepreneur.

The next pair of numbers (in the proposed example it is “12”) indicates the year the entry about this legal entity was made in the state register. "12" means the year of entry is 2012.

The fourth and fifth digits in order (“77”) are an indication of the subject of Russia in which the company is registered. The number is entered in strict accordance with the list of subjects Russian Federation, established by Art. 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Then, as we see, there is another pair of numbers (“46”). These numbers contain an indication of the code of the relevant tax office.

The next five digits (“50978”) are the number of the entry that was entered into the state register by the relevant authority.

Thus, in the example under consideration, the legal entity was entered into the state register in 2012 by the 46th interdistrict tax inspectorate for Moscow under entry number 50978.

What is the last digit needed for? This is the so-called control number. How do you get it?

Everything is quite simple: you need to divide a 12-digit number (i.e. those 12 digits of the OGRN that precede the last digit) by 11. The remainder of the division is written as the last, thirteenth digit of the number. In this case, the number 112774650978 is divisible by 11, therefore the last digit is “0”.

It turns out that each legal entity has its own unique OGRN, which carries all the necessary information about the enterprise. The check number allows you to verify the authenticity of the OGRN.

A few words about OGRNIP

OGRNIP is the same number, only assigned to an individual entrepreneur. The main difference is the total number of digits: there are already fifteen of them.

The fact is that the entry number in the register in the case of an individual entrepreneur contains not five digits, but seven. And, accordingly, the last digit - the check number - is determined as the remainder of dividing the 14-digit number by 13.

How to find out OGRN?

Is there any way to find out the OGRN? Yes, you can. And the website of the Federal Tax Service will help you with this (Web site address:

Let's consider step by step the procedure for determining the OGRN:

  1. First of all, you need to go directly to the specified Federal Tax Service website;
  2. On home page There are three large highlighted links: “Individuals”, “Individual entrepreneurs”, “Legal entities”. To obtain information about the OGRN, you must select the “Legal Entities” item. Accordingly, OGRNIP can be found by clicking on the link “Individual entrepreneurs”;
  3. After selecting the appropriate item, the user is presented with a list of available electronic services. One of these services is the “Check yourself and your counterparty” service. A similar service is available to users who select the “Individual Entrepreneurs” option;
  4. Then the “Check yourself and your counterparty” service window opens. Here the user is given the opportunity to fill in one of the proposed fields to obtain information about the organization.

The following fields are available: “Name”, “Address”, “Subject of the Russian Federation”, “Registration date”. There is also a field “OGRN/GRN/TIN”.

The main search is carried out using the fields “OGRN/GRN/TIN” and “Name”. The remaining three fields are used to clarify the formulated queries.

Let us indicate some specifics of the search engine of the Federal Tax Service website:

  • when searching solely by name, the user only needs to indicate the unique part of the organization’s name (without quotes, special symbols, abbreviations and indications of the legal form);
  • in cases where the name includes more than one word (including words separated by a hyphen), only one of the words can be indicated. At the same time, to obtain a more accurate result, it is recommended to avoid using too common words;
  • the “Russian Subject” field will allow you to limit the search only to the relevant region;
  • When using the “Registration date” field, you must enter data in the format DD.MM.YYYY.


Concluding our consideration of the OGRN, we note some provisions:

  • The main state registration number allows you to obtain detailed information about a specific legal entity.
  • Each of the digits of the number plays a specific role.
  • The authenticity of the OGRN is verified by comparing the remainder obtained from dividing the number from the first 12 digits of the number by 11, and the last digit of the number.
  • You can find out the OGRN on the Federal Tax Service website.

Video on the topic: “Check OGRN IP”

The OGRN number, like the TIN, is individual for each entity registered as a legal entity with the tax office to carry out independent activities.

The 13-digit number is a peculiar business card legality of work. That is why checking the OGRN can easily identify a fraudster and confirm the existence of a specific company.

There are three ways to find out if the number is correct:

  • 1. Having submitted an official request to the tax authorities, find out after paying the state fee all the necessary information.
  • 2. Through the official website of the Federal Tax Service, where you can access information about legal entities included in the Unified State Register.
  • 3. Using the control number contained in the OGRN code itself.

The first option is considered the longest, but provides a complete amount of information about the taxpayer. Using the Internet service address, you can find out by the OGRN code the address of the legal entity, INN, KPP and registration date. The third method will only help determine the reliability of the numerical combination.

The calculation system is simple:
We divide the first 12 digits by 11 and multiply the resulting integer part again by 11. The difference between the first and last 12-digit numbers should be equal to the 13th digit of the OGRN code. For example, for OGRN1117746358608 the mathematical operations will be as follows:
111774635860: 11 = 10161330532,72727
10161330532 x 11 = 111774635852
111774635860 – 111774635852 = 8
Which confirms the existence of this OGRN number.

What is a OGRN code?

OGRN is an abbreviation that reads as “main state registration number.” From the point of view of a technical understanding of the numbers, this is the number that each enterprise receives when registering with the state. All legal entities in Russia are included in a single register, according to the location in which the OGRN is assigned.

At the same time, the OGRN can be regarded as a guarantor that the owner of the enterprise conducts its activities legally. This is confirmed by a document in which the number itself appears.

Search for OGRN by TIN

Working with counterparties implies having the maximum amount of information about the partner. Most often they focus on the following details: TIN, KPP, OGRN. These data are individual for each legal entity, and they are closely interrelated.

Knowing one of the details, you can easily find out the rest, as well as the name of the enterprise and the date of its registration. The best way to access such information is to use online services, for example, the portal of the Federal Tax Service.

If you need more full information than the above details, it is better to make an official request, according to which the tax officer provides all possible available information on the requested enterprise. In this case, it is also enough to know only one of the details.

How to find an organization by OGRN?

TIN and KPP are important and multifunctional, but they cannot indicate the name and address of the enterprise. However, knowing the OGRN of the company, it is quite possible to find out a fairly large amount of information.

First, you should pay attention to the 13-digit number itself. Each number in it has a specific meaning. The fourth and fifth characters are responsible for the serial number that is assigned to each subject of the Russian Federation.

This information is regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 65). Information about the subject must be known when submitting a request to the regional tax service.

If it is enough to simply get the name and address of the enterprise, then specialized Internet resources will come to the rescue. This is the already mentioned website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (, as well as the SPARK and SKRIN information systems.

How to find out the OGRN of an organization?

Sometimes the opposite situation arises when it is necessary to find out the OGRN of an enterprise, knowing only its name or other incomplete information. The best assistant the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation will be helpful in this matter, since its search form implies the identification of companies even by one of the specified parameters.

To use the service, you must have at least some information about the name of the company you are looking for. Along with the name, it is advisable to indicate the address or city (region) where the company is located.

According to the received data, the system will generate a list with all matching parameters. From it you need to select the required company and copy its OGRN.

An official request to the Federal Tax Service will also allow you to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, but in a longer period of time - usually a response is given within one working week.

Example of OGRN

Using the example of OGRN 1117746358608, we will consider all the information that we can obtain from this digital combination. As you already know, this is a real number, since its check number corresponds to the required value.

  • The first character is 1. Responsible for assigning records to the main state registration number.
  • The second and third signs are 11. This is 2011 - the time when the entry was made into the state register.
  • The fourth and fifth digits are 77. This is the serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation - Moscow, that is, this enterprise was registered in the capital.
  • The sixth and seventh signs are 46. This code is directly responsible for the very definition of the branch of the tax office itself.
  • From the eighth to the twelfth signs – 35860. These numbers indicate the number of the entry that was entered into the state register during the year.
  • The thirteenth sign is 8. Calculated check number.

How is it correctly formulated: “” and why is it important for an operating entrepreneur to know this at the present time?

As for other types of information, access to it is open. And using the service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, you can find out by OGRN number 1117746358608:

  • 1. Name – Hotpartner LLC;
  • 2. Legal address – 121359, Moscow, Bobruiskaya street, 16;
  • 3. INN – 7731406680;
  • 4. KKPP – 773101001;
  • 5. Registration date – May 05, 2011.

In addition, access to data on all changes in information, licenses and facts of registration in funds as policyholders is provided. The addresses of the tax authority that handled the preparation of all documents are also indicated, which makes it possible to issue an official request, if necessary.

OGRN of Sberbank of Russia

Most often, the need for details, one of which is OGRN, arises when preparing bank documents. It is there, in in full You must indicate all the sender and recipient information cash. If you have the Internet at hand, then finding out all this is not a problem.

In the search engine of the service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, it is enough to enter “Sberbank of Russia” so that it shows all enterprises that have these words in their name. There will be three of them in total, only one of which has the status of a large banking organization.

Another company is also financial organization, but this entry was declared invalid, as reported in the search engine’s reporting form.

So, OGRN of Sberbank of Russia is 1027700132195, INN is 7707083893, registration date is August 2, 2002, and the address according to OGRN is 117997, Moscow, Vavilova Street, 19

How quickly can you find out your OGRN?

It happens that the Internet is not available at the moment, to statutory documents there is also no access, but you need to find out the OGRN. This question often arises for new enterprises that have just completed the registration procedure.

There is no point in searching on the service portals of the tax service, since changes and additions to data occur one to two weeks after actual transactions with the tax authorities.

An extract from the OGRN, which will be obtained from the tax office in person, will help you obtain the necessary information. It is possible that you will have to wait here too, but very often employees treat such situations with understanding and do not delay the preparation of the document.

The only thing you should take care of in advance is the duty, the amount of which can be clarified with the bank when paying or directly with the tax office itself.

OGRN certificate

Since the OGRN is assigned upon completion of the registration of a legal entity, the OGRN certificate is considered the most important constituent document.

After all, based on the entry in the Unified State Register, other entries are made and documents necessary for the normal functioning of the company are issued.

Therefore, it is extremely important to restore a duplicate OGRN in case of loss of the original.

It is worth clarifying that until mid-2002, OGRN was not assigned to enterprises, so companies began to receive certificates later. But, despite the difference in time in the issuance of documents, each company currently has a OGRN, and must confirm this with a certificate.

A duplicate is issued only after payment of the duty at the tax office in person to the owner of the enterprise upon presentation of an identity card.

OGRN of an individual entrepreneur

Individual entrepreneurs also receive a OGRN when registering, but unlike legal entities, it has a 15-digit code. The full abbreviation looks like OGRNIP and has the same meaning as OGRN.

Registration is carried out by recording in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, where all individual entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation are recorded. Accordingly, an individual entrepreneur will find out his OGRN upon receipt of a registration certificate, which indicates the entry number.

The difference between OGRN and OGRNIP is as follows:

  • 1. Total quantity numbers in the OGRN and OGRNIP codes: 13 and 15, respectively;
  • 2. For the register entry number in the structure of the number, seven digits are allocated for OGRNIP and five for OGRN;
  • 3. The check digit is calculated for OGRNIP according to the same scheme, only 13 is taken not 11, but 13 for arithmetic operations.

OGRN of a legal entity

The main difference between a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur is that the former is an organization with constituent documents and the charter.

Therefore, company registration is carried out in a state register separate from private individuals.

The OGRN confirms that the company is registered and can engage in activities. This 13-digit number is a guarantee of legal obligations, as well as the fact that the company has undertaken to work in compliance with all the nuances of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The absence of a OGRN confirms the fraudulent nature of the formed structure, which calls itself an organization, which in fact it is not.

To register your business, you must first enter the enterprise into the (Unified State Register of Legal Entities). Employees of the institution make entries in it on a first-come, first-served basis. That is, each new organization receives the next number. Thus, it turns out that it is never repeated, and each company has its own unique number. This registration number is called OGRN.

The abbreviation OGRN stands for primary state registration number. It is issued only to legally registered persons.

OGRN is recorded in an officially issued tax service. The presence of this document confirms that the company has been registered with the tax authorities and is now listed in the register.

Unlike similar identifiers, OGRN provides more information about the enterprise and its activities.

Business in the Russian Federation is constantly developing, which leads to an increase in the number of new enterprises. That is why the tax service had to introduce changes to legislation at the beginning of the 2000s. Thus, the OGRN was introduced as a function that was supposed to help systematize data on enterprises. Moreover, all actions must comply with the rules of the Registry.

At the same time, OGRN is a kind of cipher or. If a person has the knowledge and the ability to decipher it, then he will be able to find out a lot of information about the company that interests him.

Decoding of OGRN

For individual entrepreneurs and organizations

OGRN is issued only to legal entities and is not intended for issuance individual entrepreneurs. After all Labor Code The Russian Federation treats such an entrepreneur as an individual. This type of activity is recorded in another type of accounting. This is what it exists for. This abbreviation stands for the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Individual merchants can acquire such a code using the same scheme as the OGRN. The difference lies only in the number of digits in the number and the features of its decoding. It contains not 13 digits like the OGRN, but 15. This is due to the fact that the unique number has as many as 7 digits.

Also, to check the OGRNIP, the number (the first 14 digits) must be divided by 13. What remains will be the control number.

In order to find out the OGRN, an organization only needs to go to the official resource of the Federal Tax Service. By filling out the required form, the user gains access to information about the company. All the data indicated in this code is freely accessible, and every citizen can find it out.

Who issues the number?

Enterprises and the issuance of a certificate of receipt of the OGRN are carried out by the tax service of the Russian Federation. To get it, you need to do the following:

  • collect everything necessary documents and contact them at the Federal Tax Service office
  • In the department you need to write an application for opening an organization
  • after carrying out these actions, the tax officer has the right to issue the entrepreneur with a certificate of registration number

But tax officials reserve the right to refuse an entrepreneur to obtain a OGRN. But in this case, they must provide a thorough one (incorrectly filled out documents, illegal activities of the company, etc.).

Service cost

You can collect all the documents necessary for registering an enterprise yourself. But for this you need to have experience and a lot of free time. If there is neither one nor the other, then the businessman should seek help from a lawyer. For a fee, he will do all the work. But this also costs money.

In addition, the government has established the amount of state duty. It must be paid. Since mid-2007, its size has been at the level of 4 thousand rubles.

Also, if a document is lost or stolen, it can be restored. But you will also have to pay for it. In this case, the duty will be set at 800 rubles (this is 20% of the amount of the initial fee).

What can be done with the help of OGRN

The information contained in the OGRN makes it possible to verify the authenticity of the information that the organization provides about itself. This is especially useful in our time, when scammers are waiting around every corner, and in order to cooperate with another company, you need to be completely confident in its reliability.

Thus, OGRN will not only help you find out basic information about the company, but will also come to the rescue in tracking down dishonest people.

Does the OGRN change when the company’s registration data changes?

In any company, be it large or smaller, there may be cases when it is necessary to register in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Most often this happens due to changes in the basic data about the company (change of place of registration, etc.), which requires notifying the tax service.

But the OGRN remains unchanged. This is a permanent code that cannot be changed. It will not be subject to change even if management changes the name of the company.

There is only one case when the OGRN can terminate its validity - these are companies.

The certificate of receipt of the OGRN is a very important document, without which the company will not be able to legally carry out its activities. Otherwise, her actions will be declared illegal, and the tax service will not be able to seize state duties from her.

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