Education in Lithuania is of a high level, but the diploma is not prestigious! Higher education in Lithuania

The Baltic countries enjoy justifiable popularity among citizens of states that were formerly part of the USSR. This is due to the close location, relative ease of understanding the language and other factors. Education in Lithuania is considered one of the options for obtaining a European-style diploma and a good level of knowledge.

Main distinctive features Education in the country is connected with the historical features of the path of the entire state. It became independent in 1990 and is now part of the EU. The model, which combines institutional structures, strives to fully correspond to the Western European one. The number of universities in the country is quite large, they have a rich history. Among the main features are:

  • the presence of student exchange programs in many areas;
  • relatively affordable cost;
  • the presence of highly specialized educational institutions;
  • European diploma, the opportunity to find a job in the country or abroad.

There are many options for this, each of which suits a certain circle of people.

Levels of training

The current model includes several stages, each of which involves obtaining a certain level of knowledge. In addition, there is a division into:

  • formal education. This includes all officially designated levels of the system;
  • informal. It is an integrated approach, not divided into clear levels.

Self-education and self-training are encouraged. However, most citizens still go through the traditional Lithuanian stages of education.

Preschool education

Kindergartens play a huge role in shaping personality and acquiring basic knowledge about the world. In Lithuania, they function not only to ensure that children are supervised, but also to receive education. Children receive their first knowledge through play.

Usually they are sent to such an institution at the age of 3 years. Due to a lack of seats, you may have to wait your turn. In this case, commercial kindergartens come to the rescue, but the fee for supervision does not allow children to be sent there to everyone.

Throughout the country, especially in the capital, there are Russian-language kindergartens or groups to which children from mixed families, temporary residents, etc. are sent. However, it is advisable for Russians, Ukrainians and other migrants to prefer preparing for school in the Lithuanian language. After graduating from kindergarten, the student undergoes testing and receives a reference for his personal file.

Primary school

Education in Lithuania is structured in such a way that it actually begins at the age of 7. The initial stage will last 4 years and is aimed at obtaining basic knowledge and skills:

In the first grades, grades are not given, but a reward system is provided. After passing a stage, testing is carried out, and the child moves on to the next one.

Secondary education

This level is also compulsory for everyone. It involves gaining knowledge in basic subjects, including languages, mathematics, history, and computer science. Education in Lithuanian schools follows a single curriculum. However, there are special institutions where, in addition to the main subjects, additional subjects are studied in a narrow profile chosen by the student:

  • artistic (only in art schools);
  • technical or humanitarian (in all institutions);
  • technological (in secondary schools).

You can place a child on a territorial basis. However, if the parent has his eye on a specific school, he will have to contact the management and draw up an application. The reception will take place subject to availability. The mandatory final test is an exam in the Lithuanian language (mandatory) and 3 subjects (optional). After successful completion the graduate receives a certificate.


The training stage in such institutions lasts from grades 5 to 10. It is conventionally divided into 2 stages:

  • 5-8 grades;
  • 9-10 grades.

At the first stage, subjects of the general education program are studied. Its completion is mandatory for everyone, regardless of whether they continue their studies at a university or not. At the second stage, in-depth teaching of some subjects and preparation for enrollment in a gymnasium begins. Here they study specialized disciplines to choose from.


The stage, covering grades 11-12, is the final stage at the secondary level of education. To complete it, children receive knowledge in special institutions. It is necessary for those who plan to enter university and continue their studies there. The stage ends with the traditional passing of exams.

Russian schools

The country has educational institutions, teaching not only in Lithuanian. This allows migrants to maintain national traditions. Russian schools in Lithuania operate along with others. The choice remains with the parents, since they are the ones who decide which one to place the child in. Studying in Russian in 2019 has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is the need to pass a mandatory test - an exam on knowledge of Lithuanian.

Specialized schools

For children with disabilities There are separate educational institutions. However, if the state of health allows, such a student will be accepted into regular school. In general, the country takes a very responsible approach to the problem of the younger generation with disabilities, doing everything possible to help such children gain knowledge along with everyone else.

Higher education system in the country

After finishing the secondary level, the child can take part in a competition to enter a university. Higher education in Lithuania it is very developed and represented by many establishments. In addition, the structure is defined by 2 steps, according to which the level of the diploma differs:

  • Bachelor's degree – 3.5-4.5 years. Involves obtaining basic knowledge in the chosen specialty and the possibility of continuing education or employment;
  • Master's degree – 1.5-2 years. It involves obtaining in-depth knowledge in the professional field and a corresponding diploma.

There are also certain types of institutions that teach highly specialized professions:

  • seminaries for those who decide to devote themselves to spiritual service;
  • Collegiums are more designed not for theoretical, but for practical mastery of a specific profession.

Education for Lithuanians can be provided free of charge. However, visitors will in any case have to pay for each year of study. The cost is about 4000 euros, which is not the highest figure among European countries.


Universities in the state have a deep history. Many of them began their work several centuries ago. This gives confidence that their education system is well-functioning and traditional. In total, there are 23 such institutions in the state, including:

  • 14 state;
  • 8 private;
  • 1 branch of a Polish university.

For admission, you will need to prepare a certain set of documents and meet the requirements of the university. That is why it is necessary to clarify in advance the specific conditions for a particular educational institution.


Vocational education basic level can be obtained without entering universities. To do this, you need to complete the secondary level and continue your education. Colleges in Lithuania are analogues of similar Russian institutions. They specialize in training specific professions and allow you to master your chosen one and find a job. After graduating from college, it is also possible to continue receiving education at a university.

Academic year in Lithuania

As in many other countries, September 1 is Knowledge Day. It is from this date that teaching starts in all schools, colleges, etc. End academic year falls on June 30, after which the holidays begin.

Popular universities in the country

Lithuania has some of the oldest universities in the EU. Among the most popular are the following educational institutions:

  • Founded back in the 16th century. However, it has had its modern name only since 1944, and since its opening it has been called Vilna University. It has a rich history associated with numerous transformations. The number of students today is about 20 thousand people studying in 16 faculties: history, communications, medicine. There is also a faculty of mathematics and computer science and one of the oldest - law, where you can get a diploma in the specialty " International law and the law of the European Union";
  • Vilnius Technical University- second largest. The number of students is about 16 thousand;
  • Kaunas University of Technology, founded in 1922. Produces technical specialists;
  • Kaunas Medical Academy, founded in 1919. One of the largest medical educational institutions in Lithuania, graduating specialists in 39 specialties;
  • Klaipeda state university applied sciences, teaching students in the field of tourism, accounting, design, etc.;
  • Lithuanian Academy of Music, created in 1933;
  • European liberal arts university , founded in 1992. It differs in that it closely cooperates with universities from other countries on student exchange. Teaching here is conducted on different languages, including Russian, German, English, etc.

Lithuanian institutes and universities are focused on the European level of teaching. Most of them have a rich history and offer programs in the national language, as well as Russian, English, Polish, Belarusian and other languages.

How can a foreigner enter a Lithuanian university?

If getting an education abroad or for those who have already moved for permanent residence is a priority, you should study the admission rules. To become a student at one of the Lithuanian higher education institutions, you must prepare documents. They must be properly executed - those in another language must be translated into Lithuanian and notarized. Admission is possible after successfully passing the exams. A new student will have to register residence in the country and settle other related formalities.

Requirements for the applicant

When applying for many specialties, a certificate of language proficiency will be required. If before enrolling in a university the applicant studied at a Lithuanian school, then the document will not be required, since a mandatory test after graduation is an exam on knowledge of the national language. If the future student also has English in his arsenal of knowledge, this will be a significant advantage.

Documents for enrollment

Upon admission, you should create a certain package of papers:

  • certificate (and its translation into Lithuanian if necessary);
  • statement;
  • several photographs 3.5*4.5;
  • passport and a copy certified by a notary;
  • confirmation of solvency;
  • documents on passing additional exams.

This is carried out after admission, since it is necessary to confirm that the move will be carried out specifically for educational purposes.

The price for a year at the university will be about 4 thousand euros. However, it may be higher or even slightly lower, which depends on the chosen specialty, the prestige of the institution and other factors. Foreigners are unlikely to be able to study at a Lithuanian university for free in 2019. That is why you should immediately calculate what costs will be incurred.

Accrual of scholarships

Since paying for education is a serious expense item, many are concerned about the availability of help and assistance from the state. Study grants are provided in exceptional cases, and their receipt depends on a number of factors:

  • citizenship of the applicant;
  • abilities and academic success;
  • participation in scientific activity;
  • other.

More often, grants are provided to Lithuanians and those who show special success and have unique knowledge. They differ in the amount of funds allocated - recipients can count on both partial and full repayment of the cost of a year of study.

Accommodation for foreign students

There are many options for settling in Lithuania for educational purposes:

  • dormitory. This method of living is the most budgetary and affordable (about 55 euros);
  • a room that can be rented in the country for no more than 115 euros;
  • You can actually rent an apartment from 200 euros.

The final choice is always up to the student and his parents.

Pros and cons of studying in Lithuania

There are advantages and disadvantages to receiving education abroad and moving to another state for this purpose. However, everyone can evaluate them fully only individually. Before making a decision, it is advisable to carefully study all aspects of the issue.

Advantages Flaws
Based on the results of training, a European diploma is issued Studying at the most prestigious universities is predominantly in Lithuanian
Reasonable price per year of study compared to other EU countries Most migrants and foreign students study on a paid basis.
The country recognizes documents confirming the completion of Russian schools, which makes it possible to enroll without passing additional tests Small opportunity to work and study at the same time
There are exchange programs not only with countries that were formerly part of the USSR, but also with European ones
Availability of choice of language of instruction
Chance of receiving a grant or scholarship under certain conditions
Employment opportunities both in Lithuania and abroad

Vilnius University is one of the most prestigious and comprehensive European universities. International recognition of the quality of higher education in Lithuania gives diplomas significant weight and simplifies employment.

Lithuania is a small, rapidly developing European country, ranking 82nd in the world in terms of GDP, with an inflation rate of 0.8%. Lithuania's financial situation allows the country to subsidize the maintenance of universities that are recognized and in demand in Europe. A graduate of a university in Vilnius receives a European-style diploma and the opportunity to get a job practically without competition - based on the prestige, quality and thoroughness of education.

When entering, the main factor taken into account is academic performance. Full-time study requires residence in Lithuania for the period of study, which is possible on the basis of a student visa and other options. Without knowledge of Lithuanian or at least English, neither study nor living in real life impossible: about 8% of the population knows Russian.

Having moved to Vilnius, the young man becomes familiar with Western European culture, learns to be in a completely new society, with different rules and requirements. This country is dominated by an atmosphere of friendliness and law-abidingness, which is even more conducive to a life full of interesting events.

Higher education: process of obtaining and nuances

The age of the applicant is defined as 17+. In addition to full-time stationary programs, there are also correspondence and distance programs. Entering Vilnius University (hereinafter VU) is not an easy task; you will have to compete with the most prepared applicants from all over the world. The number of lucky people who manage to be enrolled in university studies is no more than 10% of total number applicants.

The main task for a Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, etc. – confirm your level of education received at school. To do this, you need to contact the Education Quality Assessment Center (SKVC), where experts will determine whether the acquired level of knowledge entitles you to study at a specific university in Lithuania.

For programs where teaching is conducted in English and Russian, documents must be submitted before May 1 (if the applicant is a citizen of a country that is not a member of the European Union). Those who agree to study on a contract basis are required to submit documents no later than July 15, regardless of whether their homeland belongs to the European Union.

  1. Autumn lasts until January 26;
  2. Spring – from February 4 to June 30.

The duration of the lecture is 1.5 hours.

Successful completion of the program is not about listening to n number of hours, but about earning a certain number of credits. 1 credit (or ECTS, translated in English as European Credit Transfer System) is equal to 40 hours of student working time.

  • Seminars;
  • Consultations;
  • Exams;
  • Industrial practice, etc.

Certification takes into account the degree of student participation and achievement of success in theoretical and practical classes. For example, you can become a bachelor only by accumulating 180-240 credits in total in all subjects. Levels of study are not limited to bachelor's degrees; it is possible to complete master's, doctoral, and postgraduate studies.

The degrees of study and terms for obtaining full education are as follows:

  • Bachelor's degree (3 – 4 years);
  • Master's degree (1 – 2 years);
  • Doctoral studies – 4-6 years.

At the end of each semester, strict control of the quality of studies is carried out by assessment in written (most often) or oral form using a 10-point system. Certification is the same as exams, failure of which or a low score are fraught with problems.

Education programs

Higher education can be obtained in Lithuania not only at universities, but also at colleges. The “bachelor” level is the first stage of higher education. Studying for a bachelor's degree is available to those who have completed secondary education and have the appropriate certificate. One becomes a bachelor after graduation in both universities and colleges, but these are different levels: after college, a bachelor can find a job, but a university will not accept a master’s degree.

Having received a bachelor's degree in college, those who wish to improve their educational level have the right to continue their undergraduate studies at the university (1 year), after which they can study in a master's program. The Master's level of study provides a chance to obtain a Candidate of Science degree (subject to successful study and defense of a Master's thesis) and engage in scientific activities.

According to their status, there are two types of universities in Lithuania: public and private. If accredited, both types of institutions issue equivalent diplomas, with a difference in ranking for the quality of education. Private universities teach students on a fee basis.

Conditions for admission

The following conditions are required for admission to the university:

  • Availability of a document on complete secondary education;
  • Quality Assessment of Education (SKVC);
  • Knowledge of the language (at least English), for which a certificate must be obtained;
  • Successful passing of exams (if there are such requirements at the university).

Before starting the admission procedure, it is worth adequately assessing the family’s financial capabilities. You need to thoroughly know the language in which the chosen program will be taught.

Upon completion of the 9th grade in Russia (this level of Russian education is equal to the Lithuanian pro-gymnasium, in which students study in the 10th grade inclusive), you can enter a Lithuanian gymnasium, where the future student will take a training course in grades 11-12 and receive a certificate of full secondary education.

Those teenagers who do not intend to enter a university have the right, after receiving incomplete secondary education, to go to college or a technical school.

List of required documents

In addition to the application, you need a package of documents including:

  • Original certificate and a notarized copy of the translation into Lithuanian;
  • Certificate of knowledge of a foreign language;
  • Confirmation of the quality of knowledge (SKVC);
  • Motivation letter;
  • A copy of your passport, notarized;
  • 3 photos (format - for documents);
  • Receipt for payment of a contribution of 100 euros;
  • A bank document confirming solvency for living and paying for studies.

You can also submit papers online (except for the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry). When submitting documents, the applicant is required to pay an entrance fee when completing the application (100 euros). Those who do not become students should be prepared for the fact that this fee is non-refundable. Documents in Russian, English or Lithuanian do not need translation and are suitable for admission; documents in other languages ​​must be translated.

When confirmation of enrollment comes from the university, you need to apply for a student visa. Don't forget about the availability of honey. insurance, and the amount should not be less than 30 thousand euros. Upon arrival to study, you will need to obtain a residence permit - a document giving the right to temporarily stay within Lithuania.

Tuition fees in 2019

Concentrated in Vilnius large number universities, the cost of education in which is several times lower than in higher education in other European countries - Switzerland, England, etc.

This is a state university. There are different forms of education at VU: paid, budget. Tuition fees also vary depending on the program. The payment indicators are as follows: for a bachelor's degree - from 1861 to 2400 euros, for a master's degree - 2242-3400 euros, and computer modeling studies cost twice as much (6438 euros). Integrated programs in dentistry and medicine cost 12,960 and 8,520 euros, respectively.

This university is private, training is conducted at English. Level of study - bachelor's degree, the cost of any program is 2800 euros.

The university is a public institution based on the Institute of Civil Engineering. For bachelor's programs, the price of study is in the range of 2700-3500 euros, for master's programs - 2600-3900 euros.

University of Management and Economics. A private institution founded by the Norwegian Business School. At the university you can get a double diploma - in addition to the Latvian one, also a diploma from one of the European countries on the basis of partnership programs.

The cost of studying for university programs is as follows:

  • Bachelor's degree – from 3850 to 4400 euros;
  • Master's degree – 4950-660 euros;
  • Doctoral studies – 5454-8182 euros.

There are full-time, part-time and distance learning forms.

International School of Business and Law. This university is private, young, but has managed to win the National Education Quality Award. Particularly popular are programs for organizing tourism, hotel business. Here you get a bachelor's degree, the fee ranges from 2200-3000 euros.

Vilnius College of Technology and Design. This institution of higher education is public, the cost of study is 2210 euros. There are 2 undergraduate study programs, one of them – graphic design – is taught in Russian.

Is it possible to get education for free?

Studying for free in Lithuania is quite possible real option, but exclusively for those who have outstanding abilities. Foreigners, by decision of the Lithuanian government or university teachers and management, may be offered free education.

What scholarships and grants are there for foreigners?

Scholarships and grants for foreigners can be provided in the following ways:

  • 100% fee waiver for all years of study;
  • 50% discount on fees for the entire duration of training;
  • Complete, i.e. 100% exemption from fees for one academic year;
  • 100% discount on tuition during the 1st semester.

Only students with excellent academic performance can take advantage of grants and scholarship discounts.

For 2019, the Latvian government has established 70 scholarships for foreign students who have a bachelor's degree and have submitted an application for a master's degree with a package of documents before May 1. The amount of the subsidy is 380 euros per month, but the scholarship holder has no right to count on other payments either from the state or from the university.

There are other disadvantages:

  • The right to a scholarship can only be used once;
  • Those who are already participating (or intending to) in an international joint study program are not eligible for a scholarship.

The selection of candidates is influenced by:

  • Academic performance at the end of undergraduate studies;
  • Motivation;
  • Level of knowledge of the language of instruction.

Features for internship and exchange programs

Many higher education institutions operate ERASMUS+, a mobility program that allows students to study for 3-12 months. in universities of other countries.

This program is available to students of the following institutions:

  • International School of Business and Law;
  • Vilnius College of Technology and Design;
  • University named after Gediminas;
  • University of Management and Economics, etc.

The acquired experience of studying at the best universities in Europe broadens your horizons and opens up new opportunities. There is a real chance to get a double degree.

Student Accommodation and Meal Options

Higher education institutions provide their students with dormitories on a paid basis: the fee is required to repay utilities and costs of maintaining premises. The cost of living, depending on the comfort of the conditions, is in the range of 115-150 euros per month. There are dormitories at VU, the cost of living in which is 45-87 euros, as well as at the University. Gediminas.

The University of Management and Economics does not have its own housing for students, but the International School of Business and Law for foreigners is ready to provide rooms on campus (for 200 euros). At the Vilnius College of Technology and Design, all foreign students are provided with a dormitory, and the cost of living is 87 euros.

In the absence of housing stock, foreigners can rent a room or apartment.

The cost of living depends on the proximity to the center and the prestige of the area:

  • 1-room apartment – ​​240-360 USD/month;
  • Room – 128-220 USD/month.

Students can get meals in canteens and cafes both on campus and in the city itself. Dormitories usually have refrigerators, microwave ovens. Food prices in Lithuania are moderate, so food is not the main expense item here.

The best universities in the country

It is difficult to single out the best universities in Lithuania; each of them has its own advantages and features. Education in Lithuania is prestigious due to its quality and international recognition. The priority of a country's universities can be determined by their ranking.

It is the No. 1 university in the country, and in the global ranking the institution ranks 401-410. In the ranking best universities Europe VU entered the TOP 50 at number 45. The number of foreigners among students is about 1%, total number There are approximately 19 thousand students.

The VU structure is:

  • 13 faculties in Vilnius and 1 in Kaunas;
  • 4 research institutes;
  • 7 institutes.

The university's infrastructure includes not only libraries, museums, an astronomical observatory, but also hospitals, a botanical garden, etc. Most teaching programs are presented in English and Lithuanian, although there are also courses taught in Russian (philology, international relations). .

This institution took 551-600 places in the world list of universities. The university began its history in 1956 and since then has been increasing its pace in the quality of education. Levels of education are represented not only by bachelor's and master's degrees, but also by postgraduate programs. .

Kaunas University of Technology. This state university was founded in 1920 and reached the highest level in 2019, ranking 701-750 in the world rankings. At KTU you can get an education in programs in architecture, telecommunications, mechatronics, fashion engineering, etc. and master others rare professions. .

The university completes the list of higher education institutions included in the list of the world's best universities (ranks 801-1000). Having started operating in 1922, the university has grown into a huge educational institution, uniting 10 faculties and 2 institutes. The share of foreigners among students is approximately 3%. .

Since the time Soviet Union This small Baltic country has preserved the traditions of education and its high level, while, as a member of the European Union, Lithuania issues diplomas recognized throughout the world.

However, it is not the most advantageous option for employment.

Negative and positive factors


  • Participation in the Bologna Agreement, which formally equates Lithuanian education to European education, and the diploma is recognized throughout the world.
  • Relatively low tuition costs and inexpensive living.
  • Government programs for scholarships and grants for students from the CIS.
  • Full recognition of Russian and Ukrainian certificates, so there is no need for nostrification, additional exams for academic differences or the need for two semesters of study at a domestic university, as happens in many EU countries where the duration of secondary education is 12 years.
  • High level of knowledge gained.
  • Wide selection of student exchange programs. Local universities seek to compensate for the lack of prestige of their diploma by providing the opportunity to obtain another one in another European state.
  • A wide network of private universities with English-language programs.
  • The opportunity to find a job and first obtain a residence permit, and then permanent residence. A good chance to take the first step towards European citizenship for those who intend to immigrate.
  • Habitual climatic conditions, especially for people from the verified regions of Russia and Kaliningrad. Sea air. Closeness to native places.
  • Habitual way of life and everyday traditions. A large percentage of the Russian-speaking population.
  • Possibility of traveling in the Schengen area.

Working in Lithuania – tempting, but very dangerous?


  • Low prestige of the diploma, which leads to difficulties when finding work outside the country.
  • IN state universities Where government grants and scholarships are possible, teaching is carried out exclusively in Lithuanian. After finishing, it is unlikely to be useful to anyone, since no more than one and a half million people speak it in the world. It’s a waste of time if you don’t plan to settle in Lithuania after university.
  • Non-residents are not entitled to free education.
  • Prohibition on working while studying.

Education system




  • Mandatory nature.
  • Entry age: 7 or 6 years at the request of the parents.
  • Duration: 4 years.
  • Features of the program: reading, writing, communication skills, oral speech.
  • There is no assessment system; classes are organized in the form of educational games.
  • At the end of the training period, a test is carried out, after which a decision is made to transfer to the next level, or repeat the course of the last year.


  • Pro-gymnasium:
  1. Necessarily.
  2. Duration of study: five years - from 5th to 10th grades.
  3. Consists of two levels: from 5th to 8th includes general education disciplines; from 9th to 10th - preparation for gymnasium. In addition to the mandatory set of disciplines, additional specialized subjects are selected.
  • Gymnasium:
  1. Optional. Duration: two years – from 11th to 12th grades.
  2. Since those who intend to continue their education go to these educational institutions, all gymnasiums have their own profile: natural sciences; mathematical; humanitarian; artistic.
  3. Final exams are conducted in the form of the EG and include: Lithuanian language; three disciplines of the student's choice.
  • Alignment classes:
  1. They are created at pro-gymnasiums and gymnasiums for those children who have poor command of state language.
  2. Lithuanian classes are allocated from 20 to 25 hours weekly.
  • Russian schools:
  1. 30% of all secondary educational institutions in the country.
  2. The educational process is conducted in Russian.
  3. The Lithuanian language is taught at a level that allows you to communicate freely and enter universities.
  4. Final exams are the same as in Lithuanian gymnasiums.
  • Inclusive training:
  1. Designed for children with physical and/or mental disabilities.
  2. It is carried out in two versions: specialized schools; home-based courses; a regular gymnasium or school (at the request of the parents) with the provision of special conditions.
  • Distance secondary education:
  1. Provided by current legislation.
  2. Based on the programs of a pro-gymnasium, gymnasium, Russian school.
  3. In form: with teachers or independently.
  4. Testing intervals of the student's choice: quarterly; semester-by-semester; once a year.

This method is acceptable both for children with introverted mental characteristics, and for adults who want to graduate from a Lithuanian school, for example, for immigrants.


  • They select a supervising secondary educational institution and send a standard application addressed to the director, indicating the period for conducting tests and the availability of teachers in the process. For those under 14, parents write.
  • Attach your ID.

Secondary vocational

  • For those who, after secondary school, intend to master a working specialty, vocational schools are provided, where complete secondary education and professional qualifications are provided.
  • The duration of training is two years.
  • Upon completion, a final exam and a diploma giving the right to enter a university.


General information:

  • Types of universities:
Type Characteristic
Universities Academic education: stages and terms (years):
  • Bachelor's degree: 3.5 - 4.5.
  • master's degree: 1.5 – 2%.
  • doctoral studies: 3.

The first stage is designed to master initial professional skills and provide an opportunity to get a job.

The second is for those who are going to continue scientific research and improve professional level. Any bachelor has the right to enter here. If he changes his specialization at the same time, he passes the academic difference.

The third level provides in-depth skills in scientific work and is awarded a doctorate degree.

Collegiums Higher specialized education. In these universities, the focus is on applied skills, and scientific research is kept to a minimum.

A diploma from such an educational institution provides the basis to continue studying at the university.

Seminaries Catholic educational institutions where they train the clergy.

The most popular:

  • Kaunasskaya;
  • Telšiai;
  • St. Joseph;
  • Vilkaviskis.
  • Form of study:
  1. Full-time.
  2. Correspondence. It is not represented in all universities, so they will find out about this in advance.
  • Issue price:
  1. On average 4000€ per year.
  2. You need to inquire about grants and scholarships at your chosen university.
  • Languages ​​of instruction:
  1. The state ones are exclusively in Lithuanian.
  2. Commercial institutions have English-language programs, as well as Russian and Belarusian.
  • Academic year:
  1. 01.09. – 30.06.
  2. The periods of semesters, sessions and holidays are set by university administrations.

We apply for a visa to Lithuania on our own - how can theatergoers get to Panevezys?

Financial assistance programs

The government provides grants and scholarships for talented youth from other countries, including the CIS. There are separate projects for those who have an ethnic component.

Main types:

  • for those who enroll in linguistic faculties related to the Lithuanian language and culture;
  • in the field of scientific research on historical, geographical aspects of the Baltic states in general and Lithuania in particular;
  • various master's programs.

The amount of assistance for those who participate in the third type of government subsidies depends on the country where the student comes from:

Admission procedure

General order:

  • Admission is based on submitted documents and entrance examinations.
  • In addition to specialized disciplines, an exam in the Lithuanian language is taken. The exception is foreign language programs at commercial universities. But it should be noted that when obtaining a student visa, basic knowledge of the state language is welcome.
  • Documents must be submitted in person, for which you will need a short-term tourist visa.
  • If you are accepted, an official invitation is received from the university, and on its basis a long-term student visa is issued. Information on how this is done at the link: .

How can a Russian obtain Lithuanian citizenship – and why do people not move here for permanent residence so often?

Plastic bag:

  • Original document on the previous level of education (certificate, bachelor's/master's diploma).
  • Notarized Lithuanian translation of the above documents.
  • Copy of ID.
  • Motivation letter.
  • Resume.

The best Lithuanian universities

In the QS World University Rankings for 2019–2019

Selection criteria:

  • General impression;
  • Academic reputation;
  • Level of teaching staff;
  • Professionalism of the administration;
  • Number of faculties;
  • International students;
  • Citation scientific works students.

Universities of Lithuania

  • In the ratings:
  • Characteristics and address on the Internet:
English name and website Information
Vilnius University

The oldest and largest educational and scientific institution in Lithuania, founded in the 16th century, deservedly occupies a leading position.


  • faculties - 12;
  • institutes - 7;
  • hospitals - 2;
  • interfaculty research centers – 4;
  • a library with rich collections and modern equipment;
  • astrological observatory;
  • botanical garden;
  • Church of St. John.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Established by the Government of Lithuania.

It has a strong scientific and technological base, supported by budgetary allocations.

Kaunas University of Technology

Prospect to stay

At the legislative level, there is no time for searching for a job during the postgraduate period.

But finding a place for those who have distinguished themselves during their studies is not difficult, especially for those who received government grants or scholarships.

Russians can find work in Lithuania through friends or acquaintances, but most often people find work through websites where open vacancies are published.

Among the most popular grounds for obtaining Lithuanian citizenship, a Russian should highlight the following: marriage with a Lithuanian citizen, consanguinity with a citizen of the country, employment and opening a business.

Higher education in Lithuania has deep roots and a rich history - the first Lithuanian university is one of the oldest in Northern and Eastern Europe. It is Vilnius University that is included in the ranking of the best universities in the world. Lithuania ranks 4th in terms of education in Europe, so the quality of higher education here is beyond doubt. Diplomas from Lithuanian universities are valued all over the world and are respected among employers. Particularly popular among students are such areas as international relations, medicine, design and media. However, the most prestigious technical specialties are: engineering, information, laser, bio- and nanotechnologies.

Advantages of higher education in Lithuania

  • Value for money. Higher education in Lithuania is approximately 4 times cheaper than in the UK and Switzerland. But the diploma is accepted by employers throughout Europe
  • Large selection technical specialties (laser, biological and nanotechnology, and much more)
  • Affordable accommodation - prices for food, rental housing, transport and communications are significantly lower than in other European countries
  • Opportunity for students to work while studying
  • Chances for various scholarships in Lithuania from international programs or universities themselves
  • The high standard of living and dynamic development of the country will allow you to keep up with science and the most current demands of employers during your education.

Valleys of Science in Lithuania

In Lithuania, 5 research “valleys of science” are currently being created. Their formula: education + science + business. In these centers, students can prepare their theses and dissertations, put scientific experiments and get involved in science, communicate with specialists and employers. This makes science education much closer to the realities of the labor market.

Types of study programs in Lithuania

  • Professional bachelor's degree (3-4 years) - study at a board (college). Upon completion, students can either begin an internship or continue their studies in a master's program by studying for an additional year.
  • Bachelor's degree (3-4 years) - study at the university. With a bachelor's degree, you can immediately enroll in a master's program.
  • Master's degree (2 years) - study at the university is either continuous or after receiving a bachelor's degree.
  • Doctoral studies (4-6 years) or doctoral studies in arts.

Tuition fees in Lithuania

The price of higher education in Lithuania depends on the university and the chosen specialty. On average, studying in Lithuania costs from 1.7 to 4 thousand euros per year.

How to get a scholarship in Lithuania

There are several ways to get a scholarship in Lithuania. Funding can be provided by the university, so you must submit an appropriate application upon admission. Another possibility is Lithuanian and international exchange and student support programs:

  • State funding program for full-time education
  • State funding program for partial study or scientific activities
  • Erasmus or Erasmus Mundus program
  • Fulbright Program
It is typical that in Lithuania you can get a scholarship not only for higher education, but even for summer courses in Lithuanian language and culture.

Studying in Russian in Lithuania

In Lithuania you can study in Lithuanian, English, Russian and others foreign languages. About 100 programs are offered in Russian at various universities in Lithuania, including Vilnius University. Programs in Russian range from social sciences and art to medicine and various technical specialties.

How to enter the University of Lithuania

  • The first step is the assessment and recognition of your previous education by the Ministry of Education of Lithuania
  • Apply to your chosen university in Lithuania
  • Send everything to the university on time necessary documents
  • Pass entrance exams (if required)
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