Lipetsk Pedagogical University: faculties, specialties, passing grade. Lipetsk State Pedagogical University (LSPU) Lipetsk State

In Lipetsk, one of the places where you can get a quality education is the Pedagogical School, which gives every student rich and useful knowledge. Thanks to them, students find their place in life after graduation. Some graduates work in educational institutions of the Lipetsk region. Some hold positions in executive authorities. There are also graduates who were able to prove themselves in journalism, archival and museum affairs. What is Lipetsk? What specialties does it offer?

Creation of a pedagogical educational institution

The history of the university, located in Lipetsk, dates back to the 30s of the last century. Due to the shortage of teaching staff, an industrial pedagogical technical school was created. Later it was named after S. M. Kirov, and later it became a school. In 1949, the educational institution was reorganized. A teacher's institute appeared on its basis.

In 1954, the educational organization was transformed. As a result, the pedagogical institute continued its work on training. The university operated with this name until 2000. Then it was transformed into the Lipetsk State Pedagogical University named after Semenov-Tyan-Shansky.

The university is currently

Lipetsk Pedagogical University is actively developing. Since 2008, innovation centers have been operating there, thanks to which the educational organization was able to receive a good income. It was decided to spend the proceeds on improving the material and technical base of the university and updating the library collection.

Currently, the university has set itself the task of developing its potential, which will allow it to train specialists who meet modern requirements. To achieve this, new approaches are being introduced into the educational process. For example, a project called “MasterClass” was developed. Its essence lies in the fact that the lessons of students undergoing practical training are conducted online and recorded on video for further analysis.

Faculties in an educational organization

Lipetsk Pedagogical University currently has no faculties. Previously, it included 13 such structural divisions. However, as a result of the reforms carried out at the university, instead of faculties, 6 independent specialized institutes appeared:

  • technical, mathematical and natural sciences;
  • sports and physical culture;
  • philological;
  • arts and culture;
  • history, social sciences and law;
  • psychology and education.

Specialties of the Pedagogical University

People who want to get a pedagogical education can choose a profile at a university that is interesting to them (for example, Russian language, foreign language, geography, biology, technology, physical education, etc.). It is especially worth noting the presence of such areas as “Pedagogical education (with 2 training profiles)”. Graduates who complete them can work as teachers in 2 subjects (world artistic culture and history, geography and biology, physics and mathematics, etc.).

  • "Design";
  • “Folk crafts and arts and crafts”;
  • "Folk artistic culture".

A popular area of ​​training at the university is “Municipal and Public Administration”. Graduates work in various services and departments. They act as a link between the people and the state, receive citizens, and deal with current problems related to the social, housing, and healthcare spheres.

Entrance tests and minimum scores

For applicants with secondary general education, school USE results in 3 specific subjects are taken into account upon admission. People with specialized secondary or higher education undergo entrance examinations within the walls of the Lipetsk Pedagogical University. They are conducted in the same subjects that are defined for the Unified State Exam.

To apply for admission by choosing the Lipetsk State Pedagogical University (the specialties here are very numerous, there is plenty to choose from), you must score at least the minimum number of points. Applicants with poorer results will not be accepted.

Minimum points
Item Acceptableresults
Russian language38
Social science43
Foreign language40

Passing scores

Budget places at the Lipetsk Pedagogical University are allocated in a certain number. Many applicants apply for them. To determine who to enroll in a university, the admissions committee compiles rating lists of applicants and ranks them depending on the results of the Unified State Examination and entrance tests (from highest to lowest scores). Those applicants who occupy the top positions become university students.

It is impossible to know in advance what the Lipetsk State Pedagogical University will be like. The Admissions Committee provides applicants with information from previous years for review. If the total amount of points scored is small, then you can try to apply not only for the specialty you are interested in, but also for other areas of training in which the passing score is lower and seems more achievable.

Extracurricular life: creativity and sports

Students of Lipetsk Pedagogical University often take part in various competitions. They write poems, fairy tales, historical stories, and come up with performances for the traditional initiation into students. They also participate in festivals of bard song, vocal and instrumental ensembles and rock groups.

Creativity is not the only aspect of extracurricular life. Many students of the Lipetsk Pedagogical University are fond of sports. The university has sports sections for them. In them, boys and girls play basketball, volleyball, athletics, and mini-football.

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University

International name

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University (Lipetsk Teachers Training University)

Former names

Lipetsk State Pedagogical Institute

Year founded


Postgraduate studies

52.617728 , 39.616629 52°37′03.82″ n. w. 39°36′59.86″ E. d. /  52.617728° s. w. 39.616629° E. d.(G) (O) (I)

Legal address

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University (LSPU)- the oldest higher education institution in the city of Lipetsk. Founded in 1949 on the basis of the Lipetsk Pedagogical School as a teachers' institute.

The university includes: 13 faculties, the Institute of Culture and Art, 10 scientific laboratories. Among them:

Laboratory of Social Monitoring;

Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Education Workers (together with the Department of Education and Science of the Lipetsk Region);

Laboratory of cultural studies of the heritage of the Lipetsk region (together with the Department of Culture and Art of the Lipetsk region);

In addition, the university includes a faculty of advanced training, graduate school (27 specialties at the beginning of 2010), a center for pre-university and additional education, an information and analytical center, and preparatory courses.

On December 1, 2009, by decision of the University Academic Council, a decision was made to reorganize the center of pre-university and additional education into the Center for Postgraduate Education of Leningrad State Pedagogical University. This was a consequence of the statement by the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev about the need to transform pedagogical universities in Russia into powerful centers of education. According to the delegation of experts from Rosobrnadzor, which was present at the university on November 20-22, 2009, Lipetsk Pedagogical University has every chance of becoming one of 5 such educational centers in the Central Federal District.

As of October 15, 2011, the university employs 457 teachers. Among them are 79 doctors of science and professors, 359 candidates of science, there are Honored Workers of Science and Culture, members of the International Academy of Teacher Education, New York, Tajik, Slavic Academies of Sciences, International Academy of Sciences of Teacher Education.

During 2007-2009, the university, in connection with the tasks of modernizing the country's higher education system, took serious measures, in particular, at the proposal of the Academic Council of the university, starting from September 1, 2007, the number of places in pedagogical specialties was significantly reduced while simultaneously increasing budget places by non-pedagogical areas of training (information security, clinical psychology, ecology, regional studies, applied computer science, applied mathematics, humanities university specialties - history, cultural studies, translation, journalism).

Since December 2008, innovation centers have been actively operating at the university, which have recently managed to earn about 20 million rubles. For reference: this fully covered all organizational expenses spent by the university on innovative activities and allowed the university to make a significant profit. These funds were used to purchase the latest expensive equipment for the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Sciences, and also rewarded the most active participants in the innovative activities of Leningrad State Pedagogical University (prizes from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles). In addition, in 2010 alone, about 35,000 copies of new literature were purchased for the university library, which made it possible to increase the literature collection of the Leningrad State Pedagogical University library to 960,000 copies (while simultaneously writing off about 3,000 titles of outdated literature).

Serious attention is paid to increasing the share of teaching staff with academic degrees and titles. If in 2006/2007 the share of teaching staff with academic degrees and titles was 61% (10.06% - doctors of science, 50.94% - candidates of science), then by October 1, 2011 this figure increased to 95.84% ( 17.29% are doctors of science, 78.56% are candidates of science). This happened thanks to an increase in the share of positions occupied by doctors and candidates of science, as well as by optimizing the university’s human resources (increasing the proportion of young scientists with academic degrees and titles (up to 40% at the university), reducing the proportion of teachers over 65 years of age and without an academic degree ). As a result, the average age of teachers at the university was 41 years.

Year founded: 1949
Number of students studying at the university: 6244
Cost of studying at the university: 30 - 50 thousand rubles.

Address: 398020, Lipetsk region, Lipetsk, Lenina, 42


Email: [email protected]

About the university

The training of teaching staff is always the basis on which the development of any society is built. The general level of culture of the country's population determines the success of its progressive development and achievements in all areas.

The beginning of teacher training in Lipetsk is associated with the thirties of the 20th century. In the era of the first five-year plans, the tasks arose of eliminating illiteracy for the bulk of the country's adult population, raising the general and professional level of young people and people holding various positions in the structure of state power and the Soviet system.

The initial task was obvious, on the solution of which the problem of raising the general culture of the country's population depended. At the beginning of the 30s, there was an urgent need to provide the country with specialists who could teach others. The level of literacy and culture of the main part of the population was such that the task of training primary school teachers, on whose work the future of the country largely depended, came up on the agenda.

That is why, in connection with the construction of a metallurgical plant in Lipetsk, secondary vocational educational institutions were opened in our small town in the Central Black Earth Region, one of which was the Industrial Pedagogical College.

The minutes of the meeting of the section of the department of public education under the Lipetsk City Council dated April 7, 1931 noted: “Lipetsk is growing at the expense of the workers. An industrial and metallurgical plant is being created. The polytechnic school is also growing. There is a need to obtain qualified teaching staff, which is especially lacking in the Lipetsk region. The creation of an industrial-pedagogical technical school is especially appropriate at this moment.”

The Lipetsk Industrial Pedagogical College (LIPT) of the Central Black Earth Regional Department of Public Education began to function on April 16, 1931. Thus, this date is the beginning of professional pedagogical education in Lipetsk. Later, the educational institution was named after S.M. Kirov, in 1936 it was renamed the Lipetsk Pedagogical College named after. CM. Kirov, and from 1937 - to the Lipetsk Pedagogical School. CM. Kirov.

The first director of the technical school was the initiator of its creation, Pyotr Vasilyevich Khlebnikov. Soon, in July 1931, he was “recalled to party work,” and from August 1, Fyodor Illarionovich Kasyanov, a native of the peasantry, became the director of LIPT, then he worked for a long time at the pedagogical school, and in the 40s he became the head. Lipetsk City Regional Educational Institution, and then - director of secondary school No. 1 in Lipetsk.

The technical school had a three-year term of study, six semesters. The curriculum provided for three cycles of disciplines for study: socio-economic; polytechnic and pedagogical. In the first, the most important place was occupied by the main subject: “History of the Class Struggle”, for which 210 hours were allocated “on a schedule” and 105 hours for study “at home” (analogous to modern independent work).

In 1939, there were 619 people studying at the school, and the teaching staff included 26 teachers. The equipment consisted of 2 gramophones, 56 records, one grand piano, three pianos, 15 violins. The library had about 35 thousand copies of books.

Living conditions in the 30s were quite difficult. Students received scholarships, the amount of which was small and varied depending on their academic performance. According to information for 1937, the scholarship was: in the 1st year - 40 or 50 rubles, in the 2nd year - from 45 to 60 rubles; on the third – from 50 to 70 rubles. There were also two “large” scholarships: one for 80 rubles. and one for 100 rubles. (name March 8). Needy students were given benefits, one-time or periodic, the amount of the benefit was 30 rubles. One of the norms for organizing student life was that students eat in the college canteen. The cost of the daily ration was 1 rub. 40 kopecks and increased by 40 kopecks. during sessions and exams. The calorie content of the diet was, according to calculations at that time, 1200-1600 calories. Bread was provided - 500 g per day, and another 100 g in the canteen. Teachers received natural supplies. In 1932 it consisted of bread - 400 g, millet - 500 g and sugar - 400 g.

Despite the difficulties, it was obvious that the youth of that time wanted to get an education even in difficult living conditions. The forms of cultural work with students corresponded to the possibilities of the time under consideration. In the unpublished memoirs of the oldest Lipetsk teacher L.V. Krinitskaya, who worked at a pedagogical college in the second half of the 30s, talks about how she came to the women’s dormitory in her free time. There, in the hall of the dormitory where the girls lived, there was a single loudspeaker. Lidia Vladimirovna found out the program schedule in advance and listened to them together with the students. According to her recollections, they listened, with her comments about how the characters dressed and looked, “Eugene Onegin”, “Minion”, “On a Lively Place”, “Profitable Place”. It was “collective listening to the radio”, thanks to which students of the pedagogical school perceived the achievements of world culture.

Life was difficult for both teachers and students during the Great Patriotic War. Everything was subordinated to the tasks of fighting the enemy. Now, in terms of educational work, there were circles for heavy machine gunners and submachine gunners, where both boys and girls studied. The minutes of party meetings during the war years necessarily included questions about subsidiary farming, about the sowing campaign on a plot of 5 hectares of land allocated to the school. In January 1944, the teaching staff asked to increase the standard of bread distribution for employees to 500 grams. According to the recollections of one of the school teachers, the most difficult thing was providing the teachers with firewood - they made do as best they could, and comradely mutual assistance and collectivism helped out.

Time determined the specifics of educational work: the Red Banner class studied especially well, in which, despite the fact that there were “many people with malaria and undernourished,” there were no underachievers. For the first time in the history of the technical school, in the 1943-1944 academic year there were no teachers of pedagogy and for some time there were no teachers of the Russian language, and for a whole semester there were no teachers of geography.

In the summer of 1944, college students earned 509 man-days on the construction of a tractor plant. At the student meeting, it was decided that all funds earned would be transferred to the fund of a sponsored orphanage.

Thanks to the activities of the school, by the end of the 30s. The task of implementing universal seven-year education began to be solved in the city and district, and the quality of teaching staff increased significantly.

The need to solve the problem of providing the entire population with seven-year education led to the fact that a number of pedagogical schools in the country were transformed into teacher institutes.

On July 29, 1949, by order of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, the Lipetsk Pedagogical School was reorganized into a state teachers' institute. On September 1, 1949, about 200 students began classes at the institute. The first director of the institute was Boris Lavrentievich Panferov, associate professor of the mathematics department of the Voronezh Agricultural Institute, who headed our educational institution until 1954. Sergei Vasilyevich Shcheprov became the first deputy director for scientific and educational work, and Vladimir Ippolitovich Ustinov for the correspondence department.

Two departments were created: physics and mathematics (headed by N.N. Krapivin, then Boris Sergeevich Nekrasov) and Russian language and literature (headed by Zinaida Vladimirovna Ustinova in 1951). For the first time, the teaching staff was united across departments, and the first candidates of science appeared. The first five departments were also formed: foundations of Marxism-Leninism (4 full-time teachers), Russian language and literature (8 teachers, of which 1 is an associate professor), pedagogy (2 teachers), mathematics (5 teachers), physics (4 teachers), later the department of physical education was created.

The teaching staff of the institute began to take shape, which later became the basis of the pedagogical educational institution: N.N. began work at the teachers' institute in Lipetsk. Krapivin, N.D. Zhikhareva and others. Many of the first teachers and students of the teachers' institute went through the war. Of the 200 students enrolled in the first year, 108 went through the war and returned with awards; Deputy Director S.V. Shcheprov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and the Red Star, first head. Department of Physics and Mathematics N.N. Krapivin is a holder of the Order of Alexander Nevsky. Having such a strong contingent of students and teachers, the Teachers' Institute has passed with honor an important stage of its initial formation, persistent struggle for knowledge, and improvement of pedagogical and scientific qualifications.

In the year of opening, there were 200 students at the institute: 79 in the department of Russian language and literature and 121 in physics and mathematics. In January 1951, there were already 406 full-time students studying at the institute. The institute, as a teacher's institute, made three graduations, fulfilling the task of a specific historical period. Graduates of the institute, and there were over four hundred of them, ensured the operation of seven-year schools.

Life required a significant reorganization of the university. Universal free secondary education for schoolchildren has become a reality, and therefore the need for in-depth training of subject teachers has sharply increased.

The year 1954 became a turning point in the development of teacher education in Lipetsk. On January 6, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Lipetsk region was formed. Lipetsk acquired the status of a regional center. This also required the presence of full-fledged higher educational institutions. The growth of the population of the regional center, associated with the construction of the metallurgical giant, posed the task of increasing both the ideological and educational level of the former villagers who became city residents.

The leaders of the region understood this very well, which resulted in the immediate transformation of the Lipetsk Teachers' Institute into a pedagogical one, by order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated June 8, 1954. Trofim Ilyich Popodko became the director of the pedagogical institute, the deputy director for educational work was Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Yu.F. Tetyutskaya.

As the legal successor of the teachers' institute, the pedagogical institute inherited its best positions and, of course, was significantly transformed in literally everything. On August 20, 1955, due to an increase in the number of specialties and the number of students, the institute began to operate in a new building - a former Air Force school in the village of Svobodny Sokol, 8 km from the city center. This building remained the building of the Pedagogical Institute until 1975. In 1973, the construction of a new building of the institute was completed and student classes began in the current building No. 1, and in 1978 - in building No. 2.

A five-year course and enriched curricula are being introduced. The content and quality of classes is ensured by a renewed teaching staff, in which there are more candidates of sciences and associate professors.

So, on September 1, 1954, the Lipetsk State Pedagogical Institute began to function. 2nd year students of the teacher's educational institution were transferred to the teaching staff and recruitment was carried out for the 1st year of the physics, mathematics and philology faculties (75 people each).

License series AA No. 003453, reg. No.: 3449 dated June 2, 2010
Certificate of state accreditation BB No. 000466, reg. No. 0462) dated June 3, 2010

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University founded in 1949 on the basis of the Lipetsk Pedagogical School as a teachers' institute.

The university includes: 13 faculties, the Institute of Culture and Art, 9 scientific laboratories. Among them:

  • laboratory of information and computer technologies;
  • nanotechnology (specialization physical chemistry);
  • environmental monitoring laboratory;
  • center for psychological research (specialization clinical psychology), etc.


  • Institute of Culture and Art
    • "Music education" (qualification - music teacher)
    • "Folk artistic creativity. Specialization: Folk choir" (qualification - artistic director of a vocal choir group, teacher)
    • "Folk artistic creativity. Choreography. Specialization: Folk dance" (qualification - artistic director of a choreographic group, teacher)
  • Faculty of Philology
    The Faculty of Philology trains teachers of Russian language and literature, as well as Russian language, literature and English. In 2000, new specialties and specializations were opened, including “Practical Journalism”.
  • Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Sciences
    • "Information systems and technologies" (qualification - engineer)
    • "Applied mathematics and computer science" (qualification - mathematician, system programmer)
    • "Mathematics and computer science" (qualification - teacher of mathematics and computer science)
    • "Physics and computer science" (qualification - teacher of physics and computer science)
    • "Organization and technology of information security" (qualification - information security specialist)
    • "Vocational training" (qualification - vocational training teacher)
  • Faculty of History
    • "History and cultural studies" (qualification - teacher of history and cultural studies)
    • "Jurisprudence" (qualification - law teacher)
    • "History" (qualification - historian, history teacher)
  • Faculty of Natural Geography
    • "Biology and Chemistry" (qualification - teacher of biology and chemistry);
    • "Chemistry and Biology" (qualification - teacher of chemistry and biology);
    • "Geography and Biology" (qualification - teacher of geography and biology);
    • "Ecology" (qualification - ecologist).
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages
    The faculty trains foreign language specialists with an additional specialty (second foreign language), qualification - teacher of two foreign languages. In the final year, students are offered specialization in subjects of philological, cultural and pedagogical blocks. Graduates of the faculty receive additional specialization, which gives them the opportunity to work in related pedagogical specialties: teacher of world artistic culture, translator, methodologist for early and secondary teaching of foreign languages.
  • Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship
    Two pedagogical specialties:
    • Technology and Entrepreneurship;
    • Vocational training;
    as well as specialty
    • Service Specialist.
  • Faculty of Art and Graphics
    • "Fine arts" (qualification - fine arts teacher)
    • "Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts" (qualification - artist of decorative and applied arts)
    • "Design (specialization: graphic design)" (qualification - designer)
  • Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports
    • "Physical education" (qualification - physical education teacher)
    • "Physical education for persons with disabilities" (qualification - specialist in adaptive physical education)
  • Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
    The faculty provides professional training of specialists in six areas: social pedagogy, social work, special psychology, clinical psychology, speech therapy, oligophrenopedagogy.
  • Faculty of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication
    • "Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures" in the direction of "Linguistics and intercultural communication."
    The faculty has three departments: English, German and French.
  • Faculty of Information and Social Technologies
    • "Applied computer science in economics" (qualification - computer scientist-economist)
    • "Informatics" (qualification - computer science teacher)
    • "State and municipal management" (qualification - manager)
    • "Mathematical methods in economics" (qualification - economist-mathematician)
    • "Organization of work with youth" (qualification - specialist in work with youth)
    • "Sociology" (qualification - sociologist, sociology teacher)
  • International Faculty of Leningrad State Pedagogical University
    Foreign citizens are offered the following levels of training and forms of training:
    • pre-university preparation - 1 year;
    • full course of study under the certified specialist program – 5 years;
    • included training (1 semester, 1 year, 2 years);
    • Master's degree (art and graphic department)
    • postgraduate study - 3 years;
    • Postgraduate study (part-time study) - 4 years;
    • various types of internships;
    • Russian language courses (with additional training in business and English).
  • Faculty of Advanced Studies
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