How to plant and care for Hakuro Nishiki willow at different times of the year? How to grow flamingo willow on your property? Salix integra hakuro nishiki care

The Hakuro Nishiki willow is radically different from its usual wild-growing weeping relative, but belongs to the same family. She is short perennial shrub with branches pointing upward. Many designers prefer this variety because of its relative unpretentiousness and the ability to form an unusual crown on the tree. In addition, the leaves of the Hakuro Nishiki willow are colored not only green, but also in other colors and shades.

Hakuro Nishiki is native to Japan but can grow in temperate climates.

Description and characteristics of the variety

The bushes have a round shape. An adult plant can reach 2-3 meters in height and the same in diameter. For comparison, weeping willow grows up to 25 m. The branches are vertical, but as the willow grows, they fall apart in the shape of a fan or fountain, forming a ball.

The bark of the whole-leaf willow Hakuro Nishiki is colored gray green, and over time it becomes gray. The shoots are brown, with a red tint. The leaves are oblong, colored pale pink. Over time, they acquire a light green tint, turn yellow and fall off in the fall.

Rules for planting and care

Even a novice gardener can handle planting and caring for the Hakuro Nishiki willow. This is a fairly unpretentious variety that can be replanted in adulthood. The main thing is to choose the right place to plant young bushes, and they will feel good and grow quickly. In addition, it is necessary to prune the willow of Hakuro Nishiki in order to form the correct crown of a rounded shape.

For growing at home, you can buy ready-made bushes.

Preparing seedlings and planting them in open ground

Willow is native to Japan, but it has adapted well to a temperate climate with temperature differences between winter and summer. Like other willow varieties, this variety prefers moist soil. The optimal place for planting seedlings is the banks of natural or artificial reservoirs. Otherwise, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of soil moisture and prevent the bushes from drying out.

Hakuro Nishiki willow propagation occurs in two ways:

  • cuttings - they are harvested in early spring, after which they can immediately be planted in open ground,
  • grafting onto other trees is the main technology for creating Hakuro Nishiki willow on a trunk.

The main method of propagating willow at home is by cuttings. Cuttings are sections of branches that are taken from adult bushes in early spring. The most important thing is to have time to get them before the beginning of the growing season, so as not to harm the mother plant. The cuttings do not require preliminary preparation: just slightly dry the cut area and lower it into the soil. During the warm period, the seedling will take root and begin to grow. The bushes begin to bloom approximately in the third year of life.

Some experts keep cuttings in hot water within a few hours - this way they grow faster, and in the first year they can add up to 90 cm.

Planting and caring for the whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki is possible at home. Another way to obtain unusual trees is stamping. A standard is a tree with a strong, even trunk, onto the top of which Japanese willow is grafted. Most often, goat willow, which has a tree-like straight trunk, is used for these purposes.

Tree care

Planting and caring for the Japanese willow Hakuro Nishiki does not take much time. It grows well without additional fertilizers and daily watering, if you choose the right place to plant the bushes. There are some rules thanks to which the willow will grow tall and healthy:

  • the plant tolerates stagnation of moisture better than drying out of the soil, so it should be watered constantly,
  • for landing it is better to choose a place with high level groundwater,
  • for fertilizing, you can use organic fertilizers - compost or humus,
  • To prevent fungal diseases, the leaves are sprayed with fungicidal agents:
  • It is better to take seedlings from bushes in the region in which they are planned to be planted - this way they will quickly adapt to climatic conditions.

The willow variety Hakuro Nishiki, like other representatives of the willow family, prefer well-lit areas. It can also grow in partially darkened places if they are exposed to bright light during the day. sunlight. In the dark it grows slowly and its leaves appear weak. Willow is unpretentious to the type of soil. However, if you plant it on clay soil, you should add sand or peat to it for better moisture conductivity.

Japanese willow is resistant to temperature changes and easily tolerates winter frosts. If the frost is severe, some shoots may freeze, but this does not harm the entire bush. Such branches simply need to be cut off during the first spring pruning.

Only standard trees are sensitive to frost, namely the place where Hakuro Nishiki was grafted onto another variety. This area is wrapped in special materials for the winter - agrofibre or lutarsil.

Crown trimming

Since this willow variety is a bush with long, even branches, their growth can be adjusted. With proper and timely pruning, the plant looks thick and lush. This process also has its own characteristics:

  • the first formative pruning is carried out in the spring, before the beginning of the growing season,
  • do not be afraid to cut off excess shoots - the bush quickly restores its shape due to the growth of new ones,
  • in the first year, no more than 4-6 buds are left, each year adding 1 bud to this length,
  • at the end of autumn, the last trimming is carried out, during which dry or diseased branches are cut off.

As a result of competent work with the shape of the crown, the willow becomes like a ball. If it grows on a trunk, the tree resembles a huge dandelion. It is also necessary to trim off excess shoots along the trunk of the standard tree.

Japanese willow in landscape design

Photo of willow tree by Hakuro Nishiki landscape design- These are neat, low plants with a rounded crown. These bushes are bred specifically for decorative purposes; they are planted in the courtyard of a house, as well as in parks and recreation areas. They can be planted either alone or in combination with other plants. Standard Japanese willows are in great demand.

There are several options decorative use Hakuro Nishiki:

  • several bushes planted in a row form an unusual hedge,
  • It is better to plant single bushes or standard trees against a background of green mass, so they will stand out favorably,
  • willow looks good and grows quickly around small artificial ponds,
  • it is often planted together with another member of the willow family - Matsudana willow.

Since this plant immediately catches the eye due to its unusual shade, it will look harmonious in any garden. In addition, even in winter it will be distinguished by red shoots. The main rule is to choose well-refreshed areas as a planting site. Next to tall trees With a wide crown, Japanese willow will not grow healthy because they will block it from the sun's rays.

In the photo, Hakuro Nishiki's willow looks like a spherical bush in different shades of pink, green and gray colors. The main purpose of its cultivation is landscape design, decoration of gardens, parks and recreation areas. She is quite unpretentious - despite the fact that her homeland is Japan, she is adapted to live in a temperate climate and tolerates frost well. It will grow especially quickly if the soil underneath is constantly moist. Even a novice gardener can cope with growing this variety of willow - caring for it and forming the crown is very simple.

Formation of the crown of Hakuro Nishiki - video

Nishiki Hakuro is a willow growing in the form of a spherical subshrub, native to Japan. However, she managed to win the hearts of the inhabitants of the middle zone, as it turned out that she was growing well in climatic conditions this natural area. Increasingly, an unusual beautiful crop is becoming an exquisite decoration of garden plots, delighting people with its crown. What kind of plant is this? “Popular about health” will tell you all the details of planting willow and caring for hakuro nishiki. We suggest looking at the willow photo right away so that readers can understand what kind of culture we are talking about.

Photo by Nishiki Hakuro

Here is a Japanese subshrub growing in the shape of a ball. The plant arouses interest not only due to its unusual shape, but also due to the beautiful shades of its shoots and foliage. In early spring, when the leaves just bloom, they are colored soft green, and a little later their shade changes to light pink, while the shoots, or rather their tips, also change color to purple. The spectacle is truly breathtaking! It is for its beauty that the Nishiki Hakuro willow is valued by gardeners. Do you like the willow in the photo? Do you want to plant it on your site? Then read how to do it correctly.

Planting Hakuro Nishiki in the garden

After purchasing a seedling, it is important to pay attention to finding the most suitable place in your garden. Japanese willow prefers protected from strong wind places, loves sun or very transparent partial shade. Being in dense shade, the bush will not reveal all its beauty to you - its leaves will remain pale green. This culture is moisture-loving and prefers loose soil. It’s good if there is a small pond or at least a lowland on your site, the hakuro nishiki willow will definitely like it there, because in such places the soil is always moist. If the soil in your garden is heavy and viscous, you will have to take care of good drainage when planting niches.

When planting several shrubs, it is worth considering that the crop grows over time, becoming more and more voluminous. An adult willow Hakuro Nishiki can reach a diameter of three meters. When is it possible to plant willow? The optimal time for planting shrubs is mid-May or late April (in warm areas). The hole should be quite large in size - 60 cm deep and the same diameter. The soil, if it is heavy, is mixed with peat and sand. A layer of pebbles or expanded clay up to 30 cm is placed on the bottom. The roots of the plant must be placed in a container with water for several hours before planting. Then a third of the depth of the hole is filled with soil, the seedling is installed and covered with the remaining soil. The surface is compacted, watered and immediately mulched. For Nishiki Hakuro, the landing is complete.

What kind of nishiki hakuro care is correct??

Willow care after planting

The first month, when the plant takes root, it needs a lot of attention from the gardener. It needs to be watered daily, this is the only way it will quickly adapt to a new place. In general, this crop does not tolerate drought, so you should not relax in the future. Water your Japanese willow deeply and often, otherwise its leaves will curl and lose their beautiful shade. It is very important to treat the tree trunk circle some time after planting with any of the preparations containing imidacloprid, for example, Corado, Confidor. They will protect the seedlings from beetle larvae. These small caterpillars are not averse to eating the roots of a young willow and can destroy the plant. After about 40 days, the treatment is repeated.

What fertilizing is needed?

Nishiki care should include fertilizing. Willow responds well to them, both external and root. Mineral complexes and organic matter are used as the latter. Usually in spring and autumn trunk circle for digging, add a bucket of humus and about 30 g of mineral components. In the summer, to maintain the beauty of the foliage, you can spray the crown with special foliar fertilizers.

How to prepare Nishiki willow for winter?

In late autumn, unnecessary shoots are cut off from the bush and covered with non-woven material. But it is forbidden to use polyethylene, otherwise the branches will be banned. If your willow is grafted onto a standard tree, then cover the grafting site especially carefully; it is most susceptible to damage from cold. Wrap it in agrofibre or other material, such as lutrasil.


With the onset of spring, pruning is performed. At this time, shoots that could not survive the winter must be removed. It is also useful to lightly trim the entire crown to stimulate the growth of young shoots. This year they will have the most beautiful foliage. In the summer, if necessary, carry out a formative trimming of the crown to give the bush a neat rounded shape.

Pest treatment

Hakuro Nishiki willow is resistant to most diseases, but preventive treatment against all kinds of fungal infections still won’t hurt. Use any systemic antifungal drugs to spray the plant crown in spring and autumn.

Willow hakuro nishiki is an excellent choice for the gardener. It takes root well, grows quickly, does not require much attention, and tolerates winter well. If you are interested in this beautiful bush from Japan, why not get some of its seedlings and decorate your garden, giving it a unique Japanese charm?

Willows appeared a very long time ago; their genus is quite large, numbering at least five hundred and fifty species. Trees and shrubs typically grow in the northern hemisphere. Many gardeners would like to plant such a beauty in their garden plot.

General information

Willow hakuro nishik is the smallest member of the willow family and differs from other varieties in leaf color, crown shape, and ability to bloom. The buds are crimson or yellow-green in color and are quite plastic. The young leaves are whole and have a light green color when they bloom. Subsequently, stripes and circles of a creamy-raspberry tone appear. This variety of willow is often used to decorate landscapes. In summer the leaves turn a little pale. As they lose their color, they become duller. Old leaves, as a rule, are rich green in color, without obvious strokes. Only after two years of growth willow lays catkins.

The branches of a young plant are long and, as a rule, stretch upward; the older the bush becomes, the more the branches bend and become similar to a ball. The crown of this plant is spherical and grows quite quickly. Capable of reaching three meters in height, three meters in diameter if conditions are favorable. On average it grows up to one and a half meters in height and approximately the same in diameter. The plant, due to its roots, is classified as a shrub.

Japanese willow on a trunk is a low tree shaped like a ball. Over time, the branches of the plant will resemble a fountain.

To plant a willow on your site, you must follow several mandatory rules. Then the plant will delight for a long period. What is required for planting:

The hakuro nishiki variety does not require much time to care for. To preserve the species, you need systematic irrigation in the summer and proper pruning in the fall. With a lack of water, the leaves begin to lose their color, become deformed, crumble, and the tops of the branches become dull. As a result, the bush loses its uniqueness.

In late autumn and early winter, it is necessary to remove dry, broken and diseased branches. In February or early March, it is recommended to do formative pruning; it will stimulate the growth of new branches. Standard tree Grows much faster, receiving more light. It is recommended to do it in June decorative pruning to maintain the rounded shape of the crown. Also, excess shoots along the trunk are cut off. If you regularly cut off thick branches, the young ones will actively grow. The willow will look like a large dandelion, which will undoubtedly make it unique. With the help of pruning, willow can be created into any shape.

Like all other plants, willow needs regular feeding. Feeding is carried out throughout the year. More active in spring, summer and autumn. Good results can be achieved with long-acting granular fertilizers. During the hottest periods, the plant needs not only root feeding, but also foliar feeding.

To make Japanese willow look great on a trunk, you should regularly mulch and loosen the soil. In November, unnecessary grass is removed and the plant is covered. For this you can use non-woven material. Polyethylene is not suitable for covering. Without shelter, the tree will stop growing and will become like a bush, since the branches will freeze at the snow level. The grafted areas are most afraid of frost. They are carefully covered for the winter, provided proper care. It is recommended to cover the plant with agrofibre. Willow on a trunk is resistant to low temperatures, but in case of severe frosts (-20-...), in the absence of snow, the young branches freeze. But the plant does not suffer any particular damage. Frozen branches are pruned in the spring.


The shrub is propagated only in April, by cuttings and grafting willow of a different variety. The cutting method is considered simple. Cuttings are harvested in early March, when they still have no leaves. The cut area needs to be dried and almost immediately planted in the ground. They can also be placed in boiled, chilled water, but the water should not be cold. The bores begin to grow on their own quite quickly. Young bushes bloom only in the third or fourth year of life.

Diseases and pests

The variety is resistant to diseases and is not afraid of fungi and pests. The plant should be treated for preventive purposes with antifungal agents in the spring. The bush is treated generously once and again after a couple of weeks. The main pests are beetleworm larvae. They tend to harm plants that are less than three years old. For prevention, the seedling is treated with imidacloprid. The procedure must be repeated after one and a half, two months.

A plant that has not been treated can suffer from the following problems:

  • Powdery mildew.
  • Leaf roller.
  • Fruit moth.
  • Necrosis of branches and trunks.

It is recommended that if a disease is detected, you contact a specialist in this field. Today's gardeners, with the help of books and the Internet, are able to independently determine the diagnosis and choose the necessary treatment methods and necessary care.

Use and application

Willows are occasionally used to decorate home gardens. We can say with confidence that it was completely in vain. They grow very quickly, do not require special care and are very impressive plants. Tall varieties, of course, are not very suitable for small home gardens, but low-growing varieties and shrubs will be just in time. Willow on a trunk looks wonderful on lawns, regardless of its size. The bush is also planted near gazebos and benches. Low-growing varieties are very versatile. They can be planted everywhere and used as hedge. When planting cuttings in a shaped manner, you can get a living gazebo, wigwam, and arches.

Hakuro Nashiki willow is good because it improves the soil and atmosphere. With its help, you can strengthen banks, erosion and embankment ravines, and cliffs. The shrub can bring bright colors to the garden at any time of the year.

Today, a crop such as the Hakuro Nishiki willow (Salix Integra Hakuro Nishiki) is gaining popularity among gardeners. This tree is able to signal the approach of warm weather in the spring. It is used quite often in landscape design, because this shrub is unpretentious and has a pleasant appearance.

General information

Planting seedlings

Its subsequent growth and visual attractiveness depend on the correct planting of the tree. So, you need to follow a number of rules and take into account deadlines.

The optimal time for planting whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki is April or May. During this period, the culture will be able to perfectly adapt to new conditions, which will have a beneficial effect on its development. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

First of all, you need to dig a fairly large hole in the soil with dimensions of 70x70 cm. You need to place a small amount of organic matter (humus and compost) there. You also need to line the hole with drainage using crushed stone or sand. The thickness of the drainage layer should not be less than 22 cm. Then it is poured to the bottom leaf soil, sand, peat and turf soil. After this, the seedling is lowered into the recess and sprinkled with peat mass, leaf soil and a mixture of sand and turf. Finally, you need to compact the landing site with your feet or some large and hard object, for example, a bucket or watering can.

This variety of willow needs to be pruned periodically. This is necessary to give the crown of the crop an attractive shape. This should be done in early spring. There is no need to be afraid of cutting off too large parts; this will not harm the crop.

Japanese willow is considered winter-hardy, but if there is too much frost and too much snow, it can freeze. Standard varieties suffer more than others from freezing. Therefore, in winter it is advisable to wrap and tie the tree with agrofibre.

How to cover a thuja for the winter: methods of protection and insulation with material

To propagate this variety, two methods are used:

  • vaccinations on a standard;
  • cuttings

The first method is considered the simplest. If preference was given to the grafting method, then it is better to do this on a goat willow variety.

Protection from diseases and pests

Despite the fact that this variety of willow is characterized by excellent immunity, it needs to be provided with proper and timely prevention. So, to prevent fungal infection, you need to treat the crop with systemic fungicides a couple of times a season. This is best done in early spring and autumn.

Most often, the plant is harmed by the larvae of May beetles. Even one individual can eat up to 35 cm of rhizomes per day. Seedlings are especially attractive to pests. To protect them, the roots and foliage of the tree must be treated with special preparations (Prestige, Antikhrushch, etc.).

This plant is almost not susceptible to diseases, but sometimes necrosis of branches and powdery mildew. Hakuro Nishiki is a wonderful addition to any garden. You just need to follow the rules of watering, and the willow will bring joy with its beauty.

Willow variety Hakuro Nishiki

Willow allifolia Hakuro Nishiki is a spreading bush or small tree with a fluffy crown. These plants have only recently begun to be used in landscape design. This variety of willow looks great both as a single planting and when forming hedges. IN lately they began to be used not only for decorating surfaces around artificially created reservoirs, but also for landscaping park areas and squares.

At group plantings This Japanese willow perfectly shades other plants that have dark green foliage. When such a tree is grown on a trunk and regularly trimmed, it can take on the appearance of a huge blossoming dandelion. There are other methods of crown formation. This provides great opportunities for using this plant in landscape design.

General characteristics of the variety

It is worth noting that the Salix Integra Hakuro Nishiki willow was bred in Japan, but has successfully acclimatized in middle lane Russia. This plant is considered the smallest among the representatives of its family. This variety differs from others not only in the shape of the crown, but also in the unusual color of the foliage and the possibility of flowering. The buds are usually purplish or yellow-green in color. They are characterized by high ductility. As a rule, young willow leaves of this variety usually have a soft light green color. At first they are solid, but later characteristic stripes and small circles of a creamy-raspberry color appear on them. As temperatures rise in summer, leaf color may become paler. By autumn they again acquire a rich green color without pronounced strokes.

Usually only after 2 years of growth in one place the tree begins to lay earrings. The branches of a young plant are very long and can stretch upward. Old willows of this variety have arching branches that give them a spherical shape even if the bush is not trimmed properly. At favorable conditions willow of this variety can reach approximately 3 m in height, but in most cases the tree does not exceed 1.5 m. In diameter, it reaches approximately the same size. Because of this crown structure, this plant usually resembles a bush. The standard version is usually a tree. Its crown resembles a rounded ball located on a rather thin trunk.

Planting willow Hakuro Nishiki in open ground

This plant is moisture-loving, but it grows better in open areas, flooded sun rays. It is not recommended to plant this willow in shaded areas, as it will result in the leaves not becoming tender. pink tint. They will remain pale and monochromatic throughout the year. In addition, this can cause the willow to pull out shoots. Correct fit and caring for the plant allows you to ensure that it looks as impressive as possible throughout the spring-summer season. There are a lot of subtleties in this matter. Planting the Hakuro Nishiki willow is best done in April or early May, i.e. before buds form. In order for the tree to take root well, the following conditions must be met:

  • there must be a hole small size about 60X60cm;
  • the bottom needs to be filled with compost or humus;
  • make drainage from pebbles or sand.

If there is heavy clay soil on the site, it is advisable to replace it with sand and peat. Considering the ability of this plant to grow in width and height, the distance between the bushes should be at least 1-2 m. After planting, it is imperative to water the plant for at least 3 weeks. This will prevent it from drying out. It is best to immediately mulch the area around the trunk with dry grass. This will prevent moisture loss too quickly.

Willow care Hakuro Nishiki

This ornamental plant is extremely unpretentious. If the conditions for it are initially optimal, in the future additional care may not be required at all. However, if the Hakuro Nishiki willow was planted as the most important element landscape design, some effort will still have to be made to maintain its beauty.

During dry periods, this plant requires additional good watering. If the soil is not sufficiently moistened, the leaves may begin to curl, and the top quickly becomes dull, causing the shrub to lose its decorative appearance. The most important point is and correct pruning willows The procedure should be carried out in late autumn or winter. At this time, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary and broken shoots. Earlier in the spring, a final formative cutting is carried out, which can stimulate the active growth of new shoots.

Hakuro Nishiki willows are extremely difficult to tolerate lack of the required amount of nutrients. To avoid the death of the bush, it is necessary to fertilize at least 3 times a year. Usually make mineral fertilizers recommended in summer, spring and early autumn. The best effect is provided by nutritional supplements in the form of granules, which have a long-lasting effect. It is necessary to purchase fertilizers specifically designed for garden shrubs. Also in the summer to maintain excellent decorative look plants are recommended to be carried out foliar feeding leaf mass.

It must be taken into account that usually mature willow shrubs of this variety are characterized by fairly high frost resistance. In very cold winters, some shoots may die. They must be removed in the spring. Vaccination sites are considered the most vulnerable. It is advisable to wrap young trees with agrofibre in winter to avoid damage.

In the spring, you can propagate Hakuro Nishiki willow by cuttings or grafting onto a standard willow tree. The bush form is much easier to obtain. Usually early spring During pruning, a large number of cuttings are prepared, which are dried at the cut site until the buds appear, and then immediately planted in the ground. They root very quickly, making them easy to grow. Young willows obtained in this way bloom for 2-3 years.

This plant is highly resistant to many diseases and pests. However, as part of the prevention of fungal infection of leaves, it is necessary to treat the crown with fungicidal agents 2 times in the spring. For young willows of this variety, beetle larvae pose a particular danger. In order to prevent damage to the roots, before planting the seedling, it should be treated with a preparation containing imidacloprid. After about 40-50 days, the procedure must be repeated.

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