How is the name Vova translated from Greek? Vova, Volodya: full name. The meaning of the name Vladimir. Vladimir in different languages ​​of the world

There are two versions of the origin of the name Vladimir; historians are still guessing which one is correct. According to the first version, the name Vladimir came to us from ancient Germany, when there was a fashion to create names from two stems. The ancestor of the name was the German name Waldemar, which in turn consists of the words “waltan” and “mari”, meaning “to rule, own” and “famous, rich”, respectively.
At first, in Rus', the name Voldemar was pronounced as Volodymer, but over time it acquired the familiar sound of Vladimir, and began to be interpreted as “who owns the world.”

According to the second version, the name Vladimir has Old Slavic roots, since it comes from the merger of two roots - “vlad”, meaning “power”, and “peace”, in the times of ancient Rus' interpreted as “agreement” or “consent”.

The name Vladimir has always been popular, and in the twentieth century it entered the top five most common names throughout the post-Soviet space. This is not surprising, because history knows so many outstanding and talented individuals who have forever glorified the name Vladimir. Among them are Prince Vladimir Monomakh of Kiev, poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, writer Vladimir Nabokov, singer and actor Vladimir Vysotsky, doctor Vladimir Bekhterev, conductor and violinist Vladimir Spivakov, Russian President Vladimir Putin and many others.

Name days and patron saints

Initially, the name Vladimir was pagan, but after the baptism of Rus' by Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, the name was canonized and included in the Orthodox calendar.

The Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir, the grandson of Princess Olga, having accepted the Orthodox faith in Korsun, returned to Kyiv, where in 988 the baptism ceremony of the entire Russian people was performed. To do this, all residents of Kyiv were first baptized in the waters of the Dnieper, after which the Christian faith quickly began to spread throughout Kievan Rus.

The result of baptism was the construction of Orthodox churches, hospitals, schools and shelters for the poor, the holding of religious services and the liberation of slaves. The people's love for Prince Vladimir is evidenced by his nickname Red Sun, under which he forever remained known as the hero of fairy tales and epics.

All men named Vladimir can choose a name day date that coincides with their date of birth, or the closest one after their birthday. Name days: January 21, 24 and 31; February 7, 10, 12, 16 and 26; March 2, 6, 7, 21 and 25; April 3 and 6; June 4 and 20; July 10 and 28; August 13 and 27; September 2, 7, 9, 13, 15 and 16; October 1, 4, 9, 17 and 21; November 3, 4, 5, 16 and 25; December 3, 5, 10, 15, 22, 26, 29 and 31.

Characteristics of the name

The owner of the name Vladimir is always an authoritative and respected person whose opinion is listened to. He is a good diplomat and knows how to resolve the most complex conflicts. By nature, he is a born leader, able to calculate all moves and consequences in advance, and has a quick reaction to current events. If Vladimir achieves success in business, then this is not at all an accident or luck, as it might seem at first glance, but daily painstaking work.

Vladimir is pleasant to talk to, witty, inquisitive, friendly and cordial, but getting into his circle of true friends is very difficult. A man knows how to control his emotions perfectly, but disorder and chaos, both in his personal life and at work, can easily throw him out of balance. Vladimir values ​​comfort very much and is susceptible to flattery and praise.

The owner of the name Vladimir does not seek to go against public opinion, he tries to comply with traditional moral standards, since they give him a feeling of stability and security. But if necessary, he will be able to insist on his own and lead the team. He is socially active, and any step he takes, even impetuous, is actually well thought out and brings him closer to his goal. The man’s character only seems soft and flexible - he will be like this exactly as long as Vladimir sees the meaning in this.

Negative traits of Vladimir include a tendency to take risks, albeit well-thought-out ones, dependence on mood, and conflict. Vladimir takes grievances hard; he can harbor a grudge for a long time, although outwardly it will not be noticeable at all. A man can be dangerous when angry. In his work, he does not spare either himself or those around him, so he often finds himself on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Excessive pressure or aggression always causes a response from Vladimir, which can surprise even those who consider him a weak-willed and non-conflict person.

In general, the name Vladimir carries positive energy that has a beneficial effect on the fate of its owner. Most often this is a noble person with an open soul. Among the Vladimirs is the largest percentage of creatively gifted people who have achieved world fame.


Little Volodya's life is full of emotions, since the boy is a big dreamer and visionary. He can hardly be called an obedient child; he always tries to do things his own way. If, as a teenager, Vova falls into bad company, then his parents will have a hard time.

At school, Volodya is an average student, but even then his bright individuality and the makings of a leader are noticeable. Any criticism of the boy hurts, but he knows how to hide his emotions. If in adolescence he does not learn to deal with selfishness and resentment, then in the future these qualities will bring him a lot of trouble and disappointment.

Volodya’s room is always in perfect order, because he loves cleanliness and comfort, and pays a lot of attention to his appearance and physical development. If you don’t teach him to love animals as a child, then as a man he will never get a pet.

Strict discipline must be present in Vladimir's upbringing - this is necessary so that he grows into a self-confident, strong, easy-to-communicate and competent person. If his “youthful exploits” are not stopped in time, then the adult Vladimir will have dissolute behavior, an explosive temperament and inflated self-esteem.


Adult Vladimir is predisposed to diabetes, poor eyesight and intestinal problems.

Periods of depression and imbalance are possible. Vladimir is categorically not recommended to take any stimulants or alcohol.


Vladimir is amorous, he always pays attention to extraordinary women, bright and sexy. It is important for a man to have an educated and energetic woman next to him, with whom he is not ashamed to go out into society. For example, if his chosen one knows how to play the piano or serves in the theater, then in his eyes this will be a greater advantage than the ability to cook a delicious dinner.

Vladimir never tells anyone about his sexual exploits and passions, which can sometimes raise doubts about his manhood. In fact, the man is quite loving and active in bed. He is gentle and extremely affectionate, sometimes even a little feminine. Vladimir tends to develop a male inferiority complex, so he desperately needs proof of his abilities.

A man loves a solemn atmosphere, is not averse to talking in bed on abstract topics, prefers thick, but not fat women.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Vladimir is a real stronghold of the family, but he is not always lucky in his first marriage. His house should be in perfect order, and his wife should always look good.

Vladimir will take care of the material well-being of his family, but is unlikely to devote much time to raising children or helping his wife with housework. Nevertheless, he listens to his wife’s opinion and calmly accepts her leading position in the family. He knows how to concede in many ways, while maintaining his inner independence.

In marriage, a man remains faithful, but this is explained not by moral principles, but by a reluctance to have unnecessary problems and a lack of free time.

A successful marriage is possible with women named Alla, Angela, Valentina, Veronica, Evgenia, Elena, Irina, Inna, Natalya and Lyubov. Relationships with Daria, Tamara, Nina, Lydia, Nadezhda and Elizaveta should be avoided.

Business and career

Vladimir is a real workaholic by nature, devoting a lot of time and effort to his work. Can achieve in any field of activity, be it politics or art. He is always ready to learn and develop, is open to new knowledge and experience, and his excellent memory helps to analyze and synthesize information.

Ambitious and enterprising, Vladimir gravitates towards entrepreneurial activity, and his business will definitely take off, since the man always thinks carefully about all his actions and does not do anything at random. It is interesting that Vladimir is interested in the material component of the business only in second place, and in the first place is the process of development and establishment of the business, to which the man will give all of himself without a trace.

Vladimir's success as a businessman or politician will be greatly facilitated by his oratory skills, increased attention to detail and ability to establish contact with people.

Talismans for Vladimir

  • Patron planet Venus and the Sun.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Libra and Aquarius. It is recommended to call boys born under these zodiac signs Vladimir, and only success will await them in life.
  • A good time of year is autumn, a good day of the week is Friday.
  • Lucky colors are green, red and purple.
  • Totem animal - hawk and deer. Hawk sharpens intuition and attentiveness, helps to more fully understand the world around us. Deer is a symbol of procreation, grace and beauty. In the Christian tradition, a deer signifies the victory of good over evil.
  • Totem plant - maple and heather. Maple is a symbol of beauty and restraint; it helps to find peace of mind and instills confidence in one’s own abilities. A maple amulet will bring peace and tranquility to your home and protect you from evil and the evil eye. Heather symbolizes enthusiasm, joy and passion.
  • The talisman stone is green jasper. This stone patronizes, first of all, those who strive to achieve success in the professional field. Jasper eliminates internal fears, treats depression and insomnia, and sharpens intuition. Green jasper is also considered a stone of wealth, eloquence and prosperity.


Aries- a tough and straightforward person, as self-critical as he is intolerant of the shortcomings of others. He is always full of ideas and creative energy, strives to be ahead everywhere and in everything. His appearance may be deceptively calm, but in reality this man has a warm heart beating in his chest. His mood is changeable, he is touchy, but quickly moves away and knows how to be the first to ask for forgiveness. His element is endless parties, competitions, discos and parties. Vladimir-Aries does not know how to lie and pretend at all; all his feelings and impulses are absolutely sincere. He is faithful in love, but only as long as his woman is interesting to him. He is a jealous owner, ready to give away part of himself, and in return wants to get the whole woman. In public and social life, Vladimir-Aries is a born fighter and rebel who loves to demonstrate his superiority. He usually doesn’t keep money, and the man doesn’t know how to save “in reserve.”

Taurus- a soft and sensual man who tries his best to avoid conflict situations. He is slow and lacks a little energy and mental acuity. These qualities are compensated by extreme caution and forethought; he likes to plan everything and calculate more than a few steps ahead. In anger, Vladimir-Taurus is terrible, he literally destroys everything in his path, like an angry bull. Also, its distinctive features are inflexibility and intransigence. This man loves money and knows how to earn it, he is ready to do anything for the sake of financial well-being. Vladimir-Taurus can achieve success at work in a position where it is not required to show imagination and creativity. In love, he is far from a romantic, communication and flirting are not his strong point, but the man is capable of long and “thoughtful” courtship. In marriage he is as reliable as a rock; for him, the family is a fortress where he can feel like a king. The most successful marriage for Vladimir-Taurus may be with a woman who gravitates towards a measured life, peace and stability.

Twins is a gentle and romantic dreamer who cannot stand conflicts and insults. He lives in a world of dreams and fantasies, and in the real world it is sometimes difficult for him to cope with everyday worries. The main qualities of this man are inconstancy and restlessness. Vladimir-Gemini easily adapts to life circumstances, but self-doubt often prevents him from achieving great success in life. He is susceptible to flattery, loves compliments addressed to himself, and is sensitive to criticism. Most of all, Vladimir-Gemini is afraid of loneliness and uselessness. He does not tolerate routine, quickly lights up with different ideas, but also quickly cools down. His professional activity should be related to travel, impressions and changing places, but in no case should it be routine. Despite the fact that Vladimir the Gemini can be called a bright and noticeable personality, he is often unlucky in marriage. Not every woman is able to withstand a huge number of friends, the frivolity and lack of obligation of her husband.

Cancer- an idealist and sentimental dreamer, an incredibly complex person with a changeable character. Sometimes it’s as if he’s hanging out a sign saying “I’ve gone into my own, I won’t be back soon,” and sometimes he’s a jokester and the life of the party. This is the type of man who sees the speck in someone else’s eye, but does not even notice the log in himself - things are never simple or boring with him. However, he knows how to deeply sympathize and empathize, and is always ready to help in solving other people's problems. At heart he is a conservative, does not like anything new, and has difficulty parting with old things or friends. Caution combined with excellent intuition allows him to achieve great career success, but only if the man is able to overcome his natural laziness. Vladimir-Cancer is an excellent manipulator who knows how to play on the thinnest strings of the human soul. In love he is romantic and constant, and has an increased interest in sex. Vladimir-Cancer can become an ideal family man, especially if he feels needed and loved. An atmosphere of calm and understanding will always reign in his house.

Lion- a born leader who strives to dominate and command. Nature has given him gentleness and cat-like grace, but sometimes he can be cruel in his frankness and straightforwardness. A man’s excellent sense of humor and ability to win over his interlocutor often help him defuse a tense situation. There is absolutely no meanness and hypocrisy in him, but there is a lot of obsessive fears and internal torment. However, if Vladimir-Lev wants something, he will definitely achieve it - this helps him make a good career. But there is one “but” - Vladimir Lev is fantastically lazy. He loves to patronize the weak, but he will always demand respect and respect for himself, and will not tolerate ridicule. A man treats money lightly, although it is difficult for him. The romance with this man is by no means cloudless, since he is a great owner and a jealous man, striving to completely subjugate his beloved, while he himself will never stop looking at pretty women. Patriarchy will always reign in the family of Vladimir Leo, so not every woman will be able to get along with this powerful man.

Virgo- a suspicious and cautious nature, possessing an extraordinary mind. Vladimir-Virgo is characterized by punctuality, diligence, honesty and accuracy. His logical mind is accustomed to systematizing everything and “putting it in order,” so in this person any employer will find a diligent and diligent worker. It is work that makes up the meaning of his existence; he is even ready to combine a love date with something useful. At heart, Vladimir-Virgo is a conservative, materialist and pragmatist; he is terrified of new acquaintances and unforeseen events. In love, he is not at all romantic, he is very restrained in expressing feelings. In his concept, the word “love” is associated not with romance at all, but with selfless devotion to family and care for one’s loved ones. A man organically cannot tolerate stupidity and ignorance, as well as vulgarity and rudeness. Therefore, his chosen one should be an intelligent woman, modest and soft. The love of Vladimir-Virgo will burn with an even flame, without any flare-ups, and one can only envy his chosen one, since it is difficult to find a more devoted and caring person.

Scales is a correct, well-mannered and calm man with an innate sense of tact. He is a pleasant conversationalist, trying to please everyone and make a good impression. People around him love Vladimir-Libra for the opportunity to pour out their souls to him and receive competent advice and all possible help. The character of this person consists of equal parts of kindness, justice, gentleness, clear reasoning and philosophical logic. In his work he is extremely responsible, scrupulous and honest. He has a fantastic ability to stay focused and get to the heart of a problem. Vladimir-Libra takes marriage very seriously, since marriage for him is a kind of indicator of success. His home should be an island of peace and prosperity, otherwise Vladimir-Libra will not be able to find the peace of mind and balance he so needs. But living with him will not be easy, since this man is capable of much, but he is not able to fully understand a woman’s soul. He himself is rarely left with a broken heart and quite easily forgets about his failures on the love front.

Scorpion- a complex nature, full of contradictions and endowed with a decisive and courageous character. He is a real man with strong leadership tendencies, sometimes acting like a tyrant, treating others dishonestly and pettily. He doesn’t care at all about other people’s opinions and interests, and only very close people know him as a person who is very insecure, secretive and desperately in need of love. Vladimir-Scorpio's career usually moves at a slow pace, but confidently and inevitably. Its rapid growth is usually hampered by conflict and impatience with the shortcomings of other people. The source of vitality, positivity and energy for Vladimir-Scorpio is love. It is impossible to have an even and calm relationship with him, since his love is passion in its purest form. He can even be cruel, for example, it costs him nothing to call his girlfriend a fool in front of everyone, but in no case should you insult his dignity. This man does not know how to forgive and never forgets insults. In the family, he also occupies a dominant position; he will love his chosen one with all the passion beyond the emotional nature, but at the same time thoughtfully take care of the needs of his wife and children.

Sagittarius- a courageous seeker of truth and defender of the offended, perceiving life as an endless holiday. This man is always easy-going, cheerful, cheerful and witty. He usually lives like a child, relying on chance, and we must admit that Fortune loves him. At the same time, Vladimir-Sagittarius is distinguished by his ability to set realistic goals and achieve them, and such qualities as ambition and ambition make him a real careerist. He always has the necessary connections, he has a lot of acquaintances in all areas of activity. Vladimir-Sagittarius is a wonderful friend and knows how to keep his word. He is fickle in love, loves women and non-binding affairs. He enters into marriage reluctantly, because he values ​​his freedom very much and does not like obligations. His wife should be just as easy-going and share his love for noisy companies, sports and fishing. A boring housewife will not be able to keep this flighty man near her for long. Life with Vladimir-Sagittarius will never be calm or boring. Giving him complete freedom, allowing him to spend a lot of time outside the home is the right tactic that will help keep him in the bosom of the family.

Capricorn- a thoughtful, restrained and reserved person who knows how to go straight towards his goal. His whole life is imbued with planning and practicality, since it is very important for him to have a solid foundation under his feet. His main characteristics are hard work, discipline, reliability, restraint and the ability to resist temptation. It is very difficult to win the trust and love of this man, but if it works, he will be the most devoted friend and spouse. Behind his lack of emotionality, it is difficult to guess that at heart this man is an incorrigible romantic with a fine mental organization. With his loved ones, Vladimir-Capricorn is incredibly generous and caring, and you simply cannot find a better family man. He needs a thrifty, down-to-earth woman as a wife, since good nutrition and comfort in the home are very important to him. By and large, Vladimir-Capricorn is a man of honor, and will not risk his family for the sake of a momentary affair, but even if this happens, he will not forget for a minute the sanctity of family ties.

Aquarius- an active and independent man, in whose head new plans and prospects are constantly spinning. But they will not always be actually implemented, since it always lacks practicality and thoroughness. He is an idealist in relation to money and sincerely believes that happiness does not lie in it. Vladimir-Aquarius is ready to take off his last shirt for the sake of a friend, he is always ready to help the disadvantaged and offended. Despite the lack of excessive pressure and hard work, this man’s talent and charm can lift him to the top of the career ladder, especially if there is sufficient motivation for this, and not necessarily in the form of financial well-being. He is fantastically efficient where his area of ​​interest lies. In love, Vladimir-Aquarius is not at all jealous; he prefers to build relationships based on friendship and trust, while he is drawn to bright, beautiful and powerful women. Having married, a man will spend a lot of time away from home and family; he can hardly be called an economical family man.

Fish- a dreamer and romantic who is in eternal reverie, which prevents him from moving forward. You should not expect fuss and active actions from him; he is more likely to be relaxed and reflective. This man constantly dreams of untold riches and a fabulous life, but at the same time he may not even lift a finger to make his dream come true. He often waits for some kind of mythical luck that will push him to the surface of life, and if this does not happen, Vladimir-Pisces gradually becomes a grumpy grumbler. But he has every chance of becoming successful in love and work, since this person combines such qualities as an inquisitive mind and good intuition, strong creativity and the ability to subtly feel people. Vladimir-Pisces is touchy, sensitive and timid, so he really needs family support. His insults, although frequent, are short-lived, and his anger is never strong. He will gladly give the palm to his wife, will be happy to help her with the housework, and will surround her with care and warmth.

Knowing the secret of your name brings you closer to discovering your own personality. Vladimir is a very strong name that gives its owner a number of positive and very important qualities.

Meaning and origin of the name

This name is Slavic in origin. It is most common in Ukraine and Russia, and is so ancient that it was known in Rus' even during the period of paganism. Later he was canonized and made officially Orthodox. The reason for this was the fact that the church recognized Prince Vladimir as a saint for the baptism of Rus'.

Vladimir is “who owns the world.” Peace in this case has two meanings - the material world, that is, land and wealth, and the spiritual world, the absence of wars and hostility. One way or another, this name can be called purely Slavic, without any admixtures from other cultures.

The fate and character of Vladimir

For Vladimir, the most important thing in a person is his honesty and the ability to put himself in someone else’s place. These men are born diplomats, spiritual leaders and just good friends. It’s not easy to offend them, that’s why they only know how to forgive once. Vladimirs are for the most part true adherents of the rules of good manners. If a person stumbles, there may be many explanations for this, but if it happens again, he will have to look for another comrade.

It’s difficult to call Vladimir very smart, but with one hundred percent certainty he can be called wise. His strength lies in the fact that he accumulates knowledge about life by observing people. He prefers to learn from the mistakes of others and succeeds in doing so.

Vladimir knows how to ask for forgiveness, is not afraid to seem weak, stupid, funny and absurd. Of course, he will worry about the accusations against him, but he won’t show it. The character of this man is soft and understandable to everyone, because he almost never pretends. And his ability to create and create new things leads Vladimir to significant achievements, which are important to strengthen in a timely manner. Due to his hard work and broad outlook, Vladimir often reaches heights in his life.

Vladimir's fate depends on how much he believes in himself and whether his loved ones believe in him. He wants to be a father and a loving husband, and also respects the rules of marriage and moral principles, therefore he is faithful to his wife and will expect the same in return.

The meaning of the name Vladimir for a child: choosing a name for children

As a child, Volodya dreams of one thing, but in his adult life everything is always different. He is also a dreamer - he can imagine himself as anyone: an astronaut, a policeman, a doctor or even a farmer. In the end, all children's dreams disappear forever, and Vladimir himself often works at a job that irritates him, searching for himself. Therefore, when calling a boy by this name, it is better for parents not to limit him in his search for interests, but to promptly direct him in the right direction, together finding his son’s vocation.

Usually these men begin to understand what they want by the age of 20-25. Parental unconditional love can restrain the interests of the child; these children are too flexible and obedient. On the other hand, pressure will turn young Vladimir into a rebel when you least expect it. Thus, as a boy, it is better to give Vova more freedom and not limit him in his interests. Encourage him when he succeeds.

Characteristics of the name Vladimir

Name energy: Vladimir is perhaps the calmest name in terms of energy. You can feel the power of Vladimir’s biofield only when he is angry or in a state of emotional upsurge.

Vladimir's name day: July 28, the day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. Many saints bore this name, and therefore the church knows other dates - August 13 and 27, September 2, 7, 9, 13 and 15, as well as June 27 and July 10.

Which middle name is suitable for the name Vladimir? Vladislavovich, Ivanovich, Antonovich, Alexandrovich, Andreevich, Vitalievich, Viktorovich.

Patron animal: hawk. He is smart, wise and can see in people what is hidden behind the thick walls of the outer shell. This is a symbol of divinity and greatness.

Name element: Vladimir is a typical land. He loves stability, stands firmly on his feet and avoids change.

Zodiac sign: the best Signs are Libra and Virgo. The name Vladimir would be a good name for Aquarius.

Stone-amulet: green jasper, which gives Vladimir good intuition and protects him from illness and failure.

Metal: pure and innocent silver.

Colors: green and purple. Purple is a kind of symbiosis of colors that gives Vladimir strength and helps him not to deviate from his plans. Green will be a good helper, but for the mood.

Planet: Venus, charismatic and intelligent. Also heavy and wise Saturn.

Favorable day of the week: Friday.

Plant: heather and birch. These plants give Vladimir the courage he lacks to reveal the full energy of this name.

Lucky number: 2.

Famous representatives: Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Lenin, Vladimir Kramnik (grandmaster), Vladimir Etush (USSR actor), Vladimir Vysotsky.

Considering all the famous owners of this name, we can conclude that Vladimir is not just a name and not just a sound. If you give your child this name, it will surely bring good luck to Vladimir.

Numerology of the male name Vladimir

Two in the name Vladimir symbolizes flexibility and perseverance. There are few such people and all because of the qualities that, alas, not many have now. This is kindness, responsiveness, understanding. At the same time, he can, when required, show firmness and inflexibility. Vladimir knows how to argue his point of view, without reducing the dispute to a quarrel and insults... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

All names in alphabetical order:

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The lunar calendar helps you stay in good shape every day, quickly solve important problems and effectively restore strength. ...

Origin of the name: The name Vladimir has Old Slavic roots. It means “one who strives for agreement, agreement, who owns the world.” That is, what is meant here is not the meaning that most people think about - power over the world, namely, that this person can lead people to agreement.

Short form of name: Vova, Vladya, Vavusya, Volodya, Vladya, Volya, Vovulya, Vovushka, Vovik, Vovan, Volodyusha, Vava, Ladya.

Foreign forms of the name: Waldemar (Germany), Volodymyr (Ukraine), Heiwanushi (Japan - “ruler of the world”).

Name day: January 21, February 10, March 7, April 3, July 10, August 27, September 2, October 1, November 3, December 5, December 26.

Characteristics of the name Vladimir

Positive traits of the name: Very inquisitive from an early age. His rich imagination haunts him, and he constantly comes up with various stories about flying to the moon and communicating with gnomes. His creative abilities need to be developed. He will willingly carry out any assignment, but he should not be given more than two tasks at the same time: Volodya may think about what is more important and end up doing nothing. He is characterized by activity, friendliness, and goodwill. He reacts quickly to current events; it is not a problem for him to make independent decisions. Vladimir is characterized by a strong will, very developed intuition, and the concrete embodiment of ideas. He occupies a leading position among his peers.

Negative traits of the name: Due to the fact that it is important for Vladimir what others think about him, he is quite vulnerable and selfish. He has few friends due to his wide social circle and being very busy. For Vladimir, perfect cleanliness and order in the house is important. Raising children falls entirely on the wife's shoulders. Vladimir's achievements may be extensive, but fragile due to their lack of substance. His tendency to take risks can cause him a lot of trouble. Vladimir depends on his mood and is conflicted. Can become very dangerous if angered. Since he does not spare himself in his work, he can often find himself on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Choosing a profession: Intelligence, hard work and perseverance in achieving goals allow him to achieve a lot. A wide field of activity is open for Vladimir, and he can successfully apply himself in medicine, technical sciences, politics, and economics. Vladimir will make an excellent actor, a wonderful writer, and playwright thanks to his ability to impress and his lively and rich imagination. Passionate about his work, he breaks away from it with frustration if necessary. He can convince almost anyone that he is right.

The impact of a name on business: Vladimir, who often takes risks, can make money almost out of thin air. Success and luck usually accompany him, but he can squander the money he earns completely unexpectedly. To carry out his plans, he can operate with large sums. However, he should be careful, since with the slightest miscalculation, his enemies can deprive him of the heights he has achieved. Vladimir is recommended to invest money in land and real estate.

The influence of a name on health: Vladimir’s ability to self-control directly affects his health. Due to periods of imbalance, depression or affect, diseases of the digestive tract and heart may develop. Under no circumstances should he consume alcohol, drugs or stimulants.

Psychology: Vladimir sincerely helps others, wants to be useful. You should not be too persistent in forcing Vova to do things that are uninteresting to him as a child. Only a mutually beneficial agreement can achieve what is required from him.

Name compatibility: Vladimir appreciates romantic qualities in a woman. He notices her appearance, her clothes, but does not focus on it. Because he falls in love, Vladimir may have several affairs in his youth, but in marriage he will be a faithful husband due to his complete immersion in the work process and his reluctance to spoil his well-established life. An alliance with Vladimir will be favorable for Alla, Angela, Valentina, Veronica, Evgenia, Elena, Zinaida, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Natalia, Raisa, Svetlana, Sofia. Relationships with Daria, Ada, Claudia, Tamara, Nina can be difficult.

Famous names bearers:

  • Vladimir Monomakh (prince)
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky (poet)
  • Vladimir Vysotsky (singer, actor)
  • Vladimir Solovyov (philosopher)
  • Vladimir Putin (politician)
  • Vladimir Vinokur (artist)
  • Vladimir Kuzmin (singer)

Vladimir is a sonorous, strong and majestic name. It testifies to the energy, friendliness and goodwill of such a man. In society, Vova usually has great authority, his opinion is listened to. The character traits of the bearer of this name largely depend on the date of his birth.

Name meaning

The name Vladimir is of Old Slavonic origin. It consists of two roots: “vlad” (“to own”) and “world”, respectively, its meaning is “owning the world”. After the spread of Christianity in Rus', this pagan name was included in the Orthodox calendar.

According to a less common version, the word comes from the ancient Germanic Waldemar.

Forms of the name Vladimir

Short forms:

  • Vova;
  • Vladya;
  • Vovan;
  • Vovchik.

Affectionate options for addressing Vladimir:

  • Vovochka;
  • Volodya;
  • Volodyunya;
  • Volodyusha;
  • Vovulya;
  • Vovunya.

In poems about a man who bears this name, you can use the following rhymes: Vladimir - created, stored; Vova - horseshoe, base; Volodya is an ennobler.

Photo gallery: name forms

Vladimir - the full form of the name Vova - the most common short form of the name Vladimir
Vovan - only Volodya’s closest friends address Vladimir this way - one of the options for affectionately addressing Vladimir

At baptism the name Vladimir can be used.

Transliteration - VLADIMIR.

The patronymics that are formed from this name are Vladimirovich and Vladimirovna.

Vladimirovichs are distinguished by stubbornness, conflict, and quarrelsome character. Such men are independent and independent, have excellent intuition. The Vladimirovnas are talented and vain girls. They are distinguished by pragmatism and accuracy.

Table: the name Vladimir in different languages

Middle names that go best with the name Vladimir:

  • Alexandrovich;
  • Vladimirovich;
  • Grigorievich;
  • Ivanovich;
  • Petrovich.
  • vladimir;
  • vovan;
  • volodya;
  • vova;
  • vovo4ka.

Songs with this name: “Vova-Chuma” by Irakli Pirtskhalava, “I’ve been waiting for you, Vova” by the group “Uma Thurman”, “Three Words” by Nike Borzov, “Tanya plus Volodya” by Evgeniy Osin.

Video: Irakli Pirtskhalava’s song about Vova

Patron saints of Vladimir, name day dates

Volodya is patronized by 47 saints, the most revered of them is Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus'. The grandson of Princess Olga, a pagan, he married Princess Anna from Byzantium, converted to Christianity and contributed to the spread of this religion throughout the state.

Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir is the most revered patron saint of men with this name

Vladimir celebrates name day:

  • January 21, 24 and 31;
  • February 7, 10, 12, 16 and 26;
  • March 2, 6, 7, 21 and 25;
  • April 3 and 6;
  • June 4 and 20;
  • July 10 and 28;
  • August 13 and 27;
  • September 2, 7, 9, 13, 15 and 16;
  • October 1, 4, 9, 17 and 21;
  • November 3, 4, 5, 16 and 25;
  • December 3, 5, 10, 15, 22, 26, 29 and 31.

It was believed that the day of veneration of Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir the Red Sun, July 28, falls in the middle of summer. They believed that if it started raining with strong winds that day, the weather would be good in the coming weeks.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive qualities:

  • excellent intuition;
  • energy;
  • activity;
  • strong will;
  • sociability;
  • good sense of humor;
  • aptitude for leadership;
  • curiosity.

Negative features:

  • hot temper;
  • conflict;
  • tendency to take unnecessary risks;
  • workaholism;
  • dependence on mood.

Vovochka in childhood

Little Vovochka has an excellent imagination; he loves to fantasize and come up with exciting stories. Thanks to natural curiosity, such a boy discovers something new every day and is filled with vivid emotions.

As a child, Vovochka loves to invent exciting stories

This child tries to help his parents, but it is important to set specific goals for him and one at a time - he will not be able to complete several tasks at the same time. Vova is no different in obedience, he does everything as he sees fit, and very rarely listens to the opinions of adults.

Many people remember jokes about wayward Vovochka from childhood. In this boy, most owners of this name can recognize themselves in childhood. The leadership qualities and independence that manifest themselves in a child can bring both academic success and problems. Therefore, in order for the son to be as little as possible like a joke character, it is important for parents to raise him in strictness and direct his energy in a creative direction.

Vova the teenager

Young Vova is energetic, friendly and kind. He reacts almost instantly to any change in the situation. Such a young man is independent and independent, but the opinions of others are important to him. Any critical remark greatly hurts his pride, although he tries to hide his negative emotions.

In high school and higher education, Volodya enjoys being involved in social activities. Here he can show his leadership abilities. He is an adventurer, but he thinks through every action very carefully in advance.

In his youth, Volodya was active and independent

This guy strives for independence and wants to gain authority from other people. Often his actions contradict the rules established in society. At a young age, Vladimir clearly manifests selfishness and vulnerability. It is important for him to learn to deal with such negative aspects of his character, otherwise the young man cannot avoid conflict situations.

Adult Vladimir

According to Pierre Rouget, Vladimir is an introvert. It is difficult to anger him, but when this happens, the man becomes difficult to control. Such a person is distinguished by a strong will, he is persistent and purposeful, especially when everything goes according to his plan. True, if difficulties arise, Vova becomes absent-minded and weak-willed. He experiences defeats and failures painfully and quickly loses faith in his own strength. Smart and reasonable, has excellent intuition.

According to Mendelev, the bearer of such a name is decisive, capable of committing risky and shocking actions to others. He rarely calculates the situation and does not take into account the consequences of his actions. But his inner instinct helps him out in many difficult situations.

According to Ruzhe, Vladimir is persistent, strong-willed and purposeful

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that such a man is distinguished by his breadth of soul and nobility. The energy of the name Vladimir is completely devoid of aggression. The main character trait of this person is calm self-confidence. It is easy to communicate with him, it is difficult to offend him with a random remark.

Pyotr Florensky sees strong and persistent personalities in men named Vladimir. If they are not used to discipline, their behavior may be loose, even riotous. True, this feature comes from the breadth of nature of these people. They have a sharp mind and a good disposition.

According to Boris Khigir, Vova rarely enters into open conflict with anyone; he tries to avoid sharp corners in communicating with others. He loves comfort and cleanliness, which is why he often opposes pets in his home. Appreciates strength of character and intelligence in other people. This man is active and diplomatic, but selfish. Loves to listen to praise, loves when people listen to his opinion.

Talents and hobbies

Volodya's main hobby is sports. He likes football, hockey, and various types of martial arts. Such a man loves to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in his apartment; he is happy to independently choose interior items and various decor, sparing neither effort nor money.

Poems with this name: “Vova was scared” by Vladimir Vysotsky, “How Volodya quickly flew downhill” by Daniil Kharms, “How Vovka became an adult” by Agnia Barto.

Sport is Vladimir's main hobby

Career and business of Vladimir

Thanks to hard work, assertiveness and responsibility, Vladimir quickly achieves his goals. He is constantly developing his skills. Due to his excellent memory, he easily analyzes information. Such a man can achieve success in any profession, but best of all he can realize his abilities in the following areas:

  • medicine;
  • economy;
  • policy;
  • literature;
  • directing;
  • music;
  • dramaturgy;
  • acting skills.

Vladimir can become an outstanding musician

Vova loves his job very much, which has a positive effect on his career growth, but a negative impact on personal and family relationships.

Pragmatic, sociable, rational and ambitious Volodya can become a successful businessman. His own business usually takes off quickly.


In general, Vladimir is in good health. In adulthood, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and lungs may occur. It is also important for such a man to monitor the condition of his eyes, not to overload them, and to take regular breaks when working at the computer so that his vision does not deteriorate.

Vladimir in love and marriage

Volodya is popular with women. His charm, determination, and independence captivate many young ladies. Such a man chooses extraordinary girls who are able to appreciate not only his ability to earn money, but also Vova’s romanticism and sentimentality.

As a life partner, the bearer of such a name chooses a refined, smart and intelligent lady who will emphasize his social status. It is also important for Vladimir that his wife be a quiet, balanced and practical woman whom he can completely trust. A man takes a long time to decide on marriage, preferring to first thoroughly study his chosen one.

In relationships, Vladimir values ​​trust and mutual understanding

Family is a reliable support for Vova. It is important for him that the house is calm, clean and comfortable. Such a man maintains a relationship with his wife based on support and trust. She loves children, but prefers to be raised by her spouse. With all this, Volodya cannot be called an impeccable family man. He works a lot, spends very little time with his loved ones, and in all everyday matters he relies on his life partner.

My friend Vladimir has been married for about 40 years. His wife is calm, wise and economical. In this family, the man acts as the breadwinner, and the woman creates comfort and solves various problems related to everyday life. Volodya has unquestioned authority among children, although this man spends little time at home - he has two jobs, he often relaxes with friends and goes fishing.

Table: compatibility with female names

NameLoveMarriageCharacteristics of relationships
Olga70% 50% It is difficult for these people to be together due to the fact that they have completely opposite characters, principles and views on life. In such a union there are frequent conflicts that can lead to separation.
Anna90% 60% For these partners, their feelings and family unity are most important. In order to preserve their relationship, Vladimir and Anna are ready to make concessions and seek compromises. Tenderness and sincere love reign in their union.
Elena90% 50% In this couple, Vladimir plays the role of the head of the family, and Elena maintains comfort and coziness. Partners have the same goals in life and values, so they confidently move forward towards a happy future.
Julia80% 60% Spiritual unity is important for Vladimir and Yulia; they love to talk about lofty things and dream. These partners maintain an open and sincere relationship.
Anastasia100% 50% Thanks to Vova’s wisdom and Nastya’s prudence, these partners can create a happy and strong union. Both support their other half and take care of their chosen one.
Tatiana80% 70% Beautiful tender relationship. Vova and Tanya show attention and care to each other. But in a union of such people, major financial difficulties may arise.
Catherine90% 40% Both have irrepressible energy, thanks to which they can achieve high goals. Quarrels between Vladimir and Catherine arise only because of the desire of both for leadership.
Natalia50% 30% An extraordinary union. Such people are united by non-standard views on life. Natalia's independence becomes an obstacle to building a strong union - it is difficult for her to take on the role of homemaker, as Vova wants.
Maria100% 70% Such a couple can be called exemplary. Their relationship is based on mutual understanding and trust. Vladimir and Maria are building a union filled with love and tenderness.
Svetlana50% 20% Difficult relationships. Stability and reliability are important to Vladimir, but it’s hard for Svetlana to stay within clear boundaries; she wants constant development and change. It is unlikely that this union will last long.
Xenia50% 20% Ksyusha is an adventurous girl; it is difficult for her to stay in one place for a long time. Sooner or later, this begins to tire Vladimir, who gives his all at work, but at home wants peace and relaxation.
Love70% 50% A union full of contradictions. Vova and Lyuba perceive life completely differently, it is difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding. If they do not learn to accept the chosen one for who he is, their relationship will end.
Hope70% 70% Volodya and Nadya are constantly working on their relationship. They calmly discuss problems and resolve difficult situations in a timely manner. Their union is strong and harmonious.
Evgenia80% 60% In this couple, Evgenia acts as a kind of engine, a generator of ideas, and Vova happily brings to life all the ideas of her beloved woman.
Daria50% 30% Vivid feelings usually do not arise between Dasha and Volodya at first sight. If they do start a relationship, frequent conflicts between them prevent them from building a strong, harmonious union.
Lyudmila100% 60% Vladimir and Lyudmila are comfortable and calm together. They are connected by love and mutual understanding. The relationships of such people grow stronger and improve every year they spend together.
Irina90% 40% At the very beginning of the relationship, Irina and Vladimir are drawn to each other, but later everyday problems bring discord into their union. The girl’s love of freedom does not allow her to comply with the clear rules of her sensible chosen one.
Valentina70% 70% The union of Valentina and Vladimir is based on friendly relations. Traditional family values ​​are important to both, so they can build a strong and prosperous family.
Larisa100% 60% Real Mexican passions rage in the relationship between Larisa and Vladimir. Today such people can be gentle and caring towards each other, and the next day they start a huge scandal.

The meaning of each letter of the name

B - love of life, a positive outlook on any situation, sociability, sincerity, scrupulousness.

L - creativity, subtle taste. Such people love exquisite things and beauty in everything.

A - activity, leadership, determination. Continuously improving and developing.

D - romantic and charming. Because of their impulsiveness, they often make mistakes, but rarely admit them.

And - grace, spirituality. They strive for idealism in everything and demand the same from others, which is why they often have conflicts with relatives and friends.

M - tolerance, a calm attitude towards the shortcomings of other people. Curiosity, desire to take care of your loved ones.

R - the ability to see the main thing, cutting off the secondary. They are capable of giving in, but if their self-esteem is infringed, they can respond sharply and harshly.

The name Vladimir has eight letters, which is evidence of this person’s penchant for shocking behavior. His actions often shock others. But despite this, he is easy to communicate and easily finds a common language with other people.

Table: name matches

StoneGreen JasperGreen jasper attracts wealth and success. This stone protects against the evil eye and black magic, makes its owner eloquent, removes fears and normalizes sleep. Moreover, the mineral can reveal the gift of foresight.
ColorGreenSuch people easily achieve success, but this is not the main thing in their life. They value comfort, tranquility and spiritual harmony. Difficulties do not frighten them; obstacles only strengthen the spirit of these men.
Number2 They are distinguished by responsibility and practicality. They show delicacy and politeness in communication. At work, “twos” are valued and respected, their opinions are listened to.
PlanetSunOriginal, bright and freedom-loving people. They love to be the center of attention; they are convinced of their own chosenness. They show diligence and creativity in their work. They strive to lead, but do not like to obey.
ElementAir“Aerial” people literally gush with new ideas and plans. But it is difficult for them to realize all their ideas due to a banal lack of time and energy. Sociable, inquisitive, proactive. They have an excellent sense of humor.
AnimalHawkIn many cultures it is a symbol of strength and high origin.
Zodiac signScalesThey quickly and easily find a way out of even the most difficult situations thanks to their intuition. They are often consulted by friends and relatives. They try to be as tactful as possible so as not to offend other people. Sometimes they show incredible nervousness, become capricious and capricious.
TreeMapleRepresents composure, modesty, financial well-being. A maple talisman helps to find peace of mind, calms and frees you from negative emotions.
PlantHeatherA symbol of sincere feelings and all-consuming joy. The Scots believe that honey from this plant gives strength and courage, and prolongs youth.
MetalSilverHe personifies spiritual purity, wisdom, and hope. A silver amulet protects against magical influences and protects against the evil eye.
Have a good dayFriday
Time of yearAutumn
Significant year of life32

When was Volodya born?

Vladimir, who was born in winter, is straightforward, honest and self-confident. Such a man does not worry about life’s failures; he perceives any difficulties as an opportunity to gain additional experience. In women he values ​​tenderness and calmness, a willingness to give up a career and provide home comfort.

Winter Vladimir is self-confident and straightforward

In the spring, Vladimirs are born impulsive, temperamental, touchy and absent-minded. Even the most insignificant obstacle on the way to his goal can unsettle him for a long time. He takes any criticism extremely painfully. It is important to constantly praise and support such a man, this gives him strength.

Vesenny Vladimir is soft and vulnerable

Summer Volodya is amorous and charming. But its popularity among the fair sex is hampered by its excessive softness. Such a man is frivolous and carefree, he does not want to take responsibility for anyone. His life partner becomes either an adventurer or a patient and loving girl.

Summer Vladimir is freedom-loving and carefree

Vova, whose birthday falls in the fall, is distinguished by calmness, balance and diplomacy. He quickly adapts to any changes in life. Thanks to his perseverance and determination, he achieves a high position in society. He chooses a smart, bright and ambitious lady as his wife.

Autumn Vladimir is balanced and diplomatic

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesA strict and straightforward man, intolerant of his own weaknesses and the shortcomings of others. His actions are impulsive, dictated by emotions, and not by sober calculation. Because of this, Vladimir-Aries rarely achieves great success in his work.
TaurusAn attentive, meek, romantic and sincere man. His actions are guided by emotions and feelings. He often makes decisions impulsively. Vladimir-Taurus usually idealizes his beloved girl.
TwinsA dreamer living in illusions and fantasies. When Vladimir-Gemini is faced with the realities of the world, he often falls into a stupor. It is difficult for him to cope with everyday difficulties; his fragile psyche cannot tolerate conflicts. Such a man is indecisive and overly soft.
CancerVladimir-Cancer is distinguished by sentimentality and sensuality. There are many qualities in his character that are more characteristic of women. It is difficult for such a man to make responsible decisions, so he usually follows other people’s lead.
LionPowerful and bright leader. Vladimir Leo strives for dominance; if he falls under someone’s subordination, he performs his duties with some disdain. She loves the attention of others and seeks it by any means.
VirgoSuch a man hides his indecisive and dreamy nature behind the mask of a charming silent man. Vladimir-Virgo prefers to hide his feelings, showing rudeness and severity. A gentle and calm girl will be able to reveal his true personality.
ScalesSmart, persistent and ambitious man. He is ready to work hard to provide his family with a decent standard of living. Vladimir-Libra's refined manners, politeness and intelligence attract the attention of many women.
ScorpionA self-confident and ambitious man who does not tolerate criticism. Vladimir-Scorpio considers himself ideal in all respects. Thanks to his attractiveness and charm, he is popular with girls, but he is more likely to be attracted to a mysterious and inaccessible person.
SagittariusOpen, kind and caring, Vladimir-Sagittarius is always ready to help a loved one. He is sincerely convinced that the most important thing in this world is kindness. The romanticism and some old-fashionedness of such a person sometimes repel pragmatic ladies, which touches him to the core.
CapricornReliable, prudent and modest, Vladimir-Capricorn has a philosophical attitude towards any events in life: positive and negative. Loneliness does not frighten such a man; on the contrary, he likes not to adapt to anyone and be responsible only for himself.
AquariusThis man is distinguished by his intelligence and balance. It is useless to argue with him, but not because he does not want to listen to the point of view of his interlocutor, but because Vladimir-Libra defends his own opinion clearly and logically. Thanks to his diplomacy, he quickly moves up the career ladder.
FishA soft, sensitive, responsive person. Vladimir-Pisces strives for harmony with himself and the whole world. In any situation, he tries to maintain mental balance. Does not like large companies, prefers to spend time only with the closest people.

Famous people

Famous men with this name:

  • Vladimir Dal is a Russian writer, ethnographer and lexicographer. The “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” brought him the greatest fame;
  • Vladimir Vernadsky is a Russian naturalist, thinker and public figure. The founder of the complex of modern earth sciences - geochemistry, biogeochemistry, radiogeology, hydrogeology;
  • Vladimir Lenin (Ulyanov) - Russian political and statesman; founder of the Communist Party and the Soviet state. One of the leaders of the international communist movement;
  • Vladimir Putin is a Russian statesman and political figure, the current President of Russia;
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky is a Russian Soviet poet, one of the brightest representatives of avant-garde art of the 1910–1920s. He also showed himself as a playwright, screenwriter, film director, film actor, artist, editor;
  • Vladimir Nabokov is a Russian and American writer, poet, translator, literary critic and entomologist. Was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature;
  • Vladimir Etush is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, theater teacher. People's Artist of the USSR;
  • Vladimir Shainsky - Soviet and Russian composer, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Known as the author of many popular songs for children, including music for cartoons and fairy tale films;
  • Vladimir Vysotsky - poet, actor, author and performer of songs;
  • Vladimir Voroshilov is a Soviet and Russian television figure, theater director and artist. Author, director and host of the TV game “What? Where? When?";
  • Vladimir Pozner - Soviet and Russian television journalist, TV presenter, first president of the Academy of Russian Television;
  • Vladimir Menshov is a Soviet and Russian theater, film and television actor, film director, screenwriter, producer, and TV presenter. Winner of the Oscar in the category “Best Foreign Language Film” for the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”;
  • Vladimir Bortko is a Russian film director, screenwriter and producer. People's Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR for the television film "Heart of a Dog".

Photo gallery: famous Vladimir

Vladimir Bortko - Russian film director Vladimir Vernadsky - Russian naturalist, thinker and public figure Vladimir Voroshilov - Soviet and Russian television figure Vladimir Vysotsky - poet, actor, author and performer of songs Vladimir Dal - Russian writer, ethnographer and lexicographer Vladimir Lenin - Russian political and state figure Vladimir Mayakovsky - Russian Soviet poet Vladimir Menshov - Soviet and Russian actor, film director, producer Vladimir Nabokov - Russian and American writer Vladimir Posner - Soviet and Russian television journalist Vladimir Putin - President of Russia Vladimir Shainsky - Soviet and Russian composer Vladimir Etush - Soviet and Russian actor

There are quite a lot of compositions dedicated to certain personalities and fictional characters with this name. Among them are “Atas” by the group “Lube” about Gleb Zhiglov and Volodya Sharapov, “When we are together” by Masha Rasputina and Kaya Metov about Vladimir Putin, “Lenin is the blossom of spring” by Boris Gmyr about Vladimir Lenin.

Video: song “Atas” by the group “Lube”

Vladimir is a strong-willed, energetic and active man. In communication, he is open, friendly, and friendly. Thanks to this, such a man has many friends. In society, at work and in the family, Vova is respected; for many he is an indisputable authority.

Names: origin and forms

Vladimir- (from Old Church Slavonic) to own the world.

Derivatives: Vladya, Ladya, Vadya, Vava, Vavulya, Vavusya, Dima, Volodya, Volodyuka, Volodyunya, Voldyukha, Volodyusha, Volodyaka, Volodyasha, Vova, Vovulya, Vovusya, Vovusha, Volya.

Directory of Russian names

Own the world(from Slavic).

Marked by the mind. By teaching, they learn themselves. They are closed by nature, although outwardly open. They usually reach considerable heights in society. They are constant in friendship, but easily vulnerable. Women are idealized and suffering is accepted from them.

The mystery of the name

Vladimir- owning the world (Old Church Slavonic).
This does not mean power over the whole world, as many understand. The concept of “peace” in Ancient Rus' meant “agreement”, “consent”. Thus, the name means that Vladimir is a person who can lead people to agreement and keep an agreement.
Always a very common and popular name. Now it is given somewhat less often.
Zodiac name: Scales.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: green.
Talisman stone: green jasper.
Auspicious plant: maple, heather.
Patron name: oleander.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: receptivity, sociability.


Vladimir Kyiv and Galitsky, Metropolitan, Hieromartyr, February 7 (January 25).
Vladimir (baptized Vasily). Equal to the Apostles, Grand Duke, July 28 (15). Converted Rus' to Christianity.
Vladimir Yaroslavovich Novgorodsky, Prince, October 17 (4). Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, grandson of Princess Olga. Being a pagan, Prince Vladimir defeated the Khazars and married the Byzantine Queen Anna. Communication with Byzantium, where Orthodox Christianity was widespread, did not pass without a trace for Prince Vladimir. Perhaps it was then that a change occurred in the soul, and the pagan decided to become a Christian. When Prince Vladimir was baptized, it is reliably known that, having been baptized himself, in 988 he performed the Baptism of Rus': first, all the inhabitants of Kyiv were baptized in the waters of the Dnieper, and then the preaching of the Christian faith began its march across the Russian land. The temples of pagan idols were destroyed, Orthodox churches were erected, and divine services began. According to the words of the chronicle, “throughout all the towns and villages, churches and monasteries were erected, and priests multiplied, and the Orthodox faith flourished and shone like the sun.” For his enlightenment, Prince Vladimir is called “Equal to the Apostles.” With the adoption of the Christian faith, Prince Vladimir built hospitals and shelters for the homeless and hungry, freed slaves, built churches and schools. In 996, Saint Vladimir erected a stone church in Kyiv, called “Tithe”, since a tenth of the income from the princely treasury was allocated for its maintenance. This church was dedicated to the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The day of her consecration - May 12, old style - was included in the church month for annual celebration. The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir reposed in the Lord in 1015. Its celebration was established by Saint Alexander Nevsky in 1240 and takes place on July 28 (15).


On October 17, on Vladimir of Novgorod, goblins play the fool in the forests: they wander, scream, laugh, clap their hands, break trees, chase animals and fall through the ground until spring.


From early childhood he is very inquisitive, loves to invent different stories - he flies to the moon, communicates with gnomes, he has excellent artistic and musical abilities, a creative mind that should be developed. He willingly carries out various tasks, but you should not give him two tasks at the same time: Volodya will think for a long time about what is more important, and in the end he will not do a single one. It is difficult to piss him off, but once this has happened, he becomes irritable and angry.

Vladimir is smart, hardworking, persistent in achieving his goals. He is receptive to knowledge and has an excellent memory. He has a wide field of activity, he can reach heights in technical sciences, medicine, be a politician, economist, a wonderful actor, an excellent writer, and playwright. He is passionate about his work, and, if necessary, breaks away from it with frustration.

Vladimir is active, friendly, and friendly. Has a quick reaction to current events and is able to make independent decisions.

For Vladimir, the opinion of others about him is very important; he is easily vulnerable and selfish. She values ​​intelligence and strength in men. He sincerely strives to be useful to his friends. He has a lot of them due to his busy schedule and wide range of communications.

Vladimir values ​​romantic qualities in a woman. He notices how she looks, how she dresses, but doesn't focus on it. He is amorous and has several affairs in his youth, but he is also faithful in marriage, however, not because of great love for his wife, but as a result of complete immersion in work and unwillingness to ruin an already established life.

In everyday life, Vladimir values ​​​​comfort, loves beautiful furniture, expensive things, paintings. Requires perfect cleanliness of order. He treats his children calmly and leaves their upbringing to his wife. The most successful marriages of Vladimir are with Alla, Angelina, Angela, Valentina, Zinaida, Varvara, Lilia, Veronica, Evgenia, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Natalya, Raisa, Svetlana, Sophia, Emma.

Vladimir is a big and loud name, even in its diminutive forms: Vova, Volodya. Vladimir has few long-term plans and deliberate moves, intellectual complexity, but more immediate strength and pressure; He is no stranger to the displacement of his dreams with the truth; the most responsible things in life are given to him easily, without much pain. If there is creativity in his life, he blossoms and reveals himself in brilliance. Here his broad mind, although devoid of true depth, and his kindness can most easily manifest themselves. Vladimir is a good tree, but it needs rich soil. What would certainly deserve censure in others, when it comes from Vladimir, is met without indignation, with a benign smile and secret indulgence. The word “well done” goes to Vladimir. In the company, he easily resolves all world issues. The broadest generalizations, generous impulses, brilliance and flamboyance of life are the natural state of this person.

Vladimir's achievements are as extensive as they are fragile. They do not have sufficient substance, they seem more than they are, but there is an undoubted power of creation in it. Vladimir's mind is occupied with extensive plans. Narrow and special topics are not his cup of tea. He is attracted by everything general, but not abstractly theoretical, but entailing practical consequences that open up broad organizational prospects.

Vladimir is Vasily, who grew up on Russian soil, and therefore it is clear that for Russia this is the most significant of the names, the typical name of a great man from RUSSIAN ONLY.

Surname: Vladimirovich, Vladimirovna.


Vladimir Vsevolodovich (1053-1125), nicknamed Monomakh, was the son of Vsevolod Yaroslavovich from his marriage with the Greek princess Anna Konstantinovna - “monomakhine”, that is, the daughter of the Greek emperor Constantine, who was called “Monomakh”, which translated means “Combatant”.

Chronicles report that Vladimir Monomakh was the bravest prince on the battlefield. Already as a 13-year-old boy, he went from Pereslavl, the inheritance of his father, to Rostov, then to Vladimir Volynsky, twice to Polotsk, together with his father and uncle Svyatoslav he besieged Chernigov, and in 1078 he was installed there as a prince.

The Polovtsians ravaged the Russian land and Vladimir Monomakh called on all the princes to forget their quarrels and unite against the enemy on the Desna River in 1079. The princes defeated the Polovtsians and concluded a profitable peace with them. Rus' owed all the glory of this victory, all the benefits of this world to Monomakh.

After the death of the Kyiv prince Svyatopolk in 1113, the people of Kiev in a solemn council decided that the most worthy of the Russian princes should be the Grand Duke, and sent ambassadors to Monomakh. At first he refused because there were other direct heirs, but the unrest in Kyiv forced him to agree to the grand-ducal throne.

Vladimir Monomakh spared the blood of people, but knew that the surest way to establish calm in Rus' was to be formidable to external and internal enemies. The successes of Monomakh's weapons so glorified the Grand Duke in the East and West that his name, as the chroniclers put it, “thundered in the world, and the neighboring countries trembled.” Vladimir Monomakh built churches and public houses, surrounded old cities with stone walls and founded new ones. So, far away from the Kyiv land, among the forest, not far from the Suzdal lands, on the banks of the Klyazma River, a city was built, to which the prince gave his name. This is the future city of Vladimir, famous for the beauty of its architectural monuments, later the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

Vladimir Monomakh worked a lot on laws and sought to improve them. His will to his children is interesting:

"...Oh my children, praise God! Love people too. It is not fasting or monasticism that saves you, but good deeds. Do not forget the poor, feed them and remember that everything you have belongs to God and is entrusted to you only for a while. .. Do not kill either the right or the wrong: the life and soul of a Christian are sacred. Do not call on the name of God in vain; after having made an oath, do not break it. Do not abandon the sick, do not be afraid to see the dead: we will all die... Do not have pride in your mind. , not in your heart and think: we are not eternal, today we are alive, and tomorrow we are in the grave! Honor old people as fathers, love younger ones as brothers... Most of all, honor the guest and the famous, and the simple, and the merchant, and ambassadors. Guests spread both good and bad fame about us in foreign lands... Having learned everything good, you must remember what you don’t learn. Laziness is the mother of vices, beware of it... I myself did everything that. could have told the boy: in hunting and in war, day and night, in the heat of summer and cold of winter, he knew no rest, did not rely on the mayors, did not give the poor and widows offense to the strong, he himself looked after the church and the divine service, the home order, stables, hunting, hawks and falcons. All my campaigns were eighty-three, and I don’t remember the others, of little importance. I concluded nineteen peace treaties with the Polovtsians, captured and released from captivity more than a hundred of their best princes, and executed and drowned more than two hundred in rivers. Who drove faster than me? After leaving Chernigov, I visited Kyiv, with my parents, before evening. Loving hunting, we often caught animals with your grandfather. With my own hands in the dense forests I knitted several wild horses. Twice a buffalo threw me on its horns, a deer gored me, a doe trampled underfoot, a bear bit through the saddle, the fierce beast once rushed and dropped the horse under me. How many times have I fallen off my horse! He broke his head twice, injured his arms and legs, did not take care of his life in his youth and did not spare his head. But the Lord kept me. And you, my children, do not be afraid of death, nor of battle, nor of fierce beasts, but be courageous in every case sent from God..."

From this will one can understand both the soul of Vladimir Monomakh and the way of life of that time. Vladimir Monomakh reigned in the capital for 12 years, died at the age of 73, as ancient chronicles say, “glorious for his victories for the Russian land and good morals.”

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.
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