Why do you dream that a living person has died? Why do you dream about the death of a loved one? Dream interpretation death

Today we invite you to find out how they interpret various dream books Very unpleasant dream, in which we observe a dying man.

: Dream Book of Gustav Miller

This dream book interprets such a dream as a harbinger of misfortune that will come from the direction from which it was not expected at all. If the dreamer dreams that he himself is dying, then such a dream warns him that neglecting his affairs and his own health may ultimately end in failure for him.

Why do you dream about a dying person?: Newest dream book

According to the compilers of this dream book, a person dying in a dream symbolizes imminent liberation from some hardships or the acquisition of wealth and prosperity.

Dream Book of the Dream Master: why does a dying person dream?

If such a person is a representative of the fair sex, then in the foreseeable future her lover may grow cold towards her. For a man, such a dream is a warning about a possible sharp deterioration in affairs and the associated consequences. A dream in which the dreamer sees himself dying (but not perishing!) promises the onset of a peaceful and calm stage in his life, during which things will be stable and there will be no worries in his personal life.

Symbolic dream book: a dying person in a dream

If you dream that a loved one, who is alive in reality, is dying, then such a dream can promise him good health. Another interpretation of such a dream is a possible severance of relations with this person or a forced long-term separation from him.

Why do you dream about a dying person?: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

According to the interpretation of this dream book, such a dream can personify the dreamer’s desires, which he was unable to realize due to some prohibitions and taboos. It is quite possible that such prohibitions are a consequence of ordinary prejudices imposed by society. If you often dream of dead people who are actually alive and well, then it is quite possible that such a dream reveals your hidden hostility towards them, which you are afraid to admit even to yourself.

Azar's dream book: a dying man in a dream

This collection of dream interpretations states that a dream in which the dreamer sees his own dying mother portends severe sadness and anxiety. A father passing away promises some events that will entail a feeling of shame. If you have other relatives, then such a dream may foretell that you will soon receive an unexpected and rich inheritance. A dream in which you witnessed the agony of a dying person promises a long and happy life, good health and financial well-being. If you dreamed that you yourself were dying, then you should show greater care and responsibility in relation to your professional responsibilities. Also pay attention to your own health, which may cause you some problems in the future.

(See interpretation: danger, dead man, agony) If in a dream you die as a result of not being able to avoid danger, then troubles, collapse of plans and losses await you. For lovers, such a dream predicts that their bright hopes will not come true.

Dying yourself in a dream means losses and collapse of plans. If you dream that you died and then came back to life, then expect an improvement in your desperate situation. Sometimes such a dream foretells that what was lost will be found.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Die

If you died in a dream, then fears too often take over your consciousness. This makes life seem darker and more tragic than it really is. Try first of all to find in each event not the bad, but the good points. This dream can also be a warning that by neglecting your responsibilities, you are harming your business and yourself.

Dreaming of a dying person is a harbinger of misfortune. Moreover, it is approaching from the side from which you are not expecting it.

A dream about a dying wild animal promises you a happy deliverance from negative influence. But a dream in which you see the death throes of a pet is unfavorable.

Interpretation of dreams from

Regardless of why a person died, from carbon monoxide poisoning to serious brain disease, it is first important to clearly determine the cause of death. And this is exactly what is difficult. Forensic experts shared information on how they determine whether a death was violent or a suicide, and how they determine in young people.

If you were told that a friend died in a dream, this may mean that the cause of death has not been precisely established, or that loved ones want to keep it a secret. But if the deceased was a young, healthy person, then it is important to find answers to pressing questions.

To those who remain to live in this world and deeply mourn the loss loved one, it is very important to know why a loved one died in order to draw a line. And for family members of the deceased, this is especially important information, because awareness of death in a dream can potentially save the lives of his loved ones.

Deceased at home in a dream: actions

“If a loved one dies at home, especially in their sleep, the medical examiner should be notified of the fact afterward unless the death is supported by testimony,” says Dr. Candace Schopp, a forensic pathologist and medical examiner in Dallas County. (USA).

“Regardless of whether we accept a case or not, a lot depends on what the patient’s medical history was and what the circumstances of his death were,” the expert adds.

“The age of the deceased is very important factor in action,” says Schopp. The younger the person, the more often an autopsy is performed if the body is not known. If the victim is seriously aged (over 50 years old), or has a diagnosis and no signs of violent death, specialists are unlikely to perform an autopsy.

The younger the person, the more often an autopsy is performed.

Suicide version

Death under suspicious circumstances, with suspected suicide, at home, and even in a dream, is a completely different matter. “I will always check the version of suicide if a person died in bed. According to Schopp, the following key points give rise to thoughts of suicide:

  • strange objects were found at the scene of the incident;
  • there are ambiguities in the medical history;
  • the deceased was very young;
  • The deceased was in good health.

According to the forensic pathologist, experts also often consider the possibility of an accidental drug overdose. IN lately There has been an increase in the number of people taking prescription drugs incorrectly. Among them, opioids (opiates) - narcotic analgesics - were often seen.

Accidents at home

Each year is marked by tragic deaths due to carbon monoxide poisoning, including at home and while sleeping. Dr. Patrick Lantz, a professor in the Department of Pathological Anatomy at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, a forensic expert and pathologist in the state of North Carolina (USA), talks about this.

Due to malfunctions of the gas boiler or water heater, carbon monoxide may be released throughout the house. “In this case, people can easily choke on smoke and die,” Lantz says.

Or sometimes the following situation happens: a person has a built-in garage in his house. He started the car to warm it up. And left the garage door closed. “ Carbon monoxide spreads quickly, and is possibly serious,” Lanz is convinced.

Cases are different. Suppose someone gets an electric shock because the wire in an electrical household appliance, such as a hair dryer, is damaged. “The person may have touched the wire in the bathroom. He falls to the floor and falls asleep or falls onto the bed. It’s not always possible to find a person near an electrical appliance,” says the expert.

According to Lantz, if you ever find a deceased person in bed, your actions will depend on the circumstances of the incident: “If the deceased had cancer or chronic cardiovascular disease, the best option will call a therapist to your home.”

In any case, if the death occurred suddenly and unexpectedly, it is important (103) and the police (102). “There are times when a person is alive, but he can barely breathe and he has a pulse that you cannot determine. Therefore, it is important to consult a professional to understand whether the person really died in his sleep,” says Patrick Lantz.

If death occurs suddenly, it is important to call a medical team in Ukraine (103) and the police (102). There are times when a person is alive, but he is barely breathing and he has a pulse that you cannot determine. Therefore, it is important to contact a professional to understand whether a person is alive or not.

Questions of the heart in a dream

Adults who died of natural causes, including at home and in their sleep, and are sent for an autopsy - often people from 20 to 55. Reason for autopsy - unknown reason death; Plus, they have very few facts and records in the medical record, Schopp says.

According to the expert, the following were often observed in such deceased people:

  • slight increase blood pressure(arterial hypertension);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity.

“And in the vast majority of cases, we encounter undiagnosed cardiovascular diseases in our practice,” she adds.

When a person dies suddenly at night or during the day, it is often due to something called cardiac arrhythmia, Schopp admits. In cases of severe cardiac arrhythmia, the propagation of the cardiac impulse in the heart may be impaired. Autopsy of the heart may reveal scarring, expert says.

“The patient’s heart may be enlarged while taking large quantities alcohol or due to obesity,” explains the forensic pathologist. In addition, the heart can be abnormal large sizes due to congenital heart diseases.

Family illnesses

It is very important to understand the reason for the unexpected death of a loved one, especially if they died before and in their sleep, Lantz says. “Firstly, it helps to correctly explain to the family why the person passed away,” explains the expert. “It is especially important to realize this if the hereditary factor plays a key role in the case,” he adds.

Saving a life

Based on the results of the autopsy, experts can advise the loved ones of the deceased, who died at home and in his sleep, to undergo diagnostics to identify serious genetic diseases and speed up treatment if the disease is confirmed. Sometimes doctors only observe the disease, and in some situations treatment is prescribed immediately. If doctors diagnose certain types of arrhythmia, then patients are offered to purchase an implantable defibrillator in the heart area.

An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is a pacemaker-type device that continuously monitors the heart's rhythm. If the device detects a rhythm disorder that is not too serious, it generates a series of painless electrical impulses to correct the rhythm.

If this does not help or the rhythm disturbance is severe enough, the ICD device generates a small electrical shock called cardioversion. If this does not help or the rhythm disturbance is very severe, the ICD device generates an even stronger electrical shock, called defibrillation.

Prevention and diagnosis of loved ones of the deceased

Diseases of the wall of the aorta, the large, central artery that carries blood from the heart to the body, can lead to rupture of the aorta and sudden death. Aortic aneurysm is often a hereditary disease. This is an expansion of the lumen of a blood vessel or heart cavity, caused by pathological changes in their walls or developmental anomalies.

“Usually family members are asked to do in the event of an aneurysm of the deceased, including in a dream:

  • echocardiogram;
  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging ().

When doctors see that the aorta is beginning to dilate, they suggest using preventive surgery techniques,” Lanz reports. “And then sudden death can be prevented,” the doctor clarifies.

Schopp says that when hereditary diseases are a possible cause of death, representatives of her institution call loved ones. “Sometimes I personally explain everything clearly over the phone,” she says. “In the autopsy report, I indicate that this is a genetic mutation that is inherited, and I recommend that immediate family members (especially parents, brothers, sisters, children) go for a consultation with a therapist and get diagnosed,” says the expert.

Mental health issues

When doctors take questions into account, it means that they want to establish whether a person died a natural death or not, especially if this happened at home and in his sleep. “Forensic experts have to do a lot of research and talk to the deceased's loved ones,” Lantz says.

Typically, forensic experts ask similar questions to loved ones of the deceased:

  • Maybe the person was there?
  • Has he ever taken drugs or serious sedatives?
  • Did he sometimes voice his attitude towards suicide attempts and?

If family members answer yes to at least one of these questions, forensic experts decide to perform an autopsy.

“If we receive such information about the characteristics of the deceased, for example: that he was depressed; suicidal tendencies were evident, I think that any expert would say to do an autopsy. The age of the deceased does not play a role in this case. Specialists then want to rule out the possibility of suicide,” he says.

Brain diseases

According to Lantz, brain diseases that can lead to sudden death, including at home and in sleep, are the following:

  • extensive stroke;
  • extensive hemorrhage due to

What is a cerebral aneurysm? This is a weakening of the wall of one of the blood vessels in the head. Due to the way blood circulates in the head, this “weakness” causes the walls of the vessel to bulge. As with overinflated balloon, such a bulge can lead to rupture, resulting in a cerebral hemorrhage.

According to Lanz, in the case of infections such as meningitis and encephalitis, there can be fatal consequences for the human body. In general, with the development of such serious diseases, obvious symptoms are observed that should be taken into account.

“Epilepsy is known as a disease that causes death in one's sleep,” says Schopp. This may be due to the fact that the amount of oxygen to the brain decreases, and this provokes an epileptic seizure. According to her, usually the patient’s history has already been observed such.

Causes of death in supposedly healthy people

According to Schopp, the incidence of sudden death among apparently healthy people in their beds at home and in their sleep depends on how people understand the word “healthy.” Obesity is a common cause of unexpected death, says forensic pathologist Schopp. “For example, I meet many people in my practice who have serious coronary insufficiency. In addition, I often observe patients at work who have clogged arteries. Such phenomena are “getting younger,” the doctor admits.

The incidence of sudden death among apparently healthy people in their beds depends on how people understand the word “healthy.”

Coronary insufficiency is a concept that means a decrease or complete cessation of coronary blood flow with insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium.

According to Schopp, sometimes a person, due to his low income and living conditions, may not have any records at all. medical record for 15 years because he couldn't .

“It’s quite rare for people to die suddenly and unexpectedly in their bed in their sleep,” Lanz is convinced. “Sometimes this happens. In most cases where death comes completely without warning, forensic experts study such incidents very carefully. We would like autopsies to be carried out more often, then we will be able to inform the relatives of the deceased better,” the doctor hopes.

If a person dreams that someone has died, he begins to panic instantly, because such a vision can have unpredictable consequences for the future. Why did you dream that someone died, and should you worry about your life after seeing such a dream?

What if you dream about someone dying?

Seeing in a dream that someone has died is not very pleasant, but this vision also has its own positive interpretations. For example, if a person sees his beloved dying in a dream without suffering, it means real life this person will change his field of activity. Perhaps changing jobs will help a person change his life for the better.

If in a dream a loved one dies in severe agony, it means that in reality this person is expected serious problems. Most likely, troubles will affect the work area. If in a dream a loved one dies in the arms of someone else, it means the relationship in the couple is on the verge of discord. Most likely, the couple will soon break up and the person will have to go through a difficult separation.

A dream in which one of the relatives dies also has a dual interpretation. On the one hand, such a vision may mean that one of the relatives will go through a very difficult, exciting stage that threatens to ruin his career. On the other hand, the vision may mean that relations with a relative will fall apart sharply. Perhaps he will show his true colors, showing not the best positive traits character. In the coming days, you should carefully study the behavior of this person so that his betrayal is predictable.

If in a dream a person sees himself dying stranger, which means there will be a temporary lull in his life. Most likely, your career will freeze in one place, and there will be no progress in your personal life. A dream in which a stranger dies in the arms of the owner of the dream has a sharply negative interpretation and symbolizes future problems, the source of which will be new friend or acquaintance.

The vision about death should be remembered in detail, because literally every detail is important here. If a dream has a dual interpretation, you need to use several dream books at once. This will help prevent inaccuracies in interpreting your future.

A dream in which a person watches someone else’s death, but does not try to help the victim in any way, has a very bad interpretation. Perhaps such a vision indicates the general indifference of the owner of the vision to other people's problems. The dream may mean that in the future, due to one’s own lack of foresight, a person will face financial losses and serious problems at work.

If in a dream someone dies a violent death, it means that in real life there are too many ill-wishers around. Each of them can harm the owner of the vision, making his life hell. It is worth paying attention to your social circle, trying not to bring unreliable people closer to you.

If in a dream a person sees the death of an old man unknown to him, it means that in real life some progress will be outlined. Usually such a dream symbolically denotes the withering away of old, inactive ideas and unrealized plans. A dream in which a young and absolutely healthy person poses some kind of threat. Usually such a vision means that a person will face unexpected problems that were previously impossible to think about.

Visions in which relatives or good friends die in severe agony have a negative interpretation. It is quite possible that a person is approaching a point in his life when truly severe trials await him. It is better to prepare for them in advance in order to survive this stage with dignity. A dream in which a stranger dies at the hands of the owner of the dream usually symbolizes remorse in reality. The owner of the vision has something to be ashamed of, and best way to get rid of such torment - repent.

What does it portend?

If in a dream a person knows that someone has died, but does not see the deceased, then in real life he should expect bad news from afar. Perhaps one of the relatives and close friends will need the help of the owner of the dream, and his task is to provide support in a timely manner.

A dream in which a person sees the death of all his friends and relatives foreshadows serious conflicts and quarrels. Perhaps communication with the most dear people will be difficult due to the fact that the person himself will begin to behave recklessly and incorrectly. In the coming days, you should be patient to maintain close relationships with the people you care about most.

A dream in which a person watches someone else die in a hospital has a negative interpretation. A deceased person in a hospital bed is, in principle, a negative sign, promising dangers and obstacles to life. life path.

If a person holds the hand of a dying person in the last minutes of his life, it means that in real life he will need urgent help and support. You can only get such support from your closest people. A dream in which a person sees the mutilated body of a deceased person means that in reality, minor troubles and sudden disasters will make the life of the owner of the vision unbearable.

A dream in which a person rejoices at someone’s death foreshadows serious problems in his personal life. Perhaps even the strongest marriage will crack, and quarrels with your lover will become an integral part of life. If in a dream a person cries and grieves because of someone’s death, it means that in real life he will be temporarily deprived of the joys of life and plunge into depression. However, this deplorable state will not last long.

Many visions in which dead people appear have a negative interpretation, but there is no need to panic. Careful interpretation and attention to detail will help predict the future. Perhaps, if you pay attention to the dream in time, problems in the future will be avoided, and the interpreted vision will lift the veil of secrecy over upcoming problems.

Dreams bring us both happy and sad moments. In some of them we see our past, in some we see our present.

Why do you dream of a dying person? How to interpret such a dream?

Why does a dying person dream - basic interpretation

The death of a person is a rather sad moment for his relatives. In some countries, death is revered as an opportunity for the human soul to pass from one incarnation to another. But why do you dream of a dying person?

A dying person often dreams of troubles and illnesses, but it is worth interpreting the dream as a whole in order to catch all of it hidden meaning:

Do you know the person who dies in your dream;

What is the cause of death of a person;

Does he die in your arms;

What emotions accompany your dream.

A dying person in your house - such a dream always foretells troubles and troubles that strangers will bring into your home. If you see a dream in which you wake up in the morning and a dying person you don’t know is in your home, such a dream promises you a lot of trouble from strangers who envy you.

These can be both colleagues and your old acquaintances who are haunted by your success. The dream book advises only one thing - to achieve everything quietly and modestly. Do not let anyone else know about your plans.

Seeing a woman you don’t know die in your apartment means you will fail in your personal life. Soon you will be disappointed in the opposite sex. You will lose your femininity and charm. The dream book also advises taking a closer look at the dying person, remembering whether her death was painful.

If the woman in your dream was suffering and moaning, you, like her, will painfully experience loneliness and lack of mutual understanding on the part of strangers and close people. If the woman in your dream died quickly and without suffering, your period of stagnation in your personal life will also pass quickly.

A dream in which you see children dying is considered unfavorable. If your own children die in a dream, you will be busy with the troubles of raising them, they may become seriously ill. The dream book advises you to prepare in advance for difficulties and provide for the possibility of aggravation chronic diseases in children it is also possible to take this aggravation away from the child.

If you dream that your child is dying and crying loudly, try to reverse special attention to what he says or asks while crying. These will be the names of the request that you will need to fulfill in real life.

This request may not apply directly to the child, but it will give you a hint as to what you are truly missing. If you have a dream in which your friend dies, you should not immediately sound the alarm and worry about her health. Most likely, you will have to face the fact that she will discuss and judge you behind your back.

Don't get upset and try to prove to her that you're right. The best way out of the situation is to ignore it for a while. You can find out if she really is spreading rumors about you. If you have a dream in which someone dies in a church, it’s time for you to think about your life.

You most likely feel a lot of anger and resentment towards the people around you. The dream book warns you against such actions. You need to figure out your true needs. And do not accumulate evil on others.

If you dream that your mother is dying, you have a lot of unsaid things with her. You blame her for some of your problems and troubles. The dream book advises you to make peace with your mother, otherwise you will experience constant anxiety and fear. It will seem to you that you have no support, that you are completely alone.

Seeing your father die means losing trust in men. This is a very negative dream. If you feel anxious after it, it means that in reality you will be alarmed because of your behavior. young man. Perhaps you often worry about the possibility of separation. The dream book warns you against such worries. You should keep your emotions in hand and not worry about fictitious problems.

A dream in which you die, but at a young age, promises you many memories that can either make you happy or disappoint you. Most likely, you had such a dream as a harbinger of impending significant changes.

If the dream scares and worries you, then the changes will not be for the better. If a dream brings joy and high spirits into your life, you will soon be freed from what has been weighing you down so much. These can be either outdated relationships or relationships from the past. It could be an old debt that you're finally paying off. In any case, the changes will benefit you.

Why do you dream of a dying person according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book interprets a dream about a dying person as a harbinger of a desire to break an old, outdated connection. If a lonely person has such a dream, he will soon get tired of his inner loneliness and go in search of his soulmate.

If a pregnant woman has such a dream, she should seriously worry about her health. The dream book indicates that stress and overexertion can have a negative impact on the course of the entire pregnancy.

If you dream of a celebration where the bride dies, you should think about whether you are afraid to take on obligations. Doesn't your existing union weigh you down? Perhaps you would like a more open relationship, or to live for yourself, but circumstances are different. The dream book advises you to understand your true desires and not follow the instructions of society.

If you dream that you are dying at the hands of a loved one, most likely in reality he will betray you. This betrayal will not necessarily consist of treason. Most likely, you will find out the truth, which will make you disappointed in your chosen one.

A dream in which you see yourself dying in a hospital promises you disappointment in your friends. You will need moral support, but you won't get it from them. You will be left alone with your grief, and you will have to understand the true value of their friendship.

Why does a dying person dream according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said that a dying person is often dreamed of as a harbinger of the dangers that await a person on the path of life. These could be:

Health problems;

Failures in business;

Financial losses;

Discord in relationships.

When interpreting a dream, you need to listen to your inner feelings and experiences during sleep. If you have experienced severe anxiety, in reality you will also be very worried about something.

If you get up after sleep in an absolutely positive mood, there will be troubles, but they will seem insignificant to you. You will quickly deal with problems and get involved in your usual way of life.

If you like to watch someone die in a dream, you will be a hypocrite in reality. You will want to take revenge on someone for the grief they have caused you. The dream book warns you against such emotions and actions. Try to control yourself.

Why do you dream of a dying person according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book presents a positive interpretation of a dream about a dying person. So, if you dream that you are dying, they are waiting for you nice chores and news. You will learn about something very important that will change you.

Why dream that children are dying - they will live in happiness and prosperity, they will not need anything. If you dream that your lover is dying, you will finally be able to reconcile with him and stop looking for flaws in each other.

IN Women's dream book it is said that if you dream that you are dying, you should expect troubles associated with professional activity. They will overtake you suddenly and their cause will be a complete stranger to you. It could even be a coincidence.

If you dream that you are a doctor and are saving a dying person, in reality you will have to worry about someone’s health. Try to give yourself completely to this matter, otherwise disaster may occur. If you dream that a patient is dying in your arms, the responsibilities that you have taken upon yourself are beyond your power to overcome. Try to play it safe, but finish the job you started. Even if the dream seemed sad to you and instilled fear in you, in reality you may encounter the opposite situation, which will turn into joy and happiness for you. Therefore, it is important to interpret dreams correctly.

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