What materials is the school and the world around us built from? Presentation "How to build a house" presentation for a lesson on the world around us (grade 2) on the topic. Man has always built a house

Lesson topic: "How to build new home

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce students to the construction profession;
  • expand children’s understanding of different homes, building materials and construction machines;
  • develop children’s cognitive activity and ability to work with educational text;
  • improve skills of independent group work;
  • cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions.

Equipment: textbook “The World Around Us” by Pleshakova A.A., workbook, computer, multimedia projector, slide presentation ( Appendix 1 ), VCR, video film, task cards for group work


1. Organizational moment. Checking homework

There are so many very good things around,
Who serve us honestly.
But how did it appear, where did it come from?
Everything that we sometimes need.

– In the last lesson we learned the secrets of some things. Tell us:

  • how clay turns into various products;
  • how a book is born;
  • how woolen things are made (pages 105-107 of the textbook).

2. Communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson

– Today we will take you on another journey. ( Appendix 1 . Slide 2.)

We enter the house, and in that house
Warmth, water and light.
The house is beautiful, cozy, durable.
How old is the house?

The house was built five years ago -
Both the house and the whole block.
But who built this house?
And how did it become a home?

– Formulate the purpose of our lesson. (Answer the question: “How to build a new house?”).

3. Updating children's knowledge

– How did a person learn to build? Where did you start? (Children's answers)

Feeding people, clothing the hunt,
But they began to feel reluctant to live in the cave.
It was cold there for both the old and the young,
And they went hunting for building materials.

– What was the building material? What were the houses made of? ( Appendix 1 . Slides 3-11.)

4. Getting to know new material

- There are different houses. People live in houses, people work in houses. For a long time they were built according to the custom of their ancestors. In Rus', for example, a person began by carefully choosing a place to build a house. Sometimes, to find a suitable place, the builder walked along the river bank for many kilometers. They often did this: they floated a log on the water, and where it landed on the shore, they founded a settlement.
Even in those days it was believed that building a house could only be done with an axe. It was impossible to use a saw. The fact is that the ax compacts the wood, the cut area becomes smooth, and the pores that exist in the wood are closed. Moisture does not penetrate them, and they do not begin to rot ahead of time, as happened with those logs and boards that were processed with a saw. Starting to fell the trees, the man put a piece of bread at the roots, bowed to the ground, and asked for forgiveness: “I didn’t take the ax out of boredom, I came out of great need.”
When starting to build, they planned where the foundation of the furnace would go, and the building was erected around this place. Hence the expression - “dancing from the stove”, which means starting over. A coin was placed at the base of the house - to wealth. The logs were connected using special recesses - grooves. One row of logs was called the “crown.” Building a house was like weaving a wreath. The end is the crown of the matter. They crowned the house with a roof. The windows were protected with shutters, decorated with paintings and carved frames.
The highest beautiful places allocated for churches and temples. They were built from stone and decorated with stone carvings and ornaments. High domes were erected using special lifting devices, because there were no cranes then. To make this lift work, horses were used. And the domes of cathedrals and churches soared upward.

5. Working with the textbook

“And now powerful, smart machines and convenient materials have come to help people.

– Open the textbook on page 112. Read the text “At a construction site.” (Reading the text.)

– What machines make the work of builders easier? (Children's answers. Appendix 1 . Slide 12.)

– Look at the pictures on page 111. Name the building materials that are shown here. What are they for? (Children's answers. Appendix 1 . Slide 13.)

- IN modern construction Other materials invented by man are also used: glass, metals, plastics. Tin sheets are often used on the roofs of city houses.

6. Physical education minute

- Show with gestures the work that the characters in the poem do.

How to build a new house,
To make it comfortable? (They spread their hands.)

Project drawing
Will do architect. (“They are drawing” in the air.)

Frames, doors, window sill –
Will go through with a hammer carpenter. (They knock fist on fist.)

It's time to paint and whitewash -
We invite you painter ! (“They paint” in the air.)

And now please
Welcome to the house! (Inviting gesture.)

7. Continued work on new topic

– At a construction site, builders perform different types of work. Here the bulldozer carefully cuts and spreads the earth, because the bulldozer operator is a master of his craft. An excavator is digging a pit. This excavator operator deftly controls it. The tower crane is so large that you cannot immediately notice the cabin where the worker sits - the crane operator. Masons lay bricks, roofers lay roofs, carpenters install frames and doors, painters paint walls, parquet workers lay parquet. But it is very important that all builders work together, harmoniously, only then the house will be built quickly and efficiently. (Slide 14.)

– Now watch the video “Who built this house?” (Watch the video.)

8. Consolidation of what has been learned

The work is carried out in groups.

- Let's try to build a new house ourselves. Let's divide the class into two groups. You are now construction crews. The first team will build a city house, and the second - a rural one.
Everything you need is on the cards. Determine the sequence of work, completing the sentences with words from the dictionary. Tell us how your construction is going.

Brigade 1.

City house

Brigade 2.

Country house

Presentation of the results of the work of the teams. Checking and evaluating work. ( Appendix 1 . Slides 14-15.)

- Man learned to build. He became the Great Builder. A builder can do anything, he is needed everywhere, and is held in high esteem everywhere.

9. Lesson summary

– What goal did we set for ourselves?
– Have we answered the question?
– What new things did you learn for yourself in the lesson?

10. Homework

– Complete tasks No. 1-3 on page 41 of the notebook.

Used literature:

1. Zubkov B.V. From wheel to robot. – “Baby”, 1988.
2. Yaroslavtseva A. That we should build a house. – “Fun Lessons”, 2005, No. 4, p. 26.
3. “Fun Lessons”, 2005, No. 2, p. 14.
4. Semyonova M. We are Slavs! – St. Petersburg. "ABC", 1998.
5. Efimovsky E. Wise sciences - without edification and boredom: Carousel of inventions. – St. Petersburg: TIT “Comet”, 1994.

Budgetary educational institution of the Tarnog municipal district Vologda region"Sludnovskaya primary school»

in 2nd grade on the topic “Construction. How to build a house"

Teacher: Epifanovskaya Svetlana Mikhailovna

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge

Goal for the teacher: Introduce students to the concept of “construction”.

Goal for students : get acquainted with the variety of construction professions;

expand children’s understanding of various people’s homes, building materials, and construction machines.

Tasks for the teacher : to develop the ability to distinguish between construction professions and construction machines, to introduce various types building materials.

Tasks for students aimed at achieving personal learning outcomes:the formation of sustainable learning motives, interest in studying the world around us through the discovery of new knowledge, the development of goodwill, readiness to cooperate with the teacher and students.

Learning objectives aimed at achieving meta-subject learning outcomes: regulatory:to develop the ability to formulate and retain a learning task, the mindset to find ways to resolve difficulties, the ability to monitor and evaluate one’s own learning activities and classmates.

Cognitive:work with text, develop students’ cognitive activity using techniques and strategies of RKMChP technology (ZKhU table, cluster, syncwine)

Communicative:developing the ability to effectively collaborate, competently express one’s own point of view and substantiate judgments, be active in solving cognitive problems, and follow the rules of communication.

Learning objectives aimed at achieving subject learning outcomes: formation of an idea about the technology of construction of urban and rural houses, materials used, types of construction equipment.

Teaching methods: verbal, practical, visual (E.Ya. Golant,

D.O. Lorkipanidze, E.I. Perovskaya); search, games, group work (Appendix 1). Technology development critical thinking(Steele, Meredith, Temple, Walter). TRKM techniques: compiling a cluster, “on-board log”: I know - I want to know - I found out (Appendix 3), writing a syncwine (Appendix 4), fishbone, notes in the margins,

Equipment and technical means of training:

Textbook, workbook.

Electronic supplement to the textbook “The world around us. 2nd grade."

Multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, lesson presentation

Working materials for students:

tests,CLUSTER - economics, fishbone, cinquain, “flight magazine”, technological lesson map.

Planned result:a) got acquainted with the branch of the economy - construction.

b) children worked proactively, with interest, and spoke more in class than the teacher; left the lesson wanting to continue this activity.

Criteria for assessing the result of the lesson: self-assessment and mutual assessment of each stage according to established criteria in the “technological map” (Appendix 2).

Lesson stage, goal.

Forms, methods, methodological techniques

Teacher activities

Student activities

Universal actions

I.Motivation to study. activities


1) Emotional mood.

Goal: Creating conditions for students to consciously enter the space of activity in the lesson.

2) Checking homework

Frontal conversation.


Psychological mood.

1. Greeting guests and children.

Good afternoon, dear guests.

Let's start a lesson about the world around us.

The smart girl will sit down first, and now the smart guys.

2. Emotional mood.
- Today in class we will discover new knowledge.

- To make the lesson interesting, what should the students be like?

Checking homework.

- In the last lesson we learned the secrets of some things. Let's test your knowledge with a test. (Slides 2 - 9.)

Test "What is it made from"

The teachers greet, check their readiness for the lesson, and wish each other good luck.

Students: active, thinking, efficient, attentive, neat, disciplined, friendly.

Do a graphic dictation.

Self-assessment in the technological map

Personal UUD: show readiness for educational activities, emotional responsiveness to the teacher’s word.

Regulatory UUD:

They check the readiness of the workplace under the guidance of the teacher and aim for successful activities.

Communication UUD:- developing the ability to listen and hear.


evaluate (compare with a standard) the results of their activities

II.Updating knowledge. 2min.

Goal: Based on updating previously acquired knowledge, lead to the disclosure of the topic of the lesson.

TKMChP cluster

Game situation.


In previous lessons we became acquainted with the concept of ECONOMY. Let's remember - what is ECONOMY? Let's composecluster. Name the sectors of the economy.

The teacher asks guiding questions:

This industry produces vegetables, meat, milk;

This industry clothes people, produces household products, airplanes, cars;

This industry sells products that help in people's lives.

This branch of the economy has not been guessed.

Do you want to know what industry this is?

This industry builds the houses in which we will live.

Make upcluster





Subject Skills:

Remember sectors of the economy

Cognitive UUD:

search and selection necessary information;

Communication UUD:collaboration with teacher and peers; the ability to express one's thoughts fully and accurately.

III. Creating a problematic situation. Setting a learning task.


Goal: Leading children to formulate the topic and set the objectives of the lesson.





TKMChP- fishbone, logbook

Listen to the poems and say: what sector of the economy are we talking about?

We enter the house, and in that house
Warmth, water and light.
The house is beautiful, cozy, durable.
How old is the house?

The house was built five years ago -
Both the house and the whole block.
But who built this house?
And how did it become a home?

Consider using the open word “construction” to construct the topic of the lesson. Answer the question: “How to build a new house?(Slide 11.)

So, topiclesson.....

- Targetlesson. ...

Call. Setting educational objectives.

What do you know about how to build a new house?


Let’s fill in the “I know” column in the logbook table.

Please mark your level of knowledge + - ?

What else would you like to know about the topic of the lesson? Discuss the questions in pairs.

Fill in the “I want to know” column.

Well done. The questions you askededucational tasks.

Name the sources of information. Where will we look for answers to questions?

During the lesson we will fill in the “Learned” column.

We will determine in what form the lesson will take place.Slide 12

Read the old proverb.

Why do you think people created such a proverb? Building a house is not putting on a hat.

Slide 13

How to build a house?

Learn to build houses.


1. Which ones are used? building materials.

2. What machines help build.

3. Who works at the construction site.

Collected from scattered letters - “ business game»

It is suggested that it is not easy to build a house.

Self-esteem in the lesson plan


recall known information about construction,

understand the inadequacy of existing knowledge.


development of cognitive interests of educational motives through the technology of RKMChP;


problem formulation and solution;

Students search for the necessary information and express themselves orally.


setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students and what is not yet known;


the ability to clearly and concisely express one’s opinion and build speech structures.

IV. Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action. 15 min

Goal: familiarize students with new material.


Physical education minute

Goal: Creating conditions for psycho-emotional relief of students.





Reading. Conversation.



Feeding people, clothing the hunt,
But they began to feel reluctant to live in the cave.
It was cold there for both the old and the young,
And they went hunting for building materials.

What can be a building material? What were and are houses built from?

Look carefully at the screen......Guessing a rebus. (Slide 14.)

- What was the name of the house in the old days? (hut)

Excursion to the Russian hut.(Slide 15.)

a) TsOR

b) Work on the board (arrows - pointers). Restore parts of the Russian hut.

Video of house construction.(Slide 16.)

The music turns on.

Watch the video. Remember the stages of construction.

Tell in real life can we build a house like this?

We will determine what is needed to build a house: building materials, workers - builders, machines

Work in groups (teams). (Slide 17.)

(Work to music)

A) Division by 2brigades of “Builders” and “Drivers” . Selection of foremen.

"Builders"- select building materials and their purpose (Page 113, look at the illustrations. Cards)

"Drivers» - Match the name of construction machines to their application.

Open your textbooks on page 114- read the text in 4, with a pencil in hand. Make the necessary notes in the margins. Discuss the answer to the question: what machines work on a construction site?

b) Instructions for implementation.

At a construction site, it is very important that everyone works together, harmoniously, only then the house will be built quickly and efficiently.

V) Examination

Let's rest

Self-assessment in the technological map of the comprehension stage.

We are building a house.

One, two, three, four, five.
Let's build and play.
We are building a big, tall house.
We are installing windows and roofing.
That's what beautiful house!
An old gnome will live in it.

Answer the teacher's questions.

U textbook pp. 112-113

Different building materials are used,


They work in a group. 1-Match the name of the building materials to their purpose.

2 - Match the name of construction machines - their application

Self-assessment of work in the logbook.

Children perform jumps on the spot. They stand on their toes and stretch their arms up.
Show the window, the roof with your hands - clasp your hands above your head
They extend their arms forward with an index gesture.
They squat.


Get acquainted with building materials and machines, professions.


be able toprocess the information received:find answers to questions.


be able to express your assumption (version).


be able to express your thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others.


willingness to cooperate, provide assistance, distribution of roles;

assessment of what is learned

Subject Skills:

perceive the meaning of what they read.

Communication UUD:

improve skills of working in a group, gain experience in voicing and defending their position.

Personal UUD:

prevent fatigue

V. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action. 8min.

Target:strengthen correct writing skills



1 Game “Who works at a construction site?” - consolidation of ideas about the professions of people in construction, exercise in word formation.Slide 21.

Clearing a construction site with a bulldozer -bulldozer;concretes the foundation -concrete worker;lays walls (of stone, brick) -mason;lifts loads with a crane -crane operator;covers the roof -roofer;whitewashes and paints walls, doors... -painter-plasterer;makes frames, doors -carpenter;transports construction material on a tractor -tractor driver;delivers construction materials on a dump truck -chauffeur;welds metal structures -electric welder;digs a hole under the foundation with an excavator -excavator operator .

- Name the professions of people involved in building houses.

- How does building a city house differ from a rural one??

Restore the stages of building a house. (Slide 22.)

Self-assessment in the technological map of the consolidation stage

Self-esteem in the logbook. 3 task completed

Children make a plan: 1. Make a sketch of the house. 2. Prepare a house plan. 3. Prepare the site for construction. 4. Select building materials. 5. Start construction (foundation - masonry walls - roof). 6.Finishing work.

Subject Skills:

get acquainted with construction professions.


the ability to act according to a plan and plan one’s activities;

the ability to control the process and results of one’s activities, including the implementation of anticipatory control in collaboration with the teacher and peers;


ability to work in a group.

VI. Reflection on learning activities in the classroom. 5 min.

Goal: Correlation of assigned tasks with the achieved result. Organize reflection and self-evaluation by students of their own educational activities.





Let's summarize our lesson.

- We systematize knowledge in the formsyncwine

Lesson topic -house

What are they like -urban and rural

What do you know about the house -beautiful, cozy, durable

Who builds for man -

man - the Great Builder

What is a house?home

What were our learning objectives?

House. Listen, look closely at this word. Think about your home. I invite you to place images in your house, fill it with sounds that will evoke warm feelings, memories and thoughts and help build a house in which you can live well.

Read the quatrain.

In every home (and then certainly)
There must be a roof, and windows, and walls,
It should be cozy, warm and light,
But the main thing is that there should be good in the house.

Make up syncwine.

They express their impressions of the lesson and draw conclusions.

Self-assessment in the technological map of the reflection stage.


openly comprehend and evaluate their activities in the classroom.

VII. Homework. 2 min.

Purpose: To explain the progress of homework.



Teacher's explanation.

1. Notebook page 72 tasks 1-3

2. The story “How they built my house”

Additional: Is it possible to build a house upside down?

Listen to the teacher's explanation.

Make appropriate notes.


accept the learning task in accordance with their level of development.

Appendix 1.Group (brigade) "Builders"

Task: 1. Look at the illustrations in the textbook on page 113

2. Connect 1st column with 3rd column with arrows.

Construction materials



For laying walls. Red - for making the foundation, white - for the walls.

Sand, cement, gypsum

For the construction of house walls, ceilings, floors, roofs.

Timber - round timber, construction logs, boards, bars

For preparing mortar used in laying brick and block walls.

Crushed stone - finely ground stone

For making a mixture when building the foundation of a house.

Concrete slabs

For covering the roofs of houses.

Slate, metal tiles, sheet iron

For ceilings, walls

Glass, metals, plastics

For windows, interior decoration.

Student: We learned that the following building materials are used to build a house. (Go to the board and show your building material.)

Group (brigade) “Drivers”

Task:1. Look at the illustrations and read the text in the textbook pp. 114-115

2. Connect columns 1 and 3 with arrows.




A powerful tractor carries a steel shield in front. Using the entire shield, he pushes the earth, levels it out, and fills up holes and depressions. He prepares wide roads and smooth, spacious areas for builders, so that all other machines can work comfortably.


Each machine has a load according to its strength.

Forklift machines

The excavator machine rakes the earth with a bucket. The bucket scoops up the soil, rises, turns, and pours the soil into the dump truck. This excavator is digging a huge hole - a foundation pit.

Tower cranes

They are definitely above everyone else. So that even on the roof itself tall house give with your arrow hand everything you need.

Dump trucks

For transportation of construction materials

Concrete mixer

It is used to prepare solutions by mixing sand, cement and water in certain proportions.

Student: We found out which machines come to the aid of a person at a construction site

Appendix 2

Technological map lesson about the world around us

Full name__________________________________________

Lesson stage


Checking homework.

Test “What is it made from”



Topic, goal, tasks


New material. Group work


I know

+ - ?

I want to know

+ - ?

Found out

+ - ?

1. I know building materials

2. I know what machines help build

3. I know the construction professions

4.I can work in pairs

I did all the tasks I found it difficult I made it

completed no more errors

no errorstwicesatisfied

excellent good very good

Appendix 4






Open lesson on the world around us

Topic: How to build a house.


  • Introduce children to the variety of homes in different nations, with construction machines, with the order of building a house and its main parts.
  • To develop students’ speech, the ability to listen to friends, the ability to conduct a conversation, and their horizons.
  • Develop creativity, imagination, small muscles of the hands, curiosity.
  • Foster a sense of teamwork, hard work, and discipline.

  • Cards with words (name of building materials).
  • Video fragment of cartoons: “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Fox and the Hare”.
  • Envelopes with geometric shapes.
  • A textbook on the world around us.
  • Leaves in a cage.
  • Projector, screen, computer, speakers, camera.



    It has a roof and windows

    And of course there is a porch

    We live in it very friendly

    And perhaps there is an answer?

    What is this? (house)

    The topic of our lesson: How to build a house.

    Today in class we will introduce you to different types dwellings, let's talk about who builds the house and how, what construction machines work at the construction site, consider the parts of the house and the order of their construction, and construct the house ourselves.

    1. Types of housing.

    2. Who builds the house and how.

    3. Construction machines.

    4. Parts of the house and the order of their construction.

    5. Design.

    Read the proverb.

    My home is my castle

    How do you understand the meaning of the proverb?

    Has the home of cartoon characters become their fortress?

    (View video clip)

    Has the house become a fortress for the fox? Why?

    Has the house become a fortress for Nif-Nif? Why?

    Has the house become a fortress for Nuf-Nuf? Why?

    Why did Naf-Naf tell the brothers that they were safe?

    Do houses like this exist in real life?

    Is there an ice house as big as a fox's?

    In the Far North, everything is covered with snow and ice, the Eskimos built their homes from snow bricks with windows from pieces river ice. To keep it warm, they lit bowls of seal oil in the house and covered the floors and walls with animal skins. This house is IGLOO.

    Are there houses made of straw and twigs like those of piglets?


    Is there a house without walls and windows? DUGOUT

    What will happen to such a house in an area where it rains constantly? How do people live in such areas?


    Indonesia is located on the islands of the Indian Ocean. There are evergreen forests all around. It's hot and humid. When the time of big rains comes, it pours like buckets for the whole month. There is water all around, but the houses are dry. Stilts lift them off the ground.


    The Indians in North America, inhabitants of the forests, stuck flexible tree trunks into the ground, tied their tops, covered them with branches or bark and got a wigwam.

    This is the home of the Nenets reindeer herders.

    It is made of poles (these are long sticks) on which reindeer skins are stretched. In the center, the hearth is the place where food was prepared.

    To the right and left of the entrance to the tent are living and sleeping rooms. The floor is covered with mats made of twigs or grass; reindeer skins were laid out on them; winter reindeer skins also served as beds, because... their fur is thicker and warmer.


    The Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Mongols have long raised sheep, so they cover the frame of poles with felt from sheep wool, and it turned out to be a yurt.


    In Ukraine, houses are built from brushwood, brick, and coated with clay, hence the name.


    In Rus', since ancient times, log houses (huts) were cut from logs of various tree species.


    This modern house. Would you like to live in such a house?

    How to build such a house?

    What is needed to build a house?

    (building materials, construction machines, people)

    What professions do people work in construction?

    (bricklayer, painter, crane operator, welder, assembler, carpenter)

    Work in pairs.

    1.Look at Fig. on pp. 112-113 of the textbook.

    2. Determine what materials are needed to build a city house and what materials are needed to build a rural house. Arrange the words from the envelope into 2 groups.

    What materials are needed to build a rural house?

    (logs, boards, slate, bricks, sand, cement)

    What are needed to build a city house?

    (boards, bricks, sand, cement, concrete slabs)

    Look at the illustrations showing the construction of urban and rural houses.

    What difference do you see when building these houses?

    What can’t you do without when building a city house?

    (use of equipment in the construction of a city house)

    Look at the pictures of the cars on page 112, what is the name of the car number 1? 2? 3?

    (excavator, concrete mixer, dump truck)

    It is very important that builders work harmoniously and amicably. Only then will the house be built quickly and efficiently. This means that the driver must deliver the bricks and cement on time, the crane operator must lift everything upstairs, and the mason must lay the bricks.

    How should all builders work to build a house efficiently and quickly?

    Conclusion: Builders must work harmoniously and amicably.


    One, two, three, four, five.
    Let's build and play.
    We are building a big, tall house.
    We are installing windows and roofing.
    What a beautiful house!
    We will live together in it.

    Working with a book.

    1. Turn to pages 114-115.

    2. Read the text about construction machines.

    The class is divided into 2 subgroups: 1st subgroup reads about excavating machines on p. 114, 2nd subgroup reads the text about loader machines on p. 115.

    Earthmoving machines.

    (bulldozer, excavator)


    (tower crane, forklift, truck crane)

    Conclusion: What is needed to build a house?

    Prepare building materials, construction equipment and invite builders.


    1. Read the text in the textbook, pp. 114 – 115.

    2.Prepare a story about construction machines.

    Let's determine the procedure for building a house and its main parts.

    Where does construction begin, what is laid first?

    (foundation, walls, roof, finishing)

    Conclusion: How to build a house? (In a specific order)

    Construction of a house.

    There are envelopes with geometric shapes on your desks.

    You must use the figures to build a house, not forgetting the parts of the house and the order of construction.

    Best works I'll take a photo and show you.

    Look what kind of houses we have made, whether they will become a fortress for us. Are all parts of the house present?

    Let's check how you have mastered the material. There are checkered leaves on the table. Take your pens, choose 1 correct option, write down the question number and letter.

    1.What do you need to prepare for construction?

    D) Camera

    D) Construction materials

    2. What special machines are used at construction sites?

    M) Buses

    H) Fire and ambulance

    O) Diggers and loaders

    3. In what order is a house built?

    K) Roof, finishing, foundation, walls

    L) foundation, walls, finishing, roof

    M) foundation, walls, roof, finishing

    Peer review.

    Swap papers with your desk neighbor.

    Conclusion: How to build a house?

    1. Prepare building materials, equipment and workers.

    RESULT OF THE LESSON: How to build a house? What do you need to prepare?

    1. Prepare building materials and equipment.

    2. Build a house in a certain order.

    Spare physical exercise

    We are building a house.

    One, two, three, four, five.
    Let's build and play.
    We are building a big, tall house.
    We are installing windows and roofing.
    What a beautiful house!
    An old gnome will live in it.

    Children perform jumps on the spot.

    They stand on their toes and stretch their arms up.
    Show the window, the roof with your hands - clasp your hands above your head
    They extend their arms forward with an index gesture.
    They squat.

    Merzlyakova Olga Viktorovna
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