Electric welding courses. Educational program gas-electric welder


Federal State educational institution secondary vocational education




Profession code (OK 016-94) 19906


The work program is intended for individual, group and course training and advanced training of electric welders manual welding, profession code No. 000 according to (OK 016–94).

Duration of training for electric welders of manual welding: when preparing for (1-2) categories - 3 months. Total training time is 500 hours (of which 170 hours are allocated for theoretical training and 330 hours for practical training);

when upgrading to (3 – 4) categories - 1 month.

The total training time is 160 hours (of which 52 hours are allocated for theoretical training and 108 hours for practical training.

The scope of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the programs is established based on the requirements of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS) and is designed for persons with general education training in the scope of secondary school. The program provides for the study of new equipment, technology, advanced techniques and methods of work, rational organization jobs, as well as mastering all operations and types of work that workers of the 1st - 4th categories of this profession should know and be able to do.

To study general rules Occupational safety programs include a special topic. However, the teacher and industrial training instructor must constantly draw the students’ attention to the safety rules associated with the implementation of specific technological processes when studying new topic or when transitioning to a new type of work.

Theoretical and practical training programs must be systematically supplemented with educational material about new technological processes and equipment, advanced labor methods and other achievements that are widely used in domestic and foreign production practice, while at the same time excluding outdated information.

Topics indicated in the programs theoretical training, should be studied in a certain sequence to ensure the connection of the material being studied with practical exercises.

College teachers are involved in conducting theoretical classes, and highly qualified workers and industrial training masters who have teaching skills, experience in technical training of personnel and are directly involved in working with the material being studied are involved in conducting practical training.

Those who have completed the full course of study perform trial qualifying work of the appropriate category and pass an exam, which includes testing of theoretical knowledge.

Depending on the general educational preparation of students and the specifics of production in programs, the number of hours allocated to the study of individual topics can be changed, but the total training time should be left unchanged.

All changes made to the programs must be considered by the educational and methodological council of the college and approved by the director.


(1st – 4th digits)

Sections, topics

Training of new workers (1st – 2nd categories)


category nai)

Theoretical training

Special technology

Occupational safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety rules

Fundamentals of materials science and technology

Electrical engineering with fundamentals of industrial electronics and electrical equipment

Tolerances and technical measurements

Information from technical mechanics, hydraulic and pneumatic devices

Standardization, unification and product quality management

Information on the organization of production and management of the production team

Economic training


Practical training

At UPM college

At workplaces


Profession– manual electric welder code No. 000.

Having general education training in the amount high school.

Qualification– 2nd category.

As a result of training, the electric welder should have an understanding of:

· about the essence of the main types and methods of fusion welding and the prospects for their development;

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· about the technology of electric fusion welding and its role in modern production conditions;

· about promising types of welding (plasma, electron beam, laser), the use of robots and computer technology in welding production.

know :

· theoretical foundations of fusion welding;

· basic information about the power sources used;

· Types and operating principles of used electric welding devices;

· structure and properties of the welding materials used;

· types of welded joints and seams;

· basics of technological welding and surfacing of various types of steels, cast irons and non-ferrous metals;

· promising types of welding;

be able to:

· Perform manual electric arc welding of simple components and structures made of carbon and structural steels;

· select welding materials and draw up technical requirements for them;

· calculate and select welding modes;

· use GOST standards, technical and reference literature.



Topic 1. Special technology.

Thematic outline of the topic.

number theme name clock

1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 Equipment for manual welding 30

1.3. Welding materials 10

1.4. Welded structures 10

1.5. Manual arc welding technology 36

1.6. Power supplies 10

1.1. Introduction

General information from the history of the development of electric welding. The role of electric welders in economic development countries. Achievements of domestic and foreign scientists in the development of electric arc welding.

Introducing students to the qualification requirements, topics and content of the curriculum. Work order, training schedule, recommended literature.

1.2. Manual welding equipment

Design and maintenance of welding arc power sources. Classification of welding arc power sources and requirements for them.

Welding transformers. Classification, device, types and technical specifications.

Welding rectifiers. Classification of rectifiers, device, passport data and technical characteristics.

Welding converters. Device, passport data, technical characteristics and maintenance.

Devices for increasing the stability of arc combustion.

Gas equipment used for welding in shielding gases.

1.3. Welding materials

Electrodes. Purpose and requirements for them. State standard, electrode marking system. Transportation, storage, packaging.

Shielding gases. General information about protective gases. Classification of protective gases. Inert gases: argon, helium. Active gases: carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen. Their properties and areas of application. Mixtures of protective gases.

1.4. Welded structures

Basic structural elements welded joints.

Types of nodes: straight beams T-section, curved beams of any section, flat units and parts, other units.

1.5. Manual arc welding technology

Classification of types of welding. Fusion welding: arc, gas, electroslag, etc. Pressure welding: contact, gas press, friction, cold, etc. General characteristics of each type of welding.

Welding arc and its properties. Concept of an electric welding arc. Conditions necessary for the initiation and maintenance of a welding arc. The influence of magnetic fields on the arc. Features of arc combustion in shielding gases and submerged arcs.

Welded joints and seams. Definition of concepts: welded joint, welded seam, edge. Types of welds by type of connection. Types of welds according to the shape of the prepared edges, the nature of the execution, depending on their location in space.

State standard for the main types and structural elements of welded joints. Designation of welds on drawings.

Welding technique.

Technological features of welding carbon steels in shielding gases. Methods for performing double-sided butt welds.

One-sided welding of butt seams. Welding techniques for butt, corner, T and lap joints. Calculation and selection of welding mode.

Deformations during welding, causes of their occurrence and preventive measures. Defects in welds, their classification, types. Quality control methods.

1.6. Power supplies

Main types of devices, welding machines. Devices for mechanization of auxiliary work during welding. Main types of power supplies. Transformers, converters, inverters, etc. Operating principle. General concept about the design of the latest installations for welding in shielding gases.

Topic 2 Occupational safety, industrial sanitation and rules

fire safety

Topic 3 Fundamentals of materials science and metal technology

Basic information about metals and their properties. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Basic physical, chemical and mechanical properties of metals.

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Cast iron, steel. Basic information about production methods, chemical composition, mechanical and technological properties, areas of application.

Alloy steels. Steels with special properties, their properties and applications.

Designation of steel grades in accordance with the state standard. Classification of steels. Hard alloys, non-ferrous metals and alloys.

Corrosion of metals. Abrasives, lubricants and coolants.

Topic 4 Electrical engineering with the basics of industrial electronics and

electrical equipment

The concept of the structure of the atom. Basic elements of the simplest electrical circuit.

Direct current, alternating current characteristics concept.

Transformers, electric motors. The concept of ballasts, control devices.

Brief information from industrial electronics.

Topic 5 Technical drawing

Methods of depicting parts in drawings, give an idea of ​​examples of the simplest geometric bodies. Forms of drawings, inscriptions on drawings, corner stamp. Drawing of a part and its purpose, concept of a sketch.

Assembly drawings and their purpose. Specification, sizing and designation of fits. Sections, image and symbol of welds.

Topic 6 Tolerances and technical measurements

The concept of interchangeability of parts. Standardization and normalization of parts.

Free and mating dimensions, tolerance and its purpose, clearances, interference. Qualities and their application. The concept of a tolerance table, designation of tolerances and fits in the drawings. Unified system of admissions and landings.

Measurement methods, measuring instruments and their care.

Topic 7 Information from technical mechanics, hydraulic and

pneumatic devices

Basic laws of classical mechanics. The concept of strength.




number theme name clock

1. Introductory lesson 2

2. Preparing metal for welding 10

3. Exercises in using power sources 12

5. Assembling products for welding 8

6. Do it yourself welding work(1-2) digits 282

7. Qualification (trial) work 6


Topic 1. Introductory lesson

Instruction on occupational safety at the enterprise (conducted by a safety specialist).

Excursion to the enterprise for practical acquaintance of students with leading workshops and the technological production process. Familiarization with the organization of the electric welder’s workplace and the equipment of welding stations. Instruction on occupational safety in the workplace.

Familiarization with the qualification characteristics of an electric welder

(1--2) categories and the procedure for conducting industrial training.

Topic 2. Preparing metal for welding

Preparing metal for welding with metalworking operations: straightening, chopping, bending, cutting with a hacksaw, filing, simple marking using a meter, compass using a template.

Cutting edges at an angle of 150, 300 and 450.

Cutting and cutting cracks with a chisel with preliminary drilling of their ends.

Cleaning edges after oxygen cutting. Cleaning the metal surface from rust and dirt. Cutting down a section of a poor-quality seam for the next welding.

Assembling parts for welding, ensuring uniform joint clearance.

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Topic 3. Exercises in using welding arc power sources

Familiarization with welding arc power sources.

Switching on and off welding transformers, rectifiers and converters. Regulation of welding current and voltage. Features of current regulation when using power supplies with remote control. Connecting wires. Change of polarity.

Familiarization with the technique of arc ignition and manual arc surfacing of rollers. Clamping the electrode in the electrical holder. Exercises in working with the electric holder and shield, training in arc ignition. Maintaining the required arc length until the electrode completely melts. Re-ignition of the arc if it breaks. Mastering the technique of manual arc welding when making butt and fillet welds in the lower position. Exercises in performing manual arc welding.

Topic 4. Exercises in working with welding equipment

Familiarization with the design of welding equipment and shielding gases. Winding electrode wire into cassettes. Installation of cassettes. Threading wire into falling rollers, Connecting protective gas cylinders. Purging gas system. Control of electrode wire feed and device movement without turning on the welding current. Turning machines on and off. Surfacing of individual beads onto plates using established automatic machines.

Independent selection and installation of surfacing modes. Checking the quality of surfacing by appearance directional metal.

Surfacing of individual beads on the ascent and descent on the plastic, installed at an angle of 100-150 to the welding table. Surfacing of beads of normal width without sagging or undercuts.

Welding of butt, corner, T and lap joints assembled on plates and installed in lower and inclined positions. Welding without beveled edges, with one-sided and double-sided beveled edges. Selection and installation of surfacing and welding modes.

Checking the quality of welded joints by the appearance of the seam and by fracture. Correction of defective welds.

Topic 5. Assembly of products for welding

Familiarization with the types of welded joints: butt, corner, tee and lap. Assembly for welding of butt, corner, T- and lap joints without bevel and with beveled edges. Checking the bevel angle of the edges and the amount of dullness. Maintaining the required clearances during assembly. Installing shims, pressing flux pads or other devices that prevent liquid metal from leaking into the gaps. Assembly in fixtures. Installation and fixation of parts in fixtures. Checking accuracy and assembly.

Assembly on tacks. Setting up tack welding using manual arc welding. Selection of diameter and brand of electrode for tack welding. Cleaning tacks from slag.

Cleaning up flux. Checking the quality of tacks by fracture.

Topic 6. Independent performance of various electric welding works of 2nd category complexity

Independent performance of electric welding work, charged according to the 2nd category, by an electric welder of manual welding with the fulfillment of established production standards, compliance technical requirements and labor safety rules.

Qualification (trial) work

The program is designed to improve the qualifications of specialists from organizations in their specialization « Specialist welding production"Electric gas welder».

The professional training program for welding production specialists “Electric and gas welder” was developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The training program for electric and gas welders provides for the acquisition of knowledge necessary for an electric and gas welder for practical work, including practical work with maps technological process welding, testing theoretical knowledge of the basic technological parameters of welding, welding methods and modes, reading drawings.

Electrical and gas welder courses include learning the rules of labor protection and safety when performing welding work. Welding courses and electrician training are carried out with the study and assimilation of minimum fire safety rules.

Electric and gas welder courses can be either a basic course, designed for the student’s “zero” amount of knowledge in this field, or an advanced training course for electric and gas welders.

Upon completion of training, students take a final test.

As a result of studying this course, the student should:


    Construction of serviced electric welding and plasma cutting machines, gas welding equipment, automatic, semi-automatic and plasma torches;

    requirements for the weld seam and surfaces after air combustion;

    methods for selecting electrode grades depending on steel grades;

    properties and significance of electrode coatings;

    weld structure;

    methods of their testing and types of control;

    rules for preparing parts and assemblies for welding and welding;

    rules for selecting a metal heating mode depending on the grade of metal and its thickness;

    reasons for occurrence internal stresses and deformations in welded products and measures to prevent them;

    basic technological methods welding and surfacing of parts from various articles. cast iron non-ferrous metals;

    cutting mode and gas consumption for oxygen and gas-electric cutting;

    labor safety, electrical and fire safety rules. ;

be able to:

Produce hand meadow. plasma. gas welding. automatic and semi-automatic welding of simple parts. assemblies and structures made of structural parts, non-ferrous metals and alloys and average complexity of parts. structural units and pipelines made of carbon steel in all weld positions;

Perform oxygen plasma straight and curved cutting of metals in various positions, simple and medium complexity parts made of carbon and alloy steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys but manually marking on portable, stationary and plasma cutting machines in all positions of the weld;

Perform manual oxygen cutting and cutting with petrol and kerosene cutting devices to specified sizes, releasing waste non-ferrous metals and preserving or cutting out components and parts of the machine;

Perform manual arc air planing of simple and medium complexity parts made of various steels. cast iron non-ferrous metals and alloys in various positions;

Weld holes and cracks in parts. assemblies and castings of medium complexity;

Carry out preliminary and accompanying heating when welding parts in compliance with the specified mode;

Comply with labor safety, electrical and fire safety rules.

The final certification of a specialist includes an exam, which is designed to determine the theoretical and practical preparation of the student to perform professional tasks.


curriculum for specialization"Welding production specialist "Electric and gas welder"

Topic 1. Fundamentals of the theory of welding and cutting of metals.

Subject2. Materials Science.

Topic 3. Equipment. Equipment, technology of welding and cutting of metals.

Subject4. Safety precautions, industrial sanitation, environmental and anti- fire safety.

Topic 6. Labor protection.

Topic No. 1. Fundamentals of the theory of welding and cutting of metals.

Types of welded joints and seams.

Preparing metal for welding.

Theoretical foundations techniques for spatial performance of welding work.

Fundamentals of metallurgical processes in welding.

Deformations and stresses during welding operations.

Defects in welded joints and their correction.

Standards for welding work.

General information about welding

Welding: definition, advantages over other methods of permanent connections of parts; the nature and conditions of formation of compounds; classification of welding types.
Fusion welding: types, their essence, scope of application.
Pressure welding: main types, essence.
Must know: definition of welding, advantages over other methods of permanently joining parts. Classification of types of welding and their essence.

Welded joints and seams

Welded joints: definitions, main types, their advantages and disadvantages, application.
Welds: classification (by type of welded joint, geometric outline of the seam, by position in space, by length, by operating conditions), characteristics.
Designation of welds on drawings in accordance with GOST.
The concept of strength calculations of welded joints.
Must know: classification of welded joints and seams, advantages and disadvantages, designations of welds on drawings.
Must be able to: read the designations of welds on drawings, identify the types of welded joints and welds in welded products.

Basics of the Welding Arc

Welding arc: definition, physical essence, conditions of stable combustion.
Methods of exciting a welding arc. Types of transfer of electrode metal to the product (drip, jet).
Melting, deposition and loss coefficients.
Laboratory - practical work: “Determination of the maximum arc length on electrodes with different types coatings."
Must know: the definition of a welded arc, its types, physical essence; transfer of electrode metal to the product, its types. Deposition and loss coefficients.

Welding materials

Steel welding wire: purpose, GOST standards for wire, chemical composition of low-carbon steel wire, marking, wire diameters, rules for its packaging, transportation and storage.
Electrodes: classification, labeling, basic requirements for electrodes, transportation and storage.
Electrode coatings: purpose, classification. Steel electrode coatings: classification, GOST for electrode coatings, symbols. Manufacturing technology of coated electrodes. Types and brands of electrodes for welding carbon steels.
The relationship between the thickness of the metal being welded, the diameter of the electrode and the magnitude of the welding current.
Must know: welding materials: welding wire, electrodes - types, brands of the most used ones, electrode coatings, rules for selecting grades of welding materials depending on the grades of steel being welded.
Must be able to: select the diameter of the electrode and the value of the welding current depending on the thickness of the metal being welded; select the brand of welding materials depending on the grade of steel.

Metallurgical processes in welding

The processes of oxidation, deoxidation, refining and alloying of weld metal - their essence, influence on the composition and properties of weld metal.
Contamination of weld metal: harmful impurities, reasons for their appearance, methods for eliminating and reducing them.
The structure of a welded joint made by fusion welding. Thermal affected zone: concept, zone width.
Must know: the concept of metallurgical processes when welding metals; causes of weld metal contamination harmful impurities; structure of the welded joint.

Application of a welding arc

Varieties of processes using a welding arc. Metal cutting. Surfacing. Properties of the deposited layer. Surfacing wire.
Must know: the concept of thermal cutting of metals; concept of the surfacing process and properties of the deposited layer.

Welding strain and stress

Stresses and deformations during welding: classification, causes and mechanism of their occurrence, relationship between stress and deformations. The influence of residual stresses and deformations on the performance of welded structures. The main ways and methods (structural and technological) to prevent and reduce deformations.
Methods for correcting deformed welded structures.
Laboratory and practical work: “Practical study of transverse and longitudinal linear deformations and angular deformations during welding.”
Must know: the concept of stress, deformation during welding, causes of occurrence. Constructive and technological methods for preventing and reducing deformations. Methods for correcting deformed welded structures.

Features of welding carbon steels

Carbon steels used in welded structures (by purpose, by carbon content, by degree of deoxidation), designation, marking. The concept of weldability of steels. Classification of steels by weldability. Welding materials for manual arc welding of low-medium and high-carbon steels.
Must know: carbon steels - grades, chemical composition, basic properties. Weldability of carbon steels. Welding materials for welding carbon steels (welding wire, coated electrodes - grades, types, designations, electrode coatings, principles for choosing welding material).
Must be able to: select grades and types of welding materials depending on the purpose of the welded structure and steel grades of the parts being welded.

Features of welding low and medium alloy steels

The most common grades of low and medium alloy steels for the manufacture of welded structures; designations, chemical composition, general characteristics weldability.
Welding materials, principles of their selection for arc welding of low and medium alloy steels. Welding conditions for low and medium alloy steels.
Must know: the most common grades of low and medium alloy steels for the manufacture of welded structures. Welding conditions for low and medium alloy steels. Welding materials for arc welding of low and medium alloy steels.
Must be able to: select electrode brands and types depending on the purpose of the welded product of the steel being welded.

Features of welding non-ferrous metals and alloys

Copper and its alloys: grades, bronze, brass for the manufacture of welded structures, conditions and features of arc welding. Welding materials. The use of aluminum and its alloys for the manufacture of welded products. Stamps. Welding conditions. Welding materials.
Must know: grades of copper and its alloys, welding materials, conditions and features of welding. Aluminum and its alloys: grades, welding materials, welding conditions and features.
Must be able to: select welding materials for arc welding of copper, aluminum and their alloys.

Defects and inspection of welds and joints

The main external and internal defects of welds: types (non-wires, beads, burns, uneven bead width, unfused craters, gas pores, slag inclusions, hot and cold cracks), causes of defects, their prevention and methods of correction. The influence of defects on the performance of welded structures.
Non-destructive testing: purpose, types (external inspection, permeability by gas or liquid - compressed kerosene, air, physical methods - radiation, magnetoscopic, ultrasonic).
General principles physical methods control. Destructive testing: purpose, types (technological tests, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic tests, metallographic methods).
Must know: external defects in welds, causes of formation, warnings, methods of correction. Internal defects in welds, causes of formation, warnings, methods of correction. Destructive testing: technological tests, mechanical tests, hydraulic, pneumatic, metallographic methods - purpose.

Types of activities: lectures, practical classes


1. Regulatory documents for development of OP working profession 19756 “Electric and gas welder”.

Topic No. 2. Materials science.

Crystal structure of metals.

Properties of metals and methods for their determination.

Iron-carbon alloys. Steel and cast iron.

Structural and tool steels. Steels with special properties.

Heat treatment of steel and cast iron.

Non-ferrous metals and their alloys.

Types of activities: lectures, practical classes


        Regulatory documents for the development of EP for the working profession 19756 “Electric and gas welder”.

Topic No. 3. Equipment. Equipment, technology of welding and cutting of metals.

Instructions for welding technology during construction and major renovation main oil pipelines. RD-08.00-60.30.00-KTN-050-1-05
Requirements for the certification of welders in accordance with the “Rules for the certification of welders and welding production specialists” and “Technological regulations for the certification of welders and welding production specialists” (RD 03-495-02).
The procedure for obtaining permission to certify welders and requirements for their additional, periodic and extraordinary certification. Procedure for certification of welders, welding and surfacing methods, types of control welded joints and groups of basic materials. Requirements for welding and surfacing of control welded joints and monitoring their quality using non-destructive and destructive methods.
Requirements for professional training of welders. Main types of production activities of welders. Certification of welders depending on the type of production activity. Forms of examinations and registration of certification results.
Features of certification tests of welders. Methodology for controlling the permissible joint. Requirements for samples for testing a permissible joint.

Welding station equipment for manual arc welding.

Welding materials for arc welding.

Welding arc power sources.

Technique and technology of manual arc welding.

Equipment for gas welding.

Technique and technology of gas welding.

General information and equipment for mechanized welding.

Equipment and technology for manual welding with a tungsten electrode in inert gas.

Equipment and technology for oxygen cutting of metals.

Plasma-arc and other types of heat treatment of metals.

Types of activities: lectures, practical classes



    “Rules for the certification of welders and welding production specialists.”

    Technological regulations for certification of welders and welding production specialists RD 03-495-02.

Topic No. 4. Safety precautions, industrial sanitation, environmental and fire safety.

Safety precautions when performing welding and installation work . Safety requirements for pipe storage, loading and unloading operations and transportation of pipes and parts. Conditions for the safe movement of pipes and sections at pipe welding stations. Safe placement of pipes and sections during installation “in a string”. Requirements for protecting workplaces from precipitation.
Safety precautions when performing electric welding and thermal cutting . Rules for mandatory instruction and permission to perform work. Safety precautions when welding non-rotating pipe joints at the edge of a trench (pit dimensions, slopes, securing pipes, use of rubber mats and mats, etc.). Safety precautions during welding work in a pit (laying and securing the ends of pipes to be welded, stability of slopes or pit walls). Safety precautions when working at height (permission to work at height, use of safety belts and bags for tools and electrodes). Safety requirements when a welder works inside a pipe, in closed vessels, when carrying out hazardous gas and hot work, when performing welding and installation work in the evening and at night, when performing work in the Far North. Safety precautions when performing thermal cutting. Safety precautions when operating devices for heating joints.
Electrical safety and fire safety measures. Rules for the design and operation of temporary electrical networks on the territory of the construction and installation site. Grounding, insulation and protection of electrical equipment from damage. Requirements for the condition of cables, switches, lamps, hand-held power tools, devices (monitoring of serviceability). Providing first aid in case of electric shock. Requirements for workwear and protective equipment for welders (shoes, light filters, helmets, mittens). Fire safety measures when performing welding and installation work.
SP 105-34-96 Code of Rules for the performance of work and quality control of welded joints of gas pipelines.
RD 558-97 “Guidance document on pipe welding technology during repair and restoration work on gas pipelines.”

Types of activities: lectures, practical classes


1. SP 105-34-96 Code of Rules for the performance of work and quality control of welded joints of gas pipelines.

RD 558-97 “Guidance document on pipe welding technology during repair and restoration work on gas pipelines.”

Topic 5. Reading drawings, diagrams.

Rules for the development and execution of design documentation. The meaning of drawings in technology. Mechanical engineering drawing, its purpose. The influence of standards on the quality of engineering products; the dependence of the quality of the product on the quantity of drawings. Review of varieties of modern drawings.
Types of products according to GOST 2.101 – 68 (part, assembly unit, complex, kit).
Types of design documentation depending on the content according to GOST 2.102 – 68.

Purpose of a specific assembly unit. Operating principle. The number of parts included in the assembly unit. Number of standard parts. Overall, installation, connection and installation dimensions.
Detailing an assembly drawing (making working drawings of individual parts and determining their dimensions).
Drawings and diagrams. Purpose of the drawing diagram; The difference between a schematic drawing and an assembly drawing; Types and types of circuits: kinematic, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical; Basic conditional graphical and letter designations in diagrams; Purpose of technological schemes; Legend equipment and pipelines for technological schemes; Rules for constructing technological diagrams.
Tolerances and technical measurements: concept, purpose of studying the subject, content, history of development. Standardization: concept, goals and objectives. Standardization methods. Types of standards. Standardization methods.
Machining precision, surface roughness. Interchangeability of parts
Basic concepts of interchangeability. Interchangeability in mechanical engineering and its advantages.
Surface roughness, its designation on drawings according to GOST standards.
Nominal, actual and limiting sizes. The concept of admission
Nominal size. Size errors. Actual size. Limit dimensions and maximum deviations: upper and lower. Size tolerance and tolerance range. Part validity conditions.
Gaps and tightness. Surfaces are mating and non-mating. Covering and spanning surfaces. Clearance and tension. The largest and smallest clearance and interference.
Landings. Types of fits: with clearance, interference, transitional. The concept of admission and landing systems. Hole system and shaft system. Qualifications. Accuracy classes. Hole and shaft tolerance fields. Designation of tolerances on drawings.
Basics of measurement, classification. Accuracy and measurement error.
Basic metrological terms. Measurement methods: direct assessment and comparison with a measure, direct and indirect measurement, contact and non-contact measurement.
Basic metrological indicators of measuring instruments. Measurement error and accuracy. The influence of measurement accuracy on the quality of parts processing and the operation of equipment and mechanisms.
Classification of measuring instruments according to measurement method and measurement accuracy. Reading devices: scale, scale division, scale division interval, pointer, vernier.
Tools for measuring linear dimensions. Measures. Vernier tools. Micrometric instruments. Staples. Pattern rulers, calibration plates, measurement techniques. Means for monitoring and measuring surface roughness.

Types of activities: lectures, practical classes


1. GOST 2.102 – 68.

Topic 6. Labor protection.

Ensuring safe working conditions and security environment in accordance with the requirements of POT RM-020-01, GOST 12.3.003-86, GOST 12.1.004-91, SNiP III-42-80 *, RD 39-0147103-360-89, VSN 006-89.
The main causes of electrical injuries in welders. Safety rules for operating electric welding equipment. Providing first aid to a victim in case of electric shock.

Safety precautions when working with power tools.
Risk of injury from radiant energy from the welding arc. Measures to protect the welder's eyes and body from the radiation of the welding arc. Protection of surrounding persons from the welding arc.
Measures to protect against burns and splashes of molten metal.
Welder's overalls and rules for wearing them. Contents and norms of issuance.
Emission of gases and dust during electric arc welding. Measures to combat air pollution when performing electric welding work. Ventilation device.
Safety measures when welding in installation conditions. Rules for working at height. Permission to work at height. Use of safety belts and bags for tools, electrodes, cinders.
Occupational diseases of welders and their causes.
Personal hygiene of a welder at work.
Providing assistance for burns, heat stroke, gas poisoning, wounds, bruises and fractures. Artificial respiration. Methods of artificial respiration.
Rules for storing, loading and unloading pipes.
Safety precautions when welding fixed pipes at the edge of a trench. Safety precautions when welding in a pit.
Fire safety measures during welding work. Rules of conduct in case of fire. Primary fire extinguishing agents and the procedure for their use.
Rules for extinguishing electrical equipment and wiring.
Electrical safety. Rules for the construction and operation of temporary electrical networks on the site. Grounding, insulation, protection of electrical equipment from damage.
Safety precautions during operation gas cylinders(rules for storing and installing cylinders at the workplace, monitoring the condition of hoses). Safety precautions when operating devices for heating joints.
Safety precautions when working on existing oil pipelines under pressure.
Responsibility for violation of labor protection and fire safety rules.
Environmental protection. Government decisions on nature protection and rational use of natural resources.
Administrative and legal responsibility of production managers in the field of environmental protection. Resource-saving, energy-saving technologies.
Scientific and technical problems of environmental management, advanced environmentally acceptable technologies. Rules for storage and destruction of pollutants.
Ensuring a favorable ecological state of the environment in industrial production areas. Treatment plants. Waste-free technologies.
Experience of leading industry enterprises in greening production.

During the construction of buildings, in industrial production When laying or repairing pipelines, there is often a need for welding work, and therefore the profession of a welder (electric welder, gas welder, electric gas welder, etc.) is always popular and in demand. CHU DPO "Training Center "Specialist" conducts courses for electric welders (electric and gas welders), as well as gas welders, gas cutters, etc. Here, those who wish to undergo welder training can receive everything necessary knowledge and practical skills that are needed to fully master this specialty. Training in welding courses includes basic knowledge of materials science and the basics of the welding process. During the classes, theory is studied and practical training is given in welding, gas, manual, arc and other types of welding, cutting, control of welded joints, and welding defects.
Future welders study methods of cutting seams, their types, methods of joining seams and options for their designation in drawings. On welding courses in Moscow and Mytishchi, organized by the Private Educational Institution "Training Center "Specialist", they learn how to check welding seams for strength and how to determine the causes of internal stresses in products after welding. Students learn methods for preventing defects during welding and how to correct them, study the brands of electrodes and their properties During training, much attention is paid in different ways welding, and options for selecting the degree of heating, depending on the thickness of the metal and its grade, and the types of corrosion of metals are also studied.
When carrying out welding work, the specialist must take special care. Therefore, safety precautions during welding work are one of the main areas of training in our courses. The mandatory training program for welders (electric welders, electric and gas welders, etc.) includes: industrial safety, labor protection during welding, fire safety and electrical safety rules. Gases used in welding are also studied: oxygen, hydrogen, propane-butane, acetylene, methods of their storage and production.
After completing training at our welding courses in Moscow and Mytishchi, the specialist undergoes a final knowledge test (certification). He is awarded a welder's certificate, confirming his professional knowledge and ability to perform welding work. A welder who completes the course at his own enterprise must receive welding permit.
Those professionals who, when taking welder courses (electric welder, gas welder, electric gas welder, etc.) have the goal of undergoing requalification (recertification), can subsequently perform various types welding, having received a permit for welding work. This complex parts and components, all types of pipelines, structures made of various grades of steel, non-ferrous metals, cast iron, titanium alloys, alloy steel.
It is known that the strength of future structures, their durability and safety during operation depend on the quality of the weld. Checks the quality of welding joints and seams welding manager, also responsible for general industrial safety of work. The basis for such a check is the instructions for the welding inspector.
If the specialists performing welding do not follow safety precautions, a fire may occur at the site where they carry out welding work, and therefore fire safety during welding work is very important. During the courses, and subsequently during the work of electric welders, much attention is paid to fire safety measures to avoid explosive situations and fires in the workplace that could cause harm to the health of others or significant material damage.

duration of study

16/72/280 hours


4000/5000/6000 rub.

training format

in person or remotely

Training Center " Viscount» offers training in the profession of electric and gas welder to obtain or improve skills in working with welding equipment. The company guarantees the start of the educational process within a few days after submitting the application and payment.

Training program

Our teachers will teach:

  • Read drawings and work with technological maps;
  • Connect elements using manual arc, gas, plasma, automatic and semi-automatic welding;
  • Cut metal structures;
  • Prevent and eliminate welding defects;
  • Use equipment for gas-flame processing of metals.

Also in curriculum sections are included on the fire technical minimum (FTM), safety precautions, compatible grades of steel and electrodes, testing of welds and the design of welding machines.

Types of training

Company " Viscount"offers:

  1. Primary training in the profession of electric and gas welder. The program is aimed at persons with secondary specialized education who have no experience working with welding machines. Educational process lasts 160 academic hours.
  2. Annual training. It is necessary for experienced specialists to master new skills and confirm their qualifications.

After training, students apply knowledge in practice and pass an exam certification commission. In case of successful certification, the graduate receives a standard certificate with the assignment qualification category. Permission to use gas and electric welding machines is issued to persons who do not have medical contraindications.

Forms of preparation

Pass vocational training and annual training for electric and gas welders at the training center " Viscount" Can:

  • In person. The listener gains knowledge as part of a group. Classes are held in a classroom with multimedia systems.
  • With the teacher visiting. The teacher conducts theoretical classes at an enterprise in Moscow at a time convenient for employees.
  • Remotely. The student pays for the company’s services and receives electronic manuals, after which he takes the exam at the training center on a general basis.

Advantages of the training center

For clients wishing to undergo training as an electric and gas welder, the company " Viscount"offers:

  1. Choosing a convenient form of training based on the student’s employment.
  2. Gaining knowledge under the guidance of qualified teachers with extensive experience working with different types welding equipment.
  3. Easy assimilation of theory thanks to drawings, presentations, layouts and other multimedia materials.
  4. The company's high reputation contributes to speed dial groups, so students begin training within a few days after submitting an application.
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