How to insulate the facade of a house: materials and technologies. We insulate the walls of our house - see what and how. What is the best way to insulate the facade of a house?

Many people wonder how to save money cash on energy consumption, which, among other things, is spent on heating the home. By far the most in an efficient way saving is the insulation of the facade of the house, which allows you to spend less money on heating your home.

This option allows you to retain heat in the house, reduces heat loss, increases the energy efficiency of a separate building, and this means significant savings on electricity.

To understand how to insulate the outside, what the density of insulation for a facade should be, and whether insulation and facade plaster can get along, let’s look at what types of external insulation and finishing exist.

What types of facades exist and how are they insulated?

There are many types of facades, and all are insulated differently. See below:

Insulation of a wooden facade

Facade wooden house usually insulated mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. In order for the walls of such a house to retain heat perfectly, you should not install additional radiators. You just need to insulate the wooden facade.

To install insulation on wooden facade, you need to stock up on a special solution or glue. High-quality plastic dowels will increase the fastening strength.

Insulating the facade of a wooden house using plastic dowels allows you to completely remove the cold bridges that would exist if metal hangers or self-tapping screws were used together with wooden sheathing.

Insulation of the facade of a brick house

What should be the insulation material on which the plaster will be applied?

For insulating uneven surfaces, lamella slabs are best suited. For aerated concrete surfaces, builders often use two-layer mineral wool, which has a rigid surface on only one side.

Thanks to this, a layer of plaster can be applied to it, having previously installed a reinforcing mesh on the insulation, which is fixed using a plastic fastener.

Before starting work, you need to buy high-quality plaster for insulation. It is applied just like a regular one, so it won’t take much time.

The most common methods of wall insulation

There are several ways to insulate the walls of a room:

  1. internal and external insulation of load-bearing walls;
  2. insulation of the blind area and the basement of the wall;
  3. insulation of structural load-bearing elements and internal walls.

Today, external insulation is the most popular, due to the fact that this method has many advantages - we have already written about this above.

The most important advantage is the high-quality protection of the structure from adverse influences.

In second position is internal thermal insulation– elements and walls. Mineral wool or ecowool is best suited for this. The blind area, as a rule, is insulated very rarely. But in vain.

For those who have not yet understood, let’s add a little - basically the insulation technology looks like this:

  1. First, install the sheathing, then you need to select the density and quality of the material.
  2. It is necessary to leave a gap between the sheathing and the wall so that there is ventilation.
  3. Next, you need to install special slats on which the slabs of insulating material will be fixed.
  4. If necessary, the slabs are trimmed to achieve the right size. Then you need to sew a waterproofing film over the material.
  5. At the end of the work, siding is installed. It should be noted that this material has a high coefficient of thermal expansion.
  6. Siding panels must be fastened, leaving a small gap at the edges of the structure.
  7. You also need to tighten the screws correctly so that their heads do not touch the insulating material.

The insulation of a ventilated facade is different in that it requires attaching a metal frame onto which insulating boards are installed.

The gap, which is structurally implemented between the wall and the cladding, will serve for effective air circulation, which prevents the possible formation of condensation on the inner surface of the cladding. What is the main advantage here? The entire structure is dry, there is no negative effect of excess moisture on the load-bearing elements, and there is no negative effect of moisture on the insulation.

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  • Insulating the facade of a house is important stage in the process of creating a reliable and durable design. For external insulation today they use the most different materials, each of which has its own characteristics. Let's look at the main types of insulation.

    Polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam as insulation

    Expanded polystyrene, or as it is more often called polystyrene foam, is one of the most popular insulation materials. The main reason for the increased demand for it is the special physical and chemical properties, and also affordable price. The production of expanded polystyrene is deployed throughout almost the entire territory of Russia, which makes it possible to reduce the costs of delivering slabs to the site for insulation by an order of magnitude.

    The main advantages of expanded polystyrene include high levels of heat and sound insulation, reliability, practicality and durability. It can be used to insulate any type of façade and can be used to create a structure for ventilated facades.

    Its disadvantages include instability to sun rays, direct contact with which can lead to premature destruction, as well as exposure to rodents. Choosing the right finish for a foam-insulated home will extend its life to up to a hundred years.

    Based on polystyrene, another material for external insulation is produced - extruded polystyrene foam. It consists of slabs of numerous small cells that do not absorb moisture.

    Extruded polystyrene foam demonstrates excellent thermal insulation performance, is convenient to use and durable. As for the disadvantages, these include high cost and high density along with low throughput for adhesive solutions.

    Mineral and basalt wool as insulation materials

    Mineral wool – roll insulation, which are good for insulating the facade and roof of a building.

    It is an excellent heat insulator, affordable, convenient to use and transport. It is very important to correctly install mineral wool, taking into account the low density of the material and high vapor permeability using superdiffusion membranes responsible for removing condensate.

    The main disadvantage of mineral wool as insulation is its inability to remove excess moisture, which leads to the transfer of heat to the outside of the room.

    Basalt wool is a type of mineral wool, also supplied in rolls, but more often in more expensive slabs. The main advantage of wool is its thermal insulation properties and non-flammability. The material is especially suitable for insulating the facades of houses that are at risk of fire - cotton wool will block the flames in the room in the event of a fire.

    The disadvantage of basalt wool is the same as that of mineral wool - it absorbs moisture and is not able to remove condensation. In addition, basalt wool is not an environmentally friendly material, as it contains formaldehyde resins necessary for fixing the components.

    Polyurethane foam for home insulation

    One of the most modern insulation materials for external walls is polyurethane foam, which retains heat better than all the materials listed above. Polyurethane foam will not require additional work for vapor and waterproofing, it will last for many years, provided it is protected from sunlight.

    The material is applied to the façade using special equipment, using the spraying method. Its main advantages include:

    • high thermal insulation rates;
    • moisture resistance;
    • ease of application;
    • interaction with surfaces of any type.

    Disadvantages include high cost and expenses associated with transportation..

    Thermal panels for wall insulation

    Not so long ago, thermal panels began to be used to insulate the external walls of a house. In European countries, this method of insulation is the most popular, which indicates its justification in all respects.

    There are two types of thermal panels: brick-like and paintable. The former initially imitate brickwork and are excellent for cladding and insulating a house. The latter can be painted in any color, achieving a resemblance to natural materials.
    Thermal panels are produced in special factories. Each product consists of:

    • insulation;
    • outer facing layer.

    Using panels for insulation is convenient and simple. The materials are attached to the façade without the use of adhesives or plaster compounds in any weather or season. Simultaneously with insulation, you can solve the problem of finishing the walls of the house in the desired style.

    How to choose the right insulation for the external walls of a house?

    If, after analyzing the above materials for insulation, you are still undecided on your choice, then it will not hurt to get answers from the seller before purchasing the following questions:

    Comparison of polyurethane foam and mineral wool
    1. What are the thermal conductivity indicators of the material? Remember that the lower the thermal conductivity coefficient, the smaller the thickness of the insulation material.
    2. What are the moisture absorption rates? The moisture absorption coefficient should be small; only in this case can we talk about the material’s resistance to moisture.
    3. What are the indicators of hydrophobicity and vapor permeability? It is important that the material not only absorbs moisture as little as possible, but is also able to remove excess condensation from the room through the walls.
    4. How high is the fire resistance? It is important that the insulation is as non-flammable as possible and prevents the spread of fire in the event of a fire.
    5. Maximum shelf life? Good insulation must serve for at least 50 years.
    6. How environmentally friendly is the material? To confirm the seller’s words, sanitary and epidemiological reports must be provided.
    7. How large is the mass of the material? The lower the weight of the insulation, the cheaper and easier the insulation work will be.

    The right choice of insulation for the facade of the house will significantly reduce the cost of heating the premises in the cold season. The house will be warm in winter, and not so hot in summer, which will allow you to avoid using air conditioners and fans. In addition, the correct insulation will protect the walls from sudden temperature changes and extend their service life.

    Basic criteria for choosing a material for thermal insulation

    Of course, each buyer, when choosing materials to insulate a house, is guided by personal preferences. However, there are certain criteria that should be followed when making your choice.
    One of the most important criteria in our time is the cost of the material for thermal insulation.

    When planning a purchase, you should take into account not only the price of the insulation itself, but also the cost of installation and delivery. The thicker the insulation, the more expensive the installation work will be.

    The material for thermal insulation with stone is hydrophobic and demonstrates excellent resistance to moisture, which is why such insulation materials are more suitable for work than others. So, for example, stone wool suitable for insulating almost all types of buildings, from the basement to the roof.

    It is customary to insulate private houses and cottages with materials without additional coating, and baths, saunas and similar structures - with insulation with a layer of foil, which will be responsible for heat reflection.

    In conclusion A small note for the buyer:

    1. There is no universal material for thermal insulation.
    2. For each type of building, the most suitable insulation properties should be selected.
    3. To insulate the roof, it is better to use fiberglass and basalt materials.
    4. Moisture-resistant extruded polystyrene foam is suitable for insulating the base.
    5. It is better to insulate a wet facade with stone wool.
    6. In ventilated facades it is better to use basalt and fiberglass slabs.

    When the room is cold, the question arises of how to insulate the facade brick house. It is necessary not only to choose the optimal method, but also to purchase the right building materials: panels made of polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, thermal panels, siding, and use wet or ventilated facade technologies. If the house is just starting to be built, you can immediately install brickwork and insulation to make the building warm and cozy. Do not rush to insulate the facade of a brick house until you read this article and understand how and for what purposes different types of thermal insulation materials are used.

    Advantages of insulating brick walls:

    • significant reduction in residential heating costs;
    • creating conditions for a comfortable and carefree life - acceptable temperature and humidity;
    • external sound insulation from extraneous noise;
    • increased fire protection of the structure.

    A popular type of insulation for the outside of a brick house is extruded polystyrene foam with low thermal conductivity properties, which is easy to install even on your own. However, insulation has a significant disadvantage - after its use, the walls no longer “breathe” and do not allow moisture to pass through.

    Advice. When using polystyrene foam insulation Consider options for additional ventilation in the basement or attic.

    Some homeowners prefer mineral wool or fiberglass to polystyrene foam, which have the necessary “breathing” properties and are perfect for siding and plaster, but are afraid of moisture. Let's take a closer look at how insulation is done brick facade from different materials.

    Insulation of masonry with polystyrene foam

    Foam insulation is not required vocational training, so the owner of the house will be able to do the work on his own if he has time and an assistant. This is a lightweight and inexpensive insulation for exterior use, which is attached under siding or other cladding to protect walls from freezing.

    The outer surface is pre-cleaned, leveled and a layer of primer is applied. The panels are attached to the walls using glue or dowels. When plastering, a reinforcing mesh is glued to the insulation and a layer of primer is applied. When finishing with tiles or siding, this work need not be carried out.

    Insulation with Penoplex

    Penoplex is a very popular material for thermal insulation, including facades of brick walls

    The building material “Penoplex” is so popular among the population due to its strength, moisture resistance and low thermal conductivity that its name has truly become a household name. The cladding scheme and working tools are identical to the use of foam sheets:

    • cleaning the wall from dirt;
    • surface leveling;
    • primer brickwork;
    • insulation of window slopes.

    After successful completion preliminary work carry out the installation of Penoplex elements in a checkerboard pattern. Polyurethane foam is used to seal tile joints. As a rule, siding or “wet facade” is used as a facing material, which will be discussed below.

    Insulation of facade under siding

    Siding is a convenient and common material for cladding insulated walls.

    Finishing the facade with siding is affordable and easy to install. Both mineral wool and foam boards can be used for siding. It will protect the heat insulator from ultraviolet radiation and external influences. In addition, this building material is able to withstand mechanical loads and is resistant to winds and precipitation. And there is nothing to say about the variety of colors and textures - every buyer will find first-class siding in the stores to suit his taste and budget.

    The sheets are attached in a vertical position to a strong wooden frame in increments of 30 cm. When using fiberglass and cotton wool to protect against moisture, the insulating layer is covered vapor barrier film. When using foam plastic panels, the masonry does not need additional moisture protection - this insulation does not absorb moisture.

    Advice. To improve ventilation, experts recommend putting 2-3 cm thick bars on the insulation so that an air gap is formed between the panels and the insulation.

    Insulation with thermal panels

    Thermal panels are an effective cladding material that does not require additional finishing

    Thermal panels can be an ideal building material for those who want to save their energy by combining the installation of thermal insulation and fastening of the cladding. This is an environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly type of finish, which, according to manufacturers, can last in the sun and cold for 50 years.

    Insulation of the facade of a brick house with thermal panels is carried out in 2 ways:

    • with a flat outer surface, the panels are attached to the facade without preliminary preparation of the walls;
    • If the top layer is uneven, the thermal panels treated with sealant are assembled according to a mosaic pattern.

    Fastening the panels with dowels and nails begins from the bottom corner of the building. After completing the work, the surface is cleaned, treated with a primer and, if necessary, a coat of paint is applied.

    "Wet facade" technology

    The next popular technology for insulating a brick house from the outside is called “wet facade” due to wet treatment of walls during thermal insulation.

    The “wet facade” system and its design

    Builders apply:

    1. layer of thermal insulation. The insulation (cotton wool, polystyrene foam, etc.) is attached to the adhesive mixture and fixed with dowels;
    2. layer of reinforcement. The mesh protects from weather conditions, increases strength, and increases the load-bearing capacity of the wall for applying decor;
    3. finishing layer. Decorative facade plaster of any texture and color is applied on top of the reinforcing mesh.

    Important! Application of technology " wet facade» requires strict adherence to installation rules and professional supervision.

    Installation of a ventilated facade

    A ventilated façade helps remove excess moisture from the walls of a brick house, which extends the life of the structure and also reduces monthly utility costs.

    To ensure ventilation of the facade, an even 3-centimeter gap between the frame and the cladding is required. In this case, the cladding can be anything from siding to porcelain stoneware. For brick base the best solution There will be a metal base for the panels, and for other buildings - a wooden one. An individual project involves multi-layer ventilated structures made of outer cladding, 2 layers of sheathing and an insulating layer.

    Insulation of brickwork from the inside

    If the construction of a house is in full swing, you can insulate the walls inside the brickwork in one of the following ways:

    1. using lightweight well masonry. The insulation is attached between two independent walls connected by horizontal brick bridges;
    2. using three-layer technology, when the wall is lined with heat-insulating tiles, on top of which facing bricks are laid.

    Important! The three-layer masonry method has been prohibited in Russia since 2008 due to the increased risk of wall collapse.

    Conversely, the well type of masonry is used everywhere, as it increases the inertial characteristics of a brick wall, and also significantly reduces the cost of building a house.

    Video: Analysis of low-cost solutions for insulation and finishing of brick wall facades

    What's the result?

    If the walls are constantly cold, and monthly heating costs hit you hard family budget, think about insulating the facade of a building - a private house, cottage, garage, household premises. Modern construction technologies and a range of thermal insulation materials allow you to minimal costs protect any building from freezing. And now you know which technology to choose and the type of material to use.

    Preface. The higher electricity and gas tariffs become in Russia, the more often home owners think about insulating their homes in order to reduce heating costs. Today we will talk about insulating the facade of a house - how to insulate the facade of a house, insulation technology with various materials, and we will also show a video without making mistakes in the work.

    It's no secret that if you country house reduce heat loss, the amount of energy required to heat a house can be reduced significantly! Methods for reducing heat loss in a home are being improved every year. Manufacturers of materials provide all new materials for insulating facades of houses.

    Facade insulation scheme for decorative plaster

    Is it necessary to insulate the exterior of the house?

    Any homeowner wants to spend as little money as possible on insulation and do the work themselves, but at the same time, ensure that the facade insulation is done correctly and effectively. As you can see in the figure below, many wall materials not so warm and they need to be properly insulated. Let's try to answer the question: how to insulate the facade of a house yourself and what are the best materials to use for facade insulation within the framework of this article.

    Insulation of house facades from outside various insulation materials- a fairly common finishing method. With this you can solve several problems at once - protect the walls from negative influences weather, retain heat and decorate the facade. First, let's choose a material with which you can effectively insulate the house.

    You can insulate the facade of a house through a rational approach to the selection of heat-insulating materials. When choosing insulation for an exterior facade, pay attention to resistance to mechanical damage and resistance to rodents - these animals can turn the insulation into a sieve.

    What is the best way to insulate the facade of a house yourself?

    There is no point in using materials of the same thickness to insulate all sides of the house. For example, you can buy medium-thick insulation for the south wall, since it receives the greatest amount of solar heat. If any points remain unclear, then in the video at the end you will find additional information on this difficult topic.

    Foam boards

    Polystyrene foam is an inexpensive and most common material for insulating facade walls. It has been known since the 30s of the last century, and has not lost its position in construction since then. Due to the fact that the foam consists of 98% air, it is very light and does not allow cold to pass through. Another plus is the low price of the material, accessible to everyone.

    The expanded polystyrene facade reduces heat loss by 67-70%. Modern polystyrene foam is not flammable, but rodents like to live in the material, and if you have problems with small animals on your site, then it is better to refuse to insulate the facade walls with polystyrene foam with your own hands and it is better to pay attention to penoplex and mineral wool.

    Mineral wool

    Insulating the facade of a house with mineral wool from the outside

    Mineral wool is a slab of basalt fiber made of inorganic material, which is made from a melt rocks, slags and mixtures of sedimentary rocks. Insulation of the basement, insulation of the facade of the house with mineral wool, as well as insulation of the attic can be done from materials made on a basalt basis.

    Mineral wool should be attached to the facade using the “suspended ventilated facade” system. As for the characteristics, basalt slabs are fireproof and can withstand temperatures of more than 1000 °C. The material has excellent thermal insulation, high chemical resistance, but is afraid of moisture, so we will consider the following insulation for the facade of a house - penoplex.

    Penoplex slabs

    Penoplex is not afraid of moisture, even the foundations of houses are insulated with it

    Penoplex is ideal for external wall insulation, since this insulation is not afraid of moisture, it practically does not absorb it. If you use penoplex, then there will never be rodents in the wall; the material is also dense and durable, more resistant to mechanical damage than foam boards.

    When insulating with penoplex, the slabs are attached to the wall with glue, and additionally secured with fungi, 5 pieces per sheet - 4 in the corners and one in the middle. Usually the insulation is then sheathed with siding; this method of façade insulation will be discussed. When covering with siding, you can use any of the insulation materials, the choice is yours.

    How to insulate the facade of a house yourself

    Preparing the walls of the house for work

    Tidy up the wall surface. You’ve already figured out how to insulate the outside of a house, now let’s move on to preparing the surface. Initially, all protrusions that may interfere in the future should be removed from the wall - storm drain gutters, street lamps, ventilation grilles, etc. It is also necessary to remove communications from the walls. The next step is to check the plastered walls for integrity.

    If the walls have not yet been plastered, then it is worth doing this to seal microcracks and cracks on the wall. Using a plumb line and level, you should find unevenness on the wall and worry about eliminating defects, and only then begin work. If you find fungus or chips, remove them. There should be nothing left on the surface of the facade that could further harm the thermal insulation.

    If you find large cracks, you can use polyurethane foam. After you have eliminated the flaws, you can begin to secure the starting profile.

    Securing the starting profile

    First you need to mark everything with a hydraulic level external corners houses and connect them in one line. Now, according to this starting line, we install the starting profile around the perimeter of the building, on which the first row of insulation will subsequently lie. The width of the starting strip should be wider than or equal to the thickness of the insulation. The plank is secured with dowels.

    It is better to start installing external window sills before installing the insulation. The ebbs should be attached flush to the window, and window sill extensions from the outside are made taking into account the thickness of the insulation used, so that the window sill ultimately protrudes 3-4 cm from the wall.

    Insulating the facade of a house with polystyrene foam

    The next stage is to insulate the window slopes from the outside with your own hands. To insulate slopes, you can use polystyrene foam or penoplex. After insulating the facade, it is necessary that the insulation sticks out from the sealed cracks by 1 cm.

    We insulate the facade with our own hands

    Facade insulation with mineral wool

    If the insulation is made with polystyrene foam or penoplex, then it should be attached to the walls using glue. The glue should lie on the wall in an even layer and cover 60-70% of the slab. Installation should begin from the bottom. For gluing you will need a small and large spatula. Glue is much easier to apply to the wall than to insulation.

    The insulation boards should be fastened in a staggered manner to form T-shaped joints. The verticality of the installation is checked by a level, and the protruding glue from the cracks of the penoplex must be removed with a trowel or rubbed with a float. It is better to install slabs on the facade in stages, first on one wall and completely cover it with cladding.

    If insulation is made with mineral wool, then it is necessary to make vertical guides. The distance between the guides must be made 1 cm less than the thickness of the insulation so that the insulation boards fit tightly between them.

    Video. How to insulate the facade of a house with your own hands

    How to insulate the facade of a house with polystyrene foam

    How to insulate the facade of a house with mineral wool

    Nowadays, the issue of facade insulation has become relevant for many people. This applies not only to new buildings, but also to houses that were built much earlier. External walls must effectively protect the building from the cold. Qualitative facade material will allow you to insulate the structure and save money in heating season. A wide range of insulation materials allows you to choose a material for any structure.

    Methods and methods of insulation

    There are two types of room insulation - external and internal. In addition, insulation is carried out inside the walls. The facade method is considered the most effective. It is preferred by professional builders. After such work, the living space does not become smaller. Compared to internal insulation, it has other advantages:

    • protection of walls from adverse factors;
    • the building can “breathe”;
    • eliminates the problem of condensation and freezing;
    • provides additional sound insulation.

    The insulation from the outside takes over low temperatures in the cold season, so they do not reach the walls of the building. After insulation work, the service life of the facade increases. The building takes on a more beautiful appearance.

    There are several types of external facade insulation. For example, wet plastering systems are often used. They are the most common among other methods. This is due to the use of environmentally friendly and safe materials. In terms of cost, this type is inexpensive. The coating consists of a multilayer structure. To carry out this work you must have good experience.

    Heavy plaster systems are also used for insulation. In this case, moving parts for fastening the insulating layer and plaster are used. In such works great value has the density of the material used. There is no need to level the walls with this method of insulation.

    The types of external insulation include a ventilated curtain façade. This device has a ventilation gap between the insulation layer and the cladding. Insulation using siding is widespread. Panels of material are placed between the sheathing bars, attaching them to the walls of the building.

    Material selection and characteristics

    Nobody can answer the question of how to insulate with certainty. The performance of such work will depend on many factors. A prerequisite for carrying out insulation work is compliance with technology. It is also very important to choose the right insulation for the facade. They are divided into two groups:

    • organic;
    • inorganic.

    The organic group is considered the largest, since it includes products from the chemical industry. Experts advise when choosing materials to pay attention to their physical properties. Facade insulation must have a number of important parameters:

    • moisture resistance;
    • thermal protection;
    • safety;
    • density;
    • long service life.

    Suggested materials V construction stores good in their own way. They have their differences, so for high-quality insulation you need to know not only their properties, but also their purpose.

    Organic group of insulation materials

    Organic materials include polystyrene foam. It is characterized by two main properties - lightness and rigidity. The insulation is easy and quick to install. However, it has its drawbacks:

    • low vapor permeability;
    • fragile;
    • combustible;
    • short-lived.

    This is not an ideal option for insulating residential premises. It is good to use for facade systems wet type, as it goes well with different types plaster.

    Extruded polystyrene foam or penoplex is very similar to polystyrene foam, only it has better properties. This material is denser and stronger, it protects better from the cold. Penoplex is less susceptible to mechanical damage and rotting. It is more resistant to cold and moisture. Manufacturers began to introduce various additives to increase the flammability class. Fully non-flammable insulation It is not possible to produce yet.

    It is not recommended to use penoplex for insulation of wooden buildings due to its flammability. After insulation with polystyrene foam, the house will not be able to breathe. Such materials will stop the movement of air inside the building, which will negatively affect the room. Inside it will resemble a “greenhouse”.

    Penoizol is low cost and quick to install, but it needs to be insulated from external influences. The material does not burn and does not allow moisture to penetrate. The walls “breathe” after its cladding. Under the influence of flame, the fumes released are non-toxic, as well as in penoizol good performance thermal insulation. It is considered an excellent option for working with uneven surfaces and wood bases.

    Ecowool is made from cellulose fibers. It does not rot and is unattractive to rodents. Manufacturers add to the composition of the material boric acid, borax and minerals, which repels rodents. The insulation has excellent air permeability and is characterized by high thermal insulation properties. This is a suitable option for insulation wooden houses and frame buildings. On log surface it is applied using the wet method. Ecowool adheres well to wooden surface. For frame buildings, the dry insulation method is used. The material fills the space between two skins: internal and external.

    For small buildings, soft fiber boards are suitable for insulation purposes. They do not contain glue or other synthetic components, so they produce hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly insulation. It has good sound insulation and high degree thermal insulation. Last characteristic achieved due to the porosity of the plates. You should also note other advantages of the material:

    Inorganic species

    Mineral wool is considered an inexpensive and effective material for facade insulation. It has excellent thermal insulation qualities and is safe for health. The insulation is easy to process, and its installation technology is simple and straightforward. There are three types of mineral wool:

    • stone or basalt;
    • glass;
    • slag.

    It is recommended to use rigid slabs for wall insulation. This will prevent the material from settling over time. Builders prefer basalt wool. To perform facade works It is recommended to use vapor and waterproofing. They will serve as protection against moisture getting on the insulation. And it is also necessary to make a ventilation gap 3-5 cm wide so that condensation does not collect.

    Mineral wool is resistant to mechanical damage and has a low risk of flammability. Among the disadvantages of the material are high cost and considerable weight. To secure it to the walls, you need to use a lot of dowels. This insulation is perfect for various types walls and cladding.

    Today it is possible to use for facade insulation various materials . All of them differ in the complexity of installation, properties and price. To get maximum effect, it is also necessary to insulate windows, roof and communications. Prompt the right system Experienced specialists will help with facade insulation.

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