Arc welding lessons for beginners. Short training course in MMA welding

Industrial training for an electric and gas welder is practice, but it is far from it if the theory has not been mastered. Where and what is taught, and most importantly, what is the essence of training for electric and gas welders?

Welding is one of the most common technical method unite various materials, mainly metal, for creating various products, metal structures and equipment. Metal systems that have been welded are much stronger, smaller in volume and less labor intensive to produce than cast, forged or riveted structures.

Therefore, training to become an electric and gas welder is training in a specialty that is necessary in the modern world. In industry and construction sites, quick installations that connect the necessary metal materials are always welcome.

People who have completed training courses for electric and gas welders in Moscow and have passed certification work in production and construction sites in the capital and throughout the country. Many specialists find their place abroad.

Where can I get training as an electric gas welder?

First you need to decide on the place where classes in this profession are held. These could be special preparatory training courses for electric and gas welders in Moscow and throughout Russia, or they could be vocational educational institutions such as a college, vocational school or lyceum. Getting there is quite easy. You just need to pay attention to the pedagogical approach, the opinions of people who have graduated from such educational institutions, as well as the certificate that is issued after completion of studies. Be careful that this certificate or evidence is valid and recognized in Russia.

During training to become an electric and gas welder, a candidate welder acquires the necessary knowledge that can help him achieve his specialty. The most important in training takes the place of passing practical tests. This is a big advantage of training to become an electric and gas welder in Moscow. There are more facilities in the capital where you can go to practice and more employment options. But in the regions of the country it is quite possible to find a place for internship.

By and large, skilled welding masters recruit inexperienced welders as apprentices. All skills, all knowledge and features can only be acquired from a specialist. No amount of text materials and video reviews can bring a person the most basic thing - a skill. Therefore, a place for practical training should be sought already during the training period.

What is taught in courses for electric and gas welders?

During training courses for electric and gas welders in training centers and lyceums and colleges, they teach all kinds of welder specializations:

  • Welder gas burner or simply an autogen technician - their work is mainly in demand in automotive production, at car service stations, as well as in housing and communal services enterprises. A gas welder easily corrects deformed metal, performs welding and gas spraying.
  • Electric welder or arc welding specialist - this specialization is highly valued in production, which is why it is emphasized in the courses special attention, because this type of welding is in demand in 90% of the entire industrial sector and the entire production mass. Training to become an arc welder is a simple and fast-learning method. Even graduates - schoolchildren who have entered a vocational college or school - can experience it. In fact, electronic welding is a universal profile of the welding profession, which allows you to gain experience in using electrode and gas cutting.
  • Argon welding - this type of welding entered our world not so long ago. Learning to use this method is not easy, both theoretically and technologically. However, this type of welding is necessary when working with rare metals, such as titanium.

After mastering the technique of using argon welding, anyone can take advanced training courses and master the ability to use laser welding.

As already reported, you can become a welder through special courses or educational institutions. They create small groups that have the ability to use new technological equipment.

A person who wants to take a training course for electric and gas welders must have basic general education. The training time is 1.5-2 months, of which theoretical part 40-60 hours are allocated, and for practical – 150-180 hours. After completing the courses and successfully passing the exam, you will be issued a welder's certificate and a protocol for conducting certification work.

Training for electric and gas welders in Moscow

Of course, in the capital large selection educational institutions where you can get a profession, but the demand for specialists is quite high. The rhythm of the city requires obtaining education as quickly as possible, therefore, most often the training of electric and gas welders in Moscow is carried out in preparatory courses aimed at acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge and skills that are consistent with modern technologies, welding methods and technical documents.

These courses help you master fire safety. Electrical and gas welder training includes the following subjects:

  • Training in the high-tech method of manual electrode welding.
  • Study of highly technical methods of gas cooking.
  • Training in the use of modern welding equipment based on arc, gas and plasma welding of metals.
  • Basic knowledge of welding operations using mechanized welding.
  • Study of safety and health at work.
  • Ability to prevent defects in the weld and the welded product.

Preparatory courses provide the necessary materials to acquire specialized skills and technological basic knowledge. This knowledge is necessary for a welder during highly technical work, the ability to choose welding methods and modes, as well as reading drawings. The skills and knowledge acquired in these courses must correspond to the qualifications of a welder.

Practical work allows you to consolidate basic theoretical knowledge through your own experience.

Upon completion of the electric gas welder training course in Moscow, an examination test is taken on a computer or an oral exam, and sometimes online, depending on the chosen training center. Certification work ends with receiving a certificate.

Training to become a welder in Moscow can be completed in many educational institutions and specialized courses, among which are the training centers “Amulet”, “MOSSTROYKADRY”, “RosTestStandard”, GC “RPS” and many others. The average cost of training will be about 10 thousand rubles.

Compound metal parts, structures by welding them is necessary in every industry. Employees who have undergone professional training to become welders and have received the appropriate qualifications are allowed to carry out such work. qualification category. The specialty is one of the most in demand professions with high wages.

Main specializations

The existence of several methods for joining metals and various equipment for carrying out work requires appropriate training of specialists. Depending on the technology used, the profession is divided into several specializations:

  • joining metals in a protective gas environment;
  • welding using electric current;
  • joining parts by gas welding;
  • metal cutting.

Anyone can undergo training to become an electric and gas welder at our Institute of Additional Vocational Education. Students are given the opportunity to master their chosen specialty through full-time courses. Specialists who already have a welding profession will be able to improve their professional level, get a higher rank.

Professional development

Advanced training courses for gas-electric welders, in which students will learn advanced welding technologies, will help you maintain your professionalism at the proper level and obtain a higher rank in your specialty. Educational process takes place full-time or remotely. Students study modern welding materials, new techniques for joining metals, and welding equipment.

If you are looking for where you can learn to become a gas-electric welder, contact our institute. Here students will be able to learn a new specialty and improve their skills. The profession of a welder is in demand in all spheres of life, so a specialist can always get a job with a decent level of pay. On the web resource, the visitor will be able to find out the cost of training a welder for each specialization. Get acquainted with the conditions for conducting classes and issuing qualification certificates. Affordable price allows you to master several specializations, expanding the possibility of obtaining more prestigious work in construction or other production fields.

Electric welder training is required in accordance with PB 03-273-99 - “Rules for the certification of welders and specialists welding production", as well as "Regulations on the organization of training and testing of knowledge of working organizations supervised Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision”, approved by Order of Rostechnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37.

Welding, both previously and today, is the most popular method of connecting products, assemblies, structures, pipelines and containers made of various steels, non-ferrous metals, alloys and non-metallic materials. The scope of welding production is very wide. This includes the construction of buildings and structures, and industrial production, and the engineering industry.

The profession of an electric welder requires the following knowledge and skills: the design and operating principle of electric welding machines and devices; methods and basic techniques of tack welding; shapes of the section of seams for welding; rules for servicing electric welding machines; types of welded joints and seams; rules for preparing the edges of products for welding; types of grooves and designation of welds in the drawings; basic properties of the electrodes used and the metal and alloys being welded; purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation; causes of defects during welding and ways to prevent them, etc.

To perform work, an electric welder must undergo professional training, no more than once a year and no less than once every 5 years, take short-term advanced training courses of at least 72 hours in order to acquire new knowledge and skills and increase the level, have medical record with no contraindications to work. It is important that persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to work as an electric welder.

Cost of training and terms of study

ANO DPO "Complex training center Personnel Retraining" provides vocational training in the following programs:

Form of study: full-time, part-time, distance learning using Internet technologies.

In the process of mastering the training program, developed taking into account PB 03-273-99 - “Rules for the certification of welders and welding production specialists” for mastering working profession electric welder studies the following questions:

  • Occupational safety, industrial sanitation
  • Fundamentals of metallurgy, electrical engineering, drawing
  • Electrical safety
  • Providing first aid to victims
  • Fire technical minimum
  • Design and operation of equipment for manual arc
  • welding
  • Manual technology arc welding and metal cutting
  • Physico-chemical processes during arc welding
  • Quality control of welded joints
  • Shielded Welding Technology

Classes are held in the classroom of the ANO DPO “Comprehensive Training Center for Personnel Retraining,” as well as through the Internet portal of the Training Center website.

Upon completion of training, you will be issued

  • Certificate for each employee who has passed the certification;
  • Ticket fire safety for a welder;
  • Protocol certification commission with a list of employees who have passed certification.

How to get trained as an electric welder

After passing vocational training(or in a specialized school or training center) an electric welder with the 1st rank already assigned to him has the right to increase the assigned rank of his specialty by taking short-term advanced training courses in the amount of at least 72 hours, no more than 1 time per year and no less than 1 time at 5 years old.

Please note that an electric welder belongs to an electrical engineering profession associated with increased danger during work, therefore, for legitimate work, such a specialist must also have:

  • labor safety certificate
  • electrical safety certificate of at least 2nd tolerance group (up to 1000 V)

Advantages of working with ANO DPO “Comprehensive Training Center for Personnel Retraining”

  • all training programs are developed by teachers taking into account modern educational and methodological materials using new technologies in teaching;
  • A convenient form of electronic library for the course educational material has been developed for you;
  • the cost of training to become an electric welder is significantly lower than that of other training centers;
  • Training takes place at a time convenient for you and in the form required for your organization.

What does not completing training to become an electric welder entail?

According to Art. 9.11. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Violation of the rules for the use of fuel, electrical and thermal energy, rules for the design of electrical installations, operation of electrical installations, fuel and energy consuming installations, heating networks, storage facilities, maintenance, sale and transportation of energy carriers, fuel and products of its processing shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine:

  • for citizens - in the amount of 1,000 to 2,000 rubles;
  • for officials - from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles;
  • for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days;
  • on legal entities- from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days.

Required documents

If you purchased a welding machine intended for work using the MMA (Manual Metal Arc)- manual electric arc welding with a coated piece electrode, but you don’t know how to get started, you should carefully read the material below.

1. Network connection.

Check out technical characteristics Your welding machine for compliance with the electrical network to which it is planned to be connected. The supply voltage and number of phases of the device must correspond to the same parameters of the electrical network. Now there is a large selection of welding machines that can operate from both 220V and 380V networks. Such devices have a network type switch that must be moved to the desired position before connecting to the power supply. The second important parameter is the power consumed welding machine. If the rating of the circuit breaker installed in the electrical network you are using is less than that required for the power consumption of the device, the circuit breaker will turn off the power and will not allow you to use the welding machine.

2. Select an electrode

Electrodes used in manual arc welding consist of a metal rod with special coating. The material of the electrode rod must be similar to the material of the parts being welded. The diameter of the electrode is selected depending on the thickness of the product being welded.

3. Select the welding current value

The amount of welding current primarily depends on the diameter of the selected electrode and can be calculated using a simplified formula: 35-40A of current is required per 1 mm of electrode diameter, i.e. If you take a welding electrode with a diameter of 3mm, then for operation you will need a current of 105-120A.

Important: when performing welding work with vertical and ceiling seams, the current must be reduced by 10-20%.

4. Light the welding arc and cook

After setting the required amperage, you can proceed directly to welding.

Ignition (excitation) of the welding arc
First way: arc ignition by touch. The electrode is smoothly lowered perpendicular to the surface of the part, easily touches the surface at the start of the weld and is pulled up leaving a small gap that ensures stable arc burning.
Second way: ignition of the arc by striking. In this case, the process of exciting the arc is reminiscent of the process of lighting a match, in which the electrode moves tangentially to the surface of the metal with a light touch and fixation of the optimal gap.
As the electrode burns out, you must try to maintain the selected gap and at the same time move the electrode along the line of connection of the parts. If the electrode sticks, it is necessary to vigorously shake it, tear it away from the metal and re-ignite the arc. To obtain a high-quality welded joint, it is necessary to acquire a solid skill in maintaining a stable arc with a gap of 3-5 mm between the electrode and the part.

5. Correct movement of the electrode

Correctly guide the electrode as shown in the figure, and not in a straight line. Basic movements:

1.Progressive- vertically along the electrode axis to maintain a constant arc length and electrode melting rate.
2.Rectilinear- horizontal along the axis of the seam to maintain optimal welding speed ensuring high-quality formation of the welded joint.
3. Oscillatory- horizontal across the axis of the seam to improve heating of the edges. the length of the transverse movement can be up to 4 electrode diameters, which allows you to obtain a uniform seam of the appropriate width. This type of movement can be eliminated when welding thin sheets of metal or when making the first seam in a multi-layer weld.

Types of oscillatory movements

Used to produce a weld with surfacing beads when welding parts into a butt without chamfering on the edges, in the lower position with sufficient thickness of the part.
Used to produce butt fillet welds on chamfered edges in any position using electrodes with a diameter of less than 4 mm.
For making vertical and ceiling joints with a convex profile.
For making fillet and butt welds in any spatial position on chamfered edges. Provides excellent penetration of the root seam.
It is used when guaranteed penetration of the root weld on thick-walled parts is necessary.
Used when welding products made of high-alloy steels to provide enhanced heating. The movement is delayed in extreme positions to prevent burning in the center or leakage of metal when working with vertical seams.

If the electrode moves correctly, the seam will be stronger, with smooth boundaries and minimum quantity slag inside also improves the penetration of the edges and facilitates the separation of the slag crust.

Classification of the position of the weld in space

To acquire stable skills, it is best to learn to work with piece electrodes with a diameter of 2.6-3 mm. These electrodes are most often used for welding at home. The most common electrodes are rutile coated electrodes, which are also good for inexperienced welders. To ensure more comfortable ignition of the arc and obtain high quality weld, the electrodes must be calcined or dried at a temperature of 150-200°C for 1-2 hours (more accurate data for electrodes with various types coatings are indicated on their packaging).

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