How to breed Aktara for thrips. What is it and how to properly dilute the insecticide? Correct technique for processing flowers

Aktara– an intestinal and contact spectrum agent that can fight many pests:

  • Sucking (bug, whitefly, aphid, leafhopper);
  • Mining (moth);
  • Gnawing (scale insects, beetles, Colorado potato beetles, flea beetles).

The active ingredient of the drug is thiamethoxam. The insects stop sucking the juice from the herbs and die within the first 24 hours.

In case of primary spider mite infestation, protection with this drug is possible, but the instructions describe that it is not effective against a variety of mites.

Composition and release form

Actara preparation in jars of 250g

The drug is sold in granules. From them you can prepare a solution for spraying, or apply directly to the soil.

The insecticide begins to act in 15-45 minutes.

You can purchase the insecticide in 2 types of containers:

  • Vacuum bags weighing 4 grams;
  • Glass jars weighing 250 grams.

It has a high concentration, so 0.5 grams of the product is enough for 100 containers with plants. Aktar in large forms of release is usually introduced for agricultural needs with sufficient area.

The product is used in any season and weather conditions.

Mechanism of action

It also acts on pests living on inside leaves.

Advantages and disadvantages of Aktar for indoor plants

The advantages of the insecticide are:

Instructions for use

The insecticide can be used in 2 ways:

  • For irrigation, you need to add 1 gram of Aktara to 10 liters of warm (25 degrees) water. Dissolve thoroughly. Plant protection period is 45 days.
  • For spraying, you need to add 4 grams of insecticide to 5 liters of warm water. Spraying is done at a distance of 25-30 cm from the plant. The period of plant protection is 20 days.

For the plant itself, Aktara is absolutely harmless.

For better protection from pests, it is recommended to alternate this product with others, as addiction is possible.

Safety precautions when working with the drug

Aktara belongs to substances 3 hazard class, Therefore, the following rules must be adhered to:

  • Wear gloves, safety glasses and gauze bandages;
  • In case of contact with the skin, wash with soap, and with the mucous membrane of the eye - with water;
  • Do not dilute in containers intended for food;
  • Do not smoke or touch the gas;
  • Do not store the remaining solution;
  • After handling, wash your hands with soap and ventilate the room;
  • Change clothes;
  • Do not eat or drink indoors while treatment is being carried out;

If swallowed, drink 1 liter of water, induce a gag reflex, take activated charcoal, 1 tablet per 10 kg of person’s weight. Call ambulance for hospitalization. Symptoms of poisoning include sweating, fatigue, rapid breathing and convulsions. To prevent - open the window, rinse with water and soap areas of damaged skin (then apply cream), as well as eyes.

Compatibility with other drugs

It is compatible with many substances (insecticidal, fungicidal) and growth regulators, except those whose components include soap, lime and Bordeaux mixture. But when preparing the mixture, it is necessary to check the resulting drug for compatibility.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Aktara should be kept in a dark, dry place at temperature conditions from –10 to +35 degrees. Do not keep near food products and medicines. Keep out of reach of children and animals.

Shelf life is 4 years from the date of issue if the packaging is intact.

Empty insecticide containers are burned in designated areas, avoiding combustion products from entering the respiratory tract. Do not use in food or for purposes not specified in the instructions. Do not dispose of in sewers or natural water bodies.

Those who like to grow in the country different flowers and other plants are always looking for special preparations that could not only kill pests, but at the same time be useful for plants. "Aktara" for indoor plants and country houses - just such an option. Below you will find out how this insecticide works and what its instructions for use say.

Scope of application and release form of "Aktary"

The drug "Aktara" is produced in Switzerland. This insecticide began to be produced taking into account the wishes of customers. It can be used for the following purposes: to protect vegetables; orchids, violets and roses in the garden; indoor plants.

Application possible for getting rid of a number of insects, which are all not listed in the instructions. Thus, the instructions for Aktara (insecticide) do not mention that it copes with spider mites. But this does not mean that the drug is not able to get rid of it.

For ease of use, the drug "Aktara" has different shapes release:

  • liquid in the form of a suspension concentrate;
  • granules soluble in water.

Preparation in solid form Packaged in 4 gram sachets. According to the norm, this will be quite enough for spraying tomatoes in a greenhouse and other plants. But for use in large farms and agricultural enterprises, Aktara is used in large bags of 250 grams.

The suspension is in ampoules and vials. Small packaging helps to process the following types of plants:

  1. Small strawberry beds.
  2. Violet flower beds.
  3. Indoor flowers.
  4. Rose bushes.
  5. Orchids.

These and other Aktara plants help protect from scale insects And spider mite.

Active ingredient and analogues

Insecticide contains thiamethoxam– this is its active ingredient, which makes up a quarter of the weight of the drug. “Aktara” is absorbed into the leaves of the plant through the skin or soil when watering. Then it spreads through the vessels.

When the drug permeates plant tissue, it is no longer afraid of rain or heat, because the insecticide works regardless of weather conditions.

Analogs of "Aktara" are:

  • "Tiara".
  • "Adamant".
  • "Cruiser".
  • "Doctor".

What pests does the drug protect against?

Insecticide "Aktara" helps save garden and garden plants from such pests:

The drug "Aktara" costs 75–100 rubles for a package of 4 grams, and 3500–5 thousand rubles for 250 g, respectively. The product should be stored in utility rooms, high shelves or closed cabinets. Children and animals should not get there.

It is not recommended to store food, medicine or feed near the drug. The room temperature should be between 10 degrees below zero and 35 degrees above zero. Do not store Aktara in places of high humidity.

"Aktara": instructions for use

You need to start working only when you first see ticks, beetles or caterpillars. Treatment should be carried out in calm, clear weather in the morning or evening, and only when you are sure that there will be no rain. An hour must pass after application for the insecticide to adhere to the leaves.

Ready the solution cannot be stored, so the composition needs to be prepared only in the quantity that you will need immediately. It is best to use a backpack sprayer, which is prepared directly in the can.

The preparation of Aktara looks like this:

  1. Dissolve four grams in a liter of water at a temperature of 25 degrees in the open air.
  2. Fill the sprayer tank a quarter full.
  3. Pour in the concentrate in the required volume for a particular plant.
  4. Fill the container with up to 5 liters of water.
  5. Close it tightly.
  6. Shake the sprayer.

Application for flowers and other plants

To protect your violets, cyclamen and other indoor plants from insects, you need to dilute 4 grams of the drug in 5 liters of liquid. This will be enough for a large greenhouse. For treating vegetable gardens, the consumption of the drug per 10 liters of liquid may vary slightly depending on the type of plant:

Shrubs and fruit trees need to be treated for the first time before flowering and beetle flight, for the second time after harvesting the fruits. Instructions for use contain information about the use of the drug depending on the pest and plant type.

If you are using this medicine as a liquid for different plants, need to dilute one ampoule in this amount of liquid:

  • strawberries or currants – 6 liters
  • orchids, roses and violets – 0.75 liters;
  • onion – 3 liters.

To prevent Aktara resistance from appearing in the cockchafer, whitefly or spider mite, its use must be alternate with other insecticides.

Planting processing

A drug such as Aktara can also be used for processing planting material . A highly concentrated solution is required, the consumption is 4 grams per liter of water. To process potato tubers, 6 g of powder is dissolved in 0.3 liters of water.

And seeds, potato tubers, onion heads and garlic cloves are needed before planting soak in the composition. Do not be afraid of high concentrations of the product; it completely decomposes in 60 days.

After processing edible plants of any kind, they are safe for humans after a couple of months. Soaking in the composition helps you settle in better and plants develop. If they get stronger, I will be less susceptible to harmful insects.

Safety rules for use

"Aktara" is a moderately dangerous drug for humans with toxicity class 3. It's being used wearing gloves, respirator and goggles. And also when working with chemicals you need to wear a special uniform and wash it after each use.

Upon completion of work, protective equipment and tools should be washed and wash your face, hands, swim, change clothes, rinse your mouth. Only after all this should you eat or drink. Houseplants are treated with fresh air or a well-ventilated room. Upon departure the symptoms are:

  1. Vomit.
  2. Nausea.
  3. General deterioration in health.

If you notice something like this in yourself, stop processing and go outside. If the insecticide gets on your skin, blot the drops with a cloth and wash it off with soapy water. If it gets into your eyes, wash them for 15 minutes under running water. And if swallowed, the stomach is washed and several tablets are taken activated carbon.

After a person has been given first aid need to call a doctor. To prevent anyone from swallowing the product, you should not store it in containers from food products, and the dishes should be signed.

Do not pour the remaining solution near water bodies. And also do not process honey plants earlier than a week before flowering, so as not to kill the bees. Before grazing pastures cannot be watered. After use, the tapa is burned in a place where no edible plants are planted.

"Aktara": reviews

Now let’s find out what those who have tried this product to protect their plants write in their reviews.

“Aktar” was recommended to me by experienced flower owners who have used it for their plants more than once. You need to spray them from all sides, and even the tray where the flowers stand. Remember that the drug is toxic, but the smell is not very strong. This makes it possible to use even at home.

It should be used once every six months. And if there is mealybug, then you need to treat the plant 4 times within 4 days. Particular care must be taken to treat the center of the flower, where most of the larvae are concentrated.

Pauline. Chita

I used Komandor and Molniya without success against Colorado beetles, after which I decided to try Aktara in granular form. Used to protect potatoes, flowers, and currants. The granules are highly soluble in water and should be used in the amount required depending on the type of plant.

I liked the drug, but the main drawback is that for one garden you need a lot of ampoules. I had previously used a lot of things for the Colorado potato beetle, but nothing helped. But I liked Aktara in liquid form. I poisoned the beetles in the morning, and in the evening they all died and did not appear for a month. Another big plus is the absence of an allergic reaction for sensitive skin.

Maria. Syzran

As you can see, the drug "Aktara" helps protect indoor plants, as well as garden crops from a number of pests. This even applies to spider mites, which are traditionally considered a fierce enemy of violets, orchids and roses and are not listed in the instructions for the product.

With this drug you can water the plants at the roots or spray them. Applying it at the root helps strengthen the planting and develop root system strawberries and vegetables. And this is not the only advantage of Aktara, which has a huge number of advantages compared to other drugs.

Aktara instructions for use which is presented in this article, is a new generation insecticide, characterized by speed and effectiveness. It is used for processing various types crops The main property of the drug is protection against pests. The product is used for spraying adult shrubs and trees, as well as for treating vegetable seedlings before planting in the ground. The drug is effective, as shown reviews, and is used widely and everywhere.

The product is effective against hundreds of types of pests. Moreover, in addition to protecting against insects, the drug promotes plant development. Let's consider ways and instructions for use of "Aktara".


Aktara is a contact-intestinal insecticide, a representative of the Neonicotidoid group. The drug is produced in Switzerland. Available in several forms:

  1. pills,
  2. granules,
  3. cream-colored soluble powder
  4. suspension in glass or plastic containers different volumes.

The active substance dissolves at a temperature of +25 degrees, does not burn, but melts at a temperature of +140 and above.

Functions and properties

Aktara helps:

  • protect the plant from various pests,
  • improve the quality of leaves and shoots.

Depending on the method of application, it is effective for 1-2 months after treatment.

The treatment can be carried out under different weather conditions and at any time, there is no difference, when to process:

  • heat;
  • wind;
  • humidity.

Thiamethoxam, the active substance of the drug, decomposes well in the soil, dissolves in water and is absorbed by the plant from the ground. Thanks to these properties, the insecticide can be used both for spraying vegetative parts and for soil treatment. The complex preparation can be used to completely control the reproduction process of various pests throughout the season.


Aktara insecticide can be used in gardening and agriculture. It fights many different insect pests:

  • Colorado and May beetles;
  • codling moth;
  • thrips;
  • whitefly;
  • soil fly and others.

The product can be used to treat:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables and seedlings;
  • fruit trees;
  • decorative flower crops;
  • berry bushes.

Akara will do virtually no harm:

  • birds;
  • earthworms;
  • aquatic organisms.

The insecticide is poisonous to pollinating insects:

  • hornets;
  • bees

For humans and mammals the level of toxicity is average.

Watch the video! Aktara Effective insecticide: description, characteristics, price

Operating principle

Thiamethoxam is the main active ingredient of the drug "Aktara". Its concentration is 250g/kg or 240g/l. This product can even destroy hiding insects.

Processing is carried out under various weather conditions. The product is absorbed:

  • into the leaves through the skin when sprayed, then its effect will last up to 4 weeks;
  • is absorbed by the roots from the soil, then when watering the substance spreads throughout vascular system plants, and the effect will last up to 2 months.

Important! Aktara does not harm vegetable, fruit and berry plants.

Harmful toxic masses do not accumulate in them, and insects do not develop resistance and addiction to this product. Main - correct use insecticide according to instructions.

The effect of the drug begins within 30 minutes after contact with the pest. The insect eats parts of the plant that are treated with Aktara. Active substances, once inside, begin their action in the digestive system, suppressing receptors. Thanks to this, pests stop feeding on the leaves of the plant. Afterwards, the insect’s nervous system is paralyzed, causing it to die within 24 hours.

Advantages and Disadvantages

All insecticidal drugs have strong and weaknesses, and “Aktara” too. Let's consider all the pros and cons of using this tool.

Positive aspects:


  • dangerous for bees, wasps and hornets;
  • the prepared solution cannot be stored;
  • It is better to alternate with other insecticides.

Instructions for use

As soon as the first signs of the presence of pests or their larvae appear, it is necessary to immediately treat with an insecticide. To do this, you need to know the correct method of preparing and processing plants.

Preparation of the solution

It is more convenient to first prepare a mother solution, and then a working solution. The mother liquor is prepared as follows:

  • take a container of 1.5-2 liters;
  • pour 1 liter of water;
  • dissolve the contents of the package (4g) in it.

The working solution is prepared directly in the sprayer according to the instructions on the package.

  • First, pour 250 ml of water into the sprayer:
    • for potatoes add 150-200 ml of mother liquor;
    • for currants – 250 ml;
    • if you need to treat flower crops - 600 ml.
  • Then the water is added to a total volume of 5 liters, the tank is screwed on and shaken.
  • The working solution can be used.

Watch the video! How to breed actara for watering and spraying indoor plants

Application for different crops

For different types of crops there are certain rules processing and consumption rates. There are only two ways to use it:

  • spraying;
  • watering.

Water until the soil is deeply moistened, and spray until the leaves and shoots are completely wetted.

Processing by type:

Processing of seedlings

The drug "Aktara" can be used for processing seed material and seedlings.

  • To process potatoes, the tubers should be spread evenly on the film;
  • Spray with a working solution of 6 g in 0.3 l of water, mix the tubers;
  • Treated potatoes must be planted immediately and cannot be stored.

Advice! You can process onion heads and slices in a similar way. garlic .

You can also use this insecticide to treat seedlings:

  • Dilute 1.4 g of the drug in 1 liter of water;
  • Soak the roots of the plant in the solution for 2 hours;
  • This procedure is carried out 12 hours before disembarkation;
  • This amount of working solution should be enough for 200 plants.


Aktara is compatible with other widely used products for processing horticultural and agricultural crops, as well as with growth regulators (Zircon, Epin and others).

Important! This product cannot be combined with substances that give an alkaline reaction.

Better check compatibility various drugs just before mixing.


The drug is universal and will help effectively fight many different pests. The drug has several analogues, in which the main active ingredient is thiamethoxam. These are the means:

  • "Adamant";
  • "Tiara";
  • "Ephoria";
  • "Doctor";
  • "Cruiser";
  • "Voliam Flexi".


Aktara is a moderately hazardous substance with toxicity class 3.

Precautions should be observed when working with this insecticide:

  1. To prepare the working solution, you should wear a protective suit, rubber gloves, glasses and respirator;
  2. Do not eat, drink or smoke while processing plants;
  3. After treatment, you must wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth, change clothes;
  4. Do not cultivate crops near water bodies;
  5. The drug should be stored at temperatures from -10 to +30 in a dry, dark place;
  6. It is better to treat indoor plants outside or in a well-ventilated area;
  7. Do not treat plants during flowering.

If the insecticide gets on your skin, remove it soft cloth or cotton wool. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly clean water within 15 minutes.

In case of Aktara poisoning, the following symptoms may appear:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • weakness.

As soon as symptoms appear, you should call a doctor and inform him of what was used and when. If the victim is conscious, he should take 3-5 tbsp. l crushed activated carbon and a glass of warm water. It's better to try to induce vomiting. But, under no circumstances should you induce vomiting if the person is unconscious.

Aktara is a fast-acting insecticide that is highly effective. If used correctly, you can get rid of various pests without harming human health.

Watch the video! Systemic insecticides AKTARA - long-term protection against aphids, mites, caterpillars

) With unique properties. Detailed instructions to the insecticide Aktara indicates the wide possibilities of its use. At the same time, we must not forget about caution and those environmental aspects that inevitably arise when working with insecticides, including Aktara. The use of any chemical must be dictated by real need and requires strict adherence to the instructions.

Aktara insecticide is produced by the famous Swiss agricultural company Syngenta. Available in two forms intended for preparing a solution - powder and concentrated suspension (ampoule, bottle). A similar Swiss-made chemical is also contained in the liquid preparation Insektor (trading house "Your Farm") and solid briquette sticks Doctor (company "Green Pharmacy Gardener").

Deadly for bees

Aktara is a wonderful drug with many advantages, and yet it is subject to a number of restrictions in European countries due to its high toxicity to bees and bumblebees. Moreover, the chemical penetrates into the internal environment of plants and can be transferred to pollen and nectar even a month after treatment. This is why the extended instructions strongly recommend:

It is more acceptable to use after flowering or in closed greenhouse conditions.

Critical for earthworms

Serious scientific research life of soil earthworms shows that moderate use of Aktara reduces their numbers by a third, and abuse of the insecticide by about two-thirds (out of ten worms and their cocoons, 6-7 die).

Beneficial predatory bugs, as well as fish and some other aquatic inhabitants, are also at risk. There is preliminary evidence that there is a risk to birds.

Active ingredient of Aktara insecticide

Aktara is based on thiamethoxam, a neonicotinoid compound. These are artificial analogues of the natural alkaloid nicotine. Other types of neonicotinoids are presented in such popular drugs as Prestige, Confidor, Iskra Zolotaya, Apache and other new products of the 21st century. Chemicals cause rapid and fatal disruption nervous system many insects.

Thiamethoxam (like other neonicotinoids), after watering or spraying, penetrates into the vascular tissues of the plant in a matter of hours through the roots and foliage and remains there for at least two weeks. It can remain in the grassy parts for a month or even longer. Does not accumulate in tubers, bulbs and fruits.

Targets of chemical attack - list of pests

Detailed instructions recommend using Aktara against the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm, thrips, scale insects, pear honey beetles, apple flower beetles, scale insects, psyllids, flies, grape leafhoppers, pea grains, herbivorous bugs, and soil flies. After an hour, the insects stop eating, and a day later (scale insects a little later) die.

The insecticide has moderate activity against greenhouse whitefly; has virtually no effect on her eggs. Not used in the fight against spider mites and other mites, slugs, ants, raspberry beetles and strawberry weevils.

It perfectly removes any aphids and cabbage caterpillars, but it is environmentally safer to fight these pests with the help of biological products - Fitoverma, Akarina,. We use Aktar as a last resort - if the rains become frequent, and the aphids are very busy.

Advantages of Aktara insecticide

  1. It is not dangerous for humans and other mammals, for butterflies and moths, as well as for beneficial predatory mites.
  2. Does not evaporate from the surface, does not go into volatile gaseous forms - therefore, there is no danger of inhaling the chemical. In addition, the beneficial concentration on the foliage is not reduced.
  3. Effective in both heat and cold, and during temperature changes, and under sunlight.
  4. It is not washed away by rain, even if it has passed after a couple of hours.
  5. Thanks to the penetrating action, there is no need to spray the leaves from below.
  6. Absorbed by both leaves and roots; within a day it spreads throughout the entire plant (except for fruits).
  7. Protection lasts for at least 2-3 weeks after spraying and 1.5-2 months after watering (for potted crops - up to 3 months).
  8. Has no smell.
  9. Observed good compatibility in mixtures with other insecticides and fungicides (except sulfur, copper, lime, Bordeaux mixture).

Use of the chemical drug Aktara

Potato protection

It is convenient for an ordinary gardener to use Aktara against its voracious larvae, regardless of their age. It is used at any stage of the spread of the pest, which dies very quickly. There is no need to pour the bushes generously: half a bucket of solution is enough for one hundred square meters (with a good sprayer). The drug is not afraid of rain, and the protection lasts for about a month; Usually one time is enough. Then you need to wait 2-3 weeks before digging potatoes for food.

From a bag of powder (4 grams) you get 3 and a half buckets of solution for seven acres of potato plantings. This is 1.2 grams per 10 liters (per 2 acres). The liquid preparation is diluted at the rate of 1.2 ml per bucket. Long-term use in one area can lead to pests becoming accustomed and becoming resistant to the insecticide.

If you make the concentration stronger (6 grams per bucket), you can carry out pre-planting spraying of seed tubers and soil in the planting furrows. This will protect the potatoes from wireworms and the Colorado potato beetle for the entire season. Harvesting is carried out no earlier than 2 months later. The method is effective, but harmful to earthworms.

Saving cabbage seedlings

If cabbage seedlings are watered with Aktar's solution a couple of days before planting in the ground, this will then protect young, fragile plants from cruciferous flea beetles and cabbage fly larvae. The concentration is solid - 6 grams of powder (or 6 ml of suspension) per bucket of water. Distribute 1 liter per square meter greenhouse area, cassettes or pots.

Onion on turnip

(if the pest was noticed in previous years), the onion beds are sprayed twice - at the time of cherry blossoms and again after half a month. Or treatment is carried out when larvae are detected at the root collar. Dose - 3 grams (or 3 ml) per 5 liters of water. It is better not to take green feathers from these areas.

Tomatoes and cucumbers

Greenhouse cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants are sometimes attacked by whiteflies or thrips. On initial stage dispersal of whiteflies, double spraying with Aktara can stop or contain the pest. It will help against thrips even more effectively. It is important that the fruits can be eaten safely after 3 days. The concentration of the solution is 1.5 grams (1.5 ml) per bucket. Spray from 1 to 3 liters per 10 square meters.

Potted plants and seedlings

The insecticide is very effective in the fight against malicious insect pests of indoor plants (and seedlings): scale insects, thrips, mealybugs, whiteflies, aphids. It is most useful to simultaneously sprinkle (1 gram or 1 ml diluted in a liter of water) and pour (1 gram or 1 ml per 10 liters of water). Even stubborn scale insects fall off within a week. Watering also helps against soil flies. The effect lasts for 2-3 months. The product does not have unpleasant odor, not harmful to children and pets (if the solution is not poured into the aquarium).

Aktara is very popular among flower growers, gardeners and gardeners. It holds the palm among insecticides used on small farms. Firstly, the drug does not have a pungent odor, like all others. Secondly, because the drug is systemic - it spreads from the juices throughout the plant and destroys the pest if you simply water it, that is, it is not necessary to spray, although it is advisable.

What kind of drug is this and what does it help with?

This is an enteric-contact insecticide for pest control on vegetable, berry and flower crops on private farms.

The drug Aktara is intended to protect potatoes, currants, and flower crops from pests. This insecticide is used both for spraying plants during the growing season and for application to the soil. When applied to the soil, it has pronounced systemic activity.

Active ingredient: thiamethoxam (belongs to the chemical class of neonicotinoids), at a concentration of 250 g/kg.

Purpose: an enteric-contact spectrum insecticide, effective against a wide range of pests both when applied in the soil and during ground spraying.

Package: foil, 1.4 g, 4.0 g, 6.0 g; plastic jar, 40 g, 250 g.

Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland.

Aktara insecticide is intended to protect:

  • potatoes;
  • flower crops - from aphids, whiteflies, thrips, scale insects and false scale insects

Instructions for use Aktar

It is recommended to begin treatment, that is, spraying the plants at the first signs of pests. The working solution is applied to the plants using a sprayer. Treatment should be carried out in the morning or evening in calm weather, avoiding the drift of the drug onto neighboring crops.

It is not recommended to use the insecticide if rain is expected within an hour after application. Every day, after finishing work, thoroughly rinse the sprayer with clean water by spraying the crop with a washable liquid.

How to breed Aktara

Prepare a solution in warm water, since the granules dissolve at a temperature not lower than 25°C.

  • For potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle. Dissolve 1.2 grams of the drug in 10 liters of water. Spray during the growing season
  • For indoor flowers. Watering the soil against midges - dissolve 1 gram of Aktara in 10 liters of water. Spraying plants with a working solution of this insecticide helps against aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and scale insects. To do this, dilute 4 grams of the drug in 5 liters of water.
  • For flowers in open ground. Against insect pests (aphids, whiteflies, thrips, scale insects, false scale insects, etc.) dissolve 8 grams of Aktara in 10 liters of water for spraying.
  • For currants from aphids dissolve 2 grams of the drug in 10 liters of water. Spray before flowering and after harvesting.
  • For tomatoes in open ground and greenhouses against aphids, whiteflies, Colorado potato beetles - for watering at the root 4 g of aktar per 10 liters of water, for spraying 1.2 grams per 10 liters of water.
  • For cucumbers from aphids, tobacco thrips, whiteflies - for watering at the root 8 g of aktara per 10 liters of water, for spraying 2-4 g per 10 liters of water.
  • For eggplants and peppers from aphids, tobacco thrips, rose thrips - for watering at the root 4-8 g of aktar per 10 liters of water, for spraying 2-4 g per 10 liters of water.
  • For the bow from onion fly and thrips - for spraying 4 g per 10 liters of water.
  • For cabbage from flies and fleas, watering the seedlings with 3 g of aktar per 10 liters of water.
  • For the apple tree for the copperhead moth, you need to dilute 3 g of the drug per 10 liters of water for spraying. For pear and other fruit trees- 4 grams per 10 liters of water.
  • Grape against leafhoppers and other pests: 3 g of aktara per 10 liters of water.
  • Roses for thrips, spray with actara solution, norm: 16 g per 10 liters of water! For aphids, 4 g per 10 liters of water is enough.

Instructions for use of liquid Actara

Liquid Aktara for the Colorado potato beetle is available in 9 ml bottles or 1.2 ml ampoules. This is a suspension, with a concentration active substance thiamethoxam 240 g/l.

Despite the fact that the Colorado potato beetle is depicted on the packaging and is mentioned in the title, liquid actara destroys all pests except mites: aphids, thrips, whiteflies, scale insects, scale insects, false scale insects, poduras, fungus gnats, codling moths, honey beetles, etc. The consumption rates are as follows the same as actara in granules.

Since liquid actara is available in 1.2 ml packaging, it is easier to count using a syringe. For example, for currants, dilute the entire ampoule (1.2 ml) in 6 liters of water, for onion flies - 1.2 ml in 3 liters of water, and to cure roses from thrips with actara, you need to dilute 1.2 ml in 750 ml of water.

Compatibility of Aktar with other drugs

Aktara is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides and growth regulators (Zircon, Ribav-Extra, Epin, etc.), with the exception of drugs with an alkaline reaction. This is one of the drugs with which you can prepare tank mixtures. However, in each specific case, mixed drugs should be checked for compatibility.

Aktara protective period

The insecticide is effective for 14-28 days when spraying the crop and 40-60 days when applied in the soil.

Impact speed

Insects stop feeding 30 minutes after treatment with the drug, and their complete death occurs after 24 hours.


The drug Aktara is highly toxic to bees (hazard class 1, border protection zone for bees is 4-5 km; bee flight limit is 96-120 hours), slightly toxic to birds, fish, earthworms and aquatic organisms. Avoid polluting water bodies and sources drinking water remnants of the drug, working solution and water used for washing containers and equipment.

Security measures

Hazard class - 3, that is, it is moderate dangerous connection. When working with Aktara, it is necessary to comply with the requirements and precautions in accordance with SanPiN 1.2.1077-01 and use personal protective equipment for the skin, eyes and respiratory system. Treat plants with this insecticide using personal protective equipment. While working with the drug, do not smoke, drink, or eat. After finishing work, change clothes, wash your face and hands with soap, and rinse your mouth.

Storage of the drug

The drug must be stored in a cool, dry room at a temperature from -10 C to +30 C, separately from food and medicine, in places inaccessible to children and pets! Storage of the working solution is not allowed. Burn the emptied container in a special place without inhaling combustion products! Do not use for other purposes. Do not dispose of in sewers, rivers or other bodies of water.

How long does the prepared Aktara solution last?

The working solution cannot be stored; it should only be used fresh on the same day.

First aid for drug poisoning

If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse immediately with copious amounts and thoroughly with running water. In case of contact with skin, wipe off the product with a clean cloth and immediately wash with soap. If the drug is accidentally swallowed, give several glasses of water with charcoal to drink, and then induce vomiting. There is no specific antidote for the drug.

Suitability of the drug

The drug in unopened packaging is good for 4 years from the date of manufacture.

Analogue of Aktara- Ephoria, Cruiser, Tiara, Regent with the same active ingredient.

You can buy insecticide at any store or center that sells garden chemicals. The price in 2018 for Aktara in 4 g packaging is 120-140 rubles, and 10 g of the drug costs 250 rubles.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will Aktara help against mealybugs? Answer - Yes, of course it will help. Usually, mealybugs infect domestic flowers from the soil. Therefore, the soil must be treated before planting plants in it. Aktara can be sprayed and watered on plants. But watering is much more effective, since actara is a systemic insecticide. Dilute according to instructions.
  • How to use Aktara for orchids. It is successfully used against scale insects, mealybugs, weevils, thrips, and fungus gnats. If pests are detected, it is better to treat all indoor flowers at once. For spraying, a solution of 4 g/5 l; for spilling soil, it is better to take a solution 10 times less concentrated (1 g/10 l). Use only fresh solution.
  • Aktara for spider mites - works or not. This drug does not help against spider mites; Actellik and Fitoverm are used more often than others to combat this pest.

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