Y. Nikolaeva - Horseradish, lemon, onion, garlic. It doesn't get any healthier! Olive oil mixture

To obtain even, smooth horseradish roots, before planting, remove the buds in the middle part of the cutting, wiping it with burlap.

Buds are left only on the upper (1–1.5 cm) and lower (2–3 cm) ends of the cuttings. Leaves will grow from the top and roots from the bottom.

Plant care. The opinion that horseradish culture does not require any care is erroneous. Plantings need loosening, weeding and watering.

Among the pests that damage horseradish leaves, the most dangerous are the broad flea and the common flea. Sometimes they completely gnaw out the pulp, leaving only veins, and the leaves turn into dust.

Control measures. Spraying with a solution of mustard and pepper (for 10 liters of water, 100 g of dry mustard and 50 g of ground hot pepper). The solution temperature should be 30 °C.

Cleaning and storage. In the fall, horseradish is harvested by first cutting off the leaves, which are used for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. The dug up rhizomes are placed in a box and covered with sand. It is better to place the box with horseradish in a cold place with a temperature of 2–3 °C.

Composition of vitamins

Roots and leaves contain biologically active chemicals and vitamins. Horseradish roots are used, collected in the fall.

The glycoside sinigrin was found in the roots, the breakdown of which produces allyl mustard oil and lysozyme, which has a bactericidal effect, vitamin C. Allyl mustard oil causes the pungent smell and taste of horseradish, has a pronounced local effect, causes skin hyperemia and burning pain, and with prolonged action it can cause burns and gangrene. Its vapors cause severe coughing and watery eyes. Taken orally in small doses, it increases the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the appetite. In large doses it can cause severe gastroenteritis.

Horseradish root also contains sugar, ascorbic acid, is rich in mineral salts of potassium, sodium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine, iron, copper, various amino acids, enzymes, contains a bactericidal protein substance - lysozyme and organic compounds.

Ascorbic acid, the enzyme myrosin, and allyl mustard essential oil were found in the leaves and roots.

Horseradish contains five times more vitamin C than oranges and lemons. In terms of ascorbic acid content, horseradish is not inferior to black currant fruits, and only ripe red pepper contains more of it.

Medicinal properties of horseradish

The medicinal properties of horseradish are associated with the irritating and stimulating effect of the mustard oil included in its composition, which improves the functioning of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract, helps with low acidity, increases appetite, and also helps with diseases of the gallbladder and intestinal atony.

Of course, consuming horseradish is not recommended for acute and severe forms of all these diseases, especially kidney diseases, although horseradish is an excellent diuretic. Methods of treating cardiovascular diseases with horseradish - angina pectoris, ischemia, anemia - have long been known.


Like any medicine, horseradish has its contraindications.

In case of acute inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach, it should not be used. Eating horseradish in large doses can cause increased blood pressure.

With increased acidity, with other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with liver and kidney diseases, the use of horseradish is undesirable not only for medicinal purposes, but also for food purposes. Therefore, if you have health problems, you should consult a doctor before using horseradish. But this advice applies to all medicinal plants.

Japanese relatives of horseradish

The Japanese variety of horseradish Wasa-bia japonica (a spice known mainly in Japan, an integral element of local cooking) belongs to the cruciferous family. The light green root is dried, ground and ground into a paste. It is used to make a very hot seasoning that is traditionally used as a seasoning for sushi, as well as in many other Japanese dishes. The cuisine of the Land of the Rising Sun knows almost no spices; it uses a minimum of spices. And all because the Japanese believe that the gifts of nature - rice, fish and vegetables - should retain their taste.

Wasabi is grown on mountain terraces that drain water from mountain streams. It is served mainly with raw fish dishes, so famous in the Land of the Rising Sun and which have long conquered the whole world. They say that wasabi is a good antidote for food poisoning from raw fish, and that is why most often the light green paste is placed on the table along with sushi and sashimi. Wasabi with soy sauce and water are also good for tempura.

As a relative of horseradish, wasabi has a strong, tear-inducing aroma, but a cleaner, fresher taste. However, the burning taste appears in dried roots only if they are doused with water for a few minutes. If the powder from the roots is not soaked, its taste will be bitter.

It is better, of course, to use fresh root, grated on a metal grater. However, in Russia we are practically deprived of such an opportunity. But we can buy wasabi powder, which is mixed with water, or paste in tubes. Water is added to the powder until a thick mustard-type paste forms, sealed tightly and shaken to obtain a sharper taste. Paste in tubes is a ready-made product.

Wasabi powder produced in the West mainly consists of horseradish root powder, mustard powder and food coloring. These are cheap and convenient substitutes for wasabi. But they cannot be compared with the true taste of the latter.

Lemon grows in fertile places where nature itself created ideal conditions for its growth, flowering and fruiting all year round.

Over the long period of development of civilization, different nations Many legends have arisen about this wonderful plant. One of them tells how the servant of the Caucasian prince Khosrow, who had fallen out of favor, acted like a true sage when the angry ruler ordered his faithful subject to be imprisoned and fed with one single product. The guards asked: “Which one?” The prince, softening, replied that the choice was up to the offender. The disgraced servant asked to bring him lemons, and explained to the surprised jailers: “The pulp will be my food, the juice will be a drink, the grains and peel will benefit my heart, and its pleasant smell will cheer my thoughts.”

End of introductory fragment.

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Many people still question the effectiveness of therapy with traditional medicine, while others are confident that traditional medicine helps miraculous healing. In addition, the manuals are generally understandable and easy to follow. You can cite many specific cases where medications purchased at a decent price are inferior to simple folk methods, a clear example of which is honey, garlic and lemon. About these ingredients for preparing simple, effective recipes there will be a speech. The benefit and value of this article is to introduce readers to how to properly use these specific products for the preparation of healing remedies; It should be taken with great caution, taking into account all available contraindications, so as not to cause harm.

Video: Cleaning blood vessels with garlic and lemon

The healing properties of each of them

Lemon. The popularity of this fruit rich in vitamin C is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, is growing every year. Lemons have been used since ancient times to treat and prevent colds. There are known facts about the life-giving power of lemon for heart disease and strengthening the immune system. Lemon juice with eggshell used for calcium deficiency in the body. For bleeding gums and stomatitis, the healing properties of lemon are effectively used. Lemon juice mixed with half and half water is effective for a runny nose - you need to suck it into your nose and immediately blow it back out. It is also important that the medicinal qualities of lemon appear only in ripe fruits and in case of liver diseases, lemon is harmful. Eating lemon slices with sugar will strengthen your immune system.

Garlic. Its life-giving power has been known since ancient times and among many peoples of the world. During contagious diseases, traditional healers recommended hanging garlic cloves and onions in homes, as they tend to disinfect and purify the air. And when pestilence overtook domestic animals, cloves of garlic were hung on the necks of the remaining healthy creatures so that infection would not overtake them. It prevents the growth of bacteria, a blood thinner, and relieves pressure in blood vessels. Its use is known for cancer diseases, heart disease and diabetes, in addition, garlic and honey can cleanse blood vessels. For a runny nose, garlic is used in therapeutic procedures (inhalations). The benefits are invaluable.

Honey. Useful, healing qualities are characteristic only of natural things. It is offered as an antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial agent. Used in the treatment of cough and with caution in diabetes. According to doctors' recommendations, sugar is replaced with natural nectar.

A decoction, a mixture obtained from these three ingredients in different consistencies, has beneficial properties. If you take warm milk with nectar at night, it will act as a sedative, helps with coughs and digestive disorders, and mixed horseradish with honey improves well-being. Honey with onions helps with cough (grind onion juice with honey). But there is no need to treat a runny nose, since many people are allergic to it. For purulent wounds and ulcers, onions and honey are used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

What is onion honey? Sometimes for promotion medicinal properties onion, its juice or decoction is mixed with sugar or honey. People call it onion honey. There may be contraindications to this mixture.

Preparation and use of healing potions for immunity

To prevent colds, a mixture of garlic, nectar and lemon should be used not during the peak period of diseases, but in advance to strengthen the immune system before the season viral infections. But it is worth considering that nectar is an allergen and is not recommended for everyone.

Simple medicinal recipe made from honey, lemon and garlic from one liter natural honey, ten ripe lemons and ten heads of garlic. Mix everything until you get a homogeneous paste. It is possible to reduce the number of recipe components to approximately 1x1x1.

  1. Wash the lemons and pour boiling water over them.
  2. Cut into slices and remove the seeds.
  3. Divide the garlic into pieces, peel the skin.
  4. Grind the citrus and garlic to obtain a paste.
  5. Add the required amount of nectar and mix.

Store the mixture in a glass container for up to six months. Take two teaspoons of the life-giving mixture after breakfast for two months


Honey with onions to boost immunity

  • To prepare a remedy to boost immunity at home, you will need onions and honey:
  • peel the onion, rinse in cold water and cut into small pieces;
  • honey is added and the resulting mass is placed in a 0.5 jar;
  • placed in the refrigerator;
  • take one dessert spoon of honey and onion in the morning;
  • It is recommended to take onion with honey for cough several times a day. The benefits of this will be invaluable;
  • Honey with onions helps to effectively remove phlegm and soothes a sore throat; a recipe prepared in this way can be used for no more than five days.

Honey-lemon-garlic for joint diseases:

  • 3 medium lemons, 250 g of garlic and the same portion of celery are passed through a meat grinder, then pour boiling water over them and leave to cool. Drink a drink with healing properties 2 times a day.
  • The benefits of this compress of honey and apple cider vinegar (1x3) are effective, there is no harm.

Video: Elixir of Youth

Horseradish with honey and lemon as a tonic

Khrenovukha is an alcoholic drink, an alcohol tincture made from horseradish roots. For preparation:

  • alcohol base (half a liter);
  • honey (1 teaspoon);
  • fresh horseradish roots (10 cm);
  • lemon juice (2 tablespoons).

Horseradish has both beneficial properties and harm: it causes burns, is contraindicated for liver diseases, and not during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Khrenovukha stimulates the appetite and is popular in restaurants.

Recipes for runny nose and cough.

  • Garlic oil is useful for colds: the garlic is dried in the sun, crushed after washing, olive oil is added to the mixture, then diluted with glycerin. Drip into the nose.
  • Garlic water is used instead of nasal decongestants. Flooded warm water leave the garlic for 4 hours, the mixture is ready for use. Beneficial properties are lost after 2 days.
  • Apple cider vinegar with honey is an effective drink for cleansing the body of toxins. If you are overweight or prone to obesity, apple cider vinegar with honey is effective. Natural vinegar is somewhat weaker than synthetic vinegar. First of all, gastrointestinal tract and the stomach is freed from excess. Also, drinking this drink in the morning improves the condition of the skin. Apple cider vinegar with honey is highly effective for acne and rashes. For dry skin, add butter.
  • Lemon, apple cider vinegar and bee nectar is a comprehensive recipe that can cure runny nose, asthma, cancer and arthritis and can relieve excess weight.
  • Flaxseed oil + garlic + lemon = rejuvenating effect, immunity.
  • Flaxseed oil and garlic with lemon, onion with honey have an antiviral agent.
  • Cover fresh lemon slices with sugar and refrigerate for 12 hours. Give the resulting juice, one dessert spoon in the morning, to children to strengthen the immune system.
  • Celery, lemon and garlic - to strengthen the hip joints.
  • It is recommended to drink a mixture of the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of nectar as an auxiliary substance for coughs and runny noses.
  • For coughs and colds, use lemon, garlic and onion juice with honey (1x1), use one teaspoon 2 times a day.
  • For some lung diseases, a recipe for lemon with Cahors is used: 2 lemons with peel are passed through a plastic grater, 200 grams of pith, gr. Grind the nuts and add butter (500 g), aloe juice (200 g) and Cahors 200 ml - mix. It is recommended to use half an hour before meals. The infusion is great creamy taste. Harmful in stomach diseases.
  • Add butter - 50 g, 3-4 spoons of flower honey to heated milk and drink in the morning. The benefits of this drink are enormous.
  • This recipe for honey and onions will cope more effectively with a runny nose: a dessert spoon of honey, 3 tablespoons of chopped onion and approximately 250 ml of warm water. drop into the nose at intervals of 4 hours.
  • This guide is given for weight loss: mix 100 grams in a blender apple cider vinegar, 100 grams of honey, 10 cloves of garlic 1 tbsp. spoon butter. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. Celery root is also used to get rid of excess weight. Although many people in vain ignore the help of celery in losing weight, it’s still not a sin to try one recipe.
  • 1 kg. celery root, 3 pieces of vitamin C, 1 glass of honey (replace with sugar if desired) will help you cope perfectly with extra pounds. Pass the celery and lemons through a meat grinder, add honey and that’s it, put it in the refrigerator for 3 days. Afterwards we take it half an hour before meals three times a day. Celery should be exclusively root celery.

Garlic and lemon can be found in various traditional medicines.

These products have different healing properties. Their mixture is considered one of the most effective means for cleaning blood and peripheral vessels from cholesterol, which confirmed by large-scale research .

This remedy is very important for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, often experience stress and live in regions with poor ecology. All these factors seriously affect the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Indications for the procedure

Cleansing blood vessels helps solve a large number of health problems.

This procedure must be carried out for treatment and prevention:

  1. diseases of the heart, blood vessels and brain (heart attack, ischemia, stroke);
  2. varicose veins;
  3. hypertension;
  4. arrhythmias;
  5. sclerosis.

Treatment with a mixture of plants is recommended for people who are at risk of these diseases. Before starting the course of treatment, you must go on a special diet and completely give up smoking, alcohol and coffee.

Beneficial properties of ingredients

Garlic and lemons contain substances that can relieve the human body of various diseases. The strong smell of garlic causes many to exclude it from their diet. This is a big mistake, because it contains substances that can not only save a person from a large number of ailments, but also rejuvenate the body, give it strength and prolong life.


The plant is included in many dishes national cuisines. Contents in it useful substances comparable to a treasure trove. It includes:

  1. vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6 and choline;
  2. protein and carbohydrates;
  3. glycosides and enzymes;
  4. organic acids;
  5. enzymes;
  6. a large group of minerals.

Thanks to its inclusion in the diet, the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the blood is reduced. It reduces the risk of blood clots and the development of atherosclerosis, which is confirmed by research Herbal remedies are widely used for treatment inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs. They dilute the mucus in them and stop inflammation of the mucous membrane in these organs.

Play an important role in the treatment of inflammatory processes essential oils, but most beneficial properties plants are determined by allicin, which is part of its composition. Product has the ability to inhibit pathogenic bacteria, fungi, microbes and viruses in the body. These properties are used to treat viral and colds. Thanks to them, damaged and decaying external tissues are quickly restored.

Also check out the infographic:

IN folk medicine there are recipes that are used for treatment oncological diseases. Their properties are comparable to chemotherapy.

Garlic is believed to have the ability to prevent the development of many types of cancer.

He kills cancer cells , which develop in the bronchi and oral cavity. Eating the product significantly slows down the development of the disease, and in some cases helps to completely defeat it. Garlic is especially effective in fighting cancer caused by smoking. To prevent the onset and development of the disease, avid lovers of it are recommended to eat at least 2 heads per week.

Thanks to the plant, a person’s immunity increases, digestion processes are stimulated, the liver is cleansed, and waste and toxins are removed from the body. Its regular use helps fight senile dementia. The ability of garlic to fight scurvy and vitamin deficiency was known in ancient times. With its help, worms are removed from the body.


The citric acid contained in the fruit has a serious effect on metabolic processes in the human body. . Vitamin C helps cope with colds, improve immunity and fill the body with vitality. When consuming lemon in humans:

  1. inflammatory processes are reduced;
  2. the risk of cerebral atherosclerosis is reduced;
  3. headache goes away;
  4. the blood is cleared of “bad” cholesterol;
  5. the elasticity of blood vessels improves;

Daily citrus consumption prevents subcutaneous hemorrhages, slows down the development of varicose veins. Plus it relieves pain in lower limbs caused by varicose veins.

Check out the infographic below:

Lemon juice has a wound healing effect. With its help, you can cope with insomnia, increase efficiency and get out of depression, and normalize digestion.

1 lemon contains a third daily norm ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid in this citrus is an antioxidant. It slows down the aging process, makes the skin younger and prevents the early appearance of wrinkles.

5 recipes for folk remedies based on them

In folk medicine there are classic recipes to cleanse blood vessels. They include the above products. We will look at how to do them correctly below.

1. Infusion of water

The recipe contains three ingredients in the following proportions:

  • 3 liters of cold water;
  • 4 pieces of medium lemon;
  • 4 heads of freshly picked garlic.

Before preparing the product, lemon and garlic are crushed, placed in a glass jar and poured cold water to the edge. The mixture is infused in the refrigerator for 3 days, after which it is filtered.

Drink 100 ml of the drink before meals at least 3 times a day. To carry out a full course of cleansing the body, you will need 4 jars of infusion with a capacity of 3 liters. It is prepared 3 days before use.

2. Classic mixture with added honey

To prepare the mixture, it is better to use flower honey. You can grind the lemon in a meat grinder. From the resulting mass, juice is obtained, which is used to prepare a medicinal product. Garlic is crushed in a wooden mortar.

To prepare the mixture you need:

  • 10 pieces of medium lemons;
  • 10 heads of freshly harvested garlic;
  • 1 liter of natural flower honey.

The resulting mixture is infused in a dark place. The room temperature should be +18-22 degrees. In order for it to accumulate the optimal amount of beneficial properties, the duration of the product infusion process should not be less than 10 days.

Take the mixture 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The cleansing course lasts 2 months. Along with cleansing cardiovascular system The product helps to normalize digestive processes and stabilize blood pressure.

3. Alcohol tincture

4. Ginger-infused product

There are several recipes for preparing a healing remedy. This mixture contains:

  • 300 grams of grated ginger root;
  • 2 heads of freshly harvested garlic;
  • 2 medium sized lemons;
  • 6 tablespoons of natural honey.

The mixture of ingredients is infused in a dark place for 2-3 days. The course of cleansing the body and blood vessels takes at least 2 weeks.

5. Blend using olive oil

An effective remedy to rejuvenate the body. Prepared from:

  • 1 kg of natural honey;
  • 3 heads of garlic;
  • 4 pieces of lemons;
  • 200 ml olive oil.

Before preparing the mixture, the lemon is crushed together with the zest, the garlic is crushed in a wooden mortar. Olive oil can be replaced with flaxseed oil. The product is infused with a tightly closed lid. glass jar without access to light for 2-3 days.

Take the product on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Contraindications and side effects

  1. chronic liver diseases;
  2. pregnancy and breastfeeding by women;
  3. pancreatitis and epilepsy.

Mixture may cause an allergic reaction, heartburn and dizziness.

Before starting the cleansing course, you must follow a special diet for 10 days. A cleansing course using a healing mixture can be carried out once every 2 years.

During its passage you must:

  1. Eliminate coffee, spices, seasonings and spicy foods from your diet.
  2. Drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water daily.

In order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, the medications are taken on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals. The exception is for hypertensive patients. They should take the remedy after meals.

You can reduce the smell of garlic by mixing the medicinal product with milk. It is held in the mouth for a few seconds before swallowing.

Video on the topic

For a more detailed introduction to the topic material, we recommend watching the video:


The procedure can be performed by people over 18 years of age. An earlier course of improving the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and strengthening the heart muscle does not make sense. It is not recommended for those who have reached the age of 70 to do this.

Before starting a course of treatment, you should consult with your doctor. Each remedy has its own contraindications.

In our time of stress, environmental disturbances and human exposure various diseases You shouldn’t forget about traditional medicine at all. After all, nothing will help a person as much as the methods developed by our ancestors: hardening, auto-training, cleansing the body, proper nutrition, treatment medicinal plants etc. From this book you will learn how to use horseradish, lemon, onion and garlic in the treatment of many diseases, what beneficial effects they have on the human body as a whole and how they can be used to prevent diseases.

From the series: Natural protector

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Avitaminosis - the almost complete absence of any vitamin in the body - is extremely rare nowadays, but almost everyone experiences a lack of vitamins in the autumn-winter-spring period. This disease occurs when poor nutrition, and symptoms of a lack of vitamins in the body are decreased performance, weakness, headaches and dizziness, fatigue, lack of appetite, painful cracks in the corners of the mouth, bleeding gums.

Grind 100 g of dried rose hips, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 4-5 hours, then strain the infusion, add the juice of 1 lemon and 50 g of honey and mix thoroughly.

Wash, peel and grate 70 g radishes, 100 g carrots, 150 g apples. Peel and wash 30 g of garlic. Wash 2 lemons, cut off the zest and grind it together with the garlic. Combine all ingredients, add salt to taste, mix thoroughly and squeeze the juice from peeled lemons into the resulting vitamin salad and mix again.

Pour 20 g of dried rose hips into 250 ml of water and bring to a boil over low heat, then cool, strain and add 200 ml of lemon juice.

Allergic reaction

An allergic reaction, or hypersensitivity, is an inappropriate manifestation of the acquired immune response, accompanied by inflammation and tissue damage.

Mechanisms due to which immune system protects the body, and the mechanisms of allergic reactions are similar. They involve antibodies, lymphocytes and other cells of the immune system.

When the term “allergy” is used, they mean one of the types of allergic reactions in which antibodies of the immunoglobulin class E (IgE) take part. These antibodies are associated with special blood cells - basophils, and mast cells in tissues.

If IgE antibodies encounter corresponding antigens (allergens), basophils and mast cells release chemicals that damage surrounding tissues. Almost anything can act as an allergen: drugs, dust, pollen, food products, decorative cosmetics, insect bites, etc.

Depending on the form of severity, allergic reactions can be either mild or severe. In most cases, the manifestation of an allergic reaction is limited to a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and redness of the skin. In the event of a severe allergic reaction, there may be a risk to the health and life of the patient.

A severe allergic reaction is characterized by the following manifestations: respiratory failure, pain in the heart, decreased blood pressure. This type of allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis.

Every allergic reaction occurs under the influence of an allergen; identification of this allergen is the main goal of diagnosis.

In addition, tests have been developed that reveal the type of allergic reaction and identify allergens. For tests, special solutions are prepared from potential allergens: extracts of herbs, pollen, animal epidermis, food, medicines etc.

The resulting solutions are administered to the patient in microdoses. If there is an allergic reaction to one of the listed ingredients, swelling develops around the injection site of the corresponding allergen.

We can advise people suffering from allergies to eat as many fresh onions as possible, since the substances contained in onions block histalien, a hormone that causes complications in allergic reactions.

Sore throat is an infectious disease affecting the palatine tonsils. The main symptoms of the disease: malaise, pain when swallowing, chills, elevated temperature body, joint pain, headache.

When suffering from a sore throat, the patient most of all needs foods containing vitamin C, so lemons and oranges must be present in the diet during this period. various types: you can eat lemon slices, drink lemon juice, drink tea with lemon and eat it in combination with other foods.

You can prepare lemon juice this way. You should take 4-5 lemons, wash them, peel them, place them in a gauze bag and squeeze the juice into a ceramic or glass bowl. The resulting lemon juice in its natural form is very concentrated, so the same volume of still mineral or boiled water should be added to it.

Take citric acid and make a 30% solution. During a period of acute inflammation of the throat, you should gargle with this solution every 1–1.5 hours during the day.

Add 100 g of honey to 100 ml of lemon juice and heat slightly until the honey dissolves. It is recommended to gargle with this mixture for 3-5 minutes 4 times a day.

Horseradish is usually used in the form of a paste, adding lemon juice to it. For 150 g of horseradish pulp - juice of 2-3 lemons. This is the most effective ratio. The resulting mixture should be taken on an empty stomach, 2 times a day, ½ teaspoon.

This mixture does not irritate the kidneys, gallbladder or mucous membrane of the digestive tract, but it is extremely effective in ridding the body of accumulated mucus, which is very important in the treatment of bronchitis, sinusitis, sore throat, etc.

Freshly squeezed juice from horseradish roots and water infusions of horseradish are used as an antimicrobial rinse for inflammation of the mouth and pharynx.

To prepare an aqueous infusion, take 1 tablespoon of grated root, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes in a sealed container and filter. The same infusion is taken to increase appetite, 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

The juice of fresh horseradish roots contains lysozyme, a substance with antibiotic action. It is a natural antibiotic, so horseradish works great in treating diseases of infectious origin.

End of introductory fragment.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Horseradish, lemon, onion, garlic. It doesn't get any healthier! (Yu. N. Nikolaeva, 2011) provided by our book partner -

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