Lice in the head of a child or an adult: interpretation from dream books. Wealth and prosperity or serious problems: why do you dream of lice in your head?

Dreams are sometimes so incredible that they immerse a person in various journeys and unprecedented adventures. But how to correctly interpret a dream? Why do you dream about lice in your head? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of lice in your head - basic interpretation

If you have a dream and you see lice in it, it promises you victory over old problems that you may no longer give importance to. Worth your time special attention such dream details:

Have you seen lice in your head, or in someone else's;

Have you been bitten by lice?

What emotions did you experience during sleep?

Who else appeared in your dream?

If you dream that you have a lot of lice and they bite you, you should be wary of troubles and poor health. If lice just attacked you, and you don’t know what to do in this situation. In reality, such a huge number of troubles await you that you simply won’t know how to deal with them. If you dream that lice are jumping onto you from another person, such a dream promises you to shoulder someone else’s work.

If in a dream you see lice jumping on your things, expect trouble in the house. They will appear out of nowhere. These could be minor breakdowns, quarrels with household members, neighbors, and other people. This dream may mean that you will no longer be calm and comfortable in your home. Something will constantly tug and bother you.

This condition can arise against the backdrop of accumulated problems and troubles. If you dream that someone else is wearing your clothes and lice live on them, your glory will go to someone else. But a person will not experience the joy of the fame he receives. He will only get troubles and troubles that he doesn’t even know about.

If you dream that someone else is trying to catch a louse in their head, such a dream foreshadows a difficult conversation with a loved one. The person is serious about sorting things out. He is determined to teach you a lesson for past misdeeds.

The dream book advises in this situation to mobilize all your resources and learn to work alone so as not to depend on anyone else. So that no one can convict you of shortcomings or reproach you for some kind of flaw.

If you dream that you find lice in your head while looking in the mirror, the dream book advises you to look at yourself from the outside. Try to be more critical of yourself, try not to allow yourself to relax. Perhaps you have recently allowed yourself to rest and are careless about your work. Now you are reaping the fruits of the mistakes you made earlier. The dream book advises you to listen to the opinions of the people around you and correct your mistakes.

Also, such a dream promises you the opportunity to learn a lot of new things about yourself. But this undertaking will be very troublesome, because information will come to you from rather strange sources. At first it may seem to you that they want to reproach you, that they want to offend you, but then you will understand that everything is being done only for the better. You can use other people's advice to your advantage.

If you dream that you found lice in your child’s head, think seriously about his health. Perhaps he needs help in solving some of his affairs. Don't miss the opportunity to establish contact with your child. Talk to him about general topics. If the child’s health has deteriorated after such a dream, be sure to try to find the cause of the malaise. The dream book states that if the cause is not determined, the disease can become protracted.

If you dream that lice appeared in your head after rain, that they fell from the sky onto your head along with drops - such a dream means pressure on you from the outside influential person. You will be forced to submit to his will, you will be forced to work on his terms. The dream book advises in this situation to find a benefit for yourself, to decide how you can turn such a situation to your advantage.

Also, after such a dream, it’s worth thinking about whether you are too dependent on other people’s opinions? Perhaps it’s high time for you to decide whether you are too honest with others, whether you tell them too much? Your honesty and kindness turns against you. People are not able to appreciate it. The dream book advises you to reconsider your attitude towards the situation and people.

Why do you dream of lice in your head according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says why you dream of lice in your head. Such a dream can promise you troubles in your personal life, and quite a lot. If you see lice in your head, it means that you will be completely immersed in work, busy with your career and completely forget that you have the opportunity to make your personal life wonderful. You will be so immersed in everyday trifles that you will begin to deny yourself pleasures.

Seeing lice in someone else's head - such a dream foreshadows your search for a worthy partner. You will be busy selecting a suitable candidate and at some point you will realize that this person for a long time was next to you, and you simply did not notice him.

Remember who else appeared in your dream. If it was this person who infected you with lice, you should expect trouble from him. He can reveal your secrets and secrets that you have been hiding for so long. This will lead to troubles in your personal life.

If you like that you have lice in your head, and you get real pleasure from sleep, you can allow yourself to rest and relax in the company of your significant other. At the same time, you will have a huge number of opportunities for recreation and entertainment.

If you are overcome by fear or other unpleasant emotions, such a dream promises you troubles and problems. And all this will be associated with a lack of mutual understanding between you and your partner. No one will want to give in to the other, everyone will try to defend their point of view, everyone will look for flaws in the other. This situation will only lead to the accumulation of grievances and claims. If you see that lice are everywhere, they have surrounded you and are starting to bite you - most likely, a break in your relationship awaits you, you will not be able to do anything in this situation, you will not be able to change anything. All you have to do is come to terms with it.

Why do you dream of lice in your head according to the Esoteric Dream Book

If you see lice in another person’s head, you will get the opportunity to develop your business. Luck will wink at you and you will receive a lucrative offer. The dream book advises you to agree with him and take him into development.

The dream book also foretells you a successful conclusion of a deal if you see how you have been riddled with lice. Such a dream foretells you getting rid of all the obstacles and interfering factors that until recently prevented you from moving towards your intended goal. You can also get additional income and recognition in society if you see how you helped another person get rid of lice.

If you dream that you found lice in your child’s head, you should be especially attentive to his health. The cause of the disease can be stress and overexertion. To avoid this, the dream book advises in the near future to try not to find out anything at home and not to conflict with others in front of the child. He is very sensitive to any kind of negativity. It’s better now to protect him from stress and troubles, to protect him from other negativity.

Why do you dream of lice in your head according to other dream books?

The Modern Dream Book says that seeing lice in your head in a dream is a good omen. Success, joy and happiness await you. You will be able to get rid of many troubles and misfortunes that have been bedeviling you for a long time. Money will flow into your hands. But, if you just know that lice are in your head and you don’t see, such a dream promises you a hidden danger. Someone close to you will disappoint you, cause you inconvenience and pain.

You may even lose a huge amount of money after such a dream. The dream book advises not to despair, but to insist on your point of view. In any situation, seek a compromise. If you crush a nit in a dream, you are going towards your goal, and nothing can stop you. Don't deviate from what you have planned. Try your best.

IN Women's dream book it is said that lice in a dream mean problems in reality. They will mainly be related to your well-being. You may also be attacked by enemies and ill-wishers. If you catch a louse in a dream, you will have a lot of troubles that you cannot handle on your own. The dream book advises to resort to the help of loved ones. You should not shift all responsibility for what is happening in your life onto your dreams. Try to find help and tips in them.

Many dream books and experts who study the work of the human brain agree that lice are dreamed of only as a reference to other events occurring in a person’s life, and also as a kind of indicator of future changes. To understand what the signal refers to, you should look into dream books.

Louse in a dream in the old days and now

In the old days, the interpretation of dreams with lice was mainly to predict the weather, crop yields or the health of livestock. Obviously, this was connected with the way of life of the entire people, their interests, aspirations and main activities.

In ancient dream books that have survived to this day, one can find the following interesting interpretations:

  • lice on the head in a dream mean the health of livestock, profitability and wealth of the house;
  • dreamed of lice in a child’s hair - you can expect great harvest;
  • collecting lice from livestock in a dream means pestilence and death.

In the modern world the role agriculture decreased somewhat, and dream books began to pay more attention to a person’s personal life, his joys and sorrows. Now you can find many guides that thoroughly explain why you dream of lice in your hair from the point of view of urban realities.

For example, you can consider several options modern interpretations:

  • The Dream Book of the World assures that to see in a dream - good sign, since this promises a new good job, capital increase and debt settlement.
  • Newest dream book This is how he explains why lice on the head will appear: they predict the future resolution of legal issues (division of property, litigation, inheritance), which will be resolved in the best way for the dreamer.
  • But Semenova’s Dream Interpretation warns: to see lice on your head in a dream means not behaving fairly honestly towards loved ones, betraying friends and thinking about plans to get rich at someone else’s expense.
  • Freud's dream book states that lice are the personification of dark forces that seek to harm a person through his acquaintances or friends.
  • Says something a little different Correct dream book: you dreamed of a louse in your head - you should take extra care of your health. These insects indicate future illnesses and visits to the doctor. If there are a lot of lice, the disease will be quite serious and will require significant financial expenses to cure or prevent it.

This is interesting

In ancient times, lice lived in almost every house, and no one even tried to remove them. Firstly, this was initially a pointless exercise, since infection occurred again and again, and secondly, lice were considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth, confidence in the future.

It was believed that lice simply would not go into an empty, inhospitable house with a bad owner and would rather stay “on the street.” Therefore, a person who had never suffered from head lice was considered a failure, a poor person and aroused a whole range of suspicions. This is confirmed in ancient dream books, which paid great attention to the interpretation of dreams about lice and considered them a joyful symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Lice on a child’s head: what does such a dream promise?

IN real life Lice are most common in children. This is due to their constant presence in large children's groups, playing together and an active lifestyle in general. All this is projected onto dreams: people quite often have to look in dream books for an interpretation of what lice mean in a child’s head.

“For a long time I tried to figure out why I dreamed of lice in my daughter’s hair. The local grandmother said that this was just a sign that I was very caring. I studied different dream books, and they say about the same thing. There are other interpretations, but they are more suitable for the business world. In general, I calmed down, and even if sometimes I dream of something so unpleasant, I don’t attach any importance to it. of great importance».

Sonya, Berdyansk

As a rule, all dream books are unanimous that such a dream does not foretell great trouble or serious threats to life and health. Sometimes, on the contrary, a dream about lice on a child’s head promises wealth to all his relatives and parents in the first place.

It is worth saying that most often such a dream carries information and warnings for parents, and not for the children themselves. Here is how some of the dream books interpret such a plot:

  • Tsvetkova’s dream book says that seeing lice on a child’s head in a dream only means excessive concern for his health, excessive care, and attempts to not give him the opportunity to develop independently. This dream indicates psychological problems in the family, associated with improper upbringing of the child, which in the future will make him a dependent and weak-willed person.
  • Small Velesov's dream book explains why a child dreams of lice in his hair: parents should pay close attention to this image, since the dream signals problems in the health of their children. It’s good if you can remember which part of the body the louse crawled on. Usually it is this part of the body that requires increased attention from doctors, which may be required in the very near future.
  • Grishina’s dream book explains that seeing lice on his child’s head in a dream will be a person who can soon count on a promotion, an interesting business trip, or a change of job to a more promising one. In general, lice represent money, and this image is applied to the child’s parents or other familiar persons who dreamed about it. According to the manual, how more lice and nits were seen, the greater the benefits that changes in life promise. It is worth saying that this interpretation is one of the most popular, and many dream books adhere to it.
  • The dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima warns that it is possible to understand why lice in the hair of a daughter or son dream only if the dreamer clearly and well remembers all the events that occur in the dream. So, if lice climbed on a child and fell from him, worries, sadness and melancholy threaten the whole family. If the parents managed to destroy all the lice in time and did not allow them to bite the kids, all adversity will pass by, and it will be very successful to get rid of them. We can say that children personify the strength of the family and are in equally a reflection of both spouses.

What does the color of lice mean in a dream?

Lice on the head in a dream can appear in completely different guises. As a rule, they look like real ones, but sometimes they appear as small black bugs that look like fleas. This is usually due to the fact that the dreamer has never seen lice in real life (or it was a very long time ago), and the subconscious simply “drew” the required image for him, presenting the most reliable picture.

In any case, you should pay attention to the color of the lice in your dream, as this has the most direct relation to the interpretation and will help make it more detailed and accurate.

So, why do you dream of white lice in your hair?

White lice, having their usual appearance, dream of money and easy enrichment; they indicate the large-scale business reserves of an enterprise, the capabilities of an individual or an entire family. Typically, such a sign should be considered as a signal to action - the planned business will certainly bring profit even beyond what was expected, or new business partners will appear unexpectedly.

There is another option for interpreting lice white: they indicate a person’s vulnerability to the outside world, his fears, anxiety and inability to adapt to life. Sometimes lice can be harbingers of failures, sorrows and anxieties that will befall the dreamer.

In general, you can explain why you dream of white lice in your hair like this: this dream is directly related to the person who dreamed it. You should carefully monitor your health, material and family affairs.

Now let's look at why you dream of black lice in your hair.

Black lice indicate a world of evil and bad deeds that literally surround the dreamer. This does not mean that they are committed by the person himself. It is quite possible that he should be wary of the machinations of enemies and intrigues, and behave carefully when communicating with strangers.

If you dream of lice in your head and they are not only black, but also large size– you need to be alert. Perhaps someone will try to deceive the dreamer on a grand scale or steal his property.

Lice in a dream from a psychological point of view

“I advise you not to believe all these predictions. My wife was running around with all the dream books and trying to figure out why she was dreaming about lice in her daughter’s head. And I looked for illnesses in the child, and all sorts of evil eyes. As a result, a psychiatrist in the hospital found the wife herself to have depression and manic syndrome early stage. He, of course, called it in smarter words, but the point is that the problem was not with the child, but with the wife herself. Now we’re treating her.”

Ruslan, Kirov

Psychologists explain that such a dream may be associated with obsessions or excessive fixation on one thing, which also “eats” the brain, leaving no room for anything else.

It often turned out that people who had dreams of this kind were found to have hidden diseases. Perhaps the body is trying to signal a problem in this way and therefore displays a harmful insect.

You can also explain why you dream of lice in your hair by saying that a person experiences negativity from someone around him. Such an unpleasant person is called an energy vampire and can bring a lot of suffering to the dreamer. Also, such dreams can be explained by increased anxiety, fears, worries and lack of self-confidence.

You should not take unpleasant dreams associated with lice too seriously. They do not necessarily mean something bad, but may just be a random fantasy of the sleeper. This usually happens when a person heard about lice on TV or from friends and perceived them as a threat and was afraid of contracting lice.

When interpreting dreams, it can be very useful to listen to the subconscious and your own intuition: it is this that most often suggests the answer and the most correct interpretation and allows you to better understand your life.

Dream interpretation of lice in a child's head

Lice in a child's hair

Almost all sources agree that dreams of lice in children's hair indicate excessive parental care. For a child, such a dream does not promise any trouble, unless it is a lone louse crawling over the body and not over the head.

Ancient Slavic dream book (small Velesov)

If lice were found in a child’s hair in a dream, this means that there is no need to worry about his health. Everything is fine with the child, and only the anxiety of the parents can lead him astray from the path destined by fate. Excessive care closes the opportunity to see your inclinations and talents from the outside. What could this lead to? As a result, this can lead to dissatisfaction with one's place in society in adulthood.

When you dream of only one individual crawling across the body, in real life it is worth paying attention to the organ on which it is located. This dream is a direct indication of the possible location of the disease, which can be prevented or cured at an early stage.

Interpretation of Vanga

White lice are a good sign

The European interpretation of dreams about such insects is almost unambiguous - this is an annoying reminder that there is still unfinished business, especially if you see a large number of nits in a dream.

  • To push them is to pass difficult exams.
  • Worry about yours appearance Because of lice - problems at work and in your personal life.
  • Finding it in a child is a difficult undertaking, with an uncertain ending.

Lice - Freud's dream book - interpretation features

According to Freud - to experiences

According to Freud, to see lice in a dream means that the inner essence is preoccupied with problems that emotionally exhaust the personality, as if eating it away from the inside. The more lice in the head, the stronger problems which can lead to mental instability. Chronic dissatisfaction with personality, which can result from abuse of one’s own attractiveness.

  1. for a man, lice in a dream can mean a good opportunity to conceive a child, but at the same time fear of subsequent responsibility for him;
  2. For women, such a dream promises a lot of empty attention from the opposite sex.

Modern dream meanings

Such dreams are quite unpleasant, but do not foretell any particular misfortune.

Career growth sign

If other people dream of lice, this means improved material well-being. Destroying insects with friends means getting into trouble, which will bring a lot of empty, but strong feelings. Combing someone's lice with a comb is a quick advancement up the career ladder.

If you dream of such insects, this may be a sign of both future success and possible troubles. A large number of black lice in the hair is an empty experience. Linen insects are a sign of disease. Single lice dream of a feeling of detachment, a desire to isolate yourself from the world and think about the future.

Emotional color

Not a single dream book can determine exactly what lice mean in dreams. This is only a hint that should be based on your own emotional state, personal attitude and analysis of the recent past and the prevailing at the moment life situation.

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Lice in a child's head according to the dream book

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For loving parents, lice in a child’s head in a dream often symbolize excessive care and guardianship. The dream book also indicates: the plot may foretell profit, successful progress of business, but also unpleasant responsibilities and experiences. The details of the vision will help you understand what the plot is about.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Dreaming of lice in a child's head means: the dreamer will worry about the health of his son (daughter).

New opportunities will open up for you

Seeing these insects on your child in a dream can promise the dreamer a promotion, salary increase or bonus.

Dream details

The interpretation of the dream takes into account the dreamed details:

  • one - minor annoying misadventures;
  • a lot of troubles associated with illnesses;
  • too much - worries, sadness for the whole family
  • combing in a dream - getting rid of hassle;
  • lice and nits - benefit for the dreamer;
  • press - help the child get rid of troubles.

Reduce the pressure on your child

Why dream of crushing them? The dream book reports: the vision personifies the desire of the mother (father) to protect the child from illnesses, troubles, and dangers, and this is almost always successful. However, it is worth considering how long you intend to do this. After all, the moment will come when it will be necessary to release the chick from under the wing - isn’t it better to gradually accustom it to independence?

Did you dream of squeezing lice, but there were more and more of them? In reality, fears and anxieties are in vain, a loving parent exaggerates them excessively, such care is too intrusive. Excessive pressure on a child prevents him from developing independently, often making him weak-willed and spineless.

Difficulties in relationships

Why dream of seeing lice in a child’s head and squeezing them? According to the dream book, sometimes the plot indicates an obsession with something. It's time to relax a little, to “let go” of the problem that is bothering you.

A dream about lice on a son or daughter means: he (she) has difficulties in relationships with peers. Support your child, and if necessary, gently tell him how to behave so that friendly ties are strengthened.

Good earnings ahead

The dream promises a successful course of business that will bring good profit. Perhaps the dreamer will make a profitable long-term deal.

Difficult period, troubles

English dream book, on the contrary, calls lice in a dream a harbinger of some kind of trouble.

Success is possible, which, however, will not lead to anything good - envious people will interfere. You should learn to resist the machinations of ill-wishers.

In a dream, seeing lice in a child’s head is a harbinger of a difficult period for him: chores, difficult exams, uninteresting and boring duties.

Why do you dream of combing them? This means doing routine things, work that will quickly get boring.

Why do you dream about lice on your head and hair?

Many dream books and experts who study the work of the human brain agree that lice are dreamed of only as a reference to other events occurring in a person’s life, and also as a kind of indicator of future changes. To understand what the signal refers to, you should look into dream books.

Louse in a dream in the old days and now

In the old days, the interpretation of dreams with lice was mainly to predict the weather, crop yields or the health of livestock. Obviously, this was connected with the way of life of the entire people, their interests, aspirations and main activities.

In ancient dream books that have survived to this day, one can find the following interesting interpretations:

  • lice on the head in a dream mean the health of livestock, profitability and wealth of the house;
  • If you dreamed of lice in a child’s hair, you can expect an excellent harvest;
  • collecting lice from livestock in a dream means pestilence and death.

In the modern world, the role of agriculture has decreased somewhat, and dream books have begun to pay more attention to a person’s personal life, his joys and sorrows. Now you can find many guides that thoroughly explain why you dream of lice in your hair from the point of view of urban realities.

For example, you can consider several options for modern interpretations:

  • The Dream Book of the World assures that seeing lice on your head in a dream is a good sign, as it promises a new good job, increasing capital and paying off debts.
  • The newest dream book explains why lice on the head will disappear: they predict the future resolution of legal issues (division of property, litigation, inheritance), which will be resolved in the best way for the dreamer.
  • But Semenova’s Dream Interpretation warns: to see lice on your head in a dream means not behaving fairly honestly towards loved ones, betraying friends and thinking about plans to get rich at someone else’s expense.
  • Freud's dream book states that lice are the personification of dark forces that seek to harm a person through his acquaintances or friends.
  • The Correct Dream Book says something slightly different: if you dreamed of a louse in your head, you should take extra care of your health. These insects indicate future illnesses and visits to the doctor. If there are a lot of lice, the disease will be quite serious and will require significant financial expenses to cure or prevent it.

This is interesting

In ancient times, lice lived in almost every house, and no one even tried to remove them. Firstly, this was initially a pointless exercise, since infection occurred again and again, and secondly, lice were considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth, confidence in the future.

It was believed that lice simply would not go into an empty, inhospitable house with a bad owner and would rather stay “on the street.” Therefore, a person who had never suffered from head lice was considered a failure, a poor person and aroused a whole range of suspicions. This is confirmed in ancient dream books, which paid great attention to the interpretation of dreams about lice and considered them a joyful symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Lice on a child’s head: what does such a dream promise?

In real life, lice are most common in children. This is due to their constant presence in large children's groups, playing together and an active lifestyle in general. All this is projected onto dreams: people quite often have to look in dream books for an interpretation of what lice mean in a child’s head.

“For a long time I tried to figure out why I dreamed of lice in my daughter’s hair. The local grandmother said that this was just a sign that I was very caring. I studied different dream books, and they say about the same thing. There are other interpretations, but they are more suitable for the business world. In general, I calmed down, and even if sometimes I dream of something so unpleasant, I don’t attach much importance to it.”

Sonya, Berdyansk

As a rule, all dream books are unanimous that such a dream does not foretell great trouble or serious threats to life and health. Sometimes, on the contrary, a dream about lice on a child’s head promises wealth to all his relatives and parents in the first place.

It is worth saying that most often such a dream carries information and warnings for parents, and not for the children themselves. Here is how some of the dream books interpret such a plot:

  • Tsvetkova’s dream book says that seeing lice on a child’s head in a dream only means excessive concern for his health, excessive care, and attempts to not give him the opportunity to develop independently. This dream indicates psychological problems in the family associated with improper upbringing of the child, which in the future will make him a dependent and weak-willed person.
  • Small Velesov's dream book explains why a child dreams of lice in his hair: parents should pay close attention to this image, since the dream signals problems in the health of their children. It’s good if you can remember which part of the body the louse crawled on. Usually it is this part of the body that requires increased attention from doctors, which may be required in the very near future.
  • Grishina’s dream book explains that seeing lice on his child’s head in a dream will be a person who can soon count on a promotion, an interesting business trip, or a change of job to a more promising one. In general, lice represent money, and this image is applied to the child’s parents or other familiar persons who dreamed about it. According to the manual, the more lice and nits were seen, the greater the benefits of changes in life. It is worth saying that this interpretation is one of the most popular, and many dream books adhere to it.
  • The dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima warns that it is possible to understand why lice in the hair of a daughter or son dream only if the dreamer clearly and well remembers all the events that occur in the dream. So, if lice climbed on a child and fell from him, worries, sadness and melancholy threaten the whole family. If the parents managed to destroy all the lice in time and did not allow them to bite the kids, all adversity will pass by, and it will be very successful to get rid of them. We can say that children personify the strength of the family and are equally a reflection of both spouses.

What does the color of lice mean in a dream?

Lice on the head in a dream can appear in completely different guises. As a rule, they look like real ones, but sometimes they appear as small black bugs that look like fleas. This is usually due to the fact that the dreamer has never seen lice in real life (or it was a very long time ago), and the subconscious simply “drew” the required image for him, presenting the most reliable picture.

In any case, you should pay attention to the color of the lice in your dream, as this is directly related to the interpretation and will help make it more detailed and accurate.

So, why do you dream of white lice in your hair?

White lice, having their usual appearance, dream of money and easy enrichment; they indicate the large-scale business reserves of an enterprise, the capabilities of an individual or an entire family. Typically, such a sign should be considered as a signal to action - the planned business will certainly bring profit even beyond what was expected, or new business partners will appear unexpectedly.

There is another interpretation of white lice: they indicate a person’s vulnerability to the outside world, his fears, anxiety and inability to cope with life. Sometimes lice can be harbingers of failures, sorrows and anxieties that will befall the dreamer.

In general, you can explain why you dream of white lice in your hair like this: this dream is directly related to the person who dreamed it. You should carefully monitor your health, material and family affairs.

Now let's look at why you dream of black lice in your hair.

Black lice indicate a world of evil and bad deeds that literally surround the dreamer. This does not mean that they are committed by the person himself. It is quite possible that he should be wary of the machinations of enemies and intrigues, and behave carefully when communicating with strangers.

If you dream of lice in your head and they are not only black, but also large in size, you need to be on guard. Perhaps someone will try to deceive the dreamer on a grand scale or steal his property.

Lice in a dream from a psychological point of view

“I advise you not to believe all these predictions. My wife was running around with all the dream books and trying to figure out why she was dreaming about lice in her daughter’s head. And I looked for illnesses in the child, and all sorts of evil eyes. As a result, a psychiatrist in the hospital found depression and manic syndrome in the wife herself at an early stage. He, of course, called it in smarter words, but the point is that the problem was not with the child, but with the wife herself. Now we’re treating her.”

Ruslan, Kirov

Psychologists explain that such a dream may be associated with obsessions or excessive fixation on one thing, which also “eats” the brain, leaving no room for anything else.

It often turned out that people who had dreams of this kind were found to have hidden diseases. Perhaps the body is trying to signal a problem in this way and therefore displays a harmful insect.

You can also explain why you dream of lice in your hair by saying that a person experiences negativity from someone around him. Such an unpleasant person is called an energy vampire and can bring a lot of suffering to the dreamer. Also, such dreams can be explained by increased anxiety, fears, worries and lack of self-confidence.

You should not take unpleasant dreams associated with lice too seriously. They do not necessarily mean something bad, but may just be a random fantasy of the sleeper. This usually happens when a person heard about lice on TV or from friends and perceived them as a threat and was afraid of contracting lice.

When interpreting dreams, it can be very useful to listen to the subconscious and your own intuition: it is this that most often suggests the answer and the most correct interpretation and allows you to better understand your life.

Sweet dreams to you!

An interesting video with a priest’s opinion about prophetic dreams: why they arise and what danger they pose

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Why do you dream of lice in your head: on yourself, on a child, on a man? Basic interpretations - why do you dream of lice in your head?

Dreams are sometimes so incredible that they immerse a person in various journeys and unprecedented adventures. But how to correctly interpret a dream? Why do you dream about lice in your head? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of lice in your head - basic interpretation

If you have a dream and you see lice in it, it promises you victory over old problems that you may no longer give importance to. It is worth paying special attention to the following details of sleep:

Have you seen lice in your head, or in someone else's;

Have you been bitten by lice?

What emotions did you experience during sleep?

Who else appeared in your dream?

If you dream that you have a lot of lice and they bite you, you should be wary of troubles and poor health. If lice just attacked you, and you don’t know what to do in this situation. In reality, such a huge number of troubles await you that you simply won’t know how to deal with them. If you dream that lice are jumping onto you from another person, such a dream promises you to shoulder someone else’s work.

If in a dream you see lice jumping on your things, expect trouble in the house. They will appear out of nowhere. These could be minor breakdowns, quarrels with household members, neighbors, and other people. This dream may mean that you will no longer be calm and comfortable in your home. Something will constantly tug and bother you.

This condition can arise against the backdrop of accumulated problems and troubles. If you dream that someone else is wearing your clothes and lice live on them, your glory will go to someone else. But a person will not experience the joy of the fame he receives. He will only get troubles and troubles that he doesn’t even know about.

If you dream that someone else is trying to catch a louse in their head, such a dream foreshadows a difficult conversation with a loved one. The person is serious about sorting things out. He is determined to teach you a lesson for past misdeeds.

The dream book advises in this situation to mobilize all your resources and learn to work alone so as not to depend on anyone else. So that no one can convict you of shortcomings or reproach you for some kind of flaw.

If you dream that you find lice in your head while looking in the mirror, the dream book advises you to look at yourself from the outside. Try to be more critical of yourself, try not to allow yourself to relax. Perhaps you have recently allowed yourself to rest and are careless about your work. Now you are reaping the fruits of the mistakes you made earlier. The dream book advises you to listen to the opinions of the people around you and correct your mistakes.

Also, such a dream promises you the opportunity to learn a lot of new things about yourself. But this undertaking will be very troublesome, because information will come to you from rather strange sources. At first it may seem to you that they want to reproach you, that they want to offend you, but then you will understand that everything is being done only for the better. You can use other people's advice to your advantage.

If you dream that you found lice in your child’s head, think seriously about his health. Perhaps he needs help in solving some of his affairs. Don't miss the opportunity to establish contact with your child. Talk to him about general topics. If the child’s health has deteriorated after such a dream, be sure to try to find the cause of the malaise. The dream book states that if the cause is not determined, the disease can become protracted.

If you dream that lice appeared in your head after rain, that they fell from the sky onto your head along with drops, such a dream means pressure on you from an influential person. You will be forced to submit to his will, you will be forced to work on his terms. The dream book advises in this situation to find a benefit for yourself, to decide how you can turn such a situation to your advantage.

Also, after such a dream, it’s worth thinking about whether you are too dependent on other people’s opinions? Perhaps it’s high time for you to decide whether you are too honest with others, whether you tell them too much? Your honesty and kindness turns against you. People are not able to appreciate it. The dream book advises you to reconsider your attitude towards the situation and people.

Why do you dream of lice in your head according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says why you dream of lice in your head. Such a dream can promise you troubles in your personal life, and quite a lot. If you see lice in your head, it means that you will be completely immersed in work, busy with your career and completely forget that you have the opportunity to make your personal life wonderful. You will be so immersed in everyday trifles that you will begin to deny yourself pleasures.

Seeing lice in someone else's head - such a dream foreshadows your search for a worthy partner. You will be busy selecting a suitable candidate and at some point you will realize that this person has been next to you for a long time, and you simply did not notice him.

Remember who else appeared in your dream. If it was this person who infected you with lice, you should expect trouble from him. He can reveal your secrets and secrets that you have been hiding for so long. This will lead to troubles in your personal life.

If you like that you have lice in your head, and you get real pleasure from sleep, you can allow yourself to rest and relax in the company of your significant other. At the same time, you will have a huge number of opportunities for recreation and entertainment.

If you are overcome by fear or other unpleasant emotions, such a dream promises you troubles and problems. And all this will be associated with a lack of mutual understanding between you and your partner. No one will want to give in to the other, everyone will try to defend their point of view, everyone will look for flaws in the other. This situation will only lead to the accumulation of grievances and claims. If you see that lice are everywhere, they have surrounded you and are starting to bite you - most likely, a break in your relationship awaits you, you will not be able to do anything in this situation, you will not be able to change anything. All you have to do is come to terms with it.

Why do you dream of lice in your head according to the Esoteric Dream Book

If you see lice in another person’s head, you will get the opportunity to develop your business. Luck will wink at you and you will receive a lucrative offer. The dream book advises you to agree with him and take him into development.

The dream book also foretells you a successful conclusion of a deal if you see how you have been riddled with lice. Such a dream foretells you getting rid of all the obstacles and interfering factors that until recently prevented you from moving towards your intended goal. You can also get additional income and recognition in society if you see how you helped another person get rid of lice.

If you dream that you found lice in your child’s head, you should be especially attentive to his health. The cause of the disease can be stress and overexertion. To avoid this, the dream book advises in the near future to try not to find out anything at home and not to conflict with others in front of the child. He is very sensitive to any kind of negativity. It’s better now to protect him from stress and troubles, to protect him from other negativity.

Why do you dream of lice in your head according to other dream books?

The Modern Dream Book says that seeing lice in your head in a dream is a good omen. Success, joy and happiness await you. You will be able to get rid of many troubles and misfortunes that have been bedeviling you for a long time. Money will flow into your hands. But, if you just know that lice are in your head and you don’t see, such a dream promises you a hidden danger. Someone close to you will disappoint you, cause you inconvenience and pain.

You may even lose a huge amount of money after such a dream. The dream book advises not to despair, but to insist on your point of view. In any situation, seek a compromise. If you crush a nit in a dream, you are going towards your goal, and nothing can stop you. Don't deviate from what you have planned. Try your best.

The Women's Dream Book says that lice in a dream mean problems in reality. They will mainly be related to your well-being. You may also be attacked by enemies and ill-wishers. If you catch a louse in a dream, you will have a lot of troubles that you cannot handle on your own. The dream book advises to resort to the help of loved ones. You should not shift all responsibility for what is happening in your life onto your dreams. Try to find help and tips in them.

It has changed among people over the centuries. In medieval France they were called “God’s pearls”; the poet Giambattista Marino in his poems sang of the parasites on the curls of his beloved. Contemporaries treat small insects with no respect at all and consider them a sign of failure to observe basic personal hygiene. Most people have never seen either with their own eyes, and only occasionally do parasites visit them in dreams. Authoritative dream books give different interpretations of what lice mean in dreams. The most original interpretation of dreams with parasites belongs to Freud.

How to solve dreams with bloodsuckers

The meaning of the dream depends on the actions of the insect, its numbers, and the presence of other people and animals. Therefore, if you dreamed about lice, you should remember in detail all the episodes of the dream, count the individuals by head, and their sizes.


Paradoxically, little bloodsuckers were also a sign of wealth and well-being. Families deprived of their attention were considered unhappy and unsuccessful. Therefore, a dream about lice foreshadowed wealth and happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Muller

The most authoritative and popular publication among people interested in such “literature” associates the appearance of small bloodsuckers in dreams with new worries, troubles, and troubles. But according to Miller’s dream book, lice do not foretell any global changes or deaths:

  • lice in hair strangers mean lack of self-confidence, complexes, internal fears, fear of losing material values;
  • if you dream of lice on a child’s head, it means that the dreamer is tormented by fears for the health of his children and an unwillingness to part with them; such dreams more often come to parents who are overprotective;
  • attempts to shake off insects are interpreted by the dream book as a solution to problems in the near future and the beginning of a new life; such a dream indicates the presence of a difficult life situation that does not allow you to live and sleep peacefully.

Vanga's Dream Book

An equally popular source that gives the most truthful interpretation of sleep. According to the seer, if you dream about lice, in reality you will have great success in business. Estimated success is directly proportional to the size of the insect. Vanga focused on the feelings that the dreamer experienced in his dreams. If he was haunted by fear, in reality he will boldly and decisively move towards his goal.

The Austrian psychoanalyst connects all dreams with sexual sensations. And if other small insects: cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, fleas in his interpretation were somehow attached to children, then lice and nits occupy a separate place and indicate problems or changes in the intimate sphere:

  • simply observing lice means sexual abstinence, the reason for this may be diseases, or one’s own psychological settings, complexes;
  • crushing lice, combing out according to Freud is interpreted as a solution to problems of an intimate nature
  • if you dream of a large gathering of bloodsuckers, then the dreamer dreams of a bold sexual experience involving several partners;
  • lice on another person portend a new object for lust and satisfaction of lust.

Why do you dream of a louse according to other dream books?

Most publications agree in their interpretation of why lice in the hair on one’s head are dreamed of – expectation of profit, resolution of problems. Attempts to crush and kill them in other people's hair warn of possible mistakes in raising children, the desire to impose your will and opinion on them.

And especially since they are killed, we should wait for news. Modern dream book interprets dreams as moving up the career ladder and overcoming all obstacles. portends the arrival of guests who want to stay longer.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, lice in a dream indicate difficulties and making mistakes. The psychologist recommends refraining from long trips, putting everything aside, analyzing recent events and highlighting the most important thing in life, what matters the most. Loff’s dream book has a similar opinion, considering dreams with bloodsuckers to be harbingers of problems and a series of failures.

It's a bad sign if you dream of a black louse. Such an individual promises illness in the dreamer himself, relatives or loved ones. But if you happen to see a giant louse of abnormal size, you can consider yourself lucky, because such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of your most cherished dream.

Images, visible to humans in dreams, are formed in his subconscious. That’s why objects, phenomena, animals, insects that are not uncommon in everyday life and are easily recognizable so often appear in dreams. Lice also belong to such images.

In real life, these insects cause a lot of trouble, causing feelings of shame, disgust and disgust. However, you should not transfer such emotions to a dream. In night dreams, ideas and concepts that are completely opposite to reality often operate.

Why do these insects dream? General value

A louse in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream promises only good things. As a rule, lice are seen in dreams as a sign of quick success in business, study, and personal life. They also dream of unexpectedly receiving big profits, gaining wealth, and living in abundance. The most common interpretation of this image is related to money.

A dream can also portend a large number of worries and troubles that will not be associated with troubles. Rather, on the contrary, they will bring joy, increased earnings, a career boost, a change social status.

As almost everyone claims, a child’s dreams indicate excessive guardianship over him, which becomes the source of a lot of children’s troubles. For example, it creates difficulties in spending time with friends or choosing a hobby to your liking.

What is important to consider when interpreting?

To decipher the meaning of a dream, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

Each of these points can help in correctly understanding what the dream about lice meant.

What is written about in the Veles collection of interpretations?

Such a dream portends only good things, as this dream book states. Interpretation: “Lice in a child’s head - there is no need to worry about his health.” That is, such a dream indicates that parents’ concerns about physical development or the state of their child's health unnecessarily.

But a dream has a completely different meaning, in the plot of which there is only one louse slowly crawling over the body. Such a dream is a warning. It makes sense to pay close attention to the area of ​​the body through which the louse moved. It is quite possible that the dream foreshadows the development of the disease in one of the internal organs. But such a dream can predict not a serious illness, but an injury. For example, if a louse crawled along a child’s knee, then the dream may foretell that the child will hurt himself.

What is written about in the collection of Vanga’s interpretations?

Black insects are a harbinger of disease. The smaller the lice, the less significant the upcoming health problems will be. Such a dream may portend headaches due to excessive stress at school, colds, bruises, etc. Large insects are a harbinger of more serious problems.

A white louse is a good sign. Such a dream promises good news and recognition of merit. This dream may portend high grades, success in writing a test, or easy passing of exams.

This dream book also gives meaning to the actions taken. Lice in a child’s head, which had to be crushed all night, are a harbinger of a successful resolution of current affairs. For example, if a child has difficulty mastering some school subject, then such a dream portends that the baby will be able to figure everything out. A dream can also predict the end of a string of troubles.

This dream book interprets such a dream in a unique way. Lice in a child’s head, according to Miller’s collection, indicate the presence of unfinished business, which there is no way to avoid. This collection of interpretations also attaches importance to the details of the dream and the presence of actions in its plot.

Good value Almost every dream book gives such a dream. Lice in the head of someone else's child in a dream mean that your own child may get into trouble in the company of friends. The incident will not have any serious consequences. But it will cause a lot of trouble and reasons for worry.

How do the emotions experienced in a dream affect its meaning?

Details, details and actions are not all that need to be taken into account when interpreting, as almost every dream book claims. Lice in a child’s head are the plot of a dream, which is usually accompanied by vivid feelings and emotions felt by the dreamer. Of course, the sensations experienced must also be taken into account when deciphering the meaning of the dream.

If the dreamer feels severe confusion, panic, and does not know what to do, this means that in reality he will have to face an unstable emotional or nervous condition, hypochondria. For example, a dream may portend a manifestation of hyperactivity or difficulty falling asleep.

If a sleeping person is upset or upset, in reality he will be faced with empty worries and fuss over affairs and problems that will be resolved on their own. For example, a dream may predict that a child will have conflicts with classmates or that he will get involved in some ridiculous stories.

A dream in which the sleeping person experiences depression, a feeling of loneliness, and strong fear has an alarming meaning. Such a dream promises loneliness in reality when faced with any life difficulties or trials. Considering that the dreamer feels similar emotions when observing lice in a child’s hair, we are talking about the child’s loneliness. After such a dream, you need to pay attention to your children and think about whether they are given enough time.

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