Homemade normally open valve. Solenoid valve for do-it-yourself watering. Let's start disassembling

This system for auto-watering plants can be made by anyone without knowledge of electronics, and even without the ability to solder radio elements. The system uses ready-made devices, which you just need to connect in a certain sequence and enjoy the result of automatic watering.

This simple innovation can be assembled in no more than one hour, but for this you need to order or buy all the elements of the system.

Advantages of an automatic watering system

  • - Simplicity, which means reliability.
  • - Quite low cost in comparison with industrial analogues.
  • - Isolated system with galvanic voltage isolation. That is, if water gets on the valve and you touch the hoses, an electric shock will not occur.
  • - It is possible to power the entire system from 12 volts (and not from 220 V as now). And everything is powered autonomously from a battery. And charge the battery solar panels or a wind generator, but this is all in the future in my plans...

I used in the system solenoid valve. There are some advantages here:
- In the event of a sudden power outage, your area will not be flooded with water, since the valve will close, unlike an electromechanical one.
- Easy to control. There is voltage - the valve is open, no voltage - the valve is closed. It's simple. And you also need to be able to control electromechanical ones.

For the system to operate, you need: a free socket with a voltage of 220 V and running water.


  • Electronic timer -
  • Solenoid valve -
  • AC adapter for 12 V with a current of at least 0.5 A -
  • Adapter from 1/2 thread to garden hose -
  • Hose - adapter from the line to the valve - in a plumbing store.
  • Crimp terminals -
  • Double insulated wire for extending the valve circuit - any electrical store.
  • Water sprinkler - either at a garden store.
  • Garden hose - either in a garden store.

Solenoid valve 12 V.

All system components and necessary tools

Garden hose

Assembling a system for automatically watering plants according to a schedule

The operation of the system is as follows: that the timer is connected to a 220 V AC network. It controls the operation of the adapter included in it. And according to a given schedule, it turns on or off the power adapter, the load of which in turn is the solenoid valve. A central water supply is connected to the valve and as soon as the valve opens, all the pressure rushes into the garden hose and is sprayed through the sprayer onto the area. You can connect several more of these sprinklers via a tee if you need to water large area garden plot.

Now let's move directly to the assembly

In fact, it consists of placing a valve between the soda hose and the water supply, connecting the power supply to the valve and plugging everything into the network. Everything is simple, without unnecessary hassle.
You can, of course, cut the wire from the adapter and immediately screw it to the valve, but I have a considerable distance from the valve and from the socket. Therefore, I will extend the 12 volt circuit.

I connect the wire to the power supply.
I connect the terminals to the second end and then connect it to the valve.

Then, I screw the adapter to the water supply.

I screw the adapter onto the garden hose to the second end.
It is advisable to provide an additional ball or valve valve between the valve and the water supply system so that the water supply system can be shut off in case of unforeseen circumstances.

As a result, it did not take much time and labor to assemble and configure. If, after reading this article, you also decided to build this miracle, then ready-made timers with built-in valves and autonomous power supply appeared on sale, which I, of course, did not know about when I assembled the system.
Here they are. Powered by batteries.

But mine homemade system there are poles: you can control irrigation from the house, and not from the basement, where the timer is usually set.
Any of the presented systems has a drawback: the system still needs to be controlled, since if it rains heavily, it will still turn on and flood the beds even more.

The result of the automatic watering system

The system is simple, automatic, cheap, expandable, complementable. For example, you can add a pump to the system and not water the plants. tap water, but with rainwater from a barrel or other container.

The main thing in gardening is to ensure regular watering of the site. Without it, any garden will not survive even one season. Watering by hand requires a lot of time and labor. For a good garden you need modern system water supply, where important element is a solenoid valve for irrigation.

Advantages of automatic watering

The main elements of the irrigation system are as follows:

  • water flow dosing;
  • uniformity of application;
  • efficiency (watering at night reduces moisture evaporation);
  • the system is underground;
  • saves labor and time for the gardener.

Purpose of the solenoid valve

An electromagnetic valve for irrigation is always needed, even if there is no irrigation system. It is used in conjunction with a timer that turns it on at the right time. It is especially needed to fill the storage tank. When water is supplied according to the schedule, the timer opens the valve and the tank is filled. It is advisable to water the area at the same time. All this is done in the absence of the owner. All he has to do is water hard-to-reach places.

The main purpose of the valve is to supply water to the irrigation system at a given time. A 1-inch device is suitable for this, flowing 50-100 l/min at a pressure of up to 10 atm. It can also be used for short irrigation areas, as it allows you to adjust the required local flow rate. It is suitable for spray and drip irrigation when the pressure in the system is low.

One or more valves are installed on a drainage pad made of crushed stone and closed with a box. This can be done in any convenient place.

Solenoid valve design

The valve is very simple. It contains the following details.

The external thread of the inlet and outlet pipes is 1/4 "or more, depending on the liquid flow rate. The least amount of water passes through the solenoid valve for drip irrigation. Small-sized devices are built into the water pipeline and operate from a timer that sets different modes irrigation.

IN lately models combined with a switch appeared. You can purchase through the Yulmart online store: the solenoid valve for irrigation C 1060 plus GARDENA, which has become popular. It automatically switches the water supply to irrigate the garden.

Solenoid valve for irrigation: operation diagram

Connecting a solenoid valve to a garden watering system

For small garden would be better suited solenoid valve for irrigation -12 volts (NT8048). It is safe because if water gets on the contacts or if you touch it with wet hands, there will be no electric shock. Possibility of connecting it to battery at 15 AH allows you to work without recharging for a week. It will also be easy to supply power from the shield via an AC adapter.

The water supply is provided from a storage tank installed at a height of at least 2 m. The water in it is drawn from a centralized system. Filling is controlled by a float sensor connected to a plug valve. The absence of a pump eliminates many problems. Watering the garden by gravity occurs within a few hours and does not need to be controlled. All watering management will be taken over electronic timer plugged into an outlet.

The valve is installed in the pressure line of the irrigation system. The electromagnet coil is connected to the output of the adapter via a cable using terminals. They can be sealed on top with sealant to protect them from water.

It is convenient to place the entire device in a utility room where you can install an outlet. A timer, adapter and electromagnet coil are connected in series to it. All that remains is to configure the watering mode. The time is chosen in the morning and evening so that there is a minimum of evaporation and the plants do not get sunburned. The duration of watering is set, which is then selected experimentally.

Watering should be different for different types of plants. The system can be gradually improved by adding new valves. You can connect your own timer to each of them or install a common microcontroller, setting the watering program.

Valves from old washing machines can be installed on the outlet pipelines, which will allow you to save a lot on the cost of the irrigation system.

Do-it-yourself solenoid valve for watering

Electric valves are expensive, but cheaper solutions can be found. The most accessible one here is a valve from a failed washing machine. Its structure is as follows:

  • plastic case;
  • rubber membrane;
  • electromagnet with core;
  • spring;
  • mesh filter;
  • pad.

The mechanism is highly sensitive to dirt and can easily fail. It is protected, but for a garden system it is advisable to install another one at the valve inlet, since the own one will quickly clog.

The solenoid valve is normally closed, i.e. when turned off, it shuts off the water. When turned on, the core retracts, raising the rubber membrane, and allows water to pass through.

To remove contaminated washing liquid, a drain valve is used, which is designed in a similar way. Its operating principle is the same and it can be successfully used for irrigation.

Solenoid valves of washing machines have the following characteristics:

  • supply voltage - ;
  • power - 8 W;
  • water pressure - up to 10 atm;
  • inlet hose diameter - 3/4";
  • fluid flow - 10 l/min.

Malfunctions and repairs

No voltage on the coil

1.Defective supply cable.

2. Coil malfunction.

1. Eliminate the break.

2. Check the integrity of the wire with a tester. A burnt coil usually cannot be repaired.

Valve does not operate when voltage is applied

1. The spring is broken.

2. Accumulation of dirt in the moving joint.

1. Replace the solenoid.

2. Disassemble and wash the structure.

Large pressure drop

1. The adjustable hole is clogged.

2. The coil parameters do not correspond to the applied voltage.

1. Clean.

2. Replace the coil.

Valve does not close

1. There is residual voltage on the coil.

2. Contamination of the hole.

3. Valve seat contaminated.

4. Spring breakage.

1. Check relay contacts and electrical connections.

2. Clean.

3. Clean.

4. Replace.


Maintaining a garden takes a lot of time and effort. A real savior for the owner is the electromagnetic valve for irrigation, which serves to fill the storage tank in its absence, pump water from the well and especially in the irrigation system.

When using water supply and heating systems, no one is immune from emergencies.

An electromagnetic (solenoid) water valve allows you to minimize risks and losses in the event of a breakthrough.

This device allows you to quickly shut off or, conversely, open the flow of water in a few seconds, while at a distance. Let us examine in detail how the solenoid valve is designed, its types, principles of operation and installation.

Design and principle of operation

A solenoid valve is a shut-off valve that closes the water flow and allows you to control the speed of fluid movement in the pipeline.

These devices are called electromagnetic, since their operating principle is built around an electromagnetic coil (solenoid).

There are several types of similar products and each has its own characteristics and differences in the principle of operation.

An automatic water valve includes the following components:

  • frame;
  • lid;
  • membrane and seal;
  • plunger;
  • stock;
  • electric coil.

The body of such units is usually made of materials such as brass, stainless steel (to increase resistance to corrosion) and cast iron. Plumbing solenoid valves made of plastic are quite popular.

Plungers and rods are made from materials that have magnetic properties.

The electromagnetic coils are placed in a special protective housing, which has fairly high tightness parameters.

The winding for the coils is usually made of copper wire or enameled wire. Such devices begin to work after voltage is applied to the coil.

An electromagnetic or in other words induction coil converts electricity into forward motion.

The most common are coils with copper winding on a cylinder. The cylinder includes a magnetic plunger. As soon as a pulse is applied to the coil, a magnetic field appears.

As a result of action magnetic field, the core is pulled into the coil.

Product membranes are made of polymer materials that have high level elasticity. Such materials include the following:

  • membranes EPDM, NBR, FKM.
  • PTFE or TEFLON seals.

Valves can be made from the most different materials, the body is made of plastic, brass or cast iron.

In the event that there is a need to shut off the supply of the transported medium from the control unit to induction coil an impulse is given.

Thanks to this signal, the core of the device rises or falls (it all depends on the configuration of the device) and blocks the flow of liquid.

Immediately after the tension disappears, the core returns to its original position and fluid movement resumes.

Benefits of using electromagnetic devices

The main advantage of a solenoid valve for water is that it allows you to quickly regulate the flow of the transported medium in the system.

The device only needs 2-3 seconds to perform its functions.

Because of this, the solenoid model is a fairly important device in the water supply systems of apartments and private houses.

It also makes it possible to regulate the temperature by regulating the flow of coolant.

The electromagnetic device allows you to smoothly distribute the temperature in the heating system, thereby preventing its contamination.

And this directly allows you to extend the service life of the entire heating system.

Due to the fact that the device in its design does not have wearable mechanical parts, solenoid models are more reliable.

Such a device can be mounted in systems with the most various indicators pressure, because this characteristic does not affect its operation.

It is because of these characteristics that electromagnetic models occupy a dominant position among shut-off valves on the market.

Areas of application

An automatic water valve is a fairly useful device that is used in a wide variety of areas.

This unit is successfully used in various sectors of the household and national economy, and also in various industrial sectors.

Lots of air ducts and water pipes to varying degrees design complexity successfully use this product in their work.

Equipment with a solenoid drive is most popular in designs where most of the devices operate on the principle of automatic control.

The choice of application is mainly determined based on the material from which the valve is made.

Similar devices can be found in washing machines, sewerage systems, irrigation systems, for controlling hydraulic systems, heating systems and many others.

He gained the greatest popularity in:

  1. Irrigation. Used for watering vegetable gardens, orchards, greenhouses. When installing such a device, all processes become automatic. An electromagnetic device with a servo drive (220, 24, 12 V), if a timer is connected to it, will allow you to set time intervals for operation and shutdown of the device. It can be in the normally open or closed position. Such rhythms will allow you to control the regulation of water flows. The advantages of using such a device are more than obvious - there is no need to waste time constantly monitoring the irrigation system.
  2. Sewers. The solenoid valve (12, 24 V) for water is quite widely used to regulate the water supply in public showers and toilets. It also uses a timer that allows you to automatically turn on and off the water pressure.
  3. Washing systems. The solenoid water valve (220, 24, 12 V) allows you to ensure timely drainage of water during car washing. Moreover, a similar device is used in household and industrial washing machines.
  4. Large scale kitchens. The supply solenoid valve sp6135 (220, 24, 12 V) is a truly integral device on conveyor systems for the production of bakery products, adjusting the water supply level to industrial dishwashers and coffee processors.
  5. Accurate dosing. Electromagnetic shutter for hot water plays an important role in the procedures of mixing various raw materials and materials.
  6. Heating systems. Water solenoid valve (220, 24.12 V) prevents interruptions in the operation of heating systems. The device allows you to make up for losses during the gradual evaporation of water on main heating routes.

In addition, electromagnetic models are used to regulate and control the transportation of various aggressive media in production.

Devices used in production can be quite large in diameter.

Types of automatic water valve

The solenoid valve (its types) come in two categories, the main difference of which is their operating principle of turning the mechanism on and off:

  • direct action;
  • pilot action.

In addition, they come in several main types, which have their own functional features. Devices are:

  • normally open (or normally closed). In the event that no voltage is applied to the coil, this device remains open (if it is normally open), and thus does not interfere with the flow. In the case of a normally closed valve, the opposite is true;
  • bistable. As soon as voltage is supplied, the operating positions are switched.

Based on the type of coils, devices are divided into:

  • direct current - the coil of devices of this type has a low electromagnetic field strength;
  • alternating current - the coils of these devices have a fairly powerful electromagnetic field.

In addition, the units are divided by type of operation:

  • one-way;
  • two-way;
  • three-way.

Single-pass ones have only one pipe and they cannot combine different flows of liquids.

Two-way valves have two pipes (inlet and outlet).

The operating principle of the one-way and two-way device operates on the method of functioning of the ball or cone, which is used for closing.

Three-way solenoid valves for water have as many as three pipes in their design and can operate on the basis of mixing fluid flows.

In addition, devices of this type can control and regulate temperature using mixing water flows. There are also explosion-proof models used in working with explosive environments.

These valves are made of fire-resistant and durable materials. There are also vacuum valves.

Based on the type of connection to the pipeline, they are divided into:

  • flanged valves;
  • threaded valves.

Useful information! Eat special type devices called cut-off. This type of device can instantly shut down a pipeline or clog one of the pipes during an accident.

Control and shut-off valves must be selected and installed only based on calculations made earlier.

Use one or another type of valve (normally closed, two-way, direct acting, etc.

) is necessary depending on the type of pipeline and what type of medium is transported through it.

Valves are used in a wide variety of environments, which have their own individual temperature and pressure indicators. The choice of device type must be based on the characteristics of the environment, otherwise the device may not last long.

There are several key features to look for when choosing a solenoid valve. The main parameter is the diameter of the inlet and outlet openings.

The range of electromagnetic devices is quite large. They have different distinctive features in the design.

But usually this does not greatly affect the operating parameters.

The most popular are one-inch electromagnetic devices, whose flow rate reaches 40 l/min.

Important! Before purchasing a valve, special attention must be paid to the mechanical regulator built into the device. It may have several modes. The greater their number, the better the system will be controlled.

In cases where a valve with the highest possible throughput is required, the SVR series device can be purchased.

In a normally closed position, the valve of this series can have fluid flow rates of up to 100 l/min.

Valve prices vary according to their quality characteristics.

Installation and operation rules

When installing and operating solenoid valves, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. Before self-installation electromagnetic device for water, it is necessary to make preparatory work, which includes pipe cleaning and marking.
  2. The valve installation location must be visible and freely accessible. The compactness of solenoid valves simplifies this task.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to install the device in a case where the electromagnetic coil will act as a lever.
  4. Installation and disassembly should only be carried out when the device is completely de-energized.
  5. It is recommended to install a dirt filter on the system, thanks to which the product will not become clogged with foreign particles.
  6. The solenoid should not be stressed by the weight of the pipes.
  7. Installation must be carried out in accordance with the directional arrows marked on the surface of the valve.
  8. If the installation is carried out on open space, the device must be protected with special insulation.
  9. It is recommended to use FUM tape as a sealant between valve and pipe connections.
  10. The device is connected to the electrical network using a flexible cable whose core cross-section should not be less than 1 mm.

Compliance with the rules when installation work and the requirements of the operating instructions will extend the service life of the device, which stabilizes the operating pressure of the medium inside the system.

Problems with the operation of this device are often caused by the following problems:

  • due to a break in the control unit cable, the cable cannot receive the required power supply;
  • if the spring fails, the valve does not operate during normal power supply;
  • If you don’t hear a characteristic click when starting up the equipment, then the reason lies in a burnt-out electromagnetic coil.

Even a simple blockage of the hole can lead to a malfunction of a normally closed solenoid valve.

Inspection of the internal components of the water valve should only be carried out with the system completely drained. Carrying out complex repairs on your own is not recommended.

Source: https://SantehnikPortal.ru/vodosnabzhenie/elektromagnitnyj-klapan.html

We make a faucet with our own hands: electric, needle, non-freezing

Modern industry produces many different taps and valves to regulate the flow of liquid. There is a suitable one for every application.

However, the inquisitive minds of home craftsmen do not give up attempts to develop and implement their own designs.

Sometimes this is caused by the desire to save money, but more often by the desire to test one’s own strengths as a designer, mechanical engineer, mechanic and electrical engineer.

Types of cranes

Trying to replicate the design of a conventional shut-off valve makes no practical or economic sense unless the home workshop is equipped with high-precision milling, turning and drilling machines. The price of industrial designs for mass production is affordable even for the most modest budget. Another thing is technically complex shut-off valves for special applications, such as:

  • ball with electric drive;
  • needle;
  • non-freezing;
  • with instantaneous water heater;

Options for doing it yourself will be discussed below.

Ball with electric drive,

The motorized valve can find its application in modern “smart” water supply, heating and air conditioning systems created by home DIYers with minimal use of purchased components. In addition to testing your strength, there will also be a significant monetary benefit - a purchased device with an electric drive costs from 2 to 10 thousand rubles.

For a do-it-yourself ball valve with an installed electric drive, you will need the following materials and components:

Figure 1: 3/4 valve

  • window lift drive for Lada 1117, 2123 left LSA;

Figure 2: Power window

  • five-pin automobile relays – 2 pcs.;
  • limit microswitches - 2 pcs.;
  • sheet metal 1 mm thick (for the frame and clamps);
  • steel tube 10 mm - trimmings (for bushings);
  • square profile 10*10 mm - 10 cm;
  • metal strip 4 mm thick - 10*1 cm;
  • spring with a diameter of 12 mm;
  • M8*45 bolt with nut and washers - 2 pcs.

All electrical equipment is 12 volt. Tools needed:

  • drill;
  • metal scissors;
  • workbench with a vice;
  • welding machine;
  • hand tools (hammer, screwdriver, wrenches, pliers, etc.)

The mechanism being created should allow the electric crane to be controlled both using a drive and manually. The manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  • Bend a U-shaped frame from a sheet of metal.
  • Make bushings from the tube sections for attaching the window lift drive to the frame.
  • Secure the drive.
  • Secure the frame to the pipes coming out of the ball valve using clamps.
  • Cut out an attachment for the gearbox axle from a square profile.
  • Weld a strip to it.
  • Assemble the lever mechanism of the drive from the strip and the handle, spring-loading it. The spring presses the levers together; if necessary, they can be quickly separated without the use of tools and the crane can be operated manually.
  • The strip is hinged to the handle using a bolt and nut. Lock the nut.
  • Attach the square profile to the window regulator shaft.

Can be used car battery or a power supply with a power of at least 50 W. The lever transmission should move smoothly, without jerking or distortion.

If necessary, correct parts touching each other with a file.

Now comes the turn of the electrical part of the drive.

  • Mount limit microswitches in the extreme positions of the handle.
  • They should be connected in such a way that they open the control circuit of the relay through which the engine is turned on when the extreme position “Open” or “Closed” is reached.

Such a drive can be connected to the control circuits of a smart home system.

A do-it-yourself electric water faucet will be cost-effective if the window lift drive is inexpensive.

A new one costs up to 1 thousand rubles, and can eat up half the savings.

Instead of a window lifter drive, you can use any other electric drive,

Figure 3: Motorized crane

similar in power and torque.


A needle valve with a large adjustment range can be assembled from scrap materials at low cost. To make it you will need:

  • Plastic disposable syringe 2 ml.
  • Insulin syringe 1 ml.
  • Bearing ball – 2 pcs.
  • Springs - 2 pcs.
  • Nut and adjusting screw.
  • Epoxy glue.
  • Fasteners
  • Plastic ties - 2 pcs.

Figure 4: Valve diagram

The diagram shows:

  • Syringes - black.
  • Balls are blue.
  • Springs - green.
  • The stock is red.
  • The direction of fluid movement is indicated by green arrows.

To make a faucet, you should:

  • Select balls by diameter. The big one should be a little smaller internal size 2 ml syringe, small - 2 times smaller.
  • Select springs according to force. The compression force of a large spring is approximately twice that of a small one.
  • Drill a hole in a large syringe near the spout equal to the inner diameter of the insulin one. Tighten the insulin syringe by the ears with ties, wrap it with synthetic threads and glue it.
  • Insert a small ball and a smaller spring into a large syringe.
  • Cut off the piston rod.
  • Insert the large spring and the second ball.
  • Insert the adjusting screw.
  • Tighten the nut with screws to the ears.

Figure 5: Finished design

The incoming liquid will tend to press the ball away from the inlet hole, the spring will press it back the more strongly the tighter the adjusting screw is tightened. If the screw is completely turned out, the flow will flow freely, if it is completely tightened, the flow will be blocked.

Anti-freeze faucet

Those who need to use the water supply on their property in winter are faced with the problem of the street tap freezing. With large temperature changes, the water inside the fittings and pipes turns into ice and can break them.

There are several ways to organize such water supply:

  • Installation of a purchased anti-freeze tap. In it, the valve plate is located inside the warm contour of the walls. It is always installed with a slope towards the street. Then, after closing the valve, the remaining water in the pipe flows down and does not freeze in the pipe. Devices are released different lengths, which allows you to install it in walls of different thicknesses.

Figure 6: Anti-freeze valve

  • A homemade version of such a device is a regular poppet valve mounted on a supply inside a warm wall contour. Its rod is extended by a rod passing through the wall in a tube. A handle is attached to the outside of the rod. The pipe must also be installed with a slope towards the street. This method requires an extra hole in the wall, but is several times cheaper. Of course, you will have to periodically chip off the ice that forms under the spout.

Figure 7: Homemade Anti-Freeze Valve

  • A faucet installed on an underground insulated water supply system. In this case, it is necessary to have a drainage into which the water remaining after closing the tap in the vertical pipe will be drained. The design uses a three-way valve installed in an insulated pit.

Figure 8: Three-way valve

  • The valve is controlled from the street via a stem extension. In the operating position, it turns on the water supply to the vertical pipe, at the end of which a spout is mounted. As soon as water is drawn, the tap is closed, the supply stops, and the remaining water in the pipe is drained through the third hole of the tap into the drain.


Full touch tap home handyman It’s unlikely to be possible to make.

the problem will be in the placement and waterproofing of the infrared proximity sensor.

A rather interesting design that allows you to turn the water on and off with your hands full can be assembled using

  • Solenoid valve from a washing machine for 220 v - 2 pcs.
  • Fitting 10mm*1/2 external thread - 2 pcs.
  • Fittings from ¾ to ½ internal. thread - 2 pcs.
  • Bell button for surface mounting.
  • Wires.

The installation and configuration procedure is as follows:

  • The valves are installed at the break in the hot and cold water line, directly in front of the mixer.
  • Their drive is connected via a foot switch.
  • During pre-setting, with the solenoid valves open, you need to set the required temperature and intensity of water flow and leave the mixer tap in this position.
  • If you need to turn on the water, just press the bell button - the valves will work and water will flow from the tap.

When water is no longer needed, simply release the key and the springs will return the valve to the closed state. Special attention Care should be taken to waterproof wires and connections.

Instantaneous water heater for tap

Purchased instantaneous electric water heaters have a compact design and are equipped with a temperature control system, spout and aerator.

It is unlikely that you will be able to make such a faucet attachment with your own hands in a home workshop. the problem lies in the accuracy of processing parts and ensuring the electrical safety of the device.

However, DIYers have developed a simple and quite effective design that allows them to do without complex and expensive components.

It works by heating a coil heat exchanger on a gas or electric burner. For production, average metalworking skills are sufficient.

Materials and tools you will need:

  • Copper tube with a diameter of 10-12 mm - 1 meter
  • Rubber or plastic hoses, heat-resistant - 2 distances from the burner to the sink +1 m
  • 2 fittings from the internal diameter of the hoses to ½
  • Adapter from tap for Eurocube
  • 4 clamps
  • Threaded arms and nuts for them - 2 pcs.
  • Construction knife, screwdriver, gas wrench

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Wind a spiral from the tube according to the shape of the burner. Taper the spiral to make maximum use of the heat from the burner. The straight sections of the inlet and outlet pipes should extend beyond the slab panel by 20-30 cm.
  • Attach the spiral to the stove grate. Place the hoses onto the pipes and secure them with clamps.
  • Connect one fitting to the cold water supply (pipe or canister tap), the other to the mixer.
  • Place the free ends of the hoses onto the fittings and also secure with clamps. Cold water should go to the bottom pipe of the spiral.

Figure 9: Homemade instantaneous water heater

When such a heater is operating, it should not be left unattended for a minute.

Source: https://ZnatokTepla.ru/truby/kran-svoimi-rukami.html

Converting a valve from a washing machine to 12 volt DC | Master Vintik. Everything with your own hands!

Electric valves are required to automatically control various hydraulic systems. Finished goods quite expensive. Let's look for a cheaper solution.

The most commonly available valves are from broken washing machines.

The coils of such devices are designed for 220 volts AC, which limits their capabilities. Sometimes it is more convenient to control the valve with a low voltage voltage of 12 volts.

I needed such a device to regulate the interior heater mode of a VAZ car.

Suitable valves from foreign cars are outrageously expensive, and with the increase in the exchange rate they even become a luxury item.

Let's try to convert the solenoid valve from the washing machine to the on-board voltage of the car.

First, let's see how everything works.

We remove the coil by inserting a thin screwdriver into the gap between the solenoid and the housing. In this case, you can slightly squeeze the petals that secure the solenoid coil with pliers.

To operate at 12 volts, the valve solenoid (coil) must be replaced.

The most suitable solenoid was found in the EPPXX air valve of the VAZ 2105.

Since no images of the insides were found on the Internet, I will provide them for the curious.

Let's start disassembling

The simplest thing is to cut off the rolling using sandpaper or file it along the outer edge.
Valve cover (view from inside):

Stock, aka cork. The air flow is blocked by a rubber insert at the end. At the opposite end there is a recess for the spring:

A steel washer for closing the magnetic flux and a non-magnetic guide in which the rod moves:

1. In the case.

2. Removed.

Oval O-rings seal the terminals from the inside of the housing. We will need one of them later, so save them.

And finally, the body from the inside. The end of the stationary magnetic circuit with a protrusion for the spring is visible:

Using sandpaper, we grind down a tube with a riveting on the back side, and placing the body bottom up, carefully knock out the remains of the internal magnetic circuit with a beard. If the body is dented inward, we eliminate the deformation. Next, drill out the central hole to a diameter of 9mm.

To create a magnetic system similar to the valve system from a washing machine, it is necessary to cut two strips from tin from a tin can - one 15 mm wide, the other 10 mm wide. The length of the strips should be such that a ring of approximately 1.5 turns is wound on the body of the valve stem from the washing machine.

Let's start assembling

We put a steel washer from the EPHH valve on the rod body, then a 15mm ring made of tin (it should pass freely through the washer), then one of the oval rings from the terminals, then the coil (put on with a little friction), then the steel body from the EPHH valve.

After this, we evenly place a second ring of tin, 10 mm wide, into the gap between the stem body and the valve body.

If the operation is difficult, you can shorten the length of the strip so that a little more than 1 turn is wound, with an overlap of 2-3 mm.

When the remaining part is 0.5 - 1 mm, the edges of the tin ring are bent outward using a thin screwdriver or knife.

In the frontal part of the solenoid, the edges are also slightly rolled up.

The assembled valve is activated in the downward position at a voltage of 10-11 volts.

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Modern industry produces many different taps and valves to regulate the flow of liquid. There is a suitable one for every application. However, the inquisitive minds of home craftsmen do not give up attempts to develop and implement their own designs. Sometimes this is caused by the desire to save money, but more often by the desire to test one’s own strengths as a designer, mechanical engineer, mechanic and electrical engineer.

Types of cranes

Trying to replicate the design of a conventional shut-off valve makes no practical or economic sense unless your home workshop is equipped with high-precision milling, turning and drilling machines. The price of industrial designs for mass production is affordable even for the most modest budget. Another thing is technically complex shut-off valves for special applications, such as:

  • ball with electric drive;
  • needle;
  • non-freezing;
  • with instantaneous water heater;

Options for doing it yourself will be discussed below.

Ball with electric drive,

The motorized valve can find its application in modern “smart” water supply, heating and air conditioning systems created by home DIYers with minimal use of purchased components. In addition to testing your strength, there will also be a significant monetary benefit - a purchased device with an electric drive costs from 2 to 10 thousand rubles.

For a do-it-yourself ball valve with an installed electric drive, you will need the following materials and components:

  • ball valve 3/4″;
Figure 1: 3/4 valve
  • window lift drive for Lada 1117, 2123 left LSA;

Figure 2: Power window
  • five-pin automobile relays – 2 pcs.;
  • limit microswitches - 2 pcs.;
  • sheet metal 1 mm thick (for the frame and clamps);
  • steel tube 10 mm - trimmings (for bushings);
  • square profile 10*10 mm - 10 cm;
  • metal strip 4 mm thick - 10*1 cm;
  • spring with a diameter of 12 mm;
  • M8*45 bolt with nut and washers - 2 pcs.

All electrical equipment is 12 volt. Tools needed:

  • drill;
  • metal scissors;
  • workbench with a vice;
  • welding machine;
  • hand tools (hammer, screwdriver, wrenches, pliers, etc.)

The mechanism being created should allow the electric crane to be controlled both using a drive and manually. The manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  • Bend a U-shaped frame from a sheet of metal.
  • Make bushings from the tube sections for attaching the window lift drive to the frame.
  • Secure the drive.
  • Secure the frame to the pipes coming out of the ball valve using clamps.
  • Cut out an attachment for the gearbox axle from a square profile.
  • Weld a strip to it.
  • Assemble the lever mechanism of the drive from the strip and the handle, spring-loading it. The spring presses the levers together; if necessary, they can be quickly separated without the use of tools and the crane can be operated manually.
  • The strip is hinged to the handle using a bolt and nut. Lock the nut.
  • Attach the square profile to the window regulator shaft.

Next, you should test the kinematics by applying voltage to the electric motor. You can use a car battery or a power supply with a power of at least 50 W. The lever transmission should move smoothly, without jerking or distortion. If necessary, correct parts touching each other with a file.

Now comes the turn of the electrical part of the drive.

  • Mount limit microswitches in the extreme positions of the handle.
  • They should be connected in such a way that they open the control circuit of the relay through which the engine is turned on when the extreme position “Open” or “Closed” is reached.

Such a drive can be connected to the control circuits of a smart home system. A do-it-yourself electric water faucet will be cost-effective if the window lift drive is inexpensive. A new one costs up to 1 thousand rubles, and can eat up half the savings.

Instead of a window lifter drive, you can use any other electric drive,

Figure 3: Motorized crane

similar in power and torque.


A needle valve with a large adjustment range can be assembled from scrap materials at low cost. To make it you will need:

  • Plastic disposable syringe 2 ml.
  • Insulin syringe 1 ml.
  • Bearing ball – 2 pcs.
  • Springs - 2 pcs.
  • Nut and adjusting screw.
  • Epoxy glue.
  • Fasteners
  • Plastic ties - 2 pcs.

Figure 4: Valve diagram

The diagram shows:

  • Syringes - black.
  • Balls are blue.
  • Springs - green.
  • The stock is red.
  • The direction of fluid movement is indicated by green arrows.

To make a faucet, you should:

  • Select balls by diameter. The large one should be slightly smaller than the internal size of a 2-ml syringe, the small one should be 2 times smaller.
  • Select springs according to force. The compression force of a large spring is approximately twice that of a small one.
  • Drill a hole in a large syringe near the spout equal to the inner diameter of the insulin one. Tighten the insulin syringe by the ears with ties, wrap it with synthetic threads and glue it.
  • Insert a small ball and a smaller spring into a large syringe.
  • Cut off the piston rod.
  • Insert the large spring and the second ball.
  • Insert the adjusting screw.
  • Tighten the nut with screws to the ears.

Figure 5: Finished design

The incoming liquid will tend to press the ball away from the inlet hole, the spring will press it back the more strongly the tighter the adjusting screw is tightened. If the screw is completely turned out, the flow will flow freely, if it is completely tightened, the flow will be blocked.

Anti-freeze faucet

Those who need to use the water supply on their property in winter are faced with the problem of the street tap freezing. With large temperature changes, the water inside the fittings and pipes turns into ice and can break them.

There are several ways to organize such water supply:

  • Installation of a purchased anti-freeze tap. In it, the valve plate is located inside the warm contour of the walls. It is always installed with a slope towards the street. Then, after closing the valve, the remaining water in the pipe flows down and does not freeze in the pipe. The devices are available in different lengths, which allows installation in walls of varying thicknesses.

Figure 6: Anti-freeze valve
  • A homemade version of such a device is a regular poppet valve mounted on a supply inside a warm wall contour. Its rod is extended by a rod passing through the wall in a tube. A handle is attached to the outside of the rod. The pipe must also be installed with a slope towards the street. This method requires an extra hole in the wall, but is several times cheaper. Of course, you will have to periodically chip off the ice that forms under the spout.

Figure 7: Homemade Anti-Freeze Valve
  • A faucet installed on an underground insulated water supply system. In this case, it is necessary to have a drainage into which the water remaining after closing the tap in the vertical pipe will be drained. The design uses a three-way valve installed in an insulated pit.

Figure 8: Three-way valve
  • The valve is controlled from the street via a stem extension. In the operating position, it turns on the water supply to the vertical pipe, at the end of which a spout is mounted. As soon as water is drawn, the tap is closed, the supply stops, and the remaining water in the pipe is drained through the third hole of the tap into the drain.


A home craftsman is unlikely to be able to make a full-fledged sensor faucet. Main problem will be in the placement and waterproofing of the infrared proximity sensor. A rather interesting design that allows you to turn the water on and off with your hands full can be assembled using

  • Solenoid valve from a washing machine for 220 v - 2 pcs.
  • Fitting 10mm*1/2 external thread - 2 pcs.
  • Fittings from ¾ to ½ internal. thread - 2 pcs.
  • Bell button for surface mounting.
  • Wires.

The installation and configuration procedure is as follows:

  • The valves are installed at the break in the hot and cold water line, directly in front of the mixer.
  • Their drive is connected via a foot switch.
  • During pre-setting, with the solenoid valves open, you need to set the required temperature and intensity of water flow and leave the mixer tap in this position.
  • If you need to turn on the water, just press the bell button - the valves will work and water will flow from the tap.

When water is no longer needed, simply release the key and the springs will return the valve to the closed state. Particular attention should be paid to waterproofing wires and connections.

Instantaneous water heater for tap

Purchased instantaneous electric water heaters have a compact design and are equipped with a temperature control system, spout and aerator. It is unlikely that you will be able to make such a faucet attachment with your own hands in a home workshop. The main problem is the accuracy of processing parts and ensuring the electrical safety of the device. However, DIYers have developed a simple and quite effective design that allows them to do without complex and expensive components. It works by heating a coil heat exchanger on a gas or electric burner. For production, average metalworking skills are sufficient.

Materials and tools you will need:

  • Copper tube with a diameter of 10-12 mm - 1 meter
  • Rubber or plastic hoses, heat-resistant - 2 distances from the burner to the sink +1 m
  • 2 fittings from the internal diameter of the hoses to ½
  • Adapter from tap for Eurocube
  • 4 clamps
  • Threaded arms and nuts for them - 2 pcs.
  • Construction knife, screwdriver, gas wrench

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Wind a spiral from the tube according to the shape of the burner. Taper the spiral to make maximum use of the heat from the burner. The straight sections of the inlet and outlet pipes should extend beyond the slab panel by 20-30 cm.
  • Attach the spiral to the stove grate. Place the hoses onto the pipes and secure them with clamps.
  • Connect one fitting to the cold water supply (pipe or canister tap), the other to the mixer.
  • Place the free ends of the hoses onto the fittings and also secure with clamps. Cold water should flow to the bottom pipe of the spiral.

Figure 9: Homemade instantaneous water heater

When such a heater is operating, it should not be left unattended for a minute.

Not a single modern pipeline can operate without valves, regardless of what exactly is being transported through it. These devices perform several functions at once, among which we can note protection against water hammer of sensitive equipment (pumps), regulation of pressure in the system, etc. What speaks in their favor is that the installation of such a device is extremely simple.

Valves classification

Similar devices on water pipelines (as well as gas pipelines, etc.) are used for several purposes:

  • protection of equipment from pressure surges– for example, check valves are usually installed in front of pumps to prevent damage to the equipment during water hammer. Installation is carried out using detachable connections, so even if you have no experience, you can do the work yourself;

  • adjustment function– water pipes are only allowed in one direction, so it will help in this situation too. As soon as the water tries to head towards reverse side, the petal will block the passage in the pipe;

  • valves can also be used to regulate the pressure in the system, the boundary force is selected at which the transported medium opens the valve, as a result, as soon as the pressure in the pipeline exceeds the maximum, it will open and the pressure will equalize. The air valve on the gas pipeline is an irreplaceable thing.

This does not exhaust the functionality of shut-off and control devices; they can also be used to control pumps and when cleaning waste water, to minimize leaks, etc.

Read more about the design and principle of operation of different types of valves

Recently, in addition to conventional valves (which operate solely on the basis of the application of force), electromagnetic analogues have also appeared; they can be controlled remotely. A water solenoid valve can be used, for example, in a “smart home” system; from one remote control you can control control devices throughout the house and in the surrounding area.

Solenoid valves

The key difference from other analogues is that it does not allow water to pass through when pressure increases, but solely at the command of a person. This is their main advantage.

As for the design, the key element can be considered the coil, which, when passing through it electric current causes the core to move, which opens/closes the passage hole. Such devices can operate either from batteries (supply voltage 24V) or connected to the network (voltage 110V or 220V).

As for classification, we can distinguish:

  • normally open/closed or bistable;
  • Also, a 220 V solenoid water valve can perform: flow switching function (2/3 way), shut-off (2/2), three way (3/2).

Pay attention!
When choosing, you need to take into account the operating features of each model.
For example, if an electromagnetic shut-off device is produced with servo control, then you need to know that it simply will not work at zero pressure drop, so at least a minimum pressure drop is still needed.

As for the scope of application, electromagnetic devices fit perfectly into the “smart home” concept. For example, an electric water valve installed in a caisson will be able to drain automatically, without even having to leave the house, and this example is the simplest.

Simple and combined models

When operating a water pipeline, you have to solve problems such as:

  • releasing air pockets from pipes that formed directly during operation;

Pay attention!
This problem especially often has to be solved when operating a heating system.
All radiators require the installation of a special valve to release excess air.

  • when draining water (for example, while preserving a pipe for the winter), it is necessary to ensure an air flow that replaces the drained water in the pipe;
  • When the pipe is filled, the valve must allow air to escape.

A simple Mayevsky crane with manual control can handle the release of air plugs; the price of such a device does not even reach 200 rubles.

But other types of shut-off and control valves can also be used:

  • Single-function valves are used to automatically relieve excess pressure. They are used to maintain performance pumping equipment etc., except for equalizing the pressure in the system, it is not suitable for anything else;
  • combined - allow you to solve all the listed problems. Their device uses a movable float; when the pipeline is filled with water, it rises and blocks large holes through which air enters; when water is drained, it also falls, the holes open and a vacuum is not created in the pipe.

Pay attention!
Also in combined devices there may be small holes to equalize pressure.


A drain valve can be used not only in a house to discharge water from pipes, but also as a device to ensure the safety of water supply from a well. Such devices are similar in principle to combined air devices and in winter, when the pressure in the pipe decreases, they discharge water into the well.

When the pressure is above the minimum, the ball closes the outlet and water flows into the house. If the pressure drops below the minimum level, the ball opens the outlet and water flows back into the well, this allows you to preserve the system when the water in the pipe freezes.

A drain valve is useful for protecting hoses and pipes of an irrigation system; such a device is especially useful when laying a separate water supply for irrigation. If the pipe is not laid very deep and there is a risk of freezing, then the drainage pipes themselves will discharge the remaining water from the system.

Of course, you can simply install a drain valve and do the same yourself, but no one can boast of perfect memory. The valve will definitely not forget to drain the water.

As for installation, a threaded (that is, detachable) connection is most often used. Most often, the entire instruction consists of tightening the union nut by hand, and then tightening it with a wrench. In industry, welded and flanged connections can be used.

Summing up

The normal functioning of a water supply system without valves is simply impossible. It is this device that will allow you to drain water from the system and fill it again without any problems; there will also be no problems with air locks. The ease of installation of such devices only adds to their popularity.

The video in this article shows the installation of a check valve in a hot water supply pipeline.

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