Restrictions for urolithiasis. Diet for kidney stones - urolithiasis. Features of therapeutic nutrition

One of the main methods of treatment and prevention is proper diet.

It is equally beneficial for both men and women to follow a balanced diet rich in vitamins, because the appearance of stones does not depend on the gender and age of the patient.

It's all to blame impaired metabolism and, as a result, an increased concentration of salts and acids in the blood and organs of the digestive system.

Why do you need a diet?

Urolithiasis responds well to modern medicine. There are complexes of medications that, together with physiotherapy, help in the treatment of certain types of stones.

In more difficult cases, doctors can resort to instrumental and surgical intervention. These procedures are widely used and virtually painless.

But think about it, do you want to go under the knife or put stress on your liver by consuming different foods for several months? Or maybe it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it? In this case, diet cannot be avoided if you have already treated urolithiasis, because the risk of relapse is very high.


General principles and effectiveness

The effectiveness of proper nutrition will primarily depend on choosing a suitable diet exactly in your case.

If you experience pain in the lumbar region and other symptoms of urolithiasis, you should visit a urologist.

The doctor will prescribe all the necessary procedures to determine the area in which the stones are located and their composition. The composition is main factor when choosing the appropriate menu.

In addition to nutrition, it is necessary to support healthy image life:

Walking on fresh air are also necessary. All these factors help the body cope with the disease faster and enhance the effect of the diet.

There are two main principles of a good diet for any kidney stone formations:

  • It is necessary to drink a large amount of liquid, and it doesn’t matter what kind: water, decoctions, juices - everything is good and not harmful. 2 liters per day will be enough to remove excess salts and ions from your body.
  • Balance and its energy value have important. It is necessary to restore the level of vitamins and nutrients that are lacking, and then maintain the body in this state to prevent relapses.
  • It is useful to reduce the consumption of salty and spicy foods.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of the diet depends. With oxalate and phosphate formations in the ureters and kidneys, proper nutrition is only preventive in nature, but does not contribute to their destruction.

If you have already visited a doctor and know what exactly is causing discomfort in your body, you can start to choosing an appropriate diet.

In men and women, the causes of urolithiasis are the same factors. Treatment is also no different, be it medications or surgery.

And diet, in this case, is no exception. The only point worth paying attention to is pregnancy. Proper nutrition for urolithiasis is beneficial for all people due to its balance.

But, if, during gestation, changes in hormonal levels affect intolerance to certain foods, this should be discussed with a nutritionist and the diet adjusted to the individual characteristics of your body.

Now let’s move on to the important part and figure out what you can eat and what you can’t, depending from chemical composition stones.


Appear as a result of high concentrations of uric acid. Necessary limit the amount of purine in consumed products.

Most of this substance is found in:

  • meat of young animals;
  • brains, cartilage, tongue and other offal;
  • legume family;
  • some fish;
  • mushrooms

You can eat in unlimited quantities:

For reducing acidity and prevent crystallization of uric acid, you can drink alkaline drinks - mineral water, lemonade.

As mentioned above, some of these foods can cause food allergies and intolerances, especially during pregnancy. The diet must be adjusted to suit your body and its characteristics.

Oxalate stones

The main factor in the formation of these stones is oxalic acid. Its excess means a lack of B vitamins and calcium. The intestines are responsible for combining calcium with oxalates. If there is not enough calcium, the acid moves on, forming kidney stones.

Products that should be excluded:

  • wheat bran;
  • rhubarb;
  • beet;
  • cocoa containing products;
  • lettuce, parsley and spinach;
  • gelatin;
  • products containing ascorbic acid as a preservative;
  • sour and citrus fruits.

You can eat, but be careful:

Insoluble fiber reduces calcium levels in the body, excreting it through the intestines and not the kidneys. It is necessary to control its consumption.

Not limited to:

  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • milk and fermented milk products;
  • cabbage;
  • bananas;
  • watermelon.

Any foods containing vitamin B6 and calcium are beneficial, most often cereals and nuts. Additional drinks may include infusions of violet roots and birch leaves.


An alkaline environment promotes their appearance, excess vitamin D and problems with the absorption of calcium salts. It is better to remove the following foods from your diet:

Limit consumption:

  • dairy products and cottage cheese;
  • most fruits and vegetables, except those listed below;
  • bakery products.
  • sour berries;
  • fish and meat in moderation;
  • pumpkin;
  • asparagus;
  • apples;
  • Brussels sprouts.

With this diet, vitamins A, C and foods rich in fiber are additionally prescribed. Teas from currant leaves well contribute to the removal of phosphates from the body.

In conclusion, dieting is not an easy undertaking. But it is necessary so that stones, like weeds in a garden, did not appear again and again.

Only a doctor can create the right diet based on tests and examination of your body. Do not try to treat yourself with a diet without understanding the chemical composition of the stones.

Perhaps the matter will not be limited to diet and you will have to take more radical measures, but that is a completely different story.

Find out what is allowed for urolithiasis from the video:

The appearance of kidney stones, which are scientifically called calculi, is very harmful to human health. Kidney stones are dense and varied formations that appear in various organs where there is an open cavity. Most often, stones appear in the urinary tract and, according to their origin and composition, are divided into several groups - oxalates, urates, carbonates and phosphates. Since their presence causes many health problems, a special diet for kidney stones will help alleviate the patient’s condition and not cause new stones to appear.

Today, there are a variety of reasons for the formation of kidney stones in women and men, the main one being dietary habits. This may be an increased intake of salty foods, sour foods and spicy foods, as well as water, which will contain a lot of salts. And if poor nutrition becomes one of the reasons for the development of kidney stones, then the diet helps to quickly get rid of them and recover.

Only the doctor treating the patient can prescribe dietary nutrition for kidney stones. It is important to always remember that the diet for each person should be selected individually based on the reasons for the development of stones, as well as the substances that make up the stones. The doctor must select a diet for the patient, which directly depends on the chemical composition of the kidney stones.

The main condition of the diet during the development of stones can be called limiting the use of substances whose metabolism differs significantly from normal levels. Sometimes, in the absence of exacerbation of the disease, the menu includes products that neutralize the occurrence of kidney stones. However best result will have a well-composed diet that takes into account the basic rule - each group of stones has its own diet therapy. Only then will it be possible to avoid serious complications, as well as surgical intervention.

Basic nutritional secrets for patients with kidney stones:

  1. Compliance strict regime nutrition. The patient will benefit more if he eats food 5-6 times a day. At the same time, both daily fasting and excess food are strictly prohibited, and dinner should be 4 hours before going to bed.
  2. Maintaining temperature conditions. Optimal temperature food temperature ranges from 15 to 60 degrees. It is important to note that food that is too cold or hot is strictly prohibited.
  3. Heat treatment. All types of heat treatment are allowed, except for frying foods in fat or oil. This cooking method can be replaced by cooking in the oven.
  4. Limiting foods and dishes that contain a lot of vitamin C. The menu must contain foods with vitamin C, but in a dosage not exceeding the norm.
  5. Lack of salt in the diet. You can eat no more than 5 g of salt per day, since its excess contributes to the formation of stones, as well as increased blood pressure. To reduce this negative influence, rock salt can be replaced by sea.

Compliance with the correct dietary nutrition It’s quite difficult to overestimate. After all, with its help it is possible not only to prevent the development of the disease, but also to get rid of existing health problems.

Basic functions healthy eating for kidney stones:
  • helps remove salt accumulations from the paired organ;
  • prevents further occurrence of stones;
  • reduces excess body weight and helps maintain it at an optimal level;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the heart and blood vessels;
  • reduces the risk of inflammation in the urinary tract.

Thanks to these functions of the diet, you can normalize your health and prevent the occurrence of complications in which you will need to resort to surgery to remove the stone.

What foods should not be eaten during pathologies of the paired organ?

A competent diet when stones appear is considered to be the optimal ratio of acceptable foods with certain types of prohibited ones (if the disease is complex, the patient should stop eating them completely). First on the list of completely prohibited foods are those that contain a lot of purine - in most cases, these are foods that contain a lot of proteins and acids.

If kidney stones that are dangerous to your health appear, you should exclude the following foods from the menu or limit your consumption as much as possible:

  • meat and fish, which contain a lot of fat;
  • products with “fast” carbohydrates - halva, cookies, cream cakes, baked goods, jam;
  • fatty broths;
  • jelly, aspic;
  • sausage products (these include sausages, sausages, cervelat, etc.);
  • seafood;
  • cheeses containing a large number of spices and salts;
  • eggs and especially egg yolk;
  • citrus fruits, as they contain a lot of vitamin C;
  • sour berries, where you can also notice vitamin C;
  • snacks seasoned with spicy or salty sauce;
  • almost all types of greens;
  • legumes;
  • any smoked products;
  • some drinks, which include tea, cocoa or coffee.

All of the above foods contribute to the formation of kidney stones, so it is necessary to limit their consumption as much as possible.

If there are kidney stones, a diet that contains foods with vitamin B will speed up the elimination of the components that make up the stone from the body.

To obtain a therapeutic effect, the menu must include ingredients that reduce urine alkalinity and dissolve stones. Therefore, patients suffering from kidney stones can eat vegetables, fruits and dairy products that contain live bifidobacteria. Strengthen this effect products will help with high level vitamin A, which are not only good for health, but also restore the mucous membrane of the kidneys and organs of the urinary system. The exception is when the patient has phosphaturia, in which therapy involves creating an “acidic” environment.

Foods you can eat while sick:

  • pasta;
  • turkey and chicken meat (preferably breast);
  • whole wheat bread;
  • lean fish;
  • fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, etc.);
  • salads containing pickled or pickled vegetables;
  • dried fruits (the potassium they contain helps improve water metabolism in the body);
  • fermented milk products;
  • vegetable oil(it is advisable to eat it little by little);
  • vegetable sauces;
  • black tea (permissible with lemon);
  • mild cheese;
  • porridge;
  • natural sweets (apple marmalade, marshmallows, honey).

Speaking of drinking, it is worth noting that if there are no contraindications to drinking heavily, you should not limit the daily amount of fluid consumed.

You can drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, and you should know that it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties mineral water, in which there will be little salts and chemicals. A variety of teas and decoctions made from medicinal herbs are also allowed for consumption.

If the buds contain sand, then infusions prepared from parsley, birch buds, rose hips and strawberries help expel it. However, before using these medicinal infusions, you must read the contraindications.

A substance known to cause oxalate is oxalic acid. The main reason, which develops stones in the paired organ in men and women, is considered to be dehydration, in which salts and acids cannot be washed out of the body. This is why a sick person is recommended to drink 2-3 liters of liquid per day (this does not include broths and soups).

Since oxalates are insoluble and can quickly increase in size, the main goal of the diet is not to crush these stones, but to prevent the appearance of new ones. A variety of soups, fruits, and fresh vegetables can help with this.

If the kidneys and urine contain oxalates, then the diet involves avoiding the consumption of fats, cholesterol and salt.

With oxalates, the patient is allowed the following list of products, which is not recommended to be violated:
  • vegetables (you can eat them both fresh and boiled);
  • potatoes or mashed potatoes;
  • caviar from vegetables without vinegar;
  • sweet fruits and berries;
  • any nuts (the only exception is peanuts);
  • boiled breast or fish;
  • dairy products that contain a minimum of fat;
  • eggs.

Products that contain a lot of magnesium, namely flax seeds and millet bran, can remove oxalic acid from the body.

In addition, you need to know that there are some foods that contribute to the formation of kidney stones and increase their size.

Products that are prohibited for consumption if you have oxalates, and therefore should not be on the menu, include:
  • any kind of greenery;
  • some vegetables, namely radishes, raw beets, Brussels sprouts, peppers;
  • sour tomatoes;
  • legumes;
  • oranges, mangoes, lemons;
  • sour berries.

In addition, the patient should avoid eating ice cream, sweets, sausages, and baked goods, as such products lead to the appearance of oxalates in the body.

Compliance with the diet prescribed by the doctor in the presence of urates in the paired organ allows you to successfully dissolve formations in the kidneys, as well as quickly remove them from the body. It is important for patients to always remember that if there is urate in the kidneys, then the person should not consume any smoked products, alcohol, or all types of preserves.

The following have a preventive effect in the presence of urate stones:

  • watermelons;
  • currant;
  • grape;
  • green apples;
  • clean water.

If a person has previously been diagnosed with kidney stones, he must follow a diet.

A diet after removing stones from the kidneys and during their washout allows you to normalize human health, as well as cleanse the paired organ of salts and other chemicals.

The formation of stones of various compositions in the kidneys is considered one of the most common pathologies. Most often, due to the structural features of the body and the humoral regulation of processes, it suffers female half population.

Therapy includes changing your daily routine and regularly taking medications prescribed by your doctor. medicines, as well as a mandatory change in the culture of everyday nutrition. A diet for urolithiasis of the kidneys is necessary, since almost all food breakdown products pass through these organs.

Rules for eating and creating a menu when stones form

Please note

Nutrition principles and composition daily menu are selected individually, depending on the composition of the stones formed, the degree of development of the disease, general condition the patient, his age and weight, the presence of chronic pathologies various types etc.

A menu suitable for complex therapy can be chosen exclusively by a nephrologist, since the positive result of the diet will depend on the substances resulting from the breakdown of products. Stones and concrements are formed mainly as a result of the deposition of salts and other wastes various substances in the kidneys, including from food. In addition, the formation of kidney stones can be affected by diseases of the digestive system, as well as a lack of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and nutrients in the body necessary to prevent the occurrence of this pathology.

It is important to remember that in education cysteine ​​and xanthine stones (that is, those that grew as a result of the deposition of amino acids), a therapeutic diet is practically not prescribed, since this type of pathology is genetic in nature and cannot be treated with standard treatment.

If or , then proper nutrition will only help stop the production of new stones without dissolving the old ones. But can dissolve even simply by following a diet, with virtually no drug treatment.

Independent selection of food can lead to a significant deterioration of the patient’s condition, exacerbation of pathology and the formation of unpleasant concomitant diseases.

In order for the diet to help speed up recovery and significantly increase the positive effect of prescribed medications, the patient must follow the following nutritional rules:

The rules listed above are relevant for any of the prescribed diets for any type of kidney stones.

What foods are prohibited for urolithiasis

There is a list of products that can significantly worsen the patient’s condition with any type of urolithiasis and cause irreparable damage to the entire genitourinary system. In addition, they retain water in the body, prevent prescribed medications from being absorbed normally and place additional stress on the body damaged by pathology. That is why they are excluded from all lists of acceptable products and are strongly not recommended by medical specialists:

  • fatty meats and fish, including fatty parts of chicken and turkey;
  • offal;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • all types of smoked, dried and canned products;
  • high fat dairy products;
  • strong varieties of tea;
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • salo;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • , salads, celery;
  • jellied meat, jelly, jelly;
  • dietary supplements containing large amounts of ascorbic acid;
  • figs;
  • tomatoes, green beans;
  • all types of citrus fruits, rose hips, currants, lingonberries, cranberries;
  • sweets;
  • spices and seasonings, vinegar, tomato pastes, sauces, marinades.

The use of all these products is permissible only after complete elimination of the pathology and long-term prevention of subsequent formation of stones of any type in the kidneys.

Nutrition during the formation of urate stones

occur in the kidneys when there is excess uric acid in the body, which leads to acidic urine. This occurs due to the excess intake of purines into the patient’s body, which are found mainly in animal fats.

The composition of the diet is aimed at changing this reaction to alkaline. Various vegetarian dishes filled with a high content of vegetables and fruits, as well as low-fat milk, help with this. The menu should be based on vegetable soups, baked vegetables and allowed fruits.

In addition, you can diversify the menu with various semi-liquid porridges cooked in a mixture of water and milk, slimy pureed stews and cereal soups.

For urate stones in the kidneys, the menu may consist of the following products:

  • potatoes, carrots, and cucumbers;
  • green onions, dill and parsley;
  • , pears, peaches, apricots, red grapes;
  • all types of nuts;
  • butter and olive oils;
  • all types of low-fat dairy products;
  • unleavened flour products butter dough;
  • , rice, millet, oats, millet;
  • herbal teas from mint, infusions and decoctions of special preparations for urinary stones, jelly, compotes, weak tea with milk, alkaline mineral waters, decoctions of wheat and flax bran;

Fasting with urate stones is prohibited, but some types will be of great benefit fasting days , such as dairy, fruit or vegetable. They should be carried out no more than 1 day a week. On this day you need to drink as much liquid as possible. In addition, if treatment takes place during the hot season, the amount of fluid consumed should also be increased.

Nutrition for calcium phosphate stones

The menu for calcium stones in the urinary system will be somewhat different from what is generally accepted for similar types of pathologies. Since calcium phosphoric acid can accumulate due to insufficient urine acidity, it is necessary to adjust the internal pH to the desired level. This can be done with the help of a diet similar to the table for urate stones, from which you exclude:

  • vegetables;
  • milk;
  • egg yolk.

These products contain large amounts of calcium, so their inclusion in the daily diet is unacceptable. Instead, you are allowed to add to the menu:

In cases where the formation of calcium phosphate stones occurs due to any type of calcium deficiency (this happens if too much calcium is washed out of the body, but, at the same time, settles in the kidneys), the menu is adjusted in accordance with the general physical condition patient.

Nutrition for oxalate stones

They are considered the most rigid of all types of stones. They are very difficult to come out and are difficult to remove naturally. That's why the diet is aimed mainly at stopping their growth and re-formation.

This type of stone appears due to the deposition of calcium salts of oxalic acid. In order to stop the progression of the pathology, it will be necessary to exclude much more foods from the daily diet than with urate stones.

From the menu you should see:

  • all types of green vegetables;
  • citrus;
  • meat;
  • consumption of dairy products, even with low fat content, is reduced to a minimum;
  • rich bakery products.

To remove oxalate stones, the patient will have to drink a very large amount of liquid that does not contain any types of acids or alkalis. The daily food menu includes:

  • durum wheat pasta;
  • butter;
  • legumes;
  • sour apples and pears;
  • cereal porridge;
  • low-fat varieties of fish.

The combination of such a strict diet with taking a course of medications prescribed by a doctor stops the growth of stones and provokes their exit from the body.

It is important to remember that caution is necessary when following any diet. You need to carefully monitor your diet and body condition after each meal. If, when adding a new product to the menu, your health worsens, then you need to exclude it again and consult a doctor about the most rational replacement.

Kuznetsova Irina, medical observer

Diet for kidney stones in men is one of the main therapeutic measures in addition to drug therapy and a special operation for crushing with shock wave equipment.

Nephrolithiasis (kidney disease) is triggered by various reasons: poor environmental situation, stress, poor nutrition, hard water, excessive use of medications. All these factors provoke the appearance of kidney stones in men and the exacerbation of diseases. To dissolve stones, you need not only to use special medications and folk remedies at home, but also reconsider your diet.

Basic nutrition rules

Comprehensive treatment for kidney stones includes a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition. To achieve sustainable results, the diet must be long-term. It is developed individually for each person, depending on the type of stones in the urine.

Diet in the presence of kidney stones will prevent their increase in size and the formation of new ones. In addition, appropriate nutrition will remove accumulated salts, improve the digestion process, and reduce the likelihood of inflammation in the urinary canals.

The basic rules of nutrition for kidney stones in men are as follows:




Eat food 5-6 times a day. Of these, 3 are main meals, and the rest are snacks. As a result, the interval between them will be approximately 3 hours. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime

Heat treatment of products

Any options are allowed, with the exception of frying in oil. It is best to replace such dishes with casseroles cooked in the oven.

Food temperature

The optimal option is from 15 to 60 0 C. In other words, you should not eat too hot or cold food

Limiting salt intake

Only 5 g per day is allowed. Excessive amounts cause an increase in stones and an increase in blood pressure. It is recommended to add salt immediately ready meals. Then it is easier to keep track of the daily dose. It is best to replace table salt with sea salt

Limiting food intake from high content ascorbic acid

IN large quantities this substance is harmful for kidney stones

If you have kidney stones, you will have to avoid foods that contain large amounts of purines. This applies to foods high in animal proteins and saturated fatty acids.

For kidney stones, the following are contraindicated:

  • cookies, desserts with jam, preserves, creams, halva, baked goods;
  • fatty meat and fish, caviar, seafood, sausage, smoked meats;
  • jelly, coffee, cocoa;
  • citrus;
  • sour berries;
  • green;
  • egg yolk;
  • salty cheeses with spices;
  • legumes

Allowed foods include:

  • whole wheat bread;
  • porridge;
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • chicken and turkey;
  • lean fish (cod, pollock);
  • fresh fruits and dried fruits;
  • salads with pickled and sauerkraut;
  • fermented milk products;
  • mild cheeses;
  • honey, pollen, marshmallow, marmalade.

It is recommended to consume more foods that have an alkalizing effect on urine and dissolve. The menu should include fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products containing bifidobacteria. The exception is phosphaturia, when it is necessary to create a special “acidic” environment.

It is recommended to consume more foods containing B vitamins, as they speed up the process of removing urate and oxalate stones. To enhance the effect, you need to introduce foods rich in vitamin A into your diet. It is not only beneficial for the whole body, but also restores the mucous layers of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Menu for the week

When preparing a diet for 7 days, you need to take into account all the secrets of proper nutrition for nephrolithiasis and exacerbation of renal pathologies. It is recommended to develop the menu in advance.

An approximate diet for a week is presented in the table.

Day of the week



  • Breakfast: vegetable salad (season with olive or flaxseed oil);
  • lunch: egg white omelette, steamed;
  • dinner: mashed potatoes and boiled fish;
  • afternoon snack: banana or 2 apples;
  • dinner: cottage cheese with dried fruits, biscuits
  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, apples;
  • lunch: a handful of any nuts (you can combine different ones) and a glass of yogurt;
  • dinner: borsch;
  • afternoon snack: millet porridge with apples;
  • dinner: carrot and prune casserole
  • Breakfast: vegetable salad, chicken egg;
  • lunch: oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • dinner: cottage cheese dumplings (steamed), a little low-fat sour cream;
  • afternoon snack: a couple of apples;
  • dinner: stewed rice, eggplant and bell pepper baked in the oven
  • Breakfast: boiled beets with chopped prunes and walnuts with a little olive oil;
  • lunch: yogurt and vegetable salad;
  • dinner: boiled fish and vegetable stew, okroshka;
  • afternoon snack: fruit salad;
  • dinner: potato casserole (season with low-fat sour cream)
  • Breakfast: boiled egg, oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • lunch: beetroot-apple salad;
  • dinner: vegetable soup, buckwheat porridge and steamed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: banana or a couple of apples, yogurt;
  • dinner: pasta, stewed tomatoes, cheese

Fasting day. It is allowed to eat fruits from the list of permitted ones and cottage cheese. Take it with water or green tea


  • Breakfast: a mixture of grated boiled carrots and beets;
  • lunch: steamed omelette, biscuits;
  • dinner: carrot and pumpkin puree soup, zucchini pancakes (season with sour cream);
  • afternoon snack: vegetable salad;
  • dinner: apples baked with rice and dried fruits

You can wash down your meals with black and green tea, a decoction of rose hips, dried fruit compote, berry juice, and milk. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a cup of kefir or yogurt, low-fat natural yogurt without fruit and berry additives. Additionally, you are allowed to have a snack before going to bed, cereal bread or biscuits.

Nutritional features for different types of stones

The diet may vary depending on the type of stones. Eat general rules dietary nutrition used for any kidney stones, but there are also certain features indicated in the table:

Type of stones


They are common types of stones. This problem is caused by metabolic disorders with oxalic acid, which affects the formation of insoluble calcium salts in the urine. The main reason for their formation is dehydration. This is why it is important to monitor your drinking regime if you have oxalate stones - you need to drink 2-3 liters of pure or mineral water per day. Fruit drinks and compotes are suitable.

The next reason that causes the abundant formation of oxalic acid in internal organs– consumption of large quantities of foods in purple, dark green and red shades. It is recommended to eat more raspberries, blueberries, citrus fruits, mushrooms, cucumbers, apples and leafy greens

Formed due to uric acid salts. This disease is called uraturia. During treatment, you should not consume smoked foods, preserves, or alcohol. To prevent the formation of such stones, it is recommended to eat grapes, watermelons, green apples, and black currants. You definitely need to drink more clean water

The main factors that provoke the formation of phosphate stones are infections, renal failure in acute form, hydronephrosis, kidney shrinkage, colic. It is necessary to limit the consumption of nuts, alcohol, hot spices, cheese, cereals with milk, sour cream, eggs, fruits and vegetables in fresh, smoked meats, pickles


Be sure to monitor your drinking regime and drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

Specialized diet for urolithiasis for alkalinization of urine - preventive and therapeutic event. The state of health and the success of treatment depend on a balanced menu. How to choose a diet depending on the composition of the stones, what is the difference between diets for men and women, and what nutritional advice do doctors give - more on this later in the article.

Basic rules of nutrition for urolithiasis

Malnutrition leads not only to excess weight, but also to the emergence and exacerbation of various pathologies. If you consulted a doctor for help in treatment, the first recommendation was probably related to nutrition.

A diet for ICD helps support the body during an exacerbation and smooth out painful attacks. The only downside is that you will have to change your lifestyle and diet to delay the exacerbation of the disease.

Kidney stones, the diet for which will be discussed in detail today, are divided into subgroups:

  • urates;
  • oxalates;
  • phosphates;
  • calcium phosphates;
  • cystine.

The choice of diet depends on the type and cause of kidney stones. If you treat your diet negligently, violate your diet, or eat prohibited foods, the lesser evil will be a re-exacerbation of pain attacks. In the future, you will get kidney failure and chronic pyelonephritis.

Diet for kidney stones: what is the essence of nutrition?

The basis of the treatment menu for patients with urolithiasis is to remove foods that provoke the formation of stones. The main result of the diet is to reduce the acidity of urine and reduce the daily amount.

What rules should there be during therapeutic nutrition:

  1. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily. This is not just an average norm, but a necessary minimum that will wash away excess salts.
  2. Excess protein is unacceptable. The diet for urolithiasis is aimed at reducing protein, which provokes an increase in calcium and uric acid.
  3. You need to reduce fructose and fats.
  4. Salty foods should be strictly avoided.

What foods are you allowed to eat and which should you avoid immediately?

If you are determined to get rid of attacks of pain and normalize your health, then start with a daily menu. It is useless to look for information on the topic “kidney stones diet, proper nutrition, all the secrets of health” if you eat snacks, alcohol and other unhealthy foods every evening.

For clarity, read the table and print it on your refrigerator.

Product categoryWhat can you eatWhat to refuse
Bakery products
  • rye bread;
  • wheat bread;
  • bran baked goods.
  • fresh baked goods;
  • fatty sweets;
  • candies.
  • cereal soups;
  • Lenten borscht;
  • cabbage soup;
  • vegetable soups with lean broth;
  • fruit soups.
  • green borscht;
  • pea soup;
  • mushroom soup;
Meat products
  • boiled turkey fillet, chicken;
  • rabbit meat;
  • lean fish;
  • minced sirloin cutlets.
  • offal;
  • brain;
  • language;
  • semi-finished products;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • caviar.
Dairy products
  • skim milk;
  • kefir;
  • buttermilk;
  • sour cream up to 15%;
  • cottage cheese up to 9%;
  • cheese up to 50% fat.
  • salted cheese;
  • curd mass;
  • fatty dairy products.
  • chicken;
  • quail
Cereals and legumes
  • All porridges are made with water or with milk and water 1:1.
  • lentils;
  • beans.
  • Everything that is not prohibited can be baked, stewed, or eaten raw.
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach;
  • rhubarb;
  • purslane;
  • pickles.

All dishes can be seasoned with bay leaves, tomato or sour cream based sauces, or citric acid. In small portions you can have marshmallows, honey, and a little jam. Chocolate, black tea and coffee are strictly prohibited. More benefits for the kidneys will come from rosehip decoction, currant leaf decoction, and real fruit juices.

Sample menu for the week

Urolithiasis affects everyone with equal frequency. Older people and women during menopause are at risk of falling into the category of people with a chronic form. The diet for urolithiasis in women does not have a particularly complex diet. With its help, you can not only change your attitude towards food, but also get rid of extra centimeters on your waist. It will not be possible to completely get rid of old stones, but it is quite possible to stop the formation of new ones.

So, what does the diet for urolithiasis in women look like, the menu for the week:


Breakfast: a portion of rabbit meat with a side dish of fresh vegetables, apple juice.

Lunch: light soup without meat, medicinal table water 500 ml.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, a glass of rosehip infusion.

Breakfast: a portion of weak chicken broth, a slice of bran bread, rhubarb jelly.

Lunch: 230 ml of kefir and 2 buckwheat bread.

Dinner: a portion of buckwheat porridge on water, 50 g of squash caviar, tea.

Breakfast: light soup with boiled chicken, bran bread, a glass of green tea.

Lunch: steam omelet of 2 eggs with a side dish of greens and cucumbers.

Dinner: fillet sea ​​fish with vegetable side dish, compote.

Breakfast: turkey soup with cabbage, cottage cheese, mashed with yogurt.

Lunch: cottage cheese casserole.

Dinner: a portion of stewed potatoes with zucchini.

Breakfast: a glass of warm milk, oatmeal with berries.

Lunch: homemade fruit jelly, a glass of tea.

Dinner: a slice of bran bread, chicken aspic.

Breakfast: steamed cutlets, choice of fruit, compote.

Lunch: cottage cheese casserole, a glass of tea.

Dinner: fish fillet cutlets, 1 tsp. tomato sauce, 300 ml of medicinal water.


Breakfast: a couple of baked apples with cinnamon, tea.

Lunch: buckwheat soup, juice.

Dinner: carrot salad, potato croquettes with a dollop of sour cream.

Diet for kidney stones in men

There are several options for meal plans available online, specifically for men. Is it worth reminding that every representative of the stronger sex risks not only ending up in the category of patients, but becoming impotent. Cigarettes, alcohol, poor nutrition will lead to the development of urolithiasis and chronic inflammation of the urinary tract. In order not to risk your health, follow the universal nutrition plan about ICD.

Diet for urolithiasis in men during exacerbation: menu for the week


Breakfast: steamed omelet of 2 eggs, unsweetened yogurt.

Lunch: a serving of baked potatoes with fish fillet, a glass of tea.

Dinner: baked turkey with a side dish of permitted vegetables, milk with 1 tsp. honey

Breakfast: apple, cheesecakes, glass of green tea.

Lunch: cottage cheese with nuts, berry compote.

Dinner: vegetable broth soup, a cup of rosehip infusion.

Breakfast: oatmeal, a glass of rhubarb jelly.

Lunch: baked vegetables, apple juice.

Dinner: buckwheat meatballs, carrot salad, yogurt.

Breakfast: a serving of milk porridge.

Lunch: vegetable broth with herbs, medicinal mineral water 300 ml.

Dinner: fish fillet cutlets, a cup of rosehip infusion.

Breakfast: fruit salad with yogurt, a glass of tea.

Lunch: buckwheat porridge on water with squash caviar 60

Dinner: Oatmeal with berries, low-fat yogurt, rosehip tea with 1 tsp. honey

Breakfast: steam omelette with tomatoes, a slice of cheese.

Lunch: fruit pudding, tomato, cabbage and herbs salad.

Dinner: boiled turkey with sour cream sauce, a glass of apple juice.


Breakfast: cereal soup with rye crackers, a glass of tea.

Lunch: fruit salad, juice of your choice.

Dinner: steamed vegetables, biscuits, tea.

The diet for kidney stones in men is aimed, like the female version, at improving health. You can select products to suit your taste, replacing one option for breakfast, lunch, dinner with another. The only negative is the limited selection of meat and protein products that a man needs to build a muscle corset.

Diet for different types of kidney stones

As mentioned above, the diet for urolithiasis in men and women is divided according to the types of formations. You shouldn’t prescribe your own diet. Before using the diet in practice, consultation with your doctor is required.

Menu for oxalate stones:

  • First breakfast: grated cottage cheese with sour cream, oatmeal, a glass of rosehip infusion.
  • Lunch: baked apples, glass of tea.
  • Lunch: buckwheat soup with chicken fillet, a glass of juice.
  • Dinner: steamed fish fillet with vegetables, a slice of cheese, a glass of tea.
  • Late dinner: yogurt.

Menu for urate stones:

  • Breakfast: potato salad, boiled egg, rosehip infusion.
  • Lunch: a glass of yogurt.
  • Lunch: fish cutlets with vegetables, a portion of lean borscht, rhubarb jelly.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with honey.
  • Late dinner: yogurt.

Menu for phosphate stones:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, a glass of green tea.
  • Lunch: bran broth, a slice of bread.
  • Lunch: soup with vegetables, turkey fillet, baked with a side dish of cabbage, jelly.
  • Dinner: steam omelette, fish with green peas, glass of tea.
  • Late dinner: rosehip tea.

Healthy recipes

The very phrase “diet for urolithiasis in women and men” evokes associations with a monotonous diet and tasteless foods. This is not true! Below you will find the simplest and hearty recipes for therapeutic nutrition.

Puree carrot-pumpkin soup

You will need:

  • potatoes - 80 g;
  • carrots - 120 g;
  • pumpkin - 450 g;
  • onion - 35 g;
  • seasonings from dry herbs.


  1. Wash potatoes, pumpkin, carrots and boil in unsalted water for 20 minutes.
  2. Chop the onion and fry with a couple of drops of oil.
  3. Place vegetables and onions in a blender container and blend until smooth.
  4. You can add to taste clean water so that the soup has the desired thickness.
  5. Add dry herbs, cook for 7 minutes until tender.

Rice porridge with pumpkin and apples

You will need:

  • pumpkin - 150 g;
  • rice - 130 g;
  • apple - 230 g;
  • dried apricots - 50 g;
  • raisins - 30 g.


  1. Wash dried fruits and cut into strips.
  2. Wash apples and pumpkins, peel them, cut into cubes.
  3. Place rice on the bottom of a heatproof pan, pumpkin, dried fruits, apples on top and add water.
  4. Place on low heat and cook for 40 minutes until fully cooked.

Oatmeal bar

You will need:

  • oatmeal - 100 g;
  • yogurt without sugar - 50 g;
  • honey - 25 g;
  • candied fruits - 25 g;
  • nuts - 15 g;
  • banana - 50 g.


  1. Cut the candied fruit into small cubes, mash the banana into a puree.
  2. Mix the ingredients until a sticky, homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. With wet hands, form into bars, placing them on a silicone mat.
  4. Place in the oven at 170°C for 7 minutes until slightly hardened.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

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