"master" - fertilizer for flowering plants. Fertilizer master - application, instructions, composition Liquid fertilizer master

The article provides basic information that allows you to achieve maximum results from using a product that is so in demand these days, including practical advice and recommendations from experienced gardeners.

Fertilizer Master description, where to buy and price, reviews and consumption for irrigation, manufacturer

“Master” is a complex fertilizer in the form of chelates, which is suitable for all types of plants. Sold in different proportions of microelements for different stages of application. Used for seedlings, vegetable garden, garden 5-6 g/2 l of water, for flowers and indoor plants 2-5 g/2 l of water. Valagro is a manufacturer of Master fertilizer.

According to reviews, the fertilizer is good, the results of plant growth are visible, home flowers bloom well, it improves the taste and appearance of fruits. You can buy “Master” at a garden store for 30 to 150 rubles, depending on the weight of the fertilizer.

Fertilizer Master instructions for use for flowers

For flowers there is “Master” with a low content of sulfate compounds, which can be used in conjunction with other fertilizers. Works great in conjunction with Megafol. 2 kg of fertilizer and 1 liter of megafol will strengthen the roots of plants and improve flowering.

It should be used every 25-30 days, and in parallel you can add protective agents for flowering plants.

Distinctive characteristics of the Master fertilizer

A distinctive feature of the Master fertilizer is that it has more than 16 N:P:K combinations. This allows the gardener to select the desired concentration of fertilizer for his plant or crops.

Italian companies supply the ingredients for the fertilizer; it is environmentally friendly and does not harm plants and environment. "Master" improves perfectly appearance plants, their quality, strengthens the root system and improves fruiting.

The beneficial substances contained in the product contribute to the maximum enrichment of the soil with important microelements. They are produced in chelate form, which prevents the appearance of sediment in tank solutions and is compatible with any protective agents. The effectiveness of chelates is 10 times higher than that of other feeding analogues. Can be used with any irrigation method. Fertilizer, once in the soil, completely dissolves and is easily absorbed into the root system. Therefore, it is suitable for any type of soil. The product has gained particular popularity in the south of Russia. Master fertilizer is produced in accordance with established quality standards.

The substance is characterized by:

  • lack of sodium and chlorine;
  • the presence of a complex of microelements (EDTA form);
  • availability of special water-soluble phosphorus, magnesium, chelates.

In order for the soil to accept artificial fertilizing well, manufacturers have introduced Belgian monopotassium phosphate, a sulfate compound, and potassium nitrate. Unlike European analogues, other companies use monoammonium phosphate from China.

Master for foliar irrigation

If necessary, the Italian product can be used to fertilize the above-ground parts of the plant. It meets all the requirements of such special equipment:

  • does not clog the sprayer;
  • excludes aggressive components;
  • does not leave salt residues on the stems and flowers;
  • compatible with various fertilizers and pesticides that can be used to simultaneously treat the plant.

Basically, the above-ground part of the crop requires a large amount of nutrient particles. Depending on the flowering period, the appropriate value of N, P, K is selected. It is possible to use the maximum concentration formula - 5*15*45+micro, 30*10*10+micro, 10*54*10+micro.


Instructions for using the Master product when irrigating plants that develop on open ground, provides the following relation formulas:

  • 3*37*37 - for soil with a low amount of nitrogen;
  • 9*0*46 - to obtain a solution similar in composition to potassium nitrate;
  • 10*18*32 - at the fruiting stage;
  • 17*6*18 - during vegetative growth;
  • 19*6*6 - on initial stage fruiting of fruit plants for soil with high level potassium;
  • 20*5*10 - at the beginning of fruiting of fruit crops with a high potassium content;
  • 30*10*10 - for soil with a low amount of nitrogen and a high amount of potassium and phosphorus;
  • 15*5*30*2 - at the stage of flowering, fruiting;
  • 18*18*18*3 - for fertilizing the above-ground parts of various crops;
  • 20*20*20 - for foliar nutrition of seedlings, which require a large amount of useful elements.

Master for flowering plants does not affect pollination processes and the development of inflorescences, as it does not have harmful chemical compounds. The product has low electrical conductivity, does not require the addition of additional substances, contains a low number of sulfate compounds, and allows you to combine several types of branded products to obtain high results.

For foliar feeding, manufacturers recommend combining Master with Megafol, which stimulates plant growth. Guided by the instructions for use of the Special Master (18*18*18*3), use optimal formula the ratios of these funds are 1 liter of Megafol and 2 kg of Master. The plant is processed twice with an interval of 30 days. It is advisable to fertilize in parallel with the introduction of special protection products.

Distinctive characteristics of the Master fertilizer

Valagro is a company that produces high-quality microelements that allow it to occupy a high position in the global fertilizer market. Source materials mainly provided by Italian companies. Experts develop precise formulas that allow you to feed various plants, regardless of their type. There are more than 13 product formulas to choose from. This makes it possible to accurately select fertilizer in accordance with the stages of crop development, its characteristics, and the composition of the soil and water.

A special substance in the form of an indicator has been introduced into the Master's product. This approach allows you to quickly determine the degree of mixing of funds with each other. After all, the indicator colors the solution in a certain tone, and a change in color indicates the mixture is ready for watering. The Italian product has a low EC, unlike many other similar fertilizers. The composition of the product is so environmentally safe and clean that it makes it possible to create solutions of high concentration. In this case, the plants will not receive burns or other dangerous damage.

During the growth stage (especially flowering), plants are very sensitive and susceptible to negative factors. Italian fertilizer during this period promotes the rapid development of crops due to their maximum absorption of useful, instant substances. During fertigation, growth processes are balanced due to the low salt content. It is possible to obtain a high early harvest by selecting the optimal N:P:K ratio. The master prevents development various diseases crops due to the content of a certain amount of magnesium and essential microelements.

Italian fertilizer allows you to regulate the size of the plant, its foliage, and affects the quality of inflorescences and fruits.

The beneficial substances contained in the product contribute to the maximum enrichment of the soil with important microelements. They are produced in chelate form, which prevents the appearance of sediment in tank solutions and is compatible with any protective agents. The effectiveness of chelates is 10 times higher than that of other feeding analogues. Can be used with any irrigation method. Fertilizer, once in the soil, completely dissolves and is easily absorbed into the root system. Therefore, it is suitable for any type of soil. The product has gained particular popularity in the south of Russia. Master fertilizer is produced in accordance with established quality standards.

The substance is characterized by:

  • lack of sodium and chlorine;
  • the presence of a complex of microelements (EDTA form);
  • availability of special water-soluble phosphorus, magnesium, chelates.

In order for the soil to accept artificial fertilizing well, manufacturers have introduced Belgian monopotassium phosphate, a sulfate compound and potassium nitrate into the product formula. Unlike European analogues, other companies use monoammonium phosphate from China.

Master for foliar irrigation

If necessary, the Italian product can be used to fertilize the above-ground parts of the plant. It meets all the requirements of such special equipment:

  • does not clog the sprayer;
  • excludes aggressive components;
  • does not leave salt residues on the stems and flowers;
  • compatible with various fertilizers and pesticides that can be used to simultaneously treat the plant.

Basically, the above-ground part of the crop requires a large amount of nutrient particles. Depending on the flowering period, the appropriate value of N, P, K is selected. It is possible to use the maximum concentration formula - 5*15*45+micro, 30*10*10+micro, 10*54*10+micro.


Instructions for using the Master product when irrigating plants that grow in open ground provide the following ratio formulas:

  • 3*37*37 - for soil with a low amount of nitrogen;
  • 9*0*46 - to obtain a solution similar in composition to potassium nitrate;
  • 10*18*32 - at the fruiting stage;
  • 17*6*18 - during vegetative growth;
  • 19*6*6 - at the initial stage of fruiting of fruit plants for soil with a high level of potassium;
  • 20*5*10 - at the beginning of fruiting of fruit crops with a high potassium content;
  • 30*10*10 - for soil with a low amount of nitrogen and a high amount of potassium and phosphorus;
  • 15*5*30*2 - at the stage of flowering, fruiting;
  • 18*18*18*3 - for fertilizing the above-ground parts of various crops;
  • 20*20*20 - for foliar nutrition of seedlings, which require a large amount of useful elements.

Master for flowering plants does not affect pollination processes and the development of inflorescences, as it does not have harmful chemical compounds. The product has low electrical conductivity, does not require the addition of additional substances, contains a low number of sulfate compounds, and allows you to combine several types of branded products to obtain high results.

For foliar feeding, manufacturers recommend combining Master with Megafol, which stimulates plant growth. Guided by the instructions for use of the Special Master (18*18*18*3), use the optimal formula for the ratios of the indicated funds - 1 liter of Megafol and 2 kg of Master. The plant is processed twice with an interval of 30 days. It is advisable to fertilize in parallel with the introduction of special protection products.

Distinctive characteristics of the Master fertilizer

Valagro is a company that produces high-quality microelements, allowing it to occupy a high position in the global fertilizer market. Raw materials are mainly provided by Italian companies. Experts develop precise formulas that allow you to feed various plants, regardless of their type. There are more than 13 product formulas to choose from. This makes it possible to accurately select fertilizer in accordance with the stages of crop development, its characteristics, and the composition of the soil and water.

A special substance in the form of an indicator has been introduced into the Master's product. This approach allows you to quickly determine the degree of mixing of funds with each other. After all, the indicator colors the solution in a certain tone, and a change in color indicates the mixture is ready for watering. The Italian product has a low EC, unlike many other similar fertilizers. The composition of the product is so environmentally safe and clean that it makes it possible to create solutions of high concentration. In this case, the plants will not receive burns or other dangerous damage.

During the growth stage (especially flowering), plants are very sensitive and susceptible to negative factors. Italian fertilizer during this period promotes the rapid development of crops due to their maximum absorption of useful, instant substances. During fertigation, growth processes are balanced due to the low salt content. It is possible to obtain a high early harvest by selecting the optimal N:P:K ratio. The master prevents the development of various crop diseases by containing a certain amount of magnesium and essential microelements.

Italian fertilizer allows you to regulate the size of the plant, its foliage, and affects the quality of inflorescences and fruits.

Showing entries 1-11 from 11 .

# SubstanceQuantity
1 Total nitrogen (N)13.0000
2 Amide nitrogen (N-NH2)0.0000
3 Nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3)3.7000
4 Ammonium or ammonia nitrogen (N – NH4)9.3000
5 Water-soluble phosphorus (P2O5)40.0000
6 Water-soluble potassium (K2O)13.0000
7 Bor (B)0.0200
8 Copper (Cu) in EDTA chelate form0.0050
9 Iron (Fe) chelated EDTA0.0700
10 Manganese (Mn) chelated EDTA0.0300
11 Zinc (Zn) chelated EDTA0.0100


Master 13-40-13 - This complex fertilizer is indispensable for feeding plants at the beginning of development. This formula is dominated by Phosphorus, which ensures the active formation of a powerful root system, stimulates growth and increases the plant’s resistance to adverse weather conditions, such as frost or drought.

Due to its ability to completely dissolve, microfertilizer Master 13-40-13 can be used in the most complex irrigation systems and for foliar feeding.

This product does not contain sodium, chlorine or carbonates, and has a very high degree of chemical purity, which is a decisive factor in the effectiveness of foliar applications. Contains microelements in chelated form EDTA (Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe). Unlike other similar products, the chelates used in Master 13-40-13 stable at pH from 3 to 11.

The use of this microfertilizer before hilling allows the potatoes to develop a full-fledged root system and improve the tuberization process.


  • ideal solubility;
  • balanced N:P:K ratio for different stages of plant development;
  • low electrical conductivity;
  • ease of use;
  • possibility to mix various types Masters and, accordingly, receive the required proportions N:P:K
  • rapid plant growth due to direct absorption of nutrients;
  • uniform growth due to low salt concentration during fertigation;
  • obtaining early and high-quality products due to accelerated plant growth and a balanced N:P:K ratio;
  • absence of chlorosis due to the presence of magnesium and trace elements in Master;
  • controlled density and size of foliage, shape and quality of fruits.
  • used during critical periods of development to correct mineral nutrition and achieve a certain targeted effect (increasing yield and quality indicators).

A balanced ratio of micro- and macroelements satisfies all the plant’s nutritional needs, stimulates active and long-lasting flowering, increases yield, increases disease resistance, improves the survival rate of seedlings, and promotes more intense coloring of flowers and leaves. Fertilizer can be used in any irrigation system (drip irrigation, sprinkling, etc.).


It is used during the period of active plant growth.

Fertigation (drip irrigation, hose irrigation):

5-10 kg of fertilizer per 1 ha per day.

Foliar feeding:

0.200-0.40 kg per 100 liters of water.

Recommendations for the use of Master fertilizer for drip irrigation per 1000 m2:

Roses and flowers 0.3-0.5 kg/day throughout the entire growing season (during the period of active growth)
Conifers and decorative foliage 0.3-0.5 is used to optimize plant growth during the summer period of active growth
Tomatoes 0.4-0.6 kg/day is used from the beginning of flowering to the appearance of the ovary for optimal development
cucumbers 0.5-0.75 kg/day during the phase from 5 true leaves to the phase of 10 true leaves (34 heights) for flowering and optimal development
Grape 0.1-0.15 kg/day from bud swelling to pea phase to support optimal development and improve product quality
Strawberry 0.4-0.6 kg/day is applied from the ovary phase to berry growth in order to optimize berry development

Fertilizer is supplied with each influx of water in all of the above cases.

Non-root method with working solution concentration:

Regulations for use in agriculture

Culture Application dose Time, application features

All cultures

0.5-2.0 g/l working solution


All cultures

5-15 kg/ha per day


If fertigation is not performed daily, the dose is increased in proportion to the number of days missed.

All cultures

Working solution consumption 100-250 l/ha

Foliar feeding

Additional information

Nutrient complexes Master (NPK) differ from analogues more high degree chemical purity and solubility, which is a decisive factor in the effectiveness of foliar feeding. In field farming, they are used on all agricultural crops during critical periods of development to correct mineral nutrition and achieve a certain targeted effect (increasing yield and quality indicators).

They are applied together with pesticides without requiring additional costs. When applied with herbicides, they reduce their stressful effect on cultivated plants without affecting the effectiveness of weed suppression. Increases the uptake of NPK from soil and fertilizers by plants.

Various types Masters (NPK) can influence the content of proteins, sugars and fats in plants.

Huge advantage Masters (NPK) before ready-made reagents - you know exactly the composition of your fertilizer. You can easily switch from one solution to another just by changing the concentration Masters (NPK).

A huge advantage Masters (NPK) is not falling out in precipitation and not entering into chemical reactions. Few people know that ready-made solutions often need to be shaken vigorously for half an hour to remove sediment.

Everyone knows that when fertilizers are applied, it increases the productivity of plants. But there are a lot of fertilizers on the market now. How to decide and not get confused when choosing one that will really effectively serve the benefit of plants and their owners?

You need to choose from fertilizers from well-established manufacturers. One of these is Master fertilizer - a product of the Italian company Valagro.

Article outline

Characteristics and effect of Master fertilizer on plants

The nutritional complex contains microelements in the form of chelates. They are highly soluble in water and have increased efficiency. This fertilizer is produced in various proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, because different periods growth requires different concentrations of these elements. Therefore, before using Master fertilizer, you should always first read the instructions.

It is used during the active development of the plant, by drip irrigation or sprinkling (fertigation) and foliar feeding. The nutritional complex is suitable for perennial and annual flowers, indoor plants, seedlings, vegetables, berries, grapes. After applying the Master fertilizer, garden and vegetable crops gain:

  • more rich color leaves;
  • better survival in a new place;
  • harvest ripening ahead of schedule, thanks to active vegetation;
  • increased resistance to diseases;
  • greater productivity.

Plant development often exceeds the expectations of their owners with the use of this fertilizer, which is why there are many positive reviews about Master fertilizer.

This nutritional complex is characterized by:

From a technical point of view, this fertilizer is ideal for foliar fertilizers: it does not remain undissolved on plants, does not litter the sprayer, and is compatible with other products.

Fertilizer composition

The nutritional complex contains macroelements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Each of these components plays an important role in the growing season, and ultimately affects the size of the harvest.

  1. Nitrogen is an important component of nucleic acids, amino acids, and proteins. When there is not enough of it in the soil, the amount of green pigments decreases: the plant becomes pale, light green, and its growth slows down.
  2. Phosphorus is also present in crops. It is especially needed by young plants, as it accelerates root growth and has a good effect on fruit set and ripening. The lack of this element negatively affects the beginning of the growing season and the absorption of nutrients is impaired.
  3. Potassium is a component found in plant cells. Increases the intensity of metabolic processes and cell reproduction. It also stimulates photosynthesis and synthesizes sugars. A deficiency entails disturbances in the activity of enzymes, protein and carbon metabolism, and crop productivity decreases.

As already noted, some types of Master fertilizer have the same composition, but differ in concentration and sometimes in different ratios of key components.

There are also trace elements such as iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), boron (B), zinc (Zn). They are contained in the form of chelates, which means that they easily dissolve in water and are well absorbed by plants.

Tips for use:

Fertilizer Master NPK - 3.11.38+4

This nutritional complex contains an increased amount of potassium as well as magnesium. There is minimal nitrogen present in it. Contributes abundant flowering, fruiting. Improves the marketable quality of fruits, makes flowers larger, and makes them bloom for a longer time.

  1. For flowers, a Master is used to activate flowering for a longer time.
  2. A nutritional complex is applied to conifers and ornamental deciduous plants in the fall for better winter hardiness.
  3. Strawberries are also fed with Master fertilizer of this type - this is done to simultaneously ripen the berries.
  4. Cucumbers are fed during flowering and a week before fruit harvest.
  5. The grapes are fertilized during the period from the setting of the berries until the clusters acquire color.
  6. Tomatoes are given nutrition during fruiting, for more active ripening.

Fertilizer Master NPK - 15.5.30+2Mg

In this type of nutritional complex, potassium is present in large quantities. Like other fertilizers containing potassium, Master is applied when the crop is flowering or ripening. Ideal for flowering crops that do not tolerate much phosphorus. These are bougainvillea and hibiscus.

  1. After fertilizing, flowers will begin to bloom earlier and will do so for a longer period of time.
  2. Coniferous and deciduous ornamental trees and the bushes are fertilized in the same way as in the previous case - in the fall, so that they overwinter better. Repeat after a week.
  3. Strawberries are also fertilized before picking to ensure smooth ripening.
  4. Cucumbers receive additional feeding during flowering and a week before harvesting.
  5. The grapes receive Master fertilizers when the berries increase in size and color on the clusters.
  6. Tomatoes are fed throughout the ripening period.

Fertilizer Master NPK - 18.18.18+3Mg

  1. Universal fertilizer for all types of plants and in any phase of development.
  2. Flowers, particularly roses, provide nourishment throughout the plant's development process.
  3. Coniferous and deciduous ornamental trees and bushes are fed during the period when the plants are growing.
  4. Strawberries are fertilized from the beginning of flowering to the formation of berries in order to increase the yield rate.
  5. Cucumbers are fed for a long time, starting from 5 and ending when there are 10 leaves to increase productivity.
  6. The grapes are given this complex nutrition from the period of bud swelling until the berries begin to grow on the bunches for the quality and quantity of the harvest.
  7. Tomatoes are given an impetus for development with this complex nutrition from flowering to fruit formation.

Fertilizer Master NPK - 20.20.20

  1. Also a universal fertilizer. Flowers are fed throughout the entire period of growth and development.
  2. Coniferous and deciduous ornamental trees and bushes are fertilized in the summer so that development is active.
  3. Strawberries are fed from the period of ovary formation until the berries acquire a red color to improve the yield.
  4. Cucumbers are fertilized in a phase of 5 to 10 leaves to promote uniform plant growth and increase the quantity and quality of fruits.
  5. The grapes are given a nutritional complex at the beginning of the growing season before the berries grow on the clusters for good yield.
  6. Tomatoes are fertilized at the beginning of flower blooming before fruit set for active growing season.

This fertilizer contains very little phosphorus, but nitrogen and potassium in large quantities. This ratio ensures vigorous vegetation, resistance to stress (unfavorable weather conditions), has a positive effect on the duration of flowering, promotes a larger harvest, and helps plants have a dark green color.

This proportion of elements contributes good development flowers. Fertilizer Master with this ratio of elements is suitable for violets, begonias, epicias, but not only for them. The nutritional complex is also suitable for tomatoes, grapes, fruit trees. Indoor flowers react very positively to Master fertilizer.

  1. Cucumbers are fed 1 ¼ kg per day from the beginning of the flowering phase.
  2. According to the instructions, the grapes are fed with Master fertilizer at 2/5-3/5 kg per day.
  3. Tomatoes are fertigated during the period of growth and flowering, when fruits begin to set, and the nutritional intake is doubled.

Fertilizer Master NPK - 13.40.13

It is used at the beginning of the growing season, when crops need phosphorus. Promotes the formation of powerful roots and facilitates transplanting seedlings. Plants are developing rapidly.

  1. Flowers are fertilized at the beginning of their growth, preferably immediately after planting in the ground, for about a month.
  2. Conifers, deciduous ornamental trees and bushes are fed in the spring and early summer at intervals of half a month.
  3. Strawberries are fertilized from transplanting young plants to the start of berry set.
  4. Cabbage receives a nutritional complex after planting seedlings before leaf formation.
  5. Cucumbers are given food from the beginning of growth until they grow 5-10 leaves.
  6. Tomatoes are fed a week after the start of growth in a new, now permanent, place, and before flowering.

Fertilizer Master color Orchid

This fertilizing enhances the formation of flower stalks. You cannot give a nutritional complex when the plant is dormant or after planting in another pot, or if the flower is not healthy.

Also, do not use Master Orchid during flowering so that the plant does not accidentally drop its flowers.

Instructions for using Master Color fertilizer

Using Master fertilizer has a positive effect on the condition of not only plants, but also the soil, as it fills it with nutrients and promotes enrichment. Since the elements are contained in the form of chelates, the effect of using fertilizers is 10 times stronger than that of similar fertilizers.

It is used for irrigation in dissolved form. Root systems crops absorb nutrients. This nutrient complex is suitable for any type of soil. Fertilizer Master is manufactured according to accepted quality standards.

In order for the soil to accept the mineral artificial fertilizer, the company added phosphate from Belgium, potassium nitrate and a sulfate compound to the monopotassium composition. Other similar manufacturers in European countries use Chinese monoammonium phosphate.

Italian mineral fertilizer Master, is good choice: It's easy to use and produces amazing results. You just need to decide on the required proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium suitable for a particular plant in your garden or vegetable garden and find out the stage of its growth.

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