Summer holiday in kindergarten. Scenario for the middle group. Scenario for summer entertainment at the preschool educational institution “In Search of Summer”

Age: 4 - 5 years.

Venue: sports ground.


Exercise children in running behind a hoop in the required direction;

Continue teaching the simultaneous performance of two actions (running and skating a hoop);

Provide children with the opportunity to use motor skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes;

Teach children to rejoice at a well-deserved victory, to adequately evaluate their actions and the actions of their comrades.

Equipment: Carlson costume, audio equipment, recording of the song “Funny Man” (music by A. Zhurbin, lyrics by P. Sinyavsky), hoops (10 pcs.); 2 landmarks, children's umbrellas.

Dictionary: health, illness, victory, team.

The sports ground is decorated with ribbons and balls. Cheerful music is playing. Children gather on the playground.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys! We gathered at the sports ground to welcome the summer with games, competitions, smiles, and laughter.

Summer, summer.

How much light!

How many sun rays...

Let the warm sun, blue sky, clouds running across the sky see you agile, perky, cheerful, healthy. (Draws the children’s attention to the fact that someone is coming towards them.)

Carlson appears.

Carlson. Good afternoon, friends!

I was in a hurry to see you for the holiday.

I took various items with me.

Don't you see that I'm a bit fat?

And don’t look at how modest he is.

I love sports very much

I say this honestly.

Leading. Good afternoon, Carlson! On the contrary, we are very glad that you came to our holiday. What did you bring?

Carlson. Hoops, skittles and rain umbrellas.

Leading. Why umbrellas?

Carlson. You will see everything, you will know everything. Be patient.


We need hoops

Children will play with them.

A recording of the song “Funny Man” is played, to which preschoolers perform exercises based on Carlson’s demonstration.

Carlson. Clever boys, perky girls. Do you like to play?

Children(in unison). Yes!

Carlson. Then I invite you to play with me.

Relay 1. Jumping from hoop to hoop

Two teams of 3 people line up at the starting line. Opposite them at a distance of 5 m are landmarks. On the path of each team, 4 hoops are placed on the ground. At the signal, the first team members perform jumps on two legs from hoop to hoop, run around the landmark and return back. The following players complete the task.

Relay 2. Climb through the hoop

Let other children participate in this task. Two teams of 3 people line up at the starting line. Opposite them at a distance of 5 m are landmarks. There are 3 hoops placed on each team's path. At the signal, the first team members climb through the hoops, run around the landmark and return back. The next players then complete the task.

Relay 3. Snake running between hoops with an umbrella

Two teams of 3 people line up at the starting line. Opposite them, at a distance of 6 m, there are landmarks. On the path of each team, 4 hoops are placed on the ground. Carlson gives umbrellas to the first participants. At the signal, the guys rush forward, performing a “snake” run between the hoops with an umbrella in their hands, run around the landmark and return back, also performing a “snake” run between the hoops. The umbrella is then passed on to the next player.

Carlson. Guys, did you like the relay races?

Children(in unison). Yes!

Leading. Now it’s clear why you brought us umbrellas.

Carlson. It was not for nothing that I hurried to the guys for the holiday. I like it so much! Guys, which of you can twist a hoop around your waist? And on your hand? On the neck?

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children, together with Carlson, twirl hoops on their waists, arms, and necks.

Now let's roll the hula hoop,

He is from us, and we are behind him.

Let's ride, let's ride,

We won't let him fall.

Cheerful music plays again, and the children roll hoops with Carlson.

Leading. Carlson, did you like our children?

Carlson. I'm always glad to see cheerful guys, brave, beautiful, healthy.

And because the children brought me so much joy and positive emotions, I want to treat them. Guys, I really love sweets, but I always eat them in moderation, which I advise you to do as well. That's why I want to treat you to some sweets.

Carlson treats the guys to candy, then says goodbye and runs away.

Leading. Children! I am very pleased to see you dexterous and brave, strong and resilient, cheerful and friendly, and most importantly, healthy.

I want to say goodbye to you

And wave to you all.

I want to say goodbye to you:

Until new, new, new meetings.

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