Ring on the left hand. I dreamed of a ring on my thumb. Seeing a ring with a blue stone on your finger in a dream

The most important and interesting on the topic: “Seeing a ring on your left hand in a dream” with a full description.

ring on the left hand in a dream what is it for

We are not talking about any specific hand, but it is reported that the ring on the finger indicates new business that will be successful.

Vanga's Dream Book

what does it mean if a ring is on your left hand in a dream

It also does not specify whether the hand is right or left, stating that it is a symbol of immutability, affection, and also unresolved matters.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

He also considers the ring a symbol of proposal, connection between people.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

ring on the left hand in a dream

Interprets the ring on the left hand as good sign, indicating the birth of an heir or a successful marriage.

Freud's Dream Book

dream interpretation ring on the left hand

IN general outline, interprets this image similarly to Vanga’s dream book, considering the ring on the left hand to be a sign of unity in a relationship.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

dreamed of a ring on my left hand

The meaning will depend on whose left hand you saw the ring on. If the dreamer himself wears it, then this is a sign of a successful event. But if a piece of jewelry is observed on the finger of another person’s left hand, the dream is interpreted in a different sense - increased well-being and extremely profitable acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

ring on the left hand according to the dream book

Contrary to most dream books, he interprets this dream, as a sign of the imminent breakdown of a marriage or the end of a relationship.

At all times, the ring was considered not just beautiful decoration: it was perceived as a symbol of inextricable unity, perfection and immortality. And it is not surprising that this round metal object was prescribed magical properties and used in various sacraments, rites and rituals. What does such decoration mean in a dream? In order to correctly interpret why you dream of a ring on your finger, you need to remember all the details of the dream, because depending on the details, night dreams are interpreted differently.

At all times, the ring was considered not just a beautiful decoration: it was perceived as a symbol of inextricable unity

Why do you dream about a ring on your finger: interpretations in dream books

Astrologers knew that this object was endowed with special energy and, even in a dream, was able to warn a person about upcoming misfortunes or joyful events.

  • IN Miller's Dream Book The ring symbolizes a happy married life and prosperity in business. But if you dreamed of a broken decoration, then this is a sign of a partner’s betrayal and a break in the relationship.
  • Velesov Dream Interpretation interprets night dreams with a ring seen on a finger as a harbinger of a future wedding or addition to the family. A broken or deformed object promises the dreamer losses and losses in financial matters.
  • A similar interpretation of this decoration can be found in Dream Book of the Wanderer. In it, the ring is a symbol of marriage and love. If you dream that a piece of jewelry has slipped off your finger or is lost, then this predicts a separation from your loved one.
  • Interprets a round metal thing in a completely different way Esoteric Dream Interpretation. According to him, a dream of a ring on a finger promises the dreamer sadness and misfortune, especially if it was decorated with a stone.
  • Vanga interpreted night dreams with this decoration as a hint to a person that he was too shy and indecisive in relationships with the opposite sex. If the dreamer wants to be happy in marriage, he should show more confidence and persistence.
  • French Dream Interpretation interprets a dream with a ring on his finger as a sign nice meeting you and those following it love relationship. The loss of jewelry gives a hint that you should take a closer look at your friends; perhaps they are insincere and use friendship for selfish purposes.
  • If you believe Sigmund Freud, then after night dreams in which the dreamer contemplated a ring on his own finger, he will have to prepare for the wedding, since this object symbolizes love and a happy marriage.

But in Dream Interpretation Maya negative attitude towards the dreamed ring. According to the Maya, this round object is a symbol of a vicious circle from which it will be very difficult for the dreamer to get out. A person who sees such a dream will have to make a lot of effort to overcome obstacles and achieve his cherished goal.

Ring in the dream book (video)

Why do you dream of a gold ring on your finger?

Such a valuable metal as gold is not only real life symbolizes prosperity and luxury. Seeing a gold item on your own finger in a dream auspicious sign, foreshadowing to the dreamer unprecedented success in financial affairs and respect from the people around him.

Such a valuable metal as gold symbolizes prosperity and luxury not only in real life

Did you dream that there were several gold rings shining on your finger? A person who has such a pleasant dream can count on success in any endeavor. But you should be careful, because a large number of decorations also warns that the dreamer has taken on too many worries that will be difficult to cope with.

Putting on, trying on a ring in a dream

Everyone knows that women love shopping, and they especially like visiting jewelry boutiques. And very often, representatives of the fair sex see dreams in which they buy or try on jewelry. What does it mean to try on a ring in a dream?

  • If a married woman dreams that she is admiring a ring put on her finger, then this is a favorable sign, foreshadowing a harmonious and warm relationship with her husband.
  • For a girl, such a dream promises that they will soon confess their love to her and invite her to marry.
  • Trying on beautiful, expensive jewelry means good luck and success in money matters.
  • If you put a ring on the finger of another person in your night dreams, this may mean that the dreamer has sincere affection for him.

Wearing a product inlaid with precious stones in a dream means wealth and a comfortable life.

Why do you dream of a ring on the ring finger of your right hand?

It is not difficult to guess what a dream with a ring on your ring finger means. He promises that in reality such a dream will soon be followed by an assurance of eternal love and a proposal of marriage.

A dream in which a piece of jewelry placed on the ring finger of the right hand pinches and presses means dissatisfaction with or resentment towards a partner

A dream in which a piece of jewelry placed on the ring finger of the right hand pinches and presses means dissatisfaction with or resentment towards a partner.

If you dream that the dreamer is unsuccessfully trying to remove a piece of jewelry from his ring finger, it symbolizes that he wants to break off a relationship with a partner in which mutual understanding and harmony cannot be achieved.

Seeing a ring on your little finger in a dream

Did you dream of a metal ring on your little finger? Such a dream tells a person that one of his close friends needs his help.

Such a dream tells a person that one of his close friends needs his help

Such a dream is also interpreted as an unfulfilled promise, because of which the dreamer is tormented by remorse.

Seeing a wedding ring on your left hand in a dream

If the right hand symbolizes the best human qualities, such as openness, honesty and sincerity, then the left hand is associated with treachery, deceit and cunning. How do astrologers interpret dreams in which this precious item was worn on the finger of the left hand?

  • Night dreams in which the dreamer put a wedding ring on the finger of his left hand indicate that he feels unhappy in his marriage and is subconsciously trying to free himself from this relationship.
  • Seen in a dream gold decoration on the left finger foretells that the dreamer will have the opportunity to improve his financial situation, but not in a completely legal way.
  • If you dreamed that you happened to contemplate this round object on the left hand of another person, then in reality someone will try to use the dreamer in their dark affairs.

A dream in which a person takes off a wedding ring from his left finger means that he is unfaithful to his other half and is thinking about divorce.

Why do you dream of a ring on a man’s finger?

Night dreams in which a ring was put on a man’s finger promise that a rich and successful patron will soon appear in the dreamer’s life.

For a young unmarried girl, a dream of jewelry on a man’s finger is a sign that she will have a wealthy and reliable lover.

Night dreams in which a ring was put on a man’s finger promise that a rich and successful patron will soon appear in the dreamer’s life

For a man, such a dream symbolizes success and good luck in financial matters, but for this he will have to work hard and cast aside all doubts and self-doubt.

Why do you dream about a ring?

If thin precious rings in most cases they foreshadow the dreamer’s prosperity and love, then with the rings seen in a dream, things are a little different.

  • A ring in a dream symbolizes a vicious circle. A person who has such a dream will fail in business, since he makes the same mistakes all the time. To get out of the vicious circle, you should believe in yourself and be more determined in achieving your cherished goal.
  • If heavy rings inlaid with rubies and diamonds are removed, this is a sign that the dreamer will receive an unexpected inheritance.
  • Seeing an expensive old ring on your finger in a dream means power, wealth and honor.
  • Losing a ring in a dream can foreshadow significant and unplanned financial expenses.

Why do you dream about a golden ring (video)

Such a small and fragile thing as a ring actually has special and even mysterious properties. And, although most dream books interpret dreams with this precious item as favorable, you should not expect that happiness and good luck will knock on the door. To find love and become successful, you need to try hard, and you should always remember this.

Attention, TODAY only!

Why do you dream about a ring? In general, the meaning of a ring in magic is a connection, first of all, of course, love, but also friendly, family or intimate. Depending on the accompanying dream symbols, you can decipher in detail the predictions sent to you in the arms of Morpheus.

What was the ring like in your dream?

Engagement ring (or otherwise - wedding, engagement) according to Magini’s dream book means new connections or the transition of old relationships to another level.

Golden The ring is a sign of happiness and good luck. Silver– to disappointment or gaining information. Wooden- unreliable relationships. Iron- hard work.

There was a ring in a dream with stone- surprise, and the larger the pebble, the greater the joy from the unexpected incident. Ring with an unknown red stone- to an unexpected acquaintance with a person who can win your heart. With blue stone– a dream warns against wrong actions and promises protection. Ring with blue stone– a tender, trusting relationship with someone from whom you do not expect it. With green stone- you will have hope for the best.

Dreaming of a ring with diamond- a very successful dream that promises you the achievement of your goals, successful transactions and financial well-being. With ruby- passionate, hot relationship with a representative of the opposite sex. Ring with emerald- To mutual feelings or wealth. With pearls- a well-deserved reward. Seeing a ring in a dream with sapphire- according to the dream book, fatal love. With topaz- making new friends. With pomegranate- your troubles will soon unexpectedly resolve themselves. Interpretation according to the dream book of Magini rings with turquoise- joy, pleasant surprise.

Dreaming black ring - alliance with an enemy. Red- love affair. Green– friendly.

See in a dream rusty ring - loneliness, cool relationships and even widowhood. Antiqueold love, long-standing friendship. Broken (broken)- we are talking about former relationship that were previously interrupted. A broken wedding ring means divorce or a broken heart.

Ring in the form According to the dream book, snakes are dangerous connections. Be careful in choosing your heart's affections. ring with religious inscription, such as “Save and preserve” or “Allah is great”, is interpreted according to Magini’s dream book as a talisman.

Lots of rings– communication, social interaction, many new acquaintances. Two rings - a union of loving hearts. Three- love triangle.

Alien seeing a ring in a dream means doubt about fidelity, a short-term affair. Someone else's wedding ring is someone else's happiness. According to the dream book husband's (wife's) wedding ring dreams, predicting connections directly to the spouse. Be attentive to the details of the dream, you have a chance to look into His (Her) personal life.

Large ring (too big)– significant changes in life. Small (little)– troubles in relationships with a loved one.

Seeing in a dream earrings and ring together - wedding troubles, new feelings.

Where do you dream about the ring?

You see a ring in a dream on your finger– obligations to a loved one, on someone else's hand– new acquaintances, on the finger of a loved one- to treason.

Ring on your finger - intimate relationships and success with the opposite sex, this dream can also be interpreted as imminent wedding. Putting it on a stranger’s hand means fulfilling a promise. Putting it on your lover’s finger means fidelity to your love. Putting a wedding ring on your spouse is a new round of relationships; infidelity and quarrels are also possible.

Puts it on your hand ring beloved person - a dream indicates His strong feelings; if a stranger does this - unexpected help and support.

At the same time, the rings on the left hand warn you against dishonest people and wrong actions, and on the right– on the contrary, the dream promises acceptance right decisions and a decent environment.

Ring on the ring finger has an interpretation according to Magini’s dream book as a marriage. On the little finger- friendship. On index finger - to be guilty. On thumb dreaming of a ring - support in career advancement and financial matters. On average- predictions about intimate relationships.

Wedding rings in a box- will soon have the chance to walk at a wedding.

Ring in the water clean and transparent - you are noticed, you are desired; in muddy - loneliness.

What happened to the ring in the dream?

Rings find (find) according to the dream book - new connections. Finding wedding rings means a new romance or official registration of an existing relationship. Finding a ring with a stone is an unexpected, pleasant acquaintance.

Gather rings - to be very popular with the opposite sex.

You in a dream gave ring - someone wants to win your favor. A particular man gives - he is thinking about matrimonial plans for you. A guy you know gave you a ring - he likes you. Receiving a ring as a gift from your husband is a sign of strong love. Give it yourself- to show care and affection for someone.

Steal the ring- “steal away” someone else’s passion. You were stolen- the one who is dear to you will be seduced on the side.

Has faded (blackened)- cooling in relationships. Broke (cracked, breaks, burst)– serious breakup, quarrels, divorce. A stone fell out from a ring - loss of support, patron.

Lose the ring (lose)- quarrel, loss of a friend. Losing a wedding ring means losing love. Lost and found– a difficult situation in a relationship, when patience and wisdom will help you stay together. Look for a ring- attempts to establish communication, resurrect old feelings.

Take off (take off) from your hand - your action will cause troubles and quarrels. Taking off your wedding ring means you will be tempted to cheat on your loved one. Give away to anyone – refusal of a relationship. Giving away an engagement ring is a voluntary decision to separate. Throw away- a sharp break in all relationships.

Trying on a ring- arrange your life, experience favorable changes. Trying on someone else's jewelry is a temptation for forbidden love.

Buy (ring purchase, buy) according to Magini’s dream book - changes on the personal front, long-term connections. In a dream choose give yourself a ring - to face a difficult choice in life. You may have to give preference to one of several suitors. Choosing a wedding decoration - your family life will depend on the decision you make.

Receive in a dream marriage proposal with ring- success in matters of the heart, it is possible that you will hear a declaration of love, and you will have a chance to get married.

Natalya Rodnaya

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A ring on a finger in a dream means a change in a person’s status, wealth, fidelity and prosperity. To understand why such a dream occurs, you should remember in detail what you saw and analyze it based on events occurring in real life. After which, you should look for the desired meaning in the dream book.

Miller's dream book interprets a ring on a finger (whole and without flaws) as a symbol of fidelity, family well-being and joyful turns of fate. A broken ring in a dream is an unfavorable sign, indicating that betrayal or a break in relations with a loved one awaits the dreamer. Seeing a ring on other people's hands is interpreted as the implementation of plans that will bring great profit.

According to Vanga's dream book, the meaning of a dream - a ring on a finger is an indicator of an oath, affection, fidelity or unresolved issues. If the ring presses, it means that the dreamer sparingly expresses his feelings in relationships with the opposite sex. Losing or dropping it is a sign of breaking the oath and impending trials.

It is useful to know why you dream of a ring on your finger according to Freud’s dream book. This object in a dream is a symbol of harmony between lovers, a sign of unity and interaction. A gift given by a young man in a dream speaks of the person’s firm intention to start a family with a young lady. For a married lady, such a plot suggests a pleasant and unexpected surprise. Giving someone a ring signifies the sleeping person’s attachment to the person for whom the gift was intended. A broken object is a warning of impending health problems.

Features and appearance of the ring

To find out why such a dream occurs, you should pay attention appearance and the metal from which the ring is made. A copper ring in a dream foreshadows joy and a fun pastime in the dream book.

If you dreamed of gold rings on your fingers, it means that in reality wealth and honor await you. Buying this item in a dream promises a love adventure; finding it means there will be an opportunity to make a new acquaintance.

For a young girl to see in a dream how a loved one puts a ring on the dreamer’s finger, means the sincere love of the chosen one, to whom the relationship with the young lady is very dear. If the decoration wears completely unknown man, then, according to the dream book, an exciting love affair is coming.

A sign of business acumen and oratory, power and might, this is what a gold ring with a large stone means in a dream. A signet ring speaks of the high status of the sleeping person and the respect of others.

Taking a ring off your finger suggests a subconscious refusal of your own promises. In some cases, such a picture foreshadows a divorce or breakup. If the ring cannot be removed from the finger, it means that in real life, the sleeping person lacks personal freedom. Deliberately breaking a piece of jewelry in a dream is a sign that love for the chosen one (or chosen one) has left the dreamer’s heart.

A silver ring on a finger in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the fulfillment of plans, unexpected support and help in a difficult matter, a romantic adventure, the beginning of a new project that will end in success. Putting a ring on your finger in a dream is a sign of luck in business and the fulfillment of desires. Besides,

A silver ring in a dream, according to the Mayan dream book, is interpreted as a feeling of a vicious circle. All attempts to get out of the current situation will lead back to the starting point. Only outside help will help break the cycle.

Seeing silver jewelry on someone else's hand characterizes missed opportunities due to excessive caution and distrust of others. Receiving this item as a gift from a woman in a dream promises quarrels and discord in the family; from a man - gratitude from a superior person. Giving a gift yourself is a sign that soon the dreamer will have common affairs or hobbies with the person who received the gift.

Why do you dream of an iron ring? This image symbolizes the need to work hard in the future to ensure a decent financial position. Iron jewelry is often associated with the image of shackles, which can mean onerous obligations that fetter the dreamer’s actions, preventing him from fulfilling own desires and satisfy your needs.

Where is the ring placed?

Two rings on a finger in a dream symbolize harmony and idyll in relationships with your soulmate. Jewelry without flaws, according to the dream book, speaks of mutual understanding between partners, sexual compatibility and satisfaction.

Some dream books have a rather ambiguous interpretation of why you dream of having a lot of rings on your fingers. Freud's dream book indicates a partner's extensive sexual experience, as well as his tendency to cheat. Miss Hasse's dream book interprets such a vision as a sign of luxury and material wealth of the sleeping person in the future. Nostradamus deciphers this picture as a sign of honor and respect from others, high material status.

Those people who dreamed of rings on all their fingers should be careful with promises in real life. Perhaps the obligations that the dreamer has undertaken will be burdensome and will bring a lot of trouble. However, if a person does not feel the weight of jewelry in a dream, it means that in reality the dreamer will cope with all the difficult issues and assigned responsibilities.

It’s easy to guess why you dream of a ring on your ring finger. Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as an imminent declaration of love, engagement or marriage. In addition, such a picture foreshadows the presence of obligations and vows that must be fulfilled.

Why do you dream about a ring on your middle finger? This image symbolizes fidelity to the other half. If the jewelry is broken, dented or has visible flaws, it means that in real life you should take a closer look at your chosen one. Perhaps due to sexual dissatisfaction or lack of emotional contact, the lover will seek solace on the side.

According to Hasse’s dream book, looking for this object in a dream means a family crisis and a search for a way out of the difficult situation between lovers. It's time to think about bringing something new and extraordinary into the relationship, making several attempts to rekindle the smoldering flame of love and romance.

The ring is a symbol of eternal love and unity of two people, and if it appears in night dreams, the subconscious has something to communicate. Seeing such jewelry in a dream means that there will be a chance to improve relationships and succeed in your career, and a series of favorable events will come to life. The dream is interpreted depending on the details. A beautiful and shiny ring - for the fulfillment of desires, two rings connected to each other - for a wedding.

For women and girls

If you dream of an engagement ring before a wedding or after recently purchasing it in a store, the dream reflects the existing reality; you should not look for special meaning in it. In any interpretation of a dream, the main thing is the mood.

For an unmarried girl, this symbol portends love affair with an extraordinary personality. If a girl sees a ring on her index finger or in a box, this is a dream about a successful marriage. For a married woman to see a ring in a dream - to renew her relationship with her husband.

Not married woman:

  • catching a glimpse of the ring means a strong relationship;
  • a crack in the product - to a quarrel;
  • on the stranger’s hand - refusal of the offer;
  • taking off your own means separation, divorce;
  • someone else's - the wrong path;
  • given - to the sincerity of the person of interest;
  • give - to losses;
  • black - to the observation of envious people;
  • with a diamond - prosperity.

According to Veles's dream book, wearing a ring after getting engaged means that the girl will be in danger from a stranger who can cause her harm. If the dreamer was born in winter, negativity is unlikely, but the vision promises trouble with her loved one


  • putting a ring on your husband’s finger means the strength of the relationship;
  • putting it on another man’s finger means the fragility of marriage;
  • buy - for a gift;
  • try on - doubt your companion;
  • a tight ring - to endless jealousy.

Popular interpretations

Circumstances of sleep and meaning:

  • If you dreamed of giving a ring, then the person from whom it was received is sincerely in love, and a proposal from him is quite possible.
  • Seeing a wedding ring on the finger of another person is a warning about the loss of authority in the eyes of others due to unworthy actions.
  • Losing an engagement ring for a girl is, in reality, bad omen. The dream means the opportunity to suffer from the gossip of envious people, a blow to your reputation. For a married lady to see stolen jewelry means that one should be wary of adultery; lose in muddy water- to the husband’s illness.
  • Slips off your finger - to conflicts in the family and with loved ones.
  • To rent means to receive news of your spouse’s betrayal. If there is no legalized relationship, the dream warns of possible losses in business; make concessions in a serious matter.
  • Searching - for an unmarried woman, means the irresponsibility of a loved one. Another meaning is uncertainty in personal relationships, a feeling of discomfort.
  • Buy, find - to a new fateful acquaintance, love that will firmly enter into life, to a relationship that will end in a wedding or become very significant.
  • Finding it randomly means choosing the wrong path.
  • Putting it on the finger of a loved one means keeping promises, showing sincerity of feelings, for a long time. happy life. Wearing it for yourself means great love, success among men for a woman.
  • Buying an engagement ring is a prototype of a relationship; if the jewelry has stones, you should expect a romance with a beautiful courtship. A man dreams of buying a pair of rings - for marriage.
  • Choosing rings is making a decision in a relationship with a partner.
  • Trying on a wedding ring and looking at it for a long time means finding long-awaited happiness; the same actions can be interpreted as approval from friends, success in self-improvement.
  • Breaking it while putting it on means there will be a conflict of interest.

According to Ukrainian dream book Both the type and material of the ring matter. If it is golden, the dream promises a successful marriage, a proposal from the chosen one. Silver or other things are usually interpreted as a quarrel or material problems

Product quality

Type, features, size of decoration:

  • Whole, bright, brilliant - success in all areas, sometimes with some effort.
  • The more expensive the material, the higher the social status is expected.
  • Platinum - to obtain supernatural knowledge.
  • Gold, like silver jewelry, testifies to the sincerity of feelings.
  • Copper - meeting an interesting person.
  • Tin - will arise dangerous situation, see on your finger - help will come from outside.
  • Wooden - for success, the dreamer needs self-development.
  • Stone - fulfillment of desires, thanks to strength of character.
  • With stones. Small diamonds mean tears. A large stone in the center means meeting an influential person. A large diamond means success and career growth.
  • Men's wedding - the fulfillment of desire.
  • If the decoration is too small, cannot be removed or does not fit, the dreamer will face short-term troubles that will greatly fray his nerves. Feeling pressure on your finger means severe depression.
  • Too big in size - large obstacles.
  • A very beautiful, expressive engagement ring - the desired event will happen very soon.
  • A broken wedding decoration is primarily interpreted as a symbol of betrayal. Regardless of the gender of the dreamer, such a vision indicates the present or past time of the action. Broken on your finger - see betrayal in your own home. In another meaning, for a married woman, the husband will become seriously ill. Seeing a cracked ring on another person's hand means that his vows and persuasion cannot be trusted. On the hand of a relative - someone will cause discord between spouses.
  • Cracked into two halves is a sign of final separation without restoration of relationships and communication.
  • Rusty - to maintain the relationship you will have to show complete frankness to your husband.
  • Tasteless - you cannot trust the promises of hypocrites.
  • Seeing two united rings in your hand means a wedding celebration in your home. If they were in the hand of another person, close relatives will be invited to celebrate the wedding.
  • Two rings on the ring finger indicate pregnancy.
  • Rings on the hand of a person who is not visible - someone will provide a selfless service in a complex, complicated matter.

Dreaming about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, engagement.

Receiving a ring in a dream means that someone believes you or loves you, or will propose to you.

Seeing gold rings and signet rings in your dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity.

Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in a relationship and the loss of a loved one.

Receiving a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a sign of disappointment, which you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends.

Seeing rings on others in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in the company of wealthy people and make new acquaintances.

Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

Receiving an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life.

Seeing two wedding rings in a dream means engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or will not take place at all.

Hearing a conversation about the size of wedding rings in a dream is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love.

The size of a ring in a dream signifies how great your love is.

Wearing a wedding ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or imminent engagement. Losing it is a shame; to receive is the fidelity of a lover.

If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in your family life. If the ring suddenly tarnishes, then your happiness will unexpectedly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal.

See interpretation: jewelry.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream books say that a ring in a dream can symbolize taking on any responsibilities in the future, an agreement. Sometimes this sign can indicate the very desire to assign responsibilities to oneself, to take something under control.

What if you dream of a ring on your left hand?

If a lonely person dreamed that he was wearing a ring on his left hand, this predicts an early possible marriage or just a reunion. If a person who is married had such a dream, then the union may be dissolved. In general, it’s worth starting to consider just the symbol of a ring in a dream. If a person sees a ring, it can symbolize completeness and unity. This is a symbol of relationships - love, friendship, family. Therefore, there is a high probability that a ring in a dream promises the establishment of new, strong, lasting connections.

A ring on the left hand can generally lead to the dissolution of such relationships because people usually wear rings on the left hand in case of divorce or loss of a spouse. There is a high probability that a person who dreamed of a ring on his left hand may lose a close connection with someone.

But, however, the ring can also mean some other things, because one dream can have several interpretation options. If the ring in a dream is cheap and shiny, it means that you may experience a slight illness. If the ring in a dream looks rich and expensive, then the person who dreamed about it is physically strong and with good health. If a married lady loses a ring from her finger in a dream, this may portend that her husband is unfaithful and may be carried away by an unworthy woman who can destroy them family life and shared happiness.

What does it portend?

A broken ring in a dream is a sign of quarrels, unhappiness in love or family matters. If a person tries on the ring on his left hand in a dream, perhaps he assumes or intuitively feels that a loss or dissolution of a relationship awaits him, and has internally come to terms with this fact. If a person puts a ring on left hand to his spouse, then he himself is ready for the end of the relationship and can easily let the person go. Receiving a ring as a gift in a dream is a good sign. Symbol of spiritual ease, calmness or possibility good offer, the beginning of a relationship. Losing a ring in a dream means significant losses.

A rusty ring in a dream - to unpleasant times, an old one - to an important acquaintance, a silver one - the onset of harmony in everything, a ring with turquoise - an unexpected pleasant event, a ring with an inscription - to the breaking of other people’s hearts, a wedding ring - a person competently comprehends the concept of responsibilities, as well as a symbol marriage.

First of all, a ring is a sign of a relationship. The ring on the left hand symbolizes loss, separation or loss of connections, relationships, loved one. A ring in a dream is a symbol of a whole circle of events, a symbol of unresolved problems and affection.

Dream interpretation of a wedding ring on your hand

A wedding ring is not a simple decoration... So say the words of a famous song. In a special sacred sense No one doubts this subject, probably. But what does it mean if you recently dreamed of an engagement ring? What to expect from the near future in this case?

Fate gives you an excellent chance to improve both your relationship and your financial situation if you dreamed of an engagement ring. Seeing it shiny and beautiful means your desires will come true. And if you dreamed of two rings interlocked with each other, expect an imminent wedding.

This is a very strong and important symbol, which, as a rule, is dreamed of in very serious cases. If you dreamed about an engagement ring on the eve of the wedding, when you are looking for or choosing this accessory, you should not take both positive and negative interpretation sleep. Most likely, the subconscious is simply reflecting your reality.

In order to understand where such night dreams come from, you should analyze the following moments of what you saw:

What does the dream mean?

In order to explain the meaning of such a dream, you need to not just analyze the points described above. You need to metaphorically transfer all this information to your own life and the current situation. at the moment situation. It is also important to analyze the feelings and sensations from the dream. After all, they will also influence the overall symbolic meaning seen in a dream.

Who had a ring on his hand

In order for the interpretation of the dream to be as deep as possible, it is important to remember exactly on whose hand the wedding ring was in the dream. The meaning of the dream will depend on whether it was a man, a woman, or a girl who only still dreams of marriage and such a gift.

For a man

Seeing a wedding ring on your finger for young man may mean new responsibilities. If he has just changed his job, it means that a career takeoff awaits him. But buying a couple of rings or holding two rings in your fist is own wedding. If you see them in someone else’s hand, you will be an honored guest at the wedding of the one who held these accessories in a dream.

For a woman

If a married woman dreams of an engagement ring, then this is already a reason to think about family relationships. In your dream, a familiar accessory that you never part with for a moment is too bright and shiny - a good sign. You can be confident in your spouse's fidelity and devotion to you.

  • Putting it on your finger is a reminder that your husband needs no less attention than the children, says the family dream book.
  • Your own ring (such as in reality) is so small that you cannot wear it - bad sign. Most likely, your spouse has become distant from you, but this is entirely your fault.
  • He puts you on a new, bright, shiny wedding ring - a new round of feelings, time spent alone will have a beneficial effect on your relationship.
  • Seeing a ring that is too large fall off your finger is a bad sign. You missed the right moment in the relationship, and your husband is now ready to leave for his rival.
  • Losing oneself in troubled waters is a disease of one’s spouse.
  • You spend the whole dream looking for a ring, but never find it - financial difficulties will be a serious test for your family. If you can endure them with honor, then you will live a very long and happy life with your spouse.
  • Gold means material wealth, says the ancient Slavic dream book.
  • Silver is a strong feeling, but you have to live modestly.
  • Wooden - you will have to fulfill the promise made by your ancestor many years ago.

To an unmarried girl

Many young people dream of a wedding. Of course, the ring is also present in girls' dreams. If a young girl dreams of it, you can expect to meet a young man who is pleasant in all respects. See him on right hand– you are ready to make a conscious choice of your life partner. And on the left - you act solely at the behest of your heart.

If you chose a ring in a store

  • If you see many identical rings on your hand, you are one of those girls who is accompanied by a large number of suitors. Unfortunately, you only admire yourself, but don’t want to notice real feelings. Whatever you strive for, be vigilant; if you trample on the feelings of an innocent person, you will lose the opportunity to experience him yourself.
  • Choosing in a store, trying on one after another - enormous opportunities will open up before you, promises esoteric dream book. You have every chance to become rich and famous. But if you choose a career, you will have to sacrifice your family. Devoting all the time to work, meet true love, you can only in adulthood.
  • If you dreamed about a wedding ring that was too small, your suitor will turn out to be cowardly. In a difficult situation, you will be left completely alone.
  • To dream that there are rings on both the right and left hands is a very rare dream, says the dream book from A to Z. It means that you are a strong and strong-willed person. With hard work, you can get everything you want from life.

Appearance and material

What a ring looks like in a dream directly determines its meaning. Because more expensive metals mean what is dear to us. And cheap ones are everyday relationships with colleagues or friends. There are even more serious dreams in which we see unique rings made of unusual materials - wood or stone.

Whole and cute

For a more detailed analysis of why a wedding ring is dreamed of, it is important to pay attention to its integrity and general condition. If in the dream it was new (or at least looked like new), intact, bright and shiny - this is a good sign. Most likely, everything in your life is going well, and whatever you strive for, you can get it with some effort.

What the ring looked like

The material from which it was made also matters for interpretation. The more expensive it is, the higher status you can gain in society. If the ring evoked warm, pleasant feelings, then this symbol may relate to emotional and love experiences.

A slightly cold perception of the accessory - like, for example, a man admiring expensive watch- speaks of serious success in a leadership position.


It is not a very good sign if you dream of a damaged or damaged ring. Broken - speaks of persistent problems in relationships that cannot be solved. And eternal compromises will only delay separation without leading to anything good.

  • A cracked hand in a dream means treason, warns the family dream book.
  • Rusty - you will have to open your soul to your chosen one, otherwise the relationship will not lead to anything good.
  • Simply tasteless - when faced with a low and two-faced person, you should not believe his promises. He gave them many times, and not only to you. Delaying the end of a relationship, as a rule, does not lead to anything positive.
  • Completely broken, consists of two separate parts - difficulties, depression, apathy, says the psychological dream book.

Importance of materials

Admiring a beautiful gold ring on your hand means your wish will come true. And it doesn’t matter whether you want material wealth or just getting married - your wish will most likely come true in the shortest possible time.

  • Platinum - knowledge that is not available to everyone will be revealed to you, says the esoteric dream book.
  • Silver – cordiality. You are ready to follow your feelings. They are serious and deep. And whatever you strive for, the decision will be correct. Even if it involves a complete departure from the bustle of the world.
  • Copper - getting to know an unusual person, says Vanga’s dream book.
  • Tin - you will find yourself in a serious situation that will change your life forever. Facing real danger to life. If you definitely saw it on your finger, a complete stranger will help you.
  • Made of wood - you need to improve yourself.
  • A wedding ring made of stone - only strength of character will help you get what you have been striving for for so long.
  • Strewn with colorful stones - a pleasant time spent in the company of friends.

Actions with the ring

In order to explain what such night dreams come from, you need to remember well whether any actions were performed with the ring. A contemplative dream is usually understandable. It speaks of internal emotions and a situation that is beyond the dreamer’s control. But the directed force on the accessory, the actions performed with it, will help to correct the behavior so that the negative interpretation also becomes positive.

If it was strewn with stones

  • Trying on and seeing a shiny accessory on your left hand means that soon that person will burst into your life who will completely occupy your thoughts.
  • To put it on your hand yourself means to take on additional responsibilities, says Freud’s dream book.
  • To withdraw is to make concessions on fundamental issues.
  • If you break it while putting it on, a serious conflict of interest will arise, warns the dream book from A to Z. If you dreamed gold ring- then the conflict will be in the family, and silver - to resolve disputes in the workplace.
  • The finger is being squeezed more and more, trying to remove it, but it’s not working - severe depression, from which only a specialist can help you get out.

General symbolic meaning

You should not dismiss the interpretation of such night dreams. You dreamed of a wedding ring to draw your attention to what is dear to you. If for one it is a relationship, then for another it is social status. Therefore, if you dreamed of a wedding ring, be doubly attentive to yourself and to those around you.

The general meaning of this symbol is infinity. This is unique correct form which has neither end nor beginning. She speaks of the eternity of existence and the depth of the human soul.

Seeing such a ring on your hand means entering the ministry. A person has to serve all his life. But some serve money, some serve family, and some serve the evil one.

Similar night dream indicates that you are ready to receive your destiny. But you just have to open your eyes and be ready to see. Nothing in the Universe can force a decision on you - free will always remains with a person. But if you choose the path of service that is destined for you, you will gain eternity.

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