What does a lumbago plant look like? Common lumbago flower - description, features, planting and care. Breeding varieties of lumbago with photos

Syn.: sleep-grass, urgulk.

Lumbago is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants with an erect stem covered with hairs, pubescent petiolate leaves collected in a basal rosette, single flowers of white-violet, silver-violet, lilac or lilac color. Lumbago is a primrose flower. The plant is used in folk medicine and in homeopathy for the treatment of a number of diseases.

The plant is poisonous!

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In medicine

Lumbago is not used in official medicine. However, in homeopathy it is used to make the drug Pulsatilla, which is taken for disorders menstrual cycle, inflammatory processes pelvis, with uterine bleeding and diseases of the endocrine system.

Contraindications and side effects

IN fresh the plant is poisonous. If the juice comes into contact with the skin, a chemical burn of the first or second degree occurs. If you take a fresh plant inside, you can get an intestinal burn. In any form (even dried) lumbago should not be used for ulcers, gastritis, hepatitis, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for children. Before using homeopathic medicines, you should consult a specialist.

In gardening

Some types of lumbago are used in landscape design and gardening. It is especially valuable because it blooms very early. Most often, three types of lumbago are grown in gardens:

    Spring lumbago (lat. Pulsatilla vernalis). It grows wild in Karelia. Has white and purple flowers.

    Meadow lumbago (lat. Pulsatilla pratensis). It reaches a length of 70 cm, its flowers are silver-violet.

    Common lumbago (lat. Pulsatilla vulgaris), the most popular species in gardening. This species has many varieties; depending on the variety, the flowers can be white, purple, or lilac.

Lumbago is grown from seeds, because The plant does not tolerate transplantation. Most species are sown in open ground in June-July. Seedlings can be planted in early spring and transplanted into open ground in early summer. However, some species need to be sown in the ground in the fall, because they need stratification; in this case, sprouts appear in May. Common lumbago, which is most often grown in Russia, can begin to bloom in the second year, but some high-mountain species will take several years to do so.

The best place for shooting is considered to be a rock garden or an alpine hill. You need to be careful when choosing a site; the plant does not tolerate dampness and prefers places with light shading. It is advisable to plant lumbago on a site with a slope to ensure that there is no stagnation of water.

The soil should be loose and fertilized. Lime and nitrogen can be used as fertilizer; throughout the season it is worth feeding the plant with potassium and phosphorus.

In other areas

In Russia, lumbago was used (and sometimes is still used to this day) for various magical rituals. It is believed that it helps against the evil eye and attracts wealth. And if a person falls asleep in a clearing with a lumbago, which is otherwise called sleep-grass, then he will have the gift of foresight.

Previously, lumbago was used by artists to obtain paint from it.


Lumbago (lat. Pulsatilla) is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Buttercup family (lat. Ranunculaceae).

Botanical description

Lumbago is a herbaceous perennial plant with an erect stem and long rhizome. The height can be from 5 to 40 cm. The stem, leaves and petals of the lumbago are hairy. The leaves are petiolate and collected in a basal rosette. The flowers are solitary, with a large number of stamens and pistils, large, and depending on the species they can be of different colors. Flowering continues from April to May.


The lumbago grows mainly in the west of the European part of the CIS countries, from Karelia to the Nikolaev region, and grows in the Far East, in the Baikal region and Transbaikalia. Prostrel prefers coniferous forests, open sandy hills, and dry slopes.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Prepare the lumbago with great care, not forgetting that the sap of the plant causes burns; you must use gloves. Collection is carried out during the flowering period. Dry the lumbago in the shade, on outdoors, laying out the collected plant in a thin layer. After drying, the shoot can be used no earlier than three months later, otherwise the plant will not have time to lose its toxic substances. Store raw materials in paper bags for no longer than three years.

However, all types of lumbago are included in the Red Book and their collection is prohibited.

Chemical composition

Anemonin, saponins, phytoncides, tannins, and resins were found in the composition of lumbago grass.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacological properties lumbago has been little studied.

Use in folk medicine

Lumbago has been used in homeopathy for about 200 years. It is used to make a drug called Pulsatilla. This drug is primarily considered “female”; it is prescribed for menstrual irregularities, ovarian diseases, neoplasms in the mammary glands, and cystitis. It is also used for nervous disorders, hysteria, neurasthenia, and various neuralgia. Pulsatilla is also prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases.

In folk medicine, meadow lumbago (Pulsatilla pratensis) and open lumbago (Pulsatilla patens) are most often used. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, a sedative effect, lowers blood pressure, and slows respiration and heart rate.

A decoction of lumbago flowers is used for infertility. For rheumatism, rub with lumbago tincture. An infusion of the plant is used as a pain reliever during childbirth, a remedy for insomnia, and even as a remedy for impotence.

Historical background

Lumbago, or sleep-grass, has long been used in folk medicine and magical rites. It is not surprising that many legends are associated with it. One of them says that evil spirits once loved to hide under lumbago flowers, Archangel Michael saw this and “shot” the flower with a spear, expelling the evil spirits. Since then, the leaves of the lumbago began to look dissected into pieces, and the flower began to be considered a “clean” plant, which is avoided by evil spirits. Therefore, our ancestors carried dried lumbago flowers with them, wanting to protect themselves from various troubles.


1. Yuzepchuk S.V. Rod Lumbam - Pulsatilla Adans. // Flora of the USSR: in 30 volumes / ch. ed. V. L. Komarov. - M.-L. : Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1937. - T. VII / ed. volumes B.K. Shishkin. - P. 285-307. - 792, XXVI p. - 5200 copies.

2. Kolesnikova E. Bells of spring // The real owner: Magazine. - 2013. - No. 6.

3. All about medicinal plants in your beds / Ed. Radelova S. Yu.. - St. Petersburg: SZKEO LLC, 2010. - P. 214. - 224 p.

The plant is poisonous!

Description and photo of common lumbago

Perennial herbaceous plant of the buttercup family - Ranunculaceae.
Stretched out one of the most beautiful spring flowers, popularly also called dream-grass or windflower, and in pharmacology - Pulsatillae herba - lumbago grass. The rhizome of the lumbago is vertically embedded in the soil, from which early spring An erect, flowering, silky-pubescent stem appears, growing up to 25 cm in height. At the top of the stem there is a large bell-shaped flower with a huge number of yellow anthers. Flowering of lumbago is observed from March to May. The leaves of the plant are also incredibly beautiful with silvery-white pubescence.

The lumbago grows mainly in sunny places, on forest edges, sunny slopes and in the steppes.
Lumbago- the plant is protected; due to its small number, its collection is prohibited.

Useful and medicinal properties of common lumbago

IN chemical composition common lumbago includes such medicinal active substances as saponin, tannins, as well as protoanemonin, which, when the grass is dried, is localized into a less toxic substance - anemonin.
Due to its poisonous properties, neither in scientific nor in folk medicine, as medicinal product, lumbago is practically not used.
An exception is the homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla, made from fresh lumbago herb. He, in turn, has medicinal properties and helps in the treatment of many diseases.
The drug helps with depression, headaches, stomach diseases and irregular menstruation, migraines, diseases of the gallbladder and liver, as well as bladder and kidneys. For Pulsatilla manifests healing properties for eczema, frostbite or hives.

The use of common lumbago in folk medicine

In folk medicine common lumbago can be used for diseases of the female genital organs, neuralgia, migraine, whooping cough, bronchitis, gout, rheumatism. Used as a cold infusion. Common lumbago has the ability to irritate the digestive system, so its use is recommended for gastritis and nephritis. The drug based on lumbago has an antimicrobial and antifungal effect. Lumbago has a sedative and hypnotic effect, and in case of hypertension it helps lower blood pressure and slows down the pulse and breathing. Alcohol tincture or a decoction of the herb lumbago is used for eczema and fungal infections of the skin.
The use of common lumbago is possible only after thorough drying, for at least a month; only after a month do the toxic substances leave the plant.

Folk recipes from common lumbago

Recipe for infusion of common lumbago, taken as medicinal compresses and lotions for washing wounds: 2 teaspoons of dried lumbago herb should be poured with a glass of cold boiled water, and then left for 12 hours.
Recipe for a decoction based on lumbago herb: Pour 4 tablespoons of dried lumbago herb with boiling water (liter), boil the mixture for 5 minutes, then strain and add to the bath. Use as an antimicrobial and anesthetic agent.

Contraindications to the use of ordinary lumbago

Common lumbago is poisonous!
It is contraindicated to use common lumbago for medicinal purposes, with the only exception being homeopathic preparations.

Side effects and effects of ordinary lumbago

Even with light contact with plants, your skin runs the risk of blistering, as well as negatively affecting the mucous membranes of the body.

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  • Lumbago - spring flowering plant with drooping blue-violet bells covered with silvery pubescence, it is often called sleep grass, as the sight of these flowers gives a feeling of softness, peace and serenity. Our ancestors sleep-grass was considered a plant - a talisman that protects against dark forces, small dry bunches of dream grass were laid out in the corners of the house for a happy and comfortable life.

    In nature, lumbago grow in elevated mountain areas or on the edges of forests. These plants prefer a temperate climate with cold winters, so they are distributed throughout the northern hemisphere of Europe and Asia. Many types of lumbago are listed in the Red Book and we advise everyone not to dig up these flowers in nature, since they do not tolerate transplantation and simply will not take root in your garden, but you can safely collect seeds for propagation.

    Rod Lumbago (Pulsatilla), in Latin Pulsatilla, is part of the Ranunculaceae family and has about 30 species of perennial herbaceous plants. The lumbago has a powerful vertical rhizome; the plants quickly grow in width and form fairly large bushes with numerous rosettes of leaves. Each rosette blooms in the spring; a lush lumbago bush with a diameter of up to 50 cm, living for several years, can produce up to 100 flowers at a time.

    The leaves of the lumbago are pinnately dissected. Peduncles rise to a height of up to 40 cm, each peduncle bears one large bell-shaped flower, often blue-violet. In the center of the flower there is a yellow-orange bunch of stamens. Young leaves, peduncles and even the flowers themselves are covered with soft silvery hairs. The pubescence protects the plant not only from frost, but also from overheating and morning humidity. After flowering, fruits with seeds are formed.

    Shoots are very decorative and are often used for decorating alpine slides, rockeries, lawns, lawns. Lumbago is also grown between plantings of spring-bulbous flowers; they perfectly diversify the flowering of crocuses, scylla, pushkinia and other small-bulbous plants, and then with openwork foliage they cover the bare areas after the flowering of the bulbous ones. Lumbago is beautiful not only during the flowering period, but also afterwards decorates the flower garden with lush feathery leaves, often with favorable conditions They bloom a second time in the fall, in September. Overgrown lumbago look good next to bushes of primrose, gentian and heuchera; on alpine hills they are often combined with saxifrage and sedum.

    Most often found in nature ordinary lumbago (P.vulgaris). This plant grows quickly, forming a lush bush of numerous rosettes, and in the spring from May to June its large red-purple bells bloom. Common lumbago is often grown in cultivated floriculture; this species also has several varieties differing in color and shape of flowers.

    Early flowering from April to May open lumbago (P.patens) with blue-violet flowers and spring lumbago (P.vernalis), characterized by heavily pubescent perianths.

    Long flowering alpine lumbago (P.alpina), this species produces white, yellow or pinkish flowers from May to August.

    Lumbago is an unpretentious plant that requires almost no care. Lumbago is ideal for growing on an alpine hill, as these are mainly mountain plants adapted to rocky soil and lack of moisture. The roots of the lumbago go deep into the soil, firmly anchoring the plant to the surface and drawing moisture from the depths. Constantly wet areas and frequent watering provoke the occurrence of putrefactive diseases in these plants and their death.

    Due to the deeply located tap roots, lumbago cannot tolerate transplantation, therefore, to grow lumbago, it is necessary to immediately provide permanent place for this plant. It should be a sunny, open area, with well-drained, well-permeable soil, but at the same time rich in organic matter. Before planting the lumbago, the soil is dug up deeply, and it is advisable to add lime, since the plant prefers soil with a neutral reaction.

    Propagate the lumbago only seeds. Fresh seeds germinate well and are sown immediately after harvest or before winter. When sowing in summer, the seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, and the sowing site is kept constantly moist. After 3-4 weeks, shoots should appear. In the first year, young seedlings can be picked up and transplanted to a permanent place; adult plants cannot tolerate transplantation.

    Seeds of high-mountain species of lumbago often germinate only after winter stratification. Seeds are sown before winter immediately in a permanent place, since these plants do not tolerate transplantation even at a young age.

    Shoots have high frost-resistant qualities, however, it is better to cover young plants with spruce branches for the winter in order to protect them in case of a snowless winter.

    Fresh plant sap is poisonous and can cause burns if it comes into contact with skin, so wear protective gloves when gardening or picking these flowers. Dried lumbago flowers are safe.

    On our territory, the most popular is considered to be the common lumbago, which delights with purple, red or snow-white bells. There is no flower more beautiful for a spring flower bed or flower garden than the common lumbago. Over time, growing, this flower is able to cover a decent area of ​​land with a green carpet of leaves, which, together with bright flowers, creates an incredible garden composition. Common lumbago, planting and caring for which is not difficult even for an inexperienced gardener, will undoubtedly become your favorite primrose.

    In this article we will look at the features of the common lumbago, and also provide a description of the most popular varieties of this type. Note important points agricultural techniques for growing this wonderful flower.

    Features and description of the common lumbago

    Common lumbago is the most popular variety of crop, which is a perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the Ranunculaceae family. The natural habitat of the entire genus of these flowers is the territory of Siberia, the Caucasus, and Europe. It is in the Altai region in Russia, according to many experts, that the central part of the formation of all kinds of lumbago is located. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the common lumbago is a truly Russian flower. In nature, this wonderful plant has become less and less common, for this reason almost all species, of which there are 45, are listed in the Red Book and are protected by law.

    Common lumbago, dream grass, snowdrop, pulsatilla, anemone - all these names characterize one delicate and extraordinary plant, which used to decorate rocky slopes, forest edges and meadows with huge clusters. Now this bright flower can only be found in gardens, flower beds and flower beds.

    There are a huge number of legends associated with the appearance of lumbago and endowing it with miraculous and magical powers. According to one legend, one of the archangels wanted to get rid of all demons and demons forever. To do this, he pulled his bow and shot an arrow straight into the lumbago plant, behind which the whole evil spirits. It was from then on that it became a tradition that if you carry dried arrow grass with you, any demon will run away from you. And if you put a few dried branches of lumbago in each corner of the house, there will be wealth and prosperity there, and all dark forces will bypass.

    The name sleep-grass for this crop appeared after observations of hunters who, when near a shooting hole, almost always fell asleep. They claimed that this herb had an intoxicating effect. After this, the name sleep-grass firmly entered into people's everyday life. This definition can also be explained by the delicate and cozy appearance of these flowers, which are completely covered with fluffy hairs.

    Description of the common lumbago

    • Common lumbago is a perennial herbaceous plant whose natural habitat is considered to be the territory of Europe and Siberia. It is this type that is most widespread of all decorative species lumbago.
    • In cultivated form, common lumbago has been found in gardens since 1530.
    • This flower is distinguished by a rather long and powerful vertical or oblique rhizome, which allowed them to grow even on rocky slopes. Thanks to such a root system, the common lumbago plant is quite unpretentious in care, since it can do without water for a long time.
    • The stem of the plant can be erect or slightly curved, most often it is completely covered with whitish hairs.
    • The height of the stem of the common lumbago reaches a maximum of 30 cm.
    • The leaves are bright green, pinnately dissected in shape and very delicate. All leaves are collected in a rosette.
    • Due to its structure, the plant can form compact multi-headed bushes up to 50 cm in diameter, consisting of a huge number of openwork leaves and peduncles that appear simultaneously immediately after the snow melts.
    • All leaves before flowering are completely covered with whitish hairs, which disappear after the flowers bloom.
    • The flowering of the common lumbago occurs in April, however, due to the fact that the flowers bloom gradually, this process may drag on until June. Therefore, you can often see flowers and a seed pod on this plant.
    • Flowers have beautiful shape bell and completely covered with hairs. The buds are quite large, reaching 9 cm in diameter. They grow singly.
    • The color of the flowers of the common lumbago is very different: white, violet, purple, lilac, red.
    • After flowering ends, fruits appear on the plant, which are represented by nuts with long columns, similar to dandelions.
    • This variety is quite winter-hardy and can withstand frosts down to -23 degrees.

    Varietal diversity of common lumbago

    Common lumbago is one of the most popular types of this crop in Russia. Thanks to the wide variety of shapes and varieties, every gardener will be able to choose interesting and unusual seedlings for himself.

    Forms of common lumbago

    • Alba form. This includes all varieties of common lumbago with snow-white flowers. In terms of external characteristics, they are similar to the species flowers: the stems, leaves and flowers are covered with hairs, the flower itself has the shape of a white bell.
    • “Rubra” lumbago shape. The flowers of varieties belonging to this form have a bright red color and rather large petals. All varieties of this form are considered early.
    • Form "Atrosanquinea". The flowers of these varieties of common lumbago differ quite unusual coloring, which can vary from dark red to red-black. The flower heads themselves are slightly drooping. The leaves, which have a very thin and openwork shape, are also decorative.
    • "Amoena" form. Represented by plants with beautiful red-violet flowers with a rather dark tint. The flowers are large in size.
    • Shape "Violet". This group of common lumbago includes plant varieties with beautiful medium-sized violet or purple flowers. Flowers have hairs on the outer part of their petals.
    • Grandis form. This form It is distinguished by its rather large flowers; one flower can reach approximately 8-9 cm in diameter.

    Varieties of common lumbago

    • Common lumbago variety "Rote Glocke". The flowers of this variety are very reminiscent of tulips, as they hold the head straight and have a similar structure of the inflorescences. In addition, the petals are painted in a rich red color, which acquires a slightly pinkish tone towards the end of flowering.
    • Variety "Papageno". This is a representative of the lumbago form of the common Alba. Flowers have white and quite large in size. On average, the diameter of one flower can be 7-8 cm. This variety has a very beautiful and unusual flower structure - its petals are slightly dissected, which gives them volume.
    • Variety of common lumbago "Papageno Black". Large flowers with dissected petals. Has a bright purple hue.
    • Variety "Mrs van der Elst". The flowers of this variety of common lumbago are painted in a delicate pink shade. Also, due to the rather large size of the flowers, it is very popular among gardeners.
    • Variety "White Swen". Common lumbago with incredibly snow-white flowers that symbolically resemble a white swan.
    • Variety “Bells Violet”, “Bells Red”, “Bells White”. Varieties of common lumbago, which are characterized by purple, red or white petals and bright yellow stamens, which are located in large numbers in the center of the flower and are very reminiscent of bells with tongues. The variety has good frost resistance.
    • Variety "Pinwheel Dark Red Shadows". The flower can grow up to 30 cm in height and is distinguished by beautiful and bright inflorescences of a reddish-violet hue. They have good resistance to frost and enjoy early flowering.
    • Variety of common lumbago “Magic”. It is distinguished by early flowering, when beautiful violet-purple inflorescences appear along with openwork foliage. The flowers are bell-shaped with a yellow center.

    By purchasing several varieties of common lumbago, in a couple of years you can get interesting hybrids, since these plants cross-pollinate very quickly and easily. Therefore, you can observe with interest the changes in flower color and leaf shape, as well as the general appearance of this interesting crop.

    Reproduction of common lumbago

    Common lumbago is a perennial herbaceous plant, but the optimal method of propagation for it is only by seed. An adult plant older than one year is very difficult to tolerate transplanting and dividing the rhizome, as well as propagation by cuttings. This is due to the fact that root system the lumbago is very fragile and does not tolerate interference or damage.

    Seed propagation of common lumbago

    • According to several versions, the seeds of the common lumbago have different germination rates. However, to obtain strong and healthy seedlings, it is best to use freshly harvested seeds. If you have stored the seeds for several years, it is best to stratify them for a couple of months in a cool environment.
    • Shooting seeds can be planted directly in open ground in May or June; for some varieties, sowing seeds before winter is suitable. However, in this case, it must be remembered that for good germination of flower seeds it is necessary to create optimal conditions: high temperature and humidity, plenty of sunlight.
    • The seedling method is suitable for growing lumbago from seeds, since in the first year lumbago seedlings can tolerate transplantation.
    • For seedlings, seeds are sown in March or April in a specially prepared container with soil. It is recommended to first soak all the seeds for a day in water or in a special amber solution. This way you will achieve faster germination.
    • Fill a suitable container purchased soil, which must be mixed halfway with coarse and clean sand.
    • The soil must first be watered and the seeds placed on top. You should not sprinkle the seeds with sand, because for their germination it is necessary sunlight. Just press them lightly into the soil.
    • The container can be placed on a sunny windowsill or in a greenhouse to maintain optimal germination conditions - high temperature and humidity.
    • Containers must be watered and ventilated regularly. With careful care, the first shoots may appear in 1-2 weeks.
    • You should not plant seedlings until they have 3 strong leaves. It is at this time that the plant’s root system is formed.
    • Seedlings can be planted in open ground in May.
    • If you decide to sow lumbago seeds directly in open ground, you must collect fresh seeds immediately after the flower fruits ripen. After which they are sown directly into the soil in grooves 1.5-2 cm deep.
    • In open ground, seeds need to be covered with spruce branches and snow. In the spring, you will already have full-fledged adult plants of the common lumbago, which will delight you with their first flowering.

    Preparation before planting common lumbago

    Common lumbago is a fairly unpretentious plant, but growing it on garden plots is still quite a rare occurrence, so before planting and, therefore, purchasing plant seedlings, you should carefully prepare and think through everything. It is important to buy common lumbago in a trusted place good quality, as well as wisely choose a place for planting on your site.

    Stage 1. Selection of variety and seedlings of common lumbago

    • First of all, you need to choose the varieties of common arrow that are suitable for you. They all have excellent characteristics, the only exception being different levels of winter hardiness. Select varieties of lumbago according to the color scheme of the inflorescences, since they all grow up to 30 cm in height.
    • As planting material You can choose both seeds and young seedlings.
    • If you have the opportunity to immediately sow seeds in open ground, you can use this planting material.
    • When purchasing seedlings of the common lumbago, pay special attention to the root system of the plant - it should only be closed. If you see that they are offering you a seedling with bare roots, do not take it, because it is unlikely to take root at all. The root system of the lumbago is very fragile and delicate; the slightest damage will not allow the plant to grow.
    • It is best to buy seedlings in specialized garden centers and nurseries that professionally breed plants. In this case, you will get really high-quality lumbago seedlings.
    • Before purchasing, carefully inspect the top for damage and dry areas. It is also important that the plant is not damaged by diseases and pests.
    • After purchasing, it is advisable to immediately plant a young lumbago seedling in a permanent place, since the older it becomes, the more difficult it is to tolerate transplantation.

    Stage 2. Choosing a place to plant the common lumbago

    • Choosing a place for shooting is one of the most important preparatory stages, because in the future it can no longer be replanted.
    • Common lumbago prefers to grow in sunny or slightly shaded areas. More bright flowers will be exactly in mild conditions shade, which will be close to the natural habitat of this plant in forests.
    • This plant feels ideal on a site with a slight slope, which imitates the slope of a mountain - the natural habitat of the crop. Therefore, lumbago can be planted on an alpine hill, the main thing is to plant seedlings on the south side.
    • Common lumbago feels great among stones, so you can plant this wonderful flower in rockeries.
    • The planting area you choose should not retain moisture; all rainwater should drain away as quickly as possible. This is why it is recommended to plant these flowers on small slopes.

    Stage 3. Selection and preparation of soil for planting common lumbago

    • Common lumbago can grow on almost any soil, the main thing is that it is not swampy and does not retain water.
    • They can grow on soil with the addition of lime or peat; soil with a neutral reaction is suitable for them.
    • If your site has close groundwater or stagnant water, it is best to provide good drainage.
    • The soil at the planting site must be well cultivated and nutritious.
    • Before planting, it is important to thoroughly prepare the soil. To do this, dig up the area well and deeply, add lime and mineral fertilizers. This can be done in the fall if you plan to plant seedlings in the spring. If planting is scheduled for autumn, then it is best to till the soil in the spring.

    Technology for planting common lumbago in open ground

    • Planting of the common lumbago can be done in spring or autumn. If you sow seeds, this can be done in the autumn, having previously prepared the soil. It is important to cultivate the soil deeply, since the root system is very long.
    • When planting seeds from lumbago, it is necessary to prepare grooves up to 1.5-2 cm deep and then place the seeds in them. When planting this way, it is important to cover the bed with spruce branches or straw before the onset of cold weather.
    • If you purchased a lumbago seedling, you can plant it in the spring immediately after the soil warms up.
    • Before planting, you should thoroughly loosen the area. This must be done very deeply. At the same time, add a little compost to the soil and mineral fertilizers, if you didn't do it in the fall.
    • Next you need to prepare planting pits for seedlings. Since seedlings must be removed from containers with big lump earth, then the holes also need to be made quite large.
    • You can place a layer of drainage at the bottom of each hole, provided that you have close groundwater in your area.
    • Next, water the seedlings well and remove them with a clod of earth so as not to damage the root system of the plants.
    • Place each seedling in the planting holes and gently press the soil down with your hands.
    • In the first month, seedlings require abundant watering.

    Agricultural technology for growing common lumbago: secrets and nuances of care

    Common lumbago is a rather unusual plant for our gardens, so caring for it may cause difficulties due to lack of awareness. To get a beautiful and flowering plant It is important to follow the rules of watering, loosening and mulching, as well as fertilizing and covering for the winter.

    • Watering. Common lumbago tolerates slight drought well, so this plant needs to be watered infrequently, just to prevent excessive drying out. Young seedlings need to be watered much more often, as they need moisture for rooting. When watering, make sure not to overwater the flowers, as they do not tolerate flooding and stagnant moisture.
    • Loosening and mulching. Periodically, it is recommended to loosen the soil around the plants to a sufficient depth. The main thing is not to damage the root system of plants. To prevent excessive evaporation of moisture around the plants, you can sprinkle a layer of mulch in the form of humus or sawdust.
    • Feeding. Common lumbago can grow even on poor soils, but when fertilized, its flowering will be brighter and more abundant. In autumn, the soil can be covered with humus, and during planting, add some nitrogen fertilizers or full mineral fertilizers during processing. Phosphorus and potassium may be added in spring and twice in summer. There is no need to fertilize more often; the plant will feel great.
    • Pest and disease control. This plant is practically not subject to pest invasion and the appearance of various diseases. Sometimes a black leg may appear, which is treated with special medications.
    • Wintering of the common lumbago. Lumbago is a fairly frost-resistant plant, but the youngest seedlings should still be covered with spruce branches and snow in winter. Shelter is also required for the beds where you planted plant seeds in the fall.

    Using common lumbago in landscape design

    Common lumbago is a very popular plant among landscape designers. This flower will fit perfectly into any garden composition.

    • Common lumbago is ideal for planting on alpine hills.
    • If you have a rocky garden on your site, you can plant lumbago in it. This will be a great addition.
    • Common lumbago can also be planted in the foreground in flower beds and flower beds. In this case, this plant goes well with primrose, crocus, adonis, and various perennial plants.
    • This crop can be planted singly against the background of a lawn or in a small group of several varieties of common lumbago.
    • The lumbago can be planted near small bushes or trees.

    Photo of common lumbago in landscape design

    You can more clearly see all the features of growing lumbago on your site in the photos below.

    Common lumbago is a wonderful and very delicate snowdrop that can decorate not only the forest edge in early spring, but also your area. And thanks to your attention and constant care, this plant will delight you with magnificent and bright flowers every year.

    Basically, for collecting, gardeners often choose roses, crocuses and tulips, as well as lumbago.

    There is absolutely nothing surprising about this.

    Because this touching plant, which is protected by a very velvety and dense edge even on the stipules, has some amazing beauty.

    Once appearing in your garden, lumbago will forever capture your hearts and become the main stars of the first half of the season in absolutely any composition.

    Touching accents with special status

    Gardeners also call lumbago also dream grass, thanks to which all flower lovers do not miss the chance to grow this plant.

    Sleeping grass is one of the most vibrant spring flowering crops in gardening, at once hardy and touching.

    It is very difficult to grow these flowers, because these plants do not tolerate transplants, and also very much need somewhat specific conditions.

    However, such minor difficulties pay off with the irresistible beauty of the blooming of these spring stars, as they are called.

    Lumbago is also called Pulsatilla - somewhat earlier it was a separate genus of perennial herbaceous flowers of the Ranunculaceae family.

    Judging by modern classification species of the higher genus lumbago are included in the anemone erysipelas, or as it is also called Anemone.


    Shoots are considered not very large herbaceous perennials. The height of the lumbago ranges from small five centimeters to forty centimeters, but despite all this, their very modest sizes do not in any way prevent them from remaining catchy and bright plants.

    Root. Even the rhizomes themselves are special, growing at an angle or vertical, long, deep-lying, powerful taproots of a very unusual large shape for such a small flower.

    Escapes in this type, the lumbago is almost always straight, crowned with a flower, emphasized by narrowly dissected leaves fused into a kind of plaid, which repeat the shape of the basal leaves.

    Green the shoots cannot be called outstanding, however, curtains of different leaves will decorate the compositions until late autumn.

    Leaves. The basal leaves in a very compact, but not always dense, rosette sit on long petioles. They are considered pinnately dissected or palmate, as well as densely pubescent.

    Fruit. The lumbago also has distinctive feature, this is elongation, that is, stretching of shoots after flowering, at the simple stage of fruit formation.

    Flowers. The pride of absolutely all types and varieties of lumbago are the huge flowers, which are considered the most decorative part of the plant itself.

    Flowering process

    Flowers mainly bloom in more cases to leaves, but in some plants peduncles and greenery develop almost simultaneously.

    The flowers of lumbago are always large; against the backdrop of the greenery itself they are simply bulky in size. Large bells of incredible shape can reach up to eight centimeters in diameter.

    However, they are not always revealed in full form, they always bloom one at a time, crowning the flower stalks, so to speak, and sometimes droop slightly and bend over.

    A fairly dense bunch of stamens and pistils decorate the middle with a very beautiful eye, it is in spring period seems bright, but the main feature of larger flowers is the dense pubescence on the outer side of the leaves, which is repeated, and in some cases exceeds the edge of the shoots and leaves.

    They are hidden in an incredibly beautiful polyhazel tree with very long fluffy columns. The fruits look as strong as the flowers themselves.

    The timing of flowering of plants makes it possible to collect a complete collection of successive perennials in flowering form. Shoots begin to bloom in the month of April, others in May, and other varieties begin to bloom already in the summer.

    Also, sleep grass has a kind of relay race, this is the flowering process from mid-spring to the end of summer in August, this is an incredibly beautiful sight.

    Despite all the healing properties of lumbago, they are considered poisonous looking, therefore, if used and handled carelessly, sleep grass when transplanting special protection bases can damage your skin and cause some irritation or even allergic reactions.

    Varieties and types of lumbago

    A large number of plants that are included in the sleep-grass genus are considered very valuable plants that have a special degree of protection under the Red Book.

    IN wildlife It is forbidden to dig them up or tear them down. Firstly, digging up sleep grass is simply a pointless exercise, because the plant does not have the ability to reproduce vegetatively.

    And if you decide to do this, illegal actions entailing criminal and administrative liability, in any case with sleep-grass, means only one thing - this is the extermination of priceless endemic species with your own hands.

    Out of about forty natural species sleep-herbs. Which are common in the Northern Hemisphere, as well as in cold climates, only about fifteen species are used in ornamental gardening.

    With all this, it is very difficult to understand the classification of lumbago itself; judging by modern botanical data, sleep grass is considered part of the section of the genus anemone.

    A large number of plants that are known to everyone as lumbago also have other names, you just need to replace Pulsatilla on Anemone, you can already get the most modern version names of shots.

    However, such subtleties do not negate the main thing, with all sorts of similarities in any details, absolutely any flower lover will distinguish a simple lumbago from simple garden anemones.

    Because plants are also considered special in their character and pubescence. Yes, and mostly lumbago is distributed under the old names.

    Let's get acquainted with the most popular and best lumbago, the seeds of which you can see almost everywhere.

    Dream-grass (lumbago) common

    The most diverse type of grass, if you look from the point of view of varieties of forms. The shoots of this lumbago can grow only no further than twenty centimeters in height, only single, flowers bloom into leaves, made in the shape of bells with very beautiful pointed leaves.

    The leaves themselves are cut into very narrow, thread-like lobes, yet the greenery itself seems incredibly thick.

    To the very the best forms of this lumbago are coming:

    • Form grandis with incredibly large flowers, about eight centimeters in diameter;
    • Another variety amoena with dark, red-violet, large flowers;
    • Red-dark atrosanguinea with flowers with a drooping red tint, thin, very beautiful foliage.

    Also, the common sleep grass has a large number of varieties with different colors, ranging from white to lilac, red, purple, pink and lilac.

    Deserves special attention:

    • Mrs van der Elst– a variety with a soft pink tint;
    • Papageno Black– is a bright purple variety, reminiscent of Papageno in shape;
    • Rothe Glock - Rote Glocke– tulip-shaped variety of red hue;
    • Papageno – Papageno– considered a snow-white variety with dissected leaves, large-flowered.

    Open lumbago (pulsatilla patens)

    A catchy and very bright variety, it is the main competitor of common sleep grass. This plant is plastic, reaches a height of fifty centimeters, starting from seven, and is also plastic in the color of its flowers.

    The leaves are palmate, collected mainly in whorls, appear only after the flowering period and captivate everyone with their heart-shaped lobes.

    The flowers are very large, capable of reaching eight centimeters in diameter and even more, with bright purple, blue-violet and former shades. Simple form wide bell at the very beginning, then it has the peculiarity of being attracted to the star shape of the open cup.

    The flowers are in upright position, that is, everyone will be able to admire it from above and examine almost every detail. There is also a certain distinctive feature of this lumbago, which blooms from April to May, is the ability to produce about fifty flowers on one single bush.

    The fruits are very unusual, they are screwed or, one might say, buried in the ground, reacting to the level of humidity.

    On the territory Russian Federation and in general, spring sleep-grass is also found in nature ( Pulsatilla vernalis) which is adored by a large number of flower lovers.

    This plant can be said to be touching, shining, and is considered by most to be one of the brightest and most delicate spring flowers. Capable of reaching up to thirty centimeters in height, this beauty stands out not only for its slightly curved but also straight shoots.

    The basal leathery leaves blossom into flowers, and the four-centimeter, absolutely fully opening bell-shaped cups with a delicate snow-white-pearl shade inside and lilac color outside seem to be overflowing stars against the background of foliage.

    Spring lumbago generally begins to bloom from mid-May, and will delight with flowers for more than twenty days, but when grown from seeds, it blooms only in the fifth or eighth year.

    Yellowing lumbago (Pulsatilla flavescens)

    It is an incredibly large flower with a rather large and lush rosette of basal leaves that can reach a height of as much as thirty centimeters.

    However, it is true that the luxurious foliage appears after the peduncles, and is also impressive great height fifty centimeters. Erect bells are made very gracefully, in a yellow color closer to a lemon tint, and can reach six centimeters in diameter

    Absolutely all plants are covered with an incredible edge with a silvery tint, especially thick on the buds. The multi-cut lumbago is quite similar to this plant ( Pulsatilla multifida) in which the difference is only in the color of the flowers themselves, this lumbago has a bright purple color.

    The shot is questionable ( Pulsatilla ambigua) is very rare species sleep-herbs. It is amazing in that the flowers are blue in color, with an ultramarine-saturated tint.

    The splayed and elegant bells are only two centimeters long; although they are not large, they are incredibly beautiful, gradually drooping into buds and rising, while opening up.

    The basal rosette is very lush, dissected and large leaves form a rosette with a diameter of thirty centimeters, which very well emphasizes the flower stalks of forty to forty-five centimeters that appear at the very end of April.

    Haller's shot (pulsatilla hallen)

    Considered quite charming small flower, which can reach a height of thirty centimeters. In Russia, this flower has a different name, namely Crimean lumbago ( Pulsatilla taurica).

    This plant blooms mainly for about thirty days, from April to May, while very shaggy flower stalks stand out with bright purple flowers and a lush center with a yellow color, which looks upward, about ten to fifteen centimeters with brightly shaped basal leaves.

    Golden lumbago (pulsatilla aurea)

    It is a sunny and joyful plant, it looks much larger than its size. The plant reaches approximately thirty-five sizes in height, while it stands out with very bright, densely dissected leaves, with incredible lush edges and very long petioles.

    However, the surprisingly dense and bright greenery represents only the background for a flower with a diameter of six centimeters, fully open, with very wide leaves and bright golden colors.

    Mostly golden dream grass blooms only in the month of June, as if its flowering indicates the arrival of the summer period. With all this, flowers and greenery open almost at the same time.

    Ajan lumbago (pulsatilla ajanensis)

    It has the opportunity to boast of its thick and lush foliage than its dwarf friends.

    This lumbago with a vertical root, with its insignificant height of five to ten centimeters, has basal pinnate, often trifoliate leaves, which more closely resemble parsley or celery, sitting on very long and almost pubescent petioles.

    Peduncles with a very lush edge are decorated with knotty-lanceolate leaves, and large flowers reaching five to six centimeters in diameter do not fully open.

    The egg shape of the leaves, purple color, and red outer edge make this plant one of the most interesting and, not surprisingly, wild in appearance.

    If you are looking for a very expressive plant for a natural design, so to speak, then we advise you to turn your attention to this variety Turchaninov's cross(pulsatilla Turczaninovil), narrowly dissected and very bright foliage blooms at the same time with half-open flowers of a mine-violet color, which seem to float in the air.

    One of the most original varieties of sleep grass, without any clarification, is considered lumbago bell-shaped(pulsatilla campanella). In appearance, the flower truly seems very close to the bells themselves; the flowers of the plant are narrow, made in an elongated shape, which look down or are slightly inclined.

    Reaching a diameter of about two and a half centimeters, they are considered very effective due to their shape and very light color with a lilac-blue tint. This plant blooms from April to May. The greenery of this lumbago is very bright, and somewhat deeply dissected, on long petioles.

    Meadow lumbago (pulsatilla pratensis)

    Drooping flowers on peduncles bending in a graceful arc are excellent for this plant. A somewhat muted lilac color with a very interesting watercolor transition of tone, which appears after the flowering period, pinnately dissected leaves with a silver tint and a velvet edge makes the flower incredibly touching.

    Among this type of sleep grass, the nigricans form with some inky-purple flowers is popular.

    Magadan lumbago (pulsatilla magadanensis) is considered one of the lowest lumbago with a rosette of leaves up to five centimeters in height and ten-centimeter peduncles with large pubescent flowers made in the shape of bells with a bluish-white color.

    Tarao's lumbago (pulsatilla taraoi)

    It is considered very beautiful plant with large rosettes of leaves. Densely dissected, bright green leaves collected in whorls in rosettes up to twenty-five centimeters in diameter highlight unusual flowers with narrow, only two millimeters wide petals of an unclear brown shade. As they say, this type of lumbago is considered the most exotic.

    Tatewaki lumbago (pulsatilla tatewakii)

    Counts unusual plant. A dwarf up to twenty centimeters high can stand out with very delicate skirt-shaped light lilac flowers with very bright stamens. Leaves are placed on top of it all. This lumbago blooms mainly before the leaves bloom, approximately from April to May.

    The last two varieties of lumbago are considered the most high-mountain species, which are second in distribution only to the two favorite mountain sleep-grass.

    These include the following:

    • Alpine lumbago (pulsatilla alpina)- is a very modest plant, a perennial with white, yellow or cream quivering flowers that bloom from the end of the spring period of May to the end of the summer period of August. It differs from the rest of the sleep-grass in less symmetry of the flower and greater variability in the shape of the leaves. The height of the leaves is limited to ten centimeters, the shoots are limited to twenty centimeters.
    • Mountain lumbago (pulsatilla montana)- almost the same as the alpine, but belongs to the high-mountain species. It blooms at the beginning of May, for thirty days it pleases with thick, pubescent, dark purple drooping bells and pinnately dissected velvety basal leaves. The height of this plant is limited to twenty centimeters.

    Dream grass has the ability to surprise almost every flower lover with another quality that cannot be taken away from lumbago - it is variability.

    This plant undergoes so-called hybridization very easily, that is, new varieties and specimens have the opportunity to appear in your garden.

    If you grow several varieties of lumbago, then most likely a miracle will happen, that is, cross-pollination, and in addition to your varieties, you can get other specimens that will have a completely different color and shape.

    Therefore, lumbago is very suitable for the collection.

    Conclusion: the more sleep grass plants you have in your garden, the more varieties you can discover.

    Shots in landscape design

    They are used:

    • For decorating woody shrubs or simply groups of shrubs along the front edge;
    • In collection groups in an open area, a clearing with ground cover, or a lawn;
    • As a kind of comic decoration near groups of stones, stairs and boulders;
    • For seasonal borders, island flower beds, spring spots;
    • As a kind of emphasis on terraced areas, supporting walls, slopes;
    • In flower beds with mixborders with backfill and soil mulched with stone chips;
    • As accents in the edge of trees;
    • And roli is one of the most spectacular plants for rockeries and rock gardens.

    The best partners for sleep grass in the garden are: scylla, crocus, primrose.

    Growing and care

    Conditions for sleep grass

    Shoots are quite difficult to grow.

    Different varieties and species of this plant are accustomed to incredibly different living conditions, but at the same time retain the ability to perfectly adapt to their changes.

    Absolutely all shoots have a common minimum requirement for growing conditions, which should not be violated under any circumstances.

    The lumbago will develop only under conditions of good lighting, but not the brightest, but in moderation. Light shading, as well as unstable partial shade or just a sunny area are suitable for the growth of garden shoots in equally, however, usually the most effective rosettes of leaves, as well as the largest flowers, of sleep grass are produced in light shade, which imitates mountainous areas and pine forests.

    Absolutely all, without any exception, lumbago feel better on slopes, rather than on smooth and flat areas. In particular, a place with a slope to the South is suitable for sleep grass, as well as artificial hills, for example, alpine hills.

    For shooting, you should very carefully select a place in which water, even with the most prolonged precipitation, will drain away from any obstacles without lingering in the soil.

    Almost any soil is suitable for lumbago, but the exception is damp soil. The most effective option is to plant sleep grass on fertile soil, where the soil is slightly moist with very good water permeability; in such conditions, the grass will grow incredibly quickly and well.

    Drainage is simply vital for sleep grass, because they cannot stand soaking. However, other parameters should also be taken into account.

    Empty like lumbago will bloom very strongly only with nutritious soil, which will contain organic matter, which will first have to be processed before planting dream grass. Spring lumbago loves somewhat acidic soil, while all others are at least a little calcareous.

    Landing lumbago

    Before planting sleep grass, it is necessary to improve the soil. You need to put it in the ground organic fertilizer, humus, compost and some fertilizer with nitrogen (urea). After this, a very thorough digging is carried out.

    Because lumbago has an incredibly deep root system, especially tap roots, treatment must be carried out to a sufficiently deep depth. For almost all lumbago, in addition to spring, it is necessary to introduce lime into the soil, or choose alkaline soil.

    You can carry out the transfer of sleep grass from the seed beds in early spring. However, you can plant seedlings for permanent residence only from May to the end of the summer period. Most best results Early planting can give mainly.

    When planting lumbago, you need to completely preserve the earthen ball, and try to reduce contact with the lumbago grass itself to a minimum. It is critically important to provide the plants with very careful care; during the first month, and best of all, before the active phase of development of sleep grass begins, it is necessary to water it very actively, but not to the point of dampness.

    Sleep-grass does not tolerate the transplantation process very well. Plants that are more than ten years old most likely simply will not survive a change in site. However, lumbago does not require divisions, nor does it require a constant change of growing location.

    If there is a need for propagation or transplantation of sleep grass, the plant is dug up with a clod of earth, while preserving it completely during the procedure.


    The difficulties in growing sleep grass are combined with the ease of its care. There is no special care, and the plant adapts very well to weather vagaries. Watering sleep grass will only be needed during drought, when the temperature threshold exceeds the norm.

    On dry and very hot days, they will respond with great gratitude to watering, but the lumbago will not need systematic procedures. Yes, and the plant itself can survive severe drought, but for an effective abundant flowering process it is better to water it.


    Feeding for sleep grass, which grows in any soil, is very important for the flowering itself and the ripening of flower buds.

    Organic They are introduced during planting, but also in the autumn as so-called mulch, while providing an annual portion of humus and other natural fertilizers.

    But mineral mixtures It is recommended to apply only during the summer period, using a fertilizing strategy every month, about two or three times is sufficient in the month of May, June and July.

    As a fertilizer for lumbago, it is recommended to use only phosphorus and potassium preparations without nitrogen.

    Wintering of the lumbago

    Only young sleep-grass needs special preparation for the winter period, so to speak.

    Before the onset of the very first frosts, at the end of the autumn period, we advise you to cover the plant with dry foliage or spruce branches. Shelter must be provided for young seedlings sown this year.

    In the second year, the lumbago is covered if there is a snowless winter. Mature sleep grass overwinters very well without shelter, provided, of course, the right choice soil and no risk of waterlogging during thaws.

    Disease and pest control

    Very important advantages of sleep grass include resistance to various diseases and pests.

    Nature has generously protected sleep grass from such troubles and unfavorable factors.

    And if you choose the right place for shooting, and carefully select growing conditions, then the plant will not get sick even with terrible care.

    Propagation of sleep grass

    Despite the status perennial plant, the main method of propagating sleep grass is considered to be a simple method - it is by seed.

    The fact is that sleep grass does not tolerate transplantation very well, and it is simply impossible to separate them in adulthood and then obtain a new plant by vegetative means.

    There is also a plus in this, it is the very low efficiency of digging, which allows sleep grass to retain its representation in the wild, because there is simply no point in digging this plant out of its natural habitats.

    Sleeping grass blooms no earlier than in the second year after sowing, and other species only after seven years - mainly spring and high-mountain lumbago.


    The sowing strategy largely depends on the main characteristics of sleep-grass; it does not tolerate any transplants at all, even in a young state, sleep-grass is best sown directly at the place of cultivation or, in another case, on ridges and transported at one year of age with a huge lump of soil.

    The timing of sowing sleep grass can be very different. The greatest results will be obtained by sowing the joint after collecting seeds from the plant in June or July.

    However, young shoots of sleep grass will require special care from their owners in the hot summer; they will need to be shaded and watered very often. That is why most gardeners choose different dates and sow seeds that were collected last year in the spring in very warm soil.

    Winter sowings for simple sleep grass are not very effective. And only high-mountain shoots prefer sowing in autumn and stratification, but it is best to rely on the information of the seed supplier himself.

    Sowing in the ground is carried out using a simple technique. That is, the seeds are scattered in small grooves about one centimeter deep with a distance of about twenty centimeters between the rows.

    The crops must be dense and the soil simple. Before germination, sleep-grass is provided with light watering without waterlogging, maintaining constant soil moisture. Mulching with hay or straw will help stabilize conditions.

    Growing seedlings

    The method involves sowing sleep grass in April. The seeds should not be deepened, but simply pressed into the substrate, and then moistened on top of the seeds using a sprayer. The top of the crops must be covered with glass or film.

    Sleeping grass seeds can germinate only in light and at a temperature threshold of twenty-four to twenty-seven degrees Celsius. Shoots appear unevenly, but all seeds undergo the process of shedding their shells on their own and in some cases they need to be soaked with warm water to germinate.

    Picking is carried out only in individual peat pots in the phase of two to three true leaves. Sleep herbs are transferred to the ground with them, in the month of May or later.

    Regardless of the method of cultivation, sleep grass fully exhibits its decorative properties only in the third or fourth year after sowing, however, non-mountain varieties will be able to bloom already in the second year.

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