How to teach fire magic in 5 minutes. How to master the magic of the elements, magic in real life. How to learn fire magic? Is it possible to learn to control the elements?

This is an amazing system of individual self-improvement. Who among us has not dreamed of lighting candles with the power of thought, or with the wave of a hand? Any magical rituals are practically impossible without the element of fire. Nature itself actively controls this process, because our entire world consists of elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire. The method of comprehending fire is at the same time not complicated and deep in its content. Having comprehended it, you can control natural phenomena, and even help people by cleaning energy fields.

How to learn fire magic at home

Magic itself contains the scale of human wisdom, which has been formed over thousands of years. Everyone has probably heard about various rituals in different times conducted by shamans and magicians when the fire was lit. In the old days, people were closely connected with nature, felt it and understood all natural laws. At the same time, they whispered mysterious incantations and spells. The element of fire is bright, alive, of all the elements, it is the most active. You need to make every effort to understand it yourself and persistently carry out the practices. Once you start learning, you should know a few facts about fire:

  1. The strength of the fire depends on its source, for home teachings, use church candles.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to spit in the fire; it is considered a great sin.
  3. To control the element, you need to learn to understand and accept it completely.
  4. At the very beginning, before you start practicing, you need to learn to meditate and visualize phenomena. Do this exercise, straighten your arms and clasp them in your palms. Unclench them slightly, imagining that you are holding an orange ball.
  5. Gradually bring your palms together, letting this ball into you. At the moment your palms touch each other, take a deep breath.

Nowadays there are many science fiction films using special effects to show the special abilities of humanity. But in real life It is also possible to develop special abilities in yourself. In fact, it is possible to control the element of fire directly; this will be called pyrokinesis.

After much practice, with its help you can quickly form a fire, or extinguish it, direct it with the tongues of a fire, or a candle. Perhaps even raise your temperature in frosty weather, and much more that you are capable of, but don’t guess just yet. To unlock your potential, you need to conduct regular training and not give up on your desire. The first technique for a beginner, aimed at the formation of primary energy in human body, transition to further highest actions with energy.

This is the initial stage for accumulating light within oneself.

  1. Light a candle and look at it carefully, do not be afraid of the presence of fire.
  2. Read the following text while looking into the fire: “By believing in the fire, its power, cure the disease. The fire is bright, burning, go away, you annoying devil. As soon as I walk around my house with a twinkle, I will live in prosperity and peace. Amen. I burn black candles with fire, drive away enemies and fools. The very flame of the tongue smokes black, so let my enemy whine from illness. Amen"
  3. You need to say it with sincere excitement, joy, repeat several times.
  4. After some time of training, concentration will become available to you, and the mood will be enough for five seconds.
  5. You shouldn’t be afraid of conspiracies; if you wish, you can come up with them yourself. A text set, not necessarily rhyming, that promotes certain actions.
  6. Allow at least ten minutes for the ritual; rushing is not appropriate here.

Exercises to learn fire magic

In terms of manifestation, this is the most difficult element and you need to prepare for a long time before you achieve any effect. And most importantly in learning, never doubt your strengths and abilities. We ourselves carry huge reserves of energy, including fiery energy. You can notice in the thermal changes in our body, only sometimes due to a complex lifestyle, various blockages, the influence of external factors, people do not develop their abilities, the energy of fire fades. Try this exercise to develop heat control:

  1. Take a comfortable sitting position, straighten your shoulders and relax.
  2. Bring your thoughts into balance.
  3. Pull forward right hand, focus your attention on it.
  4. Spread your fingers, focusing all your attention on the center of your palm.
  5. With the power of thought, send the warmth of your entire body into your palm, feel the formation of a ball, the temperature inside the hand itself changes.
  6. Then, with quick movements, form a fist and close the energy in it.
  7. Relax your fist again, focus on the center of your palm, looking at it.
  8. Form all this energy accumulated in your hand, feel the hot sensation in each finger.
  9. Squeeze your hand again, closing it.
  10. Open it, I concentrate all the fiery energy in the middle of the palm.
  11. Now send the energy beyond your fingers, into the world around us. It may seem to you that your hand is increasing in size and in its heaviness.
  12. Then hold the sensation of energy in your closed hand again.
  13. Fulfill this action you can do it endlessly by changing hands. Until you can control the heat of the fire and your own energy.
  14. Do daily candle meditation. This is quite easy; take a relaxed position, slightly closing your eyes, and watch the candle flame. Track what thoughts and sensations you have, conduct a dialogue with the magic of fire.
  15. Another exercise, sitting in a quiet place, imagine the attraction of blood to different parts bodies, ears, legs, fingers, etc. Think about it, a powerful flow of blood, if you do everything correctly, there will be a feeling of stinging, heating of these places. Having mastered this method, you will be able to direct energy along with the blood flow, forcing it to move with the power of thought.

Do you think that everything that is spontaneous and happens against the will of man is uncontrollable? Then see how it works and how it can be controlled in real life and even at home.

Water is the most unpredictable substance. In order to learn how to manage it, you need unhindered access to it.

Immerse yourself completely in a river or small body of water. Relax. You need to imagine that Water is penetrating every cell of your body, and you are slowly dissolving in it. Thus, drops of Water will be able to wash everything out of you. negative energy, and you will give every drop of it all your accumulated experiences.

Love Fire. After all, this element gives endless passion, good health, and positive emotions.

Sit down near a large fire and focus solely on its flames. Start meditating to achieve unification with Fire and mentally control it. After some time, you will be able to change the direction of each spark coming from the fire.

Begin the practice of controlling Air by destroying “heavenly formations.” Go out into an endless field, peer into the sky and focus your gaze on one of the clouds. Look at the selected cloud, mentally “removing” it from the sky. After some time it will disappear.

Do you dream of learning how to control the elements of the Earth? Nothing could be easier! You need to lie down on a flat surface earth's surface and place your relaxed hands on the ground (palms up). With the help powerful force in your own imagination, imagine everything that is in any way connected with the Earth: roads, forests, meadows, fields, mountain ranges, dungeons, landscapes. When you feel that you are spiritually close to the elements, say the following: “Sacred flesh of the Earth! Become, I ask you, my reliable support! Grant me such strength that I can conquer everything that is unconquered and subjugate everything that is insubordinate!” After a while, you will notice that luck walks with you wherever you go!

Air element control

Calling the wind

Turn your arms so that your palms are facing the open window. You need to catch the wind (Air) with both hands and hold it in your skin maximum quantity time. To make sure everything works out, say the following: “ Fresh Air, enter the soul with the wind! In about five minutes, the element of Air will submit to you, and you will be able to play with air currents, driving a light breeze throughout the apartment.

Bringing the desired event closer with the help of Air

Buy balloon. While inflating it, continuously think in detail about the event that you are really looking forward to. Repeat these words several times: “Sacred breath of Air, I move in unison with you. May my wish come true!” Pierce the ball with a pin and store the pieces until you get what you want.

How to control the element of Fire

Magic candle

Light a candle and concentrate completely on it. Stroke its flame by passing your hands over the candle. Repeat that you dream of collaborating with the fire element. The fire will obey you and begin to warm those parts of your body that are “overflowing” with pain and various ailments.

Flame that gives extra strength

Take out a red wax candle. Light it with your left hand, standing facing towards the southern side of the world and clearly pronouncing the following words: “Heavenly Fire, give me strength! I swear that I will use them only to learn something new and for the benefit of all humanity! Thank you for your trust."

Element of Water and its control

Getting rid of diseases

Needs to be filled warm water jug or bucket. Wait a few minutes. Stand on a broom and pour all the Water into the area of ​​the crown, saying: “Give me strength, water! Help me heal!” The water should dry on its own.

Getting rid of various negative thoughts

Dive into the bath, imagining that you are a real scuba diver who is interested in all the secrets underwater world. Stop the “exercise” if you feel heaviness or any strange sensations. If everything went well, you can assume that contact with Water has taken place. You can control it! Ask her to take away all the anxious thoughts that are lurking in your head. Repeat the ritual of uniting with Water every evening for eight days.

How to learn to control the elements of the Earth

Playing with imagination

On a large sheet of paper, list the things that are cool. The second list should consist of the names of dry items. These lists need to be compiled within a week. On the eighth day, in the evening, spread a newspaper in the middle of the room and pour a lot of Earth on it. Bury your finished lists in it. Say: “Earth, show me in reality everything that is present in my paper world!” After a while you will see more than half of the items you listed.

Wound healing

Cover the bed with Earth without stones. Lie down on it comfortably. Clearly imagine the wound that bothers you slowly being absorbed into the Earth. Close your eyes and relax your whole body. Imagine that everything is fine with you, that a completely different life begins. In just a few minutes you will merge with the pulse of the Earth, give it your suffering and pain. We recommend placing a plant in a pot in your room. The earth that is in it emits healing vibrations if you believe in its powers.

Summoning the Earth Element

Do it in the room general cleaning. Place a large mountain of Earth in the center of the room. Sit down on it and start reciting the Earth spell: “Oh, wonderful Earth! Send me the Earth Element, imbued with happiness! Make sure I don't suffer anymore! Give me back my love for life and for all living things!” The soil you were sitting on needs to be poured into a bucket and placed on the balcony. Make sure that none of your family members spill the contents of the bucket. You will need to wait six months before the Earth gives you one of its Elements. All this time, watch your actions and your behavior. The element of Earth does not help and does not sympathize with those who are not worthy of its help!

The world of magic, secrets and enchantment has always been attractive to humanity. Is there anyone who wouldn’t want to learn to control the elements and destinies, to subjugate other people and events, to rule, to get everything they want with the wave of their hand, to learn the secrets of nature and the beyond, to become omnipotent and omnipotent? This is why the occult and esotericism around the world arouse such burning interest. But does magic exist and how can you learn it?

Awareness of responsibility

First of all, it is necessary to remember one biblical expression - “knowledge multiplies sorrow”. In this case, when discussing how to learn to master magic, it can be somewhat paraphrased. Knowledge that is associated with the occult can increase a person’s sense of responsibility for his every step and deed, for every action. After all, magic can be called power. But such power must be used wisely.

Many people think about whether it is possible to learn magic in order to make a person fall in love with you, gain great wealth, and easily get rid of ill-wishers. It would seem that then a wonderful life will begin! But alas, such a point of view is short-sighted and too superficial. After all, you have to pay for everything in our world, including secret knowledge. To be more precise, you will have to pay for their use.

Knowing the features of training black magic, not all people are able to resist the temptation to use it for unseemly purposes. They simply cannot help but look into places where the human eye and consciousness should not go. In such cases, the laws of karma are activated, in which not only the curious person suffers, but also other representatives of his family, loved ones and close people.

That's why, before you start learning magic, you need to think carefully about whether you have enough endurance, a cold and sober mind, seriousness and basic decency to continue to carry this heavy burden of knowledge with dignity. A true practicing magician has the same covenant as a doctor: “Do no harm!”

Elemental magic

A modern person who is at least to some extent familiar with the history of earthly civilization must remember that in the times of paganism and the Druids, people deified the elements of nature and its power. It was believed that such elements were capable of being controlled by spirits who also helped in witchcraft. There are four important element, which are considered truly limitless in their power:

  • Water.
  • Fire.
  • Earth.
  • Air.

Previously, primitive shamans, as well as medieval alchemists, subjugated the forces of nature and put them at the service of their own needs. Using these four elements, sorcerers could do the seemingly impossible:

  • They caused a thunderstorm.
  • They were incinerated from a distance.
  • There were typhoons and much more.

These are far from fairy tales, but precisely the very miracles that magicians associated with natural elements are capable of creating. But if you want to master these four elements, you need to remember a few universal rules.

Lord of Fire

How to learn fire magic?

  • In addition to basic specialized knowledge, you need to be firmly confident in yourself, in your capabilities and that you can achieve the desired result.
  • You must also be able to make a strong-willed effort, giving your desires and thoughts a strong energy impulse.
  • You must have a well-developed imagination so that you can realize exactly the development of events that you need.

First of all, try to develop in yourself abilities in specified areas. And only after this can you move on to the next stage of learning the magic of fire and other natural elements. This is the first step that will bring you closer to your goal, that is, to getting closer to the elements.

The next step that an initiate into a master of the occult sciences must go through is establishing direct contact with the four natural elements. But how does this happen? Using the fire example, you need to do the following: stay alone in the room, light a candle.

At first, just look at the candle flame, absorb the warmth of the flame, study the shades of the glow, you need to feel the element the way you are able to feel a person close to you, someone close to you. Try to tune into the flame, just as a receiver antenna tunes to a radio wave. Feel the vibrations of the fire. This is especially important if you are interested in learning how to control the elements at home, and not under the guidance of a mentor.

The fire element is all-consuming, cleansing and destroying at the same time. When you subjugate it, you will immediately tame your fear of it. Stretch your hands as close to the fire as possible, close your eyes, imagine how you are getting closer to the flame, becoming one. Imagine how the flame begins to live inside you.

When you begin to feel complete triumph, you need to cast a spell, while putting into it the maximum of your will, faith and desire. The text of the spell can be absolutely anything, read from books or invented by you. You can also use this one, for example: “Sacred flame, eternal source of light and warmth, my eternal friend, spark of renewal and life! Give me knowledge of the truth, illuminate my life path, be my companion in business, so that I can conquer unconquered spheres! My word is strong, tenacious! So be it!”

And now you can move on to the next stage of establishing contact with natural elements. To some extent, mastering waterbending is very similar to mastering fire. Water is the source of life and energy information. Using water, you can easily get rid of negativity, as it is a purifier not only of the body, but also of the soul. Water is an almighty healer, especially holy water. That is why many healers and healers charm water for a variety of occasions in life: for love, for death, for beauty and the attention of others, for repayment of debts.

But where to start?, joining the water element? First of all, it is necessary to begin with contemplation, with the search in oneself for some similarity with eternal fluidity and renewal. No wonder Leo Tolstoy once noted that a person is like a river: always the same and every moment different. You can also turn to the elements using your own spell, for example: “The transparent surface of the boundless sea, the fundamental principle of all living things in the world, help me, give me the strength to conquer the rebellious! My word is strong, tenacious! So be it!” And as mentioned earlier, if you want to achieve your goal, you must be willing to work hard and hard on yourself.

The same principle is used to establish contact with other natural elements.

When talking about how to learn how to use magic correctly, you shouldn’t be sure that you can achieve everything the first time. Only persistent and long training, using all your mental strength can ultimately lead to your goal. Try to achieve harmony with at least one natural element. After this, it will be much easier and simpler to interact with other forces of nature. And your power will gradually become truly limitless.

Let's assume you are kind person who does not accept evil, but wants to learn witchcraft without having to deal with dark forces. This means that you must learn white magic. But here we will have to disappoint you, since there can only be one magic, but what kind of magic it will be will depend only on you.

Using conspiracies and rituals, sorcerers and healers, sorcerers and shamans turn to another world, to demonic forces. Even if Christian symbols in the form of prayer are used during this, church candles and icons, the very texts of conspiracies and the actions of sorcerers are far from related to communication with God. After all, all these rituals are primarily associated with paganism, spirits, communication with the dead, and the use of energy of a completely different plane than human energy.

Another thing here is why exactly a person needs magic. If he wants to use it to treat the sick, for love spells, to remove damage, to improve the life of someone who turned to him for help, such magic will bring a positive effect. But in another scenario, the occultist is capable of spoiling his karma so much that his soul will continue to pay for it over the course of many reincarnations.

How and what to learn

But if damage, a spell, a curse and love spells are a bad act, then should an esotericist know this, does he need such magic? Of course, he should know about it, and be able to do it too! Otherwise he will never be able to fight evil forces, in whatever incarnations they appear. If a person does not know how to master the technique of a love spell, then he will not be able to remove it. If you get acquainted only in theory with cemetery conspiracies to death, you will never be able to help the patient save his life. And this applies to every business that is connected with another world.

But to be able to do so does not mean to practice! It is recommended to hone your skills only through good deeds and deeds. And there is no need to strive to learn magic as soon as possible, since this matter is so complex and subtle, multifaceted that it will not tolerate any fuss.

Aptitudes and talents

Any type of activity implies two types of attitude towards your work: professional and amateur. If you want to learn how to master magic, then the amateurish type is unacceptable and unacceptable for you. Magic, by and large, requires a certain talent, inclination, and special gift from the magician. Salieri and Mozart exist not only in art.

If a person was not marked by anything significant at birth, then you can memorize the text of the spell, learn by heart all the subtleties of magical rituals, but ultimately never become a real sorcerer. Magic in to a greater extent requires dedication, hard work, talent, responsibility and discipline than any other area of ​​application of our knowledge and strength. That is why a real sorcerer must be able to combine the genius of Mozart and the hard work of Salieri. Only in this case can something be achieved.

Finally, I should give some practical advice about magic.

  • The most correct way to learn magic is to find a master who could pass on his knowledge to you. Most often, these are village old men and women who inherited their strength from their ancestors, while joining the sacraments from representatives of their own family. The information that will be obtained first-hand, as well as practical skills, will be an invaluable treasure for you on the path to mastering this complex science. This is very important, since a practicing healer will teach you not only magical practices, but also how you can protect yourself from the influence of dark forces.
  • Of course, in parallel with this, it is recommended to purchase special literature, preferably publications from the beginning of the last century or older. It is there that you can find the texts of conspiracies, detailed description rituals and ceremonies, as well as explanations of how to properly use magical objects, talismans and more.
  • In addition, you need to study lunar calendar, learn to use it.
  • Delve into the texts of prayers, study religious symbols. Try to broaden your horizons as much as possible.
  • You should also be very observant, developing intuition, listening and looking closely at what is happening around you.

If a person has taken the path of practicing magic, then the world around him will begin to give him hints.

Attention, TODAY only!

How to become a real magician in real life?

Fire is a source of energy. This is the primary element, which is the transition between the gross material and subtle worlds. This quality of Fire has always been known to man, and that is why the fact of mastering Fire became a transition point and a moment of spiritual birth for man and all of humanity. Fire made man human; it was he who made it possible to become an accomplice in divine actions in the world.

When man united the worlds through Fire and began to interact with subtle beings, spirits and deities, and learn from them, then magic appeared. Later, from the magical teachings, magical cults emerged, headed by the deities themselves, they taught people, imparted to them their knowledge and ways of ruling the world. It is to such magical cults that the association of magicians “Brotherhood of Fire” belongs.

Fire is the element of total transformation, everything with which Fire interacts undergoes changes: be it wood in a fire, which Fire turns into light, heat and ash; or be it food that we prepare with the help of Fire, and it, by changing the structure of the food, makes it suitable for food; or be it a person interacting with Fire on a spiritual-energetic level and turning into a magician.

Fire is part of the circle of elements, but still it stands apart.

The three elements - Water, Air and Earth - have their natural and permanent manifestations in our world. Water has seas, oceans, rivers, Air has the sky, and Earth has the entire planet. Only Fire manifests itself in interaction with other elements. This feature is explained by the fact that Fire is the first manifestation of the primordial element and at the highest levels it manifests itself as something that unites the entire universe into a single whole, and at levels close to our world, Fire manifests itself as the source of life.

Understanding the essence of Fire is not an instantaneous and ambiguous process, since Fire manifests itself in many aspects. Sometimes there is an opinion that Fire unites qualities that are mutually exclusive, but one should understand important principle: “If there are two opposites, this means that there is a third - something that unites them.” Fire, combining opposites, is simultaneously capable of manifesting itself as a weapon and protection, a destroyer and a healer, a creative and destructive force.

All these qualities: unification, transformation and multivariance appear in a person when he begins to master the Power of Fire. On the one hand, practice with Fire collects the personality into a single whole, on the other hand, it transforms, takes something to a new level, reveals hidden resources and unknown potential, and destroys something, turning it into “ashes and ash,” but with the third party, as a result of the two previous processes, allows you to find an unlimited number of its manifestations in the world. Fire destroys old patterns of behavior and thinking, and makes it possible to look at the world more broadly.

By practicing Fire Magic, you can learn to interact with different aspects of the manifestation of the Power of Fire (more about this in the article “Lesson 2. Fire Magic”). This allows you to achieve complete different results when using one universal system knowledge, which, in turn, allows you to follow the path of harmonious development without distortions and excesses (artificial restrictions on interaction with one or another manifestation of the world). Through the practice of interaction it is achieved special condition“State of Radiance”, in which all psychic abilities are revealed. In this state, it is also possible to remember all of your incarnations and gain knowledge of past lives.

During practice, Fire can give you a vision of the future, power over events, nature and people, but this will not happen so easily. During practice, Fire will turn you into someone who can see the future, has power over events, nature and people, but at the same time you will remain yourself.

Speaking about the possibilities that Fire reveals in a person, we can highlight several of the most striking: firstly, Fire strengthens the will and makes any magic more powerful; secondly, it gives knowledge and understanding of life, and, therefore, a person becomes clear various ways healing and a craving for martial arts appears; thirdly, the Vision appears.

Application of the three qualities of Fire in magic

Association- due to the fact that Fire is a manifestation of the force that unites the entire universe, it is used in rituals where it is necessary to call on Spirits or Deities for help, as well as in rituals involving sacrifices, but the latter action also includes the quality of transformation, because the material sacrifice moves to another level of existence.

Transformation- this is both destruction and creation, as two processes interconnected and flowing into each other. This quality of Fire is turned to when cleansing from harmful influences is required (destruction of other people's influence and restoration of one's structure) or, on the contrary, influence on an event (creation of an influencing force and destruction of the original structure).

Multivariate- a quality that cannot be described exhaustively. It is generally accepted that multivariance is the result of combining the first two qualities - Unification and Transformation. Due to its highly manifested nature, Fire is an excellent source of knowledge. This quality is used in rituals aimed at predicting the future, obtaining information about something, or gaining inspiration.

Knowledge of these three qualities gives an understanding of why and how Fire is used in ritual, and why it often occupies a central place on the altar.

Symbolism showing the qualities of Fire

For a deeper understanding, let’s resort to a metaphor and look at several symbols that personify the qualities of Fire.

Dragon in the cultures of the East and West - an intelligent living creature with magic. The dragon is a combination of the four elements, where the three elements - Air, Water and Earth - are its habitats, and Fire is its inner essence.

Phoenix- a fiery bird whose lifespan is 500 years, after this period it burns in its own fire and is reborn from the ashes in a new body. This mystical image exists in many mythologies of the world.

Legendary King- the divine image of a ruler who is at the same time the soul of his people. Thousands of traditions and legends of world mythology, repeating each other word for word, tell about a king sent from heaven and born many times in the form of different heroes. He also manifests himself as a wandering warrior or sage who, in his travels, helps those in need.

Thus, the dragon symbolizes unification, the phoenix symbolizes transformation, and the legendary king symbolizes diversity.

When deciding to interact with the Power of Fire, you need to be prepared for serious changes in your life, because its power is great, and you need to learn to perceive it and follow it.

You can ask questions about Fire Magic on the forum - “Questions about Fire Magic”
(registration is required to write messages).

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Here it is now:


And again:

This is what my grandmother said:

Only the gods don't see us. Just as we often do not see insects or animals, for which we are in our own way divine and unknowable.

How to learn fire magic

What do they need to do in order for us to pay attention to them? Somehow behave unusually.

This may be the most important and most instructive story, so I recommend reading it several times if everything seems simple and clear to you. If everything seems difficult and unattainable to you, then it’s for the best.

Strength is gained through pain and suffering. Once again: pain. And once again: suffering.

And to consolidate, the process lasted for me (read the next two words slowly and thoughtfully, imagining your near future) fifteen years.
Fifteen years on the verge of madness.

A decade and a half of continuous testing of the spirit.

From seventeen to thirty-two, everyone’s favorite age is a hopeless war with the world, with oneself, with one’s mind.

Here it is now:


Of course, fifteen years is not a necessary condition. It may be different for you. Maybe twenty. Maybe fifty. Maybe you will die without getting anything.

From which comes a consequence that must be fully consciously accepted as an unchangeable law of the world. This is where your journey will begin or where it will end right now.

A magician is a person who has given his entire life without a trace in order to get nothing.

And again:

Welcome to beautiful world witchcraft!

This is what my grandmother said:

Magical power is given to us from above. This doesn't mean from above. This means from where we cannot look. What we cannot know. We can say this: some gods give it to us.

We rarely notice a mosquito until it bites us; we will pass by a dog unless it barks at us.

We have to bite the gods and bark at them to get them to notice us. And that’s how it will turn out: maybe they’ll ask us what we want, but most likely they’ll kill us.

In general, you will have to become a mosquito, annoying the gods and dodge their death-bringing hands.
Attracting the attention of higher powers is quite simple. We need to practice. Daily. Preferably every night. Always.

How to become a magician yourself with the help of a special ritual?

It is necessary to constantly poke with a not-so-magical stick into the surrounding time and space.

Fortune telling on cards. Summon the dead. Send damage. Treat warts. Let it be to no avail, but every day. Stupidly, persistently, and most importantly, with a clear awareness of what was said above (you haven’t forgotten about this): maybe nothing will work out.

If you are upset, I will reassure you: it will not work at all with persistent witchcraft. I have never encountered this. Unless you take cases where a magic block was specifically placed on a person. I don't think many people have received such an honor.

When you feel the doors to the other world opening for you, get ready for the most awaited thing: power will burst out of those doors. Maybe it will blow on you barely noticeably and it will seem to you that nothing special has happened, maybe it will blow you away, instantly destroying you. In the first case, you will become a fairly ordinary psychic and can only become strong through hard work at one thing. In the second case, you will die. Both of these phenomena are not common. Most often, a third force happens - it flows through you, turning you into a magician. This is called disease. As I said, it lasted fifteen years for me, but this is just an example.

Water Magic

Everyone can use any spells, including invented ones. We do not limit anyone in magic.
The spells are here for those who lack imagination and also for those who do not want or do not have time to describe “what it looks like” in a role-playing game.
You just need to write the name of the spell and highlight it in color if the effect is described here.
For example: “The magician bent down, dodging a charge from a sling flying at him, after which he sharply threw his hands forward. The magical cold energy that gradually accumulated in his hands hit the enemies with force in the form of freezing streams. The nearest barbarians immediately felt how the magical cold was binding them movement. As a result, the three barbarians were partially frozen."
You can shorten it: “The magician ducked down, dodging a sling shot flying at him and changed the Breath of Winter spell, thereby slowing down the three barbarians.”
For convenience, the spells are divided into orders.
1st order - the most powerful (correspondingly, a 1st order mage is a mage who masters 1st order spells)
10th order - the weakest (correspondingly, a magician of the 10th order is a magician who masters spells of the 10th order, not higher)
In addition, neutral characters and monsters will use these spells.

10th order magic
For a 10th order magician it takes about 5% of the power, for a 1st order magician it is 10 times less, that is, 0.5%. Calculate further spells yourself, I am writing in percentage for a mage of that level, what are the minimum requirements for the spell.
Covers everything around the magician with a slightly damp film of water. Closing allows you to support the body from drying out in deserts or in the ocean.

10th order magic
Requires about 10% strength.
Water forces accelerate metal corrosion.

How to master magic?

Allows you to destroy enemy weapons in this way. The higher the magic level, the higher quality metals the spell takes.

Water flow
9th order magic
Requires about 10% strength.
Summons a stream of water from the magician's hands. The stream can be used to extinguish fires, fiery creatures, or knock down advancing enemies.

cloud of fog
9th order magic
Requires about 20% strength.
Causes a fog that significantly reduces the visibility of all creatures within a certain radius.

9th order magic
Requires about 10% strength, groundwater underground.
Causes a powerful flow of water from underground. Such a stream can knock out a weapon, or even throw an enemy several meters above the ground.

Ice Arrow
8th order magic
Requires about 3% strength.
Fires an icicle arrow from a very sharp, magical ice. This kind of ice is worth metal in a fight.

Blade of Frost
8th order magic
Requires about 15% strength.
Enchant any weapon for a certain time. Whether it's a bullet or a blade. A person wounded by such a weapon moves more slowly, as his blood cools slightly, causing him discomfort.

snow whirlwind
8th order magic
Requires about 15% strength.
A furious snow whirlwind forms around the enemy, reducing his combat activity. The snow prickles, gets under the armor, into the eyes, causing a lot of inconvenience.

Wet barrier
7th order magic
Requires about 30% strength.
A transparent barrier of tiny particles of water appears around the magician. They absorb hostile magic and have healing properties, in case of injury to the magician.

Breath of Winter
7th order magic
Requires about 10% strength.
The mage releases a wide stream of cold energy that spreads through the air in front of the mage. Enemies caught in this stream are covered in frost and move several times slower. The weakest may even freeze to death. At high levels magic can freeze even strong warriors.

Ice rink
7th order magic
Requires about 10% strength.
Creates incredibly slippery ice under the feet of advancing enemies. It is MUCH more difficult to step on such ice!

Ice clot
6th order magic
Requires about 10% strength.
Allows you to throw a ball from liquid ice, upon collision, such a ball turns everything it touches into ice, while emitting the binding energy of winter.

Mastery of Cold
6th order magic
Requires about 5-15% strength.
Allows you not to receive damage from Water. Catching ice balls and drawing power from water (natural, natural... or water/ice of other magicians, if their level of water magic is lower)... Controlling the water of a mage whose level of water magic is much higher is impossible. It also allows you to breathe underwater and not freeze in the cold.
Note: Everything is within reasonable limits. Not freezing in the cold does not mean that you spent 5 days at the North Pole like in a bathhouse... Breathing under water does not mean that you are the ichthyander of the future... Remember, everything costs ENERGY!

5th order magic
Requires about 20% strength.
It deprives the body of moisture, thereby killing it.

Water Elemental
5th order magic
Requires about 10% strength. Requires 1% per minute to maintain.
Summons a creature that resembles the shape of a human, but is made up of clean water. The creature is a strong warrior, serves a magician, is immune to cold and has 9th order water magic.

Ice waves
Magic 4th order
Requires about 35% strength. Concentration.
Waves of ice steam freeze the entire area around the magician, turning it into an icy desert and enemies into ice statues.

Mirror Shield
Magic 4th order
Requires about 20% strength.
Creates a Magic Shield - a mirror made of ice, blocking any physical blow and reflecting magic in the opposite direction.

Acid fog
Magic 3rd order
Requires about 20% strength.
Send a cloud of acid fog over the area. The area and the creatures in it receive chemical damage, and if they manage to survive, they become infected with the “Acidic Blood” disease, which leads to death in most cases.

Order of the Arctic
Magic 3rd order
Requires about 20-30% strength. 0.3% to maintain each spirit for a minute.
Summons a dozen ice demons that fight as well as elementals and wield the Wither spell...

Magic 3rd order
Requires about 20% strength.
Instant magic. Instantly freezes a creature. While frozen, the creature cannot do anything. The magician, if desired, can subsequently unfreeze it or kill it by turning it into ice.

Aura of winter
Magic 2nd order
Requires about 20% strength.
Surrounding a creature with an aura that freezes arrows/charges/bullets flying at it. Such charges cause almost no harm. The aura automatically releases an ice clot in the direction of each charge.

Deadly steam
Magic 2nd order
Requires about 5% strength.
Clouds of steam begin to fly around the magician, causing no harm to allies. Any enemy caught in the cloud will be boiled alive.

Frost Giant
1st order magic
Requires about 10% strength. 1% per minute for maintenance
Summons a golem made of ice, the size of two-story house. Such a big guy, naturally, is not very dexterous, but he is capable of literally “crushing” his enemies. Magic affects him very poorly, with the exception of fire magic.

freezing rain
1st order magic
Requires about 100% strength + A cloud in the sky is a must. Trigger probability 75%
Allows you to bring down freezing rain on a huge location. Every drop of such a shower brings death, turning everything it hits into ice. This way you can freeze an entire city. And those who survived, hiding in the strongest houses, will be sealed in the shortest ice chambers...
Note: Mages do not like such spells because they need several days to recover from them.

This may be the most important and most instructive story, so I recommend reading it several times if everything seems simple and clear to you. If everything seems difficult and unattainable to you, then it’s for the best.

Strength is gained through pain and suffering. Once again: pain. And once again: suffering.

And to consolidate, the process lasted for me (read the next two words slowly and thoughtfully, imagining your near future) fifteen years.
Fifteen years on the verge of madness.

A decade and a half of continuous testing of the spirit.

From seventeen to thirty-two, everyone’s favorite age is a hopeless war with the world, with oneself, with one’s mind.

Here it is now:


Of course, fifteen years is not a necessary condition. It may be different for you. Maybe twenty. Maybe fifty. Maybe you will die without getting anything.

From which comes a consequence that must be fully consciously accepted as an unchangeable law of the world. This is where your journey will begin or where it will end right now.

A magician is a person who has given his entire life without a trace in order to get nothing.

And again:

Welcome to the wonderful world of witchcraft!

This is what my grandmother said:

Magical power is given to us from above. This doesn't mean from above. This means from where we cannot look. What we cannot know.

How to become a magician in real life at home?

We can say this: some gods give it to us.

Only the gods don't see us. Just as we often do not see insects or animals, for which we are in our own way divine and unknowable. What do they need to do in order for us to pay attention to them? Somehow behave unusually.

We rarely notice a mosquito until it bites us; we will pass by a dog unless it barks at us.

We have to bite the gods and bark at them to get them to notice us. And that’s how it will turn out: maybe they’ll ask us what we want, but most likely they’ll kill us.

In general, you will have to become a mosquito, annoying the gods and dodge their death-bringing hands.
Attracting the attention of higher powers is quite simple. We need to practice. Daily. Preferably every night. Always. It is necessary to constantly poke with a not-so-magical stick into the surrounding time and space.

Fortune telling on cards. Summon the dead. Send damage. Treat warts. Let it be to no avail, but every day. Stupidly, persistently, and most importantly, with a clear awareness of what was said above (you haven’t forgotten about this): maybe nothing will work out.

If you are upset, I will reassure you: it will not work at all with persistent witchcraft. I have never encountered this. Unless you take cases where a magic block was specifically placed on a person. I don't think many people have received such an honor.

When you feel the doors to the other world opening for you, get ready for the most awaited thing: power will burst out of those doors. Maybe it will blow on you barely noticeably and it will seem to you that nothing special has happened, maybe it will blow you away, instantly destroying you. In the first case, you will become a fairly ordinary psychic and can only become strong through hard work at one thing. In the second case, you will die. Both of these phenomena are not common. Most often, a third force happens - it flows through you, turning you into a magician. This is called disease. As I said, it lasted fifteen years for me, but this is just an example.

This may be the most important and most instructive story, so I recommend reading it several times if everything seems simple and clear to you. If everything seems difficult and unattainable to you, then it’s for the best.

Strength is gained through pain and suffering. Once again: pain. And once again: suffering.

And to consolidate, the process lasted for me (read the next two words slowly and thoughtfully, imagining your near future) fifteen years.
Fifteen years on the verge of madness.

A decade and a half of continuous testing of the spirit.

From seventeen to thirty-two, everyone’s favorite age is a hopeless war with the world, with oneself, with one’s mind.

Here it is now:


Of course, fifteen years is not a necessary condition. It may be different for you. Maybe twenty. Maybe fifty. Maybe you will die without getting anything.

From which comes a consequence that must be fully consciously accepted as an unchangeable law of the world. This is where your journey will begin or where it will end right now.

A magician is a person who has given his entire life without a trace in order to get nothing.

And again:

Welcome to the wonderful world of witchcraft!

This is what my grandmother said:

Magical power is given to us from above. This doesn't mean from above. This means from where we cannot look. What we cannot know. We can say this: some gods give it to us.

Only the gods don't see us. Just as we often do not see insects or animals, for which we are in our own way divine and unknowable. What do they need to do in order for us to pay attention to them? Somehow behave unusually.

We rarely notice a mosquito until it bites us; we will pass by a dog unless it barks at us.

We have to bite the gods and bark at them to get them to notice us. And that’s how it will turn out: maybe they’ll ask us what we want, but most likely they’ll kill us.

In general, you will have to become a mosquito, annoying the gods and dodge their death-bringing hands.
Attracting the attention of higher powers is quite simple. We need to practice.

Manage the elements of water, fire, air and earth

Daily. Preferably every night. Always. It is necessary to constantly poke with a not-so-magical stick into the surrounding time and space.

Fortune telling on cards. Summon the dead. Send damage. Treat warts. Let it be to no avail, but every day. Stupidly, persistently, and most importantly, with a clear awareness of what was said above (you haven’t forgotten about this): maybe nothing will work out.

If you are upset, I will reassure you: it will not work at all with persistent witchcraft. I have never encountered this. Unless you take cases where a magic block was specifically placed on a person. I don't think many people have received such an honor.

When you feel the doors to the other world opening for you, get ready for the most awaited thing: power will burst out of those doors. Maybe it will blow on you barely noticeably and it will seem to you that nothing special has happened, maybe it will blow you away, instantly destroying you. In the first case, you will become a fairly ordinary psychic and can only become strong through hard work at one thing. In the second case, you will die. Both of these phenomena are not common. Most often, a third force happens - it flows through you, turning you into a magician. This is called disease. As I said, it lasted fifteen years for me, but this is just an example.

In order to master the magic of the elements, you must first be able to listen to yourself and your feelings. After all, it is feelings that help you merge with nature and become one with it, and, consequently, control it. However, most people live without noticing the magical around them due to habit. So, we all warm ourselves with fire, because it is vital, and water is our component. However, in order to understand how to master the magic of each of the elements, you should learn to feel them.

In order to understand how to master the magic of natural phenomena, you need to have extremely good intentions. A person who carries a negative charge of energy and wants to tame the element risks turning it not only against himself, but also against others, and many times over. Such a person is more likely to be known as a black magician than as a white one, and this will not end well. And it will be much faster to tame the elements if you know how to completely relax and succumb to its influence, and not order.

How to master fire magic yourself?

First you will definitely need an open fire. It is best if it is a fire, since a candle flame is harder to control. However, in the absence of such an opportunity, a candle will do. So, you need to sit in front of the fire, relax and peer intently into the depths of its flame. You should look at every hot coal, try to catch every spark with your gaze and at the same time feel how the warmth of the fire penetrates your entire body. Become one with the flame, dissolve in it. When this is achieved, you can proceed to the next stage.

Try to predict in which part of the fire the flame will become larger or where the spark will fly from. It will be difficult at first, but this way you will develop intuition and the fire will become predictable. Next, with the power of thought, you should force the flame to change in the place you need - to become stronger or weaker, or to go out completely. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out at first. Everything has its time. You need to constantly train, the result will be obvious. With experience, it will be possible not only to extinguish the flame, but also to rekindle it if necessary.

How to master water magic yourself?

For the first lesson you will need access to water. This should be an open body of water (ideally). As a last resort, you can run a bath at home and immerse yourself in water up to your neck. So, while in this position, close your eyes and relax. Imagine that water penetrates every cell of yours, that you dissolve in it. Feel yourself one with all the oceans and seas of the world. When this goal is achieved, allow the water to “wash” all the negative energy out of you. Thus, the body and soul will be cleansed of adversity, illness and anxiety, and will be replaced by lightness and peace. Just under no circumstances should you dive into water with bad mood. She's like a sponge, absorbing everything. negative energy, you get the opposite result.

How to master the magic of the water element will tell you another way, more complex and requiring considerable experience. These are conspiracies. With their help you can make “living” and “dead” water. “Alive” is capable of healing the sick, rejuvenating the elderly, neutralizing poison in food and even reviving. “Dead” water, despite its name, is capable of healing wounds on dead people and animals, in order to later resurrect them with the help of “living” water. However, to be able to make such conspiracies, you need to read a lot of specialized literature and, of course, have a gift for this.

But don’t despair if you weren’t able to control the elements. To understand how to master the magic of any of them, a person needs to be able not to command water or fire, but to “make friends” with them, to tame them. Let the lessons described above be the beginning of these achievements for you!

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