How to dig a tunnel without the top collapsing. Underground passage


In fact, the mandatory program of a man's life sounds like this: raise a son, plant a tree, build a house and dig an underground passage. Don't ask where we got it from, there's no time to explain. Better listen to engineer Alexey Zhuravsky from the Gotthard and Partners design bureau - he told us how to dig an underground passage correctly.

If you are not going to make a secret out of the move, you can dig in the “Berlin” way: a trench is dug, the walls and roof of the future move are built in it, and then everything is filled up. But the neighbors will come to look, everyone will want the same one, only bigger, and in the end someone will accidentally dig up hell. It’s better to dig unnoticed, using the “Parisian” method: a vertical well is dug, and an adit is led from it sideways.

Sandy soils - ideal option. At one time they made it possible to dig passages under Berlin Wall, including the famous “Tunnel 29” 140 meters long. Clay is difficult to dig, and there is a higher chance of encountering interlayer water. It is useful to drill wells along the entire trajectory in advance and find out what you will be dealing with.

If you are digging an adit without strengthening the walls and ceiling, place a slab with dates of life on top. When you are overwhelmed, your family will be able to limit themselves to a buffet table. But it’s better to strengthen the passage every half meter with support - a frame made of tarred boards. When it is ready, it is necessary to thoroughly plank the walls and ceiling or even concrete them, as the Palestinians do in the secret tunnels from the Gaza Strip to Israel.

To keep the tunnel dry, it must be made downhill. It is advisable to arrange forced ventilation: a fan at the entrance and pipes with holes along the entire length of the structure. One of the problems of the “tunnel of life” in Sarajevo, through which people got out of the besieged city, was the lack of ventilation. As a result, we had to get oxygen masks.

HOW TO NOT fall asleep?
You can only dig an underground passage in your own land. Otherwise, if discovered, it will be buried, and you will pay for the event. Before starting the process, find out if there are any cables, oil pipelines or missile silos along the way. A depth scanner will help with this. And underground gas analyzers for carbon dioxide and methane will not be damaged, otherwise the tunnel will be different - with a flight to bright light and a feeling of grace.

The recently caught Colombian drug lord Guzman took his underground passages to the sewers, and this helped him for the time being. Cutting into public communications is illegal, but you can apply the principle itself and disguise the exit as a familiar part of the landscape - a plank toilet, a beach locker room or a corporate party with Nagiyev.

In fact, the mandatory program of a man's life sounds like this: raise a son, plant a tree, build a house and dig an underground passage. Don't ask where we got it from, there's no time to explain. Better listen to engineer Alexey Zhuravsky from the Gotthard and Partners design bureau - he told us how to dig an underground passage correctly.

How to dig

If you are not going to make a secret out of the move, you can dig in the “Berlin” way: a trench is dug, the walls and roof of the future move are built in it, and then everything is filled up. But the neighbors will come to look, everyone will want the same one, only bigger, and in the end someone will accidentally dig up hell. It’s better to dig unnoticed, using the “Parisian” method: a vertical well is dug, and an adit is led from it sideways.

Where to dig

Sandy soils are ideal. At one time, they made it possible to dig passages under the Berlin Wall, including the famous “Tunnel 29” 140 meters long. Clay is difficult to dig, and there is a higher chance of encountering interlayer water. It is useful to drill wells along the entire trajectory in advance and find out what you will be dealing with.

How to strengthen

If you are digging an adit without strengthening the walls and ceiling, place a slab with dates of life on top. When you are overwhelmed, your family will be able to limit themselves to a buffet table. But it’s better to reinforce the passage every half meter with support - a frame made of tarred boards. When it is ready, it is necessary to thoroughly plank the walls and ceiling or even concrete them, as the Palestinians do in the secret tunnels from the Gaza Strip to Israel.

How to arrange

To keep the tunnel dry, it must be made downhill. It is advisable to arrange forced ventilation: a fan at the entrance and pipes with holes along the entire length of the structure. One of the problems of the “tunnel of life” in Sarajevo, through which people got out of the besieged city, was the lack of ventilation. As a result, we had to get oxygen masks.

How not to fall asleep

You can only dig an underground passage in your own land. Otherwise, if discovered, it will be buried, and you will pay for the event. Before starting the process, find out if there are any cables, oil pipelines or missile silos along the way. A depth scanner will help with this. And underground gas analyzers for carbon dioxide and methane will not be damaged, otherwise the tunnel will be different - with a flight to bright light and a feeling of grace.

How to mask

The recently caught Colombian drug lord Guzman took his underground passages to the sewers, and this helped him for the time being. It is illegal to cut into public communications, but you can apply the principle itself and disguise the exit as a familiar part of the landscape - a plank toilet, a beach locker room or a corporate party with Nagiyev.

Noun, m., used. very often Morphology: (no) what? move and move, why? go, (see) what? move, what? on your way, about what? about progress and progress; pl. What? moves, (no) what? moves, what? I go, (see) what? moves, what? moves, about what? about moves 1. A move is called... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

UNDERGROUND, everything that is under the crust, under the top of the earth, in the bowels, under its upper layers. Underground treasures, ores, metals, stones, etc. Underground fire. Underworld, god of darkness, pitch black, hell. Underground passage, dug. Underground mines... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Walking, procession, movement, movement, flow, procession, walking. The flow of affairs, thoughts, heavenly bodies. Procession of the king. Funeral procession.. Wed. . See gait, path, step to be in motion, in motion, not to let go, underground passage, to put into motion,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

UNDERGROUND, underground, underground. Located below the surface of the earth. Underground lake. Underground passage. The Moscow Metro is a wonderful underground railway. “The waters suddenly flowed into the underground cellars.” Pushkin. || Produced underground... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

A (y), prev. in the course and on the move, on the course and on the go, pl. moves, moves and (special) moves, m. 1. (in the course, on the move). Movement, movement in what form? direction. a) Movement of a person or animal on their own legs. He was short and flabby... Small academic dictionary

move- a (y), sentence; in motion and in motion/, in motion and in motion/; pl. moves/; m. see also. on the go, all the way, straight stroke 1., straight stroke 2... Dictionary of many expressions

Adj., used. compare often 1. Subterranean is what is under the surface of the earth. Groundwater. | Underground gas. | The underground part of the plant. | There are many underground rivers flowing in the mountains of Venezuela. 2. Underground is what is built under... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

UNDERGROUND, oh, oh. Found or produced beneath the surface of the earth, pertaining to being underground. P. move. Underground works. P. experience (for those who work underground, for example, miners.) Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

A (y), sentence in the course and in the course, in the course and in the course; pl. moves; m. 1. sentence in progress, on the go. to Walk (2, 10, 12, 16 digits). Slow down, I can't keep up with you. The train slowed down x. The ship lost x. (stopped due to engine failure). X. piston... Encyclopedic Dictionary

underground casemated passage- see postern... Fortification dictionary


  • Generator of power, Alexander Sidorov. Moscow lawyer Sergei Vintikov receives email strange letter. Its author, a certain Peter Braun from the USA, reports that he has long been researching the secrets of Timmertau Castle in...
  • Generator of power, Sidorov A.. Moscow lawyer Sergei Vintikov receives a strange letter by e-mail. Its author, a certain Peter Braun from the USA, reports that he has long been researching the secrets of Timmertau Castle in...

In fact, the mandatory program of a man's life sounds like this: raise a son, plant a tree, build a house and dig an underground passage. Don't ask where we got it from, there's no time to explain. Better listen to engineer Alexey Zhuravsky from the Gotthard and Partners design bureau - he told us how to dig an underground passage correctly.

How to dig

If you are not going to make a secret out of the move, you can dig in the “Berlin” way: a trench is dug, the walls and roof of the future move are built in it, and then everything is filled up. But the neighbors will come to look, everyone will want the same one, only bigger, and in the end someone will accidentally dig up hell. It’s better to dig unnoticed, using the “Parisian” method: a vertical well is dug, and an adit is led from it sideways.

Where to dig

Sandy soils are ideal. At one time, they made it possible to dig passages under the Berlin Wall, including the famous “Tunnel 29” 140 meters long. Clay is difficult to dig, and there is a higher chance of encountering interlayer water. It is useful to drill wells along the entire trajectory in advance and find out what you will be dealing with.

How to strengthen

If you are digging an adit without strengthening the walls and ceiling, place a slab with dates of life on top. When you are overwhelmed, your family will be able to limit themselves to a buffet table. But it’s better to reinforce the passage every half meter with support - a frame made of tarred boards. When it is ready, it is necessary to thoroughly plank the walls and ceiling or even concrete them, as the Palestinians do in the secret tunnels from the Gaza Strip to Israel.

How to arrange

To keep the tunnel dry, it must be made downhill. It is advisable to arrange forced ventilation: a fan at the entrance and pipes with holes along the entire length of the structure. One of the problems of the “tunnel of life” in Sarajevo, through which people got out of the besieged city, was the lack of ventilation. As a result, we had to get oxygen masks.

How not to fall asleep

You can only dig an underground passage in your own land. Otherwise, if discovered, it will be buried, and you will pay for the event. Before starting the process, find out if there are any cables, oil pipelines or missile silos along the way. A depth scanner will help with this. And underground gas analyzers for carbon dioxide and methane will not be damaged, otherwise the tunnel will be different - with a flight to bright light and a feeling of grace.

How to mask

The recently caught Colombian drug lord Guzman took his underground passages to the sewers, and this helped him for the time being. It is illegal to cut into public communications, but you can apply the principle itself and disguise the exit as a familiar part of the landscape - a plank toilet, a beach locker room or a corporate party with Nagiyev.

In fact, the mandatory program of a man's life sounds like this: raise a son, plant a tree, build a house and dig an underground passage. Don't ask where we got it from, there's no time to explain. Better listen to engineer Alexey Zhuravsky from the Gotthard and Partners design bureau - he told us how to dig an underground passage correctly.

How to dig

If you are not going to make a secret out of the move, you can dig in the “Berlin” way: a trench is dug, the walls and roof of the future move are built in it, and then everything is filled up. But the neighbors will come to look, everyone will want the same one, only bigger, and in the end someone will accidentally dig up hell. It’s better to dig unnoticed, using the “Parisian” method: a vertical well is dug, and an adit is led from it sideways.

Where to dig

Sandy soils are ideal. At one time, they made it possible to dig passages under the Berlin Wall, including the famous “Tunnel 29” 140 meters long. Clay is difficult to dig, and there is a higher chance of encountering interlayer water. It is useful to drill wells along the entire trajectory in advance and find out what you will be dealing with.

How to strengthen

If you are digging an adit without strengthening the walls and ceiling, place a slab with dates of life on top. When you are overwhelmed, your family will be able to limit themselves to a buffet table. But it’s better to reinforce the passage every half meter with support - a frame made of tarred boards. When it is ready, it is necessary to thoroughly plank the walls and ceiling or even concrete them, as the Palestinians do in the secret tunnels from the Gaza Strip to Israel.

How to arrange

To keep the tunnel dry, it must be made downhill. It is advisable to arrange forced ventilation: a fan at the entrance and pipes with holes along the entire length of the structure. One of the problems of the “tunnel of life” in Sarajevo, through which people got out of the besieged city, was the lack of ventilation. As a result, we had to get oxygen masks.

How not to fall asleep

You can only dig an underground passage in your own land. Otherwise, if discovered, it will be buried, and you will pay for the event. Before starting the process, find out if there are any cables, oil pipelines or missile silos along the way. A depth scanner will help with this. And underground gas analyzers for carbon dioxide and methane will not be damaged, otherwise the tunnel will be different - with a flight to bright light and a feeling of grace.

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