Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov. Sergey Lavrov. Biography

Sergei Lavrov, 66, Russia's foreign minister, is one of the country's most popular ministers. How is the personal life of Sergei Lavrov, what is known about his wife and daughter?

Sergei Lavrov was born on March 21, 1950. It is known that Sergei Lavrov’s father was an Armenian from Tbilisi. According to some sources, he bore the surname Kalantarov.

Sergei Lavrov’s mother worked at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. Sergei Lavrov's height is 185 cm, weight - 80 kg.

Sergei Viktorovich studied at the school named after V. Korolenko in the city of Noginsk, Moscow region. And he graduated from a Moscow school with a silver medal, where he studied English in depth.

In 1972, Sergei Lavrov graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Lavrov speaks three languages: French, English and Sinhala.

The personal life of Sergei Lavrov is stable and has not changed for 40 years. Sergei Lavrov married in his third year, connecting his life with the future teacher of Russian language and literature Maria.

“I noticed Seryozha right away: handsome, tall, strongly built,” recalls Maria Alexandrovna. “And when at parties he picked up a guitar and wheezed “to Vysotsky,” the girls went crazy.”

Maria Lavrova accompanied her husband on all his trips, starting with the very first - a four-year business trip to Sri Lanka. Subsequently, during Lavrov’s work as the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, she headed the mission’s library.

Their only daughter, Katya Lavrova, was born in New York when Sergei Viktorovich worked at the Soviet permanent mission to the UN. She graduated from high school in Manhattan and Columbia University.

After graduation, the girl went for an internship in London. There, Ekaterina met the son of a pharmaceutical tycoon, a Cambridge graduate, Alexander Vinokurov.

In 2008 they got married, and in 2010 Katya gave birth to a son. Now the minister’s son-in-law holds the position of president of the Summa Group holding and is a member of the board of directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port OJSC.

Sergei Viktorovich is a heavy smoker. Defending his rights, he even came into conflict with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, who banned smoking at the Organization’s headquarters. Lavrov countered that the order was illegal because Annan was not the owner of the building.

The Russian Foreign Minister loves to write poetry and sing with a guitar. Sergei Lavrov is fond of rafting. He is the president of the country's Slalom Federation.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov loves to play football. He is a fan of the Moscow team Spartak.

And now more about my daughter

Ekaterina Vinokurova, the daughter of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, spent her entire childhood in New York, where her father represented our country at the UN for ten years. Already a graduate of Columbia University, and having also completed her master's degree in London, Ekaterina moved to Moscow, began a career in the field of art, and today is co-director of the Russian branch of the Christies auction house.

How did your passion for contemporary art begin?
Since childhood. I was born into a family where art was always respected. My grandmother and mother often took me to exhibitions. And then, I grew up in New York, and there are a huge number of museums and exhibition activities are very developed. Contemporary art on professional level I started doing it by accident. When I moved to Moscow, mutual friends introduced me to the founder of the Haunch of Venison gallery, Harry Blaine, and he offered me a job. I honestly admitted that I know little about contemporary art and only from a few courses that I took at the university. He replied: “Nothing, this is a field of activity where you can learn everything as you go.” That's how I got involved. First, she worked for three years at Haunch of Venison, representing the gallery in Russia, and then moved to Christies.

“Learning as you go” is practically a necessity in the case of contemporary art, because in Russian universities there is no such discipline.
I myself really regret that I never received a specialized education in the field of art, and if I had such an opportunity now, I would definitely take advantage of it. When I entered the university, the History of Art course was seen by many as more of a hobby than as a basis for a future professional activity. I studied to become a political scientist and completed my master's degree at the Faculty of International Relations, but for me this was an opportunity to deepen my knowledge in several humanitarian subjects. Yes, there really aren’t very many places in Moscow where you can get the education that Westerners need auction houses. But if you really want to, you can go to study :) abroad and complete a year-long course on classical or contemporary art. Christies, for example, has its own educational program, and in different fields: jewelry, contemporary art, management and much more.

You not only work in the field of contemporary art, but also collect it yourself.
Yes, my first job appeared in 2007. Its author is the artist Pavel Pepperstein. He wrote a letter to Yuri Luzhkov and Valentina Matvienko, who at that time were the mayors of Moscow and St. Petersburg, with a proposal to preserve these two cities as cultural centers, and move business, political and all others beyond their borders to a city called Russia. Pepperstein created several paintings based on this idea, one of which I purchased. The topic was very close to me, because at that time I had just finished studying :) and began to study art, and Pavel’s work combined both politics and art. I consider it one of the main ones in my collection, especially since Pavel eventually became a very successful artist: last year his work was even acquired by Tate. In general, Russian artists predominate in my collection: Grigory Ostretsov, Sergei Sapozhnikov, Misha Most. IN lately Several works by Americans appeared, including Daniel Lefcourt, which I submitted to the recent exhibition “Through the Eyes of a Collector” as part of Cosmoscow. And last year I purchased a photograph by Philip-Lorca di Corcia. For now, all the work is being done in the apartment. Experienced collector friends say that you become a real collector only when your walls are no longer enough and you need to look for a separate storage space, so there is something to strive for.

What are the main differences in the perception of contemporary art in Russia and in the West?
In Russia, people know much less about contemporary art, and they perceive anything alien with caution. This art is largely built not on the visual part, but on the concept. To understand it, you need not only to come and see, but also to ask something, read something. Adults, and especially men, are afraid to show that they don’t know something, they are embarrassed, and the unknown remains alien. Collecting at the global level ended in Russia back in 1917, and only in the last 20 years has this tradition been revived. We don’t yet have museums of the level of MoMA and Tate, but I really hope that after some time they will definitely appear. I have great hopes for private initiatives, because the purchase of such a large collection for the state will cost a huge amount.

Is there any fear that the “revival of traditions” will turn out to be a fashion for contemporary art that will soon simply pass?
Art is more than fashion. There are fashionable artists who are in demand today, but in five years no one will remember them. But art in general is a big part of our culture. These things can't just be fashionable. It is eternal, so you need to invest effort and money in it, and, of course, you need to study it.

Who is today the main target audience of contemporary art exhibitions organized in Russia?
In addition to collectors and professionals, a large number of people, especially young people, are interested in contemporary art. This is what is relevant and attracts public attention. How more people learn about the field of contemporary art, the more popular it becomes. If we talk about Christies, then at each exhibition that we organize, two or three days of work can be viewed not only by those who want and can buy them, but also by students and people simply interested in art.

How important is it for contemporary artists to have a brand name like Jeff Koons or Damien Hirst?
Certainly not every artist is given such a name. I would classify Koons and Hirst as a new type of artistic people who combine the talents of an artist, manager and businessman. Koons, before becoming an artist, worked on Wall Street, but not all people in the arts have such a background, so the work of gallery owners is of great importance. The gallery owner must take care of the education of his artists if they are young, provide them financially, and transport them to fairs, which is quite difficult: getting to Art Basel or Frieze takes a lot of effort. And here is another difference from the West: we have practically no such system of interaction between galleries and artists. In America there are tens of thousands of galleries that are busy promoting artists, in Russia there are dozens.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov is a well-known political figure all over the world, diplomat, permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, representative Russian Federation in International Affairs since 2004, former head of the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN. A scandalous politician who amazes all journalists with one expression, he has been captured more than once from different unfortunate angles, but this does not prevent him from remaining one of the best politicians in the Russian Federation.

Lavroy Sergey Viktorovich

The mystery of the origin of Sergei Lavrov

It is impossible to find information about Sergei Viktorovich’s childhood in any sources of information. What is known is that the future Minister of Foreign Affairs was born on March 21, 1950 in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, in his father’s homeland, but Sergei Lavrov grew up in Moscow. Lavrov's father is a Tbilisi Armenian Kalantaryan, having matured Sergey took, more sonorous for Russia, maiden name mother. Sergei's mother - Kaleria Borisovna- Honored Worker of the USSR in the Ministry of Foreign Trade. According to some sources, it is known that Sergei Lavrov is Armenian, but this information is refuted on the Foreign Ministry website.

Sergei Lavrov himself spoke about his childhood, remembering that he was raised "both carrot and stick", but no one ever beat him, everything was explained by words and actions. So, as the mother is an employee of Vneshtorg, the parents devoted themselves entirely to this business, enticing their son. They were surrounded by government officials and politicians who loved their work and were involved in the world of politics. It is likely that these facts greatly influenced the life of Sergei Lavrov, so he chose his future profession without making a mistake.

Sergei Lavrov in his youth

Education of Sergei Lavrov

Sergei Lavrov changed two schools during his childhood, first he studied in the city of Noginsk, at school No. 2 named after. V. Korolenko, but later, at his request, he transferred to specialized Moscow school No. 607 with in-depth study English language, apparently even then, was walking in small steps towards future profession. Despite the fact that the school was more philologically inclined, Sergei Lavrov loved physics most of all and took part in various Olympiads. As a result, he graduated from school with a silver medal. Next there was a choice between two universities MEPhI And MGIMO, but since the second exams started earlier, after listening to his parents, Sergei entered there.

This purposeful young man became a student MGIMO Eastern Faculty. But some sources know that this was not his desire, but his parents’, but still Sergei Lavrov graduated from the university and became a wonderful politician. During his student days, Sergei Lavrov was always the life of the party, a romantic, he loved to play the guitar and write songs. Sergei Lavrov, during his hectic student life, left his mark on the life of the university; he became the author of the MGIMO anthem. Sergei Viktorovich was very purposeful and early age He earned money himself by working in construction teams in Tuva, Yakutia, and Khakassia. Upon graduation, the student successfully mastered three languages: French, Sinhala and English. Having received his diploma in 1972, he entered service at the USSR Embassy in Sri Lanka.

Sergei Lavrov in his student years

Work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Since 1972 Sergei Viktorovich worked as a senior assistant at the USSR Embassy, ​​where he rose to the diplomatic rank of attaché. Sergei Lavrov worked on the island of Sri Lanka for four years, but soon returned to his homeland and continued his career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the third, after the second, secretary of the Department of International Economic Organizations. In the 80s, Sergei Lavrov in the United States of America took post of UN Secretary, but his career developed very quickly, and he soon changed this title to a new one, becoming a senior adviser at the USSR Mission to the UN. Sergei Viktorovich worked overseas for the benefit of his native country for about 10 years. But in 1988 he returned to his native capital and began to reach the heights of the diplomatic public service.

Sergei Lavrov speaks several languages

Since 1988 Sergei Lavrov put even more effort into his work and began to occupy the best positions in politics at that time. First, he took the post of deputy chief in the department of international economic relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after which he became director of the Department of International Organizations and global problems Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, realizing that this was not the limit of his capabilities, in a very short period he became Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Sergey Lavrov

In 1944 appointed Sergei Lavrov as the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, but this is not the limit, there was another appointment for Lavrov, to become the representative of the Russian Federation in the Security Council of the United Nations. Boris Yeltsin appointed Sergei Lavrov as the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, but this is not the limit; there was another appointment for Lavrov, to become the representative of the Russian Federation in the Security Council of the United Nations. Considerable political biography Lavrova brought him fame not only in his native country, but throughout the world. Sergei Viktorovich achieved great success in the work of the UN Security Council thanks to a large circle of acquaintances in America, which allowed him to study many of the nuances of this profession and understand the main international problems. Despite this post and great responsibilities, Sergei Lavrov had another position: he was deputy chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission, and was also co-chair of the coordination of peacekeeping activities of the Russian Federation.

Sergey Lavrov for a long time was the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN

In March 2004 Lavrov’s dream came true, he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, but he was appointed two more times, he did not give his place to anyone. Reappointed the first time in April 2008 with the appointment to the post of President of the Russian Federation, and the second time in 2012 after the election of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Sergei Lavrov holds his post longer than all his predecessors, except Andrey Gromyk, he worked for 28 years, but many say that Lavrov will also break his record of arrival at a government post. It should also be noted that Sergei Lavrov is one of the main members of the editorial board of various publications; he is the chairman of the board of trustees of MGIMO and many foundations that help residents of Russia. For example, the Russkiy Mir Foundation, Children of Russia, he not only worries about the future of the country, but also remembers and honors the past, which is why he became a trustee of the board of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation program “Restoration of the monument to the Russians in Gallipoli.”

Sergei Lavrov works on an airplane

Everyone knows that Sergei Lavrov is a very scandalous politician; at many meetings and press conferences of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs he indulged in abusive speech and not very nice actions, as for a diplomat. For example, Lavrov at a press conference with the Foreign Ministry Saudi Arabia made “extra” words. It seemed to him that he was talking to himself, but he swore into the microphone, which the journalists could not help but notice and immediately broadcast on the Internet. The next day, the whole country knew about this incident, some condemned it, some supported it in ridicule, but they still decided that Sergei Lavrov had made a mistake. After some time, everyone forgot about this curious incident.

Sergei Lavrov - scandalous politician

A visit to Mongolia for work purposes would leave much to be desired, because at the business meeting everyone was smartly dressed, but Lavrov stood out and arrived in blue jeans, for which he was convicted.

Another scandalous incident was not long in coming; it occurred right during negotiations with David Miliband, the Russian Foreign Ministry cursed on the phone, saying “Who the fuck are you to teach me?!” And this situation did not go unnoticed by Russians and residents of other countries. Despite many curious and unpleasant cases of Sergei Viktorovich, he remains an excellent government worker who does everything for the benefit of his country.

Sergei Lavrov often gives interviews and does not hide from journalists

Personal life of Sergei Lavrov

One can only envy the personal life of the scandalous politician. The family is calm, stable, successful and happy. While still a student, Sergei met his one and only, with whom he never parted, and in his third year at university he officially got married. His wife Maria Alexandrovna was a student at a pedagogical university and in the future dreamed of becoming a good teacher, but also became a caring mother and a happy wife of a minister. All family life Maria Lavrova was next to her husband, accompanied him on all his trips, supported him in all his endeavors and had a good position, she held the position of head of the library of the UN mission.

Sergei Lavrov with his daughter

While in the United States of America, a daughter was born into the Lavrov family Catherine, who studied at an American school in Manhattan, and then her decision was to go to Columbia University. The girl roughly completed her studies and went on an internship to London, where she found happiness by finding a loved one, Alexander Vinokurov, whose father is a pharmaceutical tycoon.

Ekaterina Lavrova and her husband Alexander Vinokurov

Sergey Lavrov now

In March 2018, the presidential elections of the Russian Federation took place, where he won. But Sergei Lavrov retained his place and continues to work as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Lavrov has assistants who work on his accounts in social networks, posting photos from press conferences and meetings. Unfortunately, the Minister does not have personal photographs, since for security reasons he is prohibited from advertising the life of his family.

Sergei Lavrov and Vladimir Putin

In his free time from work, Sergei Lavrov spends time with his family and keeps himself in shape through rafting and playing football, and is an avid fan of the Spartak team. As in his student years, he remains the life of the party, playing the guitar among friends and family. It is known that the Russian Foreign Ministry is very fond of Russian baths, Scotch whiskey and Italian cuisine.

Sergei Lavrov is an avid smoker of cigarettes and cigars, and whenever possible defends his rights at the highest levels. The case with Kofi Annan This is confirmed by the fact that he defended the opportunity to smoke at the UN headquarters, thereby winning an argument with the Ghanaian diplomat and earning respect from the surrounding ministers.

Politicians rarely have a good sense of morale, but not in this case, Sergei Lavrov was invited to the famous TV show “Evening Urgant”, many liked the show and Lavrov became a favorite among TV viewers.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov is a diplomat, statesman who serves for the benefit of the country. A man who achieved it himself through hard work and effort. Despite various incidents, he always remains a source of pride for the country.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov

Sergei Lavrov is a talented politician, diplomat, and for many years the permanent Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia.


Born 03/21/1950. A native Muscovite. He has Caucasian roots, his father is Armenian, originally from Georgia. My mother worked for Vneshtorg for a long time.

Sergei Viktorovich received an excellent education. He studied well at school, for the successful completion of which he received a silver medal. The mother did everything to ensure that her son studied at a prestigious school. From early childhood he showed remarkable abilities for learning, especially for studying foreign languages. Excellent studies allowed him to easily pass exams at the prestigious MGIMO to study Oriental Studies.

Start of a career

Lavrov took his first position after graduating from MGIMO in early 1972. He went to the island of Sri Lanka and, after completing his internship, was left there to work as an attaché at the Embassy of the Soviet Union. He worked in this capacity for 4 years, and then was again transferred to Moscow.

In Moscow he began working in the department of international economic organizations. A few years later, Sergei Lavrov moved again, this time to the American continent. He worked for about 10 years in New York, making a successful career at the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN. This invaluable experience was very useful to him in his subsequent work.

After another transfer to Moscow, Sergei Lavrov was appointed to work in the Directorate of Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he successfully worked until 1992.

Big politics

After the collapse of the USSR in 1992, Sergei Lavrov was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. In this capacity, he oversaw several very important areas, including international economics, the human rights department, as well as the department for the affairs of the newly created CIS union. Lavrov worked in this difficult position for more than two years.

All this time, he maintained constant contacts with the Russian Mission to the UN and in 1994 was officially appointed to the post of Russia's permanent representative to the UN, where he worked for more than 10 years, also working on peacekeeping projects.

Ministerial portfolio

Sergei Lavrov first received the ministerial portfolio from Putin in 2004, when the president was forming his team. The talented politician coped well with the difficult responsibilities assigned to him. And after Putin was re-elected for a new term, the president again returned the ministerial portfolio to Lavrov, which has remained with him unchanged since then until today.

In addition, Sergei Lavrov is actively involved in peacekeeping, educational and foreign economic activities and holds a number of positions in various international organizations. He edits the prestigious international magazine “USA and Canada: Economics, Politics, Culture,” whose activities are aimed at strengthening Russia’s relations with these states.

Sergei Lavrov is also a member of a number of supervisory and trustee boards, including the board of trustees of MGIMO, his alma mater, which gave him a start in big politics. Since 2004, Lavrov has been the permanent Chairman of the Commission for UNESCO. Supervises many charitable programs. He is a member of the Anti-Terrorism Council of Russia.

Personal qualities

Many people are interested in what kind of person the outwardly stern and rather tough Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia is. Of course, working in such difficult positions could not but leave an imprint on the Minister’s personality.

Strong and principled, he can indeed be quite tough and harsh in situations where it is politically justified. However, as a politician from God, Sergei Lavrov is extremely restrained and correct, which allows him to get out of the most difficult political situations with honor.

All his activities are aimed at the development and prosperity of the Russian state. He does not forget for a second that, first of all, the political and economic interests of Russia and Russians are above all.

However, despite the apparent severity of his disposition, Sergei Lavrov is a positive and sociable person, with a great sense of humor, who is not averse to laughing at a fresh joke, and sometimes even telling a new joke himself.

Like every mortal, Lavrov has his own little weaknesses. One of them was an addiction to cigarettes, which he never managed to get rid of. This habit even almost caused him to be considered a brawler when, after the introduction of a smoking ban in the UN building, Lavrov continued to walk around it with a lit cigarette and an ashtray in his hand, talking about human rights. However, the passions subsided, but the habit, alas, remained.

In the company of family and close friends, Sergei Lavrov often picks up a guitar. In his free moments, he often writes poetry. And he prefers to spend his weekends active. Favorite sports are water sports. He is interested in rafting, and even manages to serve as president of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation.

After the presidential elections of the Russian Federation in the spring of 2018, where Vladimir Putin won the race for the presidency, the entire government was dismissed.

When the new composition of the Cabinet of Ministers was announced in May, Lavrov was again offered the post of head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Lavrov was not against it.

Made many work trips around the world. Skillfully fends off all accusations from the international community towards the Russian Federation regarding such issues as the poisoning of the Skripal family, military conflicts in Syria, in eastern Ukraine, etc.

He made a number of loud statements regarding Russia's exit from the European Union.

From 2004 to this day, Lavrov has been doing an excellent job with his professional duties, so he is once again reassigned to his position.

Wife and daughter of Sergei Lavrov

There is practically nothing to tell about the politician’s personal life. Having married early, in his 3rd year at MGIMO, to Maria Alexandrova, he showed himself to be a monogamous man and a person for whom the value of traditional family relationships is unshakable.

In the photo - Sergei Lavrov with his wife

His wife accompanied Lavrov everywhere, as befits a faithful, loving wife. Their only daughter, Catherine, was born in New York. There she received prestigious education at Columbia University, then received a master's degree in London. Currently, Sergei Lavrov’s daughter lives with her family in Moscow, she is married and has a son, Leonid.

In the photo - Sergei Lavrov with his daughter

Sergei Lavrov is a talented politician, diplomat, and for many years the permanent Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia.


Born 03/21/1950. A native Muscovite. He has Caucasian roots, his father is Armenian, originally from Georgia. My mother worked for Vneshtorg for a long time.

Sergei Viktorovich received an excellent education. He studied well at school, for the successful completion of which he received a silver medal. The mother did everything to ensure that her son studied at a prestigious school. From early childhood he showed remarkable abilities for learning, especially for learning foreign languages. Excellent studies allowed him to easily pass exams at the prestigious MGIMO to study Oriental Studies.

Start of a career

Lavrov took his first position after graduating from MGIMO in early 1972. He went to the island of Sri Lanka and, after completing his internship, was left there to work as an attaché at the Embassy of the Soviet Union. He worked in this capacity for 4 years, and then was again transferred to Moscow.

In Moscow, he began working in the department of international economic organizations. A few years later, Sergei Lavrov moved again, this time to the American continent. He worked for about 10 years in New York, making a successful career at the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN. This invaluable experience was very useful to him in his subsequent work.

After another transfer to Moscow, Sergei Lavrov was appointed to work in the Directorate of Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he successfully worked until 1992.

Big politics

After the collapse of the USSR in 1992, Sergei Lavrov was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. In this capacity, he oversaw several very important areas, including international economics, the human rights department, as well as the department for the affairs of the newly created CIS union. Lavrov worked in this difficult position for more than two years.

All this time, he maintained constant contacts with the Russian Mission to the UN and in 1994 was officially appointed to the post of Russia's permanent representative to the UN, where he worked for more than 10 years, also working on peacekeeping projects.

Ministerial portfolio

Sergei Lavrov first received the ministerial portfolio from Putin in 2004, when the president was forming his team. The talented politician coped well with the difficult responsibilities assigned to him. And after Putin was re-elected for a new term, the president again returned the ministerial portfolio to Lavrov, which has remained with him unchanged since then until today.

In addition, Sergei Lavrov is actively involved in peacekeeping, educational and foreign economic activities and holds a number of positions in various international organizations. He edits the prestigious international magazine “USA and Canada: Economics, Politics, Culture,” whose activities are aimed at strengthening Russia’s relations with these states.

Sergei Lavrov is also a member of a number of supervisory and trustee boards, including the board of trustees of MGIMO, his alma mater, which gave him a start in big politics. Since 2004, Lavrov has been the permanent Chairman of the Commission for UNESCO. Supervises many charitable programs. He is a member of the Anti-Terrorism Council of Russia.

Personal qualities

Many people are interested in what kind of person the outwardly stern and rather tough Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia is. Of course, working in such difficult positions could not but leave an imprint on the Minister’s personality.

Strong and principled, he can indeed be quite tough and harsh in situations where it is politically justified. However, as a politician from God, Sergei Lavrov is extremely restrained and correct, which allows him to get out of the most difficult political situations with honor.

All his activities are aimed at the development and prosperity of the Russian state. He does not forget for a second that, first of all, the political and economic interests of Russia and Russians are above all.

However, despite the apparent severity of his disposition, Sergei Lavrov is a positive and sociable person, with a great sense of humor, who is not averse to laughing at a fresh joke, and sometimes even telling a new joke himself.

Like every mortal, Lavrov has his own little weaknesses. One of them was an addiction to cigarettes, which he never managed to get rid of. This habit even almost caused him to be considered a brawler when, after the introduction of a smoking ban in the UN building, Lavrov continued to walk around it with a lit cigarette and an ashtray in his hand, talking about human rights. However, the passions subsided, but the habit, alas, remained.

In the company of family and close friends, Sergei Lavrov often picks up a guitar. In his free moments, he often writes poetry. And he prefers to spend his weekends active. Favorite sports are water sports. He is interested in rafting, and even manages to serve as president of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation.

After the presidential elections of the Russian Federation in the spring of 2018, where Vladimir Putin won the race for the presidency, the entire government was dismissed.

When the new composition of the Cabinet of Ministers was announced in May, Lavrov was again offered the post of head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Lavrov was not against it.

Made many work trips around the world. Skillfully fends off all accusations from the international community towards the Russian Federation regarding such issues as the poisoning of the Skripal family, military conflicts in Syria, in eastern Ukraine, etc.

He made a number of loud statements regarding Russia's exit from the European Union.

From 2004 to this day, Lavrov has been doing an excellent job with his professional duties, so he is once again reassigned to his position.

Wife and daughter of Sergei Lavrov

There is practically nothing to tell about the politician’s personal life. Having married early, in his 3rd year at MGIMO, to Maria Alexandrova, he showed himself to be a monogamous man and a person for whom the value of traditional family relationships is unshakable.

In the photo - Sergei Lavrov with his wife

His wife accompanied Lavrov everywhere, as befits a faithful, loving wife. Their only daughter, Catherine, was born in New York. There she received a prestigious education at Columbia University, then received a master's degree in London. Currently, Sergei Lavrov’s daughter lives with her family in Moscow, she is married and has a son, Leonid.

In the photo - Sergei Lavrov with his daughter

Sergei Lavrov is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and his biography, nationality and origin are of interest to many people. Most likely, this is due to the fact that there is not much information on this topic in the media. He is known for his services as a minister, his experience working with world organizations and representing his country for more than ten years in the United Nations.

Sergei Lavrov is known as the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Russia, his biography is eventful, and disputes about nationality are still ongoing, however, based on official sources, he is Russian.

Date of birth: 03/21/1950, hometown- Moscow. S. Lavrov’s father is considered to be an Armenian from Tbilisi, and the surname of the politician and his father are different, since he took his mother’s surname, which is more sonorous. Mother worked in the Ministry of Foreign Trade in the Soviet Union.

According to information about the fate of Sergei Lavrov, his parents worked in foreign trade, and most of their acquaintances were directly or indirectly related to this matter. Perhaps this was the reason why Sergei L. chose such a profession in the future.

The training of the future head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took place in Noginsk. He attended an English-language school. In addition to languages, he liked to study exact sciences, such as physics. Lavrov made progress in his studies and upon completion received a silver medal. After that, he applied for admission to two higher educational institutions - the Institute of International Relations and the Engineering and Physics University. At MGIMO, tests began earlier before admission, so Lavrov managed to become a student at this particular institution. This was not only his wish, but also the dream of his parents.

Graduated from university in the early 70s. After that I was able to join the embassy Soviet Union under Sri Lanka.

Since the 80s, he took the position of secretary, later became a senior adviser, lived for a long time in the United States of America, and at the end of the 80s he was transferred to a position in the capital of Russia.

The peak of Lavrov’s career came in the 80s and 90s – in a short time he became Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Since 2004, Lavrov has been the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who has experience in his biography and is Russian by nationality.

The mystery of the origin of Sergei Lavrov

The details of Lavrov’s childhood are practically not covered in the press. It is known that he was born in Moscow, but there are rumors that he was born in Georgia. The reliability of this information has not been proven.

You can tell about the upbringing of the future politician from Lavrov’s interview, where he told small details about the conditions in which he grew up - he was raised using the carrot and stick method. However, these words should not be taken in the literal sense. He was never subjected to violence, and was raised exclusively with the help of words, which could have a stronger effect than physical influence. Sergei L. got his last name from his mother; he took it because it sounds better, according to media reports.

Education of Sergei Lavrov

It is known that Lavrov S.V. studied at the second Noginsk school in the Moscow Region, after which he was transferred to a capital educational institution, where he deeply studied a foreign language. During training I did great success and graduated from school with a silver medal. He devoted most of his time to studying physics and foreign languages.

While studying at higher education educational institution I was able to learn several foreign languages ​​- English (which I started studying at school), English and Sinhala.

Work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The career of a diplomat and statesman has developed most successfully since 2004. During this period, Lavrov began working as Minister of Foreign Affairs; he was appointed to this post by the President of the Russian Federation. To this day, the diplomat carries out his activities in this place and successfully copes with his duties.

During his time in this position, he had to solve many important problems and face various difficulties.

He has many awards - orders received for services to the Fatherland different degrees, medals, certificates, gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation, awards for contribution to the development of the Kaliningrad, Moscow regions and Yakutia, as well as foreign awards from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan, etc.

The politician took part in resolving issues related to business development in other countries. During his work, he visited different countries, some more than once.

Interesting facts about Sergei Lavrov

During his studies at a higher educational institution, Lavrov was the life of the party, and now this character trait has also been preserved. He created his own musical works, showed his creations to loved ones and played the guitar. In the summer he was in student combat teams, thanks to which he was able to see Yakutia, Khakassia and the Far East as a youth.

It is known that the guitar is not the only hobby of the politician and he likes sports, especially rafting and football, he is a fan of Spartak. In addition, he is a gourmet and likes dishes from Italy, as well as whiskey and baths.

Sergei Lavrov especially loves cigarettes; he is a smoker; according to media reports, he once even argued with K. Annan for the right to smoke at the UN headquarters in America.

It is known that he has a good sense of humor and was a guest on the “Evening Urgant” show, and, thanks to Lavrov, the program turned out to be interesting.

This person is described as versatile and erudite, who can find a worthy answer to any trick question, if this is permissible in a certain situation. The biography of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is interesting and rich in achievements, and the politician’s nationality often causes controversy and discussion - according to some, he is Armenian, but this has not been confirmed.

Personal life of Sergei Lavrov

According to the latest news, Lavrov’s personal life is successful and happy, there are no changes in it. During his student year, he met his future wife, and the lovers formalized their relationship in the 3rd year of study.

Throughout their entire life together, Lavrov’s wife was next to her husband on business trips.

As for the children of Sergei L., he has a daughter, Ekaterina, who was born in America and studied at school and university there. It is known that his daughter has two children.

Sergey Lavrov now

In 2018, Lavrov expressed his opinion regarding latest news on the expulsion of diplomats. According to media reports, he called this action a provocation. According to information from the press, this action has nothing to do with the progression of cooperation between peoples. According to Lavrov, Russia should not be spoken in the language of an ultimatum, as it is useless.

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