Game with cereals for children from one year old. At what age and how to play with grain. Games for developing fine motor skills at different ages

The more the baby plays with objects that have different textures to the touch (soft, hard, rough, smooth, etc.), the more actively and correctly he speaks.

Cereals (of one type) can be poured into a basin . Add a spoon or a small scoop, various jars, bottles, animal figures that can be hidden in the cereal. You can pour beads into the cereal and then take them back out with your hands and put them in the jar. You can sort them by color.

Games with cereals

Let's pour.Take several plates or other containers. Let the child pour the cereal into the bowls. He can do this either with his fingers or with a spoon. Draw your child's attention to the fact that there is a lot of cereal in one plate, not enough in another, and nothing in the third. Compare quantities: more, less, the same.

Rain. Pour the cereal from one plate to another. In the process, show your little one that he can lift the plate higher and lower. Listen to how she makes noise. Play the game “Rain”: let the child pick up a handful of cereal, raise his hand and pour out the cereal, imitating the way it rains. It is better to take beans or peas for her to make cleaning easier.

Games with cereals will help develop the child’s muscular, visual, nervous and skeletal systems

Paths. From beans, for example, you can make paths - short and long, lay out various designs - geometric shapes, letters, houses, etc.

Filling out the forms. Take any molds (for example, for plasticine or sand), place them on a flat surface and invite your child to fill them inside with cereal. You can pick it up with your hands or a scoop.

Games with tweezers. Give your baby tweezers and encourage him to grab beans with them. This game develops perseverance and, naturally, motor skills.

Well. Take any plastic bottle. Tell your child that this is a well that is completely empty, there is no longer any water in it. And our bear is very thirsty. Help the bear fill the well. Take the cereal and pour it into the narrow neck of the bottle with your hands.

You can also :
- Spoon the cereal from one bowl to another.
- Try to do this with a fork. Explain to the baby why it didn’t work out.
- Pour the peas into a glass or a plastic bottle (you can take it from a yogurt bottle).
- Pour the cereal into a glass through a funnel.
- Pour the peas into a deep and flat plate.
- Ask to pour cereal into the kitten’s bowl yellow, and the chicken is blue, etc.
- Pour and pour the peas into the container by hand.

Didactic games with cereals. Game set “Krupenichka” and variable forms of working with it.

Klyuka Natalia Aleksandrovna, teacher at MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 46 "Solnyshko", city center Korolev, Moscow region.

Games with cereals are a fun development for a child!

I offer material on creating the game set "Krupenichka" and possible options children's games with cereals. The material may be useful to kindergarten teachers and parents.

Games with bulk materials perfectly develop sensory perception of the world and fine motor skills of children's hands. It is a known fact that the development of fine motor skills of the hands stimulates the improvement of such body systems as visual, nervous, muscular and skeletal. This becomes possible thanks to the complex interactions of all these systems when performing small and precise movements, which is the essence of fine motor skills. In addition, any activities on fine motor skills have a beneficial effect on mental development, and therefore on the process of speech cognition, have a calming effect, and develop imagination.

Description of the gaming tool:

Game set “Krupenichka” is a set of 5-8 plastic containers,
filled various types croup:
- semolina
- oatmeal
- buckwheat
- rice
- millet
for older children, the following may additionally be included:
- pearl barley
- corn
- barley, etc.
(plastic spoons and strainers are included with the set)

Designed to familiarize children with various types of cereals, sensory cognition of objects and substances, for the development of fine motor skills and children's creativity.

Description of the developmental properties of the manual:
Promotes the development of fine motor skills, tactile sensations, visual attention and orientation on a plane. Activates imagination and creativity. Develops perseverance.

Age Range: addressed to children 4-7 years old.

1. Introduce children to various types of cereals - semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, rice, pearl barley, corn, barley;
2. Teach children to distinguish one cereal from another visually and by touch;;
3. Introduce the technology of preparing porridge through a game;
4. Develop children's creative abilities;
5. Activate and enrich children's vocabulary.

- drawing with cereals;
- application from cereals;
- didactic games with cereal;
- role-playing games using cereals.

List of game tasks or exercises with game equipment:
- didactic games and exercises: “Make a pair” (cereals + name of porridge), “Identify by touch” (magic bags of cereals), “Cinderella” (disassemble two cereals - for example, buckwheat rice);

Organoleptic game “Guess the taste of porridge” (this game can be played every day at breakfast, children are asked to eat porridge and guess its name, then find and show a container with a sample of the corresponding cereal).

Role-playing games “Cooks”, “The doll got sick and didn’t eat breakfast”, “Kindergarten”, “Shop”, “I’m on duty”;

- creative tasks “Post a picture” (invite the child to post on a colored A4 sheet, for example, a favorite toy, a winter forest, fantasy flowers, a chicken, a dog, numbers, letters, etc.).

Possible additional uses:
- can be used for individual lessons in mathematics to consolidate orientation on a plane (for example, “Put a sun made of millet in the upper right corner, a buckwheat tree in the lower left, a cloud of oatmeal in the upper left, a semolina house in the lower right, a flower made of any croup);
- you can give creative homework for joint family creativity;
- can be used to develop fine motor skills in children with disabilities.

Games with cereals are a fun activity for children and parents!

Today I want to talk in detail about our games with cereals.

We’ve been playing them for a long time, but I haven’t written much about it before. Into thisIn the same post, I want to put together all our games to make it a kind of guide to help young mothers. Hope you find it useful!

Why play with cereals?

A lot has already been written, and by me in particular, about the benefits of sensory games, so I will not repeat myself. I will note only the most important things. Games with cereals help improve:

  • Development of sensory perception;
  • Creativity;
  • Meditative and calming effect;
  • A wonderful way to spend time :)

What will you need for games?

  • Large container (box for storing food, bowl, glass or plastic, in general, any container that you decide to use for games);
  • Several smaller containers;
  • Cereals (rice, buckwheat, semolina, wheat, millet, barley);
  • Legumes (peas, beans);
  • Pasta (the more varied the better);
  • Nuts (whole walnuts, almonds, cashews);
  • Sifting strainer;
  • Small toys, coins, pebbles, buttons, Kinder surprise toys;
  • Set of measuring spoons;
Our measuring spoons

It’s clear that all this wealth will not be useful to you all at once, but for different games and in different times. But it doesn’t hurt to take care and prepare everything so that it’s at hand, although every housewife already has it all :)

Where and when to play?

You definitely need to play when the baby is in the mood for it. When he good mood , he is cheerful and ready to learn something new.

You can play while sitting at the table, in a high chair (conveniently place the game on a side table), on the floor, with the child seated on a rug or mat.

Since we play very actively and after we’ve played enough, we like to give free rein to our feelings - we scatter cereal throughout the apartment. I figured out how to localize the play area and save on cleaning.

I putting a mat in the bath and I put Gleb there with all the equipment for games. The cereal crumbles only in the bathtub, which significantly limits the space that needs to be cleaned. I highly recommend it :)

We play in the bath :)

Games with cereals

So these are the cereal games we play.

We are looking for treasure

Pour cereal into a large container (semolina, buckwheat, barley, pearl barley, wheat, etc.) and throw in small Kinder Surprise toys, buttons, coins or any other small objects.


Next, we ask the child to find the treasure and put it in a special treasure chest (any box or bowl). First, you should show the baby how to do it, and then let him go free swimming. At the child’s first and subsequent successes, be sure to praise him!

You can also look for treasure using a small strainer, a spoon, or your fingers.

Looking for pebbles

I don't think it's worth talking about safety rules: Under no circumstances should you leave your baby alone with small objects!

Let's sow - let's sow

Pour semolina and several (ten to twenty grains) buckwheat, pasta or rice into a container.

Sift and look for pasta

We ask the child to sift through all the semolina using a sieve and find the buckwheat. For older children, you can complicate the task and ask them to look for buckwheat with their fingers.

Found some pasta

Young sorter

We sort pasta and beans (for older children you can also use cereal).

To do this, pour several types of pasta and legumes into a large container, and then ask the child to sort them and put them in separate boxes.


The number of types of pasta and legumes depends on the age of the child. For the little ones, only two types are suitable: pasta and beans; for older children, three types of pasta, beans and peas.

And now, order :)

Loose occupation

Pour the cereal from one container to another. For example, we place two containers in front of the child: one full of buckwheat, and the other empty. We ask him to use a spoon to pour the cereal from one cup to another.

Sprinkle all the rice

Games with light and cereals

Quite recently we discovered the option of playing with sand, only instead of sand there is semolina. You can read about it

Let's draw...

These are the games, if I forgot a game, I’ll definitely add it later :)

Hope you enjoyed it?

Happy creativity and fun games!

With love,
Marina Kruchinskaya

Games with cereals are not a new invention. But this in no way detracts from the beneficial developmental influence they have on the baby. But such games are also incredibly fun! The main thing is to organize them correctly, so that later you don’t have to spend half a day cleaning the apartment. Of course, you will still have to clean up, but we will try to minimize the destructive consequences of playing with cereals. To do this, we will play not in the room, but in the kitchen. We will place bowls and boxes of cereal on a large tray. This way the grains are less likely to scatter on the table and floor. The floor near the small player can be covered with a large oilcloth or a piece of fabric (for example, an old sheet).

There are kids who are ready to pour cereals and transfer pasta from bowl to bowl for quite a long time. Other kids will start throwing everything around the kitchen within five minutes. These features of a small player need to be taken into account. If interest in the game has faded, keep your baby busy with something else and put away the cereal until next time. Even a game that lasts 5-10 minutes will benefit the baby's development. As you grow older, the duration of games can be increased.

When starting to play with cereals, do not forget about the safety rules. All games must be played under the strict supervision of adults. For safety reasons, for the youngest players use small cereals: semolina, barley, corn, wheat. If they get into the baby's mouth, nothing bad will happen. You need to be more careful with buckwheat, rice, and pearl barley. And it is strictly forbidden to leave your baby alone with peas, beans, or dry pasta, even for a minute! Just a few seconds - and the beans may end up in respiratory tract baby.

Sprinkle and pour

All kinds of fun with pouring cereal are very useful for the development of a baby’s tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills, and coordination of movements. This is both a game and experimentation with new, varied material...

1-2 years

Transfers. Place two bowls on a tray: one with cereal, the other empty. Show your baby how to take the cereal in pinches and pour it from one bowl to another. Let him try. And then give the baby a spoon, let him pour the cereal with it.

Chick-chick-chick. To play, you will need a toy chicken or chicken and a bowl of millet. Tell your baby: “Let’s feed the chicken: chick-chick-chick.” Teach your child to pinch the millet with three fingers and sprinkle it on the table. Let him feed the chicken by pouring grains into it.

Cooking soup. To make pouring cereal some meaning for your baby, invite him to cook soup for a bunny (dog, doll). Let him pour the cereal into toy saucepans and stir with a spoon. And then we’ll start “cooking porridge for dad” - pouring the cereal into a real big saucepan.

Rain. For this game it is better to take peas. Place it in a large bowl or basin. Show your little one how to pick up peas in her hand, lift them up and pour them out. It's like it's raining! You can pour the peas into an empty metal bowl. Then he will drum merrily, like real rain. Sprinkle from different heights - it will be different sound. Command your baby: “It’s raining a little, drop by drop. And now it’s raining heavily!” At the same time, you can say a nursery rhyme:

Rain, rain, water -
There will be a loaf of bread.
Rain, rain, let it come -
Let the cabbage grow.
Rain, rain, have fun!
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Track. Let the baby pick it up in his palm small grains(semolina, barley, millet) and sprinkles it on a tray in the form of paths. Then you can “walk” along these paths with your fingers, saying:

Big feet walked along the road:
Top-top, top-top!
Little feet ran along the path:
Top-top-top, top-top-top...

2-3 years

Assistant. Mix any small grains like semolina with buckwheat or rice in a bowl, give your baby a sieve through the holes of which semolina spills freely, but buckwheat does not. Tell your child that mice got into the basement of Masha's doll's house. They gnawed through the bags of cereal and everything got mixed up. Now Masha is crying and doesn’t know what to do. And we will help her! Show your little one how to sift the mixture and easily separate the semolina from the buckwheat. Let the baby try to finish the work on his own.

Funnel. Now we will pour the cereal through the funnel. It's so exciting! First, let the baby simply pour the cereal on top and watch how it pours out from below in a thin stream. Then you can try using a new tool to pour cereal into cups, plastic bottles and other containers with a narrow neck.

Charging for fingers

Up to a year

Warm up. Pour more cereal into the bowl. Let the baby simply finger it in his hands, getting acquainted with new unusual tactile sensations.

Cuckoo. In front of the baby, lower your hands into the cereal so that your palms are completely hidden in it. Where are mom's hands? Here they are! Then we’ll hide the baby’s hands. Where are the pens? Let the baby find them himself and be surprised.

In and out. Prepare several cardboard tubes (from bags, paper towels etc.). Place the straw at an angle, lower the bean into the top hole and show your baby how it will roll out the other side. Let the baby try to pick up the beans with his fingers and throw them into the tube. What happens if you pour cereal into a tube?

1-2 years

Heaps. Place different cereals in piles on a large tray: a pile of buckwheat, a pile of pearl barley, millet, etc. You can add peas, beans, different types of pasta. Let the baby decide for himself what to do with all this: he can take a grain from each pile and put it in the center of the tray, or maybe mix everything with his palm...

Search for treasure. In front of your baby, hide several small toys (from Kinder surprises, key chains, phone pendants, etc.) in a bowl of cereal. Let the baby put his hands in the cereal and find the hidden “treasure”.

Experimenter. Pour cereal or a mixture of cereals into a bowl, place the bowl on a tray, give the baby a lot of different containers and devices: cups and plates from a set of children's dishes, large and small spoons, plastic cups, etc. Let the child figure out what he can do with all this. And mother does not interfere in the game, but quietly watches the process.

Feed the cat. On the wall of a liter bottle plastic bottle Draw a cat's face with a marker. Cut a hole in the place of the mouth, wrap the edges of the cut with tape so that the baby does not get hurt. Now give your baby dry peas and beans and offer to feed the cat. Let the baby take one bean at a time and push it into the bottle through the “mouth”.

Piggy bank for pasta. Feather pasta is interesting to insert into the neck of a small plastic bottle. The main thing is that they won’t fit into the neck at random. They definitely need to be unfolded correctly - in length. Let the baby train both his fingers and his thinking at the same time.

Sunken Treasures. What if we combine games with cereals and water? Place a bowl of water on a large tray and launch a plastic boat with a load of buckwheat and beans into it. A storm began on the “sea”, the boat capsized and all the cargo spilled onto the bottom of the sea. Let the baby collect beans and grains of buckwheat from the bottom and load them back onto the boat. Different size"cargo" will require absolutely miscellaneous work fingers. It will be great if the baby begins to reach the “treasure” from the bottom not only with the right, but also with the left hand.

2-3 years

Cinderella. Read the story of Cinderella to your child, and then invite him to play. Remember how Cinderella’s stepmother gave her one very difficult task: to sort a mixture of cereals? Let the baby help Cinderella so that she can get to the ball as quickly as possible. There are a lot of sorting options. And each time you can mix cereals differently. You can, for example, mix peas and beans and sort them into different cups. You can pour peas into buckwheat and ask your child to pick out all the peas from the cereal. You can mix white and red beans, yellow and green dried peas or several different types pasta. For the most advanced “Cinderellas”, mix a little buckwheat and large rice. It will be really difficult to separate them...

Fun patterns. From cereals, peas, beans, pasta different forms you can lay out all kinds of patterns and pictures on the table: the sun, a dog, a Christmas tree, a house, flowers, etc. Make a whole picture together with your baby. Colored pasta of various shapes is especially good for this.

Repeaters. We will also post patterns. But now the mother comes up with them, and the baby next to him tries to repeat them exactly. Start with the simplest ones. For example, lay out a path of pasta. When the baby understands what is required of him and can easily cope with simple patterns, complicate the task: use several different materials, alternate beans and peas, etc.

Heron. Give your child tweezers and show them how to grab peas and beans from a saucer and put them in a bowl. But first, look at the heron in the picture with the baby. Tell her that the tweezers are like her beak. The baby will love the idea of ​​catching bean frogs with this beak. It's not easy, but it's very useful exercise for little fingers.

3 years

Couples. The game is a bit like a treasure hunt, but its goal is different. Pick up several paired items: coins, large buttons, pencils, teaspoons, Kinder surprise containers, candy, small cubes, etc. Pour more cereal into a bowl and bury one item from a couple in it. Show your child, for example, a teaspoon and ask him to find the same one by touch.

Fun things to do

Up to a year

Rattles. Take several small plastic bottles. Pour a certain type of cereal, peas, beans into each half. Tighten the lids well so that the baby cannot open them. To be sure, you can additionally seal the lid with tape. You will get wonderful educational rattles for your baby. It will be interesting for the baby to shake the bottles and watch how the cereal pours inside. In addition, each rattle will make its own special sound.

Miracle bags. A handicraft mother can easily and simply make useful toys for her baby using homemade bags made of durable cotton fabric and a variety of cereals. Pour rice into one bag, semolina into another, peas and beans into a third, and beans into a fourth. oatmeal etc. We sew the bags tightly. The bag should not be too full. We give the bags to the baby, let him sort them out and crush them in his hands, stimulating tactile sensitivity and developing motor skills. By the way, instead of bags you can use bright children's socks.

1-2 years

Maracas. Give your baby several small plastic bottles, peas, beans, and pasta. Show him how you can first throw beans into the bottle, then close the lid and turn the bottle into a wonderful “rattler”. Let the baby now repeat everything after you and make his own “maracas”.

Stompers. If you pour peas, beans, or any cereal into a large bowl or at the bottom of a children's plastic bath, you will get a kind of substitute for a rocky sea beach. Let the baby stomp on the cereal with his feet more often, and try to grab the beans with his toes. All this is a wonderful foot massage. It is useful for strengthening the foot and preventing flat feet, and for stimulating the immune system, and for improving the functioning of all internal organs and systems, since there are many biologically active points on the soles of the feet.

2-3 years

Cookie. You will need cookie cutters in the form of different figures (or molds for cutting out plasticine) and buckwheat. Place the mold on the table and let the baby fill it with buckwheat in one layer. It is convenient to level the buckwheat inside with your finger. Then we very carefully lift the mold - and a buckwheat figurine remains on the table.

We remove the snow. It’s interesting to come up with all kinds of cereals story games. For example, semolina can act as a wonderful substitute for snow. We pour semolina snowdrifts on the table, take a small truck, load “snow” into it, transport and unload it to a certain place. For example, in a large bowl. And then we go for a new portion. You can load snow with your hand, a spoon, a scoop...

Creative games

1-2 years

Finger drawing. Spread semolina (or corn grits) in an even layer on a small tray. Now take the little one’s hand in yours and use his finger to draw different patterns, houses, Christmas trees, the sun, animals on the semolina. Draw and name the picture. And then let the kid try to draw some of his own “scribbles”. In order for your baby’s fingers to experience different tactile sensations, change the semolina for another small grain: buckwheat, rice, millet.

We draw for everyone. You can draw on semolina not only with your finger, but also with the help of various available means: a cocktail straw, an ice cream stick, a cotton swab, an unstuck pencil, a spoon, etc. Give the little artist different tools and let him experiment.

Plasticine patterns. Spread the plasticine in a fairly thick layer on a sheet of cardboard, give your baby plenty of a wide variety of cereals, beans and dried peas different colors, pasta various forms. Show how all this can be pressed into a plasticine base. Let your child create his own unique collage. If you spread plasticine on disposable cardboard or plastic plates and then decorate them with cereals, you will get a real picture that will decorate a nursery wall or become a gift for grandma.

Decorating the cake. To make making patterns on plasticine more interesting, invite your child to decorate the birthday cake of their favorite toy. Make a cake from plasticine, modeling mass or salt dough. Now let the baby decorate it by sticking different cereals, beans, and pasta into the surface.

We are preparing pizza. Tired of decorating a cake? Next time we will make pizza for dolls. We make a large cake out of plasticine and lay out peas, beans, grains of pearl barley, shell pasta, etc. on it. And then we'll come up with something else. For example, we will bake plasticine pies filled with peas.

2-3 years

Unusual coloring pages. You will need large coloring pages for the little ones, PVA glue, corn and semolina. Lubricate the coloring outline with glue. Now let the baby pick up corn grits with his fingers and sprinkle them on top of the picture. Lightly press the cereal onto the paper and then shake off the excess. You will get a yellow outline. Now we coat the picture itself with glue and sprinkle it with semolina in the same way. Shake off excess and let dry. It turns out to be a very nice picture! It turns out that you can color not only with paints and pencils, but even with cereal!

Pasta beads. Large pasta(horns, feathers, etc.) - these are wonderful beads for the youngest jewelers! If you string them on a cord, you will get wonderful beads. Beads can be worn as jewelry, and the process of stringing is a great workout for little fingers. To make stringing more fun, you can look for colored pasta in the store. Or paint regular horns with gouache and dry thoroughly.

Edible beads. You can string more than just pasta on a string. Breakfast cereals in the form of rings are also perfect for this purpose. They are even easier to string than pasta. And you can even eat while playing...

3 years

Krupa is an artist. You can also draw with cereals. Take a sheet of cardboard and coat it with PVA glue. Show your child how to take a pinch of fine grain and then sprinkle it on the paper to create some kind of outline design. Try to “draw” together. For example, you make a sun circle, and the baby attaches ray sticks. This way you can draw geometric figures, different pictures, and even write and study letters. To make a drawing from semolina or corn grits were better visible, use colored cardboard rather than white.

Pea mosaic. Dried pea halves can be used as a mosaic. Draw the outline of the picture on a small piece of cardboard. Grease the picture with glue. Now we will lay out the image with halves of peas, trying to place the peas as close to each other as possible so that they densely fill the picture.

You can lay out a mushroom, a Christmas tree, a sun, a house, a boat, a starfish, etc. This work is painstaking. If you can’t complete the whole picture at once, you can postpone the work until next time.

Bean men. Together with your baby, select large white beans (or beans). Now, with the help of thin markers, you can turn them into funny little men and animals by drawing eyes, noses, mustaches... Make a whole collection of such little men. You can play a show with them on the table. Or create a whole town for them out of matchboxes.

Hello, dear parents!

In this article we will talk about educational games with cereals for children aged 1 year and older. Although I suggested that my son tinker with cereal when he was still 6-7 months old. At that time he was squeezing his rump into his fist and unclenching it. He was very interested in how the grains fell out between his fingers. And of course, these are new tactile sensations. Now we are a year and a half old, but our interest in cereals has not gone away. We use: rice, buckwheat, semolina, beans, peas, millet, pearl barley - in short, everything we have at home.

With the help of such games, the child develops coordination of his movements, learns to think logically, stimulates his speech, and of course, everyone’s favorite fine motor skills are involved.

If this is the first time you have decided to engage in this kind of activity with your baby, I recommend, as a safety measure, to start first with cereals such as semolina. Explain to him that there is no need to put the cereal in his mouth, we are just playing with it.

Then, when the child gets used to it, you can use rice, buckwheat or peas. If a child even accidentally puts it into his mouth, nothing bad will happen.

Then you can move on to beans, beans, and pearl barley. Under no circumstances should you leave your child unattended; his hands and mouth should always be in front of you! And of course, each mother decides for herself whether such a game and such cereals are suitable for her child.

Set aside a place for such games. Be prepared that the child will be like a bird - a swan - waving his arms and throwing grain overboard. Let it be a place where it will be easy to sweep up the cereal, or lay a blanket and sit with the baby in its center, after games, just pick it up and all the cereal will remain in the blanket, shake it off and that’s it. Let your child sit comfortably and watch as you show him.

Let's see what you can do with this very grain:

  1. Of course, we train our hands and get used to working with a large spoon and a small spoon. Wooden spoons and all kinds of ladle will also work. Let there be several and different ones, so the child will learn to use them. And use them to pour from one container to another.
  2. We use a bottle, preferably transparent. A plastic one with a narrow neck will also work. We put our beans, beads, pasta, peas there.
  3. We teach the child to scoop up cereal from a children's cup and pour it into a cup, for example.
  4. You can pour it with a spoon into the same bottle using a funnel. If you don't have a funnel, you can make one yourself. We have such a funnel glued with tape to the side.
  5. We are looking for hidden secrets in the cereal. These can be small molds, toys, refrigerator magnets.
  6. We feed different animals (made from an ordinary tea box)
  7. You can make a ramp out of thick paper or cardboard and sprinkle cereal on it. We also have it taped to the side.
  8. Mix semolina with peas and sift using a strainer until the peas remain.
  9. Pour the cereal into the molds.
  10. We hide large pasta in the cereal. Let the baby find them and put them in a separate container.
  11. Mix a small amount of different cereals (except millet and semolina) and let the child sort the contents into different containers.
  12. You can also use special equipment, load a dump truck or excavator and transport cargo. Here .

We use the remaining cereal from the games in subsequent activities. Watch your child - something will be interesting to him, something will not interest him at all. Don’t worry, after a while you can offer him again those activities that he refused, and perhaps he will become interested in them. Consider his mood and morale, and you will definitely find something for him!

Nimble hands to you! All the best, see you again!

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