Grigory Andreevich Gershuni: biography. Ekaterina Gershuni: biography and interesting facts Grigory Andreevich Gershuni biography

Gershuni Grigory Andreevich (Gersh Isaac Tsukovich, 1870-1908) - bacteriologist, head of the Combat Organization of the Socialist Revolutionary Party until 1903. He was arrested and sentenced to death (1904), later replaced by eternal hard labor; was kept in Shlisselburg, then transferred to Akatuy; in 1907 he fled abroad.

Gershuni Grigory Andreevich (1870 - 1908, Zurich) - one of the leaders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party. Came from the philistines. Without graduating from high school due to lack of funds, Gershuni passed the exams to become a pharmacy student and in 1895 entered pharmaceutical courses at Kyiv University. In 1896, Gershuni was first arrested for connections with members of the student movement, but was quickly released. Having received the profession of a pharmacist, Gershuni worked in Moscow at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, and in 1898 he moved to Minsk, where he set up a laboratory for bacteriological research. At this time, Gershuni had already become a convinced socialist, ready to fight the existing regime legally and illegally. In his free time, he took an active part in organizing cultural and educational work: he organized an elementary school for boys, and lectured at a Saturday school for adults. The numerous acquaintances acquired allowed Gershuni to begin a successful illegal roar. activities: he set up a workshop of machines for underground printing houses, created an office for the production of illegal passports. Together with E.K. Breshko-Breshkovskaya Gershuni organized the transportation of illegal literature from abroad. In 1901 he was arrested and taken to Moscow, where he was interrogated by S.V. Zubatov. Since there was no formal evidence against Gershuni, Zubatov had confidential conversations on government policy, the Jewish question, the legalization of the labor movement, etc., and, having come to the conclusion that he was an intellectual who could later be used, he released him. As researcher D. Zaslavsky noted, “a talented revolutionary skillfully deceived a talented security guard.” Gershuni went abroad, where, under the influence of him and Breshko-Breshkovskaya, the Socialist Revolutionary Party began to form. Gershuni was the first to outline the scheme of the Combat Organization of the Party and outline its goals, believing that “The Combat Organization not only commits an act of self-defense, but also acts offensively, introducing fear and disorganization into the ruling spheres.” Infecting with his fanaticism, Gershuni attracted young people and selected those who were capable of terrorist acts. In 1902 he returned to Russia and organized the murder of the Minister of Internal Affairs D.S. Sipyagin, the Ufa governor N.M. Bogdanovich, attempt on the life of Kharkov governor I.M. Obolensky. A convinced terrorist, intelligent, strong-willed, Gershuni knew how to ensure unquestioning execution of orders. In May 1903 he was arrested and kept in solitary confinement in the Peter and Paul Fortress. In 1904 he was sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment, and transferred to Shlisselburg. In 1905 he was sent to Eastern Siberia, to the Akatuevsky prison, from where he escaped in 1906 through China to the USA. Subsequently he worked in Europe. Already seriously ill, having learned that E. Azef, who became the head of the Combat Organization after the arrest of Gershuni, was accused of provocateur, he wanted to go to Russia to commit the murder of Nicholas II together with Azef, in order to rehabilitate his successor by this act. Gershuni is the author of the memoirs “From the Recent Past” (St. Petersburg, 1907). Died of sarcoma. He was buried in the Montparnasse cemetery next to the grave of P.L. Lavrov, whom he considered his teacher.

) - Russian terrorist, one of the founders of the “combat organization” of the Socialist Revolutionary Party.


Without graduating from the gymnasium due to lack of funds, he passed the exams to become a pharmacy student and in 1895 entered pharmaceutical courses at the University of Kyiv. In 1896, he was first arrested for connections with members of the student movement, but was quickly released. Having received the profession of a pharmacist, Gershuni works in Moscow at the Institute of Experimental Medicine.

Gershuni was the first to outline a diagram of the party’s combat organization and outline its goals, believing that

“The militant organization not only commits an act of self-defense, but also acts offensively, bringing fear and disorganization into the ruling spheres.”

The first terrorist act was committed on April 2, 1902, in St. Petersburg, when S. Balmashev killed Minister of Internal Affairs D. S. Sipyagin with two shots from a revolver. On April 5, 1902, during the funeral of Sipyagin, Gershuni planned to organize terrorist attacks against the Chief Prosecutor of the Synod, K. P. Pobedonostsev, and the St. Petersburg Governor-General N. V. Kleigels. But due to the indecision of the participants in the attempt, the terrorist acts were not carried out.

On July 29, 1902, the worker Foma Kachura shot in the Kharkov Tivoli Park at the Kharkov governor, Prince I.M. Obolensky, who took part in the suppression of the peasant unrest of 1902 in the Kharkov province. Gershuni accompanied Kachura to the site of the terrorist attack; I. Obolensky was slightly wounded.

Chernov wrote this about Gershuni’s views on revolutionary terror:

“...Gershuny demanded from the revolution the same thing that humane people demand from commanders. Avoid unnecessary casualties, spare the vanquished, respect the interests and lives of neutrals. He was enthusiastic about the action of I. Kalyaev, who, coming out with a bomb against the leaders. Prince Sergei, retreated when he saw him next to him. the prince his wife and children."

On May 6, 1903, members of the militant organization, railway worker E. Dulebov and an unknown person, shot and killed Ufa Governor N. M. Bogdanovich, who was responsible for the shooting of the workers’ demonstration, in the Cathedral Park of the city of Ufa.

Gershuni's popularity increased enormously after these terrorist attacks. V. Chernov wrote about the activities of the military organization: “The actual center of the military organization, its dictator was Gershuni.” Minister of Internal Affairs V.K. Pleve told S. Zubatov that Gershuni’s photograph would remain on his desk until Gershuni was arrested. S. Zubatov highly appreciated Gershuni’s revolutionary-terrorist abilities and called him “an artist in the cause of terror.”

On May 13, Mr. Gershuni was arrested in Kyiv. The military district court in St. Petersburg sentenced Gershuni to death in February 1904, it was replaced by life imprisonment, which he served initially in the Shlisselburg prison for “exiled political criminals”, and after the abolition of the prison on January 8 in the Akatuy convict prison prison in Eastern Siberia.

In 1906, the Social Revolutionaries organized Gershuni's escape from prison. It was taken out in a barrel with cabbage. Along the entire route, points were set up where horses were changed for him. From Vladivostok on a Japanese ship he arrived in Japan, and from there to the USA, where he spoke at mass rallies of supporters of the Russian revolution and raised one hundred and eighty thousand dollars for the party. In February 1907, Gershuni participated in the 2nd Congress of the Socialist Revolutionary Party in Finland and was elected to the Central Committee, where, together with E. Azef, he was to lead all terrorist activities of the party.

At the end of the year, having become seriously ill (pulmonary sarcoma), he went to a Swiss sanatorium for treatment, where he died. Already seriously ill, having learned that E. Azef, who became the head of the Combat Organization after the arrest of Gershuni, was accused of provocateur, he wanted to go to Russia to commit the murder of Nicholas II together with Azef, in order to rehabilitate his successor by this act. He was buried at the Montparnasse cemetery in Paris next to the grave of P. L. Lavrov, whom he considered his teacher.

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  • Shikman A.P. Figures of Russian history. Biographical reference book. - M., 1997.
  • Kara and other prisons of the Nerchinsk penal servitude. - M., 1927.
  • Gorodnitsky R. A. Combat organization of the Socialist Revolutionary Party in 1901-1911. - M., 1998.


An excerpt characterizing Gershuni, Grigory Andreevich

“Comment, M. Pierre, vous trouvez que l"assassinat est grandeur d"ame, [How, Monsieur Pierre, you see the greatness of the soul in murder," said the little princess, smiling and moving her work closer to her.
- Ah! Oh! - said different voices.
– Capital! [Excellent!] - Prince Ippolit said in English and began to hit himself on the knee with his palm.
The Viscount just shrugged. Pierre looked solemnly over his glasses at the audience.
“I say this because,” he continued with despair, “because the Bourbons fled from the revolution, leaving the people to anarchy; and Napoleon alone knew how to understand the revolution, defeat it, and therefore, for the common good, he could not stop before the life of one person.
– Would you like to go to that table? - said Anna Pavlovna.
But Pierre, without answering, continued his speech.
“No,” he said, becoming more and more animated, “Napoleon is great because he rose above the revolution, suppressed its abuses, retained everything good - the equality of citizens, and freedom of speech and the press - and only because of this he acquired power.”
“Yes, if he, having taken power without using it to kill, would have given it to the rightful king,” said the Viscount, “then I would call him a great man.”
- He couldn't do that. The people gave him power only so that he could save him from the Bourbons, and because the people saw him as a great man. The revolution was a great thing,” continued Monsieur Pierre, showing with this desperate and defiant introductory sentence his great youth and desire to express himself more and more fully.
– Are revolution and regicide a great thing?... After that... would you like to go to that table? – Anna Pavlovna repeated.
“Contrat social,” the Viscount said with a meek smile.
- I'm not talking about regicide. I'm talking about ideas.
“Yes, the ideas of robbery, murder and regicide,” the ironic voice interrupted again.
– These were extremes, of course, but the whole meaning is not in them, but the meaning is in human rights, in emancipation from prejudice, in the equality of citizens; and Napoleon retained all these ideas in all their strength.
“Freedom and equality,” said the Viscount contemptuously, as if he had finally decided to seriously prove to this young man the stupidity of his speeches, “all big words that have long been compromised.” Who doesn't love freedom and equality? Our Savior also preached freedom and equality. Did people become happier after the revolution? Against. We wanted freedom, and Bonaparte destroyed it.
Prince Andrey looked with a smile, first at Pierre, then at the Viscount, then at the hostess. At the first minute of Pierre's antics, Anna Pavlovna was horrified, despite her habit of light; but when she saw that, despite the sacrilegious speeches uttered by Pierre, the Viscount did not lose his temper, and when she was convinced that it was no longer possible to hush up these speeches, she gathered her strength and, joining the Viscount, attacked the speaker.
“Mais, mon cher m r Pierre, [But, my dear Pierre,” said Anna Pavlovna, “how do you explain a great man who could execute the Duke, finally, just a man, without trial and without guilt?
“I would ask,” said the Viscount, “how the monsieur explains the 18th Brumaire.” Isn't this a scam? C"est un escamotage, qui ne ressemble nullement a la maniere d"agir d"un grand homme. [This is cheating, not at all similar to the way of action of a great man.]
– And the prisoners in Africa whom he killed? - said the little princess. - It's horrible! – And she shrugged.
“C"est un roturier, vous aurez beau dire, [This is a rogue, no matter what you say," said Prince Hippolyte.
Monsieur Pierre did not know who to answer, he looked at everyone and smiled. His smile was not like other people's, merging with a non-smile. With him, on the contrary, when a smile came, then suddenly, instantly, his serious and even somewhat gloomy face disappeared and another one appeared - childish, kind, even stupid and as if asking for forgiveness.
It became clear to the Viscount, who saw him for the first time, that this Jacobin was not at all as terrible as his words. Everyone fell silent.
- How do you want him to answer everyone all of a sudden? - said Prince Andrei. – Moreover, in the actions of a statesman it is necessary to distinguish between the actions of a private person, a commander or an emperor. It seems so to me.
“Yes, yes, of course,” Pierre picked up, delighted at the help that was coming to him.
“It’s impossible not to admit,” continued Prince Andrei, “Napoleon as a person is great on the Arcole Bridge, in the hospital in Jaffa, where he gives his hand to the plague, but... but there are other actions that are difficult to justify.”
Prince Andrei, apparently wanting to soften the awkwardness of Pierre's speech, stood up, getting ready to go and signaling to his wife.

Suddenly Prince Hippolyte stood up and, stopping everyone with hand signs and asking them to sit down, spoke:
- Ah! aujourd"hui on m"a raconte une anecdote moscovite, charmante: il faut que je vous en regale. Vous m"excusez, vicomte, il faut que je raconte en russe. Autrement on ne sentira pas le sel de l"histoire. [Today I was told a charming Moscow joke; you need to teach them. Sorry, Viscount, I will tell it in Russian, otherwise the whole point of the joke will be lost.]
And Prince Hippolyte began to speak Russian with the accent that the French speak when they have been in Russia for a year. Everyone paused: Prince Hippolyte so animatedly and urgently demanded attention to his story.
– There is one lady in Moscow, une dame. And she's very stingy. She needed to have two valets de pied [footmen] for the carriage. And very tall. It was to her liking. And she had une femme de chambre [maid], still very tall. She said…
Here Prince Hippolyte began to think, apparently having difficulty thinking straight.
“She said... yes, she said: “girl (a la femme de chambre), put on the livree [livery] and come with me, behind the carriage, faire des visites.” [make visits.]
Here Prince Hippolyte snorted and laughed much earlier than his listeners, which made an unfavorable impression for the narrator. However, many, including the elderly lady and Anna Pavlovna, smiled.
- She went. Suddenly there was a strong wind. The girl lost her hat and her long hair was combed...
Here he could no longer hold on and began to laugh abruptly and through this laughter he said:
- And the whole world knew...
That's the end of the joke. Although it was not clear why he was telling it and why it had to be told in Russian, Anna Pavlovna and others appreciated the social courtesy of Prince Hippolyte, who so pleasantly ended Monsieur Pierre’s unpleasant and ungracious prank. The conversation after the anecdote disintegrated into small, insignificant talk about the future and the past ball, performance, about when and where they would see each other.

Having thanked Anna Pavlovna for her charmante soiree [charming evening], the guests began to leave.
Pierre was clumsy. Fat, taller than usual, broad, with huge red hands, he, as they say, did not know how to enter a salon and even less knew how to leave it, that is, to say something especially pleasant before leaving. Besides, he was distracted. Getting up, instead of his hat, he grabbed a three-cornered hat with a general's plume and held it, tugging at the plume, until the general asked to return it. But all his absent-mindedness and inability to enter the salon and speak in it were redeemed by an expression of good nature, simplicity and modesty. Anna Pavlovna turned to him and, with Christian meekness expressing forgiveness for his outburst, nodded to him and said:
“I hope to see you again, but I also hope that you will change your opinions, my dear Monsieur Pierre,” she said.
When she told him this, he did not answer anything, he just leaned over and showed everyone his smile again, which said nothing, except this: “Opinions are opinions, and you see what a kind and nice fellow I am.” Everyone, including Anna Pavlovna, involuntarily felt it.
Prince Andrey went out into the hall and, putting his shoulders to the footman who was throwing his cloak on him, listened indifferently to the chatter of his wife with Prince Hippolyte, who also came out into the hall. Prince Hippolyte stood next to the pretty pregnant princess and stubbornly looked straight at her through his lorgnette.
“Go, Annette, you’ll catch a cold,” said the little princess, saying goodbye to Anna Pavlovna. “C"est arrete, [It’s decided],” she added quietly.
Anna Pavlovna had already managed to talk with Lisa about the matchmaking that she had started between Anatole and the little princess’s sister-in-law.
“I hope for you, dear friend,” said Anna Pavlovna, also quietly, “you will write to her and tell me, comment le pere envisagera la chose.” Au revoir, [How the father will look at the matter. Goodbye] - and she left the hall.
Prince Hippolyte approached the little princess and, tilting his face close to her, began to tell her something in a half-whisper.
Two footmen, one the princess, the other his, waiting for them to finish speaking, stood with a shawl and a riding coat and listened to their incomprehensible French conversation with such faces as if they understood what was being said, but did not want to show it. The princess, as always, spoke smiling and listened laughing.

famous terrorist of Jewish origin, one of the founders of the “combat organization” of the Socialist Revolutionary Party


Born into a Jewish family in Tavrovo, Kovno province. In 1873, the Gershuni family moved to Shavli (Siauliai).

Without graduating from high school due to lack of funds, he passed the exams to become a pharmacy student and in 1895 entered pharmaceutical courses at Kyiv University. In 1896, he was first arrested for connections with members of the student movement, but was quickly released. Having received the profession of a pharmacist, Gershuni works in Moscow at the Institute of Experimental Medicine.

In 1898 he moved to Minsk, where he set up a laboratory for bacteriological research. In his free time, he takes an active part in organizing cultural and educational work: he organized an elementary school for boys and lectures at a Saturday school for adults. At the Minsk Society of Doctors, Gershuni organizes folk readings and creates a mobile museum of school textbooks.

Increasingly carried away by revolutionary ideas, after some time he set up a workshop of machines for underground printing houses, and created an office for the production of illegal passports. Together with E.K. Breshko-Breshkovskaya, Gershuni organized the transportation of illegal literature from abroad. In 1899, Gershuni joined the “Workers' Party for the Political Liberation of Russia” circle and soon headed it. At this time, Gershuni was greatly influenced by the outstanding revolutionary E. Breshko-Breshkovskaya, under whose influence he decided to devote himself entirely to the cause of the revolution.

In March 1900, an illegal printing house created by Gershuni was discovered, and on June 19, 1900, he was arrested. During interrogations by the head of the Moscow security department, S.V. Zubatov, Gershuni in every possible way denied his connection with revolutionary organizations, which was a violation of the unwritten code of revolutionary honor. In July 1900 he was released from investigation.

At the beginning of 1901 he went illegal. In the summer of the same year, Gershuni traveled around Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Ufa, Voronezh and other cities, establishing connections with socialist-revolutionary circles and intensifying their activities. At the end of 1901, he went abroad as a representative of the southern and western groups of socialist revolutionaries, united in the Southern Party of Socialist Revolutionaries. In Geneva, Gershuni participated in negotiations on the creation of the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs) together with

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Grigory Gershuni

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Birth name:

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Type of activity:

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Date of birth:

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Date of death:

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Awards and prizes:

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Grigory Andreevich Gershuni (Gersh-Isaac Gershuni; , Kovno, Russian Empire - March 17, Zurich, Switzerland) - Russian terrorist, one of the founders of the “combat organization” of the Socialist Revolutionary Party.


Without graduating from the gymnasium due to lack of funds, he passed the exams to become a pharmacy student and in 1895 entered pharmaceutical courses at the University of Kyiv. In 1896, he was first arrested for connections with members of the student movement, but was quickly released. Having received the profession of a pharmacist, Gershuni works in Moscow at the Institute of Experimental Medicine.

Gershuni was the first to outline a diagram of the party’s combat organization and outline its goals, believing that

“The militant organization not only commits an act of self-defense, but also acts offensively, bringing fear and disorganization into the ruling spheres.”

The first terrorist act was committed on April 2, 1902, in St. Petersburg, when S. Balmashev killed Minister of Internal Affairs D. S. Sipyagin with two shots from a revolver. On April 5, 1902, during the funeral of Sipyagin, Gershuni planned to organize terrorist attacks against the Chief Prosecutor of the Synod, K. P. Pobedonostsev, and the St. Petersburg Governor-General N. V. Kleigels. But due to the indecision of the participants in the attempt, the terrorist acts were not carried out.

On July 29, 1902, the worker Foma Kachura shot in the Kharkov Tivoli Park at the Kharkov governor, Prince I.M. Obolensky, who took part in the suppression of the peasant unrest of 1902 in the Kharkov province. Gershuni accompanied Kachura to the site of the terrorist attack; I. Obolensky was slightly wounded.

Chernov wrote this about Gershuni’s views on revolutionary terror:

“...Gershuny demanded from the revolution the same thing that humane people demand from commanders. Avoid unnecessary casualties, spare the vanquished, respect the interests and lives of neutrals. He was enthusiastic about the action of I. Kalyaev, who, coming out with a bomb against the leaders. Prince Sergei, retreated when he saw him next to him. the prince his wife and children."

On May 6, 1903, members of the militant organization, railway worker E. Dulebov and an unknown person, shot and killed Ufa Governor N. M. Bogdanovich, who was responsible for the shooting of the workers’ demonstration, in the Cathedral Park of the city of Ufa.

Gershuni's popularity increased enormously after these terrorist attacks. V. Chernov wrote about the activities of the military organization: “The actual center of the military organization, its dictator was Gershuni.” Minister of Internal Affairs V.K. Pleve told S. Zubatov that Gershuni’s photograph would remain on his desk until Gershuni was arrested. S. Zubatov highly appreciated Gershuni’s revolutionary-terrorist abilities and called him “an artist in the cause of terror.”

On May 13, Mr. Gershuni was arrested in Kyiv. The military district court in St. Petersburg sentenced Gershuni to death in February 1904, it was replaced by life imprisonment, which he served initially in the Shlisselburg prison for “exiled political criminals”, and after the abolition of the prison on January 8 in the Akatuy convict prison prison in Eastern Siberia.

In 1906, the Social Revolutionaries organized Gershuni's escape from prison. It was taken out in a barrel with cabbage. Along the entire route, points were set up where horses were changed for him. From Vladivostok on a Japanese ship he arrived in Japan, and from there to the USA, where he spoke at mass rallies of supporters of the Russian revolution and raised one hundred and eighty thousand dollars for the party. In February 1907, Gershuni participated in the 2nd Congress of the Socialist Revolutionary Party in Finland and was elected to the Central Committee, where, together with E. Azef, he was to lead all terrorist activities of the party.

At the end of the year, having become seriously ill (pulmonary sarcoma), he went to a Swiss sanatorium for treatment, where he died. Already seriously ill, having learned that E. Azef, who became the head of the Combat Organization after the arrest of Gershuni, was accused of provocateur, he wanted to go to Russia to commit the murder of Nicholas II together with Azef, in order to rehabilitate his successor by this act. He was buried at the Montparnasse cemetery in Paris next to the grave of P. L. Lavrov, whom he considered his teacher.

Write a review of the article "Gershuny, Grigory Andreevich"



  • Shikman A.P. Figures of Russian history. Biographical reference book. - M., 1997.
  • Kara and other prisons of the Nerchinsk penal servitude. - M., 1927.
  • Gorodnitsky R. A. Combat organization of the Socialist Revolutionary Party in 1901-1911. - M., 1998.


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An excerpt characterizing Gershuni, Grigory Andreevich

I don’t remember how I found myself in the center of this circle. I only remember how suddenly brightly glowing green rays came from all these figures and connected right on me, in the area where my heart should have been. My whole body began to quietly “sound”... (I don’t know how it would be possible to more accurately define my state at that time, because it was precisely the sensation of sound inside). The sound became stronger and stronger, my body became weightless and I hung above the ground just like these six figures. The green light became unbearably bright, completely filling my entire body. There was a feeling of incredible lightness, as if I was about to take off. Suddenly a dazzling rainbow flashed in my head, as if a door had opened and I saw some completely unfamiliar world. The feeling was very strange - as if I had known this world for a very long time and at the same time, I had never known it.
As my husband later explained to me, at that moment I saw the Sacred Daaria, the distant and amazing ancestral home of our ancestors. But then I was just a little girl and saw only a crystal city of extraordinary beauty, similar to one of the amazing cities of my fairy tales... Then these visions suddenly disappeared and others appeared, completely incomprehensible. A powerful sparkling stream of some unfamiliar signs floated before my eyes, similar to strange and very beautiful letters... (which I learned much later, reading the ancient Slavic Vedas). I saw a huge crystal staircase, so high that it seemed as if it was going to nowhere. And one of the six showed that I should follow it upward.
It was extraordinary - I didn’t feel my body at all, it was completely weightless! At the very top, six more tall luminous figures were waiting, on the head of one of which a crown sparkled of amazing beauty. It shone and shimmered with millions of colors (which I had never seen on Earth!) and changed shape all the time. Then, of course, I found out that these were just energy structures of a very high essence (which most often resemble a crown), but then it was truly absolutely extraordinary and painfully beautiful...
I again somehow found myself in a circle, only now there were already twelve luminous figures around me. Again an amazing sound was heard. And I saw myself in a strange crystal egg, which seemed to be assembled from many diamond crystals. The figures disappeared somewhere, and only I was left. Suddenly, each of these crystals began to glow brightly and I felt completely “holey.” It was as if millions of holes suddenly opened in my body, through which some strange warm music poured into me from each crystal. It felt so amazingly good that I wanted to cry... I didn’t remember anything else.
I woke up in the morning in my room, perfectly remembering every detail of what happened the previous night and absolutely knowing that it was not a dream or my imagination, but that it was real and real - as it has always been with me. But even if I really wanted to doubt it, subsequent events would have completely erased my most skeptical childhood thoughts, even if I had any.

My strange “walks” were now repeated every night. I no longer went to bed, but was looking forward to when, finally, everyone in the house would fall asleep and everything around would plunge into the deep silence of the night, so that I could (without fear of being “caught”) once again completely immerse myself in that extraordinary and mysterious , a “different” world that I’m almost used to being in. I was waiting for my new “friends” to appear and for the amazing miracle to be given anew each time. And although I never knew which of them would come, I always knew that they would certainly come... And whichever one of them came, he would again give me another fabulous moment, which I would treasure in my memory for a very long time , like in a closed magic chest, the keys to which only I had...
But one day no one showed up. It was a very dark moonless night. I stood with my forehead pressed against the cold window glass and kept looking at the garden covered with a shimmering snow shroud, trying until my eyes hurt to look for something moving and familiar, feeling deeply lonely and even a little “treacherously” abandoned... It was very sad and bitter , and I wanted to cry. I knew that I was losing something incredibly important and dear to me. And no matter how hard I tried to prove to myself that everything was fine and that they were just “late”, deep down I was very afraid that maybe they would never come again... It was insulting and painful and I just didn’t want to believe it . My childish heart did not want to put up with such a “terrible” loss and did not want to admit that this would still have to happen someday, but I still didn’t know when. And I wildly wanted to push back this unfortunate moment as far as possible!
Suddenly, something outside the window really began to change and flicker in a familiar way! At first I thought that one of my “friends” was finally appearing, but instead of the familiar luminous entities, I saw a strange “crystal” tunnel that began right at my window and went somewhere into the distance. Naturally, my first instinct was to rush there without thinking for a long time... But then it suddenly seemed a little strange that I did not feel that usual warmth and tranquility that accompanied every appearance of my “star” friends.
As soon as I thought about this, the “crystal” tunnel began to change and darken before my eyes, turning into a strange, very dark “pipe” with long moving tentacles inside. And a painful, unpleasant pressure squeezed my head, very quickly developing into a wild exploding pain, threatening to crush all my brains. Then for the first time I truly felt how severe and severe a headache could be (which later, only for completely different reasons, would poison my life for nineteen years). I felt truly scared. There was no one who could help me. The whole house was already asleep. But even if I hadn’t slept, I still wouldn’t have been able to explain to anyone what happened here...
Then, almost in a real panic, I remembered the creature with an amazingly beautiful crown and mentally called him for help. It would seem stupid?.. But the headache instantly went away, giving way to wild delight, as I suddenly saw again the already familiar sparkling city and my marvelous, extraordinary friends. For some reason, they all smiled very warmly, as if with approval, emitting a surprisingly bright green light around their sparkling bodies. As it turned out later, I, completely unaware of it, passed the first test in my life that evening, of which, however, there would be many, many later... But that was then, and it was only the beginning...
I was just a child, and then I could not yet suspect that in those “other” incredibly beautiful and “pure” worlds, there could also be bad, or, as we call them, “black” entities. Which, like a fish on a hook, catch these “green”, newly hatched chicks (like I was at that time) and happily devour their raging vitality or simply connect them to some kind of “black” system forever. And, unfortunately, there are few such “chicks” who could ever be freed if they did not know how and did not have the necessary potential for this.
Therefore, I could not even imagine how lucky I was then, that at the right moment I was somehow able to see something completely different from what someone very persistently tried to convince me... (I think that without realizing it myself, I was able to scan the situation that had already arisen). And if it weren’t for my amazing “crowned” friend, whom I, wildly frightened, called very timely, no one knows in which of the distant “black” worlds my essence would live now, if it were still alive at all ... That's why there was so much joyful warmth and light in the hearts of my “star” friends. And I think that this, unfortunately, was also one of the main reasons for our farewell. They thought I was ready to think for myself. Although I didn’t think so at all...

Two female entities came up to me and seemed to hug me from both sides, although I physically did not feel it at all. We found ourselves inside an unusual structure that resembled a huge pyramid, all the walls of which were completely covered with strange, unfamiliar writing. Although, after taking a closer look, I realized that I had already seen the same letters on the very first day of our meeting. We were standing in the center of the pyramid, when suddenly I felt a strange “electric current” emanating from both female entities directly into me. The feeling was so strong that I was swaying from side to side and it seemed like something was starting to grow inside...
Then a male entity with a sparkling crown stretched out its hands in my direction and... the world changed... A blindingly bright crystal tornado swirled around me, which completely “isolated” me from my friends there. When the tornado broke up, there was a strange black bare Earth around me... I was in an unclear place and, again, I was completely alone. But for some reason it wasn’t scary. I felt that they were trying to show me something and that I should definitely try to see it. Suddenly a very eerie feeling of absolute emptiness appeared. There was nothing - no light, no sounds, no support underfoot. I was hanging “nowhere”...


Grigory Andreevich Gershuni (Gersh Isaac Tsukovich; 1870, Kovno, Russian Empire - March 17, 1908, Zurich, Switzerland) - a famous terrorist of Jewish origin, one of the founders of the “combat organization” of the Socialist Revolutionary Party.

1. Biography

Without graduating from high school due to lack of funds, he passed the exams to become a pharmacy student and in 1895 entered pharmaceutical courses at Kyiv University. In 1896, he was first arrested for connections with members of the student movement, but was quickly released. Having received the profession of a pharmacist, Gershuni works in Moscow at the Institute of Experimental Medicine. In 1898 he moved to Minsk, where he set up a laboratory for bacteriological research. In his free time, he takes an active part in organizing cultural and educational work: he organized an elementary school for boys and lectures at a Saturday school for adults. At the Minsk Society of Doctors, Gershuni organizes folk readings and creates a mobile museum of school textbooks. Increasingly carried away by revolutionary ideas, after some time he set up a workshop of machines for underground printing houses, and created an office for the production of illegal passports. Together with E.K. Breshko-Breshkovskaya, Gershuni organized the transportation of illegal literature from abroad. In 1899, Gershuni joined the “Workers' Party for the Political Liberation of Russia” circle and soon headed it. At this time, Gershuni was greatly influenced by the outstanding revolutionary E. Breshko-Breshkovskaya, under whose influence he decided to devote himself entirely to the cause of the revolution. In March 1900, an illegal printing house created by Gershuni was discovered, and on June 19, 1900, he was arrested.

During interrogations by the head of the Moscow security department, S.V. Zubatov, Gershuni in every possible way denied his connection with revolutionary organizations, which was a violation of the unwritten code of revolutionary honor. In July 1900 he was released from investigation. At the beginning of 1901 he went illegal. In the summer of the same year, Gershuni traveled around Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Ufa, Voronezh and other cities, establishing connections with socialist-revolutionary circles and intensifying their activities. At the end of 1901, he went abroad as a representative of the southern and western groups of socialist revolutionaries, united in the Southern Party of Socialist Revolutionaries. In Geneva, Gershuni participated in negotiations on the creation of the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs) together with E. F. Azef, M. R. Gots, V. M. Chernov. Gershuni was the first to outline a diagram of the party’s combat organization and outline its goals, believing that

“The militant organization not only commits an act of self-defense, but also acts offensively, bringing fear and disorganization into the ruling spheres.”

The first terrorist act was committed on April 2, 1902, when S. Balmashev killed Minister of Internal Affairs D. S. Sipyagin with two shots from a revolver in St. Petersburg. On April 5, 1902, during the funeral of Sipyagin, Gershuni planned to organize terrorist attacks against the Chief Prosecutor of the Synod, K. P. Pobedonostsev, and the St. Petersburg Governor-General N. V. Kleigels. But due to the indecision of the participants in the attempt, the terrorist acts were not carried out.

On July 29, 1902, worker Foma Kachura shot in the Kharkov Tivoli Park at the Kharkov governor, Prince I.M. Obolensky, who took part in the suppression of the peasant unrest of 1902 in the Kharkov province. Gershuni accompanied Kachura to the site of the terrorist attack. I. Obolensky was slightly wounded.

On May 6, members of the militant organization, railway worker E. Dulebov and an unknown person, shot and killed the Ufa governor N.M. Bogdanovich, who was responsible for the shooting of the workers’ demonstration, in the Cathedral Park of the city of Ufa.

Gershuni's popularity increased enormously after these terrorist attacks. V. Chernov wrote about the activities of the military organization: “The actual center of the military organization, its dictator, was Gershuni.” Minister of Internal Affairs V.K. Pleve told S. Zubatov that Gershuni’s photograph would remain on his desk until Gershuni was arrested. S. Zubatov highly appreciated Gershuni’s revolutionary-terrorist abilities and called him “an artist in the cause of terror.” On May 13, 1903, Gershuni was arrested in Kyiv. The military district court in St. Petersburg sentenced Gershuni to death in February 1904, it was replaced by life imprisonment, which he served initially in the Shlisselburg prison for “exiled political criminals”, and after the abolition of the prison on January 8, 1906 in Akatuyskaya convict prison in Eastern Siberia. In 1906, the Social Revolutionaries organized Gershuni's escape from prison. It was taken out in a barrel with cabbage. Along the entire route, points were set up where the Gershunis changed horses. From Vladivostok on a Japanese ship he arrived in Japan, and from there to the USA, where he spoke at mass rallies of supporters of the Russian revolution and raised one hundred and eighty thousand dollars for the party. In February 1907, Gershuni participated in the 2nd Congress of the Socialist Revolutionary Party in Finland and was elected to the Central Committee, where, together with E. Azef, he was to lead all terrorist activities of the party. At the end of 1907, having become seriously ill (pulmonary sarcoma), he went to a Swiss sanatorium for treatment. Already seriously ill, having learned that E. Azef, who became the head of the Combat Organization after the arrest of Gershuni, was accused of provocateur, he wanted to go to Russia to commit the murder of Nicholas II together with Azef, in order to rehabilitate his successor by this act. Died of sarcoma. He was buried in the Montparnasse cemetery next to the grave of P. L. Lavrov, whom he considered his teacher.


    Gershuni's lawyer was M. L. Mandelstam

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