Elephant figurines in the house meaning. Elephant - a symbol of what in different cultures, meaning and interesting facts

Like many other representatives of the animal world, the elephant, in ancient times, was awarded by our ancestors with a special magical power. Due to his unusual strength and rather interesting character traits, from the very first times he began to symbolize certain forces influencing human life. What was the symbol of the elephant in the ancient world? And why was this animal given such mystical definitions? How can you use the elephant talisman in everyday life? Read about all this in our article!

The elephant as a symbol is found most often in three ancient cultures, Chinese, African and Indian.

In which cultures did the elephant become a symbol and why?

Semiotics, the science of symbols, says that almost everything in our world, from a simple pebble created by nature to a combination of runes created by man, is in its own way a symbol of something, personifying a certain flow of energy or a certain force of nature. Thus, it was animals that most often became the embodiment of special human qualities, mostly positive, but sometimes negative.

Most often, the elephant as a symbol is found in only three ancient cultures, Chinese, African and Indian. Each of them endowed this animal with its own characteristics and attributed to it its own abilities to interact with the energy world. The elephant became the personification of natural power, precisely the kind of power that could cause harm and provide protection.

Some sources also say that this animal as a symbol was present in Ancient Greece, and in the Roman Empire, and even in Ancient Europe. To provide detailed information about this symbol and suggest how to use it correctly, it is worth considering each of these cultures separately. The elephant talisman is one of the most ancient symbols in the history of mankind; it was worshiped, deified, and only good manifestations of human qualities were associated with it.

Elephant symbolism in relation to countries and cultures

The science of studying symbolism and signs claims that each culture created its own amulets, talismans and symbols based strictly on its living conditions and certain qualities inherent only to its way of life. It is in this regard that the elephant has different features in the teachings of different ancient cultures.

Each culture created its own amulets, talismans and symbols

What does an elephant symbolize in Chinese culture?

Ancient China gave the world an inherently unique teaching - Feng Shui. In this country, almost all spheres of life, each in its own way, are connected with this teaching. Feng Shui talks a lot about the animal world and its role in the Universe. IN Ancient China The elephant symbolized a positive attitude towards life and the desire for development. This is what was attributed to him:

  • insight;
  • good luck in business;
  • ability to conduct business;
  • understanding;
  • desire for stability;
  • conflict resolution;
  • prosperity;
  • Love;
  • ability to communicate with people.

It is worth mentioning separately that the teachings of Feng Shui speak not only about the symbol of this animal, but also about how many elephants there should be to achieve certain goals.

  1. 1 figurine - symbolizes the desire to merge with nature, makes it possible to more clearly and deeply feel the influence of natural forces and helps to achieve balance in relation to the spiritual, energetic world. Feng Shui advises using a white or gold figurine.
  2. 3 figures - a symbol of the main Heavenly (universal) Attribute of Life. Three elephants symbolize man's strong connection with Heaven and Earth. Having three figures will help you achieve balance, bring peace to your life, and promote a close connection with the forces of nature. Feng Shui advises using a set of elephants of the same color. The meaning of this mystical trio comes down to the energy circulation between man and the world. If you install such figures in the living room, the energy flows will be filtered from negativity. The meaning of this symbol, in the form of images in paintings, also protects the home from negativity.
  3. 7 figures - Feng Shui says that the symbol of seven elephants means a full circulation, a Complete Heavenly Cycle. The full lunar phase lasts exactly 7 days. It is the symbol of seven elephants that is identified in China with the sign of usefulness. Feng Shui in this case advises to give preference to figurines white. If such decoration is in the marital bedroom, this means that there is complete harmony in the family, and there are no unexpressed emotions.

Almost all figurines of this animal that are related specifically to Feng Shui are made with a raised trunk. In ancient times, the elephant as a symbol was identified with the strength of the spirit. It was the sound of his voice, which he makes with his trunk, that was the victory cry. An elephant with its trunk raised was a sign of a winner and a symbol of strength. In ancient frescoes and paintings he was also depicted with his trunk raised up. This means victory over evil, in its original form.

Feng Shui says that the symbol of seven elephants means a complete circulation

What does an elephant symbolize in African culture?

The history of African culture is strongly connected with special ways of life, tribes, leaders, and cruel rulers. It was here that the strongest and most brutal religion of Voodoo was born. The inhabitants of these territories suffered a lot from the invasions, for a long time were in slavery, the colonization of Africa will forever remain in the memory of mankind as the most brutal war for the territory. But at the same time, Ancient Africa brought a lot of magical skills, witchcraft rituals and amazing symbolism to our world. Like other cultures, African culture paid a lot of attention to the animal world. So here the Gray Elephant and the White Elephant are awarded with many mystical features and capabilities. In Africa, this animal means only positive things, and is associated with:

  • good power;
  • strong character;
  • dignity;
  • high mental abilities;
  • particularly developed intellect;
  • logic;
  • intuition;
  • patience;
  • loyalty to one's principles;
  • peacefulness;
  • longevity;
  • prosperity.

It is worth noting that in different parts of Africa the figure of an elephant was used as symbolism in different ways. Thus, an elephant, standing on its hind legs and raising its front legs, personified its readiness for a life-or-death battle. Some sources say that such a symbol often decorated the banners under which warriors went to battle. The second type of symbol is a White elephant with its trunk raised up. This sign symbolized victory and rejoicing. Many ancient paintings and frescoes show us that elephants were directly involved in battles, acting as heavy artillery. Even taking into account the fact that people actually drove these large animals ahead of themselves to certain death, at the end of the battle, the remains of the animals were the first to be removed from the battlefield, and only then the fallen warriors.

What does the elephant symbolize in the culture of ancient India?

The most interesting symbolism of the elephant is present in culture Ancient India. Let's start with the fact that this is where the elephant in the house is a symbol:

  • extraordinary wisdom;
  • holy war;
  • dignity;
  • the power of a human being;
  • represents inner peace;
  • symbolizes thoughtfulness;
  • is a sign of prudence.

The Indian god of happiness, Ganesha, is represented by a man with the head of an elephant.

In the Indian Pantheon of Gods, which, unlike the Slavic Pantheon, is still preserved almost in its original composition, and is still revered, as in antiquity, this animal had a special place. Thus, the Great God Indra, the father of all gods and the creator of everything on the planet, moves only astride a beautiful snow-white elephant with twisted golden tusks. This animal is called the First among the Four Dignags, the world's elephants, which in India are the guardians of all countries of the world. Please note that humanity, its very existence, directly depends on how supportive and calm the great animals that hold the World on their tusks are! Therefore, it is not surprising that Indians not only revere the elephant, but revere its symbolism. After all, he is the force that prevents the world from collapsing into the Eternal Sea and perishing in the raging waves. If the animals get angry or decide to disperse, the world will simply perish, and there will be no salvation for anyone.

Indian culture and spiritual world, is firmly tied to the symbolism of the elephant. Thus, the God of happiness in India, Ganesha, is a man with the head of an elephant. Despite the fact that this deity is a lower deity in the Pantheon, mythical history says that the epic Mahabharata was written with his tusk. Indians decorate temples, homes and even schools with figurines and images of gray and white elephants. This symbol is intended to give strength of mind and protection from the malice of the gods. Most often he is depicted with his trunk raised up as the personification of victory and great joy. Until now, Indians revere this animal as the incarnation of God. Many sources indicate that in this religion the elephant is a creature in which divine power is infused to roam the earth among people.

What does the elephant symbolize in Ancient Greek culture?

Greco-Roman culture also did not ignore the elephant as symbolism. So here he personifies the sign of Mercury, which in turn is an emblem of wisdom and human dignity. It is worth noting that many sources call the Greco-Roman Empire the most depraved, most cynical and shameless empire ancient world. But at the same time, this is Rome, it is the parent of great thinkers, artists, rhymers and sculptors. Rome gave the world an inherently magnificent historical heritage. There are many images where the White Elephant, bathing in the river, praises the gods, worshiping the firmament.

So in Rome this animal was a symbol:

  • victories;
  • thinking;
  • beauty;
  • fame;
  • longevity;
  • immortality;
  • victory over old age;
  • confrontation with death.

In this culture, the animal is mainly used in the form of small figurines, sculptures, and as an image in paintings. Often such a symbol becomes a decoration of the garden or decorates the entrance to the yard, as if standing guard over the gate.

Elephant figurine made of brass

What did the elephant symbolize in ancient Europe?

In Ancient Europe, references to the elephant as a symbol of something were extremely scarce and unclear. The whole point here is that in those days, such an animal was no longer perceived as part of the living world, but as a mythical, divine creature. An interesting fact: in Ancient Europe, this animal was identified by its characteristics with a white unicorn, and it personified:

  • calm;
  • own greatness;
  • awareness of one's own importance;
  • great wisdom;
  • fortitude;
  • animal power;
  • feeling self-esteem.

He was mainly depicted in paintings of heaven and hell. If this animal was painted on a simple canvas, it was only in mythical impregnation; sometimes it was endowed with the ability to fly, and was even depicted with wings on its back. Later, when Europe was swept by the era of the Crusades, the elephant in different options depicted on the coats of arms of the lords and on military flags. And only with the advent of the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui in Europe, people began to treat elephants as a symbol and not as a mystical creature.

How elephant symbolism is used

Due to its peculiarity, this animal as a symbol cannot be used as a decoration on the neck, that is, it is not used in the form of a pendant. Ideal option use will be an image, painting or figurine. So, in the business sphere, triads of elephants will give insight, intuition, and the ability to quickly accept right decisions. In the house, this symbol will serve as a talisman against human envy, anger and bad intentions. Seven white elephants will bring calm and balance to your home, remove vanity and direct energy into the right direction. A golden elephant with its trunk raised up, sitting on a pile of gold coins will bring wealth and prosperity to its owner. And one big white elephant will give you self-esteem, strengthen your will and help you conquer the world, carrying out your most daring and risky undertakings, if they are aimed at good.

The elephant is a symbol of power, wisdom and strength. Therefore, such a talisman will be useful to anyone who thirsts for knowledge and position in society. Moreover, the elephant will bring stability and happiness to its owner: it is no coincidence that a string of elephants walking on a whatnot was considered in ancient times to be a guarantor of household wealth and well-being.

Elephant made of ivory, will help overly soft and gentle people become a little tougher. Thanks to the talisman, you will learn to repel your opponents and finally win your place in the sun.

Elephant made of gold (or other yellow metal) - mascot of athletes. It helps you concentrate on the result and achieve victory. The golden elephant will push everyone else to the pinnacle of success. True, there is a risk of reaching the goal over corpses: firmness bordering on cruelty is the flip side of acquired leadership.

Elephant made of silver (or other white metal) rewards its owner with wisdom - a quality without which you will not remain on the throne or on the pedestal for long. This elephant especially loves female leaders.

Crystal elephant must be protected like the apple of one’s eye, because such a talisman wards off troubles and adversity from the owner, and protects from the blows of fate. True, for this you need to imbue it with energy - hold the elephant in your palms and say your cherished desire and prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos several times.

White marble elephant will serve nervous natures well, endowing them with endurance and the ability to calmly endure life’s adversities. With its acquisition, no squabbles either at home or at work will knock the ground out from under your feet.

Elephant made of jasper will be useful to narcissistic, arrogant people - those who do not remember goodness. The talisman will refresh their memory and force them to show mercy in return.

Elephant made of malachite- hope and support for everyone who dreams of a change of scenery: wants to open their own business, get an education, get a job new job- but it can’t be solved. The talisman will give you the necessary confidence and optimism.

Elephant made of amber- a talisman of all wives and husbands who are not inclined to trust their spouses. The amber elephant will help you get rid of jealousy.

Pay in order!

One elephant is able to strengthen a person’s self-confidence, increase his magnetism and charm.

Two elephants speed up the meeting with your soulmate.

Three elephants contribute to the birth of a child.

Four elephants guarantee stability and wealth.

Five elephants help you start a new business and break out of the routine of everyday life.

Six elephants give good luck in love.

Seven elephants make wishes come true.

Eight elephants help to withstand the blows of fate.

Nine elephants contribute to the development of intelligence.

Ten elephants change lives for the better.

Eleven elephants endow their owner with health and strength.

“Hobotov, I appreciated it!” (WITH)

Elephant with trunk raised up
considered a symbol wealth. It is also believed that the elephant helps to reduce unnecessary material waste; its stability and stability can influence the extravagance of home owners, moderating their desire to spend money on unnecessary things.
Elephant with trunk down is the patron saint of women, he gives motherhood. Therefore, women who are trying in vain to have a child should pay attention to the figure of an elephant with a lowered trunk. Often such elephants are depicted next to their offspring - one or even several baby elephants.
The elephant can be placed both in the South-East, in the zone of wealth and prosperity, and in the North-West, since the elephant embodies the power and invincible strength of the North-West sector of assistants and patrons.

There is also a “romantic” recommendation - to place a figurine of an elephant on the windowsill, with its trunk towards the glass, so that it can admire the falling stars and take away their beneficial energy for good luck and prosperity of all household members.

Based on materials from the magazine “Oracle” (Best and unpublished)

Elephants have always been revered in China. A similar attitude towards this animal is reflected in the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. If you correctly position a figurine depicting this majestic animal and activate it, you can attract many material and non-material things into your home. material goods. Let's figure out what the elephant symbolizes according to Feng Shui and where it is better to place it.

Symbolic meaning

The elephant is an unusually intelligent animal. His wisdom is confirmed by the fact that he has no enemies in the animal world. The elephant combines enormous strength and a kind heart, and does not show aggression towards people, its own kind, or other animals. Also, as a symbol, the elephant means prosperity and good luck in all endeavors. It brings stability to the house and makes its inhabitants more tolerant of each other.

A correctly placed elephant figurine in the house activates the life energy of Qi. It is responsible for a person’s longevity, his physical and psychological health, and is able to protect household members from negative energy, acting as a barrier.

Elephant figurines create a strong foundation in relationships between household members. It is also believed that people who have a figurine of this animal at home manage their finances more competently. If you just can’t save money for a rainy day, be sure to get a figurine of a powerful animal, which should stand near the place where your savings are stored. An elephant can also make children more diligent and hardworking.

The elephant figurine is a symbol of tolerance and moderation. This value is explained by the unpretentiousness of the animal. In Buddhism, the animal is sacred.

Types of figurines

A popular figurine is an elephant with coins at its feet. This is the so-called money souvenir. Coins themselves are a symbol of wealth in the teachings of Feng Shui. Accordingly, if you add to them the energy that the elephant figurine is endowed with, you will be able to enhance the effect.

There are also figurines with animals, on the back of which there is an image of hieroglyphs, which in themselves have a symbolic meaning in the teachings of Feng Shui. Experts recommend refraining from this purchase. An overabundance of symbols often has a negative impact on energy flows. It is advisable to use all the symbols separately, except for the image of an animal with coins: they work better this way.

When choosing a figurine, you need to pay attention not to what this or that elephant figurine means according to Feng Shui, but to how much you like it. Only a beautiful talisman will work. A thing that the owner does not like will not bring positive energy to the house.

Number of figurines in the house

What the majestic animal figurines symbolize in the house can be said based on their number.

  • If there is only one figurine in the apartment, made of stone or crystal, it can increase the self-esteem of household members, make them believe that they will be able to achieve what they want, even if what they plan seems unlikely.
  • Experts recommend placing 2 figurines in the house for people who have not yet met their soulmate. They will help you find your loved one.
  • Families who want a child to appear in the house should acquire three figurines. In this case, you can place 3 figurines of adult animals, or you can replace them with two figurines, one of which is a mother elephant with a baby elephant, the second figurine should depict the head of the family. Also, according to Feng Shui, 3 elephants represent the unity of earth, man and sky, helping to achieve internal harmony and mutual understanding with others.
  • People who strive for material wealth should find a place for four figurines. 4 more powerful animals will bring stability to the house.
  • For 5 animals that mean success in all endeavors, you should find a place in the office. Also, five figurines can be placed in a workshop or office.
  • For people who have found a soul mate, but for some reason often cannot find it common language, you should acquire six figures. Also, those who are unlucky in life should place 6 figurines in the house. love relationships. They will definitely bring good luck.
  • To keep your house always full, you need to purchase 7 figurines. And also, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, figurines of seven elephants, like a goldfish, fulfill almost all the wishes of household members.
  • For people who are in difficult life situation, you need to purchase 8 figurines depicting this animal. They will help you find a way out of this situation.
  • In the rooms where the learning process takes place, feng shui experts advise placing 9 elephant figurines. They promote intellectual development.
  • If you want changes in life, you need to go buy 10 figures right away.
  • For people who have health problems, experts recommend finding a place for 11 figures: in addition to health, they will bring physical strength to the household.

The figurines themselves, depicting a powerful animal, will not work. They can only help people who make efforts to achieve their goals.

Note that an elephant with a raised trunk is a symbol of material wealth, and an elephant with a lowered trunk symbolizes motherhood. Depending on a person’s energy flows, a figurine of an elephant with its trunk down can provoke despondency and even depression.

Where to place

An elephant in the house symbolizes many things, but for it to work, you need to place the figurines correctly in the house.

  • The symbol of an elephant with its trunk raised means material wealth and also attracts good luck into the room. It is best placed on the windowsill. The trunk, raised up, should face the street.
  • Feng Shui experts recommend placing a figurine of an elephant made of white porcelain or bone in the corridor. It protects the room from evil forces trying to get inside. To protect the house from uninvited guests, two elephants are placed to different parties corridor, placing them with their muzzles facing front door.
  • A figurine of 3 elephants in the house helps to achieve mutual understanding between household members. They are installed in the hall where the family most often gathers. You can also place seven elephants in the hall, helping to achieve the same goal as 3 figures.
  • To fill a room that has sharp corners positive energy, it is worth placing an elephant figurine in front of each corner.
  • If you have health problems, you should place the elephant figurine in the house in the east, and by installing the figurine in the northwestern part, you will be able to attract a patron to the house or improve social status head of the family.
  • The elephant is a symbol of efficiency. In order for children to study harder and develop intellectually, a figurine of this powerful animal is placed on their table. Not worth purchasing porcelain or figurines painted in different colors that will distract the child from classes.
  • To attract happiness in love relationships, figurines are placed in the bedroom. It is best to find a place for them on the bedside tables.
  • By placing elephant figurines in your office or study, you will succeed in business. They will also help you achieve career growth.

How to activate figures

According to Feng Shui, elephant figurines can attract many benefits to the house, but you need to know not only where to place the talismans, but also how to make them work.

Elephant as a symbol of longevity and prosperity

Feng Shui talisman - elephant: purpose and activation of the talisman

If you opted for an elephant pendant, which symbolizes the same thing as the figurine, you need to hang the talisman on a chain made of precious metals. If we are talking about brooches, it is advisable to pay attention to jewelry that is decorated with semi-precious or precious stones. Use only one item in your look: a brooch or a chain with a pendant.

If there are paintings at home that depict a majestic animal, Feng Shui experts recommend decorating them with rosary beads made of juniper or sandalwood. A good alternative is amber beads.


What the elephant means as a symbol affects how to make it work. You should not place figurines throughout the apartment, trying to immediately attract wealth, health, love and material wealth: the energy will dissipate without giving the desired result. It is worth focusing on one thing - it is better to choose the most important aspect. An overabundance of any figurines in the interior spoils general view apartments.

Since the elephant figurine is a powerful symbol according to Feng Shui, it can be given to loved ones.

Some animals act as symbols of entire countries, and this majestic animal also received such an honor.

Which country's symbol is the elephant?

  • Thailand,
  • China,
  • India.

Each nationality attributes different characteristics to these animals, but they all equally revere this animal.

The ancients saw the elephant as a majestic and wise animal. It symbolizes harmony, unhurriedness, slow and steady progress through life, peace and tranquility. According to Feng Shui, such a figurine has the power to drive quarrels and conflicts out of the house, as well as attract prosperity. It also wouldn’t hurt to acquire an elephant figurine for those who want to build or strengthen a family, dream of healthy offspring, or are looking for a reliable protector.

How is an elephant interpreted in Feng Shui?

According to ancient teachings, an animal is considered the best mascot for home and office. Even in ancient times, his image was on banknotes and coins, coats of arms, and family symbols. The elephant attracts positive Qi energy, which creates and maintains a favorable atmosphere in the home. Even a small figurine of an elephant can attract the most valuable things into your personal space:

  • harmony;
  • kindness;
  • good luck;
  • Love;
  • trust;
  • calmness.

The elephant will help single people find personal happiness and meet their other half. Women who want a child or already have children need an elephant as a protector. It protects the delicate connection between mother and child and helps the fair sex find themselves in a new role. Best choice For a home that will soon have or already have small children, there will be a mother elephant with a baby elephant. To enhance the action of the animal, it is necessary to arrange the figures correctly.

Where to place an elephant figurine in your home and work?

By and large, the location of the figurine does not matter; in any case, the process of restructuring in a positive way will begin immediately with the appearance of the animal in the house or office. He will reliably protect the space entrusted to him from negative energy. You can try to appease the animal by attaching small jewelry to its tusks. The best material sandalwood will be suitable for them, but ivory products must be categorically avoided, otherwise there is a high risk of getting the opposite effect - enraging the animal and feeding destructive energy.

Experts recommend finding a place in the interior for elephants. It is also acceptable to place two bishops opposite each other. This combination works great in a work environment. In business, it attracts luck, which is an important factor in development and well-being.

A string of seven elephants is the most powerful talisman. Number 7 is special magical meaning also attributed to numerology. In order for the energy to fill and not leave the house, it is advisable to arrange the animals, as if in a circle, in different parts rooms or even apartments. Their trunks should be facing each other.

  • if the trunk of the talisman faces the southeast, then luck and stability will quickly come to the house;
  • if the trunk is directed to the southwest, then household members will soon experience success in business and improved relationships;
  • You will be able to find a patron or a reliable defender if you turn the elephant with its trunk to the northwest.

Which elephant mascot should you choose?

You can choose a figurine from any material - glass, ceramics, wood, here you can focus on stylistic features own interior. Regarding color, it is better to stick to chocolate shades. It would be good if individual details were drawn in gold. These two colors go well together and symbolize the sun, cheerfulness, harmony and luck. And nothing from the list will be superfluous in any home.

As a rule, the figurine is made with the trunk raised to the sky, which speaks of good luck, a rise in energy and a surge of strength. According to Feng Shui, an elephant will find a place in any home. This animal will pay for comfort, cleanliness and self-respect with a sincere atmosphere in the family, improvement in business endeavors and pleasant changes in his personal life.

In the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, much attention is paid to talismans. According to ancient Asian mythology, figurines of animals and gods attract good luck in business and have a beneficial effect on all areas of life. One of these talismans in Feng Shui is the elephant.

It should be noted that the elephant is revered in many Asian countries. The image of this animal can be found on coins, religious attributes and symbols of power.

What does this represent? big beast? Is it possible to use his image and image in the form of a figurine to obtain the desired benefits?


According to Feng Shui, an elephant-shaped figurine is a powerful talisman that attracts positive Qi energy into the home. The elephant is a symbol of peace, kindness, wisdom, trust and harmony.

The main purpose of this talisman is to protect the home from negative energy and create an atmosphere of peace and stability in the space.

  • A talisman in the shape of an elephant is suitable for those who are not patient and restless enough. He will help with studies and achieving your goals, will protect you from hasty decisions.
  • The elephant will be an excellent talisman for those who need improve your health. In Asian countries, this animal is considered a symbol of health and longevity. It gives a strong body and a strong spirit, and also activates vital energy.
  • Elephant mascot is excellent suitable for athletes. In addition to patience and wisdom, the animal is also very hardy. And this quality is necessary for everyone who plays sports.
  • This amulet is also interpreted as a symbol of peace. He will help find harmony with yourself and the people around you, resolve and eliminate all conflicts and quarrels and become a more balanced person. In Feng Shui there are many variations of the elephant figurine. This talisman can be depicted with its trunk raised either up or down. How are these figures different?

Trunk up

Elephants with trunk raised represent well-being and prosperity. A figurine with such an elephant will help attract money and protect you from theft and thoughtless expenses.

The owner of such a talisman will become more serious in financial matters, will begin to look at the surrounding reality more soberly, and will certainly know how to properly manage your money. The elephant will protect the welfare of its owner.

It is often customary to hang something on an elephant’s trunk in order to enhance its magical power. This is absolutely forbidden to do this, since by doing this you show disrespect for the talisman. In Feng Shui, the trunk of an elephant is a conductor of Qi energy, so nothing should hang or lie on the figurine.

trunk down

Elephants with their trunk down are considered symbols of bad luck. But this is not far from the case. The position of the trunk has no effect negative influence, if you know where to put this talisman.

If an elephant’s trunk raised up represents the road along which positive Qi energy comes into the house, then a trunk lowered down, on the contrary, takes away negative energy in space. This figurine also symbolizes longevity, fertility and abundance.

It is recommended to keep two elephants in the house with different trunk positions. One will attract positive energy, the other will protect from evil and bad thoughts.

What are the types of elephant figurines according to Feng Shui?

In addition to the position of the trunk, elephant figurines in China also differ in color and number. In Feng Shui, there are four more varieties of this talisman, knowing the meaning of which, you can easily find a suitable amulet.

  • White elephant summoned protect your home from negative energy, and strengthens family ties.
  • A figurine of a mother elephant with a baby elephant is considered talisman of motherhood. This amulet will be good for both childless couples and families with children. The figurine will protect children and help strengthen the bond between adults and children.
  • Three elephants mean unity of heaven, earth and man. Such a talisman helps to find luck and harmony in all areas of life.
  • A figurine of seven elephants attracts good luck, health, mutual understanding, money and love to the house.

Where to put

An elephant figurine will actively work to attract all benefits only if it stands in the right place. In order to choose the location of the talisman, it is important to first decide on your goals: do you want money or love, do you want to attract good luck or protect your home from negative energy. Also very important has the direction in which the elephant's trunk is turned.

Statuette standing at the front door, will protect the house from thieves, evil people and negative energy. In this case, the elephant's trunk should be turned towards the door. If the elephant, on the contrary, looks towards the apartment and stands with its tail towards the door, then it will be able to attract good luck and money into the house.

elephant mascot, southeast facing, will become a strong money talisman, a guarantee of stability and prosperity for the whole family. Elephant located in the northwest, will enhance the energy of the owner of the house, the head of the family.

It will also improve the health of all men in the house. If the amulet is in the house of a single woman, then it will be able to attract a strong patron and protector into her life. In the bedroom, in the bedside area, it is best to place two elephants as a symbol of love and fidelity.

If you feel tension in the house and negative energy, then try placing several elephants in the corners of the apartment at night so that the trunk is turned into a corner. In the corners, according to Feng Shui, everything is concentrated negative energy space. And this talisman can cleanse your home of negativity.

On the desktop

This figurine can often be found in offices, since the elephant is perhaps the most common talisman for a successful career and attracting wealth. The energy of calm and confidence that the figure radiates helps both businessmen and ordinary workers.

Standing on the desktop, it helps to take important decisions, thinking and analyzing all the nuances. The elephant protects against hasty and emotional actions and decisions, wrong actions and mistakes. Granting to its owner wisdom and balance, the talisman helps achieve your goals.

If on the desktop the elephant is turned with its trunk towards the face of its owner, then it will influence him directly: give strength, wisdom and knowledge. If the elephant looks at the space around him, then his influence will spread to all the people around him.

In conclusion I would like to note inadmissibility of using some figurines in the form of elephants. You cannot buy or give an ivory figurine. Such an elephant amulet in Feng Shui is considered a symbol of failure and even death. Also, you should not keep a figurine of an elephant in your house, which is decorated with other symbols of good luck according to Feng Shui.

On the shelves of souvenir shops you can often see a figurine of an elephant with a coin in its trunk or with a toad on its back. Such elements, in fact, should enhance the effect of the talisman. But in reality they lead to an imbalance of energy.

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