Profitable business in Bulgaria for Russians. Business in Bulgaria

Bulgaria attracts Russian-speaking entrepreneurs with its common culture and characteristic nuances of doing business. In this sunny country, it is quite easy to obtain a residence permit or simply open a sales office of your own company, which will bring additional income. Today, the Bulgarian government is rapidly developing the economy of its state and is doing its best to promote the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

In terms of their mentality, the population of Bulgaria is closest to Russian businessmen. The country has a very friendly policy towards emigrants and foreign investors. Developing your own business in Bulgaria is not very difficult and profitable. But everyone invariably faces the question - what kind of business to open in Bulgaria? Which activities are the most profitable and successful on the Bulgarian market? Specialists and experienced businessmen highlight several main areas of successful management economic activity in Bulgaria.

Features of the fishing business

The most attractive economic zones in Bulgaria are large shopping and cultural centers. Burgas has many opportunities, where promising industrial enterprises are located. Burgas has a large port, popular recreation areas, and an airport.

In addition to tourism and real estate, the fishing business in Bulgaria is gaining great popularity. It brings good profits, and the country's fish market occupies its own niche. In Bulgaria, sturgeon are being raised and new fishermen are being built. Russian entrepreneurs who have not yet decided what kind of business to open in Bulgaria can easily engage in this type of activity.

IN mountain rivers They grow trout, which is extremely popular in the country. There are several large fisheries that have specially equipped cascades and compartments. If your goal is Bulgaria, the fishing business and making a good profit, then know that this phrase is associated, first of all, with a properly organized fisherman and a minimum of investment. Funds need to be invested only at the beginning of the development of activities. Afterwards all that remains is to feed and raise the fish. Farmed fish is supplied to numerous Bulgarian restaurants and retailers. The most famous fisherman in the country is “Brichi Bor”. The fish farm includes eight cascades.

Another option for the fishing business in this country is the processing of fish freshly caught in the Black Sea. Small traders buy a wide variety of fish from local fishermen - herring, white salmon, ilaria, tsatsu. The fish is salted, steamed, canned and sold in Bulgaria itself and abroad. This is a fairly popular type of business activity.

To start a fishing business in the country, you can open a processing plant or a fish farm for growing fish. The funds invested in the business are returned fairly quickly.

Features of the restaurant business

The restaurant business in Bulgaria in 2014-2015 experienced no better times due to the crisis in the country and the poor solvency of the population. However, today restaurateurs in Varna are noticing a significant increase in their income. In general, the situation for restaurateurs is now quite favorable. The main thing is to find good place for the establishment and have qualified personnel. The entire situation in the restaurant should be controlled by one manager.

IN lately The restaurant business in Bulgaria suffers from a shortage of qualified personnel. It is becoming increasingly difficult for restaurant owners to find excellent cooks, waiters and other workers. Many Bulgarians today go abroad to Europe. However, some Russian entrepreneurs prefer to purchase already ready business in Bulgaria. Restaurants and cafes are no exception.

Features of the hotel business

Recently, Bulgaria has been visited by a huge number of tourists from the most different countries, therefore one of the promising directions is hotel business. A small, cozy family hotel can bring its owners a very decent income. In this type of activity, it is important to correctly and successfully choose the location of the hotel and adequately assess costs and profits.

Today the hotel business is developing very actively. Beginning enthusiasts are quite capable of such activities, thanks to the loyal policy of doing business in Bulgaria. Maintaining hotel complexes in this sunny country is a promising business in Bulgaria. Of course, before opening your own hotel in a popular Bulgarian resort, you need to fully study this sector. By the beginning of the season, each resort area is actively preparing for the influx of tourists. In addition to hotels located on the Black Sea coast, there are a large number of ski resorts in the most picturesque Bulgarian areas.

In Bulgaria you can successfully run and develop almost any business. Agricultural farms, mini-bakeries, catering establishments, hotels, and retail trade will certainly bring the expected profit. The minimum taxation existing in Bulgaria contributes a lot to development.

To properly start your own business activity abroad, you need to seek help from specialists. The well-known company “SAVA Management” has been specializing in opening companies in Bulgaria for many years. Highly qualified specialists will provide detailed advice on all issues related to doing business abroad. They will be able to help open a company or trade mission in Bulgaria, and we will provide full administrative support to Russian entrepreneurs.

If you want to develop your business and offer goods and services abroad, then contact specialists for help by calling +35929656060. At the very short term SAVA Management company will register your company or its branch in Bulgaria. Don't delay own plans for tomorrow – develop your own business further and strive for success by collaborating with professionals.

Evgeniy Malyar

# Business nuances

Features of business in Bulgaria

Development agriculture– a priority direction of the Bulgarian economy. At least this is what government officials constantly say.

Article navigation

  • Advantages of doing business in Bulgaria
  • What business should a Russian citizen start in Bulgaria?
  • Ideas and market niches for small businesses in Bulgaria
  • Business in Bulgaria with minimal investment
  • Should you buy a ready-made business or create it yourself?
  • How to obtain citizenship
  • Documents required to obtain a business visa to Bulgaria in 2019
  • How to open a company in Bulgaria
  • Legal forms of ownership in Bulgaria
  • Procedure and cost of registering a company in Bulgaria
  • Taxes in Bulgaria in 2019

Bulgaria is not the richest country in the European Union, but there are many Russians who want to open their own business there. An article on how to do this.

Advantages of doing business in Bulgaria

The countries of Central and Eastern Europe are in many ways mentally close to Russians. A long stay together in the socialist community, and sometimes centuries-old historical traditions, take their toll. Bulgaria in this sense can serve as one of the most striking examples. The similarity of languages, writing and culture creates comfortable conditions for the Slavs.

At the same time, membership in the EU gives Bulgarian citizens the right to freely move their goods and services within Europe, and, of course, to travel themselves. Access to favorable loans from European banks opens up.

To find your place in the business world of countries such as Germany, France or Italy, you need solid initial capital. In Bulgaria, it will also be difficult without money, but the order of the amounts is different, more modest. There are other important advantages:

  • high economic potential of the tourism and service industry;
  • favorable tax climate;
  • European legal standards;
  • developed infrastructure;
  • relatively low staff salaries;
  • cost of living commensurate with Russian conditions;
  • friendly attitude of the authorities towards investors;
  • favorable geographical and logistical position of the country;
  • choice of options for legalizing residence and economic activity;
  • the presence of a free economic trade zone "Burgas".

Among the disadvantages of the system of state regulation of business, people with experience in Bulgaria include bureaucracy. But where is she not?

What business should a Russian start in Bulgaria?

To the person who didn't find effective way making money in your homeland will not be easier in a foreign land. No matter how close the mentalities of Bulgarians and Russians are, there is a difference between them.

It is not surprising that the most profitable industries are run by local businessmen. Visitors are given directions that citizens of the country, for some reason, cannot or do not want to engage in. Work best unique offers. The second option is to serve the same foreigners as the entrepreneurs themselves.

Ideas and market niches for small businesses in Bulgaria

There are only two main areas of activity for Russian entrepreneurs operating in Bulgaria:

  • positioning for local consumers;
  • serving the Russian-speaking target audience (visiting tourists and migrants).

Both options have advantages and disadvantages.

It is advisable to offer Bulgarian consumers goods and services that are scarce or non-existent on the national market. Entering into open competition with local businessmen “on their field” is not the best idea, and more often than not it is a losing proposition. It is advisable to open enterprises of the following profiles:

  • Catering establishment. This service sector in Bulgaria is well developed. In addition to the very rich national cuisine, there are Turkish and other oriental cafes and restaurants on the market. Good results can be achieved by offering something “original” (you don’t need to go into details): dumplings, chebureks, borscht, fish soup, dumplings and other dishes widely known as Russian. The main thing that needs to be ensured is high quality and affordable prices.
  • Beryozka type store. The assortment consists of handicrafts (“hand-made”), souvenirs and objects of applied art of the peoples inhabiting Russia. The selection of goods should be treated very carefully, experimentally determining the most liquid positions.
  • Mini IT center. Russian specialists in programming and maintenance of electronic computer equipment are rightly considered highly qualified. Demand for services is growing steadily, and not only from large corporations. An ordinary citizen also often needs to repair a laptop, reinstall the system, clean the computer from viruses, etc.
  • Auto repair shop. A small enterprise can be opened by a high-class specialist who knows many types of machines. There are such craftsmen in Russia. Plus – relatively low tariffs for services. Of course, there are one hundred leading brands in Bulgaria, but the prices there are quite European, even for oil changes. Difficult economic realities encourage saving. In addition, some Bulgarians drive Russian and even Soviet cars.
  • There is nothing “edgy” about car washes, coffee shops, sweet shops (a type of small bistro that offers cakes and coffee), popcorn stands and similar small businesses. However, in tourist regions they are almost never superfluous - there is enough space on the market for everyone. Income such retail outlets They bring not gigantic, but stable.

The listed business areas are aimed mainly at Bulgarian citizens or visitors from other EU countries. The list can be continued, and imagination in this case will not be superfluous. But there is another significant sector of the market in which Russians feel at ease. This is work with compatriots in a broad sense: with everyone who arrived in the country from former republics USSR. This business is difficult to classify as large (a story about it ahead). For the most part, it does not require large-scale investments - only skills, activities and initiative.

  • Real estate. Wanting to purchase or rent an apartment, house or business premises, an entrepreneur from the CIS can contact a Bulgarian real estate company. However, in this case, he may have a language problem, and psychologically it is easier to cooperate “with his own people.”
  • Excursion service. The reasons why a Russian-speaking guide is preferable for tourists in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus and other post-Soviet countries are the same, but a price advantage can be added to them, if it can be ensured.
  • Beach service. A foreigner from far abroad does not care which company will provide him with a trestle bed, an umbrella or a table with drinks. Tourists arriving from the CIS will be pleased to receive all this from their compatriots. The same applies to pedal boats, scooters, banana boats, etc.
  • Legal mediation in obtaining a residence permit, citizenship, business residence permit, hiring employees, customs clearance, etc. Legal assistance is needed by many Russians who arrived in Bulgaria for various reasons. An excellent chance for those who know how and love to learn. Local accreditation is required to be officially authorized to provide services.
  • Advertising support and business promotion in Bulgaria. Competent marketing involves individual approach to every client. It is unlikely that it will be possible to do without Bulgarian specialists, but ensuring contact and mutual understanding between agencies and customers is also a matter.
  • Adaptation courses. Migrants, including ethnic Bulgarians who came from the CIS, experience natural discomfort at first, including due to their not always perfect command of the language. Assistance in quickly mastering local customs and laws is also, as a rule, in demand.
  • Design. There is competition, but a talented specialist will have clients.
  • Copyright and journalism. There is a need in Bulgaria for texts addressed to tourists, including in Russian.

Business in Bulgaria with minimal investment

If we are talking about really minimum costs for registration, in Bulgaria they often formally amount to a symbolic amount of two levs. This is the amount of money that the authorized capital of an individual entrepreneur (ET - “sole trader”) is valued at, paying 10% of the monthly profit.

Investment requirements for limited partnership(CD) are not installed at all, that is, in fact they may not exist. Minimum starting capital general partnership– the same 2 levs.

Despite these democratic conditions, their formal nature must be taken into account. Money is needed in any case. The smallest amount it will cost to register a legal entity will be the equivalent of €800 at the exchange rate (the country, despite being a member of the EU, is not part of the eurozone; the national currency here is the lev), not counting the founding capital.

A feature of the Bulgarian economic realities are relatively low purchase prices with high current expenses. Housing and communal services tariffs and other inevitable payments are expensive.

You can start a business in Bulgaria cheaply (no more expensive than in Russia), but if it turns out to be not profitable enough, it will quickly end.

Should you buy a ready-made business or create it yourself?

Prices for an already operating business in Bulgaria may seem very attractive to a Russian. $80 thousand for a cafe in Sofia, a factory for the production of dairy products in the suburbs of the capital for only $3 million, or a small hotel for $700 thousand are real offers. Having made such an acquisition, the entrepreneur receives not only the opportunity for a stable income, but also a residence permit in one of the EU countries with the prospect of citizenship. Two circumstances stop it:

  • firstly, not every entrepreneur has that kind of money;
  • secondly, natural doubt arises about the reasons motivating the sale of a “cash cow” that brings a stable profit.

Therefore, before concluding a transaction to purchase an existing business in Bulgaria, it is necessary to carefully study the financial situation of the enterprise. It is also highly desirable to understand the intricacies of specialized production.

It’s more troublesome, but more reliable, to create your own company.

How to obtain citizenship

A foreigner who resides in the country legally can establish his own company in Bulgaria. To obtain citizenship, an applicant must meet one of the following two criteria:

  • be a Bulgarian by nationality or marry a representative of this ethnic group;
  • be of interest to the country as an outstanding and recognized figure in the sciences, arts or other fields of activity.

In other cases, you cannot count on quickly receiving a Bulgarian passport.

After five years of stay in the country with a residence permit (the residence permit is issued for a year with extension), a foreigner can apply for permanent residence (permanent resident) status. It is provided to persons of the following categories:

  • ethnic Bulgarians;
  • to adoptive parents of Bulgarian orphans;
  • investors for a total amount of $500 thousand;
  • wealthy pensioners.

Ethnic Bulgarians living in other countries prove their nationality. The relevant check is carried out by the immigration service (office in Sofia) after providing the following documents:

  • application (petition, “pray” in Bulgarian) for citizenship;
  • general and foreign passports (plus copies);
  • color photographs (for documents, format 3.5x4.5, 4 pcs.);
  • birth certificate (a copy is certified by the immigration service) of the applicant and his Bulgarian relatives;
  • certificate of no criminal record (in the original);
  • autobiographies;
  • detailed information about family members and immediate relatives;
  • medical certificates (form 286, stating that the applicant does not suffer from AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and is mentally healthy).

So, an ethnic Bulgarian, having gone through a number of authorities, can obtain permanent residence, and subsequently citizenship. Everyone else will have to follow the scheme: residence permit - permanent residence - citizenship (if such a task is set).

Submitting an application for a residence permit is possible after registering an enterprise of any form of ownership, except for an individual entrepreneur (sole trader, ET, in Bulgarian - sole trader).

But to do this, you must first enter the country with a special business visa, issued on the basis of an invitation from business partners. Its conditions imply a short-term stay. The allocated time should be used as efficiently as possible to set up your own business. After this, you should obtain an immigration visa type “D”, which allows you to stay in Bulgaria for a long time.

The next stage is the status of resident, that is, permanent resident. Permanent residence gives almost the same rights as a citizen, with some exceptions (participation in elections, military service, etc.) that do not affect the conduct of business.

Documents required to obtain a business visa to Bulgaria in 2019

To obtain a business visa, a Russian citizen must provide the following package of documents to the consulate of the Republic of Bulgaria:

  • completed application form;
  • questionnaire;
  • international passport (original and copy);
  • a list of the latest Schengen and Bulgarian visas received previously (if any);
  • color photos for documents (3.5 x 4.5, 4 pcs.);
  • confirmation of sufficient finances to live in Bulgaria;
  • health insurance policy worth €30 thousand or more;
  • certificate of good conduct;
  • information about place of residence in Bulgaria;
  • confirmation of business activity in Bulgaria.

In case of difficulty, consular officers provide assistance and assistance. After passing a mandatory interview, a visa is usually issued within a month.

How to open a company in Bulgaria

Registration of a business entity (or change of ownership upon acquisition) by a resident of Bulgaria is a technical task that can be solved by the most in the usual ways. To do this, a regular package of documents is submitted, approximately the same as in Russia.

It is important to decide on other issues: the legal form of ownership and taxation features.

Legal forms of ownership in Bulgaria

There are some differences between Russian and Bulgarian legal forms of entrepreneurship. It manifests itself in greater diversity and unusual names. For convenience, Bulgarian terms are summarized in a table with explanations.

Organizational and legal form of business Description Responsibility Authorized capital (minimum)
ET (sole trader - sole trader) Almost a complete analogue of the Russian individual entrepreneur. The name of the entity must match the surname of the sole founder Full Not required
SL (collectively friendship - full partnership) Formed by at least two founders Full 2 leva
KD (command partnership - limited partnership) Established and managed by the so-called. commander, attracting limited partners (shareholders) No restrictions
AD (joint-stock company - joint-stock company) Non-residents can act as founders Within the property of AD 50 thousand lev
KDA (command partnership with shares - LLC with shares) The founders are one main (commanditieri, also known as manager) and three limited shareholders Full for commanders, limited for limited partners 50 thousand levs (immediately – half)
Ltd. or EOOD (sole partnership with limited disclaimer) The main requirement is the creation of at least ten vacancies for Bulgarian citizens Within the company's ownership 2 leva

The following factors influencing the choice of legal form should be added to this table:

  • A foreigner who has received permanent residence can register as a sole trader. He pays 10% of his profits.
  • Limited forms of partnerships are most often used when registering family businesses of Bulgarian citizens.

AD and EOOD are considered the most preferable for foreigners, since the founders of such enterprises can immediately apply for permanent residence.

Procedure and cost of registering a company in Bulgaria

There are companies in Bulgaria that offer to set up a company on a turnkey basis, and they don’t charge very much. It probably makes sense to use the services of intermediaries, especially if the founder is not fluent in the language and has little knowledge of the intricacies of the local bureaucracy. However, the question arises about what to do next. The best way business acclimatization - do everything yourself.

Regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise being opened, the sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • Generating a unique name. The Trade Register of the Republic of Bulgaria has a complete list of already operating companies, with which you should check your invented name, which (who knows?) could become a brand. It wouldn’t hurt to consult with a Bulgarian friend about euphony.
  • Formation of authorized capital. As is already clear, to register AD and KDA you need to have fifty thousand leva (for reference: 1 lev is approximately equal to 37 rubles at the exchange rate). This, of course, does not mean the ability to open an LLC or EOOD with two levs in your pocket. Formally, this is true, but you still can’t do without a large sum.
  • It is understood that the composition of the founders has already been determined, as well as their share in the business. If there are any ambiguities about this, now is the time to clear them up.
  • Selecting a legal address. This is usually the founder's place of residence.
  • Creating a list of activities. The list of directions of business activity of the future company cannot be endless. The option “everything that is not prohibited by law” does not work in Bulgaria and in the European Union as a whole. Need more specifics.

On this preparatory activities are completed. It's time to prepare a package of documents.

Documents for registration of EOOD and OOD

Only the signature card of the head of the company requires notarization. All other documents are provided in originals and copies in the following composition:

  1. A declaration indicating the applicant's full name, his citizenship, date and place of birth, passport details and his residential address. Drawed up in accordance with the requirements of §4 Article 13, Law on the Commercial Register of Bulgaria.
  2. Declaration that the future founder has not been in bankruptcy in the last two years and has not participated in enterprises involved in dubious transactions with petroleum products (Article 141 §9 of the Trade Law and Article 313 of the Bulgarian Criminal Code).
  3. Declaration that the founder is familiar with Article 142 of the Trade Law, according to which the director makes all decisions with the consent of the Company.
  4. Charter of the EOOD (also known as the constituent act). Printed in two copies. Contains all the main details of the company, personal data of the founder, an order for the appointment of a manager and other provisions on the work of the future enterprise.
  5. Agreement with the appointed manager. It is drawn up as a regular employment agreement.
  6. The decision of the sole owner to establish a company (protocol).
  7. Manager's sample signature card (that's what a director is called in Bulgarian). Notaries have forms of this document with all the necessary columns.

Now that the package of documents is ready, you should open a savings account in a bank and deposit the authorized capital into it. This procedure is simple and costs very little – 10 leva. You must keep the receipt.

The same bank pays the fee of the Trade Register, in which each Bulgarian company is registered (110 leva). With this receipt you need to go to the Register branch (available in almost all major cities) and fill out the A4 form. This is a registration application, on the basis of which an EIK (enterprise identification number) is assigned within about a week and a half.

The process is completed by a certificate of current status, which is issued by the Trade Register after payment of a fee (7 leva). All that remains is to order a seal and open a current account, and you can start working.

The documents required for registering a limited liability company are the same as for opening a limited liability company.

Taxes in Bulgaria in 2019

The country operates the international GAAP reporting system. Foreigners with legal entity status are required to pay the following basic taxes:

Tax Bid, % Explanation
For profit 10 It is calculated on the difference between gross profit and costs. Paid annually, deadline – April 1 (for the previous reporting period)
VAT 20 Export transactions are reimbursed. With a turnover of more than 50 thousand leva, registration as a VAT payer is required. Due monthly, deadline is the 10th.
Payroll 40 Accrued to the salary fund
Income 10 Paid by individuals
For dividends 5 Paid on income from ownership of securities

In addition to taxes, enterprises bear an additional fiscal burden in the form of mandatory deductions and fees:

  • social and pension insurance (PSI) at rates of 16–35.5% of wages. Partially paid by the employee, the rest by the employer;
  • health insurance (HI), at a rate of 8% (3.2% from the employee and 4.8% from the employer).

Outsourcing is widespread in Bulgaria accounting, in which specialized companies take on all the worries. The cost of this service is low (approximately 100 leva per month).

There is a lot of interesting things in Bulgaria for Russians who have or are planning to obtain a residence permit in Bulgaria, move or leave their countries and open a business in Bulgaria in order to live with dignity.

Many have already taken their first steps, they know how to move to Bulgaria and live calmly and with dignity. Minding their own business. They earn serious money in a European country.

One left, another came, the rooster replaced the orangutan. In Bulgaria everything is good, calm, clean and pleasant. It’s wonderful to live in a country where the air is permeated with centuries of history. You don't notice anything bad. A lot has been said about how to obtain a residence permit in Bulgaria. What kind of business in Bulgaria is interesting and profitable is also where you can read. You can open your own store or bakery in Bulgaria. You can organize a family hotel and receive money from the European Union for the project. Where it is profitable to invest small amounts in Bulgaria and get a good income - here you need to analyze and search. There are always options. He who seeks always finds. Sometimes we provide consultations on issues like this.

Life goes on. Work has also begun. Creativity, of course, did not stop. The new book is being formed and supplemented. This will be my first piece of fiction. The rest are all published non-fiction. For those who are interested, I’ll send you links to books that can be ordered on Amazon and Ozone in paper form for money, or downloaded in PDF format, for free, I think it’s already free. There are also options in Russian and Bulgarian, choose which one for you.

Gentlemen and ladies who are planning to come to Bulgaria in January, consult and see the country, and maybe take a ride on the “House Tour”, please inform us in advance so that you can dock in the land of the evergreens.

Interesting things for you in Bulgaria for 2017.

Search for budget houses near the Black Sea. There are enough of them in the villages of Varna. You won’t find them on the Internet, we’ll put them in order and offer those who want to retire to Bulgaria to retire or who want to escape from the bustle of the city to the land and others. We will issue documents for obtaining a residence permit for our clients free of charge. Only government taxes will need to be paid.

In the center of Varna, reconstruction of penthouse-tavans, in the areas of Odessos (Gratska Mahala), Ideal Center. Reconstruction involves converting premises into housing with the preparation of all documents. The first object is three apartments in a historical building on Tsaribrod street 5. two are 55-60 m2 each and one is 120 m2 with an individual elevator, excellent design, which we coordinate with the customer and the building. An excellent investment and the right investment in real estate. High quality, timeless, not cheap, but reasonable. You can now see the place and the housing itself. There are other options - premises on Petar Karavelov and Prince Batenberg streets. I think that within a year we will finish everything and deliver it.

Monthly three-day business seminars for visitors to Bulgaria. They were in Sofia, now they will move to Varna. There is a room for holding events, as well as equipment. The program of the three-day business seminar is interesting, practical and useful. We have what to say about opening a business and startups in Bulgaria. Quite a lot and interesting. With minimal investment in new business.

Travels through sacred and unknown Bulgaria. There is a minivan for 7 people. There are a dozen unique and unknown places and routes, with and without overnight stays. Including old treasures. We will visit scary and terrible places of power in Bulgaria. There are many interesting things in Bulgaria that not only you, but also the Bulgarians themselves sometimes don’t know about. We will visit energetically strong places, not polluted by tourists, with pristine purity.

Organization of treatment of asthma, psoriasis, weight loss, rejuvenation and other troubles of the body. A hot topic nowadays. Courses of treatment and prevention are 21-24 days. There are clinics, we will do transfers, there are smart specialists in clinics in Bulgaria. Asthma and hay fever are treated radically and effectively in Bulgaria. That’s why asthmatics from all over Europe come to Bulgaria for prevention. The cost of treatment and accommodation and food is ridiculous compared to Russian or Ukrainian prices. Write to anyone who has a desire and need. We'll organize everything.

The opening of startups in Bulgaria, hotels, hostels, bakeries, shops, fish, cheese, cape and other mini-productions continues. All over Bulgaria. Not only in Varna now. Investments from 5000 euros per project. You can create these too. The profitability of projects and management depends on marketing, but on average it is 30-50%. You need to count. Projects are individual. Each project is unique and a business plan and feasibility study must be drawn up and developed.

Consultations on:

How to create your own business in Bulgaria
- How to develop a business plan and get a loan
- How to get European financing for a business project
- How to invest a small amount in Bulgaria
- How to get a loan for a Russian in Bulgaria.
- How to check a business when purchasing.
- How to successfully get a job in Bulgaria.

Any questions?
Write. Ask - we will answer
bulruss - our skype

Thanks to the state's investment policy, transparent legislative system and European standard of living, business in Bulgaria is of interest to many citizens of Europe and the CIS. Entrepreneurs with minimal start-up capital dream of opening their own business and making money on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula. However, in order to achieve this goal, you need to have a good knowledge of the Bulgarian banking sector, tax rules and the mentality of the local population.

Basic nuances of doing business in Bulgaria

A simple and understandable tax system, currency stability and profitable geographical location open up wide business opportunities in Bulgaria. With 2,000 euros or more in hand, you can open your own restaurant, consulting company or used car sales company in just a month.

If a foreign citizen has invested more than 250,000 euros in the economy, he is guaranteed to receive a residence permit in this country (Law on Foreign Investments).

Private entrepreneurs are required to pay tax on income from commercial activities. The tax rate is the smallest among all EU countries and is only 10%. Corporate tax is also set at 10% and VAT at 20%. Therefore, it is not surprising that business in Bulgaria with minimal investment is very popular.

To clearly demonstrate how attractive Bulgaria is for doing business, let's analyze the ranking of European countries by income tax level. The ranking is based on data provided by the statistical and fiscal authorities of these countries and Eurostat. We present the maximum, average and minimum values.

CountryMaximum income tax rate (%), 2014
Czech Republic22

It must be said that the potential of Bulgaria is simply enormous! Tourism and tourism are actively developing here. construction business, textile and chemical industry, transport industry. And the most attractive cities for citizens who want to organize successful business in Bulgaria are Burgas and Varna.

Territorial and economic features of doing business in Bulgaria

The Valley of Roses, as Bulgaria is also called, is famous primarily for its resorts. In summer, lovers of warm water and bright sun, and in winter, when the air temperature drops to below zero, the palm is taken over by areas located near the ski slopes. Every year in resort areas In Bulgaria, new restaurants and hotels are opening, new places for a comfortable stay, amusement parks, beauty salons, and offices of travel companies are appearing, aimed at both budget and wealthy tourists. This entrepreneurial activity is explained by the fact that financial services and maintenance of a company in Bulgaria are quite inexpensive.

If we look at the more remote areas of Bulgaria, farms are very popular there. Importing vegetables and fruits grown in ideal climate conditions is quite a profitable business. It is also important that all merchants whose turnover is less than 50,000 leva (about 25,000 euros) during the reporting period (year) are exempt from paying VAT.

How to organize a business in Bulgaria legally

The country's authorities have created fairly favorable conditions for doing business. Particularly impressive is the work of regulatory, judicial and executive authorities, which protect entrepreneurs from unscrupulous competitors by pursuing a national investment policy.

Few of the CIS residents who decide to engage in entrepreneurial activity know exactly what to do in Bulgaria and what kind of business to open. Therefore, most of our fellow citizens are interested in how much money they will need for this and what documents should be prepared. To answer these questions, we need to take a closer look at the legislative norms relating to business organization.

Thus, the legislation of Bulgaria provides for several forms of ownership of enterprises (organizational and legal) allowed for establishment by foreigners:

  • Collective Society (Sbiratelno Druzhestvo – SD). It is created, as a rule, by co-founders who know each other well (from 2 people). Working relationships are regulated by the statutory agreement. The founders bear equal responsibility for obligations. The minimum amount of starting capital is not regulated by law.
  • Joint-stock company (Joint-stock company – AD). The founders of a joint stock company can be both legal and individuals. To establish an AD you need to have at least 50,000 leva (about 25,000 euros). Managed by the meeting of shareholders. Heaviest weight the shareholder with the largest number of shares has. Shares can be freely bought and sold.
  • Limited company (Komanditno druzhestvo – KD). It is created by founders who bear equal liability for obligations, some unlimited, while others are responsible only for the amount of their own contribution. The responsible co-founder is vested with unlimited managerial rights.
  • Limited company with shares (Komanditno druzhstvo with shares - KDA). Formed by signing an agreement between the co-founders. A charter act must be created, which contains a description of the powers, information on the amount of capital, as well as the type and number of shares. The minimum capital for creating a company is 50,000 leva (about 25,000 euros).
  • Society with limited liability(Friendship with limited excuse - OOD/EOOD). The most popular form of activity, since the minimum capital is 2 leva (about 1 euro). Co-founders who are liable for obligations only with the amounts contributed are not required to participate in the management of the company. Minimal changes to constituent documents registered in court.
  • Private entrepreneur (Sole trader – ET). By law, it is established by a foreigner with permanent residence status or a citizen of Bulgaria. The amount of capital does not matter. ET is liable only for personal property. The name of the company must consist of the first and last name of the founder.

The founders of companies can be citizens of Bulgaria or other countries who have gone through the procedure of registering an enterprise in the trade register (by decision of a district court) or who have purchased an existing business.

After registering in the register, you need to register with the statistical office, pension service and tax office. In addition, a bank account must be opened to carry out financial and economic activities.

Bulgarian banking system: a brief overview

According to the Bulgarian People's Bank, there are currently 30 banks operating in Bulgaria, including 24 licensed and 6 branches of foreign banks. 73.3% of assets are controlled by international financial institutions, which indicates a favorable environment for doing business.

Now banking system Bulgaria is slowly recovering from the recession. According to the analytical department of Raiffeisen Bank International, economic growth remains weak, but the outlook is positive.

Bulgarian banks willingly issue loans for up to 30 years and offer a wide range of services to service businesses.

What type of business is most attractive for CIS citizens in Bulgaria

As evidenced by reviews from people from the CIS, in Bulgaria you can “promote” absolutely any idea and create a stable, highly profitable business. The main thing is to show a little imagination, attract qualified consultants, invest money correctly and take into account the needs of potential clients.

The similarity of the Slavic mentality, as well as the absence of a language barrier, greatly simplifies doing business. In Bulgaria, the Cyrillic alphabet is used, so all inscriptions are written in familiar Russian letters. Quite often there are signs in Russian, because the lion's share of local residents and tourists understand Russian.

Market research will help you choose the right business niche. Until the 2000s, citizens of the CIS sought to open their own cafe, beauty salon or family hotel on the Balkan Peninsula, usually focusing on the needs of vacationers. However, over time, companies engaged in real estate, consulting and other types of business have become more popular.

Often, immigrants from the CIS open bakeries, provide logistics services, perform renovation and decoration work on apartments, and develop and maintain websites. Quite often, the owners of shops, car services, dental clinics and kindergartens in Bulgaria are our compatriots.

Now many entrepreneurs are trying to open a company in Bulgaria to buy a car, because this type of business requires virtually no costs, but brings significant benefits. As you know, in Bulgaria you can buy a good used car for several thousand euros (almost three to four times cheaper than in Western Europe). Therefore, the scheme under which a car is bought by a Bulgarian company, and then this vehicle is operated in the territory of another state (by proxy), has become very popular.

As practice shows, registering a company in Bulgaria by a citizen of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus or a native of another CIS country takes up to a month. If a competent employee is involved in paperwork and other organizational issues, you just need to present your foreign passport and deposit funds into the company account (authorized capital).

The number of co-founders of a company is not limited by law (there can be 15, 35, or even more), and dishonest intermediaries take advantage of this. In this case, all co-founders receive the legal right to drive a vehicle that is the property of the company. Therefore, becoming a co-founder of a Bulgarian company is unprofitable, because when trying to sell a car you will need to gather all the owners and obtain official permission to carry out the sale transaction. And collecting all the signatures is often simply not impossible.

How to register a business in Bulgaria

According to statistics, investments in Bulgaria in 2019 should exceed investment figures in 2018. And all because the attractiveness of the region is growing, the financial capabilities of citizens are increasing, and an active propaganda policy is being pursued aimed at increasing the influx of foreign capital.

To quickly and without unnecessary hassle create their own company, some citizens use the services of legal organizations. However, there are people who strive to open a company in Bulgaria on their own. And partly they are doing the right thing by taking the situation into their own hands.

To open a company on your own, just study legal aspects this issue and follow the instructions developed by experienced specialists:

  • firstly, you need to come up with and register a unique name;
  • secondly, choose a suitable organizational and legal form of doing business in order to then simplify its process and taxation.
  • thirdly, obtain a legal address, register the company in all authorities, select seals and stamps, and open a bank account.

The process of organizing a business abroad is quite long and tedious, so if you are too busy or just want to get rid of unnecessary hassle and worries, it is better to use the services of specialists who, for a small fee, will help you register a new company, buy or sell an existing business.

Buying and selling a business in Bulgaria: pros and cons

Sometimes it is much more profitable to purchase a ready-made business in Bulgaria than to create your own company from scratch. After all, it is much easier to keep an already established mechanism afloat than to experiment every day, trying to win a certain market share.

You need to choose a company carefully and slowly, since the price of a ready-made business varies quite seriously and depends on the field of activity. So, for example, a small store will cost about 20,000 euros, a villa at a resort will cost 70,000 euros, and a modest bar will cost 50,000 euros.

Of course, selling a business in Bulgaria is fraught with many pitfalls - for example, if the owner significantly underestimates the value of the company. In this case, you need to analyze the business reputation of the company, check for debts, and also read recently adopted laws - perhaps this type of business has been banned or artificial restrictions have been created for it by the state.

Experts recommend purchasing young, promising companies that were created specifically for resale. Leaders or managers of such companies often provide legal, financial and advisory support, helping Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians buy a business in Bulgaria inexpensively.

Features of obtaining a business visa

To carry out commercial activities in the territory of another country, you will need to apply for a business visa by providing the embassy with a full package of documents, the main one of which is an invitation to a foreign organization or business partner.

It should be clearly understood that business visas are single-entry, double-entry and multiple-entry (multiple-entry). Documents for obtaining a visa can be submitted personally by the applicant, the applicant’s authorized representative (if there is a power of attorney on letterhead) and a third party who has received the right to officially represent the interests of the applicant.

A business visa allows you to stay in Bulgaria for up to 90 days (every 6 months), so it cannot be considered as one of the options for entering the country for permanent residence.

What documents are needed to obtain a visa?

In order to enter the territory of Bulgaria, you must obtain a visa. To do this, it is necessary to prepare documents in Russian or Bulgarian in advance in order to subsequently submit them for consideration to the responsible person.

Be sure that obtaining a visa will give you only positive emotions if you submit the full package of documents indicated on the consulate’s website, namely:

  • a completed visa application form (last and first name – as in the international passport);
  • copies of purchased tickets, hotel reservations;
  • 1 color photograph size 35x45 mm, fingerprints;
  • original passport and a copy of the first page;
  • an invitation from a business partner (issued in accordance with all the rules);
  • health insurance covering expenses in the amount of 30,000 euros;
  • documents confirming the presence cash(certificate of employment, bank statement, etc.).

Business in Bulgaria with a residence permit

If you are planning a trip to Bulgaria for a long time in order to obtain a residence permit and organize a business without any restrictions, it is better for you to apply for a category “D” visa. In this case, you can register a company yourself and do what you love without resorting to the services of intermediaries. Remember: a residence permit is issued within a month and is valid for exactly 1 year (extension for a similar period is possible).

To feel comfortable in a foreign land, it is better to buy an apartment or villa in this country, but for this you need to know the features legal registration guest house in Bulgaria. According to the law, foreigners can freely purchase any real estate without land (for example, apartments, apartments), but in order to obtain ownership rights to private house With land plot necessary mandatory registration legal entity. You already know exactly how to do this by carefully reading our article and drawing the appropriate conclusions.

Residence permit in Bulgaria. Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria: Video

Bulgaria is a small country with a large number resort towns. An annually growing flow of tourists, low taxes and economic stability- good factors for creating a business in the republic.

Open your own business - reliable way stay in the country for a long time. The Bulgarian government encourages foreign entrepreneurs: you can open a company without even being present in the state.

To conduct business, a foreigner will need to obtain the appropriate visa and residence permit. Successful development of the business will provide an opportunity to obtain Bulgarian citizenship, but not earlier than 5 years after the opening of the company.

A significant plus for Russian entrepreneurs is the close mentality of the Bulgarians and the opportunity to hire well-educated employees among the local population, who will not qualify for a large salary. wages. The level of knowledge at universities here is high, but getting a job in the republic can be difficult.

Business immigration: what is it?

Business immigration is an opportunity to move your business, open a new one, or buy a ready-made company in a foreign country. Most European countries are ready to provide residence permits, and later citizenship, to entrepreneurs from other countries.

Required conditions for this:

  • The company must pay taxes on time;
  • Opening of vacancies for local residents.

Russian business immigrants in Europe have certain advantages:

  • Loans on favorable terms;
  • Tax benefits;
  • Opportunity to obtain citizenship in the country where the company is opened.

Business visa to Bulgaria

A business visa is required for individuals who have opened a new company or plan to develop an existing business.

You can apply for a single, double or multiple entry visa C - it allows you to stay in the republic for 90 days out of 180. You will not be able to apply for a residence permit by choosing this method of entry into Bulgaria.

It is preferable for a foreign entrepreneur to apply for a national visa category D: the applicant will have the opportunity to stay in the country for six months and during this time obtain a residence permit.

Types of business in Bulgaria

The country is home to a tenth of the largest companies in South-Eastern Europe; they operate mainly in the energy and heavy industry. Maintaining big business in the republic it is a profitable occupation; only very wealthy people can organize a new company.

Russians in Bulgaria usually run small or medium-sized businesses. The competition is quite high, but with successful organization the company will bring a stable income.

There are three options for business immigration:

  1. Open a representative office of a Russian company in the republic;
  2. Organize a new business or buy an existing one;
  3. Become an investor.

Russian citizens usually choose to organize a business in Bulgaria: the option provides the opportunity to eventually obtain citizenship of the country (this is difficult when opening a representative office) and does not require investing large sums.

The easiest way is to become an investor, but it is also the most expensive. You will need to invest 512 thousand euros in government bonds of the republic.

Conditions for immigration to Bulgaria for entrepreneurs

Opening a company only formally, as is permissible in some other countries, will not work in Bulgaria. The business must be profitable, taxes must be paid on time. The entrepreneur himself will have to reside in the republic for at least 184 days out of 365. Obtaining a business visa obliges the applicant to organize at least 10 jobs for Bulgarian citizens.

An exception is the opening of a representative office, which does not require hiring large quantities employees and making a profit in the country. But it is also more difficult to obtain permanent residence in this way: you will have to wait at least 5 years and ensure that your stay in the state is at least 6 months a year.

Selecting a visa, conditions for obtaining it

Those planning to do business in Bulgaria will need to apply for a long-term (for a year) visa D. This can only be done in person at the consulate of the republic.

List of required documents:

  • A foreign passport, which must expire 3 months or more after returning to Russia;
  • Application form in Russian;
  • Photo 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • Confirmation of financial well-being (information from the bank);
  • Health insurance valid in the EU.

The consulate has the right to request other additional documents. The processing time for papers is 4-35 days; if necessary, the applicant may be called for an interview.

Residence permit, permanent residence, citizenship: conditions for obtaining

Foreign entrepreneurs who have opened a representative office of their company in Bulgaria are given a temporary residence permit for 5 years with an annual renewal. After this period, you can apply for permanent residence status. The opportunity to obtain citizenship of the republic will appear only after 10 years through naturalization.

A significant drawback for the owners of a foreign representative office is that they are prohibited from selling goods or services; they can only attract clients or provide them with information support.

Russians who have opened a new company or purchased an existing business can apply for permanent residence after 6 months. Owners profitable business, which regularly pays taxes and provides Bulgarians with jobs, it is possible to obtain citizenship of the country 5 years after the registration of the company.

Opening a new company, purchasing an existing business

The state encourages foreign entrepreneurs who have organized a company or bought an existing one.

For such citizens the following are provided:

  • Tax benefits;
  • Low cost of renting premises;
  • Entering the European market;
  • Purchase of land or real estate;
  • Possibility to purchase necessary products in installments.

You can buy a ready-made business in Bulgaria at a relatively low price. The cost will depend on the company’s annual revenue; the final amount may be affected by:

  • Availability of long-term lease of premises (business will be more expensive);
  • The rental period is ending (in this case the price will decrease).

The organization of a new company obliges the entrepreneur to give the business a unique name and open an account with authorized capital, the minimum amount of which is 10 leva (approximately 5 euros). The enterprise must have a legal address; registration is permitted at the address of private property or rented premises.

The procedure for opening or purchasing a company takes an average of 3 weeks.

Popular business options in Bulgaria for Russians

An entrepreneur from Russia, when deciding on the target audience, can focus on compatriots or local citizens.

Russian-speaking emigrants who have recently moved to Bulgaria are often afraid of being deceived by the native residents of the republic.

Therefore, citizens post-Soviet space you can offer:

  • Consulting services;
  • Assistance in paperwork, buying or selling real estate.

Another option for making money on the needs of former compatriots:

  • Organization of tourism or hotel business;
  • Transfer services;
  • Shops and cafes specially “for Russians”.

It is better to focus on local citizens if the entrepreneur has the opportunity to engage in traditional business with low cost for the consumer: hairdressers, shops, hotels. The fact is that purchasing power in the country is low, and Bulgarians are very conservative; it is difficult to interest them in new products.

The most common types of business among Russians:

  • Stores aimed at Russians;
  • Car services;
  • Construction and renovation;
  • Hotel business;
  • Production of certain products that are rare in the republic: dumplings, pies, cottage cheese;
  • Transfer;
  • Catering establishments;
  • Real estate agencies.

If a novice entrepreneur has little experience, or has doubts about the possibility of organizing a profitable company, it is better to purchase a ready-made business; prices for it in Bulgaria are relatively low. The cost of a working cafe is 70 thousand €, a small hotel is 600 thousand €.

The restaurant business in Bulgaria pays off quickly, and the auto business (cargo transportation, car service) - within about a year. Funds invested in the purchase of a hotel can only be returned after 8-10 years due to high competition.

Business income will depend mainly on the successful location of the company and proper organization. On average, the monthly profit of a beginning entrepreneur is 2500-5500 €.

Business ideas with minimal investment

The following activities can provide a small but stable source of income in Bulgaria:

  • Production and sale of souvenirs to tourists;
  • Guide services;
  • Working as a nanny for tourists' children.

Examples of Russians starting a business in Bulgaria

Enterprising compatriots find original ways earnings:

  • A family of 7 people set up a workshop for making dumplings in one of the rooms of a previously purchased apartment. Relatives live in the remaining rooms. Opening a business in your own home does not contradict the laws of the country;
  • A man living in a resort town purchased about 20 bicycles and set up a rental shop. The business turned out to be profitable: bicycles in Bulgaria are expensive, such a purchase is not profitable for tourists.

Legal nuances

The new company will need to be registered. Before this, you will need to choose a form of ownership.

It is best to contact local accountants for assistance in calculating your estimated taxes. Such services are inexpensive here.

Business registration

Company registration takes place in 5 stages:

  1. Name reservation;
  2. Organization of a constituent meeting of shareholders with the presence of a notary to certify the charter;
  3. Depositing the amount of authorized capital into the bank account;
  4. Registration in the commercial register of the National Trade Agency;
  5. Providing information to the tax service.

There are two popular forms of business ownership among Russian entrepreneurs:

  • Limited liability company with a minimum authorized capital of 1 euro - suitable for small businesses;
  • A joint stock company with an authorized capital of 25,500 € is preferable for owners of large companies.


Tax policy in Bulgaria is one of the most lenient in Europe. Foreign entrepreneurs are required to pay the following taxes:

  • On profit - 10%;
  • VAT - 20%;
  • Income - 10%;
  • For dividends - 5%.

Tax benefits of up to 100% are provided for foreigners doing business in rural areas or providing jobs to people with disabilities.

Immigrants who decide to open a company in Bulgaria will need 2 main tips:

  • Do only things in which you have experience or good theoretical knowledge;
  • Carefully understand the laws of the country.

Often Russian entrepreneurs fail because they chose the wrong niche or used the services of the local population at a price that was 5-10 times higher.

At the beginning of 2019, a Russian with extensive business experience opened both a restaurant and a strip club in the republic. The catering company turned out to be completely unprofitable only because the owner overpaid staff and suppliers. The strip club brought good profits due to its favorable location and the Bulgarians’ passion for this type of leisure.

It is possible to open a business in Bulgaria: over 300 Russian owners of successful companies in the country confirm this. Difficulties at the initial stage are inevitable in any state, but the owners of a profitable enterprise in the republic have access to the European sales market - and these are new, even more attractive prospects.

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