The Witch's Staircase (based on real events). Witch's staircase (based on real events) How to make a witch's staircase correctly

To bring positive changes to life, protect home and personal life, practitioners recommend a talisman - witch's staircase. You need to make the amulet yourself, using natural materials- threads made of wool, linen or silk. The key to creating a working amulet is the precise formulation and visualization of what you want. The witch's ladder can also be used to cause damage, but to do this you need to throw or donate the created amulet to the enemy's home.

What is it?

Practitioners do not recommend buying ready-made witches' stairs from hand, because you can put any negative wishes into the amulet and damage the house through the thread. If troubles begin after the acquisition, you urgently need to get rid of the talisman and clean it.

Witches' ladders were made for protection, health and financial well-being in Africa, Europe and America. The action of the universal amulet is based on knot magic. Hand-knotted and agreed-upon intricacies of thread indicate the practitioner’s desire, and a thread, ribbon or cord indicates the line of fate. Thanks to knot magic, you can have the following effects without fear of backlash:

  • home protection;
  • causing damage, quarrels or curses;
  • health promotion;
  • improvement financial condition or love relationships;
  • launching a positive program in any area of ​​life.

What does it look like and what does it consist of?

Basil can be used to make such an attribute.

The amulet consists of a rope, thread, rope or ribbon, on which the practitioner ties knots and weaves various signs of power, for example, coins, feathers, amulets, medicinal herbs or figurines of totem animals. Adding additional attributes is optional, but enhances the magical effect of the witch's ladder. Feathers for a talisman must belong to a living bird; the plumage of a dead one is used only for inducing damage. The main herbs that are used to create the amulet are presented in the table:

The action of each node must be supported by a thought form.

The standard number of nodules is 40, and the number recommended by practitioners additional elements- up to 7. The thread is tied in a special way with mandatory mental accompaniment. If you don’t visualize the desired result, then the witch’s staircase will be of no use. The practitioner must clearly understand why he creates each loop.

Moreover, if the amulet is intended to achieve a short-term goal, then you cannot make tight knots - when the amulet finishes working, they should unravel on their own. If the witch's ladder is created for permanent influence, you need, on the contrary, to tighten each loop very tightly and stipulate that the knot will be eternal. Braiding methods and the type of thread vary depending on the desired purpose and cultural traditions. You can use a regular knot, sea knot, figure eight knot, double flat knot or gypsy solar knot.

Method of application

Depending on the purposes for which the amulet was created, the witch’s ladder is used as follows:

This attribute can be made to protect a person’s home.
  • Protecting your home or improving a certain area of ​​your life. The amulet is hung on the wall or ceiling so that the practitioner can see it, but the guests do not pay attention to it. That is, it is better to place the magic rope in a corner of the apartment, next to a closet or flowering plants.
  • Inflicting damage or a curse. If you need to provide negative impact on a person, then you need to throw, plant or give him a talisman. Best option, if the object accepts the gift from hand and independently places it in the apartment.

How to do it yourself?

Rituals to attract positive changes are done for the growing month, and to eliminate the disease, they are done for the waning month.

The following effective talismans can be made at home:

To improve your financial situation, you should use clove buds during the ritual.
  • Dream come true. The amulet is made when the month is growing. The practitioner stands in the center, places and lights 7 snow-white or lilac candles around him. Black threads 15 cm long and a green oak or maple leaf are placed side by side. With a clear statement of desire, 6 knots are knitted, a piece of the plant is added to each. The ladder is placed in a circle and the words are said: “Candles that have created a circle, let the flame fulfill my dream. Take black threads and a leaf sharpened into a knot, take my wish and make it come true.” The amulet can be picked up and hung in the apartment when the candles burn out completely.
  • Cash flow. 9 knots are knitted on a green thread with a reservation and a fresh clove bud is added to each one. Activation wording: “Ladder of 9 nodes, you were created to bring the wealth I desire. I can climb you to prosperity. So it is said, so it will be.” The resulting ladder is wrapped around a light green candle. The candle must be lit for 9 days so that it burns out on the last day.
  • Protection. The amulet must be made on the full moon. A black, scarlet and white thread is connected. After each specified knot, a blue or yellow feather is tied, total number- 9. In this case, the thread should end in a knot. When the amulet is ready, the ends are connected, and the ladder is carried over a burning green candle and sprinkled with blessed water. A reservation is pronounced: “In the name of the gods, by the forces of the 4 elements, an amulet of 9 feathers and 3 threads is illuminated. May he always protect me and my home. So be it."
The Folk-Lore Journal contains several articles about the "witch's ladder".
The author of one of them (The Folk-Lore Journal" 5 (1): pp. 1-5. Colles, A. (1887). "A Witches" Ladder.") Dr. Abraham Colles, studying folk beliefs, noted a very strong the influence of superstition on the inhabitants of the western counties of England. He further explained that many modern white witches practice their craft (healing), but most of the knowledge is older, especially black witchcraft, so the subject of the articles may seem interesting as a record of the past.
The doctor, as an expert, was invited to a house in the city of Wellington, Somerset County. Part of the wall of this house was adjacent to another dilapidated building in need of demolition. This was previously a farmhouse belonging to a prominent family called Popham. So, the workers who were dismantling the upper floor of the emergency building discovered a room under the roof, which had previously been impossible to reach from below, in it they found brooms, an old chair and a rope with feathers woven into it. They explained their discovery as follows: the chair was intended for relaxation, the brooms were for flying, and the rope ladder was for flying to the roof. The workers had no doubt that the owner was a witch, just like the fact that the rope with feathers was called the “witch’s ladder.”
It was one and a half meters long and 1.3 centimeters wide; the cord consisted of three twisted threads and had a loop at the end. Feathers were inserted into the weave at right angles. The owner of the rope-making house assured Dr. Colles that the feathers were inserted during the weaving process of the cord, and were not threaded into a finished one.
Attempts to find out the purpose of the rope with feathers were unsuccessful. During the investigation, two elderly women were among those questioned by the doctor. One of them, with great hostility towards the “non-believers,” said that the object was familiar to her, like candles or onions with pins stuck in them, but she kept silent about the purpose of using the witch’s ladder. The second only added that this item had to be made from new materials, but did not say what the ladder was used for, although she mentioned that this was a very common witchcraft attribute.
Dr. E. B. Tylor (a famous anthropologist) agreed to help Dr. Colles regarding the purpose of using this item, but only noted the likely local use of the witch's ladder.
J. Fraser made a proposal that the object served to take milk from neighbors' cows, based on the tradition of Scotland and Germany.
His letter (“The Folk-lore Journal” Vol. 5, No. 2. (1887), pp. 81-83) contains several stories in which a rope with feathers appears.
For example, in Ayrshire in the early 19th century, a young woman was seen on the ridge of a roof with a rope, which she used to transfer milk from a neighbor's cows to her milkbox.
Napier reports (Folk-lore in the West of Scotland, p. 75) of a Glasgow boy who proposed to carry milk from one cow to another by means of a looped rope. Sometimes, in Scotland, writes R. Chambers, a rope must be made from hair from the tail of a cow whose milk must be stolen, and a knot must be tied for each cow. And by pulling these knots, imitating the process of milking and reciting spells, the witch allegedly transferred milk from one cow to her bucket (R. Chambers, Popular Rhymes of Scotland, p. 329).
In the Czech Republic, such a rope had to be made from bell cable. With the help of such an object it was possible to milk all the cows while the bell was ringing (Grohmann, Aberglauben und Gebrduche aus Bohmen und Mdhren, no. 965). You can also use a broom, one end of it leaned against the wall and imitated the action of a hand pump. Thus, it was believed that milk would flow out from the other end of the shaft (Kuhn und
Schwartz, Norddeutsche Sagen Mdhrchen und Gebrduche, p. 24 seq.).
In India they believe that a witch can suck the blood of an enemy through a rope. To do this, she lowers a rope through the roof to the body of the sleeping victim and sucks his blood (Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London, New Series, vol. vi. p. 278, seq.).
This is reminiscent of the healing practices of the Australian Aboriginals. One end of the rope is with the patient, and the other is with the doctor, who uses it to suck out the disease, spitting out the blood. The patient believes that in this way the disease leaves his body, but skeptics believe that it is blood from the doctor’s gums (Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xiv. p. 361; xvi. p. 39; G. F. Angas, Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand, ii. 227; Journals of Expeditions in Central Australia, ii.
Also in Australia, healers carry out a similar procedure: they take an item belonging to the patient, several feathers of the Wedge-tailed Eagle and human or kangaroo fat. All this is attached to a stick, which is stuck into the ground in front of the fire so that it slowly slopes towards the ground. The medicine man chants an incantation, mentioning the name of the victim, and when the stick finally falls to the ground, the person dies (Journ. Anthrop. Inst. xvi. p. 27 seq.; Cp. J. Dawson, Australian Aborigines, p. 54. ) The author of the article suggests that in this case the feathers symbolize witchcraft flying through the air towards the victim and draws an analogy with the feathers in the witches' staircase and believes that such magic ropes can be used for other purposes.
Edmund Robinson said that in 1633 he witnessed witchcraft. Seeing a strange company sneaking towards the barn, he followed them. Looking into the barn, Edmund Robinson saw that six people, kneeling, were holding ropes hanging from the roof, along which oil was flowing into special trays.
It should be noted that J. Fraser also expresses the possibility that the object found in Somerset is not a witches' ladder, because there is a loop, which, in his opinion, closes the action, and the women interrogated by Dr. Colles called this object a “rope with feathers,” and not a “witch’s ladder.”
Another very interesting article (The Folk-lore Journal Vol. 5, No. 2. (1887), pp. 83-84 W.H. Ashby letter), concerning a rope with feathers, was published in the Daily News on January 26, 1887.
Its author, W. H. Ashby of Somerset, learned that the witches' ladder could be made from wheat straw called "elm," ellum, or perhaps "haulm-straws." "Take four straws, tie two together at the top and bottom for one side of the stairs, tie the other two also, then insert short straws between them for the steps. Now take small feathers (from a live bird) and place them on the side of the stairs. There you have it the real Somerst “Witches Ladder.” It is used to correct what the witch considers wrong. To do this, you need to swing the ladder several times, while saying a request. For example, the fire will not burn, which means that there will be no heat in the apartment; because the husband will hesitate and leave late."
He was also told that if a witch suspects someone of evil intent, witchcraft or any encroachment on her interests, then she hangs a ladder near the house, and if that person approaches the door, he simply will not be able to enter it, i.e. To. this item will work against him.
Other people have also tried to solve the riddle of the “witch’s staircase”.
Charles J. Leland (The Folk-lore Journal Vol. 5 No. 3 (1887) pp. 257-259 Charles Leland letter), in his letter, quoted from the words of a local girl a story in which the “witch’s ladder” appeared.
“Eight years ago, here in Florence, a child died from witchcraft. He began to waste away, and the parents turned for help or advice wherever possible, but to no avail - the child died. The next day, his parents, while cleaning his bed, found a witchcraft object that probably killed him. It was a figurine of a rooster, made of cotton and filled with feathers. There was also a rope with feathers inserted crosswise.
My attempts to depict this object were unsuccessful, and I resorted to the help of my narrator. She drew an object similar to the description of the "witches' ladder" given in The Folk-Lore Journal. I would like to note that the girl called it not a ladder, but a garland.
It should be noted that rooster feathers are an important part of African or voodoo traditions. Thus, even in the US, if you bury (with proper rites) chicken bones under an enemy's doorstep, he or she will get sick or even die. Some African immigrants even raise chickens specifically for Voodoo rituals.”
Rev. Evan Daniel (St. John's Training College, Battersea, September 15, 1887), citing a quote from Virgil
("Inclusum veluti si quando flumine nactus
Cervum aut puniced septum formtdine pennae
Venator cursu canis et latratibus instat." Aen. xii. 749-51.)
suggested ("The Folk-lore Journal" Vol. 5 No. 4 (1887) pp. 354-356) that "rope with feathers stuck" was used by deer hunters.
In response, Dr. E. B. Tylor (September 23, 1887.) stated in his letter that although he knew of the use of such cords for sport hunting, the rope with feathers mentioned in The Folk-Lore Journal had never been used thus, not to mention external distinctive features.
All his own investigations led to the following: local residents knew about the use of rope with feathers threaded into it for witchcraft purposes, but that was where their knowledge ended. His assumption is supported by the fact that in the county of Somerset the “witches’ staircase” is a small straw staircase with feathers woven along it, undoubtedly made for witchcraft, just as in Florence. In any case, the feathered rope found in Wellington is not suitable for deer hunting.

At the Pitt Rivers Museum, exhibit number 1911.32.7 (top photo) is the same feathered rope from Wellington, Somerset. The exhibit's label states that the witch's ladder is made from rooster feathers and was intended to take milk from neighboring cows and kill people. There is also a similar item numbered 1911.32.8 (bottom photo), recorded as "witch's ladder" and given to Dr. Taylor in 1911. It is not known whether it was actually an object for witchcraft or whether it was used for hunting deer called sewel. In any case, thanks to a discovery from Wellington, publications in a magazine and two short stories published in which this item appeared (Gould, S. B. (1893). Mrs. Curgenven of Curgenven, Tylee, E. S. (1911). The witch ladder), “a rope with with feathers” has firmly entered modern witchcraft as the “witch’s ladder”, acquiring more and more new functions and various modifications; perhaps it would have become the subject of sharp jokes if we had learned about such transformations of the witch of the past...
Witch's Staircase (option for attracting good luck) – talisman, best time for the creation of which is the day of the Summer Solstice.

Witches' ladder, Witch's rope, Witch's cord, Witch's loop, Witch's rosary: ​​a type of knot magic.

All these names are united by one name for a witchcraft instrument, but they can perform completely different functions. Witches use this type ancient witchcraft (a type of ancient knot magic) to stabilize the situation, attract good luck, money, various types of harmonizations, as well as in black affairs, such as inducing damage, enchantment, misfortune, etc.

The Witch's Ladder is usually a rope, but it can also be a tourniquet, rope, thread, or several threads that are intertwined with each other in a special way (spells are woven into the knots of the rope), and various amulets, talismans, which can consist of beads, knots, coins, feathers, stones, figurines, etc. But there are exceptions; sometimes the Witch’s Ladder can be a kind of object of power that serves its owner as a talisman, amulet or talisman.
There are several ways to create Witch Ladders, but there are two most common ways: the first is to simply tie knots, without additional ritual amulets, and the second is to tie knots with additional amulets. The number of knots is usually 40, and the number of additional amulets is 7. Naturally, the number of both the knots themselves and additional amulets may vary. Each knot is tied for a reason, but in a certain way, and of course with an attached meaning (thought form), visualization of what the person who is doing it wants to achieve and why. When knitting a witch's ladder, the knots that are tied for a certain time are never tightened so that they can slowly unravel, and if the witch's ladder is knitted forever, then the knots must be very tightly tightened, the knot must become “dead or eternal.” Each witch's methods of tying knots are individual; this largely depended on traditions. The witch's ladder was usually hung in a visible place in the house, sometimes in a secluded place, and sometimes hidden. Is it necessary to undo the knots? The witch talked about it all when handing over the witch’s ladder. They also made witch stairs various types damage, such ladders were thrown up, buried in courtyards, wrapped around fences, or they could simply be thrown onto the porch.

To make it you will need a long yellow or gold ribbon and nine small beads of any color. However, you can also use three threads, most often they are black, red and white, pre-woven with a sentence (“the yarn is red, the yarn is black and the yarn is white, let your spell work day after day. so be it!”) into a braid, and instead of grass beads, bird feathers, shells, pebbles, coins and similar materials - do not be afraid to create your own magic with inspiration, especially when your intentions are pure, just do it consciously, clearly representing your goals. So, the pattern is simple - knot-bead-knot, free part, knot-bead-knot, and so on. Stringing each bead, you make a wish - different or the same, something like this: “with this bead\feather\... and this knot, prosperity\health\luck\success\love\... will come into my life” . When all nine beads are strung on the ribbon, two more knots should be tied: at the beginning and end of the resulting “ladder”. Or tie the ends of the ladder together to form a circle. Then the product should be blessed with water, fire and smoke, pronouncing and consolidating the intention. The Witch's Ladder should be hung in the hallway, above the entrance to the home, but so that it is not too conspicuous to strangers, and removed only a year later: on the day of the new Solstice, when it is traditionally burned in a bonfire in honor of Lita.

When the witch's ladder was knitted and the knots fell into the hands, it was believed good sign, and if the ladder did not fit, tore, amulets were dropped, then this was considered not a very good sign. If, when knitting a ladder, the thread kept getting tangled, it meant that there was already some kind of witchcraft for what was being knitted. If, in the process of tying knots, the witch accidentally cut her hands, then the witchcraft “tied” into the knots became much more powerful. In order to “hide” her ladder from other witches and magicians, the witch took a new skein of thread or from someone else’s house, cut the thread with new scissors, usually witches tear the thread or cross it with ordinary scissors, and after the ladder was ready, the witch threw it away scissors into a fast river or stream, and the remnants of the threads were burned.
The color of the knitting threads was also very important: red or green - for good luck or health. Blue - for a calm child, or for a cure for illness. Various damages were made from black threads, and in addition they were filled with black wax. In general, black and white neutral, such colors of thread can be used to “tie” both positive and negative.

Amulets and talismans cannot be tied in just like that, “I just like him.” Each individual object is fraught with a certain force, which can be both negative and positive. For example: chicken feathers, speckled ones - will bring a small income, but can also cause envy, gray feathers - will bring calm, green rooster feathers - will bring happiness to the house, but if knitted incorrectly they can discourage you. For wealth, coins are tied whole, not punched. Thistle and garlic are woven to protect the house, sometimes even mirrors were used for all kinds of protection. Instead of talismans, witchcraft bags can be woven into the witch's ladder, which are filled with magical mixtures (herbs, sand, earth, etc.).

Now the most common and simple staircaseit's for love. They are tied on pink silk, always on the waxing Moon, and it is best if it is spring outside. The witch's ladder is placed under the bed and awaited. If a guy bothers a girl, the witch's ladder should be taken out and the knots untied, and if the guy wanted to hurt, then the knots should be cut, but not untied.

Witch's staircase to make a wish come true. To do this, you need to take 14-16 cm of black thread or yarn, seven purple or white candles, a maple or oak leaf. When the moon grows, place candles around you (the person should be in the center) and light them. Place the threads and sheet in front of you. First, tie six knots on each leaf shoot, and on each knot, you must say your wish. When ready, the witch’s ladder must be placed in the center of the circle and said: 7 candles have created a circle, may your fire fulfill my wish. With these threads as black as night, with this leaf tied in a complex knot, in this circle take my desire and make it real. After this, the witch's ladder should remain in the center of the circle until the candles burn out. Then the ladder is hung where the person lives, the wish is fulfilled, the witch's ladder is removed.

Witch's ladder to wealth. To do this, you need to take a green thread, a long, green candle, nine clove buds, and spice. Tie nine knots (saying each knot), and tie a clove bud into each knot. Then say: Ladder of nine knots, I created you so that the wealth I want becomes mine, so that I can climb you to prosperity. This is my will, so be it. Then you should wrap the ladder around a green candle and light it for nine days; the candle should burn out by the end of the ninth day.

Witch's ladder for protection or good luck in business. For protection, you need to take three threads: white, red and black, nine different feathers, a green candle and holy water. The color of the feathers can be as follows: for health - red, for protection, for the development of abilities, intelligence - blue, yellow for good luck and prosperity, green feathers for increased prosperity, brown - stability, respect, black feathers - for wisdom, for enlightenment, striped , white, gray - for harmonization, peacock feathers - to protect the third eye. IN full moon, you need to make a circle, light a candle, tie three threads together, and while tying knots say: This night, three threads, red, white and black, join together, creating magic. Repeat until the staircase is completed. Be sure to tie a knot at the end of the ladder. When knitting the ladder, you need to knit the feathers, each feather needs to be knitted at approximately equal intervals. When a feather is tied, you need to pronounce words that correspond to the color of the feather and what the person wants to get from it, in any form.

When the staircase is completed, the ends of the staircase must be tied together, thus forming a circle, carry this circle through the smoke of the candle, sprinkle it well with holy water and say: In the name of the Goddess and God, by the powers of Air, Fire, Earth and Water, I consecrate this staircase of nine feathers and three cords. May she keep (or bring good luck) me (me) always. So be it. Then hang the witch's ladder so that you can see it every day, but so that it does not catch the eye of other people. If the witch's ladder is needed for a specific purpose, then the ritual is the same, only three feathers and three threads of the same color are needed, but the color must correspond to the purpose.

The following video demonstrates the making of such a talisman in more detail.

Based on real events that happened 20 years ago.

I didn’t really want to wake up, but the persistent trills of the doorbell mercilessly tore apart the haze of sleep... Finally, I got up, cursing the early visitors who did not allow me to sleep on the day off, pulled on my pants and, yawning, wandered to open the door.

Lyoshka, my friend, has arrived. The expression on his face was such that I completely forgot about the dream and the reprimand that I wanted to give him for such an early visit. Having dragged him by the sleeve into the hallway and closed the door, I asked anxiously:

Lesh, what happened?

It’s bad with Natasha... and also... - he muttered indistinctly, worried and out of breath from quickly running up the stairs.

So, let’s calm down and tell me,” I interrupted him, “we’ll help...

Here... - Lyokha pulled out of his pocket matchbox and handed it to me.

I opened the box - there were two safety pins with threads tied to them, with knots tied on them.

I didn’t understand anything - I said and closed the box - what does this have to do with it - I shook the box - and what’s wrong with Natalya, answer clearly?

Alexey calmed down a little and told me that for about six months something wrong had been going on with Natalya, his sister. She became pale, taciturn, lethargic. Even Vovchik hardly pays attention to his little son, which has never happened to her. Once a month, on the full moon, she gets ready late in the evening and silently leaves somewhere. And she doesn't allow anyone to follow her. Sometimes she decides to stay at home on such days and does not leave the house, but then her nose begins to bleed and she can barely move around the apartment from loss of strength.

One day Lyoshka could not resist and slowly followed her on one of the full moons. They live in a village and he was very surprised when Natasha, having passed the village, went out into the steppe and went along the road to the village cemetery. At first, Lesha was afraid that his sister would see him walking behind - it was a bright, moonlit night. But Natalya did not pay attention to anything and mechanically continued to move.

Arriving at the cemetery, she sat down on one of the graves, away from the road, and sat for some time. Silently, without moving. Then she got up, took a handful of earth from the grave and poured it into her pocket. Then she walked home just as silently. At home, I undressed, went to bed and immediately fell asleep.

Why didn't you tell me anything before? - I reproached my friend.

Yes, I didn’t want to bother her, I thought it would go away with her. Just yesterday, when they were cleaning the apartment, they found this - and he nodded at the matchbox - One was stuck in the carpet at the head of the bed, where Natasha sleeps, and the second was stuck with reverse side portrait of Vovchik. That’s when I decided to consult with you - you’re talking to psychics. Maybe you can help...

Hello, Lyosh, of course we will help if it is in our power... Come on, go home now. Prepare Natalya, we’ll work with her a little. Yes, I will come with Seryoga. You know that he is a specialist in magic. - I reassured him and he, cheerful, jumped down the steps.

Having sent Lyoshka home, I began to sort through in my mind all the “experts” I knew in the occult sciences, in case Serge was busy or was out of town. But, whatever one may say, it was impossible to do without Seryoga - he thoroughly knew all the intricacies of conducting occult rituals, knew many conspiracies and other “importances” from the category of magic. He quoted Papus by heart, understood numerology, Kabbalah, palmistry, astrology, and read fluently Old Church Slavonic and Latin. Serge considered himself a White magician and hated manifestations of Black witchcraft.

Seryoga, fortunately, was at home and after my phone call and summary story, fifteen minutes later he was already near my house. By that time I had already gotten dressed, went downstairs and, smoking, waited for him on a bench near the house. His old "412" burst into the morning silence of our yard with the roar of a broken muffler.

Hello! - he shouted, getting out of the car.

Hello! “I answered, shaking Serge’s hand as he approached.

Well, tell me, show me,” he blurted out impatiently.

You know Lyoshka, his sister Natasha too, but here’s a “surprise” - I handed Sergei a matchbox.

Wow! - Serge said with a hiss of breath, looking into it and carefully placing the boxes on the bench, he rushed towards the Moskvich. After rummaging through the glove compartment, he brought out a small tin box with a hinged lid.

Do you know what this thing is? he asked.

“Something magical,” I answered, shivering despite the hot summer morning that had arrived, because the box lying between us on the bench smelled of something bad, evil, and terrible.

Yeah, you felt it too! - Serge smiled solemnly. - this is the “witch’s ladder”... A very rare and powerful witchcraft. I didn’t think I’d see something like this in our city. Each knot is a specially strengthened spell. There are nine of them in total. This means there are only nine spells for each thread. This is a complex process - if you make a mistake even in a word, even in the sound of pronunciation, you blame yourself. There are even two “stairs” here. Someone did a good job.

A “staircase” is being made,” Serge continued, “to the death” of a person, that is, the person gradually withers, fades away and no doctors can help. I have notes somewhere for this rubbish. Let’s do this - at about seven in the evening I’ll pick you up and we’ll go to Lyokha’s. We will also work there a little until dark. Well, this is your part - to put you into a trance, track events and identify the customer and the performer. Understood?

“What’s unclear here,” I said, “but what now?”

And now I’ll take this nasty thing with me - Seryoga carefully poured the pins and threads into the tin box he brought - then I’ll find my notes on removing the spell and get ready. In the evening you and Lyokha will help me...

He jumped into his battered Muscovite and, scaring a flock of pigeons with the roar of the jammer, sped off. I just had to wait until evening.

True to my word White Mage, at exactly seven, rattled his “Bolivar” at the entrance, causing discontent among the pigeons and grandmothers on the benches. I climbed into the car and, as soon as I closed the door, I noticed two more guys sitting behind me.

Meet - said Serge - Andrey and Misha. They will help too.

The "Moskvich" took off and quickly jumped out onto the road. Twenty minutes later we were already in the village. Lyoshka, nervously pacing at his entrance in impatient anticipation, jumped up to the car and smiled joyfully. After greeting everyone, Lyokha looked expectantly at Serge and me. Serge smiled knowingly and began to give orders:

So, Andryukh, Mikha, you sit in the car for now. You, Lyosha, also take a walk for now. You don't need a lot of people at the session. “You’ll interfere with your concentration,” he explained to Lyokha’s questioning glance. “And you and I will work for now,” Seryoga turned to me. Went.

Natalya really didn’t look good - lethargic, with shadows under her eyes, all so “extinguished” that it didn’t fit at all with the dashing “boy-girl” I knew. She was already aware of the upcoming “action”. The procedure did not frighten her - she attended the sessions more than once. With silent submission, she lay down on the bed and closed her eyes, relaxing.

“Begin,” Serge whispered, sitting down on a chair near the bed.

I didn't have to fiddle around for a long time. Within a few minutes Natasha was ready for the session.

Can you hear me okay? - I asked Natalya.

Yes. - she answered quietly.

Try to see the one who wanted to do you harm.

I see... this is my mother-in-law...

What was she doing?

I see... he's riding on a bus... he gets off near the market... he's walking along some street... there are his own houses... he turns into an alley... there's a dead end... he knocks on the gate... it turns out what - the old lady... they are going into the house...

Can you hear what they're saying?

No... I can’t hear anything... they’re talking about something... the old lady took out some kind of box... took money from her mother-in-law... she’s holding something in her hands... she put it on the table... she whispers and does something with his hands... you can't see...

Try to hear what she says.

I'm afraid to come closer - he'll see...

Try it carefully...



Suddenly Natalya screamed in fear:

Oh... she saw me... she's looking... I'm scared...

I hastened to calm her down and began to slowly bring her out of the trance - Serge and I found out everything we needed.

Now I will digress a little from my story to clarify some points. I did not describe in detail the procedure for inducing trance - this is a story, not an article on psychology. And also - tell a little background of this incident. As I already said, Natalya grew up to be a lively girl. She didn’t cry at the sight of a broken knee, she knew how to whistle smartly on two fingers, and she took part in all the boys’ games. When the time came, she got married and showed herself to be a good housewife, and then a mother. She patiently endured her husband’s beatings and tried not to lose heart. But, one day, finding her husband in a passionate embrace and best friend and godmother, silently packed her things, took Vovchik and went to her parents. No amount of persuasion from the husband and his mother helped. She said - she cut it off. Soon the husband stopped visiting his son and found solace in another passion. The mother-in-law continued to go to visit her only grandson, but she no longer talked about reunion. Apparently, having decided to go to the witch, she decided to punish the “shrew” in this way. But, like any normal person, I can’t wrap my head around what is to blame for the child, who was only four years old at that time?

Leaving Natalia to rest in the apartment, Serge and I went outside and told the guys about the results. Lyoshka soared:

Yes, I will strangle this reptile!..

We calmed him down with difficulty, convincing him that he would achieve nothing by force, he would only go to prison in vain, and when it got dark, we would send all this nasty stuff back to her - let her suffer and try it on herself...

It got dark. The first stars have already begun to appear in the dark evening sky. Serge scheduled the final “action” for midnight. Leaving the car at the entrance, we all went on foot to the village cemetery. The white magician explained to us that there is something connected with witchcraft with this cemetery. No wonder Natalya came there and sat on the grave. It was not for nothing that she sometimes had visions of a group of people standing near this grave and calling her to them.

By half past eleven we were there. Serge drew a pentagram in the nearest clearing at the edge of the cemetery, placed some stones he had brought with him on the corners, placed an iron box with ominous stairs in the center of the pentagram and opened it. Then he told us to stand around the pentagram and hold hands. He poured something on the grooves of the pentagram, set it on fire and closed our circle with himself. It was quiet in the steppe, you couldn’t even hear the chirping of crickets, only the flames were mesmerizingly reflected in our eyes. Then the White Magician told us to repeat the words after him and warned that under no circumstances should we open our hands. I don’t remember those words that we repeated in the silence of the night. I just remember that at the very first words, the threads with knots lying in the box suddenly began to move and a quiet hissing was heard, which made me feel eerie. The threads wriggled in agony and the hissing became louder. Then they suddenly burst into flames and burned instantly. The fire of the drawn pentagram also went out. Something oppressive and heavy seemed to fall from my shoulders. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and a ringing silence suddenly filled their ears. But this was a different silence, not oppressive, but calm.

Having leveled the traces of the pentagram, Serge carefully picked up the box with two sticks with the ashes of the “witch’s stairs” and took them to the grave where Natasha sat on full moons and covered them with earth next to her. Then we walked together across the night steppe towards the village. It was somehow easy to walk, the night air pleasantly tickled the nostrils with the smells of wormwood and steppe herbs. We had moved away quite a bit - a hundred meters or a little more, when suddenly behind us something exploded in the air with a hiss. We looked back. High in the sky, crackling, hung a red ball the size of a soccer ball. There was a click and the ball split into four small ones, forming a quadrangle. A minute later the balls went out or disappeared - nothing disturbed the beauty of the starry sky and we again felt the calm of the night steppe.

Natalya recovered within a week and became cheerful and cheerful again. Night "hikes" stopped. And her mother-in-law was seriously ill for six months. Serge explained this by the fact that that sorceress is very experienced and does not cast spells “through herself” - she is apparently well aware of the “boomerang effect”, when evil reflected by a more skillful sorcerer can return to the “master”. So, she did it through the “customer”.

Let's start with the fact that such an attribute of witchcraft as the “witch’s ladder” was used by witches of various nations. They are found both on the territory modern Europe, and in Africa. Even the Australian Aborigines perform certain rituals that involve rope with feathers. This is a very powerful weapon! Its effect directly depends on the intention of the person who made it.

The witch's staircase works very well to harmonize the space around the house (or person). She drives away evil forces, attracts good luck. You need to make a talisman yourself. You should not trust “professionals” in whom you are not confident. Even a shadow of doubt in their thoughts should alert you.

If they slip you a witch’s ladder filled with evil thoughts and wishes, then trouble will inevitably follow. Therefore, it is recommended to do it yourself.

What does the Witch's Forest consist of?

For making powerful talisman you will need three threads of the same length. Fifty centimeters is enough. The threads must be natural. Very good for protection, works cleanly wool thread. But both silk and cotton will do.

Here it is worth considering the following: if you need a talisman for health, then take wool, for good luck - cotton, for good luck in work and money - silk.

It is better to protect your personal life with all kinds of threads. Linen is also used. It is good as a talisman against the evil eye and damage. If you want to solve all of the above problems, it is recommended to make several witch's ladders. You will also need bird feathers. Previously, they were collected in the forest in the period after the chicks hatched. This time is close to summer solstice. It is advisable to do so. It is not recommended to buy a feather, since you cannot be sure that the feather is from a living bird. And dead feathers will only aggravate problems and attract new ones. They are used by real witches for...

How to make a witch's staircase?

From the selected threads you need to weave a tourniquet. Usually three strings are taken. They can be braided into a beautiful braid. Repeat these words to yourself:

“Thread to thread - all enemies leave! I am weaving this rope so that the path of luck will be steep! I braid my hair like a fairy tale, bringing health, love and affection into my life!”

Now you need to tie knots and feathers on it. It is recommended to tie seven knots. Accompany each operation with a spell:

“Feather and rope, I will be dexterous!” Good luck, happiness and love will come to me! All misfortunes will go away and leave my house! A feather in a bundle - wealth (love, happiness, etc.) will come to your doorstep!”

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