Russian language lesson "using the ь sign to denote grammatical forms." Rules for using ъ and ь signs

No matter how they try to convince students that the knowledge they acquired in school years, they will need it in the future, unfortunately, this is not the case. However, some of the things they teach in school will actually be useful in life. adult life. For example, the ability to write correctly. To master it, you need to know the basic grammatical laws of the Russian language. Among them are the rules governing the use of separating signs ъ and ь.

Following these letters soft sign possible under the following conditions:

  • Dividing.
  • Informs about the softness of the preceding sound.
  • Used to indicate certain grammatical forms.

In addition to the rules governing the use of ъ and ь signs, it is worth remembering cases when they do not need to be used:

In this exercise you need to choose which letter should be placed in the words.

  • A soft sign that performs a dividing function is never placed after a prefix (this is the destiny of a hard sign). Parts of words in which the dividing ь is written are the root, suffix and ending to e, ё, yu, i: monkey, interior. This rule applies to both Russian vocabulary and borrowed terms from other languages.
  • The separator ь is placed in some words before the letter combination it: champignon, medallion, broth and million.

Rules for using ь and ъ signs

1. To indicate the softness of consonants except sibilants) letter b is written:

Dividing ъ written before letters e, e, yu, i in the following cases:

1) before e, e, yu, I inside the word, not after prefixes: career, passerine;

2. Since sibilants are either only hard ([zh], [sh]), or only soft ([h], [sch]), then when writing the letter b after them does not serve as an indicator of softness. After the sibilant letter b is used primarily to denote the grammatical form of a word and is written in the following cases:

3) in difficult words ah, the first part of which is formed by numerals two-, three-, four– (two-tier).

2) in some foreign words before o: broth, companion.

Rules for using hard and soft signs

Street_i, nightingale_i, pre_anniversary, raz_ezd, edible, brother_ya.

Flattery– at the root - flattery - after a consonant before a letter yu written ь.

1. Say the word, listen to see if it contains the sound [th’] after the consonant sound before the vowel.

The titmouse Zinka liked it in the forest in winter. So many trees! She was jumping on the branches. A bale with a sharp nose into a crack in the bark. He pulls out a bug and eats it.

  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in Russian for grade 3: in 2 parts. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3–4 grades. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

In words that answer the question whose?: fox, wolf, lynx, hare, deer, squirrel, birdthe root is written b.

Spelling of separators b and b Spelling of separator b (hard sign)

  • inside the word before the vowels e, e, yu, i: peasant, blizzard;
  • in some words of foreign origin before the letter o: medallion, champignon.

2. This rule does not apply to complex abbreviated words: children.

1. The separating ъ (hard sign) is written before the vowels e, e, yu, i:

  • after a prefix ending in a consonant: entrance, detour;
  • in words of foreign language origin after prefixes ending in a consonant (ab-, ad-, diz-, in-, inter-, con-, counter-, ob-, sub-, per-, trans-) or after the compound particle pan- : adjutant, trans-European;
  • in compound words, the first part of which is the numerals two-, three-, four-: two-tier, three-story;

65. Spelling of separators b and b Spelling of separator b (hard sign).

1. In the endings and suffixes of nouns, adjectives and suffixes of adverbs, o is written under stress after hissing and q, without stress - e (nozho”m, big”go, book”, kontsom”m, okol’tso”vo-vat; BUT ekila “jewel, p”ische, red”, merchants, ring”).

Separating marks b and b

Methodological development of a Russian language lesson in 5th grade

Teacher: The letters b and b live in the Russian alphabet; they do not represent sounds, but they play a very important role in writing. Guys, read the words that appear on the board. What do they have in common in terms of writing? (Slide No. 7)

repeat, expand and generalize information about the use of b and b signs;

Students: The Ъ sign plays a dividing role. Used after consonant prefixes, before the vowels E, Yo, Yu, Ya.

IV .Motivation for the formation of new knowledge and the formation of new knowledge.

learn to differentiate the conditions for choosing b and b signs, apply your skills in writing.

Didactic– to develop the skill of correctly understanding the function of signs; Build skills correct use signs.

Task Working with a rule (p. 35). Read the text, ask possible questions about the text? When is the Ъ sign written in words? After what morpheme in a word is a hard sign written? What letters are preceded by a hard sign? In what cases is the Ъ sign written after prefixes? (If the prefix ends in a consonant).

Subject knowledge: They know the rules for using ъ and ь signs, distinguish their role in words.

Understanding.. Oral work (exercise 84) Explain the use of signs by building a reasoning - an explanation.

Sometimes it plays a meaningful role. Blood-blood, moth-moth, horse-horse, heat - heat. In some words, rye (rosh) seven hundred (simsot) has a zero meaning.

Lesson type

Use of the letter b

1) at the end of nouns masculine after sibilant consonants: sword, knife;

2) in the middle of a word after a soft consonant [l’]: painprostrate, slides, glazier;

1) at the end of feminine nouns: night, quiet, power;

Letter b used to indicate softness of the consonant, to indicate separate pronunciation of sounds (separating soft sign) and to indicate a number of grammatical forms.

1) before letters e, e, yu, i, and inside a word (not after prefixes), for example: blizzard, play, family, clerk, loach;

Development of a lesson in the Russian language - Lesson Ъ and ь signs - 5th grade

3. Inside words, the letter b sign is used after the soft L, standing before any consonant. (free, mill, herring) but is not written between two soft LL (alley Illusion, collision,

Parse these words according to their composition. What is the difference in their structure? (In the first group, the b sign comes after the prefix; in the second case, the b sign is at the root of the word. What do you notice in common? (The signs are preceded by vowels. e, e, yu, i).

Based on the topic of the lesson, determine: what are our learning objectives for this lesson? Right: Determine the role of these signs in a word when they are used, consolidate the skill of spelling, words with these letters, be able to build a reasoning - an explanation of their use.

Explained, sparrows, ate, jam, pouring, fun, leftovers, three-tiered, rise.

Lesson type: repetition, consolidation and generalization of knowledge about b and b signs.

Teacher. Guys, imagine that someone came and stole these letters. They were screaming

Use of the letter b

2) at the end of nouns in the form plural genitive case after sibilant consonants: (many) clouds, roofs, pastures;

1) at the end of a word after a soft consonant, except [h], [sh]: shadow, day, stone;

To indicate grammatical forms, a soft sign is written:

4) between two soft consonants, if when the word changes, the first consonant remains soft and the second becomes hard: take (I'll take), about the letter (letter).

2) between soft final consonants of the stem: bone, guest, anger;

2) at the end of adverbs ending in hissing: completely, backwards, backhand(‘exceptions: already married unbearable);

No matter how they try to convince students that the knowledge they acquired during their school years will be needed in the future, unfortunately, this is not the case. However, some things taught in school will actually be useful in adult life. For example, the ability to write correctly. To master it, you need to know the basic grammatical laws of the Russian language. Among them are the rules governing the use of separating signs ъ and ь.

Hard sign: history and its role in the word

The twenty-eighth letter of the Russian alphabet, despite the fact that it does not represent sounds, is performed in words important function. Therefore, before consideringrules governing the use of ъ and ь signs are worthlearn a little about its history and role in the word.

The hard sign existed in Slavic languages ​​almost from the very moment of their formation. It started out as a short vowel sound until it evolved into an unpronounceable letter used to divide words into syllables and also replace spaces.

IN late XIX V. it was noted that the frequent use of ъ in texts (4% of the total volume) is inappropriate, especially in telegraphy, cursive writing and typography. In this regard, attempts have been made more than once to limit the use of a hard sign.

After the revolution of 1917, this letter was completely abolished for almost ten years. In those years, an apostrophe was used as a separator in words.However, in 1928 it was excluded from the Russian language (but remained in Ukrainian and Belarusian), and its dividing function was taken over by a solid sign, which it performs to this day.

In what cases is ъ put in words?

As for the use of a solid sign, there are several rules for placing it before e, yu, ё, i:

  • After prefixes that end with a consonant: connector, pre-anniversary.
  • In terms that came from other languages, with the prefixes ab-, ad-, dis-, in-, inter-, con-, ob- and sub-: adjuvant, disjunction.
  • After counter-, pan-, super, trans- and field-: pan-Europeanism, superyacht.
  • In compound words starting with two-, three-, four-: two-core, three-tier, quadrilingual.

There are several exceptions, when ъ does not stand at the junction of a prefix and a root, but inside the word itself. These nouns include: courier and flaw.

When they don't put it

In addition to the rules governing the use of ъ and ь signs, it is worth remembering cases when they do not need to be used:

  • Solid sign do not put in words with a prefix ending in a consonant when it is followed by the vowels a, o, i, u, e, s: cloudless, curbed.
  • Not installed this sign in complex abbreviated terms: inyaz, glavyuvelirtorg.
  • It is also not used in lexemes written with a hyphen: half a diocese, half an apple.

When considering the rules governing the use of ъ and ь signs that perform a separating function in a word, it is worth remembering that the lexemes “interior” and “clerk” are written using a soft sign. This spelling is no exception, since in the word “interior” inter is not a prefix, but part of the root. And in “deacon” the prefix is ​​not sub-, but po-, but -deacon is the root.

What functions does a soft sign perform?

As for ь, in ancient times it meant a short vowel [and], but gradually, like ъ, it lost its sound.

At the same time, he retained the ability [and] to impart softness to the preceding consonant sound.

Unlike the hard word, it can perform 3 functions.

  • Dividing.
  • Informs about the softness of the preceding sound.
  • Used to indicate certain grammatical forms.

Rules for using a soft sign

Studying the laws of the Russian languageregulating the use of ъ and ь signs, it is worth learning a few rules:

  • A soft sign that performs a dividing function is never placed after a prefix (this is the destiny of a hard sign). Parts of words in which the dividing ь is written are the root, suffix and ending to e, ё, yu, i: monkey, interior. This rule applies to both Russian vocabulary and borrowed terms from other languages.
  • The separator ь is placed in some words before the letter combination it: champignon, medallion, broth and million.

In the case when ь informs about the softness of the preceding sound, and does not perform a dividing function, its production is determined by the following rules:

  • In the middle of a word ь indicates the softness of the letter l if it precedes another consonant other than l: finger, prayer. Also, the soft sign does not “wedge” into letter combinations: nch, nsch, nn, rshch, chk, chn, rch, schn ( drummer, candle).
  • In the middle of a word, this sign is placed between the soft and hard consonants: please, very much.
  • In the middle of a word, ь can stand between two soft consonants. Provided that when the form of the word changes, the first remains soft, and the second becomes hard: request - in a request, letter - in a letter.
  • IN in some cases This symbol is located at the end of the word after the consonants. At the same time, it helps to establish the meaning of the token: flax(plant) - laziness(character quality) con(place for bets in the game) - horse(animal).

As a marker for individual grammatical forms, this sign is used in the following cases:

  • In adjectives arising from the names of months (except January): February, September.
  • At the end of numerals from 5 to 30, as well as in their middle, if they denote tens from 50 to 80 and hundreds from 500 to 900: six, seventy, eight hundred.
  • In the imperative mood of verbs (except lie down - lie down): take it out, take it out, throw it in, throw it in.
  • In the infinitive ( initial form verb): maintain, raise.
  • In all cases of the word “eight” and in the instrumental case it is plural. numbers of individual numerals and nouns: six, lashes.

The use of ь and ъ signs after hissing w, h, shch, sh

Following these soft sign letters is possible under the following conditions:

  • At the end of most adverbs and particles, except: I can't bear to get married and in pretext between.
  • In the infinitive: preserve, bake.
  • In the imperative mood of verbs: anoint, comfort.
  • At the endings of the second person of verbs singular future and present tenses: sell it, destroy it.
  • At the end nominative case nouns gender, in III declension: daughter, power. For comparison in m. gender - cry, broadsword.

In some cases, ь is not used after these letters:

  • In nouns of the 2nd declension: executioner, dummy.
  • IN short forms adjectives: fresh, burning.
  • In the genitive case of plural nouns: puddles, clouds

A hard sign after zh, sh, h, sch is not placed at the end of a word or root, since its “place” is always after the prefix before e, e, yu, i.

Using ь and ъ signs: exercises

Having familiarized yourself with all the cases of setting soft and hard signs, you should move on to the exercises. To avoid confusion, we have collected together most of the above rules governing the use of ь and ъ signs. The table below will serve as a hint for completing the tasks.

In this exercise you need to choose which letter should be placed in the words.

This task concerns the use of a soft sign following sibilant letters. You should open the brackets in it and put a soft sign where necessary.

In the last exercise you need to write down the proposed words in 2 columns. In the first - those that are used with ь, in the second - those that are without it.

Since both hard and soft signs are “silent” letters, they play an important role in the Russian language. You can make many mistakes in your writing if you do not know the laws of grammar governing the use of ъ and ь signs. You will have to learn more than one rule so as not to confuse which sign should be used in a particular situation. However, it is worth it, especially in the case of a soft sign, since often only its presence helps determine lexical meaning words.

DividingKommersantwritten after consonants before lettersI, Yu, Yo, E,conveying combinations [j] with vowels, in the following cases.

1. After prefixes ending in a consonant .

For example:

a) in words with Russian prefixes: non-nuclear, reveal, enraged, become enraged, worn out, interlingual, get fed up, go around, departure, lift, pre-anniversary, present, disperse, detachable, eat, shrink, sarcastic, supernatural, super-capacious, super-bright.

Letter ъ traditionally it is also written in the word flaw, Although from- is not a prefix in it.

b) in words with prefixes of foreign origin : counter-tier, post-nuclear, post-anniversary, subunit, subcore, superyacht, trans-European .

Words of foreign origin with initial parts are also written ab-, ad-, dis-, in-, inter-, con-, ob-, sub- , which in the source language are prefixes, but in the Russian language they are usually not distinguished as prefixes. These include: abjuration, adjective, adjectivation, adjunct, adjustage, adjutant, disjunction, injection, injected, interjection, coadjutor, conjecture, conjugates, conjugation, conjunctiva, conjunctiva, conjunctivitis, conjuncture, conjunction, object, objective, subject, subjective .

2. In complex words:

a) after the initial parts two-, three-, four- , For example: double-anchor, double-capacity, triple-core, quadruple-tier ;

b) in words pan-European, courier .

After the initial parts of compound words, a separator ъ traditionally it is not written, for example: military lawyer, state language, children, party cell, trade fair, special education, household unit, foreign language, Inyurkollegiya, Ministry of Justice.

3. The letter ъ is also written when transmitting foreign proper names and words derived from them (after letters containing paired hard consonants), for example: Kizilyurt(city in Dagestan), Toryal(village in the Republic of Mari El), Guo Hengyu(Chinese personal name), Hengyang(city in China), Tazabagyab culture(archaeological), Jyväsjärvi(lake in Finland), Manyoshu(anthology of ancient Japanese poetry).

In this case, the separating ъ also possible before the letter And , For example: Junichiro(Japanese name).

Pay attention!

1) The letter ъ is not written before letters a, o, y, e, and, s.

For example: interatomic, counterstrike, transoceanic, three-story.

2) The letter ъ is not written in the middle of a word (not after a prefix!), for example: dress, clerk Exceptioncourier.

3) The letter ъ is not written at the junction of parts of a compound word.

For example: detyasli (nurseries), Inyaz (Institute foreign languages).

4 ) The letter ъ is not written in a noun clerk(there is no prefix in this word under- !). A separator is written in the middle of the word b , since the prefix stands out here By- and the root dyak (-dyach-).

5) In the middle of a word (at the root) rearguard is written separating ь , not ъ , since prefixes ar- not in Russian.

6) In a word flaw (Turk.) written ъ by analogy with the verb take away.

Dividing b written after consonants before letters i, yu, e, e, and, conveying combinations [j] with vowels.

For example:

- ya : devil, yudyachiy, monkey, billiards, family, drunk, ears of corn, draw, shepherd's, Lukyan;

-yu : loach, interview, pour, family, drink, trot, fifty, sew, fut(interjection);

- yo : nightingale, gun, drinking, crow, serious, life, whose, sewing;

-ye : premiere, play, courier, entertainer, jam, calm, Vietnam, Fourier;

-y : passerine, nightingales, pancakes, bearish, vary, articles, whose, Vigny.

1) The separating b is written in the middle of the word (not after the prefix!) after a consonant before letters e, e, yu, i, if after a consonant before a vowel it sounds [j]; for example: vVyot [v’jot], loach [v’jun], clerk [d’jak]).

2) The separative b is written in some borrowed words (as a sound signal [j]) after a consonant before a letter O.

For example: bouillon[bul'jon], sir[sin'jor], minion[min'jon].


1. The dividing 6 is written before the letters e, e, yu, as follows

following cases:

a) after a prefix ending in a consonant, for example-

measures: entry, volume, anniversary, announcement;

b) in words of foreign origin after the prefix

to a consonant (ob-, ad-, diz-, in-, ttter-, con-, counter-, ob-, sub-,

trans-) or a compound particle pan-, for example: adjutant, in-

section, conjuncture, object, subject, pan-European;

c) in complex words, the first part of which consists of numbers

nouns two-, three-, four-, for example: two-tier.

Note: This rule does not apply to

compound words: children.

2. Dividing ь is written in the following cases:

a) before the letters e, e, i, yu, I inside the word not after the ad-

rates, for example: curtain, raw, passerine, blizzard, cross-

b) in some foreign words before o, for example: po-

tallion, champignon.


Rules. To indicate the softness of the previous

the consonant ь is written:

A) at the end of the word: thread, drink, area, seven;

b) in the middle of a word to indicate the softness of a consonant,

standing before a solid consonant: wedding, threshing, carving,

request, darkness, less;

c) in the middle of a word between two soft consonants in that

case if when changing a word or in related words

the second consonant becomes hard, and the first retains its

softness: take (cf. take), request (cf. request); but: bow (cf.

bow), massacre (cf. cut);

d) after soft l, regardless of whether it is hard or soft

the consonant is followed by viola, balm, casually, benefit, herring;

d) in forms instrumental case plural:

children, people, horses;

f) in numerals ending in -ten, -hundred, in se-

middle: fifty, five hundred, eighty, eight hundred; including

bodies ending in -twenty, at the end of the word: fifteen-

ten, nineteen, twenty. (About the spelling of numerals

see also § 27.)

Note: In combinations hyai, ​​chi, nch, rch, chk, cabbage soup, rsch, nsch

soft sign is not written: early, night, corolla, damage, stove-maker,

assistant, lamplighter, beater.


Rules. As an indicator of the grammatical form ь п-

a) in the nominative and accusative cases the only one

numbers of feminine nouns: speech, mouse, game, young

dezh (not to be confused with clouds, groves, thousands, as these are forms of birth-

corpus plural);

b) in the indefinite form of the verb: teach - learn,

sleep - get enough sleep;

c) in the form imperative mood: weigh - weigh,

weigh yourself; rash - rash, rash;

d) in the second person singular form: you look -

you look in; you build - you build. (About spelling in the chapter

bare forms, see also § 31.)

Exercise 42. Rewrite, inserting where necessary, skipping

puppy letters.

1.1. At that moment the drunken screams of the guests were heard (P.).

2. He [Chichikov] himself decided to invent fortresses, write

write and rewrite so as not to pay anything under...we'll

(G.). 3. She sat down at the piano and played a few

his loved ones (Goth.). 4. The lackey monkeys them

manners, manners (Adv.). 5. Tall green bur...yan

grew up in the place where there once was a yard (L.T.). 6. Upholstery

ka on the seats of the first councils and on the barriers of the boxes for a long time

faded (M.-Sib.). 7. The angry river foamed and gulped

the waves chilled the granite parapets of the embankment

(Burn/.). 8. Sometimes a group came out from..,examiners-

Xia of schoolchildren, cheerfully talking about luck or

worried - about the possibility of failure (Cor.). 9. Cook

gave them (sailors] boiled bouillon meat (M.G.).

10. Among a large clean area on a high p...e-

On the opposite side stood a cast of the mighty figure of David (Veres.).

11. Here we have another picnic companion (Cupr.).

12. Nearby, behind the trees, an incredible...

azure expanse (Smooth). 13. At the slightest...

suit, with the buttons torn off, this suit should

wives to be put on the shelf for repairs, cleaning, etc. (Ma-

Kar.). 14. My father and I already had dinner (A.N.T.). 15. We

retreated to the north, hiding behind strong forces all the time

rear guards (Vershig.). 16. Andrey’s letters became non-

an integral part of my life (Kae.). 17. Aksinya s...u-

Zila eyes, moving her black eyebrows (Shoya.). 18. On-

became the day of the premiere, prepared from above

six months (N. Cherkasov). 19. We presented Fokin a series

demands, and above all about increasing wages

Boards (Bakhm.). 20. The soldiers began to sew themselves in...leather from bre-

zenta (closed).

II. 1. There were several concentrated in the town

infantry battalions. 2. Before us stand wide, all-

comprehensive tasks of building a classless general

find in the stores of trade. 4. During re-

During the installation of the theater, the inter-tier ceilings were replaced.

foreign trade union delegation. 6. New methods

The work allowed us to save a lot of time and money.

7. An active counter...attack of the enemy put the

the difficult situation of a young chess player. 8. Work

the translator's task was made easier by the recently published three...language-

dictionary. 9. On such a...southern night it was not difficult

getting lost in unfamiliar places. 10. At night, no-

frosts were rare, and the leaves on the trees were...

were suffering from the cold. 11. For sending urgent and important documents

The cops used the feld...jager connection.

12. After checking whether the toes and skis are firmly attached

Nicks went on a hike. 13. Taking on any task

Bot, you need to objectively assess your capabilities.

14. Old-style banknotes were withdrawn from...

appeals. 15. At dawn human life almost love

this natural phenomenon seemed supernatural to people

unknown and inexplicable. 16. The chemist carried out experiments with

some four...element compounds. 17. B

based on such theories as Pan-Turkism, Pan...Japaneseism,

are not so much religious as political

goals. 18. Giant Soviet jet plane co-

completed a trans-European flight in a few hours-

owls 19. The peasants rebelled repeatedly, trying to

get rid of the heaviness of... the jugular life in conditions

serfdom. 20. At first full-scale ones were produced

filming, then the work was moved to the pavilions

film factories.

III. 1. My request is as follows. 2. Rain

it was sown smaller and smaller... 3. An exhaustion lay on the ground

rose.... 4. You get dressed near the open porthole,

which brings in the freshness of April. 5. He can’t sit

Los.... 6. He is learning how to horse...skate. 7. Short

The winter day was beginning to get dark. 8. Everyone is nannying with him...-

chilis.... 9. The assistant was diligent and smart.

l...distant and in...southern. 11. The nanny...loved to carry...sya with

children... 12. The flaxen heads turned white in the darkness. 13. I'm afraid...

seriously interested. 14. And there is nothing to marvel at: how the tree-

IS WOO FRIENDS with fire? 15. If you want... - you can... eat... it.

16. On an early summer morning, go to the forest. 17. Pose-

bot...tes...about food: take something with you. 18. Don't

cry...those, comfort...tes.... 19. Intercede...for the weak. 20. Throw...-

they are swearing.

IV. Frost..., ring...tso, village...d..., December...,sky,

men...she, -Kuz...mich,, Al...bina, Pal...-

peace, al...ergy, BOZ...NYA, welder, song...birth...,

dacha..., valor..., shoulders..., spring..., strong..., yang-





1. After prefixes ending in a consonant, instead of

and it is written ы in accordance with the pronunciation. For example: ig-

army - play; search - find.

Note 1. This rule does not apply to

compound words: pedagogical institute, sports equipment, etc.

Note 2. In the word collect it is written and according to


2. After the prefixes inter- and super-, and is preserved, since according to

general rule s is not written after sibilants and back-linguals:

inter-institutional, super-industrialization.

3. It is also preserved after foreign language prefixes and hours.

tic counter-, sub-, trans-, pan-: counterplay, sub-inspector, trans-

Jordanian, pan-Islamism.

Exercise 43. Fill in the missing letters.

An unprincipled work, a...less river, without-

Inventory management, uninitiated worker,

unartificial story, un... similar need, me-, previous...previous presentation, pre...history of the...

humanity, super...refined manners, under...integral-

new date, pre...June events, -trans...paradise

highway, play...opening, of the enemy,

tic contradictions.

Subject: The use of ъ (er) and ь (ер). Spelling a soft sign after sibilants at the end of a word.

Goals: to form a solid idea of ​​the spelling of soft and hard signs, to develop the ability to differentiate the conditions for using b and b signs; see the difference in the use of b and b signs in words; be able to apply knowledge of theoretical material in written speech; cultivate a desire for competent speech; pride in one's language and its uniqueness.


teaching students practical techniques for using theoretical principles;

students' acquisition of skills and abilities to use various methods in solving specific practical problems;

development of creative professional thinking, professional and cognitive motivation;

repetition and consolidation of knowledge;

development of scientific thinking and speech;

application of collaboration skills and communication with the audience.

Equipment: Table “Soft sign after sibilants at the end of a word”, text “Use of initial letters Erb (Ъ) and Er’ (b)”, text of the song by the group “Alice” (Album “Single”, 2010) “Hard sign”.

Type of lesson: integrated.

Educational technology : interactive, educational, gaming.

Methods classes: verbal, visual and illustrative, research, reproductive, heuristic conversation, creating problem situations, relaxation pause, vocabulary work, creating a cloud of associations, working with reference patterns.

Evaluation criteria:

"5" is given if the student completed all tasks correctly.

"4" is given if the student completed at least 3/4 of the tasks correctly.

“3” is given for work in which at least half of the tasks are completed correctly.

"2" is given for work in which more than half of the tasks are not completed.

"1" is given if the student has not completed any assignments.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational stage

1. Greeting.

2. Checking those present.

3. Report the topic and objectives of the lesson.

4. Introduction by the teacher

Very often we make mistakes in words with b and b signs. What are the similarities, what are the differences, why are these letters interesting?

The letters b and b are called soft and hard signs, but this name is arbitrary. You should not think that the b sign always indicates the softness of consonants, and the b sign always indicates hardness. Their functions often coincide: both signs can be dividing, and then many consonants standing before the hard sign, as well as before the soft sign, are pronounced softly (compare: adjunct - horse).

In other cases, the use of the b sign does not indicate the softness of consonants, for example: mouse, say, cut ( w, and in Russian they are always hard).

However, there are also spellings in which the b sign indicates a softening of the consonant sound (love, fate). All this causes spelling difficulties when using b and b.

II. Updating knowledge.

1. Using method brainstorming, compile a reference table “Use of b and b signs”

Teacher clarification:

The letters ъ (er) and ь (ерь) in modern Russian do not denote sounds, although in ancient times they were very short sounds [o] and [e]. Now the letters ъ and ь are formal delimiters of consonant sounds, one of which is [j],

cf.: congress [sjest], shooting [sjomka], beating [b"jyt], weeds [byp"jan], etc.

Use of ъ

The separating b is written before the letters e, e, yu, i:

1) after prefixes ending in a consonant: tongueless, ruffle, express, intertier, association, entrance, removable, etc. In words with the same root, remove, embrace, immense, embrace, take away, integral, etc., it is written b, since historically the root is here -я- (corresponding to the roots -im-, -em-, cf.: take-ya-t - take-im-at, ot-ya-t - from-y-at - colloquial), and the prefixes end in a consonant . We find the same root in the words volume, rise, disconnect, etc.).

Teacher clarification:

1) This rule does not apply to complex abbreviated words such as detyasli, inyaz (institute of foreign languages), orgedinitsa, as well as to complex words that are written with a hyphen, such as half-yurt, half-core, trade unions;

2) in complex words after the numerals two-, three-, four-:

two-tier, trilingual, four-yard (cf.: two-act, three-act, quadrangular);

3) after foreign language prefixes ending in a consonant:

hell-, dis-, in-, con-,

4) after morphemes close to prefixes: counter- (meaning “against”), pan-, trans-: adjunct, adjutant, disjunctive, injection, conjunction, conjunctive, counter-tier, pan-European, trans-Japanese.

Teacher clarification:

Ъ is not written before other vowels: kontrazhur, kontrataka, kontrudat, panatlantic, transuranic, etc.

Note. Inside the word (not after the prefix) Ъ is written only in some words: courier, object, subject. In the word interior it is written b, since there is no prefix.

Use of b

The letter ь is used not only as a separator, but also as a sign of denoting the softness of a consonant, and also as a means of distinguishing morphological characteristics.

1. Separating b is written:

1) inside a word (not after a prefix) before the letters e, e, yu, i: imposing, blizzard, weeds, interview, fox, etc.;

2) in some borrowed words before o: battalion, broth, guillotine, companion, pavilion, postman, signor, champignon; V proper names: Cola Brugnon.

Teacher clarification:

The word piano and its derivative piano have spelling variants: piano, piano.

2. As a means of indicating the softness of the preceding consonant, the letter b is written:

1) at the end of words: shipyard, eight, swell, ripen, blood; at the end of the first part of complex words: copper-containing, flour mill, salt-losing.

Teacher clarification:

The preposition near is written without a soft sign, unlike the noun near;

The nouns gnus (midges) and gnus (simple “something vile, vile”) are also distinguished;

2) in the middle of a word between two soft consonants, if when changing a word or in related words, the second consonant becomes hard, and the first retains its softness: take (take), eight (eighth), about a request (request),

But: bow (bow), crowd (close), carnage (cut);

3) in the middle of a word between two consonants, if the first is soft and the second is hard: mowing, threshing, bitter, etc.; also after a soft l [l "], regardless of whether it is a hard or soft consonant, it is followed by: alto, balm, casually, lioness, linen, flatterer, benefit.

3. As a means of distinguishing morphological characteristics, b is used in feminine nouns (as opposed to masculine nouns), cf.: night, oven, power,

But: sword, cloak;

V imperative form verbs: cry - cry,

But: crying (loud);

in adverbs and particles ending in hissing (except for the adverbs really, unbearably, married): gallop, unbearably, entirely, only, etc.

4. The letter b is not written in the following cases:

1) between two soft consonants l: alley, allure, appeal, porthole, illusion, rally, etc.;

2) in combinations nn, nch, rch, rsch, chk, chn, schn: cheat, finished, tavern, typesetter, juicy, powerful, etc.;

3) between two soft consonants at the absolute end of a word (with the exception of writing b after l: parallel): nail, revenge, apart, death, tornado, power, etc. Here the softness of the consonant preceding the final consonant is not primordial, but acquired from the adjacent soft consonant (cf.: [gvos "t"], [cm "er" t"]).

II. Control of the initial level of knowledge

1. Fill out the table yourself, remembering the material studied at school.

Part of speech

not written



2. Checking independent work.

b at the end of words after hissing words

Part of speech

not written


feminine 3rd slope. in im.p

be quiet, daughter

1. masculine 2nd slope. in name: knife, sword

2. feminine 1st cl. plural: problem solving


short adjectives: powerful, melodious

wide open, wide open

Excl.: already, married, unbearable

1. in n.f. verb: to preserve, to burn

2. in command. incline. verb: hide, cover up

3. 2 persons units. numbers: you decide, you sing

look, look, just, look

3. Working on cards

Exercise 1.

Write it down, inserting b or b where necessary.

Adjutant, adjutant, without...nuclear, log...chaty, Bur...yan, Gil...otina, racer, inter...yu, from. ..yan,, compan...on,, eight...hundred, million...he, enormous...about, about...burn, about... yat, objective, discouraged, ob...rider, revealed, present, provide, provide, pre...autumn, p...edestal, pre...anniversary, pan...European, landowner..., once...daring,, fisherman...him, once...assure, enraged...over. ..poisonous,, super...natural, deep, three...lingual, two...storeyed, three...axial.

III. Consolidation of the studied material.

1. Work in groups. Problem task.

Explain the spelling of words and create phrases with them. If you have any difficulties, consult dictionaries.

1 group

Adjunct - adequate,

atomless - nuclear-free,

two-element - two-anchor,

injection - instructions,

counterplay - counter tier.

2nd group

Interinstitutional - interlingual,

teach - announce,

Pan-American - Pan-Japanese,

to disunite - to separate,

unleash - enrage.

2. Individual survey. Speaking in front of an audience.

By opening the brackets, form words with prefixes. Use ъ and ь where necessary. Explain to the audience the spelling and meaning of words.

(survey of 5 students):

Without- (emergency, capacitive, appeal);

ob- (explanatory, appear, teach, go, eat);

from- (examine, manifest, study, ride, beat);

dis- (united, traveled, garden, communicate);

over-(measured, capacious, natural, regular, scheduled).

3. Commented dictation.

Dictate, explaining the spelling of words.

(students dictate in chain):

1. Enraged, I burst into the meeting like an avalanche (Mayakovsky).

2. Per...remembered that the princess always had companions with her (L. Tolstoy).

3. I am afraid mainly of everyday life (Chekhov).

4. The valleys of the nights... are still engulfing (Pushkin).

5. She stands at the bust, leaning on the pedestal, and watches him (Goncharov).

6. And in...reality I see proud traces of days past before me (Pushkin).

7. Kashtanka ate a lot, but didn’t get enough, but only got drunk from food (Chekhov).

8. At the beginning of the ascent, Herbert noticed fresh tracks that belonged to some large animals, possibly dangerous predators (Jules Verne).

9. Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that, without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love (M. Gorky).

10. Bagration shouted to him from the mountain so that he should not go further than the stream, but Rostov pretended as if he had not heard his words (L. Tolstoy).

11. The shoot was creatively unproductive (Cherkasov).

12. And the rumble rises all around (Lermontov).

13. He adjusted himself in the saddle and touched his horse to once again ride around his hussars (L. Tolstoy).

14. Nikolai could not, as it seemed to him, endure this situation any longer and went to explain to his mother (L. Tolstoy).

15. Never take on the next without having mastered the previous one (I. Pavlov).

16. It was September, windy and wet, when Artamonov approached Dremov (M. Gorky).

17. The lanky subject sighed and shrugged (Chekhov).

4. Comprehensive text analysis.

Read the text and answer the questions after the text.

The use of initial letters Erb (Ъ) and Erj (b)

Before entering school, every child is forced to learn the letters of the Russian alphabet: A, B, C, D, D, etc. And for almost everyone the learning process native language already at the very beginning it turns into torture. The child sees a ball in front of him and easily remembers the word “ball”. “Car”, “doll”, “book”... Each word is associated with an object in his hands and is easily remembered. What are A, B, C, D, D? The answer to this question is not easy for a child’s consciousness to find. And not every adult will be able to explain the semantics of their native alphabet. Why does the Russian alphabet have exactly these letter names? What is the history of the native alphabet, what was the letter system like in different historical eras? Where did some letters disappear, for example, Ъ and ь? There are a lot of questions, and even more answers.

The initial letters Er and Er in Old Russian writing denoted short vowel sounds and conveyed the image of creation in various phases:

Er means that it needs to be created (the process of creation).

Er means that it has already been created (the completed version of creation).

The meaning conveyed by these letters is easy to understand in specific examples: the word “sleep” in Old Russian had the spelling СЪНЪ (by the way, the presence of alternation in modern language o//zero sound is precisely explained by the spelling of this word through a reduced vowel), in the root of the word Ъ (er) was used to convey sound, the meaning of the word conveys to us the meaning of creating certain conditions for the realization of the phenomenon, and in the word ПНь (modern “stump” ) the letter b conveys the meaning of what has already been done with the object. In fact, this is true: the tree turned into a stump after the tree had already been cut.

And if initially they sounded at least briefly, then after the Christians made substitutions (Er - short “O”; Er - short “E”), they began to sound only under stress.

Here are examples of the use of these initial letters:

FAST (complete cleansing of one’s own body) - i.e. We create cleansing of the body, the system is in the process of creation, that’s why the letter Er is written.

LSЪ (forest) - in this word two forms are used, i.e. the forest already exists (b), but at the same time it continues to grow, which means it is in the process of creation (b).

FLAX (laziness) - there is no creation here, everything has stopped.

STUMP (stump) - nothing grows anymore. Plural form of “pink” or “kick”, i.e. the emphasis is transferred to the last letter. But this should not be confused with the word “stump” - a slap on the head on the floor below (just kidding).

MЪХЪ (moss) is the plural form of “moss”, the emphasis is transferred, and the common indication “makhm” (moss or moss) is all overgrown.

РъТъ (mouth) - when children are asked: “What should you breathe with?”, they answer “рътьмъ” (mouth), i.e. children know their native speech better... but then they begin to “teach” them. Soviet literate people came up with the rule of disappearing letters, so children begin to get confused, the letter is there, but it has disappeared. Where did she go? And they are answered: “That’s how it’s supposed to be,” and they are taught to speak incorrectly.

REVENGE (revenge) - and another form of “Mestil” (took revenge), i.e. the emphasis has shifted.

FLATTERY (flattery) - flattered (flattered).

KЪNIGA (konig or book) - the basis of the word “KЪN” (kon) is the highest foundation; “I” is a conjunctive form; "GA" is the way. Those. a book is a foundation that describes life paths, or we read on the right - “move in accordance with the foundation.” KЪN is a foundation, something that is accepted by our Relatives. And everything that is beyond the foundation, that does not fit in, is the “law”.

KNYAZ (horse) - the keeper of the foundation, literally “the bright keeper of the foundation on Earth,” i.e. the one who was chosen to preserve Kona. The correct reading is “horse”, the fourth letter Enъ (e-nasal).

KONUNG (konung) - the one who is entrusted with moving Kon to another place. Those. they chose a person who was trusted, and he carried the rules, explained to people that they had to comply with them. Therefore, when our Clans left for Scandinavia, kings appeared there. Now translators say that the Konung is also a Prince; but this is not so, the king TRANSFERS, and the prince KEEPS.

You see how rich and deep the images are.

In addition, in the first Russian alphabet, created by the enlightenment brothers Cyril and Methodius, the letter Ъ was the 29th letter denoting a super-short vowel sound, and was used to correctly break a line into words (before switching to the use of spaces). For example: to God's chosen king.

The loss of “b” and “b” also affected the spelling of prefixes with “ze” and “es”; a new rule appeared: before a voiceless word we write voiceless, before a voiced word we write voiced. For example, the word “powerlessness”. At the end of the prefix we write the letter “es”, because the root begins with a voiceless consonant [s]. This is a modern rule. And earlier everything was simpler, the prefix “demon” did not exist at all, the letter “ze” was always written in this place, POWERLESS, since after the prefix there was a reduced sound. There was no need to remember any rules. When “unnecessary” letters were removed from the language, a new rule appeared.

Designers, stylizing the text to resemble the turn of the century, try to use “a la Russe” fonts and put a solid sign after each final consonant in the word. Basically, such creativity is an example of very poor taste and illiteracy. The rules of the old spelling were a little more complicated and were not limited to the placement of hard signs at the end of words.

Questions to the text

Determine the style and type of text.

Identify the topic and main idea of ​​the text.

Make a plan for the text.

Prepare 3 questions for your classmate based on the text.

Compiling a cloud of associations

The process of creation  creation  creation  art  world  GOD  result  action.

Role-playing games text based

“I am a writer” (explain the idea of ​​​​creating this text),

“I am a tour guide” (lead a tour through the Old Russian alphabet).

IV. Summing up.Relaxation break.

Listening to the song “Solid Sign” performed by the group “Alice”

(Album “Single”, 2010)

Working with song lyrics

Where arrogance flaunts its temper,
Where bohemia speaks more often,
time is like sand,
Turns to stone for repentance,
Melts into broken antics
from heel to toe.

In hidden casuistry
Rotten defames the truth with mysticism,
mud is like water.
There in the debates between funeral feasts,
Wiping yourself with euphemisms,
laid in three rows.

How do I
fear and doubt
Take it in your fist.

In a battle of words
cause to rejoice
A solid sign.

Where they wander around in circles,
Calling a toad a falcon -
faith for a nickel.
Where are the consonants for “and short”?
Turns sharp into smooth,
I give it a "firm sign".

Between essence and reading
burning trajectory,
should you interpret?
Whoever catches up will stay with him,
Whoever takes it, so will it be -
You can’t crush the hard ones!

Assignments to the text

Explain the meaning of the phrases “arrogance boasts with a temper”, “bohemia often speaks”, “time is like sand”, “turns to stone for repentance”, “in behind-the-scenes casuistry”, “rotten defames the truth with mysticism”.

How does artistic speech contribute to the expression of the author's intention?

Explain the genre and specificity of the work.

V. Assignments for independent work.

Complete test tasks:

Option 1

1. In what row is b written in all words?

1) river..ka, monkey..yana, lish..

2) hide.., l..steal, nanny..cheat

3) palatal..., wide..., under...

4) without..nuclear, come to think of it..., knife..

2) perform the carcass.., the wind is fresh..

3) take your mind off things, five dachas...

4) rushing... down the mountain, giving birth in winter...

1) cut off the pie, there are no TV shows..

2) very skinny.., already shaving..

3) dear brooch.., take care.. from the fire

4) fall backwards.., pear compote..

1) pick a lily of the valley.., obvious fake..

2) the athlete is powerful.., help.. friends

3) hope.. for the best, can’t bear to wait..

4) you wake up at night and become interested in sports

1) you will understand everything from narrow shoulders...

2) battle cry.., make a breach..

3) the soup is hot.., submit to fate..

4) dilute.. completely, buy alkali..

1) you are having fun.. from the heart, dense forest..

2) caught fire... from the wind, end up in the wasteland..

3) a rook has arrived.., you have a bad reflection..

4) lie down.. relax, play stew..

1) The morning begins with mother’s smile.

2) We need to meet with friends more often.

3) After a busy day at work, sleep well.

4) You can’t tie a knot with one hand..

Option 2

1. In which row is b written in place of the gap in both cases?

1) if you want to show off in public, put on a raincoat..

2) love... science, protect... from adversity

3) good day.., indomitable power..

4) large circulation..., cut...the bread

2. In which row is b written in place of the gap in both cases?

1) ripe vegetable.., I had to strain..

2) soft roll.., spread...butter on the bread

3) go to bed.. full of nonsense..

4) you compete with them, they play stew..

3. In which row is b written in place of the gap in both cases?

1) strengthening.. positions, delicious roll..

2) eat the pie, it’s bitter.. in your mouth

3) create luxury.., get married..

4) guarded luggage.., long speech..

4. In which row is b written in place of the gap in both cases?

1) a skilled trumpeter.., get into the jam..

2) when you grow old quickly, hit backhand..

3) attack the enemy, the suit is good

4) burn .. garbage, solve five problems ..

5. In which row is b written in place of the gap in both cases?

1) send..those, board.., hide..

2) cut.., flammable.., lovely young ladies..

3) so on.., you understand.. xia, nine.. hundred

4) brutal.., hidden.., speech..

6. In which row is b written in place of the gap in both cases?

1) curtain..those, a glass of cherries.., empty..

2) wave..thinking, courting.., from ancient bowls..

3) waffle .. platter, neglected .., some kind of bliss ..

4) you will leave.., from the dark thickets.., little white..

7. Which answer option correctly indicates all the examples where b is written in place of the gap?

1) The bell rings with a wonderful ringing.

2) Only stupid people can quarrel over trifles.

3) We won’t be able to get to the performance today.

4) You can’t keep up with the wind.

VI. Homework.

1. Prepare a message answering the questions:

History of the initial letters ER and ER.

When is b written after hissing words at the end?

In what cases is b used?

2. Compose a miniature essay using as many of these words as possible:

Wilderness, lily of the valley, only, fragrant, you go, admire, look, lie down, mighty, take care.


Glazunova O.I. Russian language and culture of speech [Text]: textbook for higher education students educational institutions/ O.I. Glazunov. - 2nd ed., erased. - Moscow: KnoRus, 2015. - 243 p.

Rudenko A.M. Speech culture and business communication in diagrams and tables [Text]: training manual/ A.M. Rudenko. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2015. - 334 p.

Chernyak V.D. Russian language and culture of speech [Text]: textbook for bachelors / [Chernyak V.D. etc.]; edited by V.D. Chernyak; Russian state Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. - Moscow: Yurayt, 2014. - 505 p.


Valgina N.S. Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation: a complete academic reference book Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book / Ed. V.V. Lopatina. - M: AST, 2009. - 432 p.

Vlasenkov A.I. Russian language. Grades 10-11 [Text]: textbook for general education organizations: basic level/ A.I. Vlasenkov, L.M. Rybchenkova. - 6th ed. - Moscow: Education, 2014. - 287 p.

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation: Complete academic reference book / Ed. V.V. Lopatina. - M.: Eksmo, 2011.

Rosenthal D.E. Universal reference book on the Russian language [Text]: spelling, punctuation, practical stylistics / D.E. Rosenthal. - Moscow: Peace and Education, 2015. - 702 p.

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