Old jam as fertilizer. The best fertilizers for garden vegetables: useful tips. Nettle supplements

Herbal- put the nettles in a 10-liter bucket to fill 3/4 of the volume, add water, cover with a lid and place in the shade, after 7-10 days at a temperature of about 20 - ready. Add half a bottle of valerian to remove the smell. Dilute 10 times (1 liter per 10 liters of water).
Zelenka. Put the grass in a sugar bag and put it in a barrel, add 1 tbsp. calcium Soda = grass will quickly decompose + deoxidizer.
=== Nettle juice cannot be used undiluted. It must be diluted with water 1:10. It should be watered at the root. Nettle slurry well nourishes exhausted plantings of tomatoes, cabbage, celery, and cucumbers. But this fertilizer is not suitable for beans, peas and onions.
Bread- for a 10 liter bucket of water - 1/3 - 1/4 of the volume of dry bread crusts, ready in 2-3 days, dilute in the same way as herbal. Feed with grass once a week, and bread once a week. You can also add banana peels to the bread, then until ready - 3-4 days. The smell is normal.
-FILL THE BUCKET 2/3 WITH CHOPPED BLACK BREAD CRUSTS, FILL WITH WATER and press down with something heavy. Otherwise, the crusts will float up when the bread begins to sour. Place the bucket in a warm place for a week. Then dilute the starter with 2 liters of water. And pour this bread mixture over the cucumbers at the root. Such fertilizing can be done once every a week FROM THE BEGINNING OF FLOWERING TO THE BEGINNING OF WILLING.
Banana bread. For 3 liter jar put 2-3 pieces of banana peels, brown bread crusts and fill with water, put in a warm place and wait 3-4-5 days. When the indescribable aroma is present, the mash is ready. For 1 liter of water for irrigation, add 100 grams of this mash,0, 5 cubes of potassium humate syringe (I also add 1 drop of Zircon) and water the plants, I feed it a week after picking.

When planting, place a fish in the hole. sprinkle 5 cm of soil and plant on it. You can make an infusion (albeit terribly smelly) of fish, similar to a herbal one, and water it with it all June. Both peppers and eggplants really like this infusion.
Banana infusion add skins to a jar of water (2-3 per liter jar), leave for 3-4 days (longer is undesirable, it stinks), and water, no need to dilute. Both peppers and eggplants with tomatoes will like it.

How to prepare kvass for feeding.

In 3 liter plastic container Pour 2/3 of the crusts from black bread and dilute a pack of yeast (100g, live) in warm boiled water, pour the yeast onto the crusts and bring the volume to full capacity with warm water, screw on the lid. Infuse for 3 days in a warm place (place the container in something, otherwise the kvass often overflows due to fermentation), strain through cheesecloth.

For watering, dilute 1 to 10 with water.

Cucumbers and strawberries will be especially grateful for it. Pour dry bread tightly (as much as will fit) into a container, fill it with water and press down. Place in a warm place for a week. Before use, dilute the starter with water (1:3) and add to 12 liters of the resulting liquid matchbox complex fertilizer. Water cucumbers with this mixture once a week from the beginning of flowering until autumn wilt, and strawberries until the end of harvest.
for fruit berry crops. Fill a 20-liter bucket one-third full with bread crusts, fill it with water, add half a shovel. fresh manure and leave for a week. To feed, dilute 1 liter of the resulting starter in 10 - 12 liters of water and apply it to the tree trunk. If the weather is dry, water the plants first. clean water, and then “bread”.

baker'se yeast. Pour 100 g of yeast into a 3-liter jar, add 1/2 cup of sugar and fill with water. Mix everything carefully, cover with gauze and leave for a week. Then dilute (a glass in a bucket of water) and start watering: for each garden plant- 0.5 liters, and for trees - 0.5 buckets. yeast a good stimulant is B vitamins, but only a freshly prepared solution; during fermentation, ethyl alcohol is formed, which is a good fruit ripening agent, but it makes plants AGE faster!
Yeast 200g packs + 150g sugar (jam) + 10 liters of water = ferment in the sun for 24 hours = pour into a barrel with warm water = water at the root. (water the seedlings and the rest well)
Can also be used instant yeast. To prepare the working solution, one sachet and 2 tbsp. l. dissolve sugar in a small amount warm water and leave for 2 hours. Then increase the volume to 10 liters. For watering, dilute 0.5 liters of infusion in 10 liters of water.
You should only work with yeast in warm weather, when the earth has warmed up well. And during fermentation, yeast absorbs a lot of calcium, so it is better to add it with ash.
Eggshell Some housewives use “calcium” powder instead of sand when sowing carrots: for more economical seed consumption. It can also be used to dust seedlings of vegetables and flowers (in particular, asters) to protect them from the “black leg”.
My grandmother is clean eggshells filled it with fertile soil and sowed cucumbers in it. When the seedlings grew, the shell was crushed and the seedlings were planted in the garden along with the egg.
Ground shells can be poured with warm water (0.5 liters per bucket), left for a day and watered (strictly at the root!) potatoes, cabbage (especially cauliflower), tomatoes, seedlings of peppers, eggplants, asters, as well as beets, roses, indoor flowers , thus insuring plants from diseases.
Eggshells can also provide invaluable assistance in pest control. Sprinkle it under the cabbage and the slugs will be safe. Crushed shells, soaked sunflower oil, brought to the beds to protect against mole crickets. And in order to distract the attention of the cabbage white butterfly, some gardeners place high pins around the cabbage (higher than the heads of cabbage), on which they put a white eggshell. Both beauty and benefit.
sleeping or just iced tea contains about 4 percent nitrogen and 1 percent potassium. The tea leaves an excellent mulch for the soil and stimulates the growth of flowers and vegetables (especially carrots and radishes). Tea leaves decompose slowly, releasing nitrogen, and therefore the soil is gradually enriched with it. But attention: you can use it only after drying it first. It is good to sprinkle the sown carrots with dry tea leaves, and also add them to the holes when planting cucumbers and tomatoes. coffee grounds- good organic matter. It is rich in nitrogen and perfectly improves soil structure. Coffee residues contain a lot of magnesium and potassium, but not enough phosphorus, calcium and iron. But there is sulfur, which cabbage and garlic love so much and which helps them fight white rot. You can mix the coffee with the top layer of soil or simply sprinkle it over the surface.
If you sprinkle the seeds with coffee when sowing carrots, the vegetable will grow clean and without black holes. Great connoisseurs of coffee are roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, evergreens and camellias. But ants, slugs and snails are not happy with it. “Draw” protective circles around the plants with the dormant thicket, and the enemy will not pass through.
in onion skins There is a full set of macro- and microelements. And the coloring substance quercecin has a bactericidal effect. Fill half a bucket of husk with 10 liters of hot (plus 70 degrees) water and leave for 24 hours. When starting work, dilute the solution with clean water in a 1:1 ratio.
Have your cucumbers and zucchini leaves started to turn yellow? And you give them an onion shower. Pour two handfuls of husks into 10 liters of water, bring to a boil and leave to steam under the lid until completely cooled. When preparing for watering, dilute 2 liters of infusion with a bucket of warm (plus 20 - 22 degrees) water. After such a font, the plants will instantly come to life, and there will be more ovaries. Infusion onion peel It is also useful to water tomatoes and carrots.
For destruction spider mite, aphids, thrips, onion infusion is also suitable. They not only treat plants, but also wash the trunk, shoots and leaves on both sides. An infusion of husks also helps well against false powdery mildew, which often spoils cucumbers in August. True, start spraying cucumber lashes it is necessary in advance - before the first signs of the disease appear. And the treatments should be repeated every 5 days.
20 g pour 1 l hot water and leave for a day. And then spray the seedlings 2 - 3 times (with an interval of a week).
the husks should be removed from absolutely healthy bulbs, and the onion solution should only be freshly prepared.
To reduce the number of Colorado potato beetles, wireworms or mole crickets, when planting potatoes or seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants and cabbage, bury a handful of onion peels in the hole with the plant - pests cannot stand its smell. And in a greenhouse or greenhouse there will be an order of magnitude less harmful insects if you put a bucket of brewed onion peels there.
Potato peelings rich in starch. And, as you know, currants love it. So dig them around the bushes. Replace peelings and organic fertilizer for cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, squash, cabbage and onions.
But tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other crops of the nightshade family should not be indulged in potato “dishes”: they have many common ailments and pests.
Also garlic smell repels ants. Infusions and decoctions of onions and garlic are widely used against pests (aphids, mites, gooseberry sawfly, cutworms, psyllids, bedbugs, leaf-eating caterpillars) and diseases (late blight and rust). The seeds are disinfected in garlic pulp and juice.
Traditional recipe for pitching yeast:
regular ones - diluted in water in a ratio of 1 kg of yeast per 5 liters of water. Before use, the resulting composition is further diluted in 50 liters of water;
dry - diluted in water in a ratio of 10 g per 10 liters of warm water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Let it brew for about two hours, then dilute it in the same way in 50 liters of water and use it.
You can use natural yeast to feed plants - a starter obtained, for example, from hops or wheat grains.
Sourdough recipe from wheat grains:
soak a glass of wheat and let it germinate (for about one day);
grind into porridge;
add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and flour until the consistency of thick porridge;
stir and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes;
put in a warm place until it turns sour (bubbles appear) for about a day.
The starter is ready.
Hop starter recipe:
Place hop cones (dry or fresh) in a saucepan and pour hot water, boil for one hour;
cool and strain;
add sugar and flour to the broth (twice as much flour as sugar);
mix and place in a warm place for 1.5 days;
add mashed boiled potatoes to the mixture (until the porridge becomes thick);
stir and leave for another day. The starter is ready.
Onion peels are also an excellent supplement.
In order for the plants to be healthy and bloom luxuriantly, they must be fed with a decoction of onion peels. The decoction is prepared as follows: Place four handfuls of onion peels in a bucket. Fill the bucket to the top with water, bring to a boil and let it brew. Leave for a day. Then, for feeding, take 1.5 liters of broth in a bucket of water and water your pets. The effect is fantastic. A lot has been written, but do it very quickly, try it.
We will replace “Baikal” with a home remedy:

Put herbs in a barrel, throw in old yeast, old bread (yeast bacteria), add candied jam, rinses of milk, sour cream, kefir (lactic acid bacteria), sprinkle hay dust (bacillus hay, which is an eater of harmful pathogens). You can add min. fertilizers, humates, throw in a handful of soil (it contains all the necessary microorganisms, by the way, not foreign to your site, but native, they will also be multiplied on the nutrient medium). To soften the disgusting odor, add ash (additional fertilizer). Close the barrel with a lid and let it brew for 7-10 days. Dilute 1 liter of infusion into a bucket. Use as foliar and root feeding. The effect is very wonderful.

1. Never insist on LIVE, freshly cut, freshly pulled plants. Thus, we reproduce organisms that can eat and damage living cells. Dry any grass - that's hay dust for you.

2. Nai best option earthen seed is top layer. 1-2 kg per barrel of the top layer of soil with old leaves and twigs (the blackened leaf is that same cellulose-destroying hay stick) from a planting away from the ground on which they worked with chemicals.

3. The best option for infusion is to pump air through the infusion in this container from a compressor for aquariums (or another similar option for aerating the infusion). There is no need to allow stench. THIS IS A PROCESS OF ROTATION, NOT FERMENTATION.

HUMATESthese are potassium and sodium salts of humic acids. They are chemical basis humus, its concentrate. -I usually buy several 100 gram bags for the season, steam them like tea (I fill a 100 gram bag with 3 liters of boiling water in a bottle.) Every other day, then carefully strain it through a nylon stocking. The humate itself quite positively contributes to the accelerated development of soil microflora, which ultimately forms high-quality humus from everything that you add to the garden - manure, straw and other organic matter. And based on the humate, I make my “homemade Growth concentrate” at home - I add the necessary proportion of complex fertilizer and put it into drip. I do this 2-3 times a season.
I dissolve 3 liters of mother liquor in a 200 liter tank, add a couple of kilos of complex there and all this for 7.5 acres (2500 tomatoes) in an hour through an injector mixes 3 cubic meters of water and drips through a drop. You can use 100 mother liquors per 10 liters of water + a spoonful of the required fertilizer and water....
1 tsp without slide for watering bucket. We watered cut carnations, roses and potted ones in greenhouses...for foliar use 1/2 tsp. for 10 l + other ingredients. You can spray any plants, gurkas and pidoles are especially responsive.
EM drug. You can grow at least a ton of the drug from one bottle. But, subject to one rule: do not allow fermentation to complete. And add a nutrient solution during active fermentation. (The nutrient solution is sugar, molasses, jam, honey, compote, etc., all this must be heated at least +70 * C, and then cooled to room temperature before adding it to the fermenting EM preparation).
How to practically do this. Pour the initially fermented EM preparation prepared from EM concentrate into 2-3 plastic bottles. Top up with nutrient solution. When the drug begins to actively carbonate again (after 3-5 days), one bottle is used. The other one should be divided again. Wait for fermentation again, divide, add nutrient solution. Etc. This way you can use the drug all season. But not the one that was stored in the refrigerator. And the one that constantly and actively wanders.
In the spring, buy a new concentrate and prepare an actively fermenting (carbonating) drug from it. And then increase the volume according to the above scheme. There will be no “losses” in this case. And the drug will always be active, and the microbes will be alive. And during the season you will have as much EM equipment, active as you need, for use. Without compromising its quality.
But, for such multiple “dilutions,” it is better to use not sugar, but molasses, honey, or even better, lie, or decoctions of herbs, dried fruits with sugar. For better nutrition of microbes.
And such active (fermenting) EM drugs are much more effective than those that were stored for a long time (in the refrigerator). They contain many enzymes and microbes themselves. This is an excellent soil starter.
It can be "improved". If before use, pour fresh mullein or similar manure into the solution for a day. Then dilute and water the mulch.***
I also prepare peels of bananas and citrus fruits. Of course, it’s not very convenient in the apartment, but I’ll take everything away soon.

Caring for plants in your summer cottage requires not only watering and weeding, but also regular feeding. In order not to spend money on expensive fertilizers, you can use natural products, which are always at hand.

“Remember how our grandmothers grew crops without purchased fertilizers? They infused greens, ash, or fertilized the soil with manure,” says agronomist of the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the Union of Gardeners of Russia Lyudmila Pashnina.

In the first half of summer, weed tincture can be used to fertilize beds and home flowers. Green leaves of any plants need to be collected in a bucket or barrel and filled with water in a ratio of one to three. You can add honey, yeast or old jam to the greens, but you can do without them. The solution is infused for several days until bubbles appear. Then the fertilizer can be added to a bucket of water and watered over the plants. This fertilizer contains a lot of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements.

A bar of soap or a little powder is added to the solution so that it settles on the plant.

In the second half of summer it is better to use ash fertilizer. To do this, pour wood ash with water and bring to a boil. The resulting gray mass needs to be boiled for half an hour or an hour, and after the broth has cooled, pour it into a jar. It is recommended to dilute one liter of water in a bucket, add a small soap and water the plants. The solution, which looks unimpressive, is rich in potassium and phosphorus, which are necessary for plants.

You need to spray from the underside of the leaf because the stomata are located there. Photo: pixabay.com

“I strongly advise you to spray the bushes with this solution at least three times with a break of 10 days. Potassium increases resistance to winter and improves plant immunity. For perennials, such feeding is necessary,” explains the agronomist.

Note that natural fertilizers can be used for both home and garden plants.

By the way

  • Excessive fertilization is harmful;
  • You cannot fertilize unrooted and diseased plants;
  • You cannot fertilize plants in hot weather; you must avoid getting fertilizers on the leaves and stems;
  • for young plants, the concentration of fertilizers decreases;
  • the frequency of fertilizing varies from once a week to once a month, depending on the time of year; needs, type and size of the plant;
  • The plants must be watered 1-2 hours before applying fertilizer.

For any summer resident it is essential important question- make jam. However, what to do with old, or rather, last year’s jam. Well, don't throw it away. Although many do just that. You can use it anywhere. For example, such jam is simply ideal for your culinary masterpieces.

Here are some examples.

1. Prepare pita bread from jam. To do this, you need to put the old jam into the pan. The pan should have a thick bottom. The jam must be brought to a boil. To avoid burning, stir it constantly. Boil for a few minutes and place it on food foil, previously greased with oil. Let the jam dry a little for a few minutes, either in the oven or at room temperature. After drying, this layer must be transferred to cardboard box. If guests come or you want something tasty, just take it out, sprinkle with nuts or any seeds. For taste, the seeds can be roasted in a frying pan. Roll everything into a roll and a great treat is ready.

2. Cookies. If the jam is candied, transfer it to a saucepan and heat until the crystals disperse. Take regular rolled oats, heat it in a frying pan and pour everything into the jam. Next, the procedure is the same as in the first recipe - roll it out on foil. You can also add nuts for taste. Dry everything, sprinkle powdered sugar on top. Cut everything into pieces. You can use any flakes. You can also add honey to the jam for taste. And then, on long winter evenings, drinking aromatic tea, you will enjoy a wonderful and original taste.

But a purchased dressing table will only add romance to a wonderful evening. All members of your family will appreciate the ingenuity and culinary skills of the housewife.

See also in this section:

It’s a shame when the harvest of grapes and fruits is lost due to such seemingly trifles as an invasion of wasps or ants, or bird raids. There is an opinion that wasps are attracted to the sweet juice in ripening grapes. But there were cases when unripe bunches of grapes were affected by oidium, the berries cracked, and there was no sweetness in them at all. Wasps flocked to him from all over the area.…

For many people, a dacha is not just a place to relax and spend free time. Often summer cottages used for growing crops, fruit trees and bushes, which after collection must be stored somewhere. Depending on the number of fruits and vegetables grown and harvested each year, it may be necessary to build a storage facility to ensure the safety of the crop.…

I discovered that my cabbage began to deteriorate: the outer leaves became slimy, and in some places a gray fluffy coating was even visible. There were no such problems before. What to do?…

Harvest beets as they ripen, first early varieties. Cleaning time is from morning to noon, or after 16 hours, in dry weather. The most delicious root vegetables are up to 8 cm in diameter. Large, overgrown ones become coarsely fibrous, are poorly stored, and take a long time to cook.…

Every year in the spring, dry grass is burned around dacha settlements and villages. This destroys a huge number of beneficial insects and small animals that could help people fight pests in gardens and vegetable gardens. So what needs to be done to prevent human-sized dry grass from standing around settlements? It's very simple. We need to remember the old ancestral method - periodically mow wild grasses. They will help us restore the fertility of the earth. Firstly, grass can make excellent compost. Secondly, the dried and crushed mass can be used as an effective mulch, both in beds and in tree trunk circles trees and shrubs. Thirdly, from most wild plants and weeds you can prepare highly effective green manure. You just need to take up a scythe or an equally ancient, but very handy sickle before the wild grasses grow to human height and even get ready to bloom. However, even in a well-groomed area there are enough weeds and plant residues to regularly apply, for example, green manure.

Liquid fertilizers from plants are quite widely used in organic farming. They are used to feed plants as a fast-acting and quickly digestible fertilizer in cases where they want to get fast and abundant growth. Plant fertilizer contains mainly nitrogen and potassium.

Liquid fertilizers can be used both for watering at the root and for spraying leaves as foliar feeding. Foliar feeding allows you to quickly eliminate nitrogen or potassium deficiency. It works faster than fertilizer applied to the soil. With intensive cultivation and very dense plantings, spraying the leaves is often the only way to fertilize the plants. Spraying of leaves is carried out every 2 - 3 weeks, using a solution 2 times weaker than when cultivating the soil.

A very good liquid fertilizer is obtained from nettles. This is a storehouse of microelements; it is no coincidence that nettle fertilizer is very effective in the fight against pathogens and even insect pests. To prepare it, use fresh nettles, which are collected in spring and summer before seeds form. You can also use dry nettle.

Fertilizer is made in any non-metal container, since nettle infusion can react with metal. The container is filled 2/3 with finely chopped nettles and filled with water, preferably rainwater or well-settled water heated in the sun. Do not fill to the very top, since the volume of liquid increases during fermentation, and then cover with a net to prevent small animals from getting in. The mixture must be stirred vigorously at least once a day. When decomposing it makes a strong sound bad smell, which can be reduced by throwing a handful of ground rock(you can even just a handful of dust) or adding a little valerian leaf extract. When the infusion becomes dark in color and stops foaming, the fertilizer is ready. Usually 1-1.5 weeks are enough for this. In the sun, the fermentation process accelerates. After this, the vessel can be closed with a lid with holes for air access.

To water the roots, use an unstrained infusion, diluted 10 times (9 parts water to 1 part infusion); to spray the leaves, the infusion is filtered and diluted 20 times (19 parts water to 1 part infusion). Dilution is done immediately before use. To enhance the effect, you can add a handful of sifted wood ash for every 10 liters of solution.

Nettle makes an excellent liquid fertilizer for garden crops. It has a healing effect on plants, stimulates growth and the formation of chlorophyll. They love the ground watered with nettle infusion earthworms. Majority vegetable crops, flowers and fruit and berry crops respond well to this fertilizer, with the exception of peas, beans, onions and garlic.

The same infusions can be made from the mixture different plants. Nettle can be mixed with comfrey and other weeds: tansy, shepherd's purse, chamomile, snapdragon, horsetail. For enrichment liquid fertilizer You can add aromatic herbs, onions, garlic, bird droppings, bone and blood meal, and wood ash to the mixture in small quantities.

Excellent, well balanced content nutrients Fertilizer can be prepared as follows. Place several scoops of manure or compost in a hemp or jute bag. A few tablespoons of phosphorite (superphosphate), wood ash, crushed alfalfa or lupine, blood and bone meal and other materials that you consider necessary to add are also added there. The bag is tied and immersed in a container of water. The liquid is stirred every two days to allow water to penetrate the bag and remove nutrients from it. After one to two weeks, the extract becomes a dark brown liquid, suitable for watering adult and young plants. It does not burn the leaves, so it can be used without dilution or at any desired degree of dilution.

Composition of herbs for fertilizing and spraying with nitrogen deficiency

Nettle, clover, quinoa, legume tops (peas, beans, beans, lupine), mustard, oilseed radish, amaranth, chickweed, various types lettuce and other plants with surface placement root system. The plants are crushed, a barrel (240 l) is filled to half, a liter jar of wood ash is added, a couple of handfuls of bread crumbs or mixed feed, half a liter of old jam, 100 ml of any microbiological agent (for example, BaikalEM) is poured with water, placed in a sunny place and covered film, in which several punctures are made with a nail. The mixture is stirred once a day. The infusion is rich in nitrogen and is ready for use after 7-10 days. For watering and fertilizing, filter and dilute with water 1:2. Ready signal: cessation of gas emission.

Composition of herbs for fertilizing and spraying with a lack of phosphorus and potassium, microelements

Dandelion, comfrey, sweet clover, horse sorrel, thistle, and other plants with long taproots. The raw material is crushed together with the root.

Preparation and use are similar to the first composition.

Why am I writing in the middle of winter? Moreover, you must definitely buy a bottle of the drug with effective microorganisms (BaikalEM, Siyanie, Extrasol, etc.). When purchasing, pay attention to the production date - ideally the product should be from this year. In any case, its shelf life should end no earlier than August - these drugs are used in very small doses and should not be packed. In addition, housewives are checking supplies right now. If the jam has mold (it needs to be removed), or it turns sour, or even becomes candied, do not throw it away or overcook it. It’s better to put it in a cold place or take it to the country. Don’t throw away the leftover bread either - dry the crusts to prevent molding, and also take them to the dacha. All this will be useful for preparing fertilizers.

Fertilizing with yeast is an excellent inexpensive growth stimulator for seedlings of vegetables, berries, fruit trees and flowers. Unlike the use of chemicals, this is a completely safe, environmentally friendly product that is affordable for everyone.

Proper feeding of plants with yeast

The basis of feeding is nutritional yeast - these are mushrooms that, in an aqueous solution, release the necessary substances for the formation of roots. When released into the soil, the yeast solution stimulates the work of microorganisms in the soil, which process organic matter in the soil and release nitrogen and phosphorus. These substances are very necessary for healthy development and good growth seedlings, their presence makes the plant healthier and, therefore, more productive.

Purpose of yeast feeding:

  • strengthening the root system of plants;
  • improving the quality characteristics of the soil, replenishing it with potassium and nitrogen;
  • stimulation of seedling growth;
  • improved survival rate of seedlings after transplantation into open ground;
  • increasing plant resistance against diseases;
  • increasing productivity.

Yeast feeding universal recipe:

  • Dissolve 50g of yeast in 0.5 liters of warm water,
  • stir this solution in a 10-liter bucket of water,
  • do not insist and use immediately,
  • consumption is 0.5 liters for each plant.

Feeding with yeast reviews and conclusions from them.

Because This type of feeding has been used by summer residents for several years. From practical experience, the following important conclusions can be drawn:

  1. When feeding yeast in the soil, in addition to the production of the necessary nitrogen, there is a significant absorption of calcium and potassium, and if proper measures are not taken, in a couple of years the soil will become impoverished and will stop producing. To compensate for the lack of potassium and calcium, ash must be added to the yeast solution.
  2. Fertilizing with yeast will only work well in soil rich in organic matter, because... The yeast solution itself is not a fertilizer, but only a catalyst for active decomposition organic matter to the elements necessary for the plant. It is better to add organic matter in advance.
  3. The activity of yeast fungus requires heat, so it makes sense to apply such fertilizing only in well-warmed soil, otherwise it will be of no use at all.
  4. Fertilizing with yeast is most effective for strengthening the root system, so it is best to use it when transplanting seedlings or seedlings into open ground. Additionally, you can add it in two weeks. And this is enough for the whole season.
  5. Fertilizing with yeast is suitable for all vegetable, garden, berry crops and flowers. It stimulates the active development of any plants. But it is better not to use this fertilizer for onions and potatoes, because... this degrades the taste of the product.
  6. The active component of feeding is yeast fungus; it can be taken not only in a packet of yeast. Kvass, beer, any mash made from old jam, etc. are suitable for these purposes. And when you need to feed a small indoor flower, you can easily get by with a solution from an unfinished glass of kvass/beer.

Yeast fertilizers are easy to make yourself at home. To do this, use baker's yeast in dry or compressed form. Dissolve them in medium temperature water. If you put yeast in a hot liquid, then all the bacteria will die, and the benefit from feeding will be zero.

The proportions of water and yeast can be changed for each crop; you can always choose the option that is easier for you and has shown greater effectiveness in your soil.

Do not add organic matter directly to the solution: bird droppings, manure or plant stems. All this must be present in the soil in advance - in small quantities and partially rotted.

Feeding tomatoes with yeast

To stimulate the growth of tomatoes, use universal mixture or prepare a mixture of dry yeast. First, prepare the starter and leave it to ferment for 24 hours:

  • dry yeast (10 g);
  • heated water (1 bucket);
  • sugar (100 g);
  • ash (0.5 l).

Mix water and starter in a ratio of 10 to 1 and use 0.5 liters per bush a week after planting the seedlings in open ground. Fertilize a second time before flowering (2 liters per bush). A few days after applying fertilizer, you will notice that the tomato seedlings have grown and become stronger.

Fertilizing strawberries with yeast in spring

The following yeast feeding option is suitable for feeding strawberries. To prepare it, take:

  • a package of yeast weighing 100 g, and the same amount of sugar;
  • bucket of water;
  • 200 g of ash.

Leave the resulting mixture in a warm place for 48 hours. After fermentation, mix the liquid with a bucket of water and water the seedlings 500 g per bush. Wet yeast can be replaced with dry yeast in appropriate proportions. You can also use natural hops, bread and crackers to make sourdough.

It is enough to feed strawberries with yeast once in the spring, when the soil is warm enough for the yeast to work effectively.

How to feed peppers with yeast?

Fertilize the pepper for the first time when planting. permanent place. This will increase the endurance and survival rate of seedlings in new conditions. Pour the nutrient solution directly into the wells, previously filled with plain water.

Subsequently, feed the pepper 2 more times:

  • during the period of flowers appearance (2 liters of feed per bush);
  • during the ripening of pepper fruits (1-2 liters of liquid per bush).

For watering, a universal solution is suitable, as for strawberries, or a mixture of beer and water (2 liters of beer per bucket of water).

Feeding cucumbers with yeast

Feed cucumbers on the 7th day after planting, and a second time after flowering. Before the first watering, apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers to the garden bed.

Recipe for cucumbers:

  • Add sugar (100 g) or old jam, dry yeast (10 g), crackers or black bread (150-250 g) to a bottle of warm water;
  • cover the bottle with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place for 48 hours;
  • immediately before watering, dissolve the resulting mash in a bucket of water.
  • add 200 g of ash to the solution

For the first watering, pour 500 g of solution under each plant, and for the second - 1.5 liters.

Feeding flowers with yeast

Garden flowers and indoor plants You can also feed with yeast 2-3 times during the period of active growth or after transplantation. This growth stimulator will accelerate the development of roots, and, consequently, stems and leaves; your plants will be healthier, lush and bloom profusely.

The amount of liquid should correspond to the size of the plants: from 100 to 500 g of universal solution for small and medium-sized flowers, and 1-1.5 liters for large flowers or shrubs.

Feeding with yeast is a simple and affordable method, thanks to which you will get strong and robust plants. Remember that feeding plants with yeast only works in an organically rich environment, in the warm season and with the obligatory replenishment of the soil with potassium or calcium. Be sure to try this method; these simple techniques will help you get a rich harvest without much expense.

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