Juicy beef cutlets: recipes for cooking in a frying pan and in the oven. How to make ground beef patties

The word “cutlet” came into Russian from French; la côtelette is a piece of meat on a rib. So in ancient times it was much more convenient to eat it with your hands. With the advent of cutlery, the need for bones disappeared. Pieces of meat were removed from them. And the cutlet began to change. They began beating the meat to make it softer and breading it to maintain its juiciness. This process took place throughout Europe. Today, only the Kiev cutlet, which is often made with a bone, reminds us of the old days.

Over time, the cutlets became chopped, as this made them much easier to chew. And with the advent of meat grinders, they turned into a fairly easy-to-prepare dish. These are the ones we will prepare.

Meat selection

For cutlets, you can use a piece of brisket or shoulder; chopped goulash is also suitable. But keep in mind that market traders may sell you bad meat. Therefore, when purchasing, you should ask to see the piece from all sides.

Cutlets are best made from chilled meat, not frozen.

The most delicious cutlets are obtained with the addition of fatty meat - pork or even lard.

Meat for cutlets should not be lean, take it with fat - then the cutlets will be juicy.

It’s good to make cutlets from two or even three types of meat. You can combine beef and pork, you can add poultry to them.

Ground meat

The meat needs to be turned twice, but if it seems that the minced meat has not yet become tender, then three times.

Be sure to add onions to the minced meat. It is rolled together with the meat or chopped very finely. Onions cut into slices should be placed in a meat grinder between pieces of meat.

It is advisable to prepare cutlets only from freshly prepared minced meat. If you do make minced meat in advance, do not put bread in it, do not add salt or spices.

The minced meat must be kneaded by hand. You can even beat it with your palms - this way it will turn out tender and soft.

You need to knead the minced meat for a long time, you can beat it with your palms, throw it from one hand to another, or hit it on the table. All so that the meat mass is saturated with oxygen and becomes more viscous and homogeneous.

A couple of spoons will add juiciness to the minced meat. ice water added during kneading. You can also add a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Cold cube butter, added at the end of kneading, will make the cutlets juicy and more airy.

Photo: Shutterstock.com


To prevent the cutlets from falling apart, add bread to them.

Dried bread needs to be soaked; fresh bread does not release the amount of gluten needed to “glue” the minced meat together.

Reduce calories

Instead of bread, you can add finely grated zucchini to the minced meat. It will give the cutlets juiciness, but its taste will be almost noticeable.

You can also add grated carrots, pumpkin, beets to the cutlets - all these vegetables will add juiciness to them.

Instead of bread, you can mix stiffly beaten egg white into the minced meat. It will connect the minced meat and prevent the cutlets from falling apart. But perhaps it will make them a little tougher.


It is best to cool the minced meat for half an hour before modeling.

To make it easier to divide the minced meat into portions, you need to wet your hands with water.

Try to make cutlets of the same size.

When making a cutlet, pat it with your palms and try to make it uniform, without seams. This way she won't release her juice.


You can coat the cutlets:

In regular flour

In breadcrumbs (both white and rye)

In crushed nuts

In ground sesame


Place the cutlets on a hot, but not overheated frying pan. It is desirable that it has a thick bottom.

The cutlet is fried over high heat for 1-2 minutes on one side, then the heat needs to be reduced and simmered on the same side for another 3-4 minutes. And then turn it over and repeat the process.

When frying, cutlets need to be turned over minimally. Then their crust will not collapse and their juiciness will not disappear.

You can bring the cutlets to readiness in the oven or under a tight lid over low heat. This will take 7-10 minutes.

The sauce is poured after the cutlets are fried and covered with a lid. You can simply use sour cream, or you can prepare something more complex.

Do not add water to the sour cream to make more sauce, this will spoil the cutlets and kill their own juice.

Photo: Shutterstock.com

How to determine readiness

The cutlet needs to be pierced; if the juice comes out clear, it is ready.

If you fried the cutlet for about 20 minutes, of which 5-7 minutes under the lid, then this is enough for it to be ready.

If you want to get confused

Cutlets are best made from minced meat. Only then you will need to knead the minced meat better so that it does not fall apart.

Basic cutlet recipe

600 g beef goulash

400 g pork goulash

2 medium onions

1/4 white loaf

1 glass of water

salt and pepper to taste

2-3 tbsp. l. flour

1 cup sour cream

Step 1. Cut the loaf into large pieces and add water.

Step 2. Rinse the meat, peel the onion and cut into 4 parts. Grind the meat and onions through a fine grinder.

Step 3. Turn it a second time. Salt and pepper. Mix well and knead the minced meat a little, like dough.

Step 4. Divide the minced meat into 3-4 parts and beat each with your palms for at least a minute.

Step 5. Remove the crust from the loaf, squeeze out the bread and add to the minced meat.

Tip: If the minced meat seems a little dry, you can add a little milk, or water and vegetable oil.

Step 6. Form cutlets. Roll them in flour.

Tip: During the sculpting process, you can beat the cutlets a little more with your palms, patting them.

Step 7. Heat a frying pan with oil. Place the cutlets and fry over high heat for half a minute (until a crust forms).

Step 8. Reduce heat and fry over low heat for another 2-3 minutes.

Step 9. Turn the cutlets over and fry first over high heat and then over low heat as described in steps 7 and 8.

Step 10. Leave the pan on low heat, close the lid and leave the cutlets to fry for about 7-15 minutes (depending on the size of the cutlets).

Tip: At this stage, you can pour sour cream over the cutlets to create a sauce. Just do not add water under any circumstances, otherwise the cutlets will turn into a rag.

Step 11. Remove from heat, pour in sour cream, sprinkle with herbs, serve hot.

Greetings, dear guests of the Home Restaurant website! Today we will prepare delicious homemade minced beef cutlets according to my mother-in-law’s recipe. This recipe has long taken root in our family, because no matter how much I cook all sorts of different options cutlets, my husband often disarms me with a naive question: “Do you cook cutlets like your mother’s, with a city bun?”

Our family recipe for ground beef cutlets

Having collected all my culinary experience, I have to admit that my mother-in-law’s minced beef cutlets in a frying pan really turn out very tasty and juicy, and have nothing in common with the famous table cutlets of the USSR period. So if you are looking for a recipe juicy cutlets– I strongly recommend this recipe for cooking!

Products for cutlets

  • 500 gr. ground beef
  • 2 slices of loaf or city roll
  • 200 ml. milk
  • 1 onion
  • 1 egg
  • 5 tbsp. breadcrumbs
  • vegetable oil for frying

Step-by-step preparation

Soak the loaf or city bun in milk in advance.

We pass the beef through a meat grinder, or use ready-made minced beef from the store. It is very convenient to prepare cutlets from minced beef when there are reserves of minced meat in the freezer, packaged in 0.5 kg packs. Then the entire process of preparing cutlets takes no more than 30 minutes.

Squeeze out the milk from the loaf or city bun and grind it in a blender. You can twist the loaf together with the meat into a meat grinder. But this time I used pre-cooked ground beef from the freezer, so I pureed the extra ingredients for the ground beef patties using a blender.

Preparing minced meat for cutlets

Cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Grind the fried onion and egg using a blender until smooth.

Add crushed bread and onion-egg mixture to the ground beef. Don't forget salt and pepper.

Mix the minced meat into the cutlets until smooth with your hands. The minced meat should be viscous and hold its shape well. If the minced meat turns out to be liquid and spreads out, add one tablespoon of breadcrumbs or semolina.

The secret of cutlets without cracks

Next we form beef cutlets: grease your hands with a small amount of vegetable oil, pinch off a piece of minced meat the size of chicken egg, and roll from palm to palm. Thanks to this method, there will be no cracks on the cutlets during frying, and all the juice will remain inside. We pat the cutlets with our palm so that they are flat and bread them in breadcrumbs.

Fry the pieces in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil on each side for 2-3 minutes.

Making cutlets juicy

To make the cutlets juicy and tasty, we need to steam them. We transfer the fried preparations into a fireproof form, or cauldron. Pour in 2 tablespoons of water. You can steam the cutlets in any way convenient for you, for example in the microwave.

Cover the mold with foil or a lid and place it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. oven for 30 minutes. During this time, the minced beef cutlets will be ready - they will remain juicy inside and with a thick crust on top.

Meat cutlets are a hearty, tasty and very popular dish that can be prepared quite quickly, especially if you buy ready-made minced meat in the store.

If you are a novice cook and have little experience in preparing such dishes, find out how long to fry beef cutlets in a frying pan so that they turn out soft and juicy!

After all, the final result of the dish will depend on proper roasting and, following simple rules, you can be sure that the cutlets will be excellent.

Today, ready-made frozen cutlets can be bought in any supermarket, and many do so, because it is convenient when you work every day and there is not enough time for everything.

But if you still prefer to do everything yourself, we present you a simple classic recipe beef cutlets, which can be made very quickly.

Classic beef cutlets recipe


  • — 500-600 g + -
  • — 1 pc. + -
  • — 2 pcs. + -
  • Bread (roll) - 200 g + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • + -
  • + -
  • Breadcrumbs— 100 g + -

How to cook beef cutlets in a frying pan

Soak crustless bread or unleavened loaf in milk. Pass the beef fillet together with the onion through a meat grinder. If you have ready-made minced meat, then grind only the onion in a blender or meat grinder and add it to the meat.

  1. Add eggs, salt and spices to the minced meat; you can also add a clove of chopped garlic (at your discretion).
  2. Squeeze the bread from the milk and also add to the mass. Mix everything thoroughly, feel free to do it directly with your hands.
  3. When you feel that the mass has become viscous, take the minced meat in your hands and beat it on the table 8-10 times. This will give it even more stickiness, and when frying it will be more airy.
  4. Make the little bits the right size, roll them in breading and place them on a tray.

Use a frying pan with a thick bottom and preferably a non-stick coating. Cast iron frying pan is also good option for preparing such dishes.

  1. Pour oil into the dish so that its layer reaches about 1 cm. Place the frying pan on the fire and heat the oil.
  2. Reduce the heat to medium, start placing the cutlets in the pan so that they do not touch each other.
  3. Fry them in one barrel for 5-7 minutes, during which time the crust should brown. Then, using tongs, turn it over to the other side and fry the same amount.

It is better not to use a fork for turning over; the cutlets may fall apart from punctures.

When the other side is browned, reduce the heat to low, pour a little water (30-40 ml) into the frying pan, close the container with a lid and simmer the meatballs for another 10 minutes so that they are well steamed inside.

Then remove the dishes from the heat and place the finished cutlets on a plate.

If you are still not sure whether the cutlets are ready, just break one. There should be minced meat inside gray. If it is pink, it means that the meatballs are not ready, in this case, just simmer them for another 10 minutes under the lid.

How to Fry Frozen Beef Patties

Many people are interested in the question of how to fry beef cutlets in a frying pan that have just been taken out of the freezer. Pour the same amount of oil into the frying pan as described above and heat it up. Reduce heat and place frozen meatballs in the pan. There is nothing complicated in their preparation either. There is no need to defrost them.

Fry them in exactly the same way as fresh cutlets. The only difference is that they will release more liquid as the ice melts. Additional water may not be needed for a covered simmer.

Add a little water only if the meatballs have not released much liquid. Otherwise, there are no differences between frying fresh and frozen cutlets!

If you want a more fried and crispy crust, then add more oil to the pan and do not cover the dish with a lid. Fry the cutlets in clean oil over medium heat for 10-12 minutes on each side.

To remove excess oil, place the cutlets on paper napkins placed on a plate; they will absorb the fat.

It is enough to practice a couple of times, and you will already know exactly how long to fry beef cutlets in a frying pan. Please note that much of this process will depend on the quality of the pan itself!

If it sticks too much and burns, then the cutlets may simply fall apart. Don't skimp on quality cookware that will allow you to cook without hassle.

The cutlets are served with a side dish, herbs, sour cream or sauce.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Cutlets are one of the most common dishes since childhood, but most often they are cooked. To prepare juicy beef cutlets, you need to know a few secrets, which we will share with you in this recipe from real professionals. Even for young housewives, cooking will not be difficult.


- minced meat – 500 g,
- onion – 1 piece,
- bread - 2 pieces,
- chicken egg – 1 pc.,
- tomato paste – 2 tbsp. l.,
- boiling water – 300 ml,
- spices - to taste,
- salt - to taste,
- breadcrumbs - 200 g.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Grind the meat through a meat grinder. You can also use ready-made minced meat. Any meat can be used. And you can combine several types. To make the cutlets more juicy, it is better to take the meat a little fattier than usual.

Soak two slices of bread in boiling water. We wait until they soften. Squeeze out excess moisture.

We pass the bread through a meat grinder. Chop the onion in the same way. Adding onions to cutlets is also one of the secrets to truly juicy cutlets.

To prevent the cutlets from falling apart when frying, you need to add one chicken egg to the minced meat.

Next add salt and spices. It can be black and red pepper, paprika, turmeric, or any universal spices to taste. It is better to use freshly ground seasonings.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Next, we form cutlets and envelop them in breadcrumbs.

Fry in vegetable oil on both sides.

Another secret to juicy cutlets is steaming with gravy. The gravy can be made in just a minute. Need to mix in a bowl tomato paste, boiling water and black pepper to taste.

Pour the resulting gravy onto the already fried cutlets and send to the lowest heat for 15 minutes with the lid closed. The cutlets will be saturated with a delicate tomato flavor.
Juicy cutlets can be served with any side dish: potatoes, pasta, buckwheat, rice. The side dish can be topped with gravy.
Bon appetit!

They also turn out tasty and juicy

Ground beef cutlets- a wonderful dish that is traditional at any holidays and events. This is a favorite food for children and adults.

Any housewife can use meat to prepare various masterpieces and delicacies that will be appreciated by residents and guests. But the truly appetizing and flavorful dish are the cutlets. Cooking will not take you much time, and the end result will pleasantly surprise you.

To make delicious classic cutlets you will need inspiration and some additional ingredients such as potatoes, onions, chicken eggs, garlic, bread pulp, cow's milk, salt and a mixture of peppers to taste, vegetable oil for frying, water or stewing sauce as desired. Breaded ground beef patties will be much tastier and crispier. We assure you that you will be provided with a tasty and juicy dish. You can serve it as an excellent addition to a side dish or simply eat it with a piece of bread. And so that your child or man does not get hungry, this will be an excellent snack for them at school or work.

Calorie content is 255 kcal per 100 g of finished product. This dish cannot be called healthy for your figure, since it contains a lot of calories. Therefore, you should still not abuse this product. Fried ground beef cutlets breastfeeding cannot be included in the diet for the first three months, because it is a rather heavy food. It's better to steam this dish.

How long does it take to fry the product? This is a question that worries many. The dish takes about an hour to prepare.

How to make a dish really tasty? We will help you with this. Below step by step recipe with photos of preparing delicious food at home with photos.



  • First, defrost the beef. Rinse it under cold running water and cut into small pieces. Then take the onions and garlic and peel off the top dirty husks, rinse under running water and cut the onion into four parts and divide the garlic into cloves. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into pieces. Prepare the minced meat. Install a meat grinder and take the cooked vegetables and meat, scroll everything together in the installation. The minced meat for the cutlets should be soft and tender.

  • Then take the container and the bread pulp. Pour milk over the bread and let it soften for a few minutes. Afterwards the pulp must be squeezed out. This is done very simply: just take it in your palm and squeeze your hand, and the excess liquid will easily drain. Once you have completed this process, transfer the pulp into a bowl with the minced meat, as shown in the photo.

  • Take one chicken egg and break it into the meat. If one egg is not enough, then take another one. Add salt to taste. Add ground pepper or a mixture of peppers. This will add piquancy and flavor to future cutlets. Now start stirring. To do this, use a spoon or knead the mixture with your hands.

  • Once you mix everything well, start forming the cutlets. When shaping, do not make them too flat and thin. After this, take flour or breadcrumbs and roll each piece of meat on all sides. Put it on cutting board or table before frying.

  • Let's start frying. To do this, take a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil and place on the stove. Heat the pan to the desired temperature and fry the beef cutlets on both sides. To turn them over, use a wide metal spatula. Fry until golden brown. If you want your dish to be more juicy, add a little sour cream sauce(pre-salt) or water and close the pan with a lid. Simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Serve as a separate dish or as a side dish.

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